Fuck Fate


- I'm sorry, honey, but it may take a while. - He said to the phone, flipping pages of the magazine lying on his lap. - Yeah, I didn't expect that either... - The voice paused for a second, just to come back much louder. - Please, stop screaming at me!

Edward jumped up in his seat. He wanted to turn around and discreetly look at the person sitting behind him, but he decided that such thing would be even below his dignity... Assuming, of course, that he still has one.

- Either way, it's not my fault and there's nothing I can do to change it. If it's really such a big problem, maybe you should go there without me? - The man's voice did not sound very happy, but apparently no one on the other side cared. - They said that the snowstorm may take several hours. So I assume that my flight will take place tomorrow morning . You'll come for me to the airport in the middle of the night. Doesn't that sound romantic?

Ed smiled gently at the excitement in the man's voice. He sounded very happy with his idea.

- Oh, well ... In that case, you'll send a chauffeur for me. Sure. Yes ... - The joy in his voice was clearly dim and Ed felt a little sorry for him. At least as much as he could feel pity for somebody he haven't even seen, only eavesdrop on his conversation for several minutes. - Yes, say hello to Lauren. Of course ... I love you. Have fun.

Ed waited for a moment to hear something more. Apparently the person behind him has already over with the conversation.

He returned to calmly looking around. The airport was almost empty. Here and there, you could see groups of people talking to each other. Of course, mostly Italian, which disappointed almost a thirty-year-old man. Ed didn't predict that his flight would be canceled because of the weather and he planned to spend his time on a plane sleeping. Therefore, he didn't prepare very well. Didn't take any books, didn't bring a newspaper, and when it comes to his phone... Well, it definitely wasn't useable now.

He hesitated for a moment, then finally made decision. He turned in uncomfortable chair, quickly enough to don't give himself enough time to change mind. He touched the man's shoulder and then everything went like a slow motion movie.

Edward's smile dimmed like a falling curtain. At the same time, the blue eyes of his new companion looked at him surprised. They stared at each other for a moment, unable to understand what was actually happening.

- Ed? - One word. Ed would never have thought that two letters could have such power. Especially that he has heard it a million times before.

His voice sounded different than it was ten years ago. It was less cheerful and squeaky. Less William.

- W - The diminutive left his lips faster than he could think about it. The face in front of him grimaced painfully for a moment. It's been years since someone call him like that.


- You have to try harder, Ed! - He shouted with big smile. - You lose every time.

- I gave you a win. - Ed says, laughing. He looks at William trying to remember him as he is now. Warmed up, tired, sweaty and tanned from too many hours spent in the air. Happy.

They both breathe loudly, trying to recover after run. Boys sit on the sand without saying much. They simply enjoy their presence and that's enough for them.

Finally, William breaks the silence, whispering, although there is no one else on the beach anymore. However, Ed knows that this means, that the message is only for his ears. This is one of the things he loves in a teenager. This is one of the things that makes boy so special for him.

- It hurts to look at it. It frightens me.

- What scares you? Ocean? - Asks green-eyed, following the look of a friend.

- No, it's ... I mean ... Oh, it will sound completely senseless.

Edward is silent and waiting quietly, because nothing Will tells him sounds meaningless to him.

- Ugh, it's the sun, E. - Finally, the younger boy continues, covering face with arm, as if what he is about to say would embarrass him. - When I look at these fucking sunsets, I can't help but think that another day is passing by.

William is now looking at the brunette, as if the meaning of his words was all too obvious.

- I ... Um, I thought you liked sunsets.

- Not when each of them shortens my time with you. - Teen sadly replied.

- Oh, W. - Says boy, when He finalny gets it. - Everything will be fine, I promise. The fact that holidays end, doesn't mean nothing. After I leave, we will continue to be friends, nothing will change in our relationship.

- Pinky promise?- Asks William, reaching out for Ed.

Their fingers intertwine when the older one responds, but his words are as unstable as the sound of waves breaking on the shore.


Ed observes William, putting on his face a mask of indifference, that he trained all his life. Watching this hurts a little, because Ed was the only one, he never had to hid his feelings from.

- Good to see you. What's up? - William says in a blank voice adding a trained smile at the end.

Ed tries to hide the disappointment in his voice when he responds.

- I think ... I think it's good, I guess. What about you?

- I'm great, actually. - The thirty-year-old raises his hand up, showing the engagement ring on his finger. - A little has changed over the years.

The ring is huge and screams "money". Ed does not know what he expected, but certainly not this.

A moment of silence appears between men. They watch each other, looking for something familiar in their faces. Ten years of separation suddenly hit the two of them and none of them feel ready for this confrontation.

- Congratulations. Who is he? - Edward asks, still not completely tamed with the fact that here he is, talking with Will.

- I met him at my sister's wedding. He was her boss. - Will speaks with a little embarrassment in his voice.

Ed wonders why it does not surprise him.

- So... does he treat you right?

- I mean... He don't treat me wrong. He's nice to me. He's taking me places. He don't force me to do anything, which is nice. - Will stops himself for a moment looking lost. - I don't know. I guest it's all about... I, hmm, I have no idea how to answer that.

There is something strange in conversation with your ex-love. Especially if the topic of your conversation is his new fiancé.

But no matter how strangle it seems and how uncomfortable Ed feels thanks to this, he can't make himself stop asking questions about it.

- Does he treat you better than I was treating you?

That's the question Ed wanted to ask from the start. The question that would ghost him, if he wouldn't ask it. That's the question, that he shouldn't ask no matter what. He fucked up and he knew that the second the words are leaving his mouths.

The question stays unanswered, destroying the allusion of the usual conversation between old friends. Ed doesn't even know if he regrets doing it. The situation is uncomfortable, but at least they don't pretend anymore. At least not as much.

- Would you like some coffee? - William asks, as if nothing happened. Ed knows how hard it is to get it. He also knows that coffee is the last thing he wants now.

- With pleasure - he answers and rises, gathering his scattered things.


William can't resist. He knows he shouldn't do it, but since when anything he does is right?

He speeds up a little and directs his steps towards a beautiful boy with flawed curls. He stops only when he hits him with enormous strength. Both fall to the sand, and the drink in his victim's hand spills over their clothes. Their legs get tangled up and they both quietly scream because of unexpected pain.

- Shit, I didn't see you. - Will speaks with a grimace of pain on his face. - I'm sorry.

The green-eyed boy looks up at him, still with a shock painted on his face. He looks charming when he looks around confused and Will curses himself for violating his small world.

- Um, I'm fine ... I think so. Are you okay? - He looks really worried about Will's health. - It was a really strong clash.

- Don't worry. You should get used to people falling for you, shouldn't you? - Will kidding, winking flirtatiously at the boy. The response to his words is laughter sweeter than any fruit on this damned island and Will really thinks that's how the angels' chuckle sounds.

-This was my first time falling for someone. I'm guessing that I'm in a bit of a shock. - The boy responds dutifully, slowly flicking the sand off his clothes.

- I'm guessing I should buy you water, shouldn't I? Or maybe you prefer coffee? As a last resort, I am ready to take you to dinner. - Will speaks, trying to make his words sound joking. However, he is sure that it is not hard to find out that just a word that of a boy would be enough to make him do each of these things.

One of the boys standing nearby screams something in their direction and the green-eyed angel immediately jumps up from the ground. Will tries not to look disappointed, but feels like he has lost the best chance of his life. He wants to hide this innocent and beautiful boy into his pocket and take him away.

- I would love to grab a coffee with you, but I gotta go. But it was a real pleasure falling into you. - The boy jokes, at the same time turning back to the friends waiting for him.

- Thanks. And same here. - Will responds.

- Edward! How long it this going to take you? - Screams one of his waiting friends, what makes boy run to them.

- Edward then - is everything Will says and then smile to himself. That's not gonna by the last time they met. And Will is going to make sure about this.


When the shock slowly disappears, and cups of coffee worms up inside of their hands, the whole situation doesn't seem so bad to Will. It's still weird, because it's like ... what are the chances that at the airport in Rome, he will fall for the one man he has ever really loved, ten years after their heartbreaking breakup? Not to mention the fact that today is the anniversary of his relationship, and their flights have been canceled because of the snowstorm. Seriously, the snowstorm in Rome. Whoever writes the script of his life must make fun of him.

But at the same time, Will felt lost in his life for the last year. And if there was anyone who made Will's life stop being a frightening mess, it was Ed. Even if their last meeting did not leave the nicest memories, Edward was still the only one he could honestly call a friend.

So maybe the whole situation was not a coincidence? Maybe God or anyone who manages this mess, decided that he needed it. A small reminder of who it really is. (Or maybe Lord hates him in secret, so he decided to put Will in the most uncomfortable situation he could think of. Just for fun... Maybe.)

- I used to be an architect. - Ed says, sounding like it was nothing.

- Used to be?

Man hides his face in a mug for a moment, giving himself time to come up with some good-sounding lie. But all he has to do is look at Will's face to give it up.

- I lost my job. About twelve hours ago. Or I quit? Hard to say. - There is something in Ed's voice, that makes Will laugh. And he doesn't seems to be upset, what makes it even better. - Does smashing phone in my boss's office and pouring coffee at him, can be considered as quitting job?

- Certainly it was the moment that ended your career in this company. So I'm guessing yes.

Ed is surprised how easy it is to tell him about it. Yesterday he was mad at the whole world. Two hours ago, he didn't think he would be able to say more than two words to this man. And now they are sitting in an airport cafe in the middle of the night, laughing at the story of quitting job. But this is a crisis situation, so he has a complete right to behave illogically.

- And what about you? - Ed ask being truly interested in the answer.

Will did not quite see how he would tell him about giving up his dream studies. He would feel embarrassed telling Ed about his accidental work, unsuccessful relationships, and how close he was to living on the street a year ago.

But as it turned out - Ed was still the best listener. And he still did not judge him, even when he had the right to do it. So a few questions from the man were enough for Will to tell him all the ups and downs of recent years.


His eyes followed the neatly moving silhouettes. His hips, clothed in tight pants, sprang up to the rhythm of music about sex, drugs and freedom. Thursday nights were his favorite.

He felt a drop of sweat running down his nose slowly. At the last moment he caught her with tongue, trying her saltyness.

- I didn't expect that the skaters could be so sexy. - Said an amused voice on his right.

Ed turned to him and gasped in surprise. Blue eyes stared at him gleefully. That was fourth time he met them, but it was enough for his belly to make butterflies fly in it.

- I'm guessing that always bumping into ourself is our destiny. - Says the boy with a mischievous smile. - Fade, I guess.

- That ... or one of us is a creep, constantly following the other one.

- You got me. - The still happy visitor answers, then jumps over the barrier separating him from the dance floor. Moments later, he grabs Ed in the deck and draws himself close. The difference in height between them becomes even greater due to the green-eyed's rollers, but it doesn't bother them in a common dance.

Ed knows that his companion can be kicked from the dance floor for not lifting the roller skates. He is also aware of the fact that his rainbow shorts are a bit too provocative. He also knows that they definitely should not embrace the disco night like that among all these people.

He knows all this, but at the moment none of these things seem to be important enough.

They spend a few minutes dancing too close to each other, so that anyone would consider it innocent, after which they are eventually expelled from the roller floor. They drive their hurried steps towards a nearby bar and you can say anything about their behavior, except that it has improved.


- Are you going to pick it up? - Edward asks an hour later, when they are again sitting on uncomfortable chairs in the airport lounge. Their suitcases are lying in front of them and their arms are almost touching because of how close they are to each other. Will is wrapped in Ed's thick scarf, who plays with the lock at Will's backpack. They would look like a lovely couple... if one of them did not hold a phone with his significant other calling.

William was in the middle of a story about his favorite theater play and he was definitely not ready for a call from his fiancé. That's why he just stared at the phone with a slight shock. What was he doing? Who was he to spend his anniversary saying his former love things that even his future husband didn't know about him?

Or the real question is: why this practically a stranger to him, after three hours, know about him more than a man who he spend year with? Why was it so hard to open up to somebody, unless it was Ed? And why the fuck, after all those years, talking with him is still the easiest thing in the world?

Finally the phone stops ringing, but there is still silence between them. They look at the screen of a blue-eyed man in concentration, when a message from his fiancé appears on it. "I'm going to sleep. Let me know when to send someone to the airport for you."

- Why didn't you pick up? - Ed asks finally and it does take a minute for a man to answer.

- Probably because I didn't want to interrupt our conversation. - Will speaks quietly, still staring at the screen. - Or maybe because he never sounds like he really wants to talk with me. Or I just... Does it matter?

His voice sounds emotionless and Ed is not sure what to think about it. He doesn't want to jump to conclusions. He also doesn't want to make silly hope. No, when he still remembers what it's like to lose it.

Still, he asks:

- Do you love him?

Will looks a little bit surprised and take quite a long time to answer.

- Yeah... sure.

- Sure? - He repeats after man. - That's it? Shouldn't you be like... I don't know, excited about him? Do you really love him?

- Excuse me?! How dare you ask that? - So you're saying that I don't love my fiancé? - Will masks his own sense of guilt with rage at Ed and they both know it. - Just because we don't feel excited talking to each other non-stop, doesn't t mean we're a bad couple! And even if he does not know all these things about me, you have no right to judge us! Not every love must make you feel butterflies in your stomach. Not every love is a fucking shouting "I love you" towards the sea. Not everyone needs bloody accidental meetings at the end of the world to be happy! - William gets up almost screaming, but he does not seem to care. He doesn't even know why he's doing it. He shouts at Ed when he really wants to shout at himself.

Ed also gets up and wants to calm down the man, but this only irritates him more.

- Do you think that you are so perfect with your youthful love? You suddenly appear after ten years and you think you have the right to criticize my life?! We don't need to sneak out of homes or stupid Thursdays on roller skates. Fuck you and your goddamn laughter of an angel. I'm sick of you and the fact that only a shitty fate, God or whatever can make you finally speak to me!

And Ed can not even say when it happened, but suddenly William did not shout, and their lips are pressed to each other. The tears of frustration float on the man's red cheeks, but none of them seemed to worry about it. The only thing that counted at the moment is that their kisses taste the same, even after a decade.

- I fucking hate you. - William says when they finally break away from each other to get some air.

- And I'm still falling for you, W.

Apparently, this one sentence is enough for a blue-eyed man to fall into his arms, still weeping.

Two exhausted men fall asleep in their arms, despite the uncomfortable airport chairs and the slowly disappearing snow storm.


- It's stupid. We only know each other for a month!

- I know. And we know each other for three months. - Ed corrected William, but boy didn't even seems to listen.

Will walked around in circles for five minutes, his hands clasped behind his back and a fierce expression. Ed would never have said it, but in such a position, he looked like his father more than ever.

- You can not be attracted to me after a month!

- I'm not "attracted" to you. I love you. - Teenager emphasized the last two words so that they would definitely came to boy's mind. - And how can it bother you? Isn't that something everyone would like to hear?

It's their last day together and Ed can not understand why Will has to destroy everything.

- Not in this situation, crearly!

For some reason, the anger in the boy's voice made his accent even more obvious.

- I still don't understand what makes you so angry. I just said what I feel. Is it really that bad? - It took him a moment to think it up, before he was ready to continue. - I'm not forcing you to answer the same. I fully understand if you do not feel it. But why can not you accept that it is different with me?

Will didn't comment on his words, he just put his head to the cold window in the boy's room. Now he looked more disappointed and blue than angry. Or maybe it was the face of a broken heart? But it wouldn't make a goddamn sense, would it?

- Why is that so fucking hard to accept, William?!

The green eyes of the boy became even darker when he got up from bed frustrated.

Ed was always great at guessing the boy's feelings. He knew him better than himself, and he was used to a relationship in which they never kept their thoughts to themselves. Maybe this is why the silence hurt him more than an unrequited confession. Perhaps the most painful thing was that the last memory with his love would also be the most painful one?

- Because I don't wanna be in love if you don't even want to try!

It was not something Edward expected to hear. In fact, it was the only thing he did not expect.

- I don't want to try? Really, Will? 'Cause all I can see now, is me falling in front of you and your cold heart. - His voice shakes when he says that.

- Then why are you leaving?

Will finally looks into his eyes and they are both crying now. Both of them finally release their emotions and let them take over. Even if it probably only breaks them down even more.

- Because, I... you know I have no choice. - The teenager does not even try to wipe away the tears flowing down his cheeks.

There is silence, which lasts a moment, maybe two. Maybe all eternity.

- And you know that if I could, I would always choose you. - Edward whispers finally, and that's enough.

Even more than enough.

- I'm always falling for you, E.

It seemed that they lacked words to say.

So instead, they kiss.

They kiss slowly. They kiss carefully, trying to remember every part of their mouths. They kiss as if they were kissing the love of their lives for the last time.

They kiss like only two broken hearts can.


Ed knows something is wrong, even before he opens his eyes. He feels the same as he felt ten years ago. That's why he gives himself a few seconds of stupid hope before he has to face reality.

The snow storm evidently came to an end several hours ago. His things are safe next to his legs. The airport is filled with people, but the only thing Ed sees is the lack of this one.

It's breaking, but not surprising. A thirty-year-old man feels like his just a moment to fall apart. How is it possible that his heart still breaks like the teenager's heart?

A fragment of the magazine page protrudes from the pocket of his jacket and Ed has full awareness of the fact, that it wasn't there before.

It's a photo of the sea. As blue as the one they were shouting over that they are in love, ten years ago. As chaotic as his thoughts now.

Edward reads the words written on paper, and each letter seems to burn him from the inside.

"I would always choose you. But I can't.

Still falling"

You know what? Fuck fate.

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