Chapter 48: Priorities

Chapter 48:Priorities

You lie against the hard mountain floor, panting as small particles of snow fall onto your body. You'd move if you could, but it feels like every muscle is on fire each time you breathe in and out. Ryu is leaning against the wall near the door leading to your makeshift living quarters. He's not nearly as exhausted as you are despite having more to put up with. It's been three days since you arrived in this "new world," and Ryu has been training you ever since. Every day consists of training and practice. He takes you for a run, makes you follow along in a torturous body-weight training regiment, and finishes off with combat both using your limbs and your blade.

You've been doing this twice a day and it's absolutely exhausting to you. It baffles you how Ryu can shrug it off like nothing. He's like a machine that never stops, but... it's you. On your downtime you've learned all about what he's gone through in his world. The Dragon Clan, the Serpent Clan, his Elsa, Anna, and elementals, and everything he's gone through to become the King of Arendelle. The amount of fighting he's done far surpasses you and it slowly makes sense why he's so skilled. Still, you're both Drakons so obviously he hasn't gotten any major stamina boost. It just baffles you how he's doing all this exercise like it's an everyday thing. You start to wonder if it really is an everyday thing for him.

Ryu pushes off the wall and approaches you. He stands over you, staring down at your fatigued state. You chuckle.

"Hehe... you... wanna go another round?"

Ryu smirks, shaking his head.

"Sure, whatever you say Knight," he says, offering you his hand.

You grab it and pull you onto your feet.

"You're getting better, but you're nowhere near on my level. I'm not even going on at full power."

You stretch your neck, then proceed to your legs.

"Why don't you fight me at full power? It would be a great test."

Ryu snickers, looking almost proud of you.

"When you finally can use your full power we'll fight."

An ear-piercing roar erupts as soon as Ryu stops speaking. You both look to the misty sky and immediately see Rhaegos paving the way through the sky. He lands on the ground, shaking both of you with his power and weight. His very presence makes your heart beat a few ticks faster from fear and awe. This is the second time you've seen him so you're still not used to the behemoth of a creature he is.

"You may never fight," he speaks in a far more serious tone.

Ryu crosses his arms.

"Why not? We've been training all this time."

"Training is different. Two Drakons disrupt the flow of the world. If not for my protection, this world would slowly fall apart. But if you both fought at maximum power... this entire section of time would crumble."

You scratch your cheek nonchalantly.

"Crumble? What do you mean?"

Rhaegos breathes smoke through his nostrils.

"There were two Drakons who met before to resolve a problem a millennia ago. They decided to test their power and fight. Their battle tore that plain to pieces and killed everyone in that world."

You step back in shock whereas Ryu remains steady.

"What? You mean... everyone?"

"Everything in that timeline was eradicated."

"How strong were they?" Ryu poses.

"Weaker than both of you. Currently, my son, you are the strongest Drakon through all times. But..." His head shifts towards a freaked out you. "Knight's current power surpasses yours when we last met."

Ryu raises his brow and looks over at you. He trained for a very long time to attain the power he used to fight Viper, yet your apparent power surpasses even that? Your latent power is curious to him, which makes training you even more exciting. It's been a long time since he's trained anyone to this extent and you're a perfect way to get back into it.

"Me? I can't even activate my form. Maybe if Shadow told me!" You shout.

"Don't blame me for your shortcomings."

"It would help if you at least shared some knowledge on how you unlocked it," Ryu answers.

You blink at Ryu in complete silence. Even Shadow has nothing to say to this.

"You... heard him?" You stutter.

"Of course. Were you not aware?"

"Rhaegos is likely the cause of this," Shadow pipes up.

You and Ryu look over to the towering dragon who's remained silent so far.

"Astute observation Shadow. Can you deduce when it happened?"

"When what happened?"

"You two are linked through blood," Rhaegos clarifies.

"Through..." Finally it all clicks. "The stone?" You ask, turning to Ryu.

"It linked us. I didn't know what it was when first given it, but father explained it to me when you were sleeping." He coughs, preparing to elaborate. "The stone has linked us together through the blood we offered. From what father said, we can hear each other's thoughts no matter the distance between us. This also includes hearing you, Shadow. Thus, if we need to communicate all you need to do is think."

"And... if I want you to NOT hear my thoughts?"

"Well... I'll just ignore it," Ryu smirks. "Just don't think of anything you wouldn't want me to hear."

You slouch forward, pouting.


"Well, with that out of the way we should continue our training. Are you going to observe, father?" Ryu inquires, looking over his shoulder to the dragon.

"I would like to see his progress."

You huff before getting into a fighting stance.


Three guards sit around a fireplace in the barracks – Captain Durr being one of them. He is attempting to light a fire, but the freezing temperature and constant icy winds demolish any hope for that. One of the guards sighs.

"If you ask me, we should have the entire palace be warm. It's not fair that the Princess is the only one who gets it."

"I know what you mean. Once a month is too little for my tastes. My kids like swimming, but I can never take them."

Durr snickers, shaking his head.

"You'd be wise not to disrespect the Queen in front of her Captain. Doubly goes for when you're in her castle," he speaks, attempting to light the frosty wood once more.

The guards sigh, wrapping themselves in their blankets. Whenever guardsmen have their breaks, nearly all of them attempt to get a fire going and relax with blankets. It's the one time warmth is possible when in the castle, and even then it's simply a fleeting dream.

"So Captain, what do you think of that kid who claimed to be Elsa's fiancée?"

Durr clenches his teeth in frustration as his attempts to light the logs once again fails. He places the tools down and rests his arms on his knees.

"The boy seemed like an idiot, but... there was something in his eyes that I don't like."

"You think he's a threat to Arendelle?"

Durr taps his leg armour as he thinks.

"I don't know. Perhaps, if I spoke to him once more without having the petty façade I must put on in front of some of those guards."

The two guards nod their heads.

"Ah, yes, those creepy cold ones. Their eyes always seem dead and... they just stand there. They never have anything good to say."

"They never have anything to say. They must have an icicle up the ass."

The two guards laugh at the petty joke. Durr stares blankly at the wood as he processes those words.

"They're chosen by the Queen..." He eerily says, stopping the others laughter. "Chosen because their actions displeased the Queen." He stands up and begins to walk away. "I suggest you two avoid making those same mistakes."

Durr leaves the room and starts walking through the chilly hallway. He can see his breath every time he exhales which is a welcome, if minor, break in the freezing temperature of this palace. He lost men to frostbite just for being on duty, but the Queen doesn't care. She hasn't cared for some time.

Someone walks into Durr's view, taking him away from his thoughts. Of course he recognizes the green hair to be one of Queen Elsa's Elite.

"Captain, her Majesty would like to have a word with you." A sudden rush of snow finds its way through all the halls of the castle – a clear indication of an upset Queen. "And I suggest you hurry."

Durr bows his head.

"Of course, Gaia."

Captain Durr passes by the elemental on his way to the throne room. Even in this freezing weather he can feel the heat of her stare as he walks away. The elementals have never been a fan of Durr, a fact he's well aware of. It's been increasingly difficult for him to maintain order while also appeasing the Queen, but he made an oath to protect and serve to his dying breath. He will never break that promise.

The Captain opens the throne room doors and immediately catches the scent of death that is carried along by the harsh winds. Three new bodies are impaled on the blue spikes. Durr eyes then but quickly looks away when he sees that they're guardsmen. Captain Durr kneels before his queen as he discreetly shivers at the colder temperature. Whenever Queen Elsa is disappointed, she makes the entire city colder. Of course nobody notices more than the guards inside who have to deal with constant freezing temperatures.

"I-I'm s-s-sorry your M-M-Majesty. He w-went to the mountains a-a-a-and we lost track of him," Durr spits out while his body slowly freezes.

Elsa paces in front of her throne with all eyes on her. The elementals all remain silent as the blizzard tears apart the room. They're all using their respective elements to protect them from the cold.

"It was a mistake to let him leave. I should have kept him in the dungeon. Perhaps chained him up?" She giggles to herself at the image. She quickly returns to a stern persona and turns to the Captain. "I want all guards on full alert for him. If he's seen in Arendelle I am the first to know of it."

"Y-Yes, your Majesty. If he's s-spotted, you w-w-will be notified."


"Your grip is wrong."

You look at your hands that wrap around your blade's hilt.

"It's only because you're making me hold it in such an idiotic fashion."

Ryu sighs, letting his hands fall to his sides.

"Alright, how do you use your weapon?"

You shrug, then get into a stance. You spread your legs, letting one slide back a bit, hold your free hand in front of you, and let your sword dangle to the side. Ryu scoffs at the stance.

"If this is how the swordsman of your time act then the art is truly lost."

You roll your eyes.

"Please, I fight just fine."

"For a child attempting to use a blade, sure. Children at the temple could best you with the sword," Ryu blatantly says.

You slowly start yelling, then fall right onto your back.

"This suuuucks!"

"Mature. I'm sure Elsa would love to hear you whining when her life is on the line," Ryu scolds.

You lift your head and stare him dead in the eye with the most serious look he's ever seen from you.

"That's not funny."

Ryu sheathes his blade as he slowly approaches you. Nobody would even know he's moving considering his steps are so light that he makes no sound as he treks through the snow. He stops in front of you, resting one hand on his blade's hilt and the other hitches itself on his belt.

"I apologize. I know what it's like to lose her."

You nod, your hair pushing through the snow.

"I know... "

Ryu looks away and ponders your question. Before answering he sits down beside you.

"It was different for me. She was taken, not dead. Though..." Ryu chuckles, looking away. "If she had died, I might have destroyed the continent."

You notch your elbows on the ground to slightly lift your body up.

"You could do that?"

"Hm, maybe. I've never had to exert myself to that level. Honestly I hope I never have to. My life is peaceful now. There's no need for the use of my Drakon powers for anything aside from transportation. It sounds boring, yes... but I like it. It feels like I deserve it."

You fall back to the ground, exhaling.

"I deserve a plane of heaven for everything I've been through."

Ryu chuckles.

"Then earn it. Come, let's practice your meditation once more.

"Aaaaaaah, again? I hate that."

"It's because you can't shut up," Ryu comments, getting up and walking away from you.

You sit up straight and assume your meditation position as Ryu does the same thing. You both close your eyes and exhale at the same time in perfect synchronization. Every movement of your bodies mirror the other as you attempt to become as calm and relaxed as possible.

As Ryu explained, it's supposed to prepare you for the mental strain the form will take. It's not an easy thing to handle physically or mentally, so his meditation is supposed to help with that. His current theory is you're physically capable of handling the power, as you've shown to be able to handle the power it's given you, but you can only handle it for so long until your mind can no longer handle it. That's simply Ryu's theory, however, and has no real evidence behind it. On the other hand, Shadow is a far more balanced and stable individual when it comes to his body and mind, and he's mastered the form. As much as you hate the act of meditation.

Not once have you ever felt "balanced" or whatever Ryu always goes on about. All you can focus on is the sounds of nature, but that pales in comparison to your own thoughts. Images keep flooding through your head of nearly a hundred different sights come to the forefront of your mind. Of course most of these images are of Elsa, Anna, Kristoff. It's unsurprising your friends make an appearance... but for some reason the Elsa and Anna from this place is pushing its way to the front. Her demented smile, her walk, the manner in which she mercilessly murdered those people... yet Anna's scared, timid face appears too. The elementals who you begun to understand and respect, and even those children's faces that were murdered.

Your eyes fly open and you burst from your sitting position. Ryu opens his eyes and watch you walk away, frustrated and mumbling incoherent nonsense. He smirks at one tiny detail that you're missing out on.

"This is idiotic! There's no point for this! We sit here for a few minutes for no reason! It doesn't matter!" You shout, approaching the edge of the mountain.

Ryu gets to his feet and rolls his shoulders. The darkness of the night surrounds you, something that wasn't present when you both sat down.

"How about we take a small break? Let me grab something," he says as he enters the cave and leaves you to your own frustration.

You huff in an attempt to relieve some of the frustrations you're having. Why are they in your head? What do they have to do with your current situation, and why the hell are they on your mind? You haven't even paid any attention to them since you left Arendelle... at least not intentionally. Maybe you need to visit them again... maybe...

"Knight, take it"

You turn around and catch some sort of fabric. You look down at it, examining the object to figure out what it is.

"A... cloak?"

"We're going somewhere. Put it on."

You slip into the large clothing item, allowing it to cover your entire body then finishing with a hood.

"Great, this is REALLY incognito."

Ryu puts on his own version of the same garbs, flipping the hood up.

"Maybe where you come from, but many travelers use this. We may get a few looks, but we won't attract any attention. Now come."

Ryu leaps off the mountain, falling beyond your view. You pout.

"You think I can just do that so easily. Stupid ninja jumping... I'd like to see him parkour along my buildings..." You mumble as you hop off the mountain to follow him.


You and Ryu enter the gates of Arendelle with no problems. If anything the guards pitied you for having to come here. Luckily it's not snowing too hard, so the few snowflakes that do land on you quickly turn to water. You stay right beside Ryu as to not cause any trouble. You don't want to be here, and you have no idea why you're here to begin with. Ryu, with no explanation, lead you here and hasn't spoken since.

He leads you through the snowy walkways of Arendelle to the brightest building on the street. There seems to be a space for a hanging sign, but none is there. It's just a bright, big building. Ryu approaches it and opens the door for you to enter. You go in first and look around. People are moping at tables with mugs in their hand. Ryu shuts the door behind you and stands by your side.

"A pub?"

Ryu nods, removing his hood.

"Indeed. I think you need a little fun; some stress relief. Besides, there's a saying: 'Drinking your sorrows away,' I believe it is?"

You let your hood down and give him an unamused stare. He shrugs.

"Just bear with me. Come on, it's on me."

Ryu passes by you and approaches the bar. You slowly follow as you look around the building. Ryu takes a seat on the stool as he grabs a small pouch off his belt then sets it on the bar. The woman approaches him and notices the bag of gold in-between them.

"I want everyone to have a good time tonight. A round for everyone, but keep them coming for me and my..." You take a seat next to him and look at the woman. "Brother... here."

The woman hesitantly grabs the pouch, looking at Ryu with doubt and curiosity. She weighs the pouch in her hand as a smile appears on her face.

"Yeah... okay. Coming right up," she says, lightly tossing the pouch up and catching it.

You look over to the swordsman with a coy smile.


"Twins, yes. That is what we'll say," he quickly says as he watches the woman walk away. "Now be quiet. I want to see what I can do for this place."

You cross your arms and dive your head into it.

"Invites me out then tells me to shut up..."

The woman starts handing out drinks to everyone in the pub. Each time they receive one she points to Ryu, to which he responds with a smile. Already the customers seem to be getting a little more life in them from Ryu's generosity. Once drinks are handed out to everyone she returns with a mug for each of you.

"Thanks for that stranger. Just for that, I gave you top shelf." she winks.

Ryu bows his head in return before she walks away, then grabs his drinks and takes a gulp. You do the same with yours.

"So, do we just drink until-"

"Well chaps," Ryu starts, standing up and walking towards the middle of the pub. "Just because it's cold outside doesn't mean this place can't be heated with passion! Come on, bottoms up!" He shouts, clanging his mug on the nearest table and downing the entire mug in one gulp.

The pub starts riling with noise as people follow along with Ryu's plan. They all down their drinks in one swig, then cheer to the man who bought their drinks. Ryu smiles, looking at all the happy faces around him. He grabs a nearby table and slides it into the middle.

"Come now, no need to end it here. Let's have some friendly competition! Arm wrestling, huh? Whoever wins... I'll buy'em a round!" He announces.

The crowd becomes even louder as chairs are brought around from all tables to surround the middle one. Two men take position and begin, using all their strength to dominate the other. Ryu takes a few steps back towards the bar and leans back on it. He grabs another pouch and sets it down. The woman swipes it and waits for his order.

"Keep them coming for everyone. I want them all to be as happy as they can."

You grab another mug and approach Ryu.

"What're you doing?"

Ryu smiles, turning to you.

"I'm letting everyone have a good time. Lighten up, Knight. Get some more drinks in you, then we'll talk," he cheers.

Ryu leaves you, heading to the middle to cheer on the two competitors. You slowly drink as you watch him go. You always saw Ryu as such a stick in the mud, but now he's being all charismatic, caring, and compassionate for people he doesn't even know. Why? What's gotten into him? He's smiling, laughing... what kind of world is this? It's a world that has a Ryu you've never seen before. It's like if Shadow constantly smiled and was actually nice to people. It's just something you never imagined happening.

Suddenly you hear another mug get placed beside you. You turn your head and look at the bartender.

"Brother said to make sure you keep drinking. He's a pretty good guy for doing this."

"Yeah, I guess. But isn't the place somewhat like this sometimes?"

The woman firmly shakes her head.

"No... we haven't had this much energy in a very long time. It's good to see our people can still have fun."

With that she leaves you, heading over the crowd of people to hand out more drinks. Ryu is arm wrestling with a man and losing. On purpose, no doubt. Once he loses they all toast and drink up. He sets his drink down and looks over to you, promptly shaking his head. He excuses himself from the table and marches to you.

"What is the purpose of being over here, hm? I pro-"

"Why're you doing this, huh? Buying drinks for everyone and all that?"

Ryu rolls his eyes as he takes another drink. He sits on a stool and looks to the crowd.

"I'm the King of Arendelle in my time. To me... these people still feel like my people. It's difficult for me to turn a blind eye to their suffering. If I can cheer them up, give them hope even for a day..."

You down your drink and slam in on the table.

"You know what, you're right. Maybe just drowning myself in alcohol is the answer." You look away and smile to yourself. "Never thought I'd say that..."

Ryu hands you his drink and pats your back.

"Alright, then come drink with the rest of us!"

You two approach the table and take a seat. There's a large plate of filled drinks for everyone. Ryu grabs one, clanks his mug against yours, then you both drink the entire cup.

"We've drank so much in such a short timespan," you chuckle.

"It'll hit us soon. Lets try to remember the most we can!" He cheers, grabbing two more drinks and handing you one.

"So you two are brothers, huh?"

You shrug.

"Yeah, you know... it-"

"Is he the fun one, then?" Another interjects, his voice already slurred.

You huff, letting your eyelids fall halfway.

"Nah, this is probably the most fun he's had in a while. He's usually a stick in the mud," you smirk.

"Well, we'll wash all that out with drink, eh!" A bearded one shouts, drinking out of his mug.

You scratch your head as you think of some way to add to this party. Your mind instantly thinks of something, as your eyes lock-on to your holowatch. A smile creeps onto your face, which doesn't go unnoticed by Ryu.

"What're you planning, Knight?"

You flash a smile as you get out of the chair and head towards a more open area of the pub. Ryu watches you, ignoring the loud ruckus of the progressively drunks patrons. You play with your holowatch as you come to a halt and turn towards everyone.

"Good thing I added variety." you say to yourself as you set up the stage.

You hit the button and your technology takes over. A blue hologram takes over this section of the bar. Holograms of you with conga drums, shakers, trumpets, and a variety of other peaceful and upbeat instruments take position. Everyone is marveled at the sight while Ryu is a little more concerned than anything. You just introduced future technology to the past, though this could be played off as some sort of magic.

Without any thought they begin playing a very upbeat tune that fits a bar like this one. You start clapping your hands to rile everyone up.

"We need some music for a night like this, huh?" You cheer, winking at Ryu. "Now come on, lets have some fun and drink up!" You grab another mug and take a seat, setting your hand up for a challenge. "So, shall we begin? I'll drink and win at the same time."

Someone takes your hand to challenge you. Ryu sits back and smiles at the sight. Finally you're not brooding or whining or asking questions. You're having fun like he's seen in your past. Perhaps its your pleasant nature coming out, or maybe the alcohol is finally taking effect. Either way you're laughing, unwinding, and unknowingly allowing Ryu's training to take greater effect.


The Next Day

"Wah!" You shout, leaping out of the way before Ryu punches the ground where you were, shaking the ground around you two.

You land on the trembling ground and struggle to gain your balance. A punch like that might have shattered the mountain, but, be it lucky or not, Ryu has forced you to retreat from the mountain to the forest below. Of course instead of calling it a timeout Ryu has been pursuing you despite your constant yelling. Seems you have no choice but to retaliate.

"Was this your plan? Give me a hangover then make me fight?" You whine, rubbing your head.

Ryu pulls back his hand as he assumes a standing position facing you without answering your question. You're a little more on the frantic side considering everything. He's even more difficult than the gravity training you did. Then it somewhat dawns on you... considering all the intensive training you've done, you should be able to stand up to Ryu in some way or another. But factoring in your bodies current state, that may or may not be affecting your performance.

Ryu stretches his neck to the left before seemingly disappearing. Before you can register where he's gone Ryu appears in front of you, kneeling and thrusting his fist into your stomach. You can feel it twist in your gut as the pain pulses through your entire body. Ryu removes his fist from your stomach only to promptly drive his foot into the same spot. This time you tumble away, the snow chilling your heated skin. You grind to a halt as you lay in the cold snow, pleading in your mind that Ryu won't attack you until you get back to your feet. Luckily you manage to get to your feet with no issues. Ryu remains still watching your movements and noting any potential attacks.

You brush the snow off your jacket and flash a smile to your doppelganger.

"I'm guessing we're not going back to the mountain top?"

"You can't predict where you'll fight. You must adapt to every situation."

You roll your eyes, resting your hands on your hips.

"I'm well aware of tha-"

Before you finish your sentence Ryu dashes forward and throws a punch. You barely manage to bring your arm up to redirect his punch with your forearm then get some distance between you two. He spins around before his feet touch the ground, and when they do he leaps at you once more. This time you take the initiative to throw a punch at him. Your punches collide, leaving you at a standstill.

"I don't understand," Ryu begins, absolutely no strain in his voice. "Rhaegos showed me your battles... I assumed you'd be better than this."

"Well I'm normally not hungover when I fight, you moron!"

Ryu shakes his head.

"No, it's not that. You're actually compensating for your balance. You're simply not focused on the battle. Why is that, I wonder," he asks himself as he flips his coat back on.

You look him in the eyes and sigh.

"I... maybe. I don't know. I'm just not used to all this," you say, throwing your arms around you. "The fact that different timelines and junk was enough, but... last night when I saw all those people... it reminded me that this isn't just some simulation or..." You look away. "I don't know how to explain it. I could shrug it off and be apathetic towards this place, but now... I saw those people as real people! People who're having a rough time, and... Elsa... I-"

"This isn't your world, Knight. It isn't your job to change it."

"I know but that's not the point. I just..." You take a few steps from Ryu to overlook Arendelle in the far distance. "I always felt like everything was on my shoulders... that I had to solve every problem I came across. I know I have to save my friends and Elsa, but there are also people here that need help too. I just... it's hard for me to ignore that."

Ryu quietly calculates your words. His question, along with Shadow's, is slowly becoming clear. Perhaps this might work after all.

Ryu slowly approaches you, lifting his coat back to its original position.

"Listen to me. Every world and timeline have to deal with their own problems. The only reason you're getting any help is because you disrupted the balance Rhaegos protects. If you had simply died, nobody would have helped you. You, me, nobody can dictate what is right or wrong for every time. Situations are different, people are different. Don't begin thinking you know what's best for everyone." he blatantly says.

You look him dead in the eye, seeing his serious expression. You sigh, then smile.

"I guess, despite looking exactly the same, we think very differently."

"We do, and "you're" is the worse way of thinking," he says as he takes a few steps ahead of you.

"What's that suppose to mean?" You defensively ask, taking a single step towards him.

"You're too used to having someone there to help, whether it's to help you or someone else. You have to realize that you won't always have someone there to help you. You're going to have to deal with whatever problem you find yourself in. This world is the same, and it's dealing with it. You've always had someone guiding you, aiding you. Perhaps you've just been pampered for far too long." Ryu huffs, tired of debating with you. He turns to you with a warmer look. It's time... "Well, how about we take a break? I believe you deserve one," Ryu states as he begins to walk away.

"What? Where am I supposed to go? We already went to Arendelle yesterday!" You shout.

Ryu shrugs.

"I don't care. Just don't get into trouble. If you really want to come back to the mountain you can. If I were you I'd take some time to practice your powers. Without those you'll never get anywhere."

You watch Ryu walk until he soars into the air towards the mountain. Your eyes drift to the snow at your feet as you contemplate what to do.

"I didn't want to tell you, but..." Shadow sighs. "It seems we have no choice. We'll both have to be at our best if we want to beat Alistair."

"Ha, awesome! Thanks Shadow!" You cheer aloud. "So, how do we start?"

"First, you should come to Limbo. It's the easiest way to guide you from here."

You nod.


You close your eyes and let yourself go to Limbo. Once you're about halfway there you can see Shadow standing in the center, donning his usual suit. There's an odd difference, however. You don't feel completely in Limbo. You can still feel the cool winds hitting your skin from the real world. This is something you've never experienced before.

"Shadow, what's-"

Before you can finish, your real body is swiftly taken by the throat and flown into the air. The figure clutches at your throat with enough strength to hold you, but not enough to suffocate you. Before you can realize it you're tossed higher, only for the figure to fly right over you. The clothing, the wings, everything but the skin looks like Ryu. All his skin is replaced with scales and his overall appearance is far more draconic than it once was. As you start to fall to the ocean below Ryu commences pummeling you down into the water, a flurry of punches sending you faster and faster to the immobile sea. You crash into it, but Ryu doesn't stop. He continues his flurry of attacks as all the air in your lungs quickly leaves, and water takes its place.

You're swiftly brought back to Limbo, though you can feel all the pain Ryu inflicts as well as the water filling your lungs. You drop to one knee and clutch your chest in some meager way to help yourself.

"I unlocked my power through desperation, though a need to be stronger." Shadow's power swells, his eyes turn completely grey, purple lightening swirls around him, and finally he ascends to his Drakon form. "Now you have to ascend... or we'll kill you."


Shadow opens his palm and sends a wave of air towards you, knocking you off your feet and sending you tumbling over yourself. You can't even recover given the fact you're still feeling every blow Ryu deals to you and the fleeting air in your lungs. You slowly manage to get to your knees but Shadow instantly slams his on your mouth, picks you up, and slams you back to the ground. Before you can even react, he picks you up by the throat and slowly applies pressure.

"Do you not want to help them? Do you not have the drive to save your Elsa?"

"Come on! Show me the power that you used on the mountain!" Ryu shouts through the water.

"We'll kill you right here, right now. What's wrong? You've always changed when the pressure was on?"

Your eyes start to lose light, both in Limbo and reality. Shadow's temper flairs in physical form as flame and lightening erupt from him. He drives his fist into your stomach and squeezes your throat tighter.

"Come on! Do you want to just lie down and die? Let everyone you care about be erased?"

Your eyelids flicker as you grab onto the last bit of life you have. Ryu charges his fist with lightning and hits you once more. You sink farther into the sea before exploding in a flash of electricity. He pulls back, watching your body sink farther and farther into the depths.

Shadow sees life leave your eyes. He shakes his head then throws you into the air to finally finish you off.

"And you wanted to save this place? You couldn't even save the person you love... you can't save anything in your pathetic state."

He opens his palm at you and releases a torrent of fire, wind, lightning, and water. Right before the elements can hit you, your body disappears in a flash of light. Shadow's attack flies off into the distance, leaving Shadow both intrigued and proud. He may not know what has happened, but if his suspicions are correct...


Ryu inwardly begs that you find the strength inside of you. Shadow's plan is extreme and has a high chance of killing you. If you actually die, Rhaegos will likely rain hell on Ryu for his foolishness. Shadow, however, claimed to have achieved a perfect transformation when he was pushed to the limits by someone stronger than he was. Who that is remains a mystery to the swordsman, but in this desperate moment Shadow attained complete mastery of his Drakon form. By Shadow's reports, you also transform when under dire straits or if your anger exceeds the norm. Thus both Shadow and Ryu planned to push both to their limits.

His thoughts are completely interrupted when a massive flash of light erupts from deep in the ocean. The power and brightness cut through even the darkest depth of the ocean. Ryu remains alert, the only sound around him being the flapping of his wings. His sharp eyes keep locked on the brilliant light becoming brighter and brighter at such speeds than no normal person could keep up with it. In a blink of an eye the light breaks through the black water and meets Ryu. Before he can react, he felt an immovable object pushed at his jaw with such ferocious power that he never felt before. He's forced into the air higher and higher, breaking through clouds and even the sound barrier itself. The force pushing him stops, but the light goes slightly higher, just at Ryu's head. Without seeing it, another force sends him flying away.

The light fades away, revealing you in your Drakon form in a position like you kicked something. Your eyes are completely white, your muscles are bulked, and lightning persists around you. You pull back and soar ahead, catching up to Ryu in mere seconds. You pass by him, spin around, and drive your foot into his cheek. Ryu spins like a bullet as he's forced down to the ground below. He slowly manages to gain his bearings before he crashes into the ground. He stops a short distance before, but the force bashes against the snow below to destroy the area below.

Ryu rubs his jaw to try and sooth the pain given to him. He never experienced a hit like that before. He's almost happy that you managed to hit him like this, but now he's worried about your mental state. He looks up and sees you flying down to fight him some more. Ryu soars far into the air to try and divert you from destroying any nature. He twirls through the air until he breaks through the clouds once more. Quickly after he makes it above the clouds, you break through also. Ryu stares at your new power and new form. He can see the rage in your eyes, almost like you're not really there.

"(Y/N), are you there? Come to your senses. Calm yourself!."

He can see your chest heaving as you deal with this excess power.

"Ryu, I'm dealing with (Y/N) inside. He has far more power than he should, and he's finding hard to deal with that and being on the edge of death. Just talk him down from out there."

"Right," he responds in a whisper. "(Y/N)! You've gotten really strong, there. Are you okay? Can you hear me?"

You twitch at his words but don't react any more than that. Ryu huffs, trying to think of something to say.

"I think you can hear me, can't you? I'm sorry for what I did, but it had to be done. Look at you now! You have the power to protect your Elsa!"

"E... Elsa?" You mumble.

"Yes! Yes, Elsa! The reason you're fighting and getting stronger for."

You nod, then look down at your hands. The amount of power flowing through your body is astronomical. It's like this form that hasn't changed has increased dramatically with such little training. It's like every vein in your body is pulsing from the amount of power coming from your core. Everything just becomes overwhelming for your senses... and then you feel nothing. Your eyes close, your power fades, and you begin falling to the ground. Ryu acts accordingly, catching you as you fall and fly towards the mountain.

"Is he okay?" Ryu mentally asks.

"He's unconscious. I'll take over once we return to the mountain."


Ryu and Shadow patiently await the wise old Dragon that Ryu has summoned.

"Do you have any idea why (Y/N)'s power jumped so much?" Ryu speaks.

Shadow shakes his head.

"It's curious why I don't have that increase either. Perhaps I just have to unlock it..." Shadow thinks harder, resting his hand against his chin. "But my theory is that his power up came from when Rhaegos first talked to him. Remember?"

Ryu nods.

"I remember. He nearly destroyed the mountain. But at least he unlocked his power. Seems my time will be spent aiding him in controlling his Drakon form."

"That's if he really unlocked it. It's always possible that he simply underwent the transformation because of the situation. I would rather that not be the case, but it's always possible."

Ryu nods, returning to his previous position. Shadow slowly paces around the area with his arms crossed.

"Where is he?" He mumbles.

"Who knows? Rhaegos once claimed he can travel through every timeline. Perhaps he's simply somewhere else."

"You are correct, my son," a voice echoes in both heads. "I am unable to meet with you right now, so this must suffice. I predict you to ask about (Y/N) power-up?"

"How did you-"

"We all felt it. He unlocked as much power as he can in his current state."

Shadow decides to speak next.


"Yes, Shadow. The trauma I put him through earlier did augment his powers. Is that all?"

Shadow and Ryu share a glance, leading to Ryu shrugging.

"I... suppose. Thank you, father."

"Do not bother me with such trifles again. I have far more to do than answer every trifling question."

"Yes, father. Thank you for your time." Ryu respectfully speaks. He turns to Shadow and smirks. "I suppose we have to wait for (Y/N). Is he still resting?"

Shadow closes his eyes for a moment and searches Limbo.

"Yes." he answers, opening his eyes. "I'll continue training on my own, if you don't mind."

Ryu bows his head.

"Very well, the sun will be setting soon anyway. I'll prepare some food for us," Ryu states before jumping high into the air and falls past the mountain.

Shadow steps into the middle of the mountain and rests on his knees. He takes a deep breath and comes searches himself for that power. Learning that you have far more potential has secretly devastated him. He was so proud that he unlocked the powers before you, that if anything went wrong he would be the one everyone had to fall back on. He was the last line of defense, the one in control of his power. Now that control is gone from him. He has no reason once more. He has no control.

The snow and pebbles begin rising around him as his power swells.

"There's more potential in this body... I know it. I just have to break through like he did. I have to remember my purpose... and what Rhaegos said."

Alrighty, there's that! A little shorter than normal, but, hey, it works! This took a little longer than I wanted it to but... heh, I hit a little rut this month so I apologize for the long wait. Things are going to start kicking off within the next few chapters so I hope you're ready! It's going to be a fun ride all the way to the end.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed! I look forward to reading any comments/reviews that are left. It's always my favourite part about posting a chapter. So, I'll see you all next time!

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A special thank you to Patreon supporters: GrayJack72


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