i. ignite the spark, light the fire

i. ignite the spark, light the fire!


prompt- rise of the resistance au
summary- a new band of resistance recruits must escape a star destroyer base with the help of kyra, finn, and friends.



There was a sense of excitement in the air as all of the new Resistance recruits filed into the small room that they had been ushered into. While the entire experience of Batuu had been great, the looming threat of the First Order and stormtroopers around every bend was something that many were ready to escape.

Inside of the Resistance base they were safe- sheltered away from the imminent danger that being on the streets of Batuu would bring- even if Oga's Cantina was the best place to be. Many recruits had run to the base for shelter, carefully filing into the room after waiting through the lines of people being processed for their transports.

A small but familiar BB unit welcomed them into the room- his happy beeps of communication welcome to all. There seemed to be a million screens all operating at once around the recruits, different maps and radars signalling where Resistance ships were and where First Order ships were in this particular region of the Outer Rim. It was almost overwhelming in that moment- but something told the recruits that this was the place where they belonged.

"BB-8, prep the Ready Room for recruits." An alarm blared throughout the room, the droid scrambling behind a wall of screens to see who was addressing him. BB-8 looked a little frantic as he assessed the screen, although that stress subsided when he looked out at the recruits, beeping a little message hello to them.

There was a moment in which the recruits looked around them in awe, trying to fully process the sheer size of the Resistance base on Batuu. From far away, it had looked like nothing significant. But now that they were inside- it was like a huge fortress- everything from X-Wing pilot uniforms to an armory inside. Communications seemed to be bustling inside of the Ready Room, people speaking through comms as if they were preparing for something big.

What it was? None of the recruits had a clue.

Suddenly, a large and loud amount of beeps called attention back to BB-8, an engine beginning to hum as the room started to whir with life. The droid seemed to be a bit confused, checking the screens behind him before he heard what all of the fuss inside of the Ready Room was preparing it for.

"Incoming transmission from Rey." A female voice chimed over the intercom, the little droid very happy about the woman that was soon going to be transmitting herself to the new recruits. Her name was a legend among the Resistance and the galaxy- the woman's name uttered along with the likes of Finn, Poe Dameron, Fox, and Kyra Ceydea.

Within seconds, a large hologram display to the left of BB-8 whirred to life, a lifesize transmission of Rey towering over the new recruits. "BB-8." She addressed the droid, first, turning to look at him through the hologram. "Is everyone assembled?" The droid seemed to quickly beep out a confirmation to her, and the woman smiled. "Good. Shouldn't you be in flight prep?" The droid hastily responded with a yes, and rolled off away from the recruits with a small goodbye.

All attention was on Rey now.

"Recruits." She turned to them, looking down upon all of the unfamiliar faces that she saw before her. "Thank you for joining the cause. A covert Resistance team led by my friends Finn and Kyra has infiltrated a First Order Star Destroyer that is now headed to this system. Out post on Batuu is no longer safe, and we have transports waiting to take you to General Organa's secret base on Piccara. I'll regroup with you there. The Resistance desperately needs your in our fight against Kylo Ren and the First Order." Rey explained, her fist clenching up as she spoke the man's name in almost hatred. "Remember, it is vital that you keep the location of General Organa's base a secret. Lieutenant Bek, one of our top commanders will lead you."

"Affirmative." The eyes of the recruits now turned to one of the screens below where BB-8 had stood in front of them seconds before, a Mon Calamari man sitting inside of a transport-like ship. "Your transport is ready." He told the recruits, seemingly sizing them all up as he looked at them through the screen. "Nien Nunb and I will see to it."

"Thank you Lieutenant." Rey smiled at the man through the screen, turning to the recruits once again. "Welcome to the cause." She smiled, her eyes glowing bright with hope and joy that the Resistance was gaining new members. "May the Force be with us." Her transmission quickly cut out after, Lieutenant Bek speaking once again.

"Poe Dameron and his squadron of X-Wings will escort us to the rendezvous point on Piccara." Bek informed the recruits, the X-Wing pilot coming up on screen where Nien Nunb used to be. The man looked focused in that exact moment, prepping his X-Wing for flight.

"Roger. This is Black Leader. I hear we got a fine looking group of recruits." The man smiled down at the group, adjusting something so that his hand came into view. His left hand had a small but recognizable wedding band on it- indicating his marriage to one of the other legends inside of the Resistance. "Well, no time to waste. Let's get you on your way to the General." He finalized his preparations, grabbing his helmet for protection and placing it over his head, securing it into place.

The screens cut out quickly after, doors that the recruits didn't know existed to their left now sliding open, the bright sunlight of Batuu rather shocking after the recruits had been so used to being inside. They were quickly escorted out by other Resistance members, all of them hurrying them. Time was of the essence, after all.

"Recruits are in motion. Transports ready." Someone spoke over the comm of the Resistance, the recruits getting a glimpse of Poe Dameron's infamous black X-Wing as they departed the Ready Room, BB-8 squealing a beep of good luck as he tucked into Poe's droid position on the X-Wing. "Initiate flight sequence on deck three for Piccara."

Suddenly, the transport flew right in front of them, the ship's doors opening without any delay. The small transport ship had a blue trim to it, and a capacity that was sure to fit all of the recruits that were inside of the Ready Room. All of the recruits were quickly ushered inside, a Resistance member yelling out one final warning before the doors shut. "Alright recruits, this should be a smooth ride but I'd hold onto something if I could!"

Recruits grabbed onto whatever poles or handlebars that they could find inside of the ship, the small transport roaring to life underneath them. "Transport is preparing to leave in T-minus 50 seconds." A woman's voice chimed over the comm systems, bringing all attention back to the matter at hand- the recruits had to escape Batuu.

Nien Nunb started to speak to Lieutenant Bek, the two having a conversation as the recruits settled in. None of the recruits could understand what the pilot was saying, but they all assumed the best of the situation. "Good." Bek replied to his pilot friend, swerving his chair to face the new recruits of the Resistance. "Thank you Nien Nunb." The Mon Calamari smiled as he stared at another screen, Poe Dameron appearing on it. "Black Leader, are you and your team ready?"

"Affirmative." Poe nodded through the screen, his hand on the joystick that would control his ship. "Engines are hot. Red 2, Blue 5, report." He spoke, their faces appearing on a smaller screen next to his to communicate with Lieutenant Bek.

"Red 2, check."

"Blue 5 standing by."

Nien Nunb then asked another question to Bek, who just answered with a simple statement. "Affirmative." He nodded, looking out at the Resistance members. "Engage repulsors, and hold on recruits!" He exclaimed, a loud and sudden movement jolting the ship as the repulsors roared to life. "All ships, Launch!"

The ship roared with life as the recruits were lifted off of the ground, the world of Batuu that they had originally started on slowly being left behind as they flew up into the sky. "I am Lieutenant Bek." The man informed the recruits that he was seated in front of, turning so that his full view was upon the recruits, and not at the screens of X-Wing escorts or his pilot friend in front of him. "As you heard from Rey, I have been tasked with getting you to Piccara."

"Red 2, Blue 5, keep it tight now!" Poe exclaimed, glancing over at the screens where he saw his two other X-Wing escorts. "Let's get ready to make the jump to lightspeed on my mark." He informed them, the screens of the X-Wing escorts cutting out after he spoke.

Nien Nunb then spoke a word of concern to Bek, who grumbled in agreement. "Black leader, we're picking up an unusual signal, are you spotting anything?" He asked, the view of the stars the only thing visible to the transport with the recruits inside.

"Yeah, I see it." Poe confirmed, looking up inside of his X-Wing. "We'll check it out. BB-8, what do you got?" He questioned, hoping that his little droid friend would have some answers as to why the scanners showed unusual signals.

BB-8 quickly beeped a response to Poe, Lieutenant Bek hearing this and responding to the droid. "There appear to be a number of small craft heading our way." His tone seemed to get more worried as he stared at the screens, then making an abrupt command to Nien Nunb. "Raise the shields!"

Suddenly, lights inside of the transport started to flash, the recruits getting a little jostled around as Poe started to realize what was going on. "We got company!" The X-Wing pilot exclaimed, streaks of green light coming across the view of both his ship and the transport. "First Order TIE fighters! Reroute, reroute!" He warned, getting ready to engage with them. "Red 2, Blue 5, we have to clear the path so that the transport can make the jump!" He commanded, the loud and familiar noise of TIE fighter fire echoing through the transport.

"They're all over us!" Red 2 screamed, a deafening sound of metal obvious from inside of the transport. "I'm hit!" The X-WIng pilot inside of Red 2 yelled, his screams suddenly cutting out as the X-Wing went down.

"We lost Red 2!" Blue 5 exclaimed, trying to use evasive maneuvers to draw away the fighters and clear a path for the transport like Commander Dameron had ordered. "More incoming. Blue 5 taking evasive action!"

"Try to shake them, Blue!" Poe ordered, trying to maneuver his X-Wing around so that he wouldn't get shot out of the sky himself. The main goal was to get the recruits to safety, yes, but he also had to save his own skin. He was pretty sure he didn't want his wife to come home to him scattered across the galaxy in an X-Wing.

"I'm trying but i-" Blue 5 started to talk, the roar of the First Order's firepower cutting her out, the screen that she was supposed to be on cutting into static. In that moment, the recruits knew that maybe they were getting into a bit of trouble.

"We lost Blue 5!" Poe hollered, looking at Lieutenant Bek. "I'm going to try and draw them away." The man turned his attention away from the transport communication system and back at the fight at hand, starting to do what he considered fancy flying.

"Copy that. Get us clear so we can make the jump." Bek agreed, staring intently at the screen on which Poe Dameron was on. His hands were clenched tight around the seat he was situated in, the whole ordeal becoming more intense and concerning with every growing minute.

"Be ready, you won't have much time!" Poe warned, staring at the screen again for a split second. His voice was raised, the man worried that maybe the recruits weren't going to make it out if he couldn't draw the TIEs away.

"Where are all of those TIE fighters coming from?" Bek questioned, the answer soon coming into view of the transport. There was a huge Star Destroyer ship in front of them- and it looked rather dangerous and concerning for all of the Resistance members on board. "Star Destroyers." Beck grumbled, not very happy with what he saw in front of him.

"Get outta here!"

"We can't. We're caught in a tractor beam!" The lieutenant realized, feeling a pulling force latch onto their ship, slowly pulling it towards the huge Star Destroyer that was growing closer and closer. "It's pulling us in!"

"I'm going to go get some friends, make this a fair fight." Poe informed Bek, his voice hollering over all of the noise of the space battle raging in front of them. "Don't worry, I'll come back for you!" He promised, giving the Resistance members one last message of hope. "Stay strong!"

There was a concerned look painted on Lieutenant Bek's face as he turned to look at his pilot friend in the front. "Is there anything that we can do, Nien Nunb?" There seemed to be a worried response back, trying to come up with a solution for the Mon Calamari man. "No, the tractor beam will be too strong." He disagreed, hearing his pilot friend suggest something else.

Before he could answer, a cold and calculating voice appeared over the communications screens of the vessel, a First Order worker appearing in front of them. "Cargo Vessel TR-141. Identify yourselves. Prepare to be boarded."

"This is Tr-141. We are a civilian vessel!" Bek informed the First Order member, a bit of frustration hidden inside of his voice. "By whose authority are we being detained?" He questioned, confused as to why a "civilian transport" would be sucked into a tractor beam.

"By the authority of the First Order, Resistance scum!" General Hux exclaimed, shoving the lower level First Order member out of view, the man now seen by all of the Resistance Recruits. "Now bring down those shields and prepare to be boarded!"

"They want the location of our secret base." Bek told the group grimly, a worried tone in his voice evident as he spoke. "Tell them nothing! The future of the Resistance is at stake." He warned, the ship landing onto the First Order Star Destroyer with a heavy thud. "I have a bad feeling about this."

Another thud jostled the ship, the transport now locked into place on the First Order base. "Stand back from those doors!" Bek warned the recruits, the transport ship's entrance sliding open, a huge First Order hangar coming into view.

"Your ship is now under the control of the First Order." A member of the First Order spoke to the group, stepping aboard the transport with a steely look. "You will disembark for your interrogation. Now." The member quickly walked out of the transport, standing beside fellow First Order members.

The recruits slowly started to file out of the transport, coming into a First Order hangar bay. The floors were made of a black linoleum, no sound except the clicking of First Order boots evident as they stepped onto the base. There was a huge battalion of stormtroopers blocking the exit to the hangar- allowing no option for the Resistance recruits to escape. It was all a very intimidating sight to see, the room silent except for the directions for the Resistance members to stay to the right side of the hangar, leading them to a corridor inside of the First Order base.

The recruits were quickly shoved out of the hangar bay and into a small corridor where they each had to stand in a single file line, the First Order members dividing them up by a smaller number of groups in order to get them situated into an interrogation room. The hallways seemed to go on forever, the winding path eventually stopping at a larger hallway, two First Order members standing guard of the place.

There seemed to be multiple hallways that diverged from this new room, leading to many interrogation rooms where the Resistance members were to be divided up into smaller groups of eight. There were two stormtroopers standing guard in the room, their heads pivoting to watch each of the Resistance groups that were being slowly divided to ensure that they didn't escape.

The recruits were slowly being divided up, a small group of sixteen being the only group left in sight. The sixteen of them were terrified standing in front of a First Order officer, the man staring them down as they stood in a straight line, waiting to be loaded into their interrogation room. The whole corridor seemed to be silent and ominous, until a door slid open to their right, the First Order member stepping in front of them, the only indication for them to go inside a small gesture of his hand.

The inside of the interrogation room was very different from the bright and teched out hallway that the Resistance members had been ordered to stay and wait in. The room was dark, the only lighting really visible an ominous red light. "Please stand away from the walls." The recruits seemed to be intimidated by whoever was going to interrogate them, and the First Order members who had told them to enter the room beeped in a keypad, still standing in a hallway, giving an evil grin to the eight before the door slid shut.

All that was left was the darkness of the room and a stormtrooper watching guard.

That was, until General Hux appeared on the gangway above them, sneering down at the Resistance members with a disgusted look. "Leave us." He ordered the stormtrooper, the guard complying as he left the room and the walkway. "Enemies of the First Order, we will soon snuff out your meager Resistance." The man paced the gangway he was on, trying to give off an intimidating appearance. "You have chosen the wrong side, and now you will pay." He stopped, turning to his right, a man walking to stand beside him.

That man was Kylo Ren.

"The Resistance prisoners." General Hux blandly spoke, standing to the left hand side of the formidable Sith Lord. Kylo Ren's appearance towered over the Resistance recruits, a terrifying aura radiating off of him.

"You have what I want." The man reached out his hand, the room suddenly going dead silent as the world vibrated around the recruits. The lights flickered, a wave of worry washing over the recruits as they realized what he was doing. Kylo Ren was using the Force against them, trying to get what he desired out of them quickly. "You know the location of the secret base. And I will take it from you."

"You're needed on the bridge." General Hux informed Kylo Ren, the Sith Lord giving the man a withering stare through his mask before turning away. As he walked off of the gangway, the man seemed to keep his eyes right upon the prisoners.

"Keep the prisoners here. I will return to finish this personally."

The two high up First Order members quickly left the room, their absence something relieving to all of the Resistance members inside. Their angered voices were muffled through the walls as they stomped away, the Resistance recruits hearing some of the words that they exchanged before they left.

The recruits started to murmur amongst themselves for a couple of moments, trying to figure out how the hell they were going to get out of this. However, the loud noise of stormtrooper boots stomping nearby shut them all up, the eight going quiet again. There seemed to be an awkward silence that followed afterwards, the only noise a small tapping one from the right side of the interrogation room.

"Quiet!" A muffled voice hissed through the wall, the recruits turning and becoming quiet as they heard the noise. "If you talk any louder, the whole First Order is going to hear us, Finn! I do not want to get into another battle with Hux and Ren." The voice exclaimed again, hope rising in the recruit's chests. They knew that name- it was one of the legends inside of the Resistance. Rey had told them all that he was on an undercover mission on a Star Destroyer base, and if this was the one- that meant that Kyra Ceydea was close behind.

"Well sorry, Kyra!" Finn's voice responded back, still walking around the wall as he tapped it with a wrench. "You know that stealth isn't exactly my strong suit." He shot back, both of their voices muffled as the tapping noise got louder and louder inside of the interrogation room of the recruits.

"C'mon! We gotta keep moving. There's another group coming." Kyra responded, the tapping noise growing fainter and fainter as their muffled voices soon quieted. The room suddenly went silent again, the recruit's hopes falling as they thought that the two Resistance members had no clue that they were here, trapped inside of this room.

The round of silence that followed didn't last long, however, as a bright orange light began to hit the right wall of the interrogation room. It appeared that someone was breaking them out, using some kind of tool that was going to make a door out of the interrogation room. All of the recruits stepped back, unsure of what was going to happen when that door busted down.

The piece of the wall suddenly slid out, two unfamiliar faces coming to greet the Resistance recruits. However, a young man stepped forward, a smile upon his face as he greeted the recruits. "Don't worry. We're with the resistance. We're here to get you out! Now c'mon!"

The sixteen recruits clamored out into the hallway that was awaiting them, seeing two First Order droid transports in front of them. "Split up into groups of eight!" The other Resistance member hollered, clamoring to a data pad that had all of the information that they needed to help break them out on it. "Four in the front, four in the back!"

The recruits clamored into spots that they could find, each of them finding a spot and sitting down. There were safety restraints that each put on, none of them wanting to not be able to leave the base in case something drastic did occur.

Suddenly, one of the Resistance members spoke over the comm system in the droid transport, calling out the names of the two Resistance members that the recruits had heard earlier. "Finn, Kyra! We have the recruits."

The two Resistance legend's faces flickered onto a large screen to the left hand side of the recruits, an audible sigh of relief coming from the both of them. "Wait- you're still here?!" Finn questioned, giving an exasperated sigh as he looked over at Kyra. "I thought we got all of them out."

"Well, evidently we didn't." Kyra muttered in response to him, turning her attention to the recruits in front of her. "But not to worry, Poe's coming back with an attack force to help destroy this thing so you can get to Piccarra. Get to the escape pods, now!" She ordered them, looking over at Finn with a slightly concerned look.

"Lieutenant Bek?" Finn questioned, seeing the Mon Calamari man's commlink show up on his screen. "We need to find them a way out. No involvement with the First Order, either. We can't have them finding out that we broke out their most valuable prisoners."

"If they don't know already. First Order's stupid, not dumb." Kyra remarked, whispering the warning to Finn as they awaited Bek to respond to their call. She carefully eyed the recruits in front of her, donned in her old First Order mission suit. "Bek? We need a route, ASAP."

"We'll just do it!" Finn exclaimed, unsure if Bek could hear the two of them. "Okay, take this corridor to the turbo lifts, and then head straight to the escape pod bays. These droids are programmed for you to bring you back to Batuu." He explained, holograms on the screen helping explain the route that the recruits would be taking.

"Hurry! And don't be caught." Kyra added, the woman tapping Finn's shoulder as the two of them observed that they were about to have company in the location that they were at. "I'm afraid we can't guide you, but Lieutenant Bek just got back in communication with us. He'll guide you."

The doors to the corridor that the recruits were in slid open, the transports backing out and sliding into an open hallway. Two other transport vehicles were waiting for them there, the transports empty. The droids inside of the empty transports beeped at the R5 units leading the recruits away from the interrogation room, the R5 units unsure of what to say.

"Tell them it's a prisoner transfer!" Bek told the droids, who quickly translated his message over to the empty transport droids. It seemed like the ruse worked, the two First Order droids not suspecting a thing and moving along back to the corridor where the recruits had come from. "Did it work?" The lieutenant questioned, getting a beep of confirmation back. "Good! Now get a move on!"

The transports started to move to the left out of the hallway where they had faced the empty transport droid, now pivoting towards where the turbo lifts that Finn had told them to go down would be. The droids leading the group were beeping messages at each other, trying to communicate the path that they were travelling upon. "There's a clear path to the turbo lifts at the end of the hallway." Lieutenant Bek reminded the droids, almost perfectly on cue. "Turn right!"

Suddenly, at the end of the hallway, a droid popped out of nowhere, blocking the way forward. The transports banked right hard, the recruits letting out a surprised yelp of shock as they continued their way through the Star Destroyer ship.

"A probe droid?" Bek questioned, seemingly surprised by what the recruits had just seen in front of them. "You're lucky it didn't spot you." He remarked, the transports now continuing down the path that had been pre entered into their systems. The droids slid forward towards the turbo lifts, but suddenly, a gangway full of stormtroopers above them noticed the prisoners.

"Hey! You're not authorized to be here." One of the stormtroopers warned the prisoner transports, the other one pointing their gun at the recruits as they realized who they were. "Wait, those are the prisoners!" He exclaimed, starting to blast at the transports.

The droids, startled that they couldn't get to the turbo lifts as they had been programmed to do, started to back up and away from the lifts out of fear of injuring the prisoners. Alarms started to sound as the droids beeped frantically, backing out into a hallway that they hoped would be safe.

"Your cover is blown!" Beck warned, the droids backing up into a large AT-AT storage room, the man concerned for what was going to happen next to the prisoners. If they were found, the Resistance would be as good as dead. "Find an alternate route! Who programmed these two droids anyways?!" He exclaimed, realizing that the recruits were now in a room with very dangerous First Order weapons.

"Detention cell prison break." A woman over the communications line of the Star Destroyer spoke, the First Order ship's alarms blaring as the transports tried to figure out a way to escape the mess that they had gotten themselves into. There was an open doorway underneath one of the AT-AT's legs, and the droids tried to seize an opportunity and go through it.

"There they are!" The stormtroopers in the storage room spotted the transports, the doors in front of the recruits shuttering closed. "Get them!' There was the sudden firing of blasters towards the recruits, the droids wailing much like R2-D2 would if he was in the same exact situation.

Reversing out from under the AT-AT's legs, the droids wanted to go back into the hallway where they had first come from, but saw troopers standing there and firing at them. Suddenly, there was a response fire, the troopers falling dead, no longer shooting at the prisoners. Finn, one of the people on the mission undercover, was firing back.

"How the hell are the recruits here?!" Finn's familiar voice echoed from under one of the AT-AT's legs, shooting back at the stormtroopers. "They need to get the hell out of here?!" He exclaimed, looking beside him to where Kyra stood, aiming her blaster at the troopers and firing alongside him.

"I got this. I'll go with them down to the escape pods. I know the way down from here. You cover us up top, okay?" Kyra exclaimed, rushing into the line of fire, barely covering herself with the blaster. She ran to stand beside the two prisoner transports, the recruits noticing a familiar hilt of a lightsaber swinging from her belt as she stood by them.

"C'mon, we gotta go down!" She exclaimed to the group, feeling the lifts begin to operate- but go up instead of down. "No!" Kyra groaned, seeing the operators inside of an AT-AT stare at the three Resistance problems, the woman looking back at the recruits quickly. "This was not what I wanted, you R5 droids!" She yelled in frustration, firing at the people inside of the AT-AT seeing no response yet. "This is why BB-8 is so much better than you astromechs!"

The response to her fire was quick, rapid blasts coming in hot and fast. Quickly placing her blaster away, Kyra turned her head so that she could whirl around and run with the prisoner transports. "Let's back up and get into the corridor- there has to be an escape pod bay somewhere nearby!" She thought out her plan, starting to run with them as they weaved their way through hallways that were being shot at by the First Order.

Electricity crackled around them, Kyra giving a yelp as sparks flew close to her. "This isn't going good, Bek!" She yelled, realizing that the man could hear her through the communication devices of the transports. "I'm trying to find them another way out of here but it's getting harder and harder to navigate these floors when there's no light!"

"I know, General Ceydea." Bek grimly agreed, the man falling silent as Kyra ran ahead of the group, skidding to a stop. "Try and lead them out of this top level area and scout ahead! I'll direct them towards your location!"

"Copy that!" Kyra exclaimed, taking a left down a hallway. "Make sure these droids go left! If they go right they're going to run headfirst into trou-" She was cut off, the droids taking a right instead of a left, slowly realizing that it was a dead end that led straight to the bridge. "Oh come on!"

"The Resistance will attempt to rescue the prisoners." Kylo Ren formidably spoke to Hux, the transports slowly realizing the mistake that they had made. Kyra was trying to lead the way in the other direction, and they had to get out of there- now.

"They have neither the resources nor the courage to engage us." Hux spoke boldly and confidently, staring at the space in front of the Star Destroyer. He was under the belief that the First Order was going to take down and destroy the Resistance today- but he was desperately wrong.

Giving a sigh as she ran down the hallway, Kyra turned back to get the prisoner transports again, the woman quickly grabbing the hilt of the lightsaber that she kept by her at all times. It was her father's- and the only lightsaber she could wield without her powers getting in the way. Kyra figured that she wouldn't be leaving this base without a fight.

"You underestimate their determination." Kylo snarled, sensing a familiar presence creeping behind him. "Raise the shields, now!" He exclaimed, many Resistance attack ships coming into view. Poe Dameron had done what he said he was going to do- bring back a battle ready Resistance.

Kyra tried to hold in a laugh of joy at the realization that they had backup, the woman sneaking by the two recruit transports. She pressed her finger to her lips, trying to signal to all of them to remain quiet, that she would handle this.

"Sound the alarm, all personnel to their stations!" Hux commanded, throwing his arm out at the First Order members that were not battle ready. "We must be ready for a fight! The Resistance will not give up so easily."

"Sir, the prisoners have escaped!"

"How brave." Kylo remarked, acting upon the feeling that he had sensed. "But ultimately useless." He turned around, seeing the prisoner transports in front of him, along with Kyra Ceydea. "You." He snarled, almost ready to jump down the bridge and fight her.

"Hey cuz." Kyra smirked, twirling the hilt of the lightsaber blade in her good hand. "Figured you were looking for us. How long has it been since I infiltrated your base? Couple of weeks?" She squinted, giving a gesture with her left hand for the transports to back the hell up and get out. "Sad to know that you can't keep a singular ship in your control. Says a lot about your little First Order, doesn't it?"

"There's nowhere to run now, Solani." Kylo Ren snarled, watching as the prisoner transports backed away. He seemed almost ready to come down and face Kyra, but the fact that the jump was so large stopped him.

"Really?" Kyra questioned, igniting the blue lightsaber just to piss Ren off that she had it. "Because it looks like I do." She whirled around, taking off running behind the prisoner transports, seeing them go in the right direction.

Catching up with the transports, Kyra saw a divide in the hallway. There was only one way out of here- and she knew that the recruits had to get out of there first. "Bank right!" She exclaimed, seeing the transports do the right thing and turn right. Giving a sigh of relief, Kyra still strayed a little behind the recruits, trying to make sure they weren't followed.

Her gut instinct to stay behind paid off, Kylo Ren jumping right in front of her, stalking towards her with a lit red lightsaber glowing in his hand. Twirling the lightsaber in her own hand, Kyra looked back at the transports. "Go! Keep following the hallways. Bek should be able to help you find an escape. I'll try and hold him off!"

The droids beeped in confirmation, barrelling out of sight of where Kylo Ren had just last been. The final sight the recruits saw of Kyra was her lightsaber clashing against Ren's, the different colors creating a bright light as they ran away.

"Where did General Ceydea go?" Bek questioned, his voice coming over the intercom. His question was answered by the droids, who told him what had happened. "She's seen worse battles before." He reassured the recruits, understanding why the droids and Resistance members would be worried. "Poe and the others probably have an extraction team for her and Finn at the ready. We need to focus on getting out of here, yes?"

Suddenly, the hallway ended, an elevator coming into view. "Finally, some good luck!" The lieutenant sighed, getting a little bit of fresh relief. The elevator continued to take the prisoners down until they heard a thud on the ceiling above them.

"Bek, you've got company!" Kyra warned, able to press into her comm as she battled Kylo Ren, the two of them on top of the elevator that the transports were in. "Get the hell out, now!" She rushed out her words, giving a grunt as Kylo missed a swing at her, his lightsaber plunging into the ceiling of the elevator.

The droids gave a surprised wail from below where the lightsaber had struck, heeding Kyra's advice and backing out of the elevator and into a new level of the Star Destroyer. They were stuck inside of the turret level of the base, the huge guns being used to fend off the Resistance fighters. "We're on the turret level, General Ceydea!" Bek spoke through the comm, hoping that the woman could hear him.

Meanwhile, Kyra was able to barely gain an upper hand on the man, kicking him promptly in the face, able to knock him out long enough for her to hop off of the elevator and run away from the mess. "Copy! I was able to get out, but Ren's just unconscious, be wary!" She cautioned over the comms, seeing a level above her that she knew very well. "I'm a floor above you, okay, Bek? I'll meet you at the rendezvous back on Batuu."

"Affirmative!" the man exclaimed, the droids communicating what was in front of the transports. Now it was all just them- no Resistance members allowed to help them out and escape with them anymore. "Navigate the guns closely, only move when the opportunity is right!"

The transports had to slowly play a game of getting through each transport, a stop and go like game almost mimicking what they had to do. The battle around the Star Destroyer raged outside, the Resistance hard at work attempting to diminish the First Order's firepower.

The recruits eventually made it out of the mess that was the turrets, weaving their way down broken hallways that were indicating the damage that was being done to the ship by the Resistance. "Attention all Resistance personnel-" Finn showed up on a screen that the transports were passing. "Abandon ship, I repeat, abandon ship! This part of the ship is about to-"

"There's no escape." Kylo Ren's voice echoed through the chamber, the two transports turning around to see the Sith Lord, heavily beaten up, standing in front of them. He pulled the two transports close to him, the man swaying after having battled Kyra for a small duration of time. "You will tell me the location of the secret base, and then I will destroy you, and the Resistance-"

The blast doors behind Kylo Ren suddenly blasted open, Finn's warning about the sector of the ship being really unstable turning out to be true. The droids saw this as the perfect opportunity to escape, and quickly backed up into a new hallway- one that luckily appeared to be the escape pod bay for this sector.

The transport rode itself to the end of the hallway, the two final escape pods opening for the transports. The transports loaded into the escape pods, locking into place as the doors shuttered closed behind them. Suddenly, the recruits could see a view of the battle- and the other escape pods. One right in front of them dropped, and it was in that moment that the Resistance members knew that they were next.

Their escape pod detached from the Star Destroyer ship, free falling for a moment before an X-Wing found them. "There you are! We've been looking for the last of you recruits." Poe Dameron remarked, speaking to the escape pod. "Follow me, I'll clear a path straight down to Batuu for you!"

Suddenly, the escape pod was being piloted right through the thick of the battle, Poe shooting down any sort of threat that was going to put the escape pod in danger. They weaved their way through a smaller First Order attack ship, explosions following them down as Poe snaked back around to go back into the battle. "You're clear!" the man told them, the other escape pod just in front of them as they fell back down to Batuu. "Now get the hell outta here!"

The escape pods hurtled back down onto Batuu, the atmosphere and the greenery of the Outer Rim planet coming into view rather rapidly. There was no smooth landing to the escape pod, the thing crashing down with such power that it rattled all of the recruits. Their momentum didn't stop when they reached land, however, as they slid right through the wreckage of an old Empire ship, a scavenger right in front of them.

As soon as the escape pod came to a stop, the recruit's comms came crackling back to life. "You guys came in a little off target." Poe remarked, a chuckle being heard from behind him as BB-8 beeped in agreement.

"That's putting it mildly." Kyra muttered, the two of them together again. "Thanks for picking me up back there, Space Boy." She smiled, her happy tone evident from just her voice. "Definitely wouldn't have made it out if you didn't circle back to that hangar to check for me there."

"I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I'm always going to find you, Space Girl." There was a smug but happy tone in Poe's voice as he spoke to her, the two still on the comm line. "Glad to have you back with us. Uh, recruits, ground crews will meet you outside the wreck."

The transports slid out of their escape pods, weaving their way through the wreckage back into the bright Batuu sun. "Nice job recruits!" Finn exclaimed, complimenting the work that they had done. "It was a lot more than you signed on for, but, hey! You're Resistance now. I think I have that authority, right Kyra? Bek?"

"We have eyes on Bek, right?" Poe confirmed with the group, worry evident in his voice as the three Resistance members started to worry about what would happen if they didn't have the Lieutenant. "Anyone on Ground Control copy?"

"This is Lieutenant Bek."

"Bek!" Kyra exclaimed, breathing a sigh of relief. "Thank god you're alive! When we heard radio silence we sort of feared the worst. That Star Destroyer base mission and rescue were... messy." She tried to figure out the right word to explain it all, landing on that word to describe the ordeal.

"Of course." The Mon Calamari man chuckled, his escape pod coming into view for the recruits as their transport began to move them towards a safe place to exit onto the planet Batuu again. "Great job recruits! The Resistance is glad to have you all as members."

"That's for sure." Kyra laughed, Finn and Poe echoing their agreements over their comms. "You all rocked it out there. I'll have to tell General Organa about your brave heroics. Thanks for joining the cause." Kyra brightly spoke, her voice peeking up one last time before the recruits unboarded their transports.

"Oh! And may the Force be with you."


okay this is definitely not my best work but I love this ride so goddamn much that I just had to put Kyra in it.

I've had the privilege to go on this ride and I do have to say, if you have the opportunity, please do! it was one of the best experiences I've ever had and I kinda cried the whole time of joy. I do not regret a thing about it

anyways, I hope you enjoyed this little fun one shot of a garbage dump that I did, it took me like 4 ish hours to write because transcribing everything from ride to words was a bitch. I definitely recommend watching a video of someone riding it if you want to get a better and more full idea of everything I attempted to describe.

alright, that's everything, thanks for reading and sticking around this long for this 7400 words one shot!

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