Chapter 6: Proposition
(Hiccup's pov)
As Queen Amma and Princess Gunhild led me to the other Danish kings and queens, I could see the average Viking folk gaze at me and whisper and murmur amongst themselves, no doubt they were confused as to how I survived my... "suicide" or whatever lies Stoick and the Hooligans spoke. Gazing at the capital city truly astonished me, I've only been to Denmark as a boy, but now? It truly represented that we Northmen aren't savages as the Saxons or Christians portray us to be. No. We Northmen are risk takers; explorers, warriors and whatever we want to be.
Princess Gunhild slowed her pace with her mother to walk along side me, we looked into each others eyes and she cocked her head at me before asking. "Was it hard? Taming a Night Fury?" I smiled lightly at the Danish princess before answering her. "It was a as hard as making friends with a human being. I had to earn my first Night Fury's trust; show him that I meant him no harm." Gunhild hummed in acknowledgment and spoke once more. "You seemed... comfortable around dragons. Do you favor them more than human beings?" I shrugged and replied back. "Well of course I want a woman, a wife and to have children some day. But human beings have abused me physically, verbally and... sexually."
Gunhild's eyes widened in shock, she gave me pitiful look and gave an apology. "I'm... I'm so very sorry to hear that." Waving her apology aside, I reassured her. "It was the day I turned fifteen. My cousin and a friend of his... they tricked me into believing that the teens of my former tribe were throwing me a party, instead? They tied me up and raped me for hours." I closed my eyes and could feel my rage burning hotter by the second, remembering just how much pleasure Snotlout and Tuffnut took in taking advantage of me. "I wanted to die when they had finished with me. I wanted to rejoin my beautiful mother in death, but the I didn't die. I took that as a sign of the gods and would pledge myself to avenging myself and first Night Fury."
Turning back to Gunhild, the girl did the unexpected and and grasped my hand gently in hers and gave me a comforting squeeze. "Gods Hiccup, thats beyond terrible. No one should ever suffer like that." I returned the princess's squeeze and nodded to her in thanks. "As long as I can fulfill my oath of vengeance? I will ensure my cousin and all those who hurt me suffer a fate far worse than death."
Before Gunhild could speak once more, we could hear old Norse being spoken behind us, turning around, I could see hundreds of Danish warriors wearing the helms personal bodyguards are required to wear. These bodyguards were mainly men, they all had long and pointy beards, they wore bulky black leather to fit their equally bulky bodies and their shields too were black and held large yellow arrows as the secondary design.
Once the bodyguards moved past us, they stopped right at a massive plaza where the rest of the Danish kings and queens were seated. By the looks of them, they were watching their best warriors engage in heated sparring matches, the sight made me remember just how ferocious Danes are in battle, which is why I would extend my proposal to the remaining kings and queens here in Denmark.
The people and warriors gathered all turned to me and were shocked to Blaze and his siblings tailing behind me slowly, they hadn't spoken a word because they were expecting anyone of these Danes to attack, so they were keeping a sharp eye for any aggressive action.
Queen Amma then vouched out for me. "My brothers and sisters, this is Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III..." She said while gesturing to me, turning back to the kings and queens, she continued speaking. "...he has a proposal to make and I would suggest you hear him out." The five other Danish rulers shared looks before nodding at Amma, she then joined her companions while Gunhild joined her mother, leaving me to stand before six legendary Danish champions.
"Speak boy." One of the kings boomed out, I licked my lips and steeled my nerves, taking a deep breath, I then made my proposal. "I understand that you have all united forces together in order to attack England and its already war torn kingdoms. But here is my proposal..." I took another step forward and the Danes bodyguards pointed their spears at me, but I ignored the sharpened steel pressing into my chest and continued. "...instead of fighting for scraps with the other Viking armies who have already fought in England, why not seek out another prize? One of far more value and one that would certainly gain you more reputation and infamy?"
One of the Danish queens raised an eyebrow and spoke. "And tell us, what is this prize that is far more valuable?" I turned to that queen and answered her. "The Frankish capital of Paris." The citizens and warriors gathered began murmuring and whispering amongst themselves, we Vikings have attempted to raid Paris in the past, but they had the technological advantage back then. But now? We may have the chance to take Paris and add among kingdoms and lands for the Viking empire.
"We Vikings have attempted to take Paris many times in the past! It is impossible to take!" One of the kings spoke up, I scoffed at the mans words and responded back. "Impossible? No no no, I have brought with me six Night Furies and a dragon alpha known as the Hydra. The alpha has recently defeated a Stoker Class dragon called the Red Death, who was the cause of the three hundred year old war between our two species."
Everyone began whispering and murmuring in disbelief at my words, thankfully I had proof. So, cupping my hands around my mouth, I gave out. dragon call for the Hydra, within minutes, the great alpha hovered over all Danes gathered and people began to panic, but I quickly reassured their fears, the Danes looked at what the Hydra was grasping in its massive talons and were beyond speechless to see the head of the Red Death.
"Odin's beard."
"Its bloody massive!"
"That thing was the cause of the dragon raids?"
Turning to the person who asked that last question, I nodded and answered. "Aye. The dragons of Helheim's Gate were victims. The Red Death was unworthy of being an alpha and instead of hunting for food herself? She relied on her swarm to raid Norway for her and for the dragons who failed to deliver a great tribute of food to her? They were devoured themselves." Turning back to Blaze and his siblings, I smiled at them and extended my hand out for Blaze, who immediately closed his eyes and pressed his snout into my palm, causing everyone to gasp in awe and wonder.
"Dragons are kind, amazing creatures that can bring a people together. They help bring a species to co-exist together." I said as I turned back to the six Danish rulers. "So, here's what I want. Instead of attacking England? We will attack Paris and take it. With the help of my Night Fury's, the Hydra and two nests full of dragons." Extending my arms out, I nodded firmly before continuing. "You already have a fleet of about one million ships and millions more warriors and shield maidens. And with the aid of the two nests full of dragons who follow the Hydra? I promise you all, we will conquer Paris and the whole of Frankia and make it a part of the Viking empire!" I said boldly and firmly while clenching one of my hands into a fist, I then shrugged and added. "Unless of course, you wish to be like every other Viking kingdom, remembered for attacking England and only gaining scraps, when instead you can have the whole of Frankia, with Paris as our new staging front."
Every Danish citizen and warrior gathered turned to their rulers for their answer, Amma turned to me and spoke. "We will need a moment to talk about your offer." I nodded at her and watched as the six Danish rulers rose from their thrones and circled around to speak together. Releasing a breath I didn't know I was holding, I scratched my chin and looked up at Gunhild, who gave me a friendly smile, I returned it and watched as she then interacted with the other Danish heirs.
I silently prayed to every god in the Aesir, my entire plan of vengeance relied on this moment right here. While having an army of dragons would be helpful indeed, I needed man power as well. And if one of the Danish kings or queens refused my offer? I'd challenge them to single combat, to take possession of their resources, armies and people.
They had better accept my offer.
(Stoick's pov)
Upon reaching Helheim's Gate, we entered the fog bank and everyone readied themselves with shields raised and weapons at the ready. But I then realized that something was... different. Almost every time we'd enter the fog, dragons would fire our ships and force out. But none of us heard any dragons, not even a hiss, the only sounds that were heard were the creaking of our ships, the churring of the water and the grunts of my people rowing our ships.
Spitelout approached me and whispered. "Where are the devils at? They usually attack us upon entering the fog." Turning to my brother, I nod at him and whisper out for our rowers to watch out for the sharp rocks and destroyed ships sticking out of the water. About five minutes later. we all lay eyes on something we never expected to see.
It was a dragon the size of a mountain. But it was missing its head, the ground beneath the massive dragon corpse was dried up with blood and gore and seagulls were feasting on its flesh. The smell was revolting and we all had to cover our noses, once our ships touched down on the beach, I exited the lead ship and approached the massive dragon corpse.
Where was its head? And was there another dragon lager than this one? Surely there was.
Could... Could this thing been the cause of the dragon raids for three hundred years? The thought alone was crazy to believe, but it was the only thing that made sense to me.
Turning around, I could see only the best of my warriors exiting my flagship and approached the massive dragon corpse while the rest of our ships anchored off the beach and prepared catapults and nocked their arrows at the ready, in case this was a trap of some kind.
"Thor's hammer, look the size of this thing." Boarnut Thorston said as he jabbed the forepaw of the dead dragon with his spear, while his offspring— Ruffnut and Tuffnut too were poking the mountain sized dragon with their own spears while giggling amongst themselves. Egil Hofferson and Spitelout approached me and then they gazed at the mouth of the mountain. "Do you think this is a trap?" Egil asked, turning to the elder Hofferson, I shrug and turn back to the mountain sized dragon. "Whatever this thing was? It surely must've orchestrated the dragon raids. And now that its dead? Perhaps we won't need to worry about the dragons raiding us anymore."
Wanting to be safe rather than sorry, I ordered flaming catapults to be fired into the mouth of the mountain, acknowledging my orders, two ships prepared laming boulders and fired, when the two flaming stones entered the mouth of the cave, we listened for any signs of dragons at. When we heard the catapults collide within the mountain, we heard nothing, not a roar or not even a growl, only silence.
I then began chuckling lightly, until I began howling with laughter, turning back to my people, I extend my arms out and smile widely. "The war with dragons is over!!" Everyone then roared in celebration, applauded and thanked the gods that our dragon nightmare has finally concluded. Returning to my flagship, I order the withdraws to those left on the island and speak.
"Come! Lets go home."
(Astrid's pov)
"The war is over!! Praise the Allfather!!" Fishlegs said with relief, humming in agreement with my friend, I too couldn't believe how the gods have truly blessed us in just a matter of days. First by ridding us of Hiccup and now striking down the giant who slept in Helheim's Gate. Upon entering the ship though, I had noticed massive bite marks on the dead giants neck and massive puncture wounds on top of its neck as well.
Could there be something even bigger than the dead giant that lies dead on the black sands? Before I could dwell more on the matter, Sihtric sits next me and grins. "The gods truly work in mysterious ways, wouldn't you say?" He asked, I snorted at his words and nodded in agreement. "That they do." Was my response, he then gently cupped my chin and kissed me, I melted into the kiss and returned his gentle affection. When we broke apart, I look back one last time at the massive corpse and a question was still nagging me even on the journey back home.
What could've possible killed a dragon of that size?
I shake my head and realize that I'm overthinking, this is a time to celebrate! The dragon wars are over! Finally, after three hundred years, we don't have to worry about dealing with the dragons ever again.
The gods have truly blessed us.
(Hiccup's pov)
::Do you truly believe that they will accept your offer?::
Blaze asked me, turning to my new bonded dragon, I caress his head gently and mumble only for him to hear. "They'd better. My entire plan relies on the Danes support! If one of them refuses my offer? I will challenge them to single combat and take their title, their armies, ships, resources and people."
"Hiccup Haddock!"
Turning back to Queen Amma, her and the other Danish rulers approached me, so I pat Blaze's head and approach them. "Five of us want to follow you and your dragons to take Paris and then Frankia, but uh... King Dagfinn refuses your offer. He wants to continue our original plan and attacking England." Turning to King Dagfinn, the man stood at an intimidating 6'1, he was broad in muscle and lean in muscle. He had Danish tattoo runes going down his right eyes and tattoos on the shaved sides of his head, his dark brown hair was pointy and he had a pointy goatee on his chin with a mustache above his lips. He looked as if he was a bear in human form, his presence alone was intimidating, but right now? I was insulted that this brute would refuse my offer.
"Then there's only one thing left to do then." I said as I then approached King Dagfinn and snarled out at him. "I take your refusal as an insult! I challenge you to single combat!" However, my words caused the Danish king to howl with laughter, along with hundreds more, when they had stopped laughing, Dagfinn scoffed at me and eyed me from head to toe before speaking. "You would dare challenge me boy?" Taking three steps to the Danish king, I look up at him and say coldly. "I do. Unless of course, you're too scared that you'll die by my hands."
King Dagfinn snarled at towered over me as he huffed out. "Very well. I accept your challenge. Your death by my hands will be over far too soon." Raising my eyebrows at his overconfidence, I give the Dane a wicked smirk and simply say. "We shall see."
Queen Amma then turned to her fellow companions and the people of Denmark before booming out. "You have all heard it! A fight to the death between King Dagfinn and Hiccup Haddock III." Turning back to us, Queen Amma continued speaking. "You both have one hour to prepare yourselves for the fight, may the gods choose their victor." King Dagfinn inhaled sharply and spat a wad of spit at my feet and chuckled down on me before walking away. Clearly he underestimated me; everyone underestimates me.
Today? I will show them why you should not underestimate me.
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