Chapter 9: To Open Up
You get a good sleep considering you are practically sleeping on the ground. You wake up and notice Kristoff isn't in his bed. You hear his shower running so you assume that's him. You lie down and take a moment. What Gaia said is still stirring around in your head. You honestly can't shake what she said.
You try to ignore this by thinking of Elsa. You imagine her from last night. She has her beautiful teal dress on and a beautiful smile on her face. You start to feel a little easier with her in mind.
Your mind starts to wonder onto your other friends. With everything that's been happening you haven't asked Kristoff about his relationship much.
You know he's not the most touchy feely guy, but you picture yourself as his best friend. You know he's yours. But it may be good to remind him that he can talk to you about anything. The funny part was that you didn't think the same for him. You still think you need to hide everything from these people.
"I should tell them... I should tell them all soon," You mutter.
Kristoff enters the room. His hair is still somewhat wet and he has a towel wrapped around his waist. He doesn't notice you're awake. He takes off his towel and you quickly close your eyes. You wait until you hear the zipper of his jeans.
"Is it safe?"
Kristoff jumps back in pure terror.
"I hate you so much!" He chuckles.
You start cracking up. "I honestly didn't think you would get so scared."
You continue to laugh.
Kristoff grabs a shirt and sits on his bed. He seems a little off. You pick yourself up and stand in front of him.
"Kristoff... what's wrong?"
He looks at you for a second. You think he is going to brush you off.
He lets out a huff. "Its Anna."
"Wow, that's magnificent timing," you think.
"What's wrong? You guys seem to be doing well together."
"I know but... so were her and Hans," He sighs.
You think you know what he is getting at.
"You think that she is falling for you too fast?"
"Yeah... I just imagine a relationship to take awhile to develop, you know? But Anna seems to fall for guys really easily and I don't know whether she actually likes me or this is just what she does."
You can't think of how to respond to that. You could simply say that she really does like him and all but you don't truly know that. Their relationship has been developing for less time than you and Elsa.
"I could ask Anna."
Kristoff shoots you a look.
"Well, not in an obvious manner," You reassure. "But, I am her friend, she may talk to me."
Kristoff sighs again. "I honestly thought you were going to give me some bullshit speech."
You laugh. "Who, me?"
Kristoff cracks a smile.
He gets up and looks back at you. "I would appreciate if you would ask (Y/N). But let's focus on doing well on Battle of the Bands."
You jump up and grab his hand.
"Cause that's what matters most of all."
He squeezes back and you both smile. You rush downstairs and to the car.
Before you get in his car you remember something.
"We totally forgot food."
He looks at you for a moment. "We totally did."
You both arrive at school and separate to go to class. You know you'll see Anna and Elsa in your first period, so you prepare for some talk. However the teacher was content with giving a very long explanation of the next project.
After he explains it he pulls you aside to give you the notes that you missed. He didn't seem mad, which saved time. You, Anna and Elsa group together. It's a simple presentation, so none of you worry too much about it.
After a quick talk about what you may be doing Elsa leaves to go to the bathroom. It seemed odd to you. You've never seen Elsa go to the bathroom during school. You didn't argue, though. This gave you the time you needed with Anna.
"So Anna, how are you and Kristoff doing?"
"Huh? Oh we're doing really well. He's such a great guy."
Her words remind you of when she described Hans.
"That's an awful lot like the way you talked about Hans," you mention.
Her face cringes for a moment.
"Kristoff is nothing like Hans. I realize now that Hans was very fake. He always found a way to merge our interests. Kristoff is different. We are different but that's ok. I care about him for him, not how much we have in common or how sweet he acts. Sometimes he can be stubborn or less then gentlemen-like. But that's who he is and it's who I love."
She stops for a moment at what she says.
"Love..." She repeats.
"You love Kristoff?" You confirm.
She giggles for a second at this realization.
"You said it yourself (Y/N), you just know with all your being when it's true love."
"I didn't use those... never mind," you mumble. "So you're using my random explanation to say you really love Kristoff? You don't think it's a little fast?"
Anna turns to you. "Didn't you and Elsa start liking each other pretty fast?"
"Well sure, but–"
"Then isn't that true love too?" Anna interrupts.
You are about to respond but her words hit you. She has a point and she's using your own words against you. Do you love Elsa? Does she even love you? This spins your head and Anna notices.
"Do you love my sister?" She asks, her face glowing with happiness.
You can't even conjure words to respond. You see Anna's smile growing even wider. You know that your lack of words shows that you do indeed. But by your own logic, you should know right away.
You don't know whether you are saying you do or trying to prove you don't.
"Do I love Elsa? I mean it's been such a short time and it's been so long since I've felt love that I don't really remember. I mean, she does make me feel good and I care about her so much..." You take a pause.
You don't realize you said that all aloud and Anna's smile grows even wider. You didn't think a smile could be that big. She starts shrieking in excitement and hopping up and down. She is attracting attention.
"Anna," you say placing your hand over her mouth "Quiet! I can talk but only if you keep come composure."
Anna stops bouncing and allows you to continue. You remove your hand but her smile is still as wide as ever. Before you can talk Elsa comes back into the room. She sits down and looks at the notes again. She notices Anna's huge smile and your blushing face.
"Did I miss something?" She asks.
"No," you interrupt Anna. "Nothing worth talking about."
Anna leans into her sister and whispers something. They both giggle.
"Well that's not very nice. How am I supposed to know what you're giggling about?" You complain.
"That's the point of the whispering, (Y/N)," Anna sarcastically points out.
Elsa giggles some more. You begin to blush. She laughs some more.
You give up, you're not beating the sister duo. You lean back and start to play air guitar. You're doing some simple practice for your performance this lunch.
"So what're you two going to play?" Elsa asks as she writes down some more notes.
"We decided on doing Seven Nation Army as are starter. It's simple yet elegant. I have a few tricks to up the ante as well."
Anna looks confused for a second. You can tell she doesn't know the song. You start humming the tune and she remembers.
"Kristoff plays that in the car sometimes. It's alright."
"I'm guessing you aren't into that kind of music? What music do you like?"
"I like a lot. Some classic romance songs are nice but I like some up-beat stuff here and there. I usually sing the simple sappy songs though," Anna rambles.
"I would have to agree," Elsa adds.
"So you both sing? You both probably blow me out of the water."
"Probably," they agree.
"Wow, don't hesitate or anything," you sarcastically state.
They laugh.
Lunch rolls around as you and Kristoff set up in the schools presentation area – generally used for assemblies and such. You guys are up first. You test out the audio to make sure it's all good. You have the schools music professionals help you with all the technical stuff.
"Hey Kristoff... Did we ever choose a name for our band?"
Kristoff pauses for a moment.
"Oh crap."
The students begin to pour into their seats. You notice Anna and Elsa in the third row. They both give you thumbs up for good luck. You smile back at them. Kristoff doesn't notice. He seems a little nervous.
"You good Kristoff," you reassure.
"Yeah... I've just never played in front of a crowd."
"Just focus on what you're doing. Live in your own little world for the next few minutes."
He nods and gets ready.
"So," One of the announcers says over a loud speaker. "We are starting our yearly Battle of the Bands. First up we have... Um excuse me kids you never gave us a band name."
You stutter for a minute, trying to come up with a name.
"The Ice Harvesters," Kristoff responds.
You turn towards him and mouth "What? The Ice Harvesters?"
He responds with an exaggerated shrug.
"Alright, we have the Ice Harvesters here. Show us what you got boys."
You nod your head and focus on the guitar. You palm mute it to try and mimic the sound of a base. It does well enough. You begin the basic riff of the song. Kristoff starts the drums. You move to the mic and prepare your voice.
I'm gonna fight 'em off
A Seven Nation Army couldn't hold me back
You hear a horde of girls start cheering over your voice. Anna nudges Elsa. Elsa smiles, she already knew you could sing.
They're gonna rip it off
Taking their time right behind my back
And I'm talking to myself at night because I can't forget
Back and forth through my mind behind a cigarette
You hit every note perfectly and even use your voice to your advantage. The crowd cheers more.
And the message comin' from my eyes says leave it alone...
You start playing the chorus.
Leave it alone, oohhh
You finish up the chorus and start the riff again. You don't plan on playing the whole song. You're going to end it at the next chorus, but you're gonna end it with a bang.
You do just as well singing the next verse. You do the build up again and start the solo. You hit it all perfectly. When the solo is supposed to end Kristoff begins a different drum beat that still fits with the song. He has his moment then you start a separate solo over top of the chorus tune.
It also matches perfectly as you end the song. The crowd gives you a standing ovation. Hans and his friends aren't happy about it. Elsa cheers your name as Anna cheers Kristoff's.
The whole place starts cheering your names.
You look at Kristoff who seems to be thoroughly enjoying the moment.
"Thank you Arendelle!" You say into the mic, letting off a small selection of notes on the guitar.
You both take your stuff off stage and sit in the crowd. Anna and Elsa switch seats to be with you.
"That was really great guys! I didn't know you could sing (Y/N)."
You smile and shrug. "I can be full of surprises."
"Ok, that was great and all but I think we have to address something," Elsa says gathering your attention. "The Ice Harvesters?"
Kristoff throws his hands in the air for a moment.
"I didn't know what to call us!"
You all laugh.
Other bands went up and played very well. They played a variety of rock, country and even adaptations of pop music. Almost every genre was played. You aren't too worried about it. You are confidant in your performance.
Next up was Hans' band. They set up and prepare to play. Hans shoots you a look with a cocky smile. He begins playing. You recognize the song instantly. He's playing Don't Fear the Reaper by the Blue Oyster Cult. You have your own opinion on that song.
No matter your thoughts on him or the song, you have to admit that he played it good. The crowd cheers as he exits. You also give a clap out of respect.
"Well that was a wondrous amount of talent we have seen today. We judges will decide who will proceed, then tell you at the end of the day. Thank you all for coming, and thank the bands for their fantastic performance. Give them all a round of applause!" The announcer says.
Everyone claps then proceeds to leave the area, shaking hands of band members along the way. You receive a couple handshakes and get hit on by a few girls. Elsa doesn't mind since you politely deal with it.
You feel pretty good about yourself. You like that all these people enjoyed you so much. Kristoff is pretty happy with it too. You can see that some girls are after him but he doesn't find it so easy to brush them off like you did. Thankfully Anna can be quite scary, and the girls leave him alone.
You and Kristoff take it easy during your workout time. You are on a treadmill the entire time. Kristoff does his own thing for a bit. He then walks over to you with a look on his face. You sense some weird conversation coming.
"(Y/N), did you ask Anna about what she thought of me?"
"Yeah, yeah I did."
You prepare to tell him. You're not nervous or anything. There is nothing to be nervous about. Anna said good things.
"Well... What did she say?"
"Listen, can I tell you after I'm off the treadmill?"
Kristoff huffs then walks away.
"Why not just get off and tell him?" Shadow asks.
"Shadow? Where were you? It's been days."
"No it hasn't. It's been a day at most," he argues.
You contemplate what he says.
"Maybe for you, in there."
"Explain," he demands.
"Well, remember when we fought Carnage? That felt like a half hour at most, but I later found out it was four hours. So maybe time is sporadic in Limbo."
There is silence for a moment. You assume he is thinking.
"That is a decent theory. It may be true."
You huff for a moment. Your mind begins to wonder. You forget what you are doing which causes you to stumble on the treadmill. Its speed is quite high so it sends you flying back into the wall. You grunt when you hit it, but it doesn't bother you that much.
Surprisingly, the only thing on your mind right now is what Anna said. "Do you love my sister?"
Those words are spinning around your head. You remember a question one of your old friends asking the same thing once.
You get yourself up and stand there for a moment. Your face fills with anger and you punch the wall. It leaves a big crack in the wall. You didn't mean for that to happen. You back get away from it as fast as you can and head to the showers. Kristoff saw all this.
You wait a moment before leaving the school. They are announcing the bands proceeding to the next stage of Battle of the Bands. First they call out Hans' band.
"Go figure," you mutter.
They then call out your band and three others. You are happy that you progressed, but you don't feel it. You still feel odd.
You leave the school. You are a little on edge and don't understand why. Anna sees you and walks up to you.
"Hey (Y/N)! Where's Kristoff?"
You look around then remember you didn't leave with him today. You didn't mean too. Your mind just feels like it's on fire. Before you can answer, Kristoff walks out of the school towards you two.
"Hey guys!"
He and Anna share a kiss. You look away when they do.
"So, what're you guys up to tonight? Are you free? I could use the company," Anna asks.
"What about Elsa?" You question.
"Elsa is taking Olaf out for the night. So I am on my own tonight."
You and Kristoff look at each other. You assume he will say no since you have to practice for tomorrow.
"Sure, we'll come by for the night."
You give Kristoff a look and he automatically knows what you're thinking.
"We practiced five songs last night and nailed them all. We got tomorrow, don't worry."
You shrug then go to his car. Kristoff unlocks it for you. He stays behind for a moment to talk to Anna. She nods then gives him a kiss. They both walk to their respective cars.
"She... may love you," you start.
What a place to start it was. Kristoff quickly turned to face you then back to the road.
"What? She said that? No... But she loved Hans too! How do I know she really loves me or if this is just Anna being Anna..?"
"Anna being Anna is what you like her for. Besides she loved the Hans that Hans wanted her to love. She loves you for who you are. You never put up an illusion when you're with her. She sees your flaws and still loves you. She truly cares about you man."
You see a smile creep onto Kristoff's face. You tilt your head at it.
"I'm... I'm so happy," Kristoff mutters. "She loves me..."
You feel one of Kristoff's "big softy" moments coming on. You enjoy these.
"She loves me!" He declares to the world. "And I love her!"
These words surprise you. Kristoff isn't one for love in a short period. At least that's what he has said. This change is out of the norm for him.
"You love her? Have you told her?"
Kristoff's smile remains on his face.
"No... I was kind of worried. I always thought I was over thinking it. But I believe I love Anna. You just know when you love someone, you know?"
You shrug. "I suppose..."
"You suppose? You love Elsa don't you?"
That's the second time you have been asked that today. Did they plan this whole "love" scheme just to see what you thought of Elsa? But they two of them seemed too sincere with their words. They said it with such conviction and certainty. Anna and Kristoff love each other, they just haven't told each other.
"I... I don't know..." You respond. It's the only thing you can say.
"But I thou–"
"I DON'T KNOW!" you yell.
The car goes silent. Kristoff is confused. What did he say? Is Elsa a sore spot? Did something happen between you two? Kristoff can't find an answer. He remains silent and simply drives.
You regret yelling at him. You don't know why you did it. You just snapped and you have no idea why.
"Kristoff..." You say, waiting a few seconds to continue. "I'm sorry. I don't know why I snapped. I shouldn't have."
"Don't worry about it (Y/N)," Kristoff smiles. "I may not understand, but I know you wouldn't have done it without a reason."
You smile. You were worried for a minute. You start to feel butterflies in your stomach. You have no idea why.
"What's wrong with me?" you think.
You hope for Shadow to respond but there is nothing. You hoped he would have an idea why you were like this. He always helped when it came to you. He knew you better then you knew yourself at times. Yet you know next to nothing about him.
That annoyed you, and it brought your mind back to Gaia. She said she knew about you. That she knew the people who had done this to you. You assumed that you were born this way. But what if you weren't... What if there was a way to learn more.
You shake your head. You know that this line of thought leads to her deal. You won't take that deal no matter what. You won't hurt Elsa. Something else creeps into your mind: the fact that she hasn't attacked yet. Why not?
Kristoff shakes you and you come back to reality. You notice that you are at Anna and Elsa's house. You get out of the car and walk towards the house. However you don't hear Kristoff get out of the car. Instead you hear his car drive away.
"Kristoff! What the hell are you doing?" You yell.
He either doesn't hear you or doesn't care. He's gone. You let out a big sigh then walk towards the door. You knock. A couple seconds later Anna opens up.
"Hey (Y/N)! I see Kristoff left already. Well, he did say he would."
You stand there. You are confused. Why did Kristoff leave you with Anna and why doesn't Anna seem to care. In fact it looks like she knew about this little stunt.
"Anna," you stretch her name as you say it. "What's going on?"
Anna closes the door and smiles.
"(Y/N), you are dating my sister and I am dating your best friend... but we don't know each other as well as we should.
"And," she says, putting her finger on your lips, "I need to talk to you about something else."
You are getting a bad feeling from all this. Why is there so much secrecy going on? Why is everything so different today? You keep on guard. You expect nothing dangerous from Anna but you have been on edge all day. That wall is an example of it.
You both sit down on the couch.
"Kristoff is concerned about you, (Y/N). He saw you punch a wall today."
You sigh and look away from Anna.
"(Y/N), please talk to me. What's wrong?"
"I don't know, Anna. I really don't. I'm just..." you try to say.
"Just what, (Y/N)?" She urges you to continue.
Her voice is very soft at this point. You can tell all she wants is to help you, but you can't even help yourself. She cares. They all do.
"You and Kristoff have been asking me whether I love Elsa... I... I'm a little scared, Anna."
She is shocked. Scared isn't something she expected to hear from you.
"I think I need to tell you something. I've meant to tell you this..."
You proceed to explain what you have told Elsa and Kristoff already. Your old friends, your old life. But you're adding something new to this explanation.
"The girl I was dating... Kat... She was my best friend's sister. He didn't mind us dating because of how good we were together. He encouraged it in fact. One time, he asked if I loved her. I said yes."
"I don't understand what is wrong with loving someone..." Anna queries.
"I did something bad Anna... I did something really bad and it cost me my friends. I imagine they hate me right now. They wish I were dead."
Tears begin rolling down your face. Just a few, but enough to notice.
Anna rushes beside you and gives you a hug. You hug her back. She wonders whether to pursue the subject or not. She sees how it broke you.
"And now people are asking the same question they did months ago," you sob. "And I don't want you all to hate me."
Anna pulls you in closer. She feels your warmth and also your sorrow. She doesn't think anyone has seen you this way. Not even Elsa.
"(Y/N), you'll never lose us. I promise. Elsa cares about you more then you know. She talks about you all the time. Whether you love her or not doesn't matter right now. We all care about you."
You compose yourself and wipe away the few tears. A moment of weakness was what you saw. But maybe it wasn't all like that. Maybe it was a stepping stone to getting stronger. A way to show that you aren't the monster you always think you are. The one you are afraid of turning into.
Days have passed since that night. The stress you felt, the on edge feeling has long since disappeared. You and Anna are closer than ever. With your extra happiness you have swept Elsa off her feet with some impressive nights.
But this is the last day of Battle of the Bands. This is where it is decided. Just as Hans wished for, it is you and him in the finales. You'd have it no other way. You and Kristoff have agreed to play your favourite song. You made it just right for the two of you.
The school has no classes running today. It is all focused on the finales. Hans is up first. You take your seat in the audience with your peers and prepare to watch what Hans has in store.
He is late to the stage. You look around and see him talking with the judges. They nod and he runs up to the stage.
"Okay ladies and gentleman! This is the finales of Battle of the Bands!"
The crowd roars.
"First up, we have Mr. Hans Westergaard and his band: The Deceit!"
"What a perfect name," you mutter.
"Go ahead boys; give it your A-game!" The announcer finishes.
Hans looks at his band members and they nod. They begin their song. As soon as they start your jaw drops. That's your song! The song you planned to play for the finale. You shoot a look at Kristoff and he is just as surprised. His jaw is basically to the floor.
They do an amazing job at the song too. They made it better than the original and it blows everyone away. The crowd howls when they end. You, Anna, Elsa and Kristoff make your way to the side of the stage.
"That's quite the song choice Hans!" You point out as he passes you.
"You should learn to be a little more secretive (Y/N)," he smirks.
You turn to Kristoff and see his hands are clenched in a tight fist.
"Ignore him Kristoff," You advise. "Now girls, you get back stage passes. You're our lucky charms. We can do this."
You kiss Elsa before running onto the stage. You and Kristoff set up your equipment. He sets his mic up and makes sure it's quieter than yours.
"Kristoff," you say. He looks up at you. "Let's seize the day!"
He smiles. He knows what you mean.
"Go ahead Ice Harvesters!" The announcer says.
An acoustic guitar begins playing.
Kristoff leans in on his mic.
Seize the day, or die regretting the time you lost
It's empty and cold without you here
Too many people to ache over
Kristoff doesn't have the best singing voice, but the way he sings works for this. You hope it doesn't hurt your score.
You begin playing.
I see my vision burn; I feel my memory fade with time
But I'm too young to worry
The streets we travel on will undergo the same lost path
You continue to sing most of the song quite well. Kristoff really helps during the chorus. You reach the solo and nail it perfectly. It was a simple matter, but so elegant in how you pulled it off.
You reach close to the end.
So what if I never hold you, yeeeeeaaaaah, or kiss your lips again?
Woooaaaaaah, so I never want to leave you and the memories of us to see
I beg don't leave me
You look at Elsa at the side and flick your head to come on stage. Elsa is hesitant but Anna pushes her onto it. She looks back at Anna angrily but then smiles at you.
Seize the day! Or die regretting the time you lost
It's empty and cold without you here
Too many people to ache over, oh yeaah
Trials in life questions of us existing here
Don't wanna die alone without you here
Please tell me what we have is real!
You end the song with a couple notes.
You hug Elsa and the crowd cheers. You look into the audience and see that Hans is smiling. You wonder why.
The crowd is cheering like crazy. Maybe more then when Hans went up.
"I don't know everyone. I think we need ONE. MORE. SONG!" The announcer yells.
You freeze. You and Kristoff don't have another song planned. You are screwed. Hans' once smiling face turns sour as he looks back at the judges.
"I paid you, now declare me the winner!" He mumbles.
"Go ahead Ice Harvesters, one more!"
You walk towards Kristoff and start thinking of what song to do. You don't have much time. As you and Kristoff bicker, Elsa walks up to the mic. She has an idea. A way to thank you for everything you have done for her. She'll help you this time.
She begins singing.
It's the same old story all over again
You turn a lover into just another friend
You and Kristoff both turn your heads towards Elsa.
"Is she singing Lay it on the Line?" You ask.
Kristoff smiles and prepares the drums. You grab his mic and stand it a bit away from Elsa's.
I want to love you! I want to make you mine!
Won't you lay it on the line?
The drums and guitar kick in. Elsa looks back at you and smiles.
"I love this girl," You mutter, not even realizing you said it.
I'm tired of playing all your foolish games
I'm tired of all your lies making me insane
I don't ask for much, the truth will do just fine
Won't you lay it on the line?
You join her in the chorus. You play back up the entire song. When your solo comes up you lean against Elsa and she leans back. You aren't even looking at the guitar, but you're hitting every note. All you can look at it Elsa's smiling face.
Elsa's voice is truly amazing. It far surpasses your own but you are able to harmonize with her. The song ends with one final line from Elsa. It was perfect. The crowd goes insane. You swing your guitar behind your back then kiss Elsa passionately. You don't care about all the students around you. You only see Elsa.
She doesn't resist. She returns the favour by taking part. You separate and look at the crowd. You raise her hand. "Ladies and gentlemen! Elsa! Anderson!"
The crowd screams even more.
Elsa's smiling so wide. She feels accepted by the school for the first time. She never cared before, but everyone saw her as a loner and a freak. Now she is this amazing singer and very popular.
Anna runs onto the stage and jumps on Kristoff, wrapping her arms and legs around him. She then proceeds to kiss him. The whole crowd is going nuts. They aren't calming down.
"Where did you even learn that song?" You ask with a huge smile.
"I learned it just in case something happened. Looks like I plan well, don't I?" She smirks.
"Oh, I love you!" you say.
She looks wide eyed at you but has a smile.
"What did you say?"
You back off for a second. "Oh nothing. Really. You probably just heard the crowd say it. Whatever you heard."
You smile and rub the back of your head. She smiles and kisses you again, just like before.
"Well I don't think the crowd can get any louder. The winners are The Ice Harvesters!"
Hans storms up to the stage and grabs the mic.
"What? We haven't played our second song yet!"
"I'm sorry Hans, but the crowd has spoken," the announcer states
Hans is furious. He paid to win and he still lost. All the planning for the perfect humiliation ruined. He turns his rage towards you. He pulls out a knife and rushes at you.
Kristoff sees this. He puts Anna down and sprints to help.
You are too distracted by Elsa to see it coming. But she catches it out of the corner of her eye.
She pulls you out of the way and Hans slips a little before regaining his balance.
"You took the girls from me. You humiliated me. And you even date Elsa!"
"I never would have gone out with you Hans!" Elsa yells.
The crowd doesn't notice the knife in Hans' hand, so nobody pays much attention to it.
"What are you talking about Elsa?" Anna asks.
"Hans wouldn't stop asking me out all last year. I wouldn't accept and he got angry. I tried to tell you, but whenever the subject of Hans came up you wouldn't listen."
Anna processes this.
"Leave Hans! Accept the terms of our agreement and stand down," You yell.
"No!" he howls.
He rushes at you with the knife. He tries to stab you but you easily stop his hands without touching the blade. In one quick motion the blade is out of his hands and on the ground. You kick it away.
The announcer noticed Hans trying to stab you and called the principle and the police. The principle came down and took him away. You had a feeling that Hans was going to hold that grudge, but you could worry about that later.
The group goes to Anna and Elsa's house to celebrate. Anna grabs some alcohol and other mixtures.
"We're celebrating like this?" You ask.
"Why not? You won Battle of the Bands and Hans got expelled for trying to kill you. Today is one worth celebrating.
"Damn right!" Kristoff agrees, grabbing some cups.
You notice Gerda and Kai have a worried look on their face. You excuse yourself from the group and talk to them.
"Listen, I don't plan on drinking. You guys can head out if you want. Have a short day."
Gerda and Kai look at each other then nod.
"We'll stay for another hour then leave. We expect everyone to be okay in the morning."
"On my life," you agree.
You join your friends and notice Elsa has a drink in her hand. You raise your brow at her and she shrugs with a smile.
"I have to agree with Anna. This day is worth celebrating."
She wouldn't say it, but she is also celebrating the fact that you told her you love her. You may deny it, but she knows and couldn't be happier. She takes her drink in one clean gulp then fills it up. Your eyes widen at this, but you mostly laugh.
Everyone seems to be having a good time. You notice Gerda and Kai leaving and you are surprised an hour has gone by already. You doubt your friends even notice. Everyone –besides you– is getting quite drunk. It is funny for you though.
Anna is even more giggly and talkative. You didn't even think that was possible. Kristoff is doing a bunch of weird stunts that get a laugh from everyone. Elsa is the same as Anna. She is super giggly and talkative.
Within a few hours you see everyone pass out. Then wake up again. You know it is time for everyone to sleep. You get Kristoff on your shoulder and bring him to Anna's room. You take Anna to Elsa's room. You start to get Elsa up there but she is being difficult.
She is continuously kissing you. You can't ignore this forever and eventually start kissing her back. It gets quite hot and heavy. She takes off your shirt and her own. She starts to take off her bra but you stop her.
"Elsa, I don't want to do this when you're drunk."
"Oh come on. I consent."
"Elsa. No," You adamantly state.
She gets mad and storms into her room, cursing you. You know she doesn't mean it.
You begin to clean up all the bottles and garbage around. You place them all in respective places then wipe your eyes. You are tired too. You turn around to see Anna standing in front of you.
"Gah, jeez. Anna don't do that," You chuckle.
She grabs you and kisses you. You flail your arms around her then push her back. Her eyes are still closed and lips still puckered.
"Anna! What are you doing? Listen, go to bed. I think you should."
She tries to kiss you again but you stop her. Now you don't know where to put her. She may try and kiss Elsa! That'd just be weird.
You finally calm her down. You put her away with Kristoff. You then noticed Olaf's door close ever so slightly. You decide to ignore it. It could have been the wind and it's late. You wouldn't want to wake him up.
You lie on the couch and think of the day. You only have three words to today
"Damn good day!"
You rest your eyes and fall asleep.
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