Chapter 50: Friends of Another Realm

Chapter 50:Friends of Another Realm

You return to the mountain to surprisingly see nobody at the very top.

"He must've taken Kristoff inside."

You land one foot at a time, deactivating your powers the moment your first foot touches the ground. You let out a little bit of air before you start walking to the entrance. After escaping the howling wind of Arendelle you immediately hear Kristoff and Ryu talking. They seem to be in the recreational section of this compound. Though in reality it's just a few chairs, a table, and three corridors that lead to the upper exit, the lower exit, and the living quarters.

Your footsteps echo through the corridor signaling Kristoff and Ryu that you've returned. The voices stop until you reach the bottom of the stairs and find both men staring at you.

"I was right, you two are identical! Who are you people? What happened to that bastard Elemental?" Kristoff fires off.

You and Ryu share a look, silently deciding who should answer the questions.

"Well, Pryo and those soldiers retreated. I assume they're still on the route. As for us..."

"We're brothers, in a sense. Though one of us is going to be in some trouble," he adds as he stares intently at you. With a huff Ryu's tension fades. "Kristoff informed me that they've killed everyone but him."

You nod.

"Yeah, there were bodies everywhere. It was... disgusting."

Kristoff turns his gaze to the ground, clenching his teeth.

"It's... over. We lost everyone and now we can't save Anna..."

"Anna? She didn't seem in danger when I saw her," you bring up, stepping off the stairs and leaning against the nearby corner.

"She's the real leader of our Resistance. If we can't get her I don't think Corona and their allies will help us."

You raise your brow as you look at Ryu. He instantly knows what you're going to say.


"We have to Ryu! Are you just going to let everyone here suffer? He hasn't stopped us yet, so it's not like he's against it!"

Ryu crosses his arms and closes his eyes. This isn't what he signed up for, but even he can't deny the feelings stirring within him. Kristoff is still his friend, Elsa is still his wife. He would do anything to save them... even if they are a different version.

"Kristoff... what is this plan?" He asks, finally opening his eyes.


Elsa, Anna, Captain Durr, and the rest of the Elementals stand at attention for the incoming report from Pyro. The grand doors open for Pyro and the Elite Guards to enter the room. All reach the halfway point before kneeling for their Queen.

"Your Majesty, I have some interesting news."

"Report, Pyro. Did you eliminate those pathetic rebels?" Elsa asks with venom on her tongue.

Anna cringes ever so slightly at the remark, but keeps her cool.

"We found their base and killed... almost all of them. Their leader, Kristoff Bjorgman escaped."

Anna's mind is set at ease when she hears that Kristoff is okay, but the fact that everyone else is dead makes it hard to appreciate.

"How did a simple man escape you, Pyro?" Tempest snickers.

Pyro gives Tempest a dangerous glare.

"I would hold your tongue, Tempest." He returns his gaze to Elsa. "The man from a few days ago came and saved the rebel. He... had some sort of power, your Majesty. Something I've never felt before."

Elsa's eyebrow raises in intrigue.

"Does he now? Hm... interesting." She taps her nails on the throne as she thinks. "Bring the search parties back to Arendelle. Perhaps this young man will pay us another visit. I look forward to it."

"Yes, your Majesty." Pyro responds.

"Captain," she continues, turn her head to Durr. "Please escort my dear sister back to her room."

"As you command, your Majesty," Durr bows before taking Anna out of the room.

The Captain keeps Anna in front of him as the two walk the chilled halls of the castle. Most of the paintings and décor are nothing more than objects for the snow to cover. Even pictures of their late parents are covered by the foul snow Elsa produces. Up some stairs, down a hall, right, left, and on the right side is Anna's room. She bows her head to Durr for the escort before quickly entering the room, closing the door and locking it. Durr can't help but feel bad for the Princess considering all that's happened. He was around when Kristoff was first brought to the castle. He was around to see the love those two shared. He can't even imagine how hard it is for her to hear about him almost being killed.

Anna sits on her bed, holding a small locket that Kristoff gave her as a gift. She just has to keep holding on, that's what he told her. He promised he'd get Elsa back to normal, get Arendelle back to normal. But if he was seen with you... she isn't sure who you are, but maybe you'll be able to help him.


"You want us to break Anna out of the castle?" You repeat.

Kristoff nods, pacing back and forth.

"We had a plan to do it. A way to make it look like a kidnapping. There's a passage beneath the castle that-"

"I know the one," Ryu cuts in. "We could slip in and out virtually undetected."

"Yes... how do you know?" Kristoff cautiously asks.

"Long story," Ryu bluntly answers. "But would Elsa not keep an eye on her own sister?"

"We planned for that... though it was a suicide mission."

"Oh, my kind of mission," you pipe up.

"A team was supposed to distract all the Elementals so I could get Anna. But with only three of us..."

You and Ryu both snicker, unintentionally mirroring each other with delivery and pitch. Kristoff is baffled by this apathy towards the situation. Those Elementals killed hundreds of his people and nearly killed him three times. What makes you two think you can handle those monsters?

"So I'll volunteer to be the distraction. You two know where you're going anyway," you plan, stepping away from the wall towards the two of them. "I'm sure I can keep their attention for as long as you need."

"You two... are really going to help me? We're gonna do this?" Kristoff asks in disbelief.

Ryu huffs.

"Despite my concerns... yes. We'll help you. Come, we should get going. Knight, you'll go to Arendelle while Kristoff and I go to the entrance."

"Gotcha," you wink then head for the exit.


Ryu and Kristoff approach a very large rock on the outskirts of the city, just beyond the wall. Just beside the rock is a hatch covered in leaves, branches, and snow. Ryu brushes it off to reveal the hatch then opens it.

"Are you ready, Knight?"

"Psh, of course I am! Just leave it to me!"

Ryu looks back at Kristoff and nods.

"Lets go, quickly."

Ryu hops into the hole followed by Kristoff. It's all on you now.


Knowing that Kristoff and Ryu are on their way means you have to start up your distraction. You brush the snow off your jacket and walk to the middle of the courtyard where a large fountain sits. It'd be a nice place if the fountain wasn't frozen and it wasn't so depressing. But you're going to change that up a bit. You move your arm in front of you to select a feature from your holowatch.

"Hey Shadow... you there? Are you gonna stop being so silent?"


"Hey! Shaaadooooooooow!"

Shadow, standing completely still with his eyes closed, cringes at your annoyance.

"Idiot. He has no idea what's going to happen. He should be grateful I'm working so hard."


You shrug.

"Whatever, party pooper. Thought you might want to see this," you end with a smile as you activate your holowatch. A large stage forms around you, lifting you off the ground and surrounding you with instruments. Anyone who's walking the streets notices the strange commotion and comes to watch.

"Is that magic?"

"He's standing on it."

"Is this for the Queen?"

You grab the guitar and modify the amp for maximum sound. Next you set up the mic so it's just right.

"Alright, this should ruffle some feathers."

You ready a chord and strum your guitar making it echo through all of Arendelle. You follow up by moving towards the mic.

"Your Majesty," you sing, holding every note you can for maximum sound. "I'd love to talk... your Majesty. Perhaps you could give me an audience," you sing as you flow through some notes.

Of course you make the sound pleasant to the ear but still loud enough to annoy those in the castle. You keep strumming chords and making your way down the neck to please everyone in the town. They've never heard something of this magnitude and skill before. Though the citizens aren't the only one dazzled by this sound. You see the Elementals all taking position along the castle wall. With them in position a door leading to the tallest balcony opens and the honoured guest joins you. Elsa in her dark dress walks to the edge of the balcony and leans to watch your performance. The Elementals turn to her and kneel.

"And the Queen Bitch has joined us today, I'm so honoured," you say with a coy smirk.

It kinda hurts you to call Elsa a bitch but your purpose is to keep their attention and insulting the Queen is the best way... still, it doesn't sit right with you. "It's a surprise you even pay attention down here. Wouldn't you rather just murder all of us like you did with those children. Or, sorry, you sent your lapdogs to do it. Congrats."

Elsa smirks at your bold words. Even her Elementals aren't this bold, so someone who actually opposes her openly is refreshing... and irritating. She looks to Tempest and gives him a nod to act. Your performance might be amusing but defying her leads to death. All the Elementals turn to face you and watch as Tempest takes you out. You can tell something's about to happen considering all eyes are on you. It's still strange to see people like Gaia and Rain have such a threatening persona to them. Rain especially considering he's the closest thing to a pacifist... other than that one time.

You're alerted when Tempest raises his hand to the sky which immediately begins forming thunder clouds. You keep this noted but act like you haven't seen it.

"So, you like my rhythm? I'd say it's pretty good but what would you know?" You chuckle. "Though I have been doing this for a long time. Maybe you want a le-"

Suddenly a large bolt of lightning the size of a small house crashes on your stage to break apart the hologram and burn you to a crisp. The crowd around you gasps in surprise and shock at the sight of an Elementals power.

Tempest smiles at his work.


"You know," your voice speaks from behind all Elementals. "That wasn't polite."

Everyone looks behind the Queen to the top of Arendelle's castle. You're effortlessly balancing on a very thin pole there for décor only. Your arms are crossed and your smile wide.

"That was very rude to destroy my stage. All I was doing was entertaining your kingdom!"

You hop off the pole and slide down the inclines of the structure until you flip and land on Elsa's balcony. The Elementals immediately stiffen at your action. Nobody gets close to the Queen.

"And is that how you treat a guest? I mean really..." You shake your head in disgust.

Elsa watches your body language closely. Most people cower in fear when seeing the power of an Elemental but you... you're brushing it off like it's nothing. You know something that she doesn't.

"You're a very interesting individual. I was wrong to want you dead." She snaps her fingers. "I want you captured."

Something actually catches you by surprise when you feel a tight grip on your ankle. You look down to see a vine wrapped around your jeans.

"Hm... cheeky."

The vine throws you over the balcony and attempts to slam you into the ground. You quickly smack your holowatch to summon your blade then cut yourself free. You curl up into a ball as you spin through the air until you land in the middle of the castle courtyard. You sheath your blade and spot each of the Elementals. They're standing around the four corners of the courtyard. You shrug.

"I've beaten almost all of you before. I don't think I have much to fear from you all. Maybe I can show you what happens when you think yourself better than others."

Tempest raises his hand in the air once more to begin his attack. Lightning strikes start raining down on your location. The first one hits, which you twirl out of the way for, then the next hits which you backflip to avoid, then hop of one leg and spin to avoid the next, front flip, then backflip. Tempest's rage heightens.

"How is he dodging? Tempest's lightning strikes are virtually unavoidable," Gaia comments. "Rain, can you see it?"

"I can... I just can't believe it. No human should move like that."

"I did say he had a strange power. Perhaps attacking him all at once would be best," Pyro remarks.

After having your fun with Tempest you stop dodging and simply take the attack. Tempest smiles as he rains down three large lightning bolts upon you. The smoke erupts from the location as everyone watches for the lifeless body. Instead you're standing amidst the smoke untouched.

"That's called tanking an attack," you smile. "Do you wanna try it?"

God... I hate myself. Who could someone even be this cocky naturally?

The Elementals all look to each other as some type of signal. You know something's coming now – and all the while Elsa watches with a smile on her face. This is the most fun she's had in a while despite only watching. Perhaps she might join the fray if the others are having too much trouble. That is if you survive the Elementals attack. Few have survived an encounter with an Elemental... none have survived when they're together. An unstoppable force of natures taking form in five men and women. Then there's you with a forced cocky attitude who embodies the perfect hybrid of a Human and Dragon.

You stretch your neck from side to side.

"Alright... lets get this going."


In the castle a section of the wall opens up for both Ryu and Kristoff. Ryu steps out first to check for any guards. None are present despite this being the hallway leading to Elsa's room.

"Seems like (Y/N)'s distraction worked."

"My wha- Ah, yes. Yeah, Knight's worked," Ryu quickly corrects. "Is Anna in her usual room?"

Kristoff nods.

"She should be. Follow me!"

Kristoff leads the way with Ryu close behind him. Ryu has his hand on his hilt at all times just in case. The two can hear explosions from outside the castle from your distraction. In Ryu's opinion you're stirring up a little too much trouble, but he can't blame you since he's going along with this crazy scheme. At least no guards are complicating this rescue. Ryu and Kristoff turn the corner and spot Anna's door down the hall.

"There she is! Come on!" Kristoff urges as he rushes towards the room.

"Kristoff, wait!" Ryu shouts as he chases after the eager man.

Kristoff slides to a halt in front of Anna's door before pounding on her door.

"Anna! It's Kristoff! Please open the door!"

Following Kristoff's demand the door opens, but it's not Anna who opens the door. A sword immediately lifts to Kristoff's throat to hold the man in place. Ryu stops before reaching the door to keep his element of surprise.

"No! Please don't hurt him!" Anna screams from inside the room.

Ryu looks to the far wall before jumping to it then springing off with one leg to spin and kick the one bearing the sword. Ryu holds the man down with his foot until he gets a good look at who he hit.

"Durr?" Ryu whispers to himself, meanwhile Kristoff runs past the two and hugs Anna.

Durr looks up at Ryu with his own confused expression.

"You... you look the same but you're not the man from before."

Ryu shakes his head.

"No, he's outside with your Elemental friends. You... don't need to worry about that. Anna, Kristoff," Ryu shouts as he looks to the two. "Head back to the exit. I'll catch up with you shortly."

"Right," Kristoff nods. "Come on, Anna. We're getting out of here."

"But my sister!" Anna protests as she's lead out of the room.

"Now's not the time! Come on!"

Ryu waits a moment before focusing on Durr again.

"You weren't going to kill him, were you?" Ryu questions as he removes his foot from Durr's chest and offers his hand.

"How could you tell?" He questions, taking Ryu's hand and getting back to his feet.

"You could have killed him immediately yet you decided to hold him there. If you had gone for the kill... well you'd be the one bleeding on the floor right now."

Before Durr can respond an earthshaking explosion erupts from outside to make the castle tremble. Durr falls to the side, grabbing onto a shelf for support.

"What is out there?"

Ryu, unmoved by the action, sighs.

"It's those Elementals and Knight. I have to leave, but..." He looks back to Durr, a friend from his time that is no longer with him. "It was nice meeting you. Perhaps we won't be enemies in the coming days."


You spin through the air curled up in a ball, releasing yourself right as you land ontop of the castle walls then cross your arms.

"Man, you guys are definitely a lot better than my versions. If I had fought you back then there's no way I would have survived."

The Elementals, including Elsa, all hear and are confused by your words. But thinking more on that is useless. They want you dead for their Queen and they won't fail her.

"My Queen... may we get serious?" Gaia shouts.

Elsa taps her chin as she contemplates what to do. Clearly the Elementals need to put in a little more work in with you but her castle might not take it.

"Knight! Anna and Kristoff are out of the castle we're on our way back to the hideout."

"Right... give me a minute, it'll take some time to really lose these guys."

"Fine. If you need assistance let me know."

"So, it's been a blast but I should really get going. I'm sure you're all quite busy," you say with hand gestures. "But..." You tap into your speed for a split second as you jump from the castle wall to Elsa. She takes a step back at the sudden new presence and out of surprise from your sudden appearance. "I will see you soon," you speak in a serious tone.

Your eyes take a glance at the necklace around her neck.

Wait... that necklace...

To test a theory you leap off the balcony and land in the courtyard. Rain and Gaia are both there and they prepare for your arrival. The moment your second foot touches the ground you burst forward, demolishing the ground where you landed, and approach the two Elementals. They can't even keep up with the pace you're going at so you have a moment to check their necks. As you blitz in between them you identify the same type of necklace Elsa was wearing is on both of them.

Following your momentum you pass through the two Elementals then jump onto the castle wall again.

They're the same... could that mean..? I'll think on it later.

The Elementals lock onto to you once more ready for more fighting.

"As I said, I need to get going, so..."

As you speak you feel something behind you. It's not a presence... its power. Without looking you leap forward over the courtyard as you manage to dodge a large fireball courtesy of Pyro. However that was all part of the plan. With you now in the air Gaia throws over a dozen vines to trap you in the air so you're unable to move. You try to break free but the vines are no regular creations of nature. They're stronger than steel. With you immobilized all the Elementals focus on you, firing their respective Element at you. Even Elsa joins in, though only using one hand. The culmination of Elements cause a beautiful yet deadly scene for the people of Arendelle to watch.

The constant bombardment of all the Elementals starts to weigh on you. This is more intense than you've ever felt before. You have to break free now! With a surge of power your eyes shift to white and you exert your power with a powerful scream. Your raw power breaks out of their attacks, pushing everything back as you shake the ground around you. The stone of the castle begins to crumble, the ice covering the sea breaks apart, the continent itself shakes at your power. Stalls in town made of simple wood break apart, windows shatter, children scream. Your exertion blows back the Elementals and even slams Elsa into her castle. The pressure coming from you threatens to crush the five where they are. Once you're free you stop releasing your power and simply hover in the air. You turn to Elsa and give her a fierce look.

"I'd advise that we do not fight again. Give up this tyranny for your own good."

With those words spoken you burst through the air and leave the city behind. Elsa picks herself up and holds onto the railing to gain her bearings once more. All the others do the same after such an experience. To feel such crushing pressure by someone's mere presence is astounding to them all. It's something the Elementals definitely have an interest in. Tempest and Pyro drop down from the castle walls to regroup with Gaia and Rain.

"See, I wasn't lying," Pyro comments.

"Now's not the time, Pyro," Gaia scolds. "Though I think he would be interested in hearing about this."

"If he didn't already feel it," Tempest adds.

"I feel like drowning someone to relieve myself," Rain chuckles.

"Come, lets go. That boy might ruin everything," Gaia commands.


Once you're sure the Elementals aren't in pursuit you return to the top of the mountain. Once you land you deactivate your powers, then snicker how much you've transformed since you first achieved it. You're sure that you wouldn't have been able to take on those Elementals before your transformation. Your body has become stronger just from the ability being unlocked. You definitely would have needed Ryu's help if you were as you were before. Still, you might have went a little overboard when breaking free of their attack. You didn't have to release that much power but your control over your newfound power still isn't perfected. You just hope Ryu doesn't get on your case about it.

Your cross your arms and push through the door with your shoulder and kick it closed behind you. Your mind is now thinking of the necklaces you saw on all five of the Elementals. Your initial thought is that they might be linked. Perhaps like a distress beacon? If so that makes capturing any of them will lead to failure, so trying to separate Elsa from the rest isn't an option.

As you think on these things you make it to the bottom of the stairs where Ryu, Anna, and Kristof reside.

"And there he is, the idiot himself," Ryu calmly states, drawing attention to you.

You snap out of your thought and look at the people ahead of you.

"You were the one who made the planet shake?" Kristoff asks in awe.

"No, not the planet. But you nearly turned Arendelle to ruble. What happened?" Ryu scolds, his voice extremely serious for this topic.

"Yeah... sorry," you say with an uncertain tone. "I had to break out of their attack and I'm not as good at controlling my power compared to you."

Ryu shakes his head.

"No matter. We completed our mission and now... they want to go somewhere else."

Before you can speak Anna rushes up to you.

"You're the man who saw that family die. You fought the Elementals? Who are you two?"

You and Ryu share a look to decide what exactly to say. You can't excuse it by saying you're just regular brothers after everything you've shown off.


"We're here to help, that's all that matters," Ryu answers. "Now what are you going to do?"

Anna side steps to face Ryu.

"We need to get to Corona. My cousin, Rapunzel, is willing to help. The major holds have been planning an assault on Arendelle for some time to bring down... my sister." Anna clenches her fist. "But it has to happen. I don't want it to, I don't want to take Elsa's place, but I can't let Arendelle stay like this."

You can hear the distress in Anna's voice. If it hurts to just see Elsa like this for you it's hard to imagine how Anna feels as she watched her beloved sister become who she is now. Considering she's willing to aid an assault on Arendelle shows how different this Anna is compared to yours. Makes you think how many different variations of Elsa, Anna, and everyone else there is. There could be an infinite amount through all of time. The possibilities are endless.

"Shall we take them to Corona then? It shouldn't take long."

You shrug.

"Sure. Which one do you want to take?"

Anna is completely confused by your conversation.

"How are you going to take us there?"

Kristoff places a hand on her shoulder with a smile.

"You won't believe what these guys can do. They'll be the turning point for all this, I can tell."

You humbly chuckle as you rub under your nose.

"Heh, flatterer."

Ryu remains unmoved by these words. He takes a step towards the upper exit.

"Come. It's best if we do this quickly. Knight doesn't have the time."

Ryu leads the way to the top of the mountain with you behind Kristoff and Anna. Once you reach the mountain top Ryu faces you all.

"Alright, Kristoff you're coming with me. Anna, go with Knight."

As Ryu speaks he pushes off the top half of his jacket and sprouts his wings. Anna jumps back out of fear. Ryu suppresses his scales once hearing Anna's scream so he doesn't scare the girl any more.

"You see now why I'm taking Kristoff," Ryu explains.

Anna places a hand on her heart and dons an apologetic look.

"I'm... sorry. That just... I wasn't expecting it."

"Nobody does," he calmly responds. "Come, Kristoff. Lets get going."

Ryu grabs Kristoff's hand before soaring into the air and flying towards Arendelle. You step past Anna to get some space before transforming, losing all colour in your eyes. You turn back to Anna with a smile.

"It'll be over before you know it."

Anna looks over to the sky where Ryu and Kristoff went.

"If Kristoff thinks it's okay..." She takes a deep breath. "Okay."

You hold out your hand for Anna to take. She slowly grabs it and you're filled with a rush of emotions and memories. Her touch is exactly the same as your Anna. Perhaps, when you see it, her smile and laugh will be too. You guide her towards your back and allow her to hop on like a piggy back. Once she's secured you slowly bring yourself off the ground. You can feel Anna's grip tighten on your skin as the distance from the ground greatens.

"It's alright, Anna. Just relax and trust me. I promise I won't let you fall," you say as you gently place your hand on one of hers. Instantly she throws the other ontop which makes you laugh. "Just keep holding that hand."

Once you ascend to just below the clouds you grip Anna's hand firmly and fly forward. She instantly starts screaming as the wind runs through her hair and smacks her face. Noticing this, you manipulate the wind to create a small, calm bubble around you. After doing this, Anna manages to pry one eye open to see why the wind isn't hitting her anymore. To her amazement she finally sees the pocket you created for the journey.

"How did..."

"We can do a lot of crazy things," you chuckle. "I'm hoping it can lead to some good for everyone... everyone," your voice drowns out when thinking of your lost friends.

"We've been low on hope for a long time... yet Kristoff seems happier than ever. I hope I can have that same faith in you too."

"Well, actions speak louder than words. Let's save all this for when we take Arendelle back!"

Your voice is filled with certainty that it makes even Anna's dwindled faith increase.

With your little talk out of the way you pick up the speed to soar over Arendelle and towards the ocean. You keep your speed up until you spot Ryu flying not far ahead, then slow down to match his pace. You still don't know where you're going, after all.


After flying over the vast ocean your small group comes within sight of the beautiful Corona city.

"That's Corona?" You ask Anna.

She nods.

"Mhm. My cousin is the princess there."

You look over the massive city of Corona once more, noting all the differences between your version and this old one. The giant bustling city you once knew is... still there, but instead is completely made of stone and actually very beautiful. With the sun seemingly focusing on the city it compliments the colourful rooftops, the various large trees that could be mistaken for buildings at your height, and the majestic palace sitting at the top. In fact, that's the one thing you do recognize at a first glance. That palace is the exact same one that was preserved and used as a tourist location. Though this version is far more beautiful than yours.

"It's been so long since I've seen Corona... I haven't seen such a sight in so long. It's... all been ice."

"At least it was a chill time," you whisper to yourself then proceed to chuckle at the joke. You speed ahead to match Ryu's location. "So where are we landing?"

"At the docks under the bridge. We can't be seen flying."

Acknowledging his words you loop around with Ryu and stop right over the water. You let off Kristoff and Anna respectively before landing yourselves. Ryu fixes his clothes before looking to the princess.

"Lead the way, Anna. You'll be accepted here."

Anna nods as she wraps her arm around Kristoff.

"Mhm, lets go right away. But... um..." She eyes your apparel. "Maybe the two of you should stay back. It'll be easier for us to explain this and... explain you two."

"Without us there?" Ryu remarks.

"I... Well, the topic is-"

"Leave it alone, Ryu," you wave off. "We can walk around a bit. This place is beautiful! Besides, we can make it to the castle any time."

Ryu sighs.

"Very well. We'll be waiting for your call."

Anna nods.

"Alright, lets go to the castle quickly!" Anna beckons as she drags Kristoff around the corner and up the steps.

Ryu crosses his arms.

"Perhaps there's something we shouldn't know. Hm..."

You pat his back, knocking him out of thought.

"Come on, lets see the sights. I want to see this place. This is your time, no?" He nods to confirm. "Well I want to see what beauty can be here, and since Arendelle isn't an option this seems to be the next best thing." You happily cheer.

"Hm... I suppose there's nothing we can do in the meantime. Very well, follow me," he states as he walks past you. "I've been to Corona many times for business."

Ryu leads you up the same stairs Anna and Kristoff used which leads to a path with branching areas, stalls, people, and plenty of colour. Seeing such happy people is the complete polar opposite to what was seen in Arendelle, save for the moment that you and Ryu gave to that pub.

"I don't want to know the 'business' side, Ryu," you whine. "I just wanna see the sights, have fun. Take a load off, you know? Don't you ever do that?"

"I'm the King of Arendelle and a father. Taking into consideration my training I have little time to 'take a load off.'"

"Psh, you're no fun," you wave off. You place your hands on your hips and scan your surroundings. "So what're we going to do? To be fair we really don't know when they'll call for us."

Ryu stops in the middle of the bridge as he eyes the castle.

"That's true..." A smirk slowly creeps onto his face. "You remember what I did when I first went to my Arendelle..?"


Kristoff and Anna approach the doors of Corona's castle with the company of half a dozen guards. Considering everything the world has heard about Arendelle the fact that Princess Anna has escaped is a very important thing. Even more so since a meeting between various kingdoms is currently taking place.

The guards approach a large door before gesturing for the two visitors to pause. The head guard walks in and closes the door behind him. Anna and Kristoff remain quiet as they wait for the news. Suddenly the door bursts open and arms wrap around Anna.

"Anna!" Rapunzel shrieks with joy, squeezing her cousin as tight as possible. "You're okay! I was so worried!"

Anna eagerly hugs back.

"I was too. Elsa... she's not... I..."

"It's okay, Anna. We're going to take care of it," Rapunzel reassures. "Come in! We're gathering allies!"

Rapunzel brings Anna and Kristoff into the room where over a few dozen men and women sit at a large roundtable. This includes the King and Queen of Corona, Fredric and Arianna, who sit at the head of the table. Rapunzel sit Anna and Kristoff beside Eugene who's begrudgingly attending this meeting. He's not a fan of politics and has little to offer in the conversation. Once everyone is reseated the meeting continues... though there are more guests than they know.

From high above on the right side a window is very cautiously opened enough to clearly hear what's going on inside. You and Ryu stand on the roof, leaning against the stone for protection. You don't want to be seen as you eavesdrop on such an important conversation.

"As I was saying," an older gentleman with a thick moustache and heavy frame speaks. "Arendelle has posed no threat to any other Kingdom since this supposed change in Queen Elsa."

"Speak for yourself," another man speaks, this time he has greyer hair than most in the room. "Our trade has decreased dramatically since Arendelle's isolation."

"Your Kingdom's trade does not justify an invasion!"

"We can't ignore the fact that those... other people are with her. Having so many people with abilities like there's in one place spells disaster."

"Did we not already discuss this when those element users were first discovered?"

"They didn't pose a threat then."

"And they don't now! No hostility has come from Arendelle!"

The debate continues as nearly every King and Queen chime in to add their thoughts to the matter. This only angers Anna.

"You don't even know the state of Arendelle!" She bursts out. "Our people are sick! The cold never ends! My sister... no, whoever this is isn't my sister and she needs to be stopped! Shouldn't we prevent a problem before it has a chance to grow?"

"One Kingdom's affairs does not demand the world's attention. If Arendelle were to declare war we would be able to stop them."

"But what about the people of Arendelle? What about the surrounding cities effected like Tocia?" She persists.

"Again, those are under the direction of Arendelle. They do not pose a threat to anyone else."

"Are you kidding me?" Anna huffs, sitting back down and crossing her arms.

This time Kristoff speaks.

"Look, I don't know much about these politics, but I've seen the Arendelle's guards mercilessly murder innocents. I-"

"As regrettable as that is there's more to this than just reason. Despite what that tactless one thinks, the elemental users are dangerous foes. If we assault Arendelle with fiv-"

"There's someone who can fight them!" Kristoff cuts off, which gathers everyone's attention.

"What do you mean?"

"Is he talking about me?" You whisper.

"Us, you narcissist."

"That's not fair! He hasn't seen you fight!"

"We met people... people who are special," Anna answers. "I think they can help us deal with them. All we need is your support to take back Arendelle!"

The Kings and Queens all start whispering with each other. King Frederic sighs from all the commotion yet no results.

"We'll take a short break for everyone's thoughts to be ironed out. We'll reconveine in ten minutes."

"I have a request!" A queen speaks out. "We'd like to see these people Princess Anna spoke of."

Frederic looks to Anna who nods in response.

"Very well. We will send for them," Frederic answers.

"Hear that?"

"Seems like we should return to the city swiftly," Ryu decides before leaping off the roof towards another surface.

"Hey! Wait for me!" You shout chasing after him.

The large room begins to lose population as more and more royalty pour out. The Coronian royalty stays with Anna and Kristoff. Both Frederic and Arianna give their niece a loving hug after not seeing her for years.

"Oh Anna, I'm so happy to see you," Arianna coos. "We were worried something had happened to you."

"Is Arendelle truly as bad as you said?" Frederic asks with the tiniest bit of hope for his other niece.

Anna regretfully nods.

"I wish I could say otherwise... but maybe we can do something about it. If we get aid from everyone else we could capture Elsa and try to... try to do something!" Anna passionately says.

Frederic places a hand on Anna's shoulder.

"But... Anna you have to understand there's a possibi-"

"I know," Anna cuts him off. "If it comes to that... it happens. I've made peace with it."

"Good... I wouldn't want there to be a problem. Corona will help you, Anna, no matter what. The others... I can only think of one other kingdom that will help you with this."

Both Anna and Kristoff visually show confusion and intrigue at his words.

"The Southern Iles, of course," Frederic reveals. "They are indebted to Arendelle thanks to Hans' actions. I've already talked with Balthier Westergaard. He's willing to help. You at least have two allies."

"But lets not worry about that for now," Arianna cuts in. "These two look exhausted."

Anna disagrees but the dirty, battle worn Kristoff likes the idea of some relaxation.

"We'll speak on your behalf, Anna. I promise," the King pledges. "We'll also send for your two friends. They'll be coming to you for a description."

"Thank you. Come, Anna. I think it's best we get some sleep," Kristoff advises before gently wrapping his hand around hers.

"I... suppose. Thank you so much for your help, I-"

"We're family, Anna. It's what we do," Arianna caringly answers.

King Frederic beckons two guards to escort Anna and Kristoff to their quarters. Once they're gone Arianna wraps her arms around herself as she thinks.

"You know the others are going to refuse to help no matter what we say," she whispers to her husband.

"That's true, but we must do what we can. If that comes to pass... I hope these two people they brought along are really worth it. I can't imagine how two people could make such a difference."

"Well, five people are making all the difference for Arendelle's defenses," Arianna counters, referring to the Elementals.

Frederic snickers at his wife's logic.

"Very true. We'll see when they arrive.

And here's the big ol' chapter fifty. What a milestone, huh? Fifty chapters in... that's just insane. Funny to think how we'll end on such an odd number like fifty nine or sixty two. I still don't know how many chapters there are left but I doubt it will be a nice number like fifty. But, whatever. I hope you all enjoyed and are eager for the next part! As I'm sure you can guess this small confrontation was only a taste of what's to come. It's almost nostalgic to write a (Y/N) vs. Elementals since there hasn't been one like that since chapter ten. Or... I guess if you count Adgar and Idun or Alistair then they're TECHNICALLY Elementals but you know what I mean. It's a throwback that I'm excited about.

So as you all know the next chapter will be out soon! I'm going to take some time to write one chapter of Crimson Shadow, but then two more chapters of this will come along. I'm dedicated I tell you! I really want to end it on the day I started, or at least around there. So, if I can do it, the story might be ending around August twenty fifth, more or less. That's about four months away! Quite the task, but I'm up for it! Ending it on the three year anniversary will be awesome.

But I've rambled long enough. I hope you all enjoyed and I will see you next time!

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A special thank you to Patreon supporters: GrayJack72

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