Chapt. 7 ~ Society Is F*ed
(Y/n) (L/n)'s Perspective
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Lunch with my parents was pleasant. It was nice to be with my family again. Spending time with Gaster's family has made me miss it dearly. However it had to be cut short, like always.
"Oh goodness! We can't stay a second longer!" My father said suddenly in the middle of the car ride. I frowned, then put on a smile.
"You can drop me off here then. I need to run into the shop anyway." I say, smiling softly at him.
"You sure sweetheart?" He asked, sounding concerned. I nodded and he soon came to a stop. "Alright. We'll visit again when we can."
"Goodbye my love! Have a wonderful evening! Call me when you get home!" My mother leaned to the back and kissed my cheek, making me smile. I didn't have to worry about any lipstick stains since my mother didn't really like makeup as much as I did.
"Bye mom, dad. I love you both." I say, exiting the vehicle, barely catching them returning the phrase. I walk to the store, my side purse light on my side, but my heart heavy.
'Is it selfish to feel this way?' I ask myself as I grab a cart. Surprisingly I got lucky this time as the cart didn't make a squeak. That didn't make me feel any better though. Why would it?
"That freak of nature in such a lovely dress? Not a good mix if you ask me." I hear an older woman whisper to her husband who made another rude comment in response. I try to ignore it, but it still hurts.
"Oh look, the demon is back."
"She should crawl into that mountain with the monsters."
"That thing is ruining my shopping!"
"They shouldn't allow people like her in here."
"She looks terrible in that dress."
"She's too (skinny/fat)."
"Her eyes are horrifying."
'Just ignore them.' I think as my eyes well up with tears. I should be used to this, but now I'm suffering alone— no. I've always suffered alone. This is no different from before.
"(Y/n)? Oh how lovely to run into you!" I hear Toriel's sweet voice speak beside me. I quickly blink my eyes to get rid of the tears then turn to her.
"H-hey Toriel...!" I try to sound happy, but I just sounded numb. Maybe she couldn't tell though, because she turned and spoke to none other than Gaster.
"See? Didn't I tell you! She looks so lovely in this dress!" Toriel said, making me blush in embarrassment. Though... it did make me feel better.
"Ugh. What are you talking about she look horrible." Some bystander scoffed, walking by. My smile faltered a little.
"Thanks... Tori... b-but I just need to grab a few things and go. I-it was nice to see you two." I turned my cart around and walked off. They already got enough of a bad rep being on the surface, being seen with a freak like me will only make it worse.
Even though I needed something in that isle, I could always go back to that isle to grab it when they weren't there. I didn't want to bother them anyway. That's all I've been since I've met them, a bother.
Not paying attention, I hear a loud clash. Thinking I ran into someone I looked up, but only see that some lady ran into me.
"Ugh you stupid little freak! Look at what you've caused!" She had a kid in the cart who was now crying. Probably from a whiplash from her slamming her cart into mine.
"B-but I didn't even—" I was cut off when she slapped me. I hadn't even realized she did it until I was snapped out by a lot of laughter.
My eyes began to water once more and I just walked out of the isle once more. I still needed to shop. I wasn't going to let some bullying me stop me.
I grab what I need and am only stopped once more. Someone grabbed me by the arm. It hurt, the grasp was so strong. I, rather aggressively, yanked myself out of their grasp. It was a man, an older one, who yelled at me for hurting him when I yanked myself away from him.
'I'm done with this!' I growl to myself and just leave the store without the items in my cart. I'll just get takeout tonight instead. Or cook something I have at home. 'I don't even know anymore! Why this evening?! Why why why!'
I stop halfway on an empty sidewalk and just start crying. My makeup most likely now ruined, my cheek red from that woman's slap, and worst of all, I'm alone. Always alone.
"Why are you crying?" A voice asked. Looking up from my hands I see a child. A monster child with no arms. He was orange and brown and seemed to have a permanent smile on his face.
Realizing that this was a child, I wipe my eyes and give my best smile.
"Because sometimes things aren't the way you wish they were. And it hurts. And it's ok to be sad. I happen to be sad now, but that doesn't matter because I'll overcome it." I try to give assurance to this child, not knowing how all my pent up negativity could affect them if I even let a small bit of it out.
"Alright. I'd give you a hug, but no arms." He said then laughed. "Well, I hope you feel better, lady. Your very pretty by the way!"
The child ran off. A smile formed on my lips, but fell just as quickly. I could only imagine the bullying that child goes through. I hoped they at least had friends that could come to their aid and make them feel better.
I shake my head and begin to walk once more, tears still falling. My bed seemed like a lovely place to be right now. Covered in the warmth of my blankets and my eyes shielded away by darkness. I have no one to judge me at home. No one to hurt me and yet everyone still hurts me so easily.
"(Y/n)!" A voice shouted behind me. It was Gaster. Why he was after me, I couldn't care. I wanted to be alone in the dark; where all my flaws would be hidden away. I slow my walk slightly, still craving company. "Are you alright? I heard what happened in the store."
"You're sweet, Gaster, but please. Go away before I bring any backlash to you." I say sternly, quickening my walk once more. Though I tried, I couldn't escape. Gaster stepped right in front of me looking upset and confused.
"What?" He asked, confused. I look away from his gaze and sigh.
"I'll come over to get my bag later. Right now I just want to go home. The world's fine without me in it anyway." I try to walk around him. He grabbed me.
"First of all. That statement is incorrect. You are a very charitable individual and have helped a lot of people. Second off. You shouldn't feel like a burden to me or anyone. Third of all. Don't listen to what those people say. You look beautiful and it doesn't matter that your eyes are two different colors. People are judgmental and you bending to their judgments is allowing them to win." He said in a stern voice. It was more stern than my own, which took me aback momentarily.
"No, (Y/n). Let's get to your house and we'll continue to talk there." He stated. I tried to say something, but nothing came out. "Lead the way."
I sigh and lead him to the apartment complex. 'Why is it me you decide to go all out for?'
"I'm sorry, Gaster. You're right I shouldn't let those things bother me." I say as I unlock the door. "I've just had a very bad day, so far, and that just didn't help."
"I understand, but that shouldn't make you disregard your place in the world." He said.
Once the door was open, I stepped in and he followed. My heart sunk in my chest when I realized the gift wrapping was everywhere.
"S-Sorry for the mess, my parents just brought a few things and had to be extra about it." I explain with an embarrassed blush, picking up the trash.
"It's alright. You should see my house after one night of someone baby sitting." He said with a chuckle. Oddly enough, it made me blush even more. The fact that I was blushing made me even more embarrassed.
"I'm such a mess..." I said aloud. Turning back toward Gaster, considering the trash can was in the direction he was standing in, I see him raising a curious brow bone to my statement. "I really don't think I need to explain that. Especially since you caught me in the library at 2 in the morning last night."
"Fair enough. But everyone's a little messy." Gaster said, trying to sound reassuring. It made me smile a little. 'How can he be so caring when he's practically just met me?'
'Shit. He's in my home and I haven't even offered anything to him. Wow I am even worse than I thought.'
"C-could I get you anything, Gaster? S-since you're here." I stammer out. Feeling just as embarrassed as before.
"No thank you, I'm here for you." He said, sounding serious. His notion made me blush once more.
"Y-you're too kind Gaster but I'm fine—"
"I've seen more than enough to say otherwise, (Y/n). You are clearly in need of some sort of help." He said. "I am your friend, so I'd like to help you."
"Y-you're my friend...?" I ask, caught off guard by that statement.
"Yes, why wouldn't I be?" Gaster question, "do you not consider me one?"
"I-I do I just didn't know you considered me one, I-I mean we more or less just met."
"(Y/n) not to sound rude but you are very clearly in need of friends. You have me and Toriel. If you need something, we will help you." He said, sounding so sure. My eyes watered once more and I was crying again.
"Th-thank you Gaster..."
"It's my pleasure, now please. Calm down and relax. Let's just talk."
'This is... different. But it's a good different...'
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