Space Evaders

"What do we do?" Iris asks.

Felicity and the others return to the cortex.

"They were abducted by aliens, Iris," Oliver points out. "It's not like we can just track them down."

Oliver leans over to Felicity. "Right?"

"Maybe," Felicity says. "But I'm gonna need more help."

"This is not our department, guys," Sara says. "Tracking alien tech?"

"You guys should head back to the Waverider," Felicity says. "We might need it when we find them."

"And us?" Thea asks.

"Head back to the hangar," Oliver says. "Get in touch with Lyla and be ready in case the Dominators attack again."

"I need Curtis and Rory," Felicity says.

"I can get them," Wally offers.

Before any of them can react, two new boys appear in the cortex.

One of them bends over and takes a few deep breaths. The other spins around in confusion.

"Curtis!" Felicity shouts. "Rory."

"Uh, hey guys..." Curtis says. "What's going on?"

"Barry, Caitlin, and Cisco were abducted by aliens," Felicity rambles.

"Cool," Curtis breathes out.

Iris fires a glare across the room that could kill.

"Sorry," Curtis corrects. "Not cool."

"We need your help finding them," Oliver says to draw their attention back. "You all stay back and work on their location. We're all heading out."

"So, what do we do?" Iris asks.

"They're presumably on the ship," Felicity says. "So, we need to find out how to locate the ship."

"Alien ship?" Curtis asks. "How?"

"Well, if we had a piece of Dominator tech, we could download some intel off of it. Maybe help locate them."

"Ah!" Iris shouts, running over to fiddle through a bag. She pulls out a large silver object. "Cisco took this from the Dominator ship."

"Of course he did," Felicity mutters, grabbing it from Iris.

Her and Curtis get to work on building a processor to plug into the tech. They plug it into the opening and wait. The metal appears to start loading. Before it finishes, it starts sparking. Curtis tries to pull the processor out quickly but isn't fast enough. The metal and the processor break apart.

"Damn!" Curtis shouts.

"We need a regulator," Felicity says. "Something that can handle the dominator juice."

"Mercury Labs has been working on a prototype for NASA," Wally says. "Maybe they finally perfected it."

"Oh, they perfected it alright," Felicity says, typing away at the computer. "Somebody already stole it. According to CCPD reports it was stolen by some doctor named Laura Washington. She's been artificially augmenting herself with stolen technology."

"Of course she has," Iris groans. "Why would anything be easy?"

"The tracker on the regulator shows it's at a warehouse on the east side of Central City" Felicity says.

"Why haven't the cops gone after her?" Curtis asks.

"They have," Iris says. "Eddie's been on her case for months. Every time he gets a trace of her she disappears."

"Can we handle a cyborg?" Curtis asks.

"We can," Iris says, turning to Wally. "What do you say, Kid Flash?"

"We should bring Eddie," Wally says. "He deserves to get the arrest."

Iris, Eddie, and Wally approach the warehouse where Felicity tracked Laura Washington. Before they get in, Eddie pulls Iris back.

"I'm going with you," Iris argues.

"I know," Eddie says, a grin on his face. "But you need this. Just in case."

Iris looks down and sees him holding a gun out to her. She takes it from him, double checks the safety, and puts it in the waistband of her pants.

"Wally's gonna scan the building for Washington," Eddie tells her. "Then we go in."

"She's on the east side," Wally reports.

"Let's go."

Eddie leads them in, followed by Iris, then Wally covering the back. They weave through the warehouse shelves, looking for any sign of the regulator. Eddie stops when they hear electricity crackling.

"If the regulator is on her, then we need you to remove it intact, Wally," Eddie says. "Iris and I will distract her."

"Iris," Eddie turns around to her. "You only shoot if you have no other choice. We're keeping her occupied, that's all."

Eddie and Iris step out into the open. Washington raises her arm and aims a bolt of electricity at them from a large metal band on her arm. Eddie dives out of the way of the bolt aimed at him. Iris runs around her and ducks a bolt of electricity. They get back behind a shelf.

"Wally, the regulator is embedded in her wrist," Eddie says.

"Got it," Wally says.

"Iris," Eddie says. "I'm gonna go out there and get close."

"I'm coming with you," Iris says.


"Eddie, why did you even bring if you're just gonna-"

"I need you to shoot," he says. "I'm gonna force her into hand to hand. When you have a clear shot, aim for the point of the metal band."

Iris widens her eyes at him.

"I know you're a good shot," he says. "I trust you."

"Eddie," Iris mutters.

"I only ever wanted to keep you safe," he says, placing his hand gently on her cheek. "But I've always trusted you."

Iris leans in, kissing Eddie harshly. Eddie puts his hand on the back of her head and pulls her against him.

"I love you," he whispers.

Iris smiles at him, laughing lightly.

"This is adorable, really," Wally says. "But uh...priorities."

"You two ready?" Eddie asks.

They both nod.

Wally runs out from behind the shelf to get her attention. She aims electricity at him but misses each time. When she turns to fire again, Eddie is directly behind her. He punches her and steps to stay close. They each get a few hits in, but Eddie stays close enough to keep her from being able to use her wrist band.

"Ready?" Eddie yells.

Washington panics and lunges to punch him. Eddie grabs her arm and pushes it up in the air. Before she can pull it away, a bullet hits the point of her band where the bolts are fired from. It sparks. Washington pulls her arm down and cradles it in pain.

Wally runs up to Washington and quickly removes the regulator from her wrist. She looks around, confused, still cradling her arm.

"Laura Washington," Eddie says, walking toward her and pulling handcuffs out of his back pocket. "You are under arrest."

Eddie calls for a pickup. Iris and Wally wait around until they pull in then leave before they're seen.

Eddie comes to S.T.A.R. Labs after delivering Washington to the station.

"Eddie," Iris runs up to him, hugging him. "I'm sorry."

"For what, babe?" He asks. "You were amazing."

"For every bad thought I've had about you these last few months. For ever thinking you didn't trust me. Didn't respect me."

"Iris," Eddie sighs. "I'm sorry. I never should've lied to you. I wanted to believe I was doing it to protect you, but I was being a coward. I didn't want to defy Joe."

"My dad is stubborn and can by scary," Iris says, "and he loves me. But that doesn't mean he knows me. Not better than you do. It's you and me now, Eddie. If one of us is in, we're both in."

Iris plants a quick but familiar kiss on Eddie.

"Let's go find our friends."

"Any luck you guys?" Iris asks the team.

"The regulator worked," Curtis announces. "All I was able to get off the tech though, was soup."

"No, no," Felicity says, "this just looks random. It's Gematria."

"Numerology of the Torah," Rory adds. "It Hebrew, each letter possesses a numerical value. Gematria is the calculation of the numerical equivalents of letters, words, and phrases."

"You mean the Dominator's language is based off the Old Testament?" Curtis asks.

"Or shares some commonalities," Rory says.

"Guys, I'm getting references to 3 captives," Felicity says. "But the signal is coming from...that's not possible. -3.127 latitude, -23.7987 longitude."

"That doesn't make any sense," Eddie says. "Geographical coordinates don't have negatives."

"I mean they do," Felicity says. "Only when...oh my god, I think I know where they are!"


"Barry," Caitlin mumbles, "are we in space?"


Cisco stares in awe at the window. "Cool."

"I'm gonna hurl," Caitlin bends over, heaving.

"How do we get out of here," Barry asks.

"Well, even though it's alien technology, certain principles of design are universal," Cisco says. "So, we should be able to navigate through the ship."

"To where?" Caitlin asks. "If we leave it, we freeze to death."

"Well, you two don't'," Cisco says. "Healing abilities and all."

"I don't think speed healing will help me in space, Cisco."

"We need to find a way to contact S.T.A.R. Labs," Caitlin says.

"Then what?" Cisco asks. "We were a few years behind on our space rescue program."

"The Waverider," Barry says. "They could come get us."

Barry, Cisco, and Caitlin wander through the halls of the Dominator ship, Cisco leading. Cisco references video game maps with each turn to justify his logic for where the communication room is. When they turn into the room Cisco assumes is the comm room, they are greeted with what appears to be an intersection of hallways...filled with Dominators.

"Oops," Cisco mutters.

Barry tries to run but ends up taking a very awkward lunge forward.

"My speed," he says. "It's go-"

"Me too," Cisco says, raising his hand to blast an alien and doing nothing.

Caitlin raises her pant leg and sees a cuff resembling the one's on her wrists. Barry and Cisco follow. There are cuffs on theirs too.

"Looks like they copied your cuff Cisco," Caitlin says.

Barry tries to remove it but he can't. The Dominators close in on them. Barry takes on the first one and starts fighting hand to hand. More follow and Barry can't handle them all. Caitlin steps forward and takes on the next one. She's not as strong as them, but she's quicker. Her and Barry are able to distract them long enough for Cisco to pull a gun off the wall.

He starts firing, giving Caitlin and Barry enough time to get away. They take off down the hall.

"Where the hell did you learn to fight?" Cisco asks.

"Iris and I have been taking self-defense classes."

"Since when!" Barry and Cisco both shout.

"Since we kept getting kidnapped," she says. "Is that really important right now?"

They run through room after room with no sign of anything that could help. They run down a narrow hallway that is brightly lit at the end. When they walk out into the lit room, they see a large hangar, filled with spaceships.

"I think this is our way out guys," Barry says.

They run in and find the simplest looking one. They crawl inside. It looks organic inside, not metal. More like the inside of an insect. There are three seats centered around wires that look like vines. Each seat has a control panel in front of it.

"Cisco, I'm gonna need all those video games to pay off now," Caitlin says.

The panels are blank. There are no buttons or levers. Barry places his hand on it and it lights up. The inside of the ship lights up too. The panels move closer to them.

"Something tells me flying this thing isn't going to be as easy as turning it on," Barry says.

They feel themselves drop. The ship is released through the floor of the room and out into space. The ship seems to be flying itself. They can tell they aren't dropping anymore, but they have no way of seeing outside.

"I don't see any controls on this thing," Caitlin says.

"Guys, we've got incoming," Barry warns.

"How can you tell?"

They feel the ship jolt.

"Lucky guess."

The ship is hit more and it jerks them around, knocking debris off the sides of the walls.

"It's like space invaders out there," Cisco calls out.

They're frantically looking for some kind of control or steering mechanism.

"We need to find a way to steer this thing or we're not gonna last very long!" Barry shouts.

The firing suddenly stops. The ship seems to slow. The movement feels more stable.

"Are we going up?" Caitlin asks. "I don't wanna go up. I wanna go down."

"There is no direction is space, Caitlin," Cisco scolds.

The ship stops. The door opens. Barry grips Caitlin's hand tighter.

"Nice outfits."

They all turn to the door. Ray Palmer is standing in it with a wide grin. "That was some terrible flying."

"There were no controls!" Cisco defends.

"This is twice as many spaceships as I ever thought I'd be on," Caitlin says. "How'd you find us?"

"I didn't," Ray says. "Your nerd army back on Earth did."

"My nerd army is right here," Barry points to Caitlin and Cisco.

Caitlin and Cisco glare in offense.

"Felicity and Curtis," Ray elaborates. "With a little help from Iris and Wally."

Caitlin stops and turns to Barry. "Hold on." She presses her hand hard against his chest. Barry lets out a painful groan. "Yeah, we gotta check this out."

"Just get the cuff off," Barry says. "I can heal."

"I can help with that," Ray says.

Ray works on their meta cuffs and makes quick work of getting them off.

"I could've done that," Cisco says. "If I wasn't under duress."

"We've got other problems," Caitlin says. "I got a look at what they were using to keep us under. It was a neuromorphic interface."

"For those of us without bio-engineering degrees," Barry says.

"I think the shared hallucination was a way to keep our minds occupied," Caitlin says. "While"

Cisco gasps. "I've been probed?"

"Your subconscious has," Caitlin corrects.

"Looking for intel," Barry adds.

"Makes sense why they took you three, then," Ray says.

"What do you mean?" Barry asks.

"You're the metas. You have powers," he points out. "Caitlin and Barry, you both used yours to fight us when we were mind controlled."

"How'd they know I had it?" Cisco asks.

"You never used it when they were around?" Ray asks.

Cisco looks away.


"I may have breached myself to their drop ship to salvage some tech," he admits.

"So, what did they want to find?" Barry asks.

"Your weaknesses," Ray says. "How your powers work. How your body responds. How they can fight it."

"That's why they sent people after us," Caitlin says. "They needed us to use them."

"Know their enemies," Ray says. "Especially the three meta humans actively fighting against them."

"So, what's their plan now?" Barry asks.

A giant AI head appears in the center of the room.

"Whoa!" Cisco jumps back.

"Gideon?" Barry asks.

"Hello, Barry Allen," Gideon says. "I am tracking the Dominator mothership that you escaped from. It appears to be on a direct course for Earth."

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