It was Monday and I got up. I couldn't see because of the damn sunlight.
Your probably wondering what I did after I ran out of Grayson's car.
Flash back
I just kept running until I was tired. I ended up next to a Starbucks, I went inside and went to the cashier and I wiped my tears.
This cute Starbucks worker came out from the storage.
" hey what may I get yo- " he said
" what's wrong miss " he said
" can I have a passion fruit tea lemonade " I asked. My head was down the whole time
" ok " he said , he looked sad
" I'm sorry if I'm being your mood down " i said
"Your not I just wanna know what's wrong " he said
" I guess I can't take my break now " he said
" you really don't have to " I said
" but I want to " he said
He made my drink and talked to his manager and he took his apron off and his hat off. We decided to walk around, I learned that his name was Hunter and he was 17 years old. He was so nice and super cute, he gave me his number and I gave him mine. It was late so I called an uber and said goodbye to Hunter. The uber drive was 25 long.
I got out of the uber and payed him. I went straight to my house and locked the door I then closed my window and closed the curtain. When I was about to close my curtains , gray saw me. I quickly closed my curtains, I took a bath and put on a Minnie Mouse pj's.
I was on my phone and watched Greys anatomy and teen wolf and the vampire diaries. I had a mini tv night. I had popcorn and chocolate and lemonade.
I finally fell asleep at 3:45 am.
I woke up at 11:32 am
I got out of my bed and walked to my bathroom and brushed my teeth and took a nice cold shower and just put on a Nike sweatpants with a sports bra on and my hair was in a high ponytail.
I went to my desk and just put a light pink lipstick and mascara and blush and concealer.
I went down my stairs and put on my slippers and walked to the kitchen and made a grilled cheese sandwich. I ate and then went upstairs, I didn't feel like going outside to see him again. I decided to take a lazy day , as I was watching teen wolf my phone rings and it was Ari ( aka Ariana )
Ari - hey girl
Me - hey
Ari - what's wrong
Me - Grayson told me that he likes me but he can't like me right Ariana.
Ari - right, he's a fuckboy
Me - yeah
Ari - do you wanna get some Fro-Yo
Me - sure let me change out of my lazy day outfit
Ari - see you in an a hour and a half
Me - ok bye
I change out of my lazy day outfit and put on leggings and a hoodie that says Namaste in bed and put on my uggs.
It was kinda chilly outside so that explains my outfit.
I stay inside and I watch some tv until I receive a text from Ariana and I grabbed my phone, house keys and my wallet.
I ran out and I got to Ariana's car and when I was about to open the door I saw Grayson looking out of the window and saw me I quickly got into the car and closed the door.
I looked down for a minute and looked back out the window and grayson wasn't there.
I swear my hearts skips a beat whenever I see him. I can't like him, And he can't like me. It's just how it is.
We sang a bunch of songs on the car ride to the mall. We get inside and it was warm as fuck. I really liked it.
We went into Victoria secret, Aeropostale , forever 21 and etc. I got some sweatpants and hoodies cause hoodies are life.
We spent about 3 hours at the mall when I receive a text from Bryant.
Bryant - hey I need you for a photoshoot
Me - oh , Im at the mall with my friend
Bryant - we'll bring her and meet me at this location.
I turned my phone off and told Ariana that I had to go to a photoshoot and that she could come and she started jumping and dragged me through the whole damn mall to the Parking lot.
" Your not going to the photoshoot like that " Ariana said
" why not " I said whining
" because I'm not letting you " she said , her face was very serious
" fine " i said rolling my eyes
* at home *
I went upstairs and changed out of my hoodie and put on a cute beige sweater, I let my hair down and put a beanie on and took off my uggs and put on some brown boots and I put on a scarf.
I came downstairs and Ariana took her phone out and took pictures of me. We had a mini runway show.
We then got outside and then I turned to my right and left and saw Ethan this time. He waved and I waved right back. He eyes went to Ariana and Ariana looked back at him. Ethan turned around and went back inside.
I don't know what's going on with these two.
We went into the car and drove to a roller skating rink.
I was surprised. I haven't been roller skating since I was 12 years old. I'm pretty rusty, so we just headed inside and I saw Grayson once again there talking to Bryant. I walked up to Bryant and introduced him to Ariana. He decided to give her chance to model and if he likes it she can have a contract to model.
I took off my boots and my whole outfit and put on a short dress Bryant gave to me. The dress had shorts under it so I was good. I was wearing blue, Ariana was wearing another short dress with shorts under it and it was white. Grayson was wearing all black. We all wore white rollerblades, once I got out on the rink all of the memories came back.
I started warming up and went around the rink and then I decided to take it up and did some spins and jumps. Bryant thankfully took some pictures of me. Once I stopped I got really dizzy I fell on my ass and laid down. Grayson and Ariana came rollerblading to me even tho they had some trouble cause they don't know how to rollerblade.
" What's wrong Alyssia ? " Ariana said looking scared
Grayson put my head on his lap very softly, I tried so hard to stop blushing and thankfully I didn't cause I kept reminding myself that he's a fuckboy.
" I'm fine , I'm fine. Seriously see " I said standing up.
" god damn you scared the crap out of me " Ariana said hugging me
" it's not like I died I just got really dizzy " I said
" ok " Ariana said
Grayson was quiet the whole time. I looked at him and you could see in his eyes he was scared. I touched his arm and he flinched he then relaxed and then he pulled me into a hug.
I'm only 5'1 and he was 5'11. I was tense at first but then I relaxed and hugged him back. He smelled like perfume. I then got out of his grasp and I rolled away.
It's been awkward since yesterday and what happened right now.
Me and Ariana did some poses and skated around and Grayson picked me up by my waist and raised me above his head and Bryant took some pictures. Grayson and Ariana took some pictures but no poses like Grayson does with me.
We finished our photoshoot and I found out Ariana got the contract. But now that there's two girl models we need another guy model. I wonder who it's gonna be ?
Grayson's pov
I got called my Bryant to come meet him at a rollerblading rink for a photo shoot.
" I'm going for a photo shoot " I yelled
" bye " Ethan , Cameron, mom and dad yelled
I grabbed my keys and went looking for my phone and looked at the couch and I looked up and saw Alyssia leaving wearing a hoodie and leggings and we just kept staring until she ran to the car and looked down. I took my phone and went to the garage and turned on my phone. I got so many likes on the picture Bryant took of me and Alyssia on the penny boards.
I opened the garage and decided to go to Shake shack and got a burger and a smoothie. I had at least 2 hours cause Bryant texted me as a warning and I didn't feel like staying inside. A bunch of girl kept looking at me and bit their lips. I have to admit it was a turn on and I may have gotten in a closet with a girl and may have made out with her.
I went to the mall with this random girl and just walked around until I got a call saying to get to the rollerblade rink. I left the girl and said bye. She yelled at me and rolled her eyes.
I was used to it anyway, I got into my car and drove off. I went inside and saw Bryant and we talked and told me Alyssia was gonna be here with her friend. I changed into all black and put on my roller blades.
I saw Alyssia come in with her friend and she looked sad. She introduced her friend Ariana to Bryant, they then got changed into their dress which I may say were very short but they shorts underneath. When Alyssia came out from the dressing room I was amazed. She put on her roller blades which were white and she started going around the rink and then started to do spins and leaps. She did this one spin and when she stopped she fell to the floor.
Me and Ariana rolled to where she was and we weren't very good at rollerblading so it took up some time.
I blocked everyone out. I couldn't hear anybody and I couldn't speak.
I put her head gently on my lap and then she got up and told Ariana that she was fine. She then touched my arm and I flinched but then relaxed.
I grabbed her and pulled her into a hug and she was tense at first and then relaxed. She got out of my grasp and she rolled away. She looked disappointed.
God damn Gray, what did you do this time.
I did some poses with Alyssia and I grabbed her waist and put her above my head. I didn't even know I could do that. I put Alyssia down and she rolled away and stood next to Bryant and looked at the pictures.
She smiled
Damn I love her smile, I love how her eyes shows how happy she is.
Hold up gray you can't like her. Just stop, your gonna get her hurt and heartbroken.
Then it was Ariana's turn and we did some poses but I didn't feel the spark I did with kitty.
Grayson get in your mind that she don't like you
Your a fuckboy
Your gonna hurt her
And her name isn't kitty
We were done and and I looked at the pictures
" why do you smell like a girl,and don't say Alyssia or Ariana cause that's not their perfume " Bryant said
" Shit " I thought to myself
" I um sprayed myself with my sisters perfume " I said
" oh that makes perfectly no sense. You made out with a girl right " Bryant said
" maybe " I said
" no wonder she looked disappointed " Bryant said
I frowned.
I looked at the pictures and I loved the ones where it was only me and Alyssia and herself .
Sorry Ariana but I can't stop thinking about your friend
I changed and put on some cologne and went home.
I mess everything up
Flashback ends
Alyssia's pov
So that's what happened right after. I go to my bathroom and do my everyday routine.
I put my hair into a high ponytail and put on a sweater and some legging and I put on my high knee brown boots that have some heel.
I'm short as fuck so I needed that extra height today
I wasn't gonna be the short girl who gets sad over a guy who she doesn't like.
I run to school because somebody
* cough Ariana cough *
Forget to pick me up.
I ran and made it with 10 minutes to spare so I decided to go to the cafe and buy a mango strawberry banana blueberry smoothie.
I walked back to school and put my bag away and put my phone in my back pocket and grabbed my books.
I walked to homeroom and saw Ariana
I gave her the death stare
She knew I was gonna come after her, She didn't respond to my text and I was standing on my porch looking like an idiot.
I sat down behind her and I started drinking my smoothie while giving her the death stare
She turned around
" I'm so sorry " she said
" i was running late " she said
" you know how I live far " she said
I just kept giving her the death stare and I continued to drink my smoothie
" um , well since I've known you for so long I'm gonna stop talking , right about now " she said
She turned around
" class we have a new student who couldn't join us on Friday " Ms. Bitch said
Grayson came walking in and all the girl started whispering and then his eyes wandered the room and stopped on me.
" why don't you tell us about yourself " Ms.Bitch said
" I have a twin brother and I'm a part time model " he said
That's when the girls started talking more
He walked and found a seat next to me
Great why didn't nobody sit there
The bell rung and I got out of the classroom fast.
I went to math alone and somehow Grayson caught up to me.
" were you mad at me because you smelt perfume on me " Grayson asked
" no, Im not dating you so I shouldn't be mad at you. It's your life and I'm not in it " i said
I walked away fast
The whole day went by fast and it was lunch time.
Ariana didn't talk to me all day and I'm pretty sure it was for her own good cause I was pissed this morning.
I walked around the neighborhood and saw hunter.
" hey hunter " I said running up to him
" oh hey Alyssia " he said
" what are you doing around here? " I asked
" I live around here and I'm about to start school tomorrow. I decided to walk around the neighborhood and get to know it better " he said
" but I thought you already lived here " I said
" yeah but I lived in a different neighborhood and I just moved here yesterday " he said
" oh " I said
" I can show you around if you want " i asked
" that will be great " he said smiling
I showed him around the whole lunch time and I told him I had to leave cause of school we said goodbye and he kissed me on my cheek. I left smiling and walked into school smiling.
All of a sudden I was pulled into a closet , it was pitch black.
I got so scared
" who was that guy ? " the boy said
" GRAYSON " I yelled but whispered at the same time
" yes now answer my question " he said
" why would I tell you " I said
" because " he said
" because what- " I was cut off by him kissing me
I pushed him off me and ran.
I left school early and ran
I got home and ran inside and locked the door and I ran upstairs.
I closed the door to my room and paced back and forth in my room until I got a message from unknowns
" stay away from Grayson or there will be a problem " unknown texted
" who the fuck do you think you are to tell me what I can or can't do " I texted back
" because I can make your highschool life a living hell " unknown said
" and how do you think your gonna do that " I said
" I am the most popular girl in school " unknown said
I gasped
" Brittany?! " I texted
" the one and only " Brittany texted back
" actually there are many Brittany's in the world so your not the one and only " I texted back
" whatever bitch, just don't forget what I said " she texted
" bye Brittany bitch " I texted
I could hear her screaming from the other side of the phone
I decided to do my homework after the text message.
3 hours later
I hear the door bell ring
I prayed to god that it wasn't Grayson
I want downstairs and opened the door and saw.....
Hey guys , sorry for the cliff hanger
This chapter was super duper long 💙
It was more than 2,500 words
I hoped you liked this chapter
Don't forget to vote this chapter 🌷
Ily ♡
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