Chapter 13: Telling the others the truth
Third Person POV
Everyone in the family room we're all having a great time catching up. All the children were playing with one another. Torunn and Merida were
Merida: "You Can Do magic?"
Y/n: "Ummm Yes..."
Torunn: "Show us what you can do with your magic."
Y/n nodded and he lifted his hand as a purple flame snowflake appeared. As he was holding the snowflake in his hands, nose began to get very itchy, and then he let out a loud sneeze.
He sneezed and the snowflake launched towards Torunn as she ducked in time before it could hit her. It bounced off the wall a couple of times around the room and landed straight into the fire pit. Everyone's attention in the room now turned to Y/n. Thor approaches the three children causing Y/n to instantly get scared.
Y/n: "Sorry I-I d-didn't mean it!"
The little boy quickly ducks and covers his head preparing for Thor to hit him but instead nothing happened.
Thor: "Hey... What are you doing?"
The child slowly peaks up and looks at the tall man. Only to find that Thor did not even raise his hand at all.
Y/n: "Y-You're not going to h-hit me?"
Thor: "What! Why on earth when I hit you?"
The little boy just looks at Thor before removing his hands away from his head. Now everyone in room was not looking at Y/n with concerned looks.
The ice queen knew herself that it was time for everyone to know. Elsa turns towards her husband who was now looking at her.
Elsa: "Honey can you take the children to other room please?"
Loki nods before walking over and picking up Y/n and Kristoff grabs his kids and leaves the room. After they were gone everyone was looking at Elsa with questionable looks on what just happened.
After Loki and the other men took the children to the playroom, they finally came back and everyone began to look at Elsa and Loki.
Rapunzel: "What was that about?"
Ralph: "Yeah."
Everyone started to ask them questions and they were trying to get to the bottom of what just happened.
Loki: "Well... How do we explain this?"
Thor: "Explain what?"
Everyone in the room was worried before Elsa answered.
Elsa: "My son.... Was abused by the family he has been living with."
The room was now completely silent. No one expected that as an answer especially from Elsa.
Frigga: "What?"
Hela: "Pardon me?"
Elinor: "Huh?"
Rapunzel: "Wait what"
Vanellope: "What?"
Ralph: "Yeah what?"
Tony: "Hold on here!"
Buzz: "What the!"
Alisha: "The hell?"
Everyone was completely caught off guard after hearing what the queen just said.
Elsa: "Yeah that's where he's been at for the past four years"
In an instant everyone's face is turned from shock to instant anger.
Tony: "Oh hell no!"
Logan: "Fuck no!"
Wade: "Who fuck do I need to kill!"
Calhoun: "I don't think so!"
Ralph: "People are SO going to get wrecked!"
Everyone got out their weapons and stuff now passed off because of the people who have been abusing Y/n for the past four years. Everyone was about to leave the room to go hunt them down but Elsa and Loki managed to stop them before they could leave the room.
Loki: "Enough!"
Elsa: "Everybody calm down please let me explain!"
With both of Elsa and Loki's words everybody calms down right before they blast through the door to find Y/n abusive family. Everybody wants to hear what Elsa has to say.
Elsa: "Look I understand you are very mad, even me but I know we all hate the people, who have beaten my baby for the past four years. I would definitely join in and find them and kill them for making him feel the pain they cause on him, but that's not important right now. Okay, right now I want to focus on healing our child back to full health, make him feel safe here where he belongs, to no longer fear those people again. That's why I brought you all here to be his protectors."
Everyone in the room sees why she doesn't want them to go after those horrible people. They all now started to understand why they were here.
Loki: "As much as I want to go after them like you all. It's just going to add fuel to the fire and I don't want to make anything worse for my son.
Elsa: "My baby boy has been through enough and I don't want to put him through anymore pain than he has already been in."
From the tone of Elsa's voice it sounded like she was about to cry. Everyone felt Petty bad for her. This situation was not only hurting her son but also her as well. The family was enraged from all this. Then all of a suddenly Tony Stark spoke up.
Tony: "What were their names?"
Elsa: "He said their names were Tai, Summer, Ruby, Yang, Qrow and Raven."
Loki wrapped his arm around his wife and pulled her closer to him.
Loki: "Every time we tried asking him about them he would start crying instantly."
Everyone in the room was now concerned for the child's mental health. Then the billionaire genius had an idea.
Tony: "Friday?"
Friday: "Yes boss?"
Tony: "Pull up files on Tai, Raven, summer, Qrow, and Ruby and Yang."
Friday: "Searching."
Bruce: "Tony, what are you doing?"
Before Tony could say anything Friday interrupts them.
Friday: "I have found a match Boss."
Tony: "Pull it up."
Friday then pulls up an image of a family with 2 children and 2 others with dark hair.
Everyone was now looking at the people in the photo with disgust. It turns out these people were the ones that abused Elsa's son and nobody can believe it.
Tony: "So these are the bastards that abused your son?"
Elsa takes a moment to look at the photo and gives him a nod.
Elsa: "I believe that is them."
She stares at the photo with a mixture of anger and disgust. Kristoff steps forward and points out something that would trigger some people.
Kristoff: "It has to be them because he's afraid of people that even have similar features to them."
Anna: "He is right because Y/n was scared of Kristoff when he found him. Probably because his hair looks very similar towards the blonde guy in the photo."
They all looked at the photo and noticed Kristoff's hair color was slightly similar towards the man in the photo.
Natasha: "No wonder why he's afraid of people."
Elsa: "Y/n literally hides under my dress every time he sees someone that has similar hair color to these people."
No one was expecting it to be that bad to where her child would underneath dress. When someone would look exactly like the people in the photo.
Elsa looked at a photo of Y/n abusive family and mostly everyone was disgusted by just looking at the photo. Especially Wolverine, Bruce banner, Ralph, all the other princesses, captain America, black widow, Wanda, vision, and Peter Parker are disgusted looking at the family. Seeing them just being happy but they know the dark side of those people, they are nothing but child beaters.
They all began to look through the photos to find out none of them had Y/n in them. Which made everyone even more mad at the fact that they were also acting like a happy family. When they definitely were not and nothing but a bunch no good filthy ass liars.
Peter: "He's not in any of them."
Wanda: "Not a single one."
Vision: "That's very concerning."
Neither photo had an image of Y/n in any of them which made everyone even more disgusted. And it made both Elsa and Loki very unhappy and more disgusted with the Rose family. As they looked through the photos they couldn't even see a small glimpse of them at all. It's like they didn't even give a damn about him. It was a good thing Elsa was able to keep her cool or she would have hunted them down and frozen them all to death.
Loki: "These people were supposed to protect my son and yeah they treated him like garbage!"
Kristoff: "And who else knows what they have done behind doors?"
Elsa: "I don't even want to think about it..."
Anna then pulls out a large envelope full of files in photos.
Anna: "Take a look at this."
Anna scatters out a large envelope full of a lot of photos and paperwork all over the table. Everyone was able to see the photos of the child with bruises all over him.
Moana: "Oh my..."
Maui: "by the gods."
Eugene: "Dear god."
They all started to look through all the photos and paperwork scattered all over the table. No one was pleased by what they were looking at. Even they are looking at the child's medical documents. The avengers couldn't even believe what they were seeing that were written down in the documents.
Anna: "There's more..."
They all looked at Anna with more questionable looks.
Elsa: "How about that time he was afraid to get in the tub because he said the water would hurt him."
Moana: "What the fu-"
Ariel: "Now that's just very concerning."
Eric: "Agreed."
Loki: "Each of you will have a duty as his protectors."
Everyone's attention now turn towards Loki's as he began to announce what they will all be doing as Y/n's protectors.
Loki: "You all will be assigned to teach Y/n various of things but mainly you are to give him the best childhood ever. Do I make myself clear."
He looks around the room towards everyone who all were nodding at his words.
Elsa: "Tiana I would like for you to create him a healthy diet. Since the doctor said he's only allowed to eat certain foods until he gets back to normal health."
Tiana: "I can do that for you and definitely list a bunch of foods that he can enjoy and love."
Elsa smiles before turning to look at Moana and Ariel.
Elsa: "Moana and Ariel, since he's afraid of water, you too will be teaching him how to swim, and anything about the ocean."
Both Ariel and Moana look excited from that but they knew it would be a challenge to get him to be used to water again and not be afraid. And that's a challenge that they will be able to accept.
Elsa and Loki beginning explained to everyone what their exact duty is to Y/n. they began explaining what they will be doing and what they will be teaching him
Steve: "Does anyone else know about all of this?"
Loki: "Only Ozpin and Glynda."
Steve: "Okay, right now everyone in this room is the only one that knows other than the doctors?"
Both Loki and Elsa and Anna and Kristoff nodded. Captain Rogers began to stand up and talk over everyone.
Steve: "From today no one shall speak of this to anyone got it?"
Everyone in the room looked at Loki then back to Steve. Loki and Elsa nod by telling them that Steve Rogers would know if anyone was there to speak of this incident to anyone.
Everyone: "Yes."
Elsa: "For Y/n."
Loki: "For Y/n."
Anna: "For Y/n."
Kristoff: "For Y/n."
Everyone: "For Y/n."
Everyone in the room knew they had to protect Elsa's son in case he ever came in contact with these folks again. They have a new mission now and a challenge and it was to protect Elsa's son.
To be continued....
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