Chapter 8: Outcasts

First  period  had just  ended  and  Cartman  was looking  around  the halls. He hadn't  seen  Butters, since the day before  and  he was really  worried  for  him. He  saw Kenny  and  walked  up  to  him.

"Hey, Kenny have you  seen  Butters  today? I can't  find  him anywhere!" Cartman  looked  around, worried.

"Umm, did you  check  the  boy's  bathroom? I  think I saw him go in there." Kenny  replied, not  really  paying  attention  because  he was eyeing a group  of  girls.

"Thanks!" Cartman  said  then ran off to  the  bathroom.

"Butters?" He  asked, softly  as he entered  "Are you  in here!"

"Oh hey E-Eric?" Butters  said from  inside  one of  the  stalls.

"Are you  okay?" Cartman  asked  walking  to  the  door  "You  sound  scared."

Butters  shook  his  head, even  though  Cartman  couldn't  see him. He  took  a deep  breath  and  touched his  eye, which was stinging badly.

"Im fine Eric," He  winced  "I just  um really needed to  use  the  bathroom."

"You've been  using  the  bathroom  for  an hour," Cartman  pointed out "What's wrong?"

"Nothing!" Butters  said  raising  his  voice.
"Tell  me  Butters," Cartman  said  worried.

"It's nothing! Please  go  away  Eric!" Butters  yelled.

Cartman  couldn't  take  it, he kicked  the  stall door open  then gasped  at the  sight of  Butters's  swollen  eye. He ran over to  him  and hugged  him  tightly.

"Who  did  this  to you?" He  asked  angrily

"E-Eric," Butters  said  "I - I'm fine, really."

Cartman  shook  his  head  "Tell  me who would  hurt my Butters."

Butters  sighed. He couldn't  tell  Cartman  the truth, that when he  got  home  yesterday, his father  punished  him, by beating  him.

"I -I can't," He  said  quietly  and  felt  a few tears  in his  good  eye.

Cartman  looked  at Butters  "Tell me." He said  sternly  "So I can beat the  crap out of  their  sorry  ass."

Butters  shook  his  head.

"Please," Cartman  pleaded "I want  to  know."

Butters  kept  shaking  his  head, though Cartman  kept asking  and Butters  sighed. He wrapped  his  arms around  Cartman's  neck and kissed  him, in attempt  to  shut him  up.

   Butters  looked  at  Cartman sternly  "I'm fine." He  said  leaving  the  bathroom.

Cartman  grabbed  Butters's  hand  "No  your not, please tell  me  who did  this to  you." He  pleaded

"I....I....I'm fine  Eric, I fell down  the  stairs  this morning," Butters  lied.

  Cartman  sighed  and  nodded. He  knew  Butters  was  lying, but he looked  like  he would  start crying if he told  him, and  Cartman  didn't  want  to  see his  boyfriend  cry.

"Okay," He  said  "Stupid stairs, I think  that everyone  should  really  have  an elevator  in their  house," He  told  Butters, in attempt  to  make  the blonde  feel  better.

Butters  smiled  and  nodded  in agreement.

Cartman  had the whole  scenario  in his  head, the entire  day.

Who could've  hurt Butters? He  kept  thinking over and  over again.

He kept  eating  him up inside and  he desperately  wanted  to  know, was it someone really  bad? was it  someone who  could  hurt Butters  even  more  if he told  anyone?

"Dude!" Stan  said  slapping  his  arm "Dude  your leaning  on  my desk!"

"What?" Cartman  said  shaking  his  head  "Oh sorry." He  apologized, snapping  out  of  his  trance. 
"Dude, are you  okay? You  seem  a bit  off," Stan  told him.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." He  lied.

"No you're  not, you're  obviously  lying, fatass. Is it  about  being  the only  gay  couple  in  school?" Stan  asked.

"Um...yeah," Cartman  said, technically  not  lying. Being the  only  gay couple  was bothering him, but  Butters's  swollen  eye  was bothering  him  more.

"Dude, it's okay  you'll be  fine." He  assured  him.

Cartman  nodded  but  didn't  look  at  him. He  rested his  elbow  on the  desk  and  leaned  his  cheek on his  hand.

'I'll find  out He  thought  'Eventually'

After  class Cartman  went  to  his  locker  and  accidentally tripped on his  way there. He heard laughing  all around  him and  looked  up  to  see a crowd around him.

"Hey  fatass  faggot," Token  said  smiling  at him "How's your  Cock loving day  been?"

Cartman  rolled  his  eyes  and  stood  up. He flipped  Token  off, which  just  made him and  the  other  boys laugh harder.

"Ooh, look, Cock lover  thinks he's better  than  us." One  kid with  brown  hair  and  crazy  amount  of  freckles  said.

"Shut  up  and  leave  me alone  dumbassess." Cartman  growled.

"Something  wrong?" Token  asked  with obvious fake  concern. "Did you  not  get your  daily  sucking  this morning?" He  asked, then bursted  into  laughter.

Cartman  tried to  hold  back  his tears. "I said  shut up!" He  yelled  then slapped Token  across  the  face.

Token's  eyes widened in surprise  and he put his  hand  up to his cheek. The other  boys  glances then  started  to  chant "Fight! Fight! Fight!"

Token  couldn't  step down  from  the  fight and  let a kid like  Cartman  to  win so he tackled the  brunette  to the  ground.
Soon enough  everyone  joined  Token  and started to  beat the  crap out  of  Cartman.

Though  after a few minutes, Mr. Millah  and  Kenny, Stan  and Kyle, caught the scene.

All the  boys froze then slowly  moved away  to reveal  a bloody and  bruised  Cartman.

"All of  you, principal's  office," Mr. Millah  said  and  looked  at  the  kids  who  beaten up Cartman "Now!"

The kids scrambled  away to  principles  office.

Kyle, Kenny  and  Stan  rushed over to  Cartman's side.

"Cartman!" Kenny  said  hugging  his  best  friend  "Oh god  man."

Kyle  and  Stan  sat near Kenny  and  Cartman. Cartman  didn't  make  a sound  and  just  stared blankly at them.

"Dude can  you  hear me?" Kenny  said  tearing  up  slightly  "Eric respond!"

Cartman  nodded  and  looked  at  Kenny, with a weak  smile.
"Thanks Kinny..." He  said  blood  flowing down  his  head  "You  helped  me just  in time."

"Eric..." Kenny  cried holding  him  close  "I should've  protected you  from  them."

"I'm o-okay,." Cartman  tried  to  reassure  him, although  he felt  light headed and  saw black dots everywhere.

Kenny  shook  his  head "No its not, they would have fucking  killed you!" He  practically yelled.

"I see...dots..." Cartman  said  then passed out.

"Oh, god." Kyle  muttered.

"Shit," Stan  said.

"Come on, let's take  him  to  the  nurse." Mr. Millah  said  and  then carried Cartman  gently  over his  shoulder. Then walked  to the  nurse's  office with  three boys  trailing  behind.

Cartman  was put on  the  bed  of the  nurse's  office. Kenny  stood  close  to  him extremely  scared.

The fat brunette  was a  brother to him and  it made him so scared to  see him in this  state.

"Eric..." He  started to  cry "Eric I'm sorry..."

Kyle  put an arm  around  Kenny  "It's not  your  fault  Kenny."
Kenny  ignored  him and  continued  to  cry.

"Don't  worry, it wasn't  your  fault." Kyle  tried  again.

Kenny  looked  at  Kyle, teary eyed  "Yes it is  I could've  taken the blows instead of  him."

Kyle  shook  his  head  "No, he would've felt guilty  of  you  did that."

Kenny  sighed 'But...I still  could've  helped." He  cried  harder. Kyle  hugged  him.

Kenny  hugged  him  back, crying  into  his  shoulder.
Stan  left the  room, to  get Butters.

Kenny  just  cried, he felt  as if he failed  at protecting Cartman.
"He could've  died and  I  couldn't  be able  to  save  him," He  cried  "He's like  my brother, I love him."

Butters  ran  into  the  nurse's  office, right when he heard what  happened  to  Cartman. He stared at  his  boyfriend  with wide eyes  before  turning  angrily  at the  three of  him.

"What happened?" He  growled

Stan  and  Kyle  shared a glance, while Kenny  continued  to  cry. Stan  and  Kyle  explained  everything  to  Butters  and  Butters's  eyes widened  as listened  intently  to what they were telling  him.

"Oh my god!" Butters  explained  and  put a hand  over his  mouth. He  looked  at  Cartman  and  hugged  him gently.

"I'm so  sorry," He  whispered, feeling  tears roll down  his  cheeks  "I'm so  sorry I wasn't  there teddy bear."

"Teddy bear?" Kyle  asked  turning  to  Stan  who simply  just
Butters held him tightly and cried into  his  chest.

Kenny  was in the  corner  crying very hard. He had told Butters  he'd watch  after Cartman  but he failed  and  it hurt so bad.

"B...Butters?" Cartman  said  opening  his  eyes  slightly  "You okay?"

Butters  looked  at  Cartman and  smiled  sadly "Yes, I'm alright are you  okay?" He said, concerned.

Cartman  coughed a little  "Now I am," He told  Butters, then grunted "C-can  you  get off me?"

Butters  nodded, vigorously  and  got off.

Cartman  sat up  slightly  and  smiled at Butters, before  frowning at Kenny.

"Kinny  what's wrong?" He  asked  a little  worried.

Kenny  wiped  his eyes  and  walked  over  and  hugged  Cartman, slightly.

"I - I'm sorry..." He  mumbled. Cartman  looked  a little  surprised  but  hugged him  back  kindly.

"Don't be," He  said  laughing  nervously  "You didn't  do  anything."

"I didn't  protect you Eric..." He  said  pulling  away  and  looking at  his  friend  "I'm supposed  to  do're  my"

Cartman  weakly  placed a reassuring  hand on Kenny's  shoulder  "You're  mine too Kinny..."

Kenny  smiled  slightly  and  brushed  back his bangs. They stood  silently  for  a minute  before  Stan  laughed  nervously.

"Guys no need to  be  so dramatic," He said  and  Kenny  smiled  and  hugged  Cartman  quickly  before  walking  back  to  Stan  and  Kyle.

Butters  still looked concerned  as Cartman  went back  to  lie down. He  walked  over  to  his boyfriend  and kissed  him  softly.

The nurse came in and  smiled  at  everyone. "Eric  needs  to  rest some  more." She told  them "And you  have  all class soon."

Butters  pulled  away  from  the  kiss and  sighed. He nodded at the  nurse  and  then gave Cartman  a  quick  hug before  leaving  with  Kenny, Kyle  and  Stan.

"I hope  he gets  better  soon. I can't  believe  those  kids did that!" Butters  mumbled.

"Yeah," Kyle  said  nodding "I mean  Cartman  sometimes  deserves a beating but  not  for  doing  absolutely  nothing."
Butters  looked  a little  angry  at  what  Kyle  had said but knew what  the  redhead meant.

"Yeah I know  what  you  mean," Stan  agreed  "I mean  people  were  giving Kenny and  I crap just  for  just  hanging  out  with  you  guys."

Kenny  remained silent.

"Realky?" Kyle  asked  "Damn that  sucks."

Butters  clenched his  fists, everything  that had  happened  that  day  was just  too much.

"Well  I'm fucking  sorry that  being  friends  with  us is annoying!" He  yelled  tearing up.

"What? No, uhh...We  didn't  mean  it  that way Butters." Stan  said  a little  nervously.

"Well, then what  did you  mean? It sounds  like you  guys blame me and  Eric  for  something  we haven't  done  to you!'" Butters  said, a tear rolling down  his  cheek.
Kyle shook his  head  "We know  that  it's not  your  fault,Butters, just  calm  down."

Butters  shook  his  head.

"Buddy, just  calm down, we don't  blame  you  and  Eric for  anything, it's those fucking  assholes  not  you." Kenny  tried  to  reassure  him. He put a hand  on Butters's  shoulder, but the blonde quickly  shook it  off, and  took a step  back  from  everyone.

"You're  just  like  everyone  else!" He  said  "Freaking  out "You  hate us too!"

Kenny  shook  his  head  "Butters  no, we love  you  guys!"
"But Kyle just  said that  Eric deserves a beating!" Butters  cried 'What  did  my boyfriend  do!"

Kyle  raised  his  hands  in defense  "No I mean  cause he just  an asshole  before  and stuff..."

Butters  looked  ever more hurt  "You  don't  know  anything  you  stupid  Jew!"

Kyle  looked  a  little  shocked  but  shook it  off, since he knew Butters  was upset. Kenny  hugged  Butters  tightly, the little  blonde tried to  get  out of  his  grasp but eventually gave up and  cried.

Kenny  stroked Butters's hair, soothing  him. "I'm sorry  you  thought  we  meant  it that way." He said 

"Yeah," Stan  said  "We would  never lose our friendship  with  you  guys, just  because  of  some  assholes."  He  told Butters  and  then went  to  join  the  hug.

Kyle  nodded  "Yeah, I mean  you're  a  good  friend  Butters."

Butters  sniffled  then looked  up  at  Kyle  "And w-what  about  m-my  Eric?" Butters  he asked  the redhead.

"Oh well, uhh.." Kyle  started

Stan  glared at  Kyle.

Kyle  sighed, him and  Cartman  never really  had a good  relationship. They kind of  hated each other.

"Cartman  is well.." Kyle  started "Well he's important  to  me."
Butters  smiled  slightly  and  nuzzled  into  Kenny.

"Thank you..I am  just  so scared."

Stan  rubbed  his  back  "I know  dude, we are too, for  everyone  and  everything."

Kyle  nodded  and  looked  at  his  watch  "We should  be  getting  to  class."

Stan  nodded  and  led everyone  there.

  The  four boys quietly  sat down  at  the  back  of  the  class.
Butters  kept  on  worrying about  Cartman  throughout  class  and  kept  glancing at the  clock, waiting  for  class  to be  over.

Kyle  and  Stan  tried  to  listen and  pay attention to  the  teachers long and  beyond  boring lecture  about  racism.

Kenny  just  stared  at  a girl  next to  him, grinning  slightly.

Once the bell finally  rang, Wendy  and  Bebe went to  their   boyfriends.

"Hey, guys, how's Cartman  doing?" Wendy  asked  them.

"Oh, he's....healing." Stan  said  and  then  glanced Butters.

"How's Butters  doing?" Bebe  asked

Kyle  sighed "Well  he's worried  and  frantic."

Bebe looked  sadly  at  Butters  "Poor  baby, well  don't  worry, we'll  stick  by him."

Wendy  smiled  and  nodded  "The more friends  the better.'

Kyle  smiled  and  hugged  Bebe.

  Butters  was freaking  out  and  had to  find out  how  Cartman  was. While everyone  was in class  he walked  to  the  nurse's  office. Cartman  was laying  on  the  bed  and  smiled as he saw Butters  walked  in.

"Butters!" He  said  "How are you?"

Butters  ran  over  to  him and  hugged  him  tightly  "I love  you."

Cartman  hugged  him  back, weakly "I love  you  too Butters," He  told  him.

Butters  smiled  widely  and hugged  Cartman  tighter.

Cartman  grunted  "Not to tight, Butters."

"Oh," Butters  said  and  let  go "Sorry, but...your just  so my cuddly teddy bear!"

Cartman  smirked  slightly, feeling  a  bit  better "You  can still hug me, just  not  so tightly."

Butters  nodded  and  hugged  him  lightly. Then kissed his  cheek  "I'm  so glad  your feeling  better!" He  exclaimed.

Cartman  nodded. He  was still hurting  but  a lot  less than  before.

"Butters..." Cartman  began  "I'm really  scared."

Butters let go  and  looked  into  his  eyes  "So am I, but  who cares it will  be  alright."

"No  Butters  you don't  understand," Cartman  said  "They almost  killed  me, what  is  you  did the same  to you?"

Butters  bit his  lip at thought then shook  his  head  "No Eric, don't  worry  about  that."

Cartman  looked  a little  annoyed  "No Butters  I can't  let anyone  hurt you, what kind of  boyfriend  would  I be?"

Butters  silenced him with  a  quick  kiss to  the  lips "No Eric I don't  want  to  talk  about  this."

"But...But  I do! I can't  let them hurt you!" Cartman  blurted out.

Butters  sighed "Just  please..let's not  think about  that now please?" He looked  into  his  eyes.

Cartman  shook  his  head  "I can't  Butters, I just  can't. We need to  do  something  about  this. We have  to."

"I know," Butters  mumbled  "But  you  need  to  rest first, then maybe  we'll  discuss it ."

Cartman  sighed  and  then  nodded  "Fine," He  said  but he knew  that  he was going  to  do  something. Even  if he was hurt badly.

Butters  smiled  and  sat down  next  to  him. He placed  his  hand  on  his  boyfriend's and  simply tried to  calm him.
Cartman  squeezed  Butters's  hand  gently  and sighed. He felt  so useless and  afraid, Butters  was going  to  get hurt and it would  be  his fault and  his fault alone.

Butters  eventually  had to  leave  again, since he was a way  from  class for  too long. He went  to  his  second  math class and  sat  next  to  Bebe.

   The blonde girl  smiled  at  him and  then turned  to  the  person  who  had just  tapped her.

"Bebe, didn't  you  hear?" She asked  smiling  slightly 

"What?" Bebe  whispered 

"The girls  are kicking you  out!" She hissed
"Wait why?" Bebe  asked  confused

"Well  isn't it obvious," She  started but then told Bebe aged say after class.

After class the girl stopped  Bebe in the  hall.

"Okay  why was I kicked  out?" She  asked 

"Bebe you  are  friends  with  the  most  unpopular  kids at school," The girl  explained  "We can't  have  you  ruining the girls."

Bebe looked  shocked  and felt hurt, but  sighed.

"Fine! I like  those guys better  anyways!" She  said  storming off. The girl  was quite  surprised  but shrugged it off.

Kyle  had seen  Bebe storm off in tears and  ran after  her.
"Bebe! Wait  up!" Kyle  said  finally  caught  up  to her. She looked  away  from  him, not  wanting  him to  see her cry.

"What's wrong?" He  asked  her, concerned.

"They...they kicked  me  out..." She told  him, looking  down.

"Who kicked  you  out of  what?" Kyle  asked  confused.

"The girls....They kicked  me out  of..." She hugged  him
tightly  and  cried  into  his  shoulder.

Kyle  sighed  and  stroked  her hair "Why would they do  that?"

"B-because ...I-I...hang out  with  the unpopular  kids." She  sobbed.

Kyle  was  surprised. What  kind of  bitchs  would  do  such  a thing?  

"Well  if they kicked  you  out, they didn't  deserve  you."

"Thanks Kyle," She  giggled  "I'm happy  to  be  with  you  guys  anyway."

Kyle  smiled  into  her eyes "I'm happy  you  are with us."

Bebe  blushed  and  leaned  in to kiss her  boyfriend. Kyle  kissed  back  and  hugged  her close.

"Ehem!" Butters  said  clearing his  throat.

Kyle  pulled  away  slowly  "Oh hey Butters, sorry  about  that." He apologized.

Bebe  wiped  away  her remaining  tears with  the  back  of  her hand "Hey  Butters."

Butters  looked  at  the  two "Hey....wait, what  happened  Bebe?" He  asked 

"Nothing, I'll tell  you  ya later." She  said, then glanced  at her watch "Oh I need to  get to class. See ya guys!" She  told them.

She  pecked  Kyle  on the  cheek  and  then  ran off, feeling  better.

"It was those bullies again wasn't  it?" Butters  asked.

Kyle  didn't  say  anything  but  eventually  sighed  "It's the  whole  school  Butters,, everyone  is  against  us."

Butters  sighed  and  was silent  for  a while. He then  clenched his  fists  in fury.

"I'm tired of  people hurting  and  hating on my friends " He  yelled  "I'm sick  of  it!"

Kyle  was shocked  by Butters's  sudden  anger but  tried  to  calm  him down "It's okay  Butters..."

"No  its not!" He  said  storming  away  "I'm going  to  make  them pay for  this!"

Kyle  watched him leave  and  sighed. He slowly  walked  to  class.

Butters  walked  away, angry "How could  people  be so mean  to  my friends? It's not  like  they  chose to  be  different.' He thought  to  himself .
He punched  a locker, angrily  and  then  quickly  regretted  it. 'Oh  hamburgers!" He  yelled  in frustration  as he felt  a wave of  pain  wash over his  fist.

  He blew on his  hand  for  a little  then  sighed  and  slumped  down to  the  floor, his back  against  the  lockers. First  it had been  his  boyfriend, now it was his  friends, who  was going  to  get hurt  because  of  him next? He just  couldn't  take  it. At that moment, Butters  made a deal  to  himself  that  he would  try  to  stand up  for  his friends.

  After school  Cartman  was a complete  nervous  wreck. He hadn't  seen  Butters  all day and  couldn't  find  him  either. He had asked every  person  he knew  where he  was but nobody  knew.

"Butters! Babe? where are you!" He  said  frantically  running  down  the  halls.

"Ow!" He  heard someone  yell as he  banged into  them. Kyle  had banged into  the  walls by colliding into  Cartman.

"Fatass watch  where you  are going.." He  began  before  Cartman  grabbed  him by the  collar.

"Where the  Hell is  Butters!" He  snarled  "Tell  me  where he is, you  fucking  Jew!"

Kyle's eyes  widened in  surprise  "Whoa, Cartman  chill out."
Cartman  banged Kyle  against  the  lockers  "Tell  me  where my Butters  is!"

"I don't know!" Kyle  said

Cartman  didn't  believe  him. He  banged him against  the  lockers  again, causing  them  to  rattle "Tell  me  where he is  you fucking  no good  J-O-O!"

Kyle  looked  annoyed  "It's pronounced  J-e-w idiot, and  I told you  I fucking   don't  know! Now let me go!"

Cartman  finally  let  Kyle  go. Kyle  fell to  the  floor  but quickly  gathered  his  wits and  stood  up. "Dude, calm down, what's wrong?" He  asked  Cartman 

"No time," Cartman  shouted "I haven't  seen  Butters  and  I'm worried! Where the hell  is he?"

"I told  you  I don't  know!" Kyle  said  getting  annoyed
"Have you  seen  him lately?" Cartman  asked  becoming desperate "Like  at all?"

Kyle  thought  for  a moment  and  nodded  "I did after math, he was pretty  pissed."

Cartman  changed his  expression  from  anger to concern "Why was he pissed and  what  did he say?"

Kyle  shrugged  "Something  about  not  letting  people  take  advantage  of  his  friends ands..."

"Oh Fuck!" Cartman  swore "No  if they touched  him oh  my god."

Kyle  was confused  "What? What  do  you  mean?"
"Butters  tried  to  fight back," Cartman  said  tearing  up  "Oh my god he could  be anywhere....BUTTERS!!"

Cartman  ran  away from  Kyle  all the  way where he knew bullies kept their  victims, the janitor's closet.

"Cartman come back!" Kyle  yelled 

Cartman  ran  to  the  janitor's  closet  and  tried  to  open  the  door.

"Damn it!" He swore  and  then kicked  the door.

Kyle quickly  came and  went  over to the  door. He turned  the knob  and  then  pulled  the  door  open. "You  have  to  pull  the  door  open  fatass!" He  said  "Why do y-" He  cut off, Cartman  ran into  the  janitor's  closet  just  when Token  and  Jason  saw and walked over  to  Kyle.

"Butters?" Cartman  said  and  looked  around  the closest.

Cartman  spotted his  boyfriend  on the  ground  and  his eyes  widened. Butters  was tied up  shirtless. All over him were bruises  and scars and his eyes  were swollen. Cartman  ran over and  hugged  him. Butters  was barely  conscious  and  breathing heavily.

"Butters..." Cartman  said  tearing  up  and  holding  him closer  "I'm so sorry...I..." He  stopped  when  he felt  brash cuts in the  blonde's  back.

He felt  out the  word "fag" which  was cut deeply in his  skin.

Token  and  Jason  went over  to  Cartman  both had mischievous smirks on their  faces. Kyle  entered  the  janitor's  closet  after them and  his eyes  widened  at the  sight  of  Butters  as well.

"Holy  shit....You  fucking  bastards!"  Kyle  yelled  at the  two, while Cartman  cradled  Butters  in his  arms.

"What" Token  asked  acting  innocent "We didn't  do  anything."
Jason  nodded "Why on earth  would  we do  such  a awful, awful  thing?" He asked. Then the  two  boys burst out into  laughing.

Cartman  gently  lay Butters  down and then walked  up to  Token  and  Jason, and punched them in the faces at the  same time. Kyle couldn't  just  stand there, but he couldn't  leave Cartman, knowing that Token  and  Jason  would  only try to  beat him  up  again.

Token  was the  first  to recover from  the  blow. "Well I guess fatass faggot  wants another fight," He  said  to Jason.

"Guess so," Jason  replied.

"How could  you  do  that to  Butters?! What  the hell  is  wrong  with  you?!" He  yelled  then went  in to  attack them again. Soon Cartman, Kyle, Jason  and  Token  were all fighting  and  screaming.

"Stop!" Cartman  felt  someone  grab his  sweater  lightly. He turned  around  pulling  on his  boyfriend's  sweater  crying  and  looking  as if he  was  going  to  collapse.

"Eric please don't  get hurt..." He  cried  looking  desperate " I love  you....don't  get hurt..."

Cartman  stopped  fighting  and  looked  at Butters  with wide eyes. He  fell  to the  ground  besides Butters  and looked  at  him.
"Get the fuck out here!" Kyle  yelled  shoving  Token  and  Jason  out  of  the  room. He walked  back  over to  the  couple and  watched them teary eyed.

"I'm sorry  Butters. .." Cartman  said  his  voice  cracking.

"Don't hurt...don't  get hurt..Eric..." Butters  repeated  sobbing  "Please  don't  get hurt.."

Cartman  hugged  him  close  "I'm sorry...." He  cried.
"I'll go  get the nurse." Kyle  told  them  and  left.

"Don't  be," Butters  said  "M-my  fault."

Cartman  shook  his  head  "No its  mine. I'm so sorry."

"Our fault." Butters  said  weakly  "We both  are to blame."

Cartman  looked  at his beaten up  boyfriend  slightly  confused  "huh? But you  got hurt and  I could've helped  but didn't!"

"Y-you  got  hurt too." Butters  pointed out  "Our fault...E-even."

It pained Butters  to say those words  but at the same time, it kind of  helped.

Cartman  smiled  slightly  and  planted a soft kiss on Butters's  lips.

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