Movie Night
You silently typed on your laptop, looking for anything to distract you. You usually would be hunting with the Winchesters, but today they had left you in the motel room, free to do whatever as long as you didn't leave the room. You hated it, but all three of you knew it was the best for your sprained ankle. Right now they were hunting a trickster, but you knew that it wasn't really a trickster. It was your best friend, Gabriel.
You were worried, of course, but you knew that there was only one thing that could kill an angel, especially an archangel. Knowing for sure that the Winchesters didn't have that particular blade eased you a bit, albeit not completely. It was hard, hunting with the Winchesters and also having a secret friendship with an archangel/trickster, but you managed. And if you were honest, it was kind of fun sometimes.
You were too focused on your laptop that you didn't notice him right away, stumbling into your room and clutching his stomach. Your eyes finally rose from your screen and when you saw who was there and the condition he was in, you nearly screamed and fell off your chair.
"Gabriel! What the hell?!" You yelped, rushing to his side on a wobbly leg. He groaned, falling into your arms.
"H-help..." He moaned. Your hand flew to cover your mouth at the sight of his wound. It was bloody, along with his shirt... but healing already. You looked up at his stupid grin and shoved him.
"Really?! What was that for?!" You asked angrily, although you were relieved to see that he was fine. He laughed and fell onto the bed, looking at you with the grin still in place.
"It's hilarious!" He shot back, his bright attitude soon seeping into you.
"I thought your were dying! If you do that again, we're not friends anymore!" You said, fighting hard to keep your own grin from appearing on your face. In a split second he was right by you, an expression of mock hurt on his face.
"You don't mean that, right sugar? You know that it's impossible for those damn Winchesters to hurt me," He said, a playful pout forming on his lips. You shoved him again, and hobbled to sit on the edge of your bed, trying (and failing) to hide the grimace of pain. A look of concern immediately crossed his face, and he ran to your aid.
"What happened?" He asked, but you brushed him off.
"I-it's nothing. Just a sprained ankle," You explained, looking into his beautiful, honey coloured eyes. They only made your attraction to him grow, despite everything screaming at you that it would never work.
"Let me-"
"No!" You stopped him from healing your ankle, and didn't miss his hurt look. "I-I mean, if you heal it right away, the Winchesters will know something's up. I'd rather keep them in the dark for now." Gabriel nodded in understanding, sitting next to you on the bed. You turned on the crappy motel television, but there wasn't really anything good showing.
"Hey, sugar?" He began, and you blushed. You would never admit it, but you loved his nickname for you.
"Yeah?" You answered.
"Wanna have a movie night?" He suggested, and you nodded in agreement.
"That would be awesome! But where are we gonna get the movies?" Gabriel thought for a moment, then suddenly disappeared. He was back before you could even wonder where he had gone, arms full of different movies. He threw them onto the bed, and you looked at them with suspicion.
"Where did you get all of these?" You asked. He shrugged.
"Not important. Let's begin!" He jumped up and grabbed one of the movies, but you couldn't see the cover. You had faith that Gabriel knew what kind of movies you liked, so you weren't worried.
With the opening scene, you already knew what movie it was, and you clapped your hands excitedly.
"The Avengers! Awesome!" You grinned, bouncing further back on the bed. Gabriel followed suit.
Throughout the movie you made excited comments, occasionally looking back at Gabriel. He had gotten some popcorn sometime during the movie, and all through that movie and the next one you were both happily chowing down on buttery deliciousness. By the third movie, you glanced to Gabriel, who seemed to be fidgeting nervously. You raised an eyebrow.
"Something wrong?" You asked him. It was very unusual for Gabriel to look so nervous, which made you concerned for him. You scanned his honey eyes for any clue, but could find nothing.
He opened his mouth to say something, but the sound of a familiar car slamming its doors caused him to pause. Both of your heads turned to your motel room door, where the voices of Sam and Dean floated into the room. The door opened and you nervously looked back at Gabriel, but he had already disappeared, leaving the movies. You sighed and got up to greet the brothers.
"How'd it go?" You asked, referring to the hunt, even though you already knew the answer.
"We stabbed the son of a bitch, should be dead," Dean replied in his usual gruff voice. You inwardly smirked, despite the disappointment that lurked in your mind at not being able to hear what Gabriel wanted to say. Who knows how long it might be until you see him again.
Dean and Sam soon realised that there were new movies that had not been there before, looking at you with disapproving looks.
"Did you go out?" Sam asked. "You were supposed to stay here so your ankle could heal faster," He continued, but you had tuned out. You heard his little speech a million times before they left. You weren't sure how to defend yourself without giving away your friendship with Gabriel.
"I got these from a friend that stopped by. I didn't go out," You stated. Both brothers still seemed uncertain. "It was Bobby, okay? He didn't want me to tell you guys that he was coming because he didn't want to come by while you two 'idjits' were here," You lied, looking at them with the most guilty expression you could manage. After exchanging glances, Sam and Dean relaxed, though still unsure of themselves. You proceeded to make your way back to the bed, where you could have sworn you could still feel Gabriel's presence.
He better not still be here. You thought.
Bingo, sugar. You nearly jumped at the familiar voice in your head, looking about wildly to see him, even though you knew it was futile. Dean gave you a questioning look but you waved him off.
What are you still doing here?! I thought you left!
I never left. Sneak into the bathroom, I set something else up so we can keep watching movies. Without any interruptions. You looked at Sam and Dean, who were busy stitching each other up. You quietly sneaked into the bathroom, where Gabriel finally revealed himself. You smiled as he touched your shoulder, and you were immediately transported somewhere else.
The first thing you noticed was how open the space was. It was a giant meadow, with the night sky above glistening with stars. You felt your jaw drop as you took in all the beauty. Your visibility was limited due to the darkness, but you could see enough to notice the giant projector screen set up and the stack of movies by the projector.
"Woah... This is awesome..." You whispered. Your eyes traveled to Gabriel, who smiled brightly. He guided you to a blanket that was spread across the grass, and you sat down. There was a bowl of popcorn sitting on the blanket as well, and you immediately grabbed for the bowl. Gabriel sat next to you and began the first movie, Cars. You gave him an incredulous look.
"Really?" You asked jokingly, him giving a shrug and a grin.
You watched the movie for ten or so minutes, before remembering that you wanted to know what he was going to say earlier.
"Hey... Gabriel?" You started, earning a hum from him. "W-what were you going to say earlier?" You felt him tense up at the question, telling you that he had not forgotten.
"It's not important," He replied, scratching the back of his neck. You raised an eyebrow and turned your head to face him, knowing very well that it was definitely important.
"You and I both know that's not true," You shot back. "Come on, spill- I won't judge, I promise!" You assured, watching his eyes dart back and forth between you and the bowl of popcorn.
It took several minutes of silence, the only sound being the movie in the background.
"A-are you sure you won't judge?" He asked apprehensively, searching your eyes. You gave him a lopsided grin.
"Dude- we're practically besties. You can tell me anything!" You replied. His expression fell.
"That's just the problem..." He whispered.
You could almost hear your heart breaking.
"D-do you not want to be friends?" You asked quietly, quickly wiping your eyes. You saw him immediately recognise what he said, and scramble to fix it.
"That not what I meant! I- I mean, I don't know how to say this- damn it..." He struggled to get any words out now, running a hand through his hair. You stood up suddenly.
"It's fine. I could probably find my way to Sam and Dean from here..." You said, starting to hobble slowly anywhere, anywhere that was away from Gabriel. He stood up after you.
"Wait! Give me more time and I can explain!" Gabriel called after you. You pretended not to hear, and kept limping away. You heard him breathe deeply, preparing for whatever he was going to say.
"I love you!"
You stopped dead in your tracks. You were definitely not prepared for that. You looked down at your feet, then turned around to face Gabriel. He had his face hidden in his hands, likely hiding an enormous blush. You could feel your own cheeks heating up, but you moved no further.
Eventually you both made eye contact, you having had more than enough time to think about your answer.
"So? I understand if you don't feel the same way," He said, removing his hands from his face. You limped back to him, looking at him with soft eyes.
You could feel your heart racing at finally having this moment. You dreamt about it many a time, but didn't have an inkling that it would actually happen.
"I love you too," You replied. His face instantly brightened, and before you could comprehend what was happening, you felt a pair of soft lips press against your own. He pulled away quickly, however, looking away.
"I'm sorry, was that too soon? I bet it was, I am so-" You cut off his rambling with another kiss, smiling against his lips. You felt his hands snake onto your hips as he deepened the kiss, and you ran your fingers through the hair at the base of his neck. All too soon the need for air became too great and you had to pull away, but didn't miss the slight smirk on his lips.
"I'm guessing this was a good movie night?" He said, a slight chuckle in his voice. You grinned.
"It was absolutely perfect," You said. The movie was already almost finished, and you hadn't realised how much time had already passed.
"Do you wanna watch another?" Gabriel asked, and you nodded.
"I would love to," You said, sitting back down on the blanket with him and snuggling into his chest. His arm wrapped around your shoulders, and you were content.
You watched several movies, staying in that meadow until you saw the light of dawn, the birds chirping and other animals waking up. You looked around, admiring the beauty of nature all around you.
"Where are we?" You asked, the question just now coming to you. Gabriel shrugged.
"Somewhere in Minnesota," He answered. You smiled, but remembered something else.
"Crap! The Winchesters!" You exclaimed, standing up suddenly despite your ankle.
"What about them?"
"They're gonna kill me!" You yelped, hobbling in a panicked circle. Gabriel stood up and set his hands on your shoulders.
"Don't worry, sugar. We can go right now," He said, and you were suddenly transported to the motel, standing right in front of the door. Gabriel stood right next to you and was about to open the door when it suddenly flew open, the brothers standing on the other side. A moment of shock passed over their faces before it was replaced by outrage. Gabriel had disappeared, and you rolled your eyes as you were dragged into the room.
"You got a lot of explaining to do."
It's not like you were going to give away your boyfriend's identity, though.
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