Chapter 4: My Real Family?
A/n: I've been waiting to post this chapter for a while now. I hope you all enjoy
Elsa's POV
Doctor: "He's your... Son."
After the doctor finished his sentence, I felt like everything froze, I felt everything began to spend, memories of mine were coming back, and they were ones of something I lost years ago.
Memories of mine of something I lost has now came back.
My body felt as if it was going to collapse. Until I fell a pair of hands on my shoulders, it was Anna, she was holding me as if I was going to cry.
Anna: "Elsa are you okay?"
Elsa: "I d-don't know."
How was I supposed to feel about this. On one part I was happy that he was alive but the other part of me felt terrible. That my long lost child was here and that he's been abused most of his life.
I didn't know how to process all this. My sister helps me sit back down in my seat. She gently held me, I hugged her back, it was all I could do to help me process this.
Kristoff: "Was there anything else?"
Doctor: "He also was wearing a necklace."
Elsa: "Was it a blue necklace?"
The doctor nods.
It's true then my son is here. My baby has returned. The doctor was about to leave but I stopped him before he could.
Elsa: "Wait!"
He stops and turns around. I quickly ran back to my office and searched for what I was looking for. After I found it, I came right back, and handed it to the doctor.
Elsa: "Please give him this."
Third Person POV
While the doctor was speaking outside. Y/n was left inside the room. The Doctor who seen Y/n, he patched up that little boy as much as he could, he also gave him medicine that made the boy sleepy.
He has only been out for 3 hours but eventually woke back up. By the time the doctor came back in.
Doctor: "Hi there, how are you feeling?"
Y/n: "F-fine, I guess."
The doctor takes off his glasses.
Doctor: "The queen want me to give you something."
Y/n: "W-hat?"
Doctor: "Here."
The man hands Y/n a book, who kindly takes it, it wasn't no ordinary book, it was a family photo album.
Doctor: "She wanted me to give you this."
Y/n: "W-Why?"
Doctor: "That's for you to find out."
When the doctor left the room, Y/n was left alone in the room with the book, and the young boy was confused. After sometime Y/n slowly open the book. Inside there were photos, the first page had a photo of a man and a woman, and two little girls.
Y/n knew it must have been Elsa and Anna and the adults were their parents.
This photo reminded him of Ruby and yang. It made him feel sad because there were photos like this where he wasn't in any of them. And it made him feel left out.
Y/n felt as if he was going to cry but he slowly turned to the next page.
When he turned to the next page, it had another photo but this time with Kristoff, it also had Spen and Olaf. It also had a much older Elsa and Anna.
But what made this different is that their parents weren't in it. It must have been the time probably when their parents have passed away.
When he turned to the next page, he found a different picture of Elsa, but it was different from the others, in this one Anna's face was near Elsa's belly.
Once he moved to the next page, it was another photo of Elsa, but this time it was just her holding her belly, while she was looking out the window.
Y/n was confused about all this. Why were they showing him all this. When he flips to the next page, he was shocked to find Elsa and a cute baby.
It was her holding her newborn baby. The baby looks just like her, wrapped in a blue blanket, as she held the baby. The baby had the same colored hair as her and the same eye color.
Y/n flips to the next page of the album. Only to find another photo of Elsa.
(Imagine that's Elsa kissing her son)
It was another photo with Elsa and her baby. In this photo she was holding the baby while giving her baby a kiss. The photo kinda reminds Y/n of Ruby but when she was little.
Y/n mind: "Why is she showing me this?"
The young boy flips to another page to find another picture of Elsa and her baby but with Anna in this one.
In this photo Anna was holding the baby and Elsa was holding a baby rattle. This photo also reminded Y/n of Ruby and yang. Especially since Yang prefers Ruby as a baby.
The little boy flips to another page to find another different photo.
It was Anna and Kristoff with a little boy. In the photo Anna is pregnant and Kristoff's carrying a kid on his back.
He must be his son.
Y/n flips to the next page to find a Christmas photo.
In this photo Anna and Kristoff's children and Elsa were in it too but her baby wasn't in it. Y/n slowly started to notice it. In fact the rest of the pages of the album didn't have her baby. It only seemed to have Anna and Kristoff's kids.
Looking through the rest of the pages there wasn't any other photo with Elsa and her baby. In fact there weren't anymore photos of the baby at all. Going through the rest of the album were only Anna and Kristoff's children.
What happened to queen Elsa's baby?
While he was thinking, looks down at the bottom page, where it has some writing, it was a title and a little message.
Y/n turns back to the previous page until he landed on the page he was looking for. He turned back to the page where first picture of Elsa and her baby. Looking down at the bottom part of the page, Y/n found a name and a date, and the date matched his biological birthdate.
When he looked at the name, his face went wide, the name at the bottom of the page was the same as his. The first name was the same the last name was different from his.
It said *Y/n Agnarrsdotter* at the bottom of the photo. Looking at the day the photo was taken, it matches the same birthday as his, so this could only mean one thing.
That Queen Elsa was his real mom!
As the young boy was processing all this, the doctor came back in, he walks up to the bed, and the little boy looks at him with confusion.
Y/n: "Is i-it t-rue?"
Doctor: "Yes, She is your real mother."
Slowly Y/n starts to cry.
Doctor: "Do you want to see her?"
Y/n: (Crying) "Y-Yes!"
The doctor walks out of the room. Then the queen slowly enters, the doctor closes the door so they can have some alone time. The boy wanted to jump out of his bed and hug her.
The queen slowly approaches the bed. The child slowly reaches up to her, wanting to be in her arms, while crying as well.
Y/n: (Crying) "M-mama"
Elsa: "Oh My baby."
Elsa pulls the child into her arms, hugging her long lost son, the child cries into her arms, Elsa gently rubs his back while shushing him.
Elsa: "Shhh Shhh, Mama's here."
I'm glad I got this one finished this chapter. I hope you all enjoy! See you next time!
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