my insane mate
Status- incomplete plotline
Where is the best place to hide?
His mate was in their. Boy. Girl. Who cares? As long as his mate is in their. But when he finds out his mate is not a worker but a patient? Thangs just get that much harder.
His mate is a damaged man who rambles of insanity speaking of horrifying thangs. He needs to find a way to help free his mate. And learn of his mates dark past of pain.
Chapter one-
It was by chance he smelled it.
It was by fate he was pulled their.
It was unmarked territory that belong to humans. He was just passing threw to get home faster after meeting with another alpha.
It was faint. He smelled it on somone else and followed them to where it seems they work.
But a place like that? He can't just walk in.
Using the pack link he contacted the others. He found his mate. But when his mate walk out?
Days became a week. A week was when he knew. His mate stayed in their. And he will get in their too.
Chaper two-
"Mother mother, lipstick red!" Hides the marks of other men.
"Father father, drinks till bed!" Beats us all it hurts again.
"Sister sister, loved by all!" Sleeps with anyone, anyone at all!
"Brother brother, made me see." Made me watch his dirty deeds!
Perhaps chanting like this won't do me any good. But no rather be crazy then understood. If I alter the truth out loud enough, perhaps ill beleave its all alright.
To think people still try to get me to talk. 5, 7, 15, 20. Years and years. Locked away.
So young was I.
Monsters of untoled. By fear I got free. Comiting a hanis deed.
Found me they did. But i dare not tell. The world is evil. All I said.
I just want to be back. Alone in my dark room. I was taken care of and happyily doomed.
This? This is better. They give me drugs so I don't have to remember!
When docter came in today for our talk, she Tryrd to ask questions I Ingnore without care. Then we go into our usual chat about the life out their.
"Actualy, ill have you know Jes, a new man will start working tomorrow. He's being partners with me! Can you beleave it?" She said making me smile.
"Someone new? How fun! Hopfully he's not a drap boring person. We need more smiles here!"
"Well, you can juge him yourself. Ill be bringing him with me tomorrow. Do you mind?" She asked making sure that I, the patient won't mind. And how could I? She's so happy! Like the world is not dark.
"Of course not! I don't ever get to meet anyone new."
Watching them come in. They are the only he sees so he noticies evey detail. In case of change. Be it hair, shirt, or mood.
His usual docter. Sweet be she. Blind to the worlds evil deeds. Her hairs been cut. Perhaps to impress a new man.
Next to her was my favoret man. If I scream and yell, meds he gives!
Oh. But oh. That last mans new?
"A bright new friend!!"
The man was scary. Eyes hard. But he dropped to his knees to level with me!
"Hello, as of today, I'm your new docter."
Oh. I didn't like that at all. How could my doctor be such a mean looking man? I dont want that.
"Hee hee no no sir." I giggle leaning forward to kiss his nose amd that seemed to startle him! I could see his eyes flash with light as he pulled his head back.
"Your so sad looking! So stern, you won't do at all!" I giggle and he looked taken back. "You can pick someone else. Of I must have a new sister I want someone better then you." I tell him leaning back into my padded wall my straight jacket keeping me bound to place.
But then it was MY turn to be surprised when a flash of anger goes in his eyes and his hand move gripping my jaw and pull g my head up as his smile he was now shower did not match his angry eyes.
"I will cure you. Even if you don't like it. I'm nothing like your other doctors. Becuse right now your all I care about. And everything I do will be for your care." He said smiling.
I yank my head back shocked by how determed he sounded. What a crazy guy. He's suppose to just be an assistant. Why is he replacing my doctor?
Well. I dont want to be cured. So I'll just prove to him I belong here forever locked away from the world.
Chapter three-
I sigh tiredly as I come home from work.
It's only been a week.
A week since I first saw my insane mate and was rejected to be the one to take care of him.
It was so much work. So much time spent in college for a degree I has no real interest in. But needed to get into that building.
And when I at last got in? I found out my mate was a long term placement. He had his own padded room, a bed made of metal with a soft mattress and not to mention a few toys.
Apparently his darling mate adoored thangs for kids like stuff animals and thangs with bright colors. He was going to be in his 30s soon but his mental state was that of a teen or younger.
I still only know whats in the folder I've been given. The guy wont let me in on anymore and seems to truly dislike me Becuse I have a mean looking face, something I can't help!
And the folder alone is not much. His mates name and identity is unknown. But for the sake if it all he's been givin the name Prince. Becuse he likes it. He was put in into this place when he was a teen. At about 17 his age seemed to be.
He rants off in a insane song about his family. But wont tell names. Or where they are. He was found in the woods and even blood tests can't show anyone who he is. Hes a complete mystery.
So far my time with him is trying to get him to adjust to me. I will try to talk to him, ask him questions. But he pushes me. He constantly tells me to smile. If I free his hand he touches my face and forces my lips into a smile.
But even with his rejection I'm learning.
He has nightmares. Bad ones. He will scream as if somethings hurting him. He will try and ask for someone to stop. But he never crys for help.
Today when i got their he was in the middle of a nightmare. I panicked and ran i to the room to wake him up. It was heartbreaking when the man began to sob. Holding onto me and just crying. Occasionally laughing between crys.
It didn't last long. My mate cryed and cryed untill he was only laughing. The look of madness in his eyes as he sang his little song. Like he wanted to convince himself of something.
Like he was forcing the words of that song on himself.
I spent so much time in a school to get close to my mate. Only for him to constantly push me away. I want help him. I want to free him.
He's beutaful. A bit older then me I think. His exact age is unclear but they beleave him to be in his late 20s are so. He's been at the Asylum for 14 years. And was found as A child.
A child with so many health issues and signs of abuse. Many blood types on him but no matches in any system. It's maddening.
My eyes catch onto a man on my couch. Only one has my key and will be so lazy and carefree in my home.
"Beta Mark, you better not be snacking on my chips." I hiss but the remark came out weak. To see my mate like I did today, it shattred me for the day. The other doctors kept nodding in understanding saying they acted the same when they first came across the nightmares.
14 years of written down nightmares at least once a week or two. I was horrified. What has happened to my mate?
"Alpha, dude you sound like shit." Mark said getting and approaching me.
"I do feel like shit. I've been working here a week and every day I learn more and more about how if I don't heal my mate I'll Basicily be mateless and stuck forever worring about a my faired one while he will never look at me!" I exclaim almost angrily. I knew this would take time but this hurt so much.
"Alpha... Dam. I got nothing to.say to that... You said it would take a long time... Too bad you can't take him out of their. Sometimes harsh love is the only way it works."
The prince hates going outside and always throws fits if anyone trys. But I had to admit. Perhaps I should force a change of senriy would help?
"You know... Sometimes you help make some good ideas."
"I know right! ... What did I say that helped?"
Chaper four-
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