Chapter 7: A Calming

It didn't take long for you to get up and moving. You sleep that whole day but get up early the next. You notice Elsa isn't here. You also remember you are in her room, and wonder where she slept.

You check your pockets for your phone but it isn't there.

"Did I drop it earlier?" you ask yourself.

You look around the room and memories of you and Elsa pop into your mind. You smile.

You leave the room and look around. You don't hear much sound. You did notice the sun shining in from a window, so you know it's day time. You go down stairs. You can't even find Gerda or Kai.

"Where is everyone?" you say under your breath.

You go to the living room. You finally find someone. Elsa is asleep on the couch. She is curled up and giving a light snore. It sounds so cute.

You slide yourself behind her and lay down. You throw your arm around her waist and she lightly holds onto it. Is she awake? You don't care. You enjoy this moment. You just hope she won't wake up and kick your ass.

You don't know how long you've sat there with her, but it doesn't bother you at all. She wakes up eventually. She somehow knows it's you, because she doesn't freak out.

"You're up," Elsa notices.

She slightly turns her body so she can face you. A smile resides on her face. She is obviously happy you are up and moving. She keeps holding onto your arm.

"Yeah, thanks to you."

She smiles and kisses you.

"So where are Anna and Kristoff?" you ask.

"They are sleeping, I think. You've been out for a day, you know."

You look at her for a second, thinking. It does make sense.

She turns her body to completely face you.

"I know I've said it before but... Thank you for saving Anna," Elsa repeats.

"Honestly, it was no problem. I would do it for any of you. To be completely honest I would rather not, but I will if need be."

She giggles then wraps her hands around your neck.

She pulls you in and you start kissing again. It's passionate, it's comforting. It reminds you of your old girl friend. You quickly dismiss that thought. That's a little awkward. You simply enjoy the moment, as Elsa is.

You both hear someone clear their throat and you stop.

"Please don't be Anna," you think.

You both peak over the couch to see Kai.

"Ms. Elsa, Mr. (Y/N), breakfast will be ready soon. Would you like me to wake up Mr. Bjorgman and Ms. Anna?"

"No, that's fine Kai. We'll do it," Elsa responds.

Kai leaves the room.

"I thought Gerda and Kai aren't all business?" you ask.

"Well, they seem to switch it up a lot. We never know," she responds. "Come on, let's go get the others."

She gets off the couch and you do as well. You both head up to Anna's room.

"Should I wait out here?" You ask.

"No, she'll want to see you," Elsa smiles.

You both enter the room to see Anna on the bed. She is in the same clothes as yesterday.

"Anna," Elsa whispers as she lightly shakes Anna. "Anna wake up."

Anna's eyes slowly begin to open. As you come into her view her energy sky-rockets to full.

"(Y/N)!" She yells, jumping off her bed and hugging you.

You hug her back.

"Hey Anna, how're you feeling?"

"How am I feeling? How are you feeling! You were the one that got stabbed and wouldn't shut up for hours," she redirects.

The latter part confused you. Elsa never mentioned anything like that.

You look at Elsa and she meets your eyes. She doesn't pick up on it.

"What do you mean I wasn't shutting up?" You ask Anna.

She releases you.

"Well, shortly after you fell unconscious you kept screaming in pain. You were holding your arm, head and stomach a lot."

You knew exactly what happened. It has to be the fight you were having in Limbo. You had no idea it was having a real world effect.

"Oh, well that seems odd," You excuse.

They have no reason to question it.

"I'm just glad you're okay, I'm the reason you were hurt and it makes me feel bad you went through all that."

"Anna," you say, grabbing her shoulders, "it wasn't your fault. Never think that."

She looks at you and grins.

"We should tell Kristoff you're awake," Anna suggests.

"Where did Kristoff sleep anyway?" Elsa asks.

Anna laughs and leads the way. She ends up in front of a room.

"That's Olaf's room," Elsa notices.

"Olaf is at a friend's house this weekend. I told Kristoff to come here."

"Anna, Olaf's bed is small. Kristoff couldn't fit in that."

Anna laughs. "I know."

You and Elsa share a concerned look as you enter the room. You find Kristoff on the floor with blankets that only reach to his waist. He is covered in three blankets to keep him warm.

You all break out into laughter and it wakes Kristoff up. He knows what you're laughing about.

"You know, Anna, this was a sick joke to pull on me," he complains, raising himself.

When he gets up he notices you standing there.

"(Y/N), you're okay!" he shouts, rushing up to you and giving a big bear hug.

"Kristoff," you struggle to say. "Kristoff!"

He lets go and you breathe again.

Kristoff wears a goofy grin. "Sorry about that."

"No problem. I think I can take a hug after what happened yesterday."

"Elsa..." Anna starts ,"I know this may be uncomfortable for you, but you said you'd explain your ice thing when (Y/N) woke up."

Kristoff nods in agreement.

Elsa lets out a huge sigh but feels something on her hand. It's your hand grabbing hers. She feels more comfortable.

"Ok, I can tell you. Let's all go down to the living room so we have a place to sit"

You all move down there. Since you already know, none of this will be a shock to you.

You sit beside Elsa while Kristoff and Anna sit together.

Elsa takes in one deep breath before beginning.

"For as long as I can remember, I have had this power to control ice and snow. You used to know about it Anna – when we were younger. But you were hurt during one of our games. I hit you with an ice blast. You know that white streak of hair you have? That's why you have it."

"You have a white strand of hair?" Kristoff whispers to Anna.

Anna elbows him in the stomach.

"It was advised that I keep my powers secret after that. Our parents didn't want another incident so they made me hide it from you. It became so natural that I didn't want to tell you about it."

"So... were the gloves..." Anna starts.

"I use to turn anything I touch to ice. That's different now," Elsa says, intertwining her hand with yours.

Kristoff notices but Anna is too distracted to notice.

"Please, Anna, I don't want you to hate me for this. I was just so scared that I would hurt you again and our parents thought it was best. I didn't want to go against them and by the time they left it just seemed..."

"Too late?" Anna finished.

Elsa stared at the floor. You can see that tears are beginning to form in her eyes. Before she knows it Anna is on top her giving her a hug. Elsa lets go of your hand to hug her sister.

"I thought you hated me!" Anna cried. "I thought you wanted nothing to do with me!"

Both sisters are crying now.

"Never Anna! I love you!" Elsa comforts.

You move off that couch and sit with Kristoff. You allow the sisters to have their moment.

Kristoff looks at you. "You did that, you know? You got them closer."

You smirk, "Yeah... Yeah I did."

The girls hug it out and say loving things to each other as you and Kristoff sit there awkwardly. You both have no idea what to do other then stay silent. No jokes. No remarks.

After a minute both girls turn to you two and blush.

"Sorry," Anna apologizes.

"It's no problem at all," you say.

"It's nice to see," Kristoff adds.

Anna and Kristoff head back upstairs while you and Elsa stay downstairs.

"That went better than I expected," Elsa sighs.

"I'm glad," You respond.

Elsa sits beside you and leans on you.

"I'm so glad you're okay. When I saw the knife in your stomach..."

"Elsa, there is no need to think on that. That fire guy is gone now and we're all okay."

She looks up at you and smiles before returning to her previous position.

"Hey, Elsa, as much as I don't want to disturb this that wall at school is still broken. I don't think that will end well tomorrow," You mention.

She pats your stomach. "Always thinking of others instead of personal pleasures, huh? Alright, let's go."


Elsa pulls into the schools parking lot. There isn't that much damage considering Marshmallow tore through the place. It barely looks touched, in fact. You both walk around to the back of the school. The wall is completely demolished.

"Oh man..." you complain.

"How did you stop the monster?" Elsa questions.

"Marshmallow? Well I activated the sprinkler system. That's basically how I did it."

"Marshmallow?" Elsa asks with a brow raised.

You shrug. "What? I named him. If you look past his murderous intent then he was cute."

Elsa laughs.

"So how are we gonna do this?" You ask.

"Stand back," Elsa warns.

You take her advice and move away. She summons ice to clear out the debris then replaces the wall with ice. It takes the same colour of the wall. The only difference is that there are unique markings in the brick. It reminds you of something.

The other wall! The one with beautiful markings.

"This is how you made the wall in the school," You state.

Elsa smiles and turns towards you. "Indeed it is."

She wraps her hands around your neck again. You remember what happened last time she did that. You put your arms around her waist.

"So you used your powers on occasion when you were younger? How bold. How daring," You compliment.

"I find myself a lot more daring and outgoing nowadays. Let me show you." She seductively states.

You lips press together. Elsa flicks her wrist a little bit and creates a design of the two of you in the wall. It is abstract, so not everyone will know it's there. You pull Elsa in a bit more. Things are getting a tad serious. Maybe because you both know there is a very low chance of anyone disturbing you out here.

Elsa is quite passionate. You wouldn't have guessed when you first met her. The Elsa you know now is way different from the one you met before. But one thing was the same. Both were absolutely stunning. Her tongue makes your way into your mouth. You're a little surprised, but you don't mind it.

As the two of you have your moment a figure walks across the field with their hands in their pockets. They look in your direction and notice you.

"No fucking way," they say moving closer towards you.

It's Hans!

He moves in and sees you two kissing.

"She likes him but not me? Damn you, (Y/N). Elsa didn't accept me before. I thought after seeing how I was with Anna she would accept me, but no. You ruined my plan. I can't have either sister because of you!"

Hans scurries away, but he won't forget what he has seen.

The two of you finish for a moment then stare at Elsa's work. It was still amazing to you.

You get an idea. You search for your phone but remember you lost it this morning.

"Looking for your phone?" Elsa asks, pulling it out of her pocket.

You grab it. "Where'd you...?"

"I took it out of your pocket while you slept. You didn't look so comfy laying on it"

You take a few steps away and dial in a number.

"Come on, come on... Yes, Oaken, it's me (Y.N)."

"What do you need? Some big sales nowadays," he advertises.

"No, listen. Remember that thing we talked about? The dinner and all."

"Oh yes, do you have a use for it now?"

"Yes, please set it up for tonight at 7. Thanks Oaken."

You hang up the phone then look at Elsa.

"You have plans tonight?" You ask.

"I don't know, my boyfriend might be taking me out."

You stutter for a moment but realize she is talking about you.

"Aw, that's too bad. What does he have planned?" You play along.

"Not sure, it's suppose to be a surprise." She smiles.

"You sound like one lucky girl."

She pulls you in once again. "You have no idea."

She kisses you again.

It goes well until your stomach ruins it. It growls from hunger. You rub it then wear a silly smile.

Elsa laughs, "Gerda and Kai said breakfast would be ready. We may have missed it, but let's get some food in you."


They had food indeed. You and Elsa arrived just after breakfast started. There was so much food. Pancakes, waffles, french toast, bacon, eggs. The whole table was covered. Your mouth watered as you saw it. Elsa saw this and chuckled a bit.

Kristoff was already stuffing his face. Anna was too, just more lady like. They greeted you as you came in and started bugging the two of you as to why you left. You told them you had to fix something, but they didn't believe that was the whole story. That's fair – it wasn't the whole story at all.

After you finished breakfast Kristoff asked if you wanted to hang out with him for a bit. You accepted. You haven't had time with just Kristoff. You help clean up the table with Gerda and Kai. Kristoff helps once he sees you are. He doesn't want to seem rude.

You begin to walk out with Kristoff but Elsa stops you for a moment.

"I'll see you later?" Elsa asks.

"Of course," you give her a quick peck on the lips. "I'll come by around 6:30. Be ready."

"For what?" She playfully asks.

"Oh, you'll see," You laugh.

Elsa retreats back to her room, giggling the whole way. Anna sees this and chases after her.

You chuckle and go meet Kristoff in his car. He starts it up and begins driving back to his house.

Elsa is grabbing some new clothes and preparing for a shower. Anna knocks on her door.

"Anna?" Elsa presumes.

"Uh huh," Anna responds.

"Come on in."

Anna enters the room and shuts the door behind her.

"So, whatcha doing?" Anna asks, swaying front and back.

"Nothing Anna, just cleaning myself up."

"You and (Y/N) have been spending a lot of time together," Anna points out.

Elsa begins to blush a little. "Yes, that's very true. What about it?"

Anna changes to a slouched position for a moment, letting her arms droop down. She regains her posture and jumps In front of her sister.

"Why won't you admit you guys like each other?" Anna demands.

Anna's face is a tad serious, but Elsa knows she just wants her to get with (Y/N).

"Who says we haven't?" Elsa teases.

Anna's face lights up with a huge smile.

"Have you?"

Elsa shrugs with a smile on her face. "Maybe. I'm not too sure"

Anna's smile turns to a frown and she crosses her arms.


"What would you like me to say Anna?" Elsa asks.

"The truth! That would be nice now."

Elsa knows what she is referring too. Anna has a point.

"Yes, okay. (Y/N) and I can be considered a couple."

Anna lets out a big girly shriek and hugs her sister.

"I knew it! I knew it! Kristoff knew it and I knew it!" Anna lets out a huge sigh of relief, "Now that you told me that, I can tell you this..."


The car isn't quiet at all. You and Kristoff are babbling.

"So (Y/N)... You and Elsa?" He brings up.

"So... You and Anna," you counter.

"Oh man, you know how to turn things against me," Kristoff chuckles.

You laugh and start to think. Why shouldn't you tell Kristoff? It's not like you're announcing it to the world, and he's your best friend. He doesn't say anything but keeps giving you a look. You remember that look. He gave it to you when you told him you were going over to Elsa's for dinner.

"Fine, Kristoff. Elsa and I are in a relationship. At least I think... She did call me her boyfriend so I guess we are."

Kristoff chuckles in victory. It is one of those fake laughs.

"Well, I guess I'll tell you something too. I'm dating Anna now."

You quickly look over at him. "What? Really? When did this happen?"

"Well, it started after Hans broke up with her. I suppose it started fast but there was that week build up. We're hoping Elsa won't disapprove."

"No way man. After everything that has happened... She likes you much better then Hans," you reassure.

Kristoff chuckles, "Well that's good. So it looks like our little group of misfits is pretty close now."

"Yeah... yeah we are."

You remember the last time all your friends were close. The peak of your friendship with so many great people and just gone. No warning, no reason. Just gone. A chill runs through your body as you begin to remember that night. Too much happened in one night. That's the night you abandoned your last name.

"(Y/N)," Kristoff says, shaking your shoulder, "we're here."

"Oh, okay."

You both hop out of the car and enter the house. As per usual, his family swarms you. You remember last time this happened, so you did not bring up Anna or Elsa at all.

Kristoff offers you a shower.

"But I still have old clothes on..." you complain.

"We'll have them washed by the time you get out," he reassures.

You enter the bathroom and take off your clothes. You toss them out the door for someone to grab. You turn the shower on and test the water, changing it accordingly. You hop in and it feels nice. It feels like you haven't showered in ages. It feels like the past week has been a year, in fact.

You hear the door open. You are uneasy about this. You're naked and someone is in the same room.

"I wish to have a word with you when you clean up," a voice states.

The door closes. It was obviously Pabbie. What does he want? Last time you talked he learned one of your deepest secrets. What would he want this time?

You clean yourself up and walk out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around your waist.

As soon as you open the door one of the family is holding your fresh, clean clothes.

"Thank you," you say as you grab your clothes.

They nod and run off.

You put your clothes back on. It's good to be clean again. You then remember what you have to do: go see Pabbie. You walk into his little room and he is standing on the table waiting for you.

"You know, you could have waited till after I got out of the shower," you joke.

"Please sit down," he requests.

You take the same seat you did before. Pabbie touches your head again but this time it isn't as shocking. His face cringes some as he continues. This is sort of awkward for you, but you remain silent.

He takes his hand off you and sighs.

"You're alter has done quite well at blocking me out. I can't find anything on those two. I did find one interesting thing, however." He takes a pause. "How much do you remember of your childhood?"

You tilt your head.

"I remember quite fine, why?"

"That's a lie," he calls out. "When I search your mind there is a large time frame that you don't remember. It is being blocked by all three of you."

You are surprised at this news.

"I remember my child hood just fine. When I was young I... Well I did do..." You try to remember but nothing is clear. "Shit, I can't remember anything."

You haven't thought about your childhood in a long time. It's possible you may have simply forgotten it. It hasn't really mattered lately. This news doesn't shake you up too much. It's like asking what you had for dinner 37 days ago.

Pabbie looks at you.

"You don't seem surprised by the news."

"Well if you know my past then you should know I tend not to think about it. I have good things here, in the now. I have things now that mean the world to me and what I can and can't remember shouldn't affect that," you adamantly state.

Pabbie lets out a sigh. You leave the room and join up with Kristoff.

"He doesn't realize that the key to what he is going through is his past. I hope he finds that out, or we'll all be in trouble."


You and Kristoff hang out for the majority of the day. He talks about the start of Anna and his relationship. How she talked to him all night after Hans was a pig, how they hung out at the mall and finally learned they cared for each other.

He also reveals that they weren't going to tell you until you both admitted it.

"You guys did catch our build up quite a few times," you chuckle.

"It was mostly Anna. She was loving the whole thing, "Kristoff says.

"Yeah, I noticed that. I'm glad they are both happy now. That they won't be so closed off towards each other. It's nice to see," you ramble.

The time flies and you notice the time, 6:00. Your plans are about to come to fruition.

Kristoff notices a smile on your face.

"What're you so happy about?"

You explain your plan for the night. It was simple, yet nice. A good first date. You even mentioned the twist you added in for Elsa. Kristoff applauds you and wishes you luck.

You make your way to Elsa's house. Gerda is the one who answers the door. She calls Elsa down. You can't believe your eyes when you see her. She was always beautiful, but now Elsa actually tried to look good. She was stunning, gorgeous. You couldn't find the words for it.

"Well hello there (Y/N), have you seen my boyfriend? He's suppose to be picking me up," She jokes.

"I guess he isn't coming. Guess you're stuck with me."

She lets out a fake huff and follows you to her car. You take the wheel and drive to Oaken's.

You both enter the main room but it is different. There are decorations all over the place. Fancy ones. It looks like a 5 star restaurant. Oaken is sitting at a booth near the door and shows you to your seat. It is the only seat in the place, but you let Oaken enjoy his moment.

There is a nice cover over the table with a swan candle in the middle. Its cliché, but still nice.

"I always thought Oaken's was just a corner store," Elsa states.

"You'd be surprised what he can pull off if you know him," You smile.

You rest your hand on hers and she intertwines her fingers with yours. You enjoy the silence since you're both together. That's all that matters. She starts up a small conversation which lasts for a bit. You both laugh and have a good time.

Your food finally arrives. There is a steak for you and to Elsa's surprise, her favourite dish.

"How? I never told you..." She says confused.

"I asked Gerda," You respond.

Elsa smiles and takes a bite. It melts in her mouth. Truly delicious. You try to have your best table manners. You don't always have the best ones, but you are trying with Elsa. She notices this.

While you are eating, some of Oaken's family stands in a line. They begin to sing a song. Neither of you understand what they are saying, but it does sound amazing and adds to the whole experience.

Elsa takes a moment to watch you. You are staring at the singers and smiling. You're evidently enjoying the music. She thinks of how different this all could have been. How she could have completely ignored you and never experienced any of this. She would never have known the difference. But she wouldn't give this up for anything.

You look back at Elsa and see her staring at you. You smile and she blushes. You can tell she is enjoying the moment, at least you hope she is. You want this to be special. You want her to remember this.

You both finish your meals. Oaken takes your dishes and returns with a heart-shaped container filled with chocolate.

"For you, my lady," Oaken politely states as he slips away.

Elsa eats a few pieces before saving the rest for later.

"This was very thought out, (Y/N). Thank you," she smiles.

You chuckle, "I have one more surprise."

You lead her to the room you usually stay at. It is covered in fake snow.

"Snow?" She asks.

"Well, it's not as good as you can do," you shrug. "But I thought we could have some fun."

You grab some in the form of a ball and throw it at Elsa. It hits her chest and she starts laughing. She creates a snow ball in her hands and tosses it at you.

"That's cheating!" You laugh.

You begin with a snow ball fight then move on to making a snow man. You messed around with the snow man, giving it silly faces and dressing it oddly. After that you two began wrestling a bit in the snow. You wanted revenge for her beating you the other day.

You start with the advantage. You are much stronger than Elsa, but she does have some good strength to her. She uses your momentum to flip you over but you do the same to her. You keep rolling until you hit the wall. She is on top. You then take a little snow and splash her face with it. You use the time to flip her over.

"See, told you it was the fatigue," You smile.

She nods her head sarcastically. "Yeah, we'll stick with that story."

She then flicks her wrist and a snow hand picks you off her places you on the floor. She jumps on you then uses some ice to lock your hands and feet down.

"See, that is definitely cheating," You remark.

"Oh shut up, I prefer it this way," she says.

She leans in on you and begins kissing you. Before anything starts to happen she flicks her wrist towards the door and covers it with snow and ice. She then becomes even more passionate. You are able to keep up. You break the ice rings Elsa put around your hands. You wrap them around her. She keeps her hands on your shoulders.

After a while you both stop. You are simply snuggling in snow that Elsa summoned. It's complete silence. Just you and her. Not a care in the world.

"I'm happy I met you (Y/N), I'm so happy I met you," She says softly.

"I'm happy I met you too Elsa, you have no idea how grateful I am for you."

You both fall asleep in peace.


Anna and Kristoff are cuddling on Anna's bed, watching a movie. Anna is laying her head on Kristoff's stomach while he holds her close.

"Hey Kristoff, do you know where (Y/N) and Elsa are? It's getting late," Anna softly asks.

"(Y/N) took Elsa out on a date. You should ask her about it when they get back. But as to where they are, Oaken's, most likely."

Anna acknowledges and continues to watch the movie. The door bell is heard but she doesn't have to worry about it.

"Anna, could you come here for a moment?" Kai shouts.

Anna gives Kristoff a kiss, "I'll be back in a moment."

Anna comes down stairs to find a girl standing at the door. She is quite beautiful and has long green hair.

"This girl asked to talk to you for a moment," Kai informs.

Kai moves out of the way but remains close to Anna.

"Hi, my name is Gia," she starts. "I'm looking for (Y/N), I've been told he is often here."

Anna crosses her arms, she is suspicious.

"Sometimes he does. Why, what do you want from him?"

"I have news about his parents. I would like to share it with him. I assume he isn't around?" Gia asks.

"No, he's out at the moment," Anna responds.

"That's too bad. Well, when you see him could you give him this letter? It'll give him a location for me to meet him."

Anna takes the letter and nods. Gia walks away and Kai shuts the door.

"His parents..." Anna wonders. She is tempted to open the letter to see what it holds.

But she knows that your parents are a sensitive subject.

"Who was that girl?" Anna ponders.

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