Chapter 8: Talent

You wake up the next day. The room is warm and dry again. Elsa is still in your arms, sleeping away. You debate whether to get up or not, as Elsa is still sleeping and she has your arm. You shrug and try to get back to sleep.

Right as you try to go back to sleep Elsa begins to wiggle. She is waking up. She turns to face you.

"Hey," she says in a soft, morning voice.

"Hey," you respond. "Did you sleep well?"

"I slept wonderfully," Elsa smiles.

She kisses you then leans her forehead on yours. You notice something new. Her smell. She smells like mint. One of those mint flavoured gums you can buy. "So that's what Kristoff meant by the smell... I thought he was just being weird," you think.

You both lay there for some time but you then notice Elsa's eyes widen.

"(Y/N)... What day was it yesterday?" She asks.

"Sunday..." you stretch the word.

You realize what she was talking about. It was a school day! You both jump up and start running to school. As soon as you get out of the store Elsa stops for a moment and looks at her attire.

"I can't run in this! I have heels!" Elsa observes.

You get in front of her and bend down a bit.

"Get on my back!" You suggest.


"I can run fast with 150 lbs on my back, and you are definitely not... You know what I'm not talking about your weight just get on!"

Elsa giggles then hops on your back. You run as fast as you can back to the school. Thankfully it wasn't too far away and Elsa was pretty light. You dash through the streets and through random strangers. They give you some weird looks but they are likely to forget you a minute later.

As you were running one person does catch your eye though. It was a girl with green hair. You get a weird feeling as you run past her. You connect eyes and time seems to slow down. You ignore it and continue to run.

She turns to watch you run. Her brow raises and a smile resides on her face. She begins walking in your direction.

You reach the school then let Elsa off your back. She looks relatively okay. Maybe a little gritty, but still beautiful. You are pretty much the same, minus the beautiful part. You both enter the school and look at the time: its third period.

"We missed that much?" Elsa gripes. "Our teachers are gonna kill us."

You put your hand around her shoulder. "Well, we could just hang out at the cafeteria until class ends. Anna and Kristoff will no doubt go there."

Elsa shoots you a look. "Go to the cafeteria? I haven't gone there in years."

You pull her in a little closer and lean in on her ear. "I'm here. Nobody will say anything."

You then kiss her on the cheek and she blushes. "Ok, let's go."

You both make your way to the cafeteria. Elsa grabs your hand. You enter the cafeteria and it is relatively empty. A couple people look over at you two and are surprised to see Elsa.  You both sit at the table you usually do and wait. You discuss some silly things, such as who really wins your little wrestling matches.

Elsa claims it's her but you always defend that you let her win. It's half true. After some good chuckles the bell rings and the cafeteria begins to fill with students. Kristoff and Anna are not yet among them.

Many students stare at you and Elsa. She becomes uncomfortable, you can see it.

"Elsa, I'm here. Focus on me, not them," you say.

She nods and starts focusing on you.

"Look at the love birds," a familiar voice shouts.

"Oh no..." you snivel. "What do you want Hans?"

Hans and his friends walk up to your table. Hans puts his hands down on the end of the table and leans in. Elsa slides down from him.

"I'm sorry Elsa, am I making you uncomfortable? Would you and (Y/N) like a room to kiss it out?"

You stand up and confront him. "Lay off Hans."

Your tone is serious. You're not messing around.

This begins to gain the attention of all the students. Anna and Kristoff show up but they are blocked off by waves of students. They don't realize Elsa, Hans, and you are in the middle of the commotion.

"What's wrong (Y/N)? Struck a nerve?" Hans grins.

"Not my nerve, hers. I wouldn't push her buttons, Hans," you warn.

"But you push her buttons and can't you push the right ones."

"This isn't right, he knows something," you think.

"Should I deal with this?" Shadow asks.

"No," you respond. "Elsa is here, and I want to do this."

You and Hans have a small stare down. His buddies surround you. The room becomes colder. You know what this means. You take a quick look at Elsa. She is watching you both. Her hands are against her chest. She's uncomfortable.

"You think you're good because you defend her?" Hans asks.

"No, not at all. I simply don't like people being assholes. It urks me."

"How about this then, (Y/N), there is a battle of the bands going on this week at school. Why don't you enter and see if you can win?"

You are confused at this challenge. What does this prove? You don't understand his intention.

"Sure, I'm down for that," you bluff.

Hans and his buddies disperse and the cafeteria returns to normal. You rush beside Elsa and put your arms on her shoulders.

"Are you okay Elsa?"

"I'm fine, I promise. I just don't like him," Elsa responds. "And with all these people staring I got nervous... Usually I can handle myself."

"That's the Elsa I know," you smile.

Kristoff and Anna rush over to your table.

"(Y/N), Elsa! Where were you guys?" Anna demands.

You let out a smile. "Just enjoying some time together. Sorry we gave you a scare."

"Man, you really have to get used to looking at your phone," Kristoff says.

You take out your phone and see all the notifications. 12 calls from Anna, 4 from Kristoff with about 23 texts from Anna. You chuckle at it.

"So what was all that commotion about?" Anna asks.

"Hans challenged (Y/N) to join the battle of the bands," Elsa explains.

Anna's eyes go wide. "Why would you do that?"

You tilt your head. "Why wouldn't I?"

"For one," Kristoff starts, "Hans' band has never lost once. Second, the loser of the finals gets a huge bucket of stuff dropped on their head."

"What kind of stuff?" You ask.

"Whatever the winner decides, within reason," Anna finishes.

"So if I won, I could dump a bunch of stuff on his head?" You ask, grinning.

"You're actually gonna do it," Elsa notices.

"Hey, you said I had a pretty good singing voice. Plus I can play guitar. That just leaves a drummer," you say turning your head slowly at Kristoff.

He looks at you for a second but realizes what your intentions are.

"No. No way."

"Come on Kristoff. You can impress Anna with your drumming skills," you mention.

Anna starts shrieking in excitement. "My boyfriend's a drummer! Oh you have to do it Kristoff. For me?"

Anna gives him a puppy dog face. He can't resist that face. He submits.

"Fine, but we better win," Kristoff demands.

You crack a smirk. "Damn right we will."

You and Kristoff shake hands on it.

Elsa seems to have calmed down. She starts to actually take part in the conversation. You can tell Anna loves this. You do too. Thankfully Anna doesn't bug you two about last night.


The rest of the day proceeds normally. You are happy that there is a shower at school. Kristoff offers you a ride to his place but you decline. You'll meet him there after you grab some new clothes.

Before you leave Anna approaches you. She gives you a letter and tells you about the girl who stopped by. By Anna's description, it was the same girl you remember passing on your way here. Another surprising fact is that she mentioned your parents. That's not something you expected to hear.

You begin walking to Oaken's, letter in hand. You pass by your field and decide to take a seat. You open the letter and begin reading it. It doesn't say much.

"Meet me at... your field," You read.

You look around and see the same girl standing across the way.

You toss the letter away and proceed to the base of the field. You take a position in front of her.

"So, what do you want?" You bluntly ask.

She seems insulted. "No manners? I thought you were nicer than that."

She begins to look around at the field. It isn't as beautiful as before. She sees patches of dead grass and burn marks. She waves her hand a bit and it all comes back to life. You are surprised at first but maintain a serious look.

"I knew there would be more people with powers," Shadow chimes in. "Keep on guard, there may be more."

You follow his advice and remain alert.

"So what did you want, Gia?

"Oh, you can call me Gaia. I prefer that."

"I'm guessing you use that in accordance to your earth powers," you observe. "That may make you a leader, as Gaia was said to be the mother of all. Something along those lines."

She smiles. "Aren't you clever."

"I try," you coldly state. "So does that mean you sent the Fire Prince after Elsa?"

"Ah, yes, Pyro. That I did. However to find you both together is quite interesting."

She begins to pace around you. Your body is ready for anything; there is no way she'll surprise you.

"Why is that weird?" You ask.

"We were all separated. Hidden. Yet you find the Ice Queen with no effort at all."

She stops behind you. You don't move. You know that she is trying to toy with you.

"You know nothing about my parents, do you? It was simple trick to get me out here."

She grins. "Well I had to get you to meet me somehow."

"Listen; there is no doubt that we will attack the Ice Queen again. But I offer you a chance to join with us. We eliminate the Ice Queen, and then go after the people that did this to us."

You chuckle. "Nobody did anything to me... and you're not touching Elsa."

Gaia's grin turns into a frown.

"Very well, but realize that we won't hold back. We'll kill her and you."

You turn to face her. "You can try."

You stare at each other. You know that you will have to defeat her, possibly kill her, but you appreciate her. She doesn't seem blood thirsty. She has a type of conviction that won't be broken. She needs to do this, but you don't know why.

She puts her wrists in a different position and flicks them. You hear something behind you so you duck. A block of earth zooms past you. It stops before it hits Gaia. She smirks. She sends it back at you.

You use your forearm to hit it, causing it to fall into dirt stones.

"So you break that, huh?" She says.

She then summons vines from behind her and whips them at you.

"Oh joy," you sarcastically state.

You run forwards a bit and perform a barrel roll in mid air, dodging most of the vines. Some come at you while in the air. You grab them and use them as a force to move yourself through the air. Gaia notices you holding on to the vines, so she changes them into thorned vines.

You feel the thorns and let go of it. You land on the ground quite smoothly but the rest is brief. More thorned vines begin shooting from all over the place. You prepare yourself. You begin jumping and dodging as fast as you can.

You know you can't keep this up forever. You jump out of the area where the vines are attacking you. They stop and begin to follow you. They remind you of snakes. You begin running towards Gaia. She sees this and erects a large wall from the ground.

You stop in front of it, trying to think. You turn around to see the vines closing in on you. You back away from the wall a bit then wait 2 seconds. You begin to sprint at the wall, and then use the wall to backflip out of the way of the incoming vines.

The vines break through the wall and proceed towards Gaia. She easily stops them. As she does you drop down from the sky and land on her. Just like you did with Carnage. You punch her once then get off.

She quickly gets up and wipes the blood off of her face. She smiles.

"You have technique. I'm looking forward to facing you later."

All the earth and plants she summoned returns to the ground.

You relax and stare at her. You knew you could have killed her right there, but you didn't. Some part of you wants to see what she has in store. There is a need to face her full power. Killing her isn't what you want to do. You want to show her that even if she throws everything at you, you'll win.

She nods at you then begins to walk away. You simply watch her leave.

"I too await our next fight," you whisper.


You arrive at Kristoff's place. You're quite distracted by your meeting with Gaia but you shove it to the back of your mind. Kristoff has his drum kit set up and an amp for you, just in case. You enter the room and smile at him. He smiles back.

"So, we're gonna need some songs to play. I talked to Anna and we'll need at least 4," Kristoff explains.

You grab his electric guitar and set it up the way you like it.

"Well, maybe some impressive guitar and drum songs? We can start off simple and use some complex songs to win," You say.

He agrees.

"I was thinking 7 Nation Army by The White Stripes would be a good starter. It's simple, but has a charm to it," Kristoff recommends.

"I know how to play that, and the lyrics. So that would work. You want to try it?" You ask.

"Sure," Kristoff says, getting ready to play.

You pull the some off quite well. You even added a few personal touches that added to the song. You always had that talent. You could really personalize a song if you were in the mood.

"That was pretty damn good," Kristoff joyfully states. "Have any others you wanna try?"

"I have a couple in mind. But, we really need one great finisher."

"We'll worry about that later. We need are base right now," Kristoff advises.

He was right. You guys played a combination of songs you liked and songs he liked. You guys sounded really great. You're singing wasn't even bad. You were happy with all this. It was really comforting for you to be playing with friends again; you hadn't done it for months.

Kristoff is all sweaty after playing for 2 hours. It was understandable since your fingers are giving out.

"I think that was a good first day," Kristoff chuckles.

You nod in agreement. "So I guess I should head out. You're probably having dinner soon."

"You can stay, if you want. My family does like you," Kristoff offers.

You smile. "Well if it's alright with them then I'll stay."

Kristoff walks by you and pats your shoulder twice. He leaves you in his room.

His room isn't anything special. Its pretty bare bones, besides the drums and guitar.

You fall on his bed and begin thinking about Gaia – what she said. She mentioned you were part of something. Some sort of experiment or another.

"That doesn't make sense though; I don't even have any powers. I can believe that they know Elsa. I mean they all have some sort of control over an element. But what makes Elsa so special? Why would they want her?" You think to yourself. "But if they are telling the truth, then what do I have? I mean If I did have powers wouldn't I have noticed them? Elsa said she had them as a child. It doesn't make sense for me to have powers. Gaia must be trying to mess with me, and its working."

You are surprised that Shadow doesn't have anything to say. You'd think he would be full of ideas right now.  You would actually prefer that he help you on this one. Gaia made it quite clear that she would go after Elsa, and you had to be there. You won't let them touch her.

Kristoff enters his room with his phone In hand.

"Anna just invited us out to dinner. You up for that?"

You shrug. "Sure. Is Elsa coming?"

"Hold on, I'll ask," Kristoff says as he types in his phone.

He rests his hands in his pockets.

"So (Y/N), what's up? You seem all tense and distracted," Kristoff asks.

You debate telling him. He did see the Fire Prince –Pyro– so it wouldn't be a shock to him. But he may start to worry too much. You don't want to put that stress on him. You don't even know whether to tell Elsa. She should know more than anyone but your mind goes back to the stress factor.

She may become reclusive in fear of putting people around her in danger. Just like you used to be. You don't want her to be like that. She is in such a good place right now and you don't want to ruin it. You'll protect her.

"Nothing much Kristoff... I'm just worried about what happened the other day, with that Fire Prince guy. What would've happened if you weren't there."

Kristoff sits on the bed with you. "(Y/N)... From what I heard you beat a giant lava monster. It wouldn't have mattered when I got there if you weren't there to beat that thing. You saved Elsa and Anna. Hell, you saved us all. You can't worry about that anymore. Plus you were the one who got hurt the most. Elsa probably has the same thoughts as you. What could she have to help you?"

You crack a smile. You know he is right. Elsa may have died right there if it wasn't for you.

"She cares about you man, I know it. As long as you are there then she will be safe. Nothing can beat you," he continues.

"I think you over estimate me," you laugh.

"All I wanted was that laugh," he smiles.

He checks his phone and there is a text from Anna.

"She says that Elsa was waiting to see if you'll go, so I assume she's coming."

Kristoff begins typing, confirming that you are coming.


You and Kristoff arrive at the restaurant. Anna and Elsa claim they already have a table and are waiting for you both.

"This place... Man..." Kristoff mumbles.

"What?" You ask.

"It's one of the most high end restaurants in Arendelle. We are SO underdressed."

Surprised takes over your face.

"When did you ever care about being properly dressed?"

"Well, I don't want to seem... I don't know," Kristoff stutters.

"Ha, you care about your image in front of Anna," You laugh. "Don't worry, she won't care. Also how did you not know we were going here? She sent you the text.

"She sent me an address. That's very different," he defends.

"Uh huh," you listen.

You both enter the restaurant and it's filled with some high end people. They're all wearing suits and dresses. You both stand out like a sore thumb. The waiter approaches you and leads you to your seat. It confused you. You didn't even give a name.

She leads you to a table where Anna and Elsa are sitting. They are dressed up and look amazing. Elsa's attire reminds you of when you took her to Oaken's. "Wow, I can't believe she took my date that seriously," you think.

Both Anna and Elsa laugh when they see you. You take your seat beside Elsa. Kristoff does the same with Anna.

"Ok, what's so funny?" You ask.

"Well we asked the waiter to bring two men who were obviously under-dressed," Anna begins.

"And it's funny that they brought us the right people," Elsa finishes.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Kristoff complains.

"Oh Kristoff," Anna says grabbing Kristoff's cheek. "Where would the fun in that be?"

You look at Elsa and she is still laughing a bit. Your stare at her makes her laugh even more.

"Yeah yeah, laugh it up," you state.

The dinner went quite well over all. You and Elsa held hands for the entire night, except when you ate. The thought of an attack was constantly at the back of your head. You continuously surveyed the area to make sure nothing would happen. Elsa noticed your uneasiness.

You stay awhile after you finish your meal. You all laugh and talk about your day. Kristoff boasts about his drumming skills. You let him have his moment. Anna talks about her difficulty picking a dress. This one is your favourite for the simple fact that you never understood the hell that was deciding on clothes.

You mention your progress on choosing the songs for the show. Kristoff and you take over the show for a bit. Anna and Elsa seem happy about your endeavor. How you both are so excited to play that you forget Hans and everything that happened lately. You talk about some things to, but you refrain from mentioning your meeting with Gaia.

Anna and Elsa attempt to pay for it but you and Kristoff stop them. You both act casual about it but in reality you both had to spend most of you money on this dinner. The girls found it sweet.

You end your night with a kiss to Elsa and jump in Kristoff's car. He drives you back to his place. You prepare for tomorrow. The battle of the bands begins.

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