Frozen Fanfic.
I am posting this for a friend. This NOT my work its a friends
Seven years after Anna became queen, Elsa was getting married. Anna couldn't come for she had queenly work. The day had come, but Elsa was worried Anna would be late. But as the wedding began, Gail sent a message from Anna that said, "I am so sorry I may not come to your wedding. My queeny duties will not allow. I send my love to you and your new husband. Deepest apologies, Anna."
Elsa froze. SHe dropped the note in a puddle. She was sad, but the wedding must go on.
As Elsa was up near the priest, she had awful flashbacks of her coronation and how people called her monster. She tried instead thinking of the many years she will spend with her husband.
Though thinking of something else helped she couldn't help but think of her past. Her husband-to-be, Jack Stick, noticed her nervousness and took her hand and rubbed it gently. Elsa calmed down just as the vows began.
After the vows Elsa and Jack were wedded. They had many years of happiness to look forward to.
Afew months later Elsa decided to introduce Jack to Anna. It had been almost a year since Elsa visited Arendelle. She began to pack what she needed.
Jack and Elsa got a reindeer and began their journey. It was long and difficult, but it was all worth it. It took them three days to get there but hopefully they'd get to rest at the castle. Elsa had Gail send a message to Anna so Anna would know that they were coming.
When they got to the castle, Anna greeted them at the door. A small girl with red hair was peeking out from behind Anna's leg.
"Oh, Maple." Anna said playfully as she picks her up. "Elsa, this is my daughter, Maple. Maple, what do you say now?"
"Um...hello," Maple said.
"Hello, Maple. I'm Elsa and this is Jack, we are your auntie and uncle." Elsa said. Elsa spoke to Anna, "This is Jack. Wow, I can't believe you already have a daughter."
Anna said, "I have a son too, Nicholas. He's sleeping now. Almost a month old." She smiled, "Come meet him."
As they walked down the hall they saw Kristoff trying to tame about two baby reindeer.
"Come along, Jorg. No, no, Sven Jr, do not eat the cushions" He says.
Maple ran over to Kristoff and grabbed his leg. He picked her up.
"Come on, Maple, let's go bring the reindeer back to the stalls," Kristoff said, giving Maple a carrot.
"No, snuggle," Maple refused as she greeted Sven Jr. and pouted.
"Fine, five more minutes." Kristoff said. Jack tagged along.
Anna lead Elsa to Nicholas' room. There he laid, sleeping like an angel. Anna picked him up and he began to cary.
About three hours later they had dinner. Elsa hadn't had this food in years. Finally it was dusk which meant they must go to sleep.
All night she stirred. All she could think about was how Anna had children and she didn't. After about a week they started going back.
Unfortunately it was rain month so they had to travel in the rain. A few months later Elsa decides to go to Arendelle again. So they were off. Anna greeted (per ushe) them at the door with Nicholas in her arms.
"I'm gonna go to the stalls with Kristoff." Jack said.
Hours later Jack walked in the dining room to hear Elsa say, "Alright I'll tell him." Jack was confused.
After dinner Elsa called Jack into their room.
"There's something you need to know, Jack. Well, when we go home, um, someone else will be riding home with me," Elsa said, placing her hands on her stomach.
Jack was so happy he picked her up and hugged her. They'd be so happy together.
"Wait, you're not scared?"
"Of course I am but we have nine months to prepare."
"All right," Elsa said as she gave him a hug.
Then they had to leave. Anna gave her blankets and diapers for the baby. They'd need it. And then they began their journey home.
The day the baby is born approached closer and closer. Elsa was happier than ever, but Jack was terrified. He couldn't be a father! He had a plan. The hunting trip was coming up so he'd drop Elsa off at the castle and never come back. He'll tell all the tribal people to tell Elsa that he died she wouldn't know he left her.
Jack brought Elsa to the castle. He kissed her one last time before he left, holding her. Tears stung his eyes. He stayed strong. He left.
Elsa had a beautiful baby girl that had her nose and Jack's eyes. She decided to name her Jacqueline. She had beautiful blue eyes.
She was a winter baby like Elsa. Jacqueline slept so peacefully. And Elsa fell asleep holding her newborn baby.
Elsa became worried about jack. He'd been hunting for a month now. That day the tribal members told Elsa he died. It wasn't true he told them to lie to her. She cried for three hours. When she saw Jacqueline, she smiled. She saw the time. It was time to dine. She pick Jacqueline up and left.
Three months later as Elsa was helping her walk when someone knocked on the door. Elsa opened the door to see Jack standing in the doorway.
She stood in awe. He was dead!
"Where were you when I was giving birth? Where were you all those sleepless nights I spent calming down a baby?" She asked.
Jack touched her face. "I was lost in the woods. I tried with all my might. I'm sorry, Elsa. I love you so much. It was so painful to leave you. When I left as we were kissing tears were stung my eyes."
"But, I didn't see them," Elsa says, matter-of-factly. "Why did you leave while I was taking care of Jackie. And why did you have them lie to to me?" Elsa asks.
"Wait, who's Jackie?"
"Our daughter. Wait, did you leave because it was a girl?"
"What? Goodness no. I was scared of being a father in general."
"I'm sorry, Elsa." He said, touching her cheek. She remembered those happy moments she had with him. She burst out in tears. Jack hugged her and began to cry too.
"I missed you so much. It was so hard without you. Now Jackie can grow up with two parents," elsa said.
"The tribe exiled me...for leaving a wife," Jack said. "Well, I was hoping to buy a house in Arendelle in a couple months."
"That's a good idea."
So they bought a house, they got job, and Elsa learned to cook. On Jackie's first birthday, Elsa and Jack had an announcement.
"Happy birthday to the big sister!"
Everyone gasped. Elsa was pregnant! Jackie was completely confused. Anna gave them diapers and blankets as well as bottles. When the baby was a beautiful boy.
His name was Nathan. He was a mama's boy. He'd cry whenever Elsa left. She had to take him everywhere.
Then one day he didn't cry. The habit was over! Little did they know something was about to happen...
One day as Elsa was making some soft foods for Nathan, he started coughing. Like hacking. He looked as if he had thrown up. She picked him up, he was burning hot. Elsa set up a sick bed in the kitchen so that she could make food and take care of Nathan. SHe told Jack to take Jackie to the castle and stay there for two days.
Nathan was only a couple months old, this may be his last days.
Elsa frantically looked for honey and sugar. Soon he fainted. This was not good. "Go dampen this rag. It will work as a cold compress," Elsa mumbles to herself, "I must cut onions to calm the fever."
Hours later, Nathan's final breath came out of his mouth. His soul had passed. She calls out to to Jack, "Come quick, I need you."
When Jack came Elsa was on the floor, crying.
"Elsa, what's wrong?" Jack asks, while picking her up.
"Nathan has...has...died," she said between sobs, "His last breath was so calm...almost like he was falling asleep."
Elsa began to cry again. The next few months were hard for her. She had locked herself in her room so she wouldn't hurt her.
Jack forbad Jackie to go to Elsa's room. One day while Elsa was sleeping, Jackie woke up Elsa and said, "Hey, Mama, do you want to wanna build a snowman?"
Elsa smiled for the first time in months. She got changed and went outside.
"Jackie, get in here right now!" Jack yells.
"What's wrong?" Elsa asks, "Jackie is fine."
"'re-you're smiling."
"It feels nice...I haven't done this for a while."
Jack smiles, "I've missed my happy wife." He hugs her.
She realized that her family can make her happy. She had a zest for life now. She loved taking her daughter to the park.
Then Jackie started going to school, Elsa missed taking care of Jackie.
One day when she was coming home from the market she saw Jackie sitting on the front step.
"Jackie, why are home so early?" Elsa asks.
"Well, when I was at school I was telling everyone about your powers. When I stomped ice covered the playground." Jackie responded.
"Wait ice?" Elsa exclaimed, 'Jackie has the same powers as me' she thinks to herself. She decided to have Jackie stay home for a few weeks just to help her control it a bit.
Jack and Elsa had a talk that night. They had it when Jackie slept as to not worry her. Jackie walked in the room.
"I heard it true I won't go to school for a while?"
Elsa hesitates, "...yes."
"you could hurt a few kids if you don't get control of your powers." Jack responds.
She walks out and cries herself back to sleep.
She went back to school three years later when she was eight. She was going to the same school as Maple and Nicholas.
Elsa was at home making dinner when she felt odd. That's when she realized what was going on.
Jackie came home. "Can I have a snack?"
"Sure," Elsa said, "Oh, could you help me by frosting the stew and putting it in the cold box, thank you."
Jackie did it happily. She loved using her powers. Elsa felt tired so she laid in her bed. Jackie set the table. Jack came home.
"Hi, Jackie. WHere's Mom?" He asks, kissing her cheek.
"Oh, she was tired, she is resting in her bed." Jack went upstairs to their room.
"Elsa, is something wrong?"
"I-I'm pregnant." Elsasiad.
Jack picked her up and hugged her. Tomorrow they were going to the castle for Maple's birthday. Jackie was really excited. She was going to sleep over and she was going to be a big sister. At the castle they learned that Anna was pregnant too. They had dinner, cake and chatted. Then Elsa and Jack went home. Jackie slept over.
That night there was a fire. Elsa's ankle was burned and she couldn't walk. The fire department came as quickly as Anna and Kristoff.
"Are you ok?" asked Kristoff.
"I'm fine, but Elsa's ankle is burnt. I don't think she can walk." Jack responded, "How is Jackie?"
"She's sleeping." Anna added.
"Let's get to the castle." They set up a cart and rode to the castle.
When they got to the castle they had a doctor there.
"Your leg is weak, Elsa."He said "you can't walk on it for three weeks I have a crutch for you."
"Thank you, doctor."
They had enough money in their savings so they can buy a new house and some furniture.
"Will this affect my child?" Elsa asks before the doctor leaves.
"No, I don't think so. I've seen worse injuries and babies were born without abnormalities. It'll be fine." Their house was done in Elsa's sixth month of pregnancy. She was glad to be home.
Anna had her child. It was a girl. Her name was Autumn. She had blue eyes and red hair.
word count( excluding a/n) : 1984
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