If Only It Were True

"Blah" Talking

'Blah' Thinking

'Blah' Mind Link (Only used for the team in this chapter)

------------------------------------Line Break-----------------------------

The warehouse was booming with energy and movement. Men were running around rushing to pack the shipment. Red Hood stood in the center of the building, watching his men carefully. Occasionally, he'd venture over to the stations and check up on their progress. This was a large shipment, after all, and the deadline was rapidly approaching.

Lex Luthor had hired them to ship kryptonite from Bludhaven to Metropolis and in return, he'd give them six- hundred grand and some stare-of-the-art mind linking tech. Which is exactly what Jay needed, because he was getting real tired of waiting for Nightwing to text out his words. Nothing against the guy, it just wasn't good for any 'bad' situations they might get into. The only problem was that Lex wanted the shipment in three days. Everything had gone according to plan so far, but you never know with all these heroes popping up everywhere.

Red Hood scanned the warehouse briefly before glancing up. He hadn't known Nightwing long, but he'd figured out that if you can't find the guy, look up. He would always perched in the weirdest spots. Just this morning Jason found him perched on his counter, watching the microwave cook a hot pocket. Not the strangest thing Nightwing had done, but it was still high up on the list.

Jason could barely make out anything in the rafters above him. Nightwing was nowhere to be seen. Honestly, Jason wasn't that surprised. The guy knew how to blend in. Jason sighed, shouting up into the rafters, "Hey birdie, do you mind coming down here for a second? I've got something to tell you."

He stood there for a few moments when he felt a buzzing in his pants. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. Checking the notifications. He found that he had a new text. The message read:

From: Birdie

Yeah sure, i'll be down in a minute :) Look out

"Really? You had to text me that?" Red Hood grumbled, backing away. Why did Jason even buy him a phone? Now his phone blew up every few minutes with random pictures of elephants.

Jason watched as Nightwing flipped out of the rafters and silently landed in a crouch. The whole warehouse seemed to pause for a moment, all eyes on Nightwing. Nobody had really gotten a chance to see Red Hood's new partner yet. Jason had kept him away from his men for the first few days as he wanted to be sure he could trust the guy first.

"Get back to work! We have a deadline to meet!" he shouted, voice echoing loudly throughout the warehouse.

Jason motioned to Nightwing, leading him to a corner of the warehouse. He wanted to ask him about his opinion on the mind linking tech, make sure he was okay with it and was willing to use it.

"So you know how I told you that Lex is giving us some money and tech for this job, right?" Jason briefly paused, waiting for Nightwings nod, before continuing. "Well, that tech links our minds." he spoke. Nightwing tilted his head in confusion, writing out a reply on his phone. Jason waited patiently until he was handed the device.

"Links out minds? What do you mean? Will it hurt? What do we know after our minds are linked?"

Jason thought for a moment as he handed the phone back. "So Lex hasn't given me all the details yet. But he explained a little bit to me."

Nightwing crossed his arms and nodded, looking slightly distressed.

"Basically, we get these coms, well at least they look like coms, and we put them in our ear." Jason motioned towards his head, "While they're in, we'll be able to communicate without speaking. Kinda like a Martian mind link." he added. "So what I want to know is, will you be willing to use this?" Jason questioned.

Nightwing brought his hand to his chin in thought. Every once in a while Jason would see him tilt his head, silently debating with himself. After a few minutes Nightwing finally looked at him and gave him a thumbs up. Jason smiled underneath his helmet, "Does that mean you'll use it?"

Nightwing smiled at him and nodded again, holding two thumbs up this time. "Well then, let's hurry up and finish this job!" he exclaimed, clapping Nightwing on the back as they made their way back to the middle of the building, thoughts on how to finish this job without the Justice League barging in and ruining his plan occupying his thoughts.

"Hey Birdie," he turned to Nightwing once more, "How much do you know about the Justice League?"

------------------------------Line Break--------------------------------

Conference Room

The meeting was supposed to start five minutes ago, but of course, Flash was late. Clark could see Batman slowly growing more annoyed as the seconds turned to minutes. When Flash finally popped into the room, Bruce looked like he was ready to strangle him.

"Batman, why did you call this meeting? What's going on?" Clark questioned. The rest of the League murmured in agreement. Batman pulled up some photos on the computer, enlarging then so everyone could see.

"This," he paused and zoomed in on a man wearing a red helmet. "Is the Red Hood. A mob boss that mainly works in Bludhaven, but he has recently spread into Gotham." Batman stopped talking, letting the information sink in.

"Okay, but why does this concern the League? There are plenty of other mob bosses out there. Why is this one so important?" Green Arrow remarked, sitting forward in his seat.

Batman pulled up another photo. This one of a man wearing a black suit with red stripes.

"Who's that?" Wonder Woman interjected.

Ignoring her question, Batman continued his explanation. "This is the the new hero of Bludhaven. Approximately one week ago, I hacked into a security camera in Bludhaven that showed Red Hood and this hero making some sort of deal. Two days ago, I learned that Red Hood is shipping kryptonite to Metropolis." he finished.

Kryptonite? Clark felt himself grow skittish- he knew who they were planning to use it on, and he did not like it one bit. They needed to stop this shipment. Clark looked around the table to the others. The League was sharing nervous glances with one another, all wondering the same thing: how much kryptonite and who's buying it? "Hey Batman, why didn't you say the heroes name?" Flash inquired, examining the photo.

"Because I don't know it."

Flashes jaw dropped. Batman...didn't know? "What do you mean you don't know? You're Batman, you know everything!" Flash belted.

Face remaining stoic, Batman spoke calmly. "I don't know because he hasn't spoken his name. All the reports regarding him say that he gives the people he saves a thumbs up or down. He hasn't spoken a word to any of them."

A collection of 'hmm's rang throughout the room. Everyone pondering the new information. Why hasn't he told anyone his name? What's his plan? What's he trying to hide?

After a brief silence Batman pulls up a few more pictures. This time they're of a run down warehouse.

"This is where Red Hood is packing the kryptonite. I want to send in the team to covertly remove the kryptonite while we distract the Red Hood."

The League whispered silently to one another. Contemplating their options. How dangerous is the Red Hood? How would they distract him long enough for the Team to get in and out?

"Batman," Green arrow started, "You said this hero was making a deal with Red Hood right?"


"Well what if he's at the warehouse helping him. Do we take him down too?" he pointed out.

"I will leave that decision to the Team. If they think he's a threat, then they'll take him down. However I'd rather they bring him back here. He could make a great hero from what I've seen so far." Batman explained, shutting down the computer. "If that's all your questions, start forming a plan. I'll go gather the team for briefing." He turned swiftly, cape flowing behind him. He left the room, entrusting the rest of the League to create a plan. Of course, he had a backup, but he wanted to make them feel good.

-----------------------Line Break-----------------------------------

"I want everything moved to the backup building in two hours!" Bellowed the Red Hood. Everything around him was chaos- people running around yelling out orders. He had no choice though, the League was on the way, and he wasn't about to lose this job.

"Nightwing! I need you to go do a roof check. If anyone is nearby, try not to be seen. You're the flaw in the League's plan. Let's make sure we keep it that way." Red Hood watched Nightwing take off before bringing his attention back on his men.

He called over a Lieutenant that was supervising the shipping crates. The man, Shaw, rushed over to Red Hood.

"Yea Boss, whatcha need?" Shaw questioned while turning his blaring radio down.

"I need you to make sure everything gets out of here in two hours." Jason ordered,"I need to head out with Nightwing and see how much time we have until the League gets here. Can you handle that?" He searched Shaw's face for any doubt about the job. He found none.

"Sure thing Boss. No problem.' He replied and walked back over to the crates, shouting new orders.

Right as Jason was taking out his phone to contact him, Nightwing appeared by his side. He tilted his head and gave a thumbs down. So nobody was around here then. Perfect.

"Hey Goldie, you and I need to head out and find out how far away the League is. If their to close we're going to have to buy some time. Are you okay being seen with me. Wouldn't it like, ruin your hero status or something?" He questioned, beginning to make his way to the exit, Nightwing following. "Don't answer that. We don't have time to type right now. Just nod if it's cool." Jason watched as Nightwing nodded and pushed forward, opening the rusted door and walking out of the building.

Jason paused in front of the door, "Okay, then let's get this party started." He spoke and slammed the door behind him.

-----------------------Line Break-------------------------------

The Team

'Is everyone in position?' Aqualad questioned from his hiding place by the docks.

A bunch of collective 'yeas' flew over the mind link. Aqualad winced a bit, they didn't need to think so loud. Granted that a few members were still rather new and don't know how this link works.

'Okay good. Does everyone remember the plan? Make sure you wait for the Leagues sign.' Ordered Aqualad.

'Yea we know fish boy; don't worry.' Artemis replied from her perch on the opposing roof of the warehouse.

'Hey, what do we do if this hero guy is here?' Superboy questioned, from his hiding spot behind some shipping crates.

The team had seen a few pictures of this guy and honestly, they thought he looked easy to beat. Batman was always telling them to overestimate rather than underestimate their enemies, because you don't want to be caught unprepared. But seriously, this guy just became a hero, what, four, weeks ago? How hard could he be to beat. They were way more experienced, and it was five to one. Two if you count the Red Hood, but he probably wasn't even around.

Their plan was to just overpower him with their numbers and drag him back to the mountain for questioning. Nobody wanted a new member, they thought they had enough already. Plus they didn't know anything about the guy.

Before Aqualad had the chance to answer the question, a loud explosion erupted from the warehouse.

'Team, GO!' Aqualad shouted over the mind link and took off. He could see M'gann flying above him, and Artemis running along the rooftops, Superboy, however, wasn't in sight.

The team met up at the back of the building, Kid Flash telling them the perimeter was secure.

"Okay, I need everyone to stay sharp. Grab as many cases of kryptonite as you can and place them in the bioship. Understand? This a mission we cannot fail." Aqualad spoke calmly but firmly.

"Got it," replied the team, taking off into the warehouse.

----------------------Line Break-------------------------


He was standing on the roof waiting for something to happen when the ground below him exploded. Jason was thrown to the side of the roof, and tumbled as he tried to regain his lost footing. He landed in a low crouch, and could smell the burnt leather of his coat. 'Well there goes this jacket' he thought sourly in dismay. He took a few deep breaths, calming himself. The explosion had brought back some unwanted memories, and he needed to focus on this fight. Jason couldn't get distracted. He pushed the memories away, and stood up to face his opponents.

"Well, that wasn't really nice, now was it?" he regarded sarcastically, "This was my favorite Jacket. Or was," He grinned under his helmet when he saw the shadow of Superman floating above him.

"Isn't this a little to much fire power for a little mob boss like me?" he taunted, slowly drawing the gun from the holster at his hip.

A loud and powerful voice boomed across the roof, "Don't touch that gun, or we're going to have a big problem." Superman commanded.

"Mhm...I don't think so. You see, I really need to finish this job. I told someone I was going to make something easier for them and I don't plan on letting them down." he declared and drew his gun. He aimed it at Batman, who was in front of him, but a batarang knocked the gun out of his hand. Jason wasn't really surprised, but nonetheless hissed in pain for a second before twisting out of the path of a few arrows.

He ran along the edge of the roof, dodging arrows and batarangs as they approached. Unsurprisingly, Superman managed to grab him before he could draw his second gun. However, this is what he was planning on. He'd taken a bit of kryptonite from one of the boxes before coming up here. It never hurt to be prepared right?

"Surrender now or i'll grind your face into the dirt." demanded Superman.

Jason laughed, internally thinking that if the oh-so mighty hero had know he wasn't some old dude he would go easy on him. That's why Jay loved his helmet."Heh, Supes, don't you know how bad rocks are for your teeth? I mean, have you ever tried to eat one? You haven't have you? Well here, let me show you how!" Jason retorts, reaching for the green rock in his pocket. Thankfully Superman's grip loosened in his confusion and Jason was just able to reach it. He shoved Superman roughly and twisted out of his grip, throwing the kryptonite at him.

Not expecting the rock, Superman was unable to stop it from hitting him in the chest. He collapsed into a coughing fit, and fell onto his hands and knees next to the glowing kryptonite. Jason knew this wouldn't hold him off for long, he had to act quickly.

His remaining opponents, Batman and Green Arrow, were slowly starting to circle him. If Jason didn't play this right, he was going to lose.

He needed a plan. Jason knew he wouldn't last long against Batman. Even with all his training, the fight would still end badly for him. Green Arrow, however, would be fairly easy to take down...at least he hoped so.

---------------------------Line Break---------------------

The Team

They'd snuck in the back together and split up to gather the crates. Aqualad went out to the front of the building, near the water to keep watch. He had a feeling that he was going to need it. Superboy was grabbing crates two at a time, and M'gann was hovering three at a time. Artemis was struggling to push one crate down the hall even with Kid Flash helping her along. So far, everything was going off without a hitch. Hopefully it stayed that way too.

-------------------------Line Break---------------------------


He watched the team 'sneak' into the warehouse. It was quite funny, at least to him. They made more noise than a heard of elephants.

They had fallen for their trap. The mini League hadn't even noticed the different weight of the shipping crates. They were way to light to hold all the kryptonite. This team was inexperienced. The heroes should've at least opened one of the crates first.

Nightwing watched them from above. Trying to decide if he should attack now or wait until they're all outside. If he waited it would make the fight more interesting, but it would be easier to take them out individually.

It didn't really bother him- taking down these heroes. Well, nothing really bothered him anymore honestly.

Plus, it's not like Lex is going to get any of the kryptonite. Red Hood was going to deliver it, get paid, and then steal it. He had said it was all part of his plan. Dick keeps forgetting to ask him about the plan though, so he has no actual idea what it was.

When a loud crash echoed throughout the building, Nightwing was brought out of his musings. 'Don't these guys know how to be quiet. It's like they're asking to be caught.' he thought dryly.

He looked down to find the source of the noise. It was the floating green girl, she dropped one of the crates that had been levitating. Damn. Now they'll figure out they're not filled with kryptonite.

Nightwing watched as they silently looked at each other, cocking their heads or glaring occasionally. Dick pondered for a moment. 'Are they communicating? Maybe, but how?'

The Team proceeded to speed walk out of the building. If he was guessing, Dick would say they're heading back to their ship. But he didn't need to guess. He already knew.

Nightwing crept along the rafters and silently slipped out a broken window. Might as well salvage this and confront them now. After all, Red Hood was still fighting the League and hopefully, winning.

How did he want to surprise them? Throw something? Drop in behind them? Poke one in the back? Blow a whistle? 'Maybe i'll just drop in a see how long it takes them to notice me?' he wondered. Dick slid out of the window and dropped silently onto the pavement. None of the team turned around. Not even the rage boy. 'Wow, they really need to work on that. Not being able to here someone will get them killed.' Dick thought and crept up to follow the water boy.

Nightwing was silently creeping a few feet behind him, walking almost like a cartoon character would with childish sarcasm- and thoroughly enjoying it. He wasn't spotted until someone walked out of their ship.

"Aqualad! Look out! There's someone behind you!" the woman shouted, pointing towards Nightwing.

To surprised by the outburst to react, Dick was unable to dodge the water that was thrown at him. Now soaking wet, he began to slowly back up. His arms flew from his sides and wrapped around his midsection. His eyes widened beneath his mask, and he started to breath quickly.

Cold. He was cold. The cold was bad. It meant being frozen, he was going to be frozen. Nightwing began to tremble and he hunched over himself, walking back further.


Someone was speaking, but he couldn't focus, he was too cold. What were they saying? Were they going to freeze him? Hurt him?

Dick suddenly felt a weight on his arm. He flinched violently, lashing out at the air. He felt his fist connect with something solid, but that was it. Nothing else was getting through. He could feel the blood pounding in his ears, the tight feeling in his chest.

It was wrong.

Dick was gasping for air now. Someone was shaking his shoulders and shouting loudly, but he couldn't focus on what they were saying. He tried to, he really did but he could't deal with it anymore. He wanted it to end. The memories were starting to surface now. Those dreadful things. Dick wanted it to end.

Things were starting to go black, and the earth was spinning. His vision was getting fuzzy and his heart felt like it was going to explode. He felt too much, and honestly, he was glad when he finally felt nothing.

----------------------Line Break-----------------------------

Hello everyone! I'm back and with the longest chapter I've written so far! Wow. So what did you think of this chapter? Any questions? Oh and i'd like to thank AppleTheAmazing for giving me the idea to using mind linking tech and a 'fear' of water :) As always, please review! I love reading your comments! Til next time, Rachel :)

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