Switch (Chapter Seventeen)
You opened your eyes. You had fallen asleep, even though you were practically being crushed by Freddy--your legs were asleep because of him. The animatronics still remained in the spots they were in last, including Bon-Bon, who was nested in your hair.
"How am I gonna do this?" you whispered to yourself, seeing as the rest looked like they were sleeping.
Freddy lifted his head, startling you. He looked up at you and you looked back at him. His ears twitched as he raised an eyebrow plate.
"D-do you nee-eed something?" Freddy whispered.
"Yeah, I need food," you whispered back.
Freddy nodded and crawled back. The feeling of pins and needles flooded your legs. Freddy stood up and looked at you. You were about to get up, but he put his hand up, gesturing for you to stay there. Freddy bent down to your suitcase and opened it up. He blushed as he dug around through it.
"Th-this?" Freddy asked, holding up a Hot Pocket.
"What's that doing in there?" you whispered aloud.
You scooted forward, making sure not to drop Bon-Bon. You picked him up and set him beside you. His ears shook as he blinked a few times, before he looked up at you.
"Where are you going?" Foxy asked as he looked at you from under the covers.
Baby and Ballora looked up too. You were trying to keep from waking everybody up, but thanks to Foxy, your plan was demolished.
"I'm gonna go see if the power works. I doubt it does, though," you said and gently grabbed the packet from Freddy's hand.
You hopped off the bed and your legs immediately gave way. Freddy caught you before you hit the floor and pulled you back up. He tilted his head at you, wondering if you were okay. You nodded and he let you go.
You shook your legs, staggering out of the bedroom and down the hall. You turned into the kitchen and walked to the microwave that was in the corner of the counter. You took the plug and plugged it in.
"Eureka!" you cheered as the clock flashed.
You looked around for a plate and saw a collection of fancy-looking ones in the cabinet across the room. You walked over to it and opened it up. You took a small one and put it on the counter. Opening up the packet, you put the Hot Pocket on your plate and placed it into the microwave.
"Captain Dumbass, to the rescue!" you heard Foxy exclaim from in the bedroom.
"What the hell?" you mumbled, walking out into the hallway.
When you turned into the bedroom, you gasped. Foxy had a pair of your laced underwear over his head. Freddy looked at you and blushed.
"I'm so-sorry, I tried to-to stop hi-i-im!" Freddy objected.
"Get that off!" you demanded, blushing in embarrassment.
"Nobody can stop Captain Dumbass!" Foxy declared and laughed.
You jumped towards him, reaching for your undergarments. He stepped out of the way , and you growled. He made a sound that sounded like he was blowing raspberries at you. You fumed and chased him around the room.
"Ooh, (Y/N), plea-ease don't get hur-urt!" Freddy moaned.
"The only one getting hurt here- IS GOING TO BE FOXY!" you yelled.
"This is entertaining," Baby stated.
"I can't agree with you, then again, I can't disagree," Ballora responded.
"I didn't realize you wore such pretty 'caps,' " Foxy sneered a comment, pulling at the fabric on his head.
"God damn you!" You couldn't deny the accusation, since he had gotten them from your suitcase. "Get back here!"
You jumped on Foxy's back and started to pull your underwear off of him. You gripped on to his shoulders as he started to spin around. When you managed to get it off him, you threw it behind you. It landed on Freddy's ear and he blushed brightly. Foxy shook and you stumbled back.
Freddy caught you as you almost reached the floor. He hovered over you, holding you by your lower back. You blushed lightly as Freddy blushed brightly. You giggled at the underwear that dangled from his ear.
"Foxy Rogers will not be defeated!" Foxy declared and pushed Freddy.
Freddy toppled over on top of you. When your back hit the floor, everything went black.
~ ~ ~ ~
You opened your eyes and sat up. You put a hand on your head.
"Ugh, my . . . METAL H-HEAD?" you shrieked.
'Are you okay, (Y/N)?' Bon-Bon said in your head.
"Bon-Bon, wh-why are you i-in my head? And why am-am I sudd-enly made of met-metal? AND WHY DO-DO I SOUND LI-KE FREDDY?" you shouted
"Calm down, there's no need to freak out." Bon-Bon turned to you on your hand.
"Why are-are you on m-y hand?" you squeaked.
"You and Freddy somehow switched bodies," Bon-Bon said.
You stood up and looked around, everything looking so defined. You looked down at your hands--hand--and the rest of your body. You were--in fact--Freddy. But was Freddy really you?
"Where is Fr-Freddy, then? Or: me-me?" you asked, turning around.
"You- or should I say--Freddy--is right there." Bon-Bon pointed to your body.
You were standing beside the bed, with your hands balled up at your sides and your knees together. You looked so different compared to what you usually saw in the mirror.
"He hasn't moved from this spot since he stood up," Baby said.
You walked towards your body and looked yourself up and down. "Fre-Freddy? Are you o-okay?"
"I feel so dirty," he whined.
"Is that r-eally how I sou-nd? Hm."
You walked closer to Freddy and put a hand on his shoulder. He looked down at your hand, then back up at you.
"As long as-as you don't touch any-thing, you-you're fine," you said and giggled.
Freddy blushed and stood normally. He laughed nervously and twiddled his thumbs. You looked up at the rest of the animatronics, who were staring at you.
"Wait a min-minute, I could prob-ably beat Foxy up-up," you sneered, balling your fist up.
"Oh, you wanna go? We'll go!" Foxy exclaimed, rolling up his invisible sleeves.
"No, please don't! I'm broken enough as it is," Freddy pleaded.
"Al-alright. But, what could-ould I do, then?" you asked, putting a finger on your chin.
"How do you guys switch back?" Bon-Bon wondered.
"Switch-switch back? Not yet, this is-is pretty cool!" you said, looking down at yourself.
Freddy blushed and your ears shook as you got an idea. You ran up to Freddy and picked him up. He squealed as you spun him around.
"I can li-ift you up, Freddy. But, I m-mean, I'm technic-ally lifting myself up-up." You laughed and set him down.
"That hurt. What am I supposed to do?" Freddy asked.
"I don't kn-know," you said.
You thought for a moment. You could feel Freddy's hat lift up. Your eyesight started to scan the room.
'Yo, I feel like I'm in a spy movie!' you thought and Bon-Bon laughed in your head.
The scanner scanned Baby, Ballora, and Foxy, and showed their names and their blueprints. "Foxy, why-why do you ha-ve, 'Parental Voi-oice Sync and Re-play'?"
"It's used to lure children . . . Baby has an 'Air Hose Attachment' and an 'Internal Ice Cream Dispensor'; Ballora has a 'Deter and Misdirect' ability; and Freddy has a 'Storage Tank,' a 'Proximity Sensor,' 'Parental Tracking,' and 'Voice Mimic/Luring,' " Foxy confessed.
"Oh. Wait a min-minute, Freddy has a-a storage ta-nk?"
"Yeah," Bon-Bon said sadly.
"Fred-dy, do you have a . . . ki-kid inside of you n-ow?"
". . . Yeah," Freddy croaked.
"Th-this is wonderful!" you cheered.
"What?" Baby snapped.
"Not th-at Freddy kill-killed a kid. But that I-I can bring justice to all th-the kids that have bee-een killed by the hands of-of the 'Afton Ro-botics' company . . . That sounded way more dra-dramatic than what I was mean-ing it to be."
"No, we can't do that. They will dismantle us," Baby said.
"Which is wh-why I will get you-ou guy-s new bodies," you exclaimed.
The animatronics and Freddy looked between each other as if they were telepathically talking. Baby sighed and looked at the ground.
"I suppose, but the kids will hate us," she mumbled.
"The parents prob-ably won't tell their chil-children, and the ones you-ve killed wo-n't. Be-besides, even if we did-didn't tell them, you would-n't be with the-the kids ei-either way," you mentioned.
"But what bodies are we gonna use?" Foxy asked.
"What ki-ind of bodies do y-you guys need?" you wondered.
"Human bodies," Baby said.
"Hu-mans? That can't be-be too hard to fi-find."
"Yeah, it shouldn't, but we've waited for weeks for you to find us some," Foxy snapped.
"Yeah, I kn-know. Freddy and I ha-have to switch ba-ack though, now. This glitch-itchy voice thing is-is driving me fu-u-ucking mad!" you complained.
"Hey! Don't say those kinds of things in my voice!" Freddy protested.
"Sorry. How do-do we switch ba-ck?" you wondered.
"Well, when Freddy and that bear switched, it had died. So, when Freddy fell on you, he must've killed you. So--"
"Freddy kill-killed me?" you interrupted.
"I'm sorry," Freddy squeaked.
"But why does-oesn't he switch bodies with all-all the children he kills?" you asked.
"Maybe it's because those kids were so deformed, that they weren't livable," Foxy explained.
"Well-well, that's not d-ark," you said sarcastically.
"So, I think, in order for you two to switch back, you must kill Freddy," Bon-Bon finished.
". . . So, you're tell-telling me . . . to kill my-self," you grunted.
"I didn't mean to say it like that! I love you! Please don't!" Bon-Bon worried.
"It's o-okay, Bo-Bon-Bon," you laughed.
"Wait, (Y/N) has to kill me? But won't it hurt?" Freddy whispered.
"On-ly for a-a second," you snickered.
Freddy whimpered and backed up some. You raised an eyebrow plate.
'I would totally be okay with this if it was myself, but this is Freddy inside me. I couldn't hurt him,' you thought.
'Heh, Freddy's inside of you,' Bon-Bon snickered.
You blushed, then groaned, realizing that Freddy's eyes glow when he blushed. You thought for a moment about how you would do this.
"You don't feel pain while you're asleep, right?" Bon-Bon asked aloud.
"Right," you replied.
"So, I can kill-ill Freddy wh-ile he sleep-sleeps!" you finished for him.
"Exactly!" Bon-Bon cheered.
"How am I supposed to go to sleep when I know I'm going to be killed?" Freddy insisted.
"I'll put-ut you to slee-p," you told him.
"How?" he asked.
"First, you nee-eed to get on the bed," you said.
Freddy walked over to the bed and sat down. You walked down beside the bed and looked down at "you."
"Now-ow, there's a coup-ouple things that are ab-solutely heavenly that w-will help you to rela-a-ax," you admitted.
You crawled onto the bed and into the corner. You sat down and patted your lap. Freddy cautiously crawled and sat in your lap. He leaned onto your chest and put his knees on each side of your legs.
"This feels weird. I'm cuddling up with myself," he said, laying the side of his head on your chest.
"You feel wei-eird? I'm play-aying with myself," you stated.
"You're playing with yourself," Bon-Bon snickered.
You immediately glared at him, then sighed. "Now, how am I-I gonna do this? You ha-ave only one hand."
You set the microphone down and ran your fingers through his hair, loosening it up some. His shoulders twitched, and he quickly leaned back. You placed your hand on his back and pulled him towards you. You slowly ran your fingers up his head, making circular motions.
"Aah," he moaned.
"No nee-eed to get too ex-excited," you whispered.
He blushed. You gently ran your fingers down his head. He shook slightly as goosebumps formed on his arms. You giggled and ran your fingers back up his scalp. His eyes rolled back and he closed his eyes.
"Is this re-relaxing?" you whispered.
"Mm," he hummed in delight.
You moved your hand down. You trailed your finger around his back and started to trace letters.
"I, know, K-N-O-W, you, Y-O-U, love, L-O-V-E, me, M-E, and, A-N-D, I, did, D-I-D, not, N-O-T, want, W-A-N-T, to, T-O, admit, A-D-M-I-T, it, I-T, at, A-T, first, F-I-R-S-T, because, B-E-C-A-U-S-E, we, W-E, are, A-R-E, so, S-O, much, M-U-C-H, different, D-I-F-F-E-R-E-N-T, but, B-U-T, I, love, L-O-V-E, you, Y-O-U, too, T-O-O,' you said in your head as you traced it on his back.
'WHAT?' Bon-Bon squealed.
'What did you say?'
'Where are the rest of the animatronics?' you wondered, looking around.
'They're in the living room- but that doesn't matter. What matters is what you just said- what was it?'
'I know you love me and I did not want to admit it at first because we are so much different but I love you too. Please don't tell him.'
"My lips are sealed," Bon-Bon squealed quietly as he jumped up and down on the bed.
You put a finger on your animatronic lips as you felt Freddy get heavier. He was finally asleep, and now it was time to undertake murder.
"How do I do this?" you mumbled.
'You could snap his neck?' Bon-Bon suggested.
'I guess that works,' you responded.
You sighed and lifted up your legs, so that Freddy was leaning back on your knees. You pulled his legs forward some, so the top of his back was at the top of your knees. You pulled your hand back, then quickly--and forcefully--pushed his chin back. You faintly heard a sickening snap as your vision blackened.
~ ~ ~ ~
"Ugh," you groaned, rubbing your neck.
You looked up and saw that you were sitting in Freddy's lap. You were how he was when you were putting him to sleep. Freddy looked at you and blushed brightly. You smiled at him and rested your head on his chest. You sighed and closed your eyes.
"Y-you don't m-mind?" Freddy asked.
You raised an eyebrow, not opening your eyes. Freddy gently ran his fingers through your hair and you instinctively tensed up.
"Oh, I-I'm sorry. It felt r-really good when you di-d it," Freddy apologized.
"No, it's fine," you admitted, looking up at him.
You nervously ran your finger down his arm. Freddy trailed his fingers up your scalp and you quivered as goosebumps formed on your arms. Freddy giggled some and you smiled, closing your eyes. A sudden sound pulled you out of your trance. It was your phone ringing from your suitcase.
"Aww!" Bon-Bon whined.
You stepped off the bed and grabbed your phone from your suitcase. You looked at the caller ID, and sure enough, it was James.
"Hello?" you said, answering it.
"Hey, (Y/N), where are you at?" James asked.
"I'm at my cousins' place. The party should start soon," you lied.
"The party is tonight. I had to leave yesterday because it takes quite a while to get up here. I'll be back at the pizzeria tomorrow afternoon. Okay?" you said.
"Oh, okay then. I was just wondering. Anyways, I gotta go. See ya tomorrow," James replied.
"Okay, bye," you added and ended the call.
Freddy looked at you and raised an eyebrow plate. You dropped your phone back into your suitcase and got onto the bed. Freddy blushed as you crawled into his lap.
"What are we doing?" Foxy interrupted, walking into the room.
"Nothing!" you yelped as you jumped off of Freddy.
"So, Freddy's back in his own body?" Baby asked, stepping in.
"Y-yeah!" Freddy answered.
"We're going to leave tomorrow morning. We will have to get back to the pizzeria. Then, I will call the police, they will find out the kid's body and that you guys are used to kill children, they will shut down the company and most likely arrest Afton, and then I will find you guys bodies before they destroy your suits," you told them your plan.
"You know, we just got away from that place, and now you're taking us back," Foxy griped.
"Yeah, I'm sorry, but you guys won't be there anymore once I'm finished," you said.
"Fine," Foxy agreed.
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