Chapter 51: Battle for Arendelle - Part 1

Chapter 51: Battle for Arendelle – Part 1

The council patiently awaits the arrival of the support that Anna had informed them of. It would take someone very impressive to sway the already hesitant Monarchs. Could a duo truly change the course of a battle between legendary Elementals? Then again, those five already make up an entire army. But is the possibility of two people worth risking their kingdoms? All of them already have their minds made up with only a slight chance to have their decisions changed.

The door finally creaks open with a small escort of guards leading in two men who have almost picture perfect resemblance.

"I didn't get to do any sight-seeing because of you!"

"We'll have time later. Stop complaining."

You cross your arms and mumble incoherently at your counterpart. After a few steps you turn your attention to the dozens of high ranking people in this room who've given their full attention to you and Ryu.

Whispers already circulate through the nobility at how you both look and walk. Obviously Ryu walks more to their liking considering he lives in this era and is also a King. You, on the otherhand, are just some young man who's absolutely out of place here. Thanks to your enhanced hearing you already regret wearing your clothing to this meeting. Nobody on this planet would wear clothing like yours, making you stick out like a sore thumb. Ryu can hear the same whispers though he chooses to ignore them. The opinions of nobility that are not from his world matter little to him.

"So you two are the ones Princess Anna believes are capable of ending the Queen's reign?" Frederic starts, asking the question on everyone's mind.

"We are," Ryu answers. "We both have experience dealing with Elementals. These ones should prove little difficulty to the two of us."

"Yeah, what he said," you confidently add, only to have Ryu shoot you a look telling you to shut up. "Right, right."

"If you've encountered Elementals in the past, then why are they still alive? How do you know if you can kill them?" Another King inquires, sparking discussion.

"I cannot answer that question. All you need to know is that we can defeat these Elementals."

"If that's the case then why are we needed at all?"

"You're not," Ryu bluntly answers, stirring the crowd even more and shocking Frederic. "I neither have the time nor patience to deal with your petty squabals and irritating egos. If you truly want to show your cowardice to everyone by not lending aid to Arendelle then that is your choice. Simply remember that everyone in this room shall remember that. Everyone here will remember that you were too cowardly to assist another Kingdom when they needed aid. If you wish that title to be given to you then leave right now. Otherwise I suggest you plan for an assault on Arendelle in two days."

You can't help but smile at Ryu's demeanor. Not only do you get to see an older you school these Kings and Queens, but you get a glimpse into how he handles politics in his world. He would have more leverage and influence as King, of course, but showing that he's a no-nonsense person really leaves its mark on you. He has the best intentions, even if he's not showing the utmost compassion. It's admirable to you.

Ryu turns around and heads for the exit.

"Could you take me to Princess Anna?" He asks the guard at the door.

The guard quickly nods and leads the way for the secret King. You, on the otherhand, are still standing in the middle of the room with all eyes on you. You start nervously chuckling as you point to the door, to your watch, realize they don't even know what your watch is which makes you look like more of an idiot, then you just stroll out as stiff as possible.

They keep their eyes on you until the door closes, then all glance at each other. Frederic clears his throat to attract the attention of the disgruntled Monarchs.

"So, um... we've heard from them. They sure have the confidence to back up Anna's claim. It is up to you, Kings and Queens from Kingdoms across the world to decide if you will aid our recapture of Arendelle. I know Balthier Westergaard has already pledged to aid us, and we thank him for it. So... What is the verdict?"


"Did you just?"


"Like, with no care!"


"They could ki- okay they couldn't but still dude!" You faun over the actions of your Kingly counterpart.

"I said what needed to be said, nothing more. Either way you and I will be the ones doing most of the battling. I trust that's no issue for you?"

You eagerly shake your head.

"I'm ready to hone my Drakon powers even further! Maybe we could do some more training? We have two more days."

Ryu stops in his tracks, firmly placing a hand on your chest to stop you.

"If you want more training I suggest going to Arendelle once more. Perhaps my father can teach you more about controlling your... unexpected amount of power. I have other things to do. In fact, I implore you to return to Arendelle. I will handle things here."

You take a step back and cross your arms.

"Are you sure?"

Ryu confidently nods.

"Of course. I am well versed in politics and you're the one that needs training. If you wish you can scout Arendelle as well. If anything urgent comes up you may contact me."

"I... right... okay, I can do that. I'll see you soon then, Ryu. Stay safe."

"Same to you, Knight."

You run off in the other direction towards the entrance while Ryu watches until you leave. Once out the door you immediately flare up in a brilliant power and soar through the air. The guards posted in the courtyard are absolutely blown away by what they just saw. A man younger than all of them just flew right into the air and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Some weird things, huh Frank?"

"Yeah Bill."


Ryu firmly knocks on Anna and Kristoff's door. After just a moment of waiting it opens by the hand of Kristoff.

"Ryu? That was faster than I thought."

"What did they say?" Anna shouts, pushing her way past Kristoff to face the older man.

Ryu shrugs his shoulder.

"I said what needed to be said. I believe you will have more allies now. I have some insight on how they think."

Kristoff looks over Ryu's shoulder with a brow raised.

"Where's (Y/N)?"

"He decided to scout Arendelle. He'll be there when we attack." Ryu looks into the room then back to the Princess. "May I come in?"

"Yes! Of course!" Anna urgently speaks as she opens the door completely and steps out of the way.

Ryu enters the room, using some wind to close the door behind him.

"So he'll be okay?" Kristoff once again asks about you.

"Of course. He's a powerful individual. I highly doubt the Elementals can do anything serious to him."

"How..." Anna chokes on her words as she tries to figure out how to say what she wants. "How are you two so strong? How can you fly?"

Ryu chuckles.

"How does your sister have the ability to control ice? Life is full of mysteries and we are two of those mysteries," Ryu answers with a very confident tone. "But that matters little at the moment. The meeting is wrapping up."

"How do you know?"

"I can hear it from here," Ryu calmly responds. "It seems we have the support of... everyone. Two days, Anna. I hope you're ready."


Elsa stands above her guards with a spiteful look. Durr is at the head of the guards, unable to move like the rest of them. Their feet and hands are frozen to the ground, each one shivering from the intense cold Elsa is creating. The only thing that's fortuitous about the situation is that the other Elementals are not present at the moment. They all left minutes after you escaped.

"My sister is taken right under your noses! What sort of pathetic men am I keeping around?" She scolds, tightening the icy grip she has on them. "Perhaps I'll use you all as an example? Some new decorations around the castle," she devilishly plans. "But that might be too easy for your useless souls."

"It w-was my fault, your Majesty," Durr manages to say through his shivers. "P-Please punish me and n-n-not my men."

Elsa turns on her heel and focuses on the Captain of the Guard.

"You want to be punished? You're willing to sacrifice your dignity for your men,'" Elsa chuckles. She snaps her fingers and the ice that held everyone else melts away. "Very well. You may leave... but..." The ice keeping Durr in place starts to shift towards his left arm, covering it completely. "You will all remember this failure."

With another snap of her fingers the ice covering Durr's arm shatters, taking the arm with it.

Durr cringes in pain, though it doesn't hurt as much as he thought it would. The ice is definitely numbing the pain but not completely. Durr holds the open wound at his shoulder before swiftly falling unconscious. Two guards approach the Captain and lead him out of the room to the infirmary. Elsa returns to her throne and watches most of the guards clear out... but one approaches her.

"Your Majesty," he starts, getting on one knee. "The people still protest about the recent... murders in town."

Elsa scoffs.

"Ah, yes. Well, after this rebellion is squashed and my sister returned I'll take care of that. After all... their safety is my top priority," she ends with a devious smile.


The Elementals kneel in a line before a trone that is not their Queen's. The entire area is entirely dark with only scraps of light coming through the ceiling. The only sound that can be heard is light breathing, the crackling of flames, water dripping from the ceiling, and... eating – the sound of meat being torn off and devoured.

"So you believe it to be another Drakon?" The male voice on the trone speaks.

"Yes. From what we've seen it seems this new man is another Drakon."

"There might be another one too. Reports say that two identical men were spotted in Arendelle." The man leans back and rests his hand on his chin as he enters deep thought.

"Two Drakons? That means three exist..."

"What should we do, sir?"

The man steps off his throne and paces in front of it, still holding his chin.

"Keep them away from Elsa. We need her for now. If they prove too much for you..." He looks to the figure in the corner of the room – the source of the eating sound. "Then we'll use ours."


You fly over Arendelle but pause right above the castle. You look down at Elsa's abode with a melancholy feeling. The woman you love acting like such a tyrannical ruler. You have two days before the battle commences which does give you time to visit Elsa one more time to see if you can talk sense into her. She won't listen but it's worth a try. However right now it's time for more training. You need to learn to control your power during battles so you don't accidently destroy everything. That does bring up the question of how powerful Ryu is. If you shook so much with what you've only recently unlocked, the thought of Ryu unleashing all his power leaves you with only your imagination.

You look back to the mountain and burst forward, reaching your destination in seconds. Landing gently on the ground, you look around for some method to call your ancient blood father.

"Rha... Rea... Rhaegoose? Oh crap I forgot the name," you whine, sliding your hands down your face.

Once you drag off a large creature slams down atop the mountain, shaking it to the brim and making you fall onto your butt.

"Rhaegos," the thundering voice answers.

You look up at the towering, near scary Dragon that's staring down at you.

"Ah... haha... Rhaegos, yeah, right, never forgetting that again," you say in a nervous, higher pitched voice. You brush yourself off as you get to your feet and stand confidently infront of the mythical beast. "Rhaegos, I wish to know if there's a place I can safely train! I want to push my abilities to the max to fight my father but I'm worried about the planet!"

Rhaegos, without missing a beat, breathes a beautiful blue flame onto you. You shield your face from the flame and only lower your guard when your body feels... different. You can feel yourself standing yet at the same time it's like nothing's below you. Carefully looking at the ground reveals that there is indeed nothing there but ongoing nothingness. You let your arms drop to look all around you and find the exact same thing.

"My own realm that I use when I do not wish to occupy a timeline. Nothing you do will escape this place. Do as much training as you wish in the two days you have." Rhaegos says this with his eyes looking at two different beings. In one realm is Shadow and the other is you. "I'm eager to see how much you master your abilities."

Shadow scoffs at the comment.

"I'm already far beyond (Y/N). Why are you giving me this chance as well?"

"I do not prefer one over the other. All opportunities shall be given to both of you equally."

Shadow turns away, transforming.

"That's a first."

"Do you feel yourself inferior to him?" Rhaegos asks.

Shadow hears the question but doesn't respond. He immediately hovers over the ground and dashes forward, readying a punch.

On the other end of the spectrum you stand in front of Rhaegos about to respond to him.

"I am too, honestly. I just hope I can get strong enough to stop Alistair."

"That will be a task, young Drakon. Alistair has transformed himself into something more powerful than any other human." Rhaegos looks to the sky as if he can see something. "He's even stronger than some Drakons."

You rub the back of your head and nervously laugh.

"Great... no pressure." You shake your head, slap your cheeks and get determined. "Alright, lets do this! I'm ready!"

You cross your arms, gathering power, then releasing them to your side as your eyes become pure white and power rushes over you. Immediately you jump into the air and start shadow sparring with people in the air. This whole sequence is so fast that anyone without special powers wouldn't be able to keep up with you. Your punching and kicking speed are dozens of times faster than they were when you trained with higher gravity, your reaction time and perception have also multiplied based on your Drakon powers alone. You always wondered how you could pull off such inhuman feats. Now it's clear that the reason is you aren't completely human. If someone would have told you that a few years ago you would have laughed it off like nothing. This power, however, this inhuman power is what's going to save your fiancée and friends. You won't fail them... and you won't fail this world's Elsa either.


Anna, Kristoff, and Ryu sit in the main dining hall along with the royal family of Corona. Ryu has already finished his meal with elegance and speed, something he learned from his time as King. He rarely has the luxury of having a lengthy meal with his family thanks to his duties, but he more than makes up for that to both Elsa and his two children when he can.

He doesn't contribute much via conversation either. As Anna and Rapunzel fill the hall with talk that one wouldn't think would be coming out of the mouths of two stressed princesses. Eugene and Kristoff are making small talk while the King and Queen proudly watch their family. Though Ryu notices something on Frederic's face. It's an odd look, one that only shows itself once every few minutes. It's doubtful anyone but Ryu has noticed such a thing.

Ryu subtly keeps an eye on the King as everyone slowly finishes their meal. Once everyone is done and the castle staff clean off the table, Frederic stands up to make an announcement.

"Well, I'm happy to inform you all that every Kingdom has offered their support to take back Arendelle. Their ships are arriving tonight and early tomorrow, then we will sail the day after. Each has sent a General or Overseer and... well, there's one I'd like to introduce," he says hesitantly, eyes on Anna.

Frederic looks to the two guards at the door, signaling them to let the guest in. The guards nod and open the door for a single young man that everyone in the room has met or heard of. You have only heard of him from Elsa, Anna, and Kristoff. Suddenly it all makes sense why Frederic was so nervous for this reveal. Prince Hans of the Southern Iles regally walks into the room, his eyes meeting with Anna's first. Anna and Kristoff both stand, anger swelling within them.

"Him!? He tried to kill me! He tried to kill Elsa!" Anna screams.

Hans raises his hands and takes a step forward.

"I know that and-"

"Oh you know? You know, that's just great!" Anna cuts off. "Are you just waiting for the chance to kill Elsa and then me?"

A hand rests on Anna's shoulder. She looks back to see her uncle looking at her with caring eyes.

"Please, Anna, let the man explain."

Anna and Kristoff begrudgingly quiet down to give Hans a chance to speak.

"Thank you, your Highness. Anna, Kristoff, I know I have done nothing but wrong by you and your kin. I apologize for that, not that my words alone can make up for my horrendous actions. I begged my father to let me lead our armies to help Arendelle. I want to restore my name and clean off the stain I left on my families'," Hans pleads with wholeheartedness.

"I wouldn't have let him come if I didn't believe it, Anna," Frederic softly speaks. "Every Kingdom knows what he did. He'll be monitored his entire stay and even during the battle."

Anna crosses her arms and scoffs.

"Fine, but I don't want to see him."

Frederic looks at the young man and politely gestures for him to leave.

"I understand. Thank you for your trust, Princess Anna," he bows before turning around and heading for the door.

Ryu stands up and bows his head towards all royalty in the room.

"I thank you for the meal, it was delicious. I'm taking my leave."

He makes sure to tuck his chair in before following the trail of the young Westergaard. Hans is a short distance ahead of Ryu, walking with the utmost respect of his surroundings.

"I wonder if my Hans of my time feels the same way. Or is it due to the change in Elsa and Arendelle? Perhaps a trip to the Southern Iles would do me some good when this is over."

"Ryu!" A voice shouts from behind.

Ryu turns around to see the King marching towards him.

"Yes, your majesty?"

"So you and the other are capable of dealing with the Elementals, correct?"

"Yes, I will say it as confidently to you as I did at the meeting."

Frederic sighs with relief.

"Good... I'd like you to lead the charge against the Elementals."

Ryu raises his brow.

"You want me to lead the entire army we've gathered?" He clarifies.

"Correct. The morale will be higher knowing someone like you will be leading the charge. That being said... where's the other man?"

Ryu crosses his arms.

"He returned to Arendelle to make sure there are no surprises. He'll be there when we battle."

"Excellent... excellent... well, thank you for your time. I look forward to seeing your abilities."

Ryu snickers before turning around and walking away.

"You'll want to keep the soldiers back during the battle. I'm unsure whether or not the Elementals will respect rules of combat. If they attack the ships, everyone better be ready."

"Of course. I pray that the casualties are kept to a minimum."

"I do too, your Majesty. Knight and I will do our best to answer your prayer."


One Day Later

Your stance alone shows your fatigue from all the training. You don't know how long it's been considering time is impossible to judge in this realm but it feels like it's been an eternity. Despite not knowing the time, which in retrospect doesn't truly matter, you know that you've made a lot of progress in this amount of time. Rhaegos has been coaching you and, without your knowledge, Shadow, to use and perfect your powers. In some ways he's a better teacher than Ryu but that's to be expected of the Dragon who you're descended from. He knows more about all Drakons than Ryu would, who is only a single Drakon.

The training you've gone through has ranged from basic meditation and control to full blown destruction and battle. Rhaegos is able to summon ethereal beings into the realm for both you and Shadow to spar with. This aided your training immensely as Rhaegos gave these training partners different levels of durability and power to assure your caution when dealing with certain individuals. Thus, when in Drakon Mode, you know how much force to put into both fighting and regular activities. Basic things like how much force to use when not wanting to harm someone. It may not have been the most important thing on your list, but it's a nice thing to have in your pocket. If anything it's something you have over Shadow, who didn't bother to learn something so useless. Shadow, as always, found more ways to perfect the craft and keep a few steps ahead of you. Even Rhaegos sees this difference in your abilities. Shadow is a prodigy, able to adapt and overcome any obstacle or limitation put in his way. His fighting style and techniques are genius along with his overall combat sense. You, on the otherhand, are merely above average. There's no contest between you two in that regard.

Shadow, also fatigued from his training, huffs and puffs as he stares at his palms.

"There's something I'm missing... something that they have but I don't. The Drakons... I must find another. I need to fight a new Drakon."

"Is power all that matters to you?" Rhaegos asks both Drakons in his view.

"Heh... no way," you pant. "But if I can't protect myself... how can I expect to protect anyone I care about?"

"Hmph, that's a pointless query. Might controls everything in this world. How can one expect to have the edge, be in control if they aren't stronger?" Shadow responds, standing up straight and looking over his shoulder at the ancient Dragon.

"And what do you hope to accomplish with the power you gain?" Rhaegos inquires.

"I just want to make sure everyone is safe," you smile, thinking of the people you fight for.

"To protect the world," Shadow blatantly states.

"And you feel like you're at your peak?"

You shrug, brushing off your hands on your pants as you get into a more casual stance.

"Maybe... to be honest I'm not really an expert on this sort of thing," you end with an innocent smile.

"No... there's one more thing both (Y/N) and I are missing... I just don't know it yet."

"Interesting. Do you wish to train until your battle? You still have time."

You shake your head.

"No, I have something I want to do before we fight."

"My opinion matters little. (Y/N) will decide where we go," Shadow responds with a hint of spite.

"Does that bother you, Shadow?" Rhaegos presses, moving his large head closer to the young man.

Shadow snickers.

"I got used to it. I'm also done here."

The moment the words leave both of your lips the world around you instantly melts away to make way for the real world. You're left standing on the mountain where you first arrived to train. You still have personal time before the army arrives so you're going to visit this world's Elsa. You can handle her and the Elementals after your training so visiting her doesn't put yourself at risk. You erupt into a flood of power before disappearing into the air and flying to Arendelle. Instead of going right to Elsa's castle you land just outside of Arendelle's boundaries and deactivate your Drakon mode.

You make your way into Arendelle through the front gates with your hands in your pockets and your eyes open for any guards who attempt to take you in. You wouldn't fight them, of course, infact it would probably make your journey even easier. But none of them approached you. They almost look dead inside, their eyes unfocused with heavy bags weighing them down.

"Welcome to Arendelle. Don't cause any trouble." the guard says to you without giving you a look.

"I won't. I promise," you respond, eyes on the castle.

You enter the market district of Arendelle where it's a tad bit more lively than you would have thought, though not for the right reasons. People are fixing the damages done by you during your small encounter with the Elementals. The sight of all these people coming together and fixing everything in the marketplace along with the houses damaged brings a bittersweet feeling to your heart. To cope with this you turn right to the castle and ignore everything behind you.

If it were only so easy.

"Hey... hey you!" A voice shouts from behind.

You slow down but do not stop walking. Turning your head to look over your shoulder brings a young woman into view, standing before everyone with her full attention on you. This has brought the attention of everyone else to you as well, even the few guards stationed in town.

"You're the one who ruined our city! You're the one who destroyed our homes, our lively hoods!"

"Ignore it, (Y/N). There's nothing we can do about this."

"I know, Shadow," you respond with frustration.

"That's not what your mind's saying."

"I know, Shadow," you repeat.

"Don't ignore me! You did this!" She shouts, running up to you and grabbing your arm to stop you.

The guards start to gather at the commotion and quickly recognize you. Now they're deciding whether to even try to apprehend you or not. You're not really causing any trouble... but Elsa's very adamant about capturing you once more and willfully ignoring their duty could lose them an arm at best. Then again, considering how she treated their Captain they might look the other way to spite the Queen.

The girl's grip is tight, filled with passion and beliefs.

"I... have nothing to say in my defense. I hope you forgive me and trust that I'll make Arendelle better for you," you reply in a very calm and collected manner.

"I... you..." The girl's grip tightens as her anger rises. Eventually it gets to a point where she stops being angry and simply lets you go. "My sister was hurt thanks to you."

You turn around with apologetic and sympathetic eyes.

"I'm sorry... I didn't know. Will she be okay?"

The young woman nods.

"She will be... but she's all I have left... I just-"

You wrap your arms around her and give her a comforting hug. She immediately hugs back and breaks down into tears. You keep the girl close as she lets out all her frustration, fear, and hatred. The civilians and guards all witness this, giving you a little forgiveness for the destruction you accidently caused. The guards have decided not to report you to Elsa.

"I applaud you, (Y/N)."

Why? What did you think I'd do?

"I'm not sure. But you're acting how a Drakon should. You have power, both in power and in presence. You're using that to protect and bring peace."

Jeez Shadow, never guessed you as the white knight type.

"I'm not. I've simply accepted the responsibility of our blood."

"I hope I can help make Arendelle a better place soon. Just hold on, okay?" You whisper into her ear.

She responds by nodding into your chest, soiling it with her tears but you don't really care. You move her away from you, keeping the same smile. She finally starts to smile back at you.

"There it is. Keep that up, you look prettier smiling."

She chokes up a bit from the combination of laughter and crying. You pat her shoulder and let her go, turning back to the castle to find the ruler of this city.

As you walk you look down at your hands.

Hm... maybe there is more to being a Drakon than just the power. A responsibility in blood, huh?

You ponder this as you grow closer and closer to the castle. Soon enough you're at the castle gates which are sealed. No surprise there. The guards on the stone walls take note of you but aren't quite sure what to do. Arresting you is a fool's errand but if they don't Elsa might kill them. Thankfully the Elementals aren't here to do it themselves.

"What's your business here?" One on the left side decides to ask.

"Just here to see Elsa. No violence, you have my word."

The guards look to each other for an answer that none of them have.

"Um... okay. We'll take you to her then."

The large door creeks open but nobody is there to greet you. Having permission, you decide to let yourself in and wait in the courtyard. You are a guest after all. So you lean against a stone wall which graciously hosted your battle not too long ago. Thankfully you aren't left waiting for very long as Captain Durr exits the castle to greet you. Immediately your eyes are drawn to the distinct lack of an arm.

"What... happened to you?" You ask, gesturing towards his arm.

"Punishment. Now follow me. Queen Elsa is in her quarters."

You casually follow the Captain into the castle and through the first hallway.

"I wasn't expecting you to give yourself up," Durr comments.

"I'm not giving myself up. I'm here to talk to Elsa, then leave."

"You think the Queen will let you leave?"

"She wouldn't be able to keep me here if she tried," you calmly remark.

"Hm... fair enough. Just don't cause any trouble. Arendelle's had enough since Princess Anna was taken. Which was your doing, might I add."

Durr leads you up a spiral case of stairs to the next floor.

"I didn't do anything to Anna. But she's safe, I know that. Durr, you have to know we have nothing against Arendelle."

Durr huffs.

"I realize that. But my duty is to the Queen and Arendelle."

"Even if Arendelle is suffering from the Queen."

Durr stops and give you a sharp look.

"Do not speak of the Queen like that."

You raise your hands to surrender.

"Alright, my bad. I'll refrain from speaking of Elsa."

Durr keeps his eye on you for a few more seconds before resuming his escort. He leads you down a few more hallways until you reach a room at the very end of the hall. You can easily tell it's Elsa's by the frost seeping through the cracks of the door. Durr is about to knock but you grab his arm to stop him.

"I'll handle it from here, Captain. Thank you for the escort."

Durr nods, relinquishing control far easier than he normally would. Though he would defend his Queen to the death, he would rather not be face to face with her so soon after the loss of his appendage. Durr takes a few steps back and waits for you to enter the room. You take a deep breath before knocking on the door. For five seconds there is nothing but silence which only drags out each individual second into what feels like hours for both you and Durr.

"Interesting. Guards state their business after the third knock. Elementals knock twice and walk in. This was four knocks," Elsa's muffled voice speaks from the other side of the door.

The door soon opens and you stand face to face with Queen Elsa in the flesh. She's left shocked for a moment which is uncharacteristic of her. She's never truly surprised by anything except now. You, standing before her, in her own castle, right outside her room.

"Ah... this is unexpected. Have you come to take me like you took my sister?" Elsa scolds.

You shake your head.

"I did nothing to your sister, Elsa. I'm only here to talk."

Elsa smiles seductively at the chance to chat with you. She turns into her room and gestures you to follow. You casually walk into her room, closing the door with your foot. To anyone who isn't an Elemental or Drakon this room might freeze them instantly. Everything in this room is either made of ice of covered by a layer of ice. It's truly her room as she has full control over every aspect of it. She could kill anyone she wanted without a second thought, or lock someone in ice for however long she deemed necessary. You'll have to play it safe here. You don't want to hurt her but you can't afford anything happening.

"Well, feel free to stay as long as you like. It's a rare thing for me to want a man in my room."

You snicker, finding a seat at a small table with some tea and hot chocolate on it.

"Well, I appreciate it considering you tried to kill me three times."

Elsa lets out a single laugh, one full of confidence and pride.

"Well, you know what they say, third time's the charm. If I couldn't get you that time then why bother? Besides, I'd get much more use out of you alive than dead."

"I would too," you cheekily answer back. Elsa smiles at your little remark as she takes a seat opposite of you. "That's a nice necklace you got there," you say, trying to casually bring up the thing that interests you the most. "Where'd you got it?"

Elsa caresses her hand down her neck and over the necklace resting on her chest, just before her cleavage starts. You know what she's doing and are slightly amused, and flattered, by it.

"Oh this? It's a gift. All Elementals bear one to show our status."

"You've had it since birth?" You continue, taking the cup of hot chocolate for your leisure.

Elsa takes the tea.

"No, I didn't know of it until the others showed me. But enough about me. You're the intriguing one, handsome man," she winks.

"Oh really? A commoner versus a Queen? I would think you're the one with more stories."

Elsa's nails tap a short rhythm on the iced table you're both occupying. Her mind is coming up with ways to make this more interesting than it already is. You, her enemy, the one person she actually admires, is sitting before her attempting to be social. It's not every day that Elsa gets an opportunity like this, mostly because nobody excites her enough. Despite this probably being a one-time thing, she's going to make full use of it.

"Well, how about this?" Elsa slips out of her chair in a smooth, alluring manner as she subtly shows off her body to you. She waves her hand to open a small cupboard at the other side of the room, then grabs whats inside with her ice. Soon enough a bottle with two glasses slides onto the table, and Elsa sits back down. "A drink?"

"Is she trying to seduce you?"

I don't know. Though it wouldn't be hard considering who she is.

"You wouldn't-"

Of course not. She's not my Elsa, and even then she's a malicious version. I won't become her puppet, but I need a way to get that necklace off her.

"What do you have in mind?"


"What does that..." Shadow takes a moment to shift through your thoughts. "Oh... I see. I didn't expect that from you."

You give the Queen a sly smirk.

"If you insist. I am a guest, after all. It would be rude of me to turn down the host."

Elsa laughs at this.

"Ah, strong, handsome, and polite. You're quite the package," she strokes your ego as the drinks are poured for you both.

"So, how do we do this?" You ask, taking a cup for yourself.

"Lets say each question is a drink, hm? I get one. You get one. We both drink."

"Fair enough. You may go first, your majesty."

Elsa takes her drink, crossing her legs and getting into a more comfortable position.

"Why thank you. So, where are you from?"

"Arendelle," you simplistically answer. "How do you bathe?"

Elsa slightly closes one eye at you, a tad bit confused at such a question. But she will answer.

"On my own, in a bath made by my servants."


"Ah, ah, ah," she wags her finger between you both. "That's a separate question. Let us drink."

You both down your drink, what little there is in it. You wince at the taste. A sort of alcohol that you can't quite identify. You want to say Vodka, but it's not the same as what you know. That could be thanks to the era you're from, but something is off about this drink. Or perhaps you simply don't know exactly what it is.

"Strong, hm? It's a personal brew. It could kill regular people," she says, drawing out every word whilst pouring another round for you both. "But seeing that you're far from regular I thought you could withstand it. Now, onto my question." You bow your head to give her permission. "Why did you claim to be my fiancée?"

"Ah... hm... well, believe it or not, I know another woman named Elsa. You both are... eerily similar in appearance."

"Interesting. I would love to meet this woman."

"She's... not with us," you bend the truth.

"How unfortunate. But onto brighter things, you wished to know if I bathed naked?" You nod in response, swinging your drink in your hand as a mild distraction. "Almost. I keep my precious symbol with me at all times," she responds, stroking the necklace.

At all times..? Sleeping included, it seems. So how can I get it off of her...

"Time for our drink," you smile, giving a small toast before chugging down the liquid.

Elsa does the same, albeit with more grace. This time you pour the drinks as she thinks of a question.

"Why are you so curious about my naked body?" She asks with a provocative look.

You stand your ground as this woman hits you with her seduction. Normally someone doing this wouldn't work, but the fact that she looks and sounds exactly like the woman you love makes her advances all the more powerful.

"I... hm... well, you are a very beautiful woman. Who wouldn't be curious?" You carefully respond, attempting to generalize the situation.

"My sister. Now drink up," she smirks.

"I... ah, crap," you huff, realizing you asked the question.

You both take your drink, refill, and start again.

"So where's your brother?"

You have to remind yourself to not speak about Hunter or your timeline. His name was on the tip of your tongue but locked behind your prison known as teeth.

"He's... not far."

"Very well. The secretive type," she giggles.

You chuckle, shrugging.

"You know, it's how it goes. Anyway, my question. Hm..." You rub your chin. "Alright, do you have any actual décor in this room, or is it all ice?"

Elsa giggles at your question.

"That's such a ridiculous use of a question. But, well, no. It's fairly bare," she answers, still giggling.

"Ha, man, that's quite the set-up you got then," you remark, looking around the room. "Well, drink up."

You both take another round, pour more, stare into each other's eyes for a few seconds, then just down another cup. You know it. She knows it. The alcohol is quickly getting to you both. Whatever drink this is, it's stronger than your average alcoholic beverage. But that doesn't matter. You have a plan to take a look at that necklace.

"So... your turn?" You say with a goofy smile.

"Yes, yes, okay... do you like ice?" She giggles.

"Well, I don't hate it. Though I can only imagine how uncomfortable that bed is," you snicker.

"Oh, no, it's much more comfortable than you think," she shakes her head before getting out of the chair and walking towards the icy furniture. "It molds to the body. Truly... magical," she smiles at the words she used.

"I can only imagine," you nod, grabbing two filled cups and walking towards Elsa. You stand in front of her at the foot of her bed and hand her the drink. You toast each other before drinking all its contents, which is more than what was previously there thanks to you. You wipe your mouth and return your attention to Elsa who's also done.

The silence grows louder. The tension grows higher. It's all the same, it's all for fun.

You both throw the cups away and wrap your arms around each other, your mouths connecting in a haze of pure lust. You both know this isn't only because of the alcohol. Elsa finally found a man interesting enough to possibly become her King, or at least her pet. Strong, powerful, competent, and able to drink something that was laced with Elsa's ice. Much like the kiss she gave you the first time you meant, this ice infiltrated your body and spread... but did nothing to you. Not to mention is had a few drop of an aphrodisiac to get everything started.

With a heightened libido, alcohol flowing through you, and an end goal in mind, you're totally into this lust filled act. Elsa lets her dress flake off her like a beautiful snow storm off her body, leaving her in simple lingerie that's... also made of ice. She jumps up, wrapping her legs around your stomach as the kissing continues. No attempt for dominance yet you're being as rough as possibly. Heavy breathing, husky and sexy moans, all this coming from you two. She breaks off from your mouth which gives you a chance to nibble at her neck, placing kisses as if you were aiming to claim every inch of her skin. Elsa holds your head into her neck, moaning and rubbing up against you as much as possible.

As you kiss her you turn to face the bed and rest Elsa on it, sliding your head just above the underwear to then slowly kiss your way up her stomach. Your eyes are locked onto hers as you make a line up her stomach with your kisses. To add to everything, you subtly activate your holowatch and store the clothing in it, thus stripping you butt naked in an instant. You slowly climb ontop of the bed, keeping the kisses slow and sensual until you get to Elsa's head, pressing your forehead against hers.

"Don't you dare be gentle," she whispers.

"Wouldn't dream of it."

As you saw, this is just part one of this chapter. I don't want to overload you guys with information and action so I thought of making this a two parter. I'm not going to do this again until the last two chapters of Project's Past... if you don't count the Epilogue. Either way, the next chapter will be out in the next couple of days. I have a lot planned for June (mostly because it's my birthday on the 30th) so I want to do as much as possible. There will be this two part chapter and then another one coming out this month, plus two other RWBY related things but I doubt you guys care about that. But I am focusing a lot of time on Project's Past, as I've said, so you gotta let me give some love to my other readers. Project's Past, I hope, will be done in two months! It's insane, but I'm going to make it reality. I hope you all keep reading until the end!

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