Candidate Four

"Did you go home?"

Caitlin jumps from a half-sleep and turns to see Harry walking into her lab.

"Um, yeah. For a bit."

"What's a bit?" He asks, a scolding eyebrow raised.

"Well, Barry and I talked about a lot yesterday, so...long enough to do some stuff and me to come back." She says, a daring look on her face. "Want more details?"

"No." He says quickly, shaking his head. "Absolutely not."

Caitlin laughs.

"Want to talk about that mirror?" Harry asks, sitting down across from her. She doesn't answer. "How'd it freeze?"

Caitlin doesn't look up at him.


Caitlin tucks part of her hair behind her ear, revealing a large streak of white hair.

"It's not going back." She whispers.

"You do have powers." Harry mumbles.

Caitlin nods.

"Have you told-"

"No." Caitlin cuts him off. "No one knows."

"It doesn't mean anything yet, Snow." Harry offers.

"You saw Killer Frost, Harry." Caitlin bites. "You saw what she turned into."

"She wasn't you." He says softly. "Not this you, at least. You don't know that will happen to you."

"You don't know it won't!" She says, standing up and walking away, starting to pace. "I can't control it, Harry. I get scared or angry and it just comes out. The other night, I couldn't stop it and the more scared I got the worse it got."

"Then learn it, Snow." Harry says in a mildly scolding tone. "Treat it like any other power. Learn it. Learn what it is, how to control it."

"What if I can't?" She asks desperately. "What if I hurt someone?"

"You controlled it yesterday." He points out. "You saved my daughter's life."

"Because I was scared for her."

"A healthy fear. And you controlled your powers." Harry says.

"And now I have this." She points to the hair.

"So what?" Harry says flatly. "Maybe you turn blonde.

"Barry got abs; I get white hair. Doesn't seem like an even trade." Caitlin says with a small smirk.

"I'm sure we could figure out a way to get your hair back." Harry says. He gently squeezes her shoulder and heads toward the exit. "Once you tell everyone."

"Not yet." She says quickly. "I will. I promise. But not yet."

Harry nods and turns away. Caitlin follows him out. The two sit in the cortex and drink coffee for a few minutes until Cisco stumbles in.

"Done with your morning nap?" Caitlin asks.

Cisco groans and lays on the floor. "No."

When he opens his eyes, Barry, Caitlin, and Harry are all staring at him from the desk.

"How long was I asleep?"

"You literally just closed your eyes." Caitlin says with a raised brow.

Cisco groans and just rolls over, keeping his eyes open.

"Where's Jessie?" Barry asks.

"Packing." Harry answers.

"You guys heading back already?"

"Yeah. We still have work to do on our Earth." Harry says.

"You could stay, y'know." Caitlin says. "Team doesn't feel complete without Harrison Wells." She smiles at him.

Harry shrugs. "Then get yourself one."

Caitlin and Barry look at each other then back to Harry.

"Why would we get another one!" Cisco shouts from the floor.

Caitlin and Barry laugh. Harry just shakes his head and leans back.

"You have an entire multiverse out there of Harrison Wells. Get one." He explains.

"How would we do that?" Caitlin asks.

"And what if we get another time-travelling murderer?" Cisco says, sitting up and crossing his legs.

"Wasn't Wells." Caitlin says at the same time Barry corrects with "Thawne."

"Let me work on it." Harry says. "I'll get back to you."

Harry stands and walks out, and Barry heads off to work. Cisco lays back and falls asleep on the ground in the center of the cortex.

Caitlin watches Cisco, waiting for his breathing to slow to ensure he's asleep. She walks up and waves her hand in front of his face and he doesn't move. She walks out of the cortex and to his workshop, glad to see Harry isn't in there.

On the desk in the middle of the room, where Cisco keeps the projects he's currently working on, are two black, leather cuffs. Cisco has been working on them for a few weeks. Meta-dampening cuffs for CCPD to use. More subtle than the boot, easier and cheaper to make. No one would notice she's wearing them. She clips them onto her wrists, feeling a warmth flow through her.

Caitlin pulls her sleeves down over her wrists. When she gets back to the cortex, Harry is busy writing on the board across the room.

"What's that?" She asks.

"Bait." He says excitedly as he continues writing.

Caitlin shrugs and walks out. She drives to CCPD and walks up the stairs to Barry's lab.

"What're you doing here?" Julian asks in an accusatory tone.

"Officer Jesper from Blue Valley is downstairs asking for you." Caitlin informs him. "Says he was about to leave."

Julian gasps and gathers his things, running downstairs.

"Who's Jesper?" Barry asks.

"Some officer Julian tried to impress on an old case. Not sure why, though."

"Wonder what he's doing here." Barry mutters.

"Oh, he's not." Caitlin smiles walking over to him.

"Why'd you-"

"Just wanted him to leave." She smirks.

"Why?" He asks, a grin growing on his face.

"Wanted to be alone." She says softly, straddling his lap.

Barry smiles and leans back in his chair, letting her sit on his lap.

"Something you don't want him to see?" Barry whispers.

"Just something I'm sure he'd rather not watch." Caitlin breathes out, leaning in to kiss him.

She kisses his lips only a couple times before moving to his cheek and his neck. Barry smiles and firmly wraps his arms around her waist.

"Cait." He breathes out. His hand moving up her back.

He starts chuckling. "Cait."

"What?" She says, smiling into his neck. "You said Julian wasn't here at all in the old timeline. You're telling me we never-"

"Sadly no." He breathes out. "But right now, I'm not sure why."

Caitlin presses her body into him. He weaves his hand into her hair and pulls her head back so he can kiss her. Caitlin smiles into his lips. Barry pulls his head back slightly and presses his forehead to hers.

"And if Julian wasn't so mad about my late call-in sick yesterday, I would fix that right now." He whispers.

Caitlin laughs and backs up. "Call me if he ever takes a day off."

Barry laughs and leans back to admire her. "I have to wait until then?"

Caitlin leans forward and opens her mouth to kiss him but stops less than an inch from his lips. "Maybe."

She quickly gets off his lap, but before she can get too far, Barry stands and pins her to the desk. He smirks at her before leaning in to kiss her. He keeps going back for more, both of them laughing in between.

"Would it kill you to at least pretend to be professional?" Julian scoffs as he walks back in, mumbling under his breath, "can't believe I missed him."

"He has no idea what he could've walked in on." Barry whispers to Caitlin.

"I'll see you later, babe." She says, kissing his cheek. "Love you."


When Caitlin walks back into the cortex at S.T.A.R. Labs, Cisco and Harry are arguing. They turn and immediately stop talking when Caitlin holds up Big Belly Burger bags. While they eat, Harry explains his plan to lure in a new Harrison Wells to come work with them.

"So, you're gonna send a riddle out into the breach and a bunch of Harrison Wells are supposed to get it?" Caitlin asks.

"Riddle?" Harry asks, leaning back looking affronted. "How dare you?"

Caitlin chokes on her food, laughing.

" This is a complex algorithmic cryptogram, designed to test deductive reasoning, IQ, problem solving skills, anything that our team will need to combat threats, meta human or otherwise."

"Bless you." Cisco offers.

"What happens if they pass this test?" Caitlin asks.

"Think of it more as an invitation." Harry says. "We'll hear from those who are able to crack it, and that will give us our candidates."

"Oh, you get to help pick?" Cisco asks.

"What do you mean? Of course I get to help pick."

"I mean it's our team."

"Our team." Harry corrects.

Caitlin and Cisco turn and grin at each other.

"You two are ridiculous." Harry scoffs.

He collects his trash and tosses it in the bag before walking out of the room.

"Where are you going?" Caitlin asks.

"To mail these invitations."


Candidate One:

Barry, Caitlin, Harry, and Cisco are all sitting in Cisco's workshop, popcorn and candy in all laps except Harry's. Cisco has set up a projector to play all of the messages they received from Harrison Wells across the multiverse who have responded to Harry's invitation.

"Alright. First one. Here we go." Cisco says, pressing a button and leaning back.

A man that looks exactly like Harry appears as a hologram in front of them. His hair reaches his shoulders. A thick mustache is covering his entire top lip, and he's wearing a cowboy hat that matches his very unnatural-looking western attire.

"Oh god." Caitlin mumbles.

"Well, hey now." The man says in a southern accent. "I solved the derivative you done beamed up. My name is Wells." He burps and continues. "Harrison Wells. You can call me Hell's Wells."

"I will not." Cisco states.

"They call me that cuz of my past. I won't get into it with you right now and proper." Wells continues.

"What earth is this guy from?" Barry asks.

"Wild wild west." Cisco answers.

"I'd like to hitch wagons and-" He burps again, patting his stomach. "I had a bad dinner."

"Pass." Harry says dryly.

Cisco hits a button on his tablet and looks over at the others.

"How difficult was that uh, what did you call it again, oh yeah, complex algorithmic cryptogram?" Caitlin asks, turning to Harry.

"It tested intelligence, not etiquette." Harry argues. "Next."

Candidate Two:

"Shouldn't we set up a criterion we're looking for?" Barry asks.

"Yeah." Cisco says, turning his chair so he's facing everyone more directly. "We should rate them. Intelligence."

"That's already determined by my test." Harry interrupts.

"Fine. Eloquence?" Cisco corrects. The others nod. "Ability to blend in on our earth?"

"So, no cowboys." Barry says.

"Exactly. Charisma. We want them to fit in with us and be nice." Cisco adds. "We don't want another-" He nods to Harry.

Harry shoots him a glare. Cisco grins at him.

"And umph." He smiles.

"What is umph, Ramon?" Harry groans.

"That little something. A little quirk. They need to have something special they bring to the team. Yours is being a loveable dickhead."

Harry sighs. "Just hit the button, Ramon."

Another Wells appears in front of them. He vaguely resembles someone having walked out of a steampunk themed party. He's wearing coattails and black jeans with a top hat fitted with metal goggles.

"Salutations to all of you out there in the multiverse." He begins with a bad posh English accent.

"What's with all the accents?" Barry asks.

"I have of late, wherefore I know not, received a communique from the citizens of Terra-Prime."

Caitlin chuckles and buries her head in Barry's shoulder. He's holding back his own laughter. Harry is staring in utter disappointment. Cisco is staring in nothing short of amazement.

"Nerd." Harry scoffs. "Pass."

Candidate Three:


Caitlin doubles over in wheezing laughter and Cisco buries his red face in his hands, shaking in laughter. Barry is staring wide-eyed, a smile growing slowly on his face. Harry is, once again, filled with disappointment.

The Harrison Wells now in front of them is dressed in black and white stripes with a red bandana and his hair combed over. He opened with his hands flat in front of him like he was miming being in a box. He continues to gesticulate wildly while he talks.

"Moi, je suis Harrison Wells." He says excitedly.

"Should add same language to our criteria." Cisco says through laughs.

"He's a mime." Barry observes. "But he's talking."

"Yes, Allen." Harry states dryly.

"I wonder if mimes are different in France. Or maybe just on different earths." Barry says, now staring curiously at the man.

"Or he's just a bad mime." Harry offers. "Next."

"I want to see more!" Cisco wheezes.

Harry reaches over and hits a button on Cisco's tablet, removing the hologram of mime-Wells from the room.

Candidate Four:

"Okay guys," Caitlin says, having finally caught her breath, "this is our last one."

"Straight from Earth-19, I present, Harrison Wells." Cisco says dramatically, pressing the button on his tablet.

"Hello, hello, hello." A voice sounding exactly like Harry's, but slightly more pleasant says. "Hello out there in the multiverse, whoever you may be."

Harrison Wells stands in front of them wearing a fedora hat, a t-shirt and vest, and a chain pinned to his pants. A wide smile is spread on his face.

"I really enjoyed cracking the cryptogram you broadcast." He says, stretching his arms and still smiling. "I liked the cute trick, embedding the secondary measures in the primary data string. It's clever."

Harry scoffs and crosses his arms. Caitlin, Cisco, and Barry all smile at each other.

"Most people wouldn't have caught it. I caught it. But that's the point. You need a genius, I guess." He looks down humbly. "To help you in your fight against these meta-hominids. Well, I gotta tell ya-I gotta tell you, to me, that sounds like fun. So, I'll enclose my curriculum vitae. You already know we speak the same language. But take a look. Tell me what you think." He says casually. "Until our next communion. Oh, where are my manners? Thank you." He salutes with one finger to the group before the messages ends.

"He's perfect." Cisco breathes out.

"I like him." Caitlin states, turning to the group.

"Language. Manners. Umph." Barry says. "He's a great fit."

"From that?" Harry spits, gesturing to the message. "You got all of that from that message? Guy's a hack." He says, sounding like he's clearing his throat. "We'll wait for more."

He stands up and leaves. Barry, Caitlin, and Cisco all look at each other. They immediately follow Harry out.

"What's wrong with this guy?" Caitlin asks when they stop him in the hall.

"Yeah, he's nice and not evil. That's a combination of Wells we haven't had thus far." Cisco adds.

"He wants to do it. We can at least give him a chance." Barry says.

"All my life, everyone I have ever hired to work for me, I have trusted my gut. My gut tells me that's not the guy." Harry says.

"For you." Caitlin points out. "We're looking for someone to work with us. Sometimes you have to give people a chance."

"Like you gave Jay?" Harry says.

"Like we gave you." Barry bites.

"You don't like the idea of someone taking your place." Cisco says, squinting dramatically at Harry.

"What're you talking about? It was my idea."

"Doesn't mean you have to like it." Barry points out.

"I, you, I woul-," Harry stutters before walking off.

Cisco tuts. "Jealous man. Who'd 'a thunk?"

Barry's phone starts beeping. "Damn. Guys I gotta go. Send that guy a message. Let him know we're interested. At least to meet him."

Cisco and Caitlin nod as Barry runs off. They walk into the cortex to see Harry staring at his cryptogram.

"Making it harder?" Caitlin asks.

"So, no one can solve it?" Cisco adds.

"If they're as smart as me, they can." He scoffs.

Cisco rolls a chair over and sits next Harry and Caitlin leans against the board.

"What's this about, Harry?" She asks.

"I'm not leaving you all with an incompetent Wells?" He states.

"Slightly less intelligent than you is hardly incompetent." Caitlin says. "He solved the puzzle. He wants to help. He seems nice. What's the worst that could happen?"

"He could get you all hurt." Harry spits.

"Ah. The snake is out of the basket." Cisco says as if he's discovered some great secret.

"That's not how the phrase-" Harry sighs deeply, pinching the bridge of his nose under his glasses. "If I can't help you, I need to know there is someone here who will do as good of a job."

"There won't be." Caitlin says, looking sadly at him. "Because he won't be you." Harry looks at her. "No offense Harry, but you were terrible at helping us when you first got here. But you were just as smart as you are now."

"You weren't any help until you started caring about what happened to us." Cisco adds.

"You're valuable to us. Not because you're smart. Because you love us, and we love you." Caitlin says.

Harry scoffs.

Caitlin smiles and rolls her eyes. "So, him wanting to do this, that's all we can ask for right now. The rest will come."

"Let us spread our wings, Harry." Cisco says, spreading his arms out to his sides. "We gotta fly the nest someday."

Harry sighs. "Fine. But if he messes up, even once-"

"If he steals Barry's speed and gives it to another speedster, we'll kick him out immediately." Cisco says, grinning at Harry.

Harry rolls his eyes. Caitlin puts her hand on his shoulder.

"We can take care of ourselves. He's just coming to help. Give us something familiar to hold onto until you can come visit."

Harry holds back a smile, looking down.



"Greetings, earthlings." The man says in a low growl.

Caitlin, Cisco, Barry, Harry, Jessie, and Joe all stare at the Earth-19 Harrison Wells. He's dressed the same as he was in the message, but his demeanor is much more severe. His voice lower and gruffer. His face fixed in a dangerous stare.

Barry takes a step closer to Caitlin. She reaches up and grabs his arm.

Harrison Wells breaks into a laugh. "I'm just kidding. I don't really talk like that."

Everyone lets out a relieved sigh.

"Wells with a sense of humor." Caitlin says. "That's new."

Harry turns and glares at her.

"Hey, sharpshooter." The new Wells says, walking up to Harry who is holding a gun at him.

Harry flinches and steps back.

"Well you," Well starts. "You're handsome."

Harry clears his throat. "I know."

The new Wells laughs. "I know." He mocks, looking at Cisco next to him and nodding.

"Likewise, I'm sure." Harry says. He puts his hand out to shake. "Harrison."

"Harrison." Wells says, taking his hand. "You can call me HR."

"HR, it is." Harry says. He turns to point at the group. "This is the team."

Harry gestures to Cisco first. "This is Cisco Ramon. He can do anything."

Cisco smiles and bows, reaching out to shake HR's hand.

Harry steps toward Joe. "This is Officer Joe West. Local detective and The Flash's father-ish."

Joe gives a forced smile and shakes HR's hand. HR smiles at him and shakes his hand aggressively before stepping back and saluting.

Harry steps toward Barry and Caitlin.

"This is Dr. Caitlin Snow. She is brilliant."

Caitlin puts her hand out and HR grabs it with both of his and leans down to kiss it, staring at her fingers.

"Single." He mumbles.

"Absolutely not." Harry says quickly, stepping to nudge HR toward Barry.

"And this is Barry Allen, or as they know him on this earth, the Flash." Harry introduces.

Barry smiles and steps to shake HR's hand. HR beams at him and shakes his hand excitedly.

"Welcome to Earth-1." Barry says.

"Okay, well we don't have to stand on ceremony." Harry says quickly, grabbing his bag and nodding toward Jessie. She walks toward the breach.

Caitlin walks up to him to help him put his bag over his head. He readjusts it and looks at her, taking a deep breath.

"You guys gonna be alright without me?" He asks calmly, a small smile breaking on his face.

"Yeah, Harry." Caitlin smiles. "Go home."

Harry and Jessie wave their good-bye's before stepping back to Earth-2. The team stands and looks at the breach in silence.

"I'm starving." HR states suddenly. "Do you guys have Big Belly Burger?"

"Some things never change." Caitlin laughs.

HR rubs his stomach. "Famished." 

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