Chapter 44: Catching a Flight
Chapter 44:Catching a Flight
The past few hours have been absolute hell for your psyche. After bringing Olaf to the hospital the doctors told you to wait. You couldn't, however. The fear of Olaf's health, Hunter's idiocy, and all the people who probably died from Hunter's act. Hans may be dead, but now you're alone. You don't have any of your family helping you anymore, and you honestly have no idea where to go from here. So as you wait for the status on Olaf, you requested them to call you when he's stable.
Thus that leads to where you are now, at the ground zero of the collapse. Firefighters, policemen, and paramedics are all over the place, helping those who were just outside the blast radius and the few who were found buried under debris. You, with all your strength, are helping in the recovery effort. You hop over a small chasm and land on a destroyed building. There's a smaller building fallen on the one you're currently standing on; you were tasked with looking around this area for any survivors... or bodies.
You approach the fallen building, ducking under the corner so you can get as close to the base as possible. Once you reach a point where it's starting to get uncomfortable, you place one hand on the building and straighten your legs, lifting the building with minimal effort. Though that's mostly because the majority of the equipment in the building, along with it only being a section of the full structure, makes it easier to lift than a full skyscraper. The building grinds along yours as you lift it and walk forward.
"Hello!" You shout, checking if anyone is below the building.
There's no response. You get to the edge of your building and look down into the small pit below. There's half a dozen bodies, both men in women, all in some sort of suit. None of them are moving. You sigh at the sight of these innocent people dead. They did nothing wrong, at least nothing that deserved this. They were killed without any warning, any preparation, or any reasoning. You just hope their families, if they have any, will take it well. They won't, of course, but everyone handles death differently.
It's almost humourous to you that you can look at a group of corpses and be so passive about it. It's... sad, but it's understandable in your mind. You didn't know these people. You have no connection to them, thus their death doesn't move you like, say, Pabbie's for instance. He wasn't your family, but you still felt bad about his death both because you knew him and because Kristoff was so effected by it, which, in turn, affected you. These random people... well, it's just sad to see life cut short.
You hop into the small pit which results in the building above you to fall back onto the other. Some glass shatters at the impact and trickles down on you, but doesn't even cut your clothing. You gather all the bodies, holding them in both arms which isn't strenuous at all. You look around for a way out. The building cut off your initial exit, but now that the glass is broken you could simply leave through the building, which, in hindsight, would have been easier than lifting it in the first place. Though you're not of the clearest mind right now.
You bend your knees down, charging for a moment before springing to the air. You easily make the distance and land just past the hole. You walk forward, taking light steps as to not rock the building any more than you have to. Since the building collapsed there is a large hole on both ends leading to some sort of exit. The way you're walking leads out, whilst the other leads deeper into the debris. You carry the bodies out of the building and look for resting site. They're laying all the dead in one large area to catalogue and keep out of the way. You leap across a few buildings, passing by some other volunteers and official personnel, and land back on solid ground. You approach the resting grounds and lay the bodies along the side with a few others that haven't been accounted for.
"Hey, you found some more!" A woman speaks, approaching you.
She's Layla, a paramedic whose been instructing you this entire time. She's middle aged, probably getting close to fifty, but she seems to be the most experienced one on site.
"Yeah... found more dead than living, though," you regrettably admit.
Layla places a hand on your shoulder, giving you a comforting smile.
"Hey, don't worry about that. It's not your fault this happened. In fact we don't even know why this happened yet. But you've been helping, and we all appreciate it."
You give her a smile and a nod.
"Of course. I'll get back out there an-" Your holowatch starts to flash. "Oh, a call," you say to yourself. "Sorry, I got to take this," you excuse yourself, taking a few steps away before clicking the holowatch. "Hello?"
"Yes... (Y/N) Knight?" A male asks.
"Yes! That's me. Is this the hospital?"
"Yes, I'm Dr. Mikels. There's been a development with a patient, Olaf Anderson. Can you please come in?"
"I'll be there as fast as I can!" You inform, hanging up the holowatch. You turn to Layla. "I'm sorry, I have to go."
"It's alright, thank you for the help!"
Without even a glance back, you start running past other volunteers and tents to get to the hospital. You're flooded with joy. Olaf will be okay, you can send him home to Elsa, and you might be able to return to your fri- no, family, again.
"You owe me one for this," the pilot shouts as a helicopter sets down on the ground.
Hunter exits the helicopter, waving at the pilot. He still has plenty of connections that he's made over the years, so getting a ride from San Fransokyo to Corona, even in such a short amount of time, is completely plausible for him.
The helicopter takes off, whipping Hunter's clothes and hair all over the place as the young man walks away. He has things to do, things to think about. He's never felt such confliction in his entire life.
What I did was right. I wanted to kill Alistair. But... I didn't. But to compare me to him! Who should I be compared to, though. I'm no saint, none of us are. I gambled thousands of lives and lost.
Hunter shakes his head to try and make sense of everything, but that only bungles it up some more. He needs a place to think, and he already has one in mind. It's a place he used to visit with a... certain someone. They always had fun there, and it was extremely peaceful for him. Perhaps there, with some peace and quiet, he'll be able to come up with an answer for himself. Maybe he can find the Hunter that everyone says is gone.
You rush through the doors of the hospital, knowing exactly where to go. You run through hallways, passing by all doctors, patients, and visitors that are here. You push through a set of doors and slide to a halt. The doctor who you dealt with before when dropping off Olaf is standing at a desk, signing some documents. He hears you burst through the door and turns his attention to you. His face drops a bit once you approach him.
"Doc, how is he? What room did you move him to?"
The doctor looks to the nurse, then to you.
"The bullet pierced through his lung. By the time you got him to us his lung had filled with blood, an-"
"Doc... is..."
The doctor sighs.
"I'm sorry. There was nothing we could do."
Your spirit dies instantly, evident from the light in your eyes dimming the moment you hear it. Little Olaf, the kid you can remember from so long ago... he's dead. Gone. His cheerful nature, his love of snowmen, the way he could ask such deep question innocently, his love for his sisters... and even you. That little rascal is gone because you couldn't save him. Because Hans wanted to get to you. YOU are the reason Olaf is dead. That thought shakes you to the core, erupting small bouts of silent tears from your eyes.
"Olaf..." You mumble.
"His family is in Arendelle? I w-"
"I'll talk to them," you cut in. "I'm his sister's fiancée."
"Very well. Once again, I'm sorry. With your permission, we'll send his body back to Arendelle – to this family."
You nod, to which he hands you the necessary paperwork. You emotionlessly sign the few documents he gives you. Once you're finished he places his hand on your shoulder.
"I'm sorry. It's a shame to see the young die, but I suppose a lot did when the city collapsed. A lot of lives were unfortunately cut short."
You shrug him off and walk away. He doesn't blame you for your cold actions, however. He's been through this process dozens of time throughout his career. You need time to cope, accept it, and move on. Well, that's what normal people need. You're far from a normal person, so your coping mechanism is far different from the average person's. You don't even know how to cope as you walk through the hospital, every step so heavy that it slows you down. Your body feels far heavier than any gravity training you've done in the past. Your stomach is in a knot, your mind is flooded with depressing emotions that only rival one moment... the one time you saw Elsa die in front of you. Only that beats this feeling, and you transformed instantly the first time.
With no place to go and no drive to do anything, you decide to head back to the Big Hero 6. They have your sword, anyway, so you need that before doing anything productive. In all honesty, you don't want to do anymore fighting. You don't want to kill anything anymore. You don't want anything to die.
Elsa pushes a stack of papers to the corner of her desk, letting out a sigh of relief that all the paperwork is done. Well, most of it. There are less than a dozen pages left, so her work is nearly done. For the past few hours she's been signing off or denying projects that W.A Industries. It's been tiring, and at some points her mind couldn't focus on it, what with being occupied with you and Olaf. They still haven't found the little guy and she's just generally worried about you because of all the danger you're putting yourself through.
She shakes her head, reassuring herself that everything will be fine. Olaf is a tough little guy, and you're tough enough to stand in front of a train and live, so it's an irrational worry. She focuses back on her work and scans the next page. Something is wrong with this next project, however.
"Project... Holowatch?" She quietly says to herself. "But doesn't..."
Elsa combs over every detail of the plans, specs, and even... where it's being made.
"What? Why would it already be in development? Something's wrong here."
She grabs a separate notepad, her personal one, and jots down the supposed location of where this is being tested and produced. This shouldn't be on her list of things to approve if it's already in production. On top of that, you already have one, and, from what she's heard, other people have them as well. As CEO she has to get to the bottom of this. She rips the page off of her pad and shoves it into her jacket pocket. She's honestly somewhat relieved that she can get out and do something, rather than sitting around in an office. It seems you've rubbed off on her, in that regard.
You return to Fred's abode, approaching the doorway. Before you even reach it the door opens and the butler is awaiting you.
"Evening, Master (Y/N)."
You walk past him and towards Fred's room where the rest of the team is. You push through the door and see them, still in the chamber, working away. Honey Lemon notices you and rushes to you. The first thing you notice when looking at the room is that nobody else is there. You can hear Hiro typing away, but that's it. Go Go, Fred, Baymax, and Wasabi are all gone. The most logical guess is that they're helping with the recent sinking of San Fransokyo.
"(Y/N)! You're okay! Where's Hunter? He hasn't been picking up his phone?"
You sneer.
"I don't care. Are you done with my blade?" You ask as you brush past Honey Lemon.
She watches you walk with a concerned face. You're definitely different than when you first left.
Hiro spins around in his chair and approaches you.
"Where is Hunter? We have something for him."
You raise your brow.
"What do you have? I'll deal with it," you say, still walking towards your weapon.
"Well," Hiro slides back to his computer, pulling up some data. "We've discovered Hierarch forces moving plenty of cargo into a plane. I assumed Hunter would want to stop them, but... I guess you'll do it."
"I'd end up doing most of the heavy lifting anyway," you state, summoning your sheathe so you can holster your sword, then allow the Holowatch to hide it again. "I'll be back when I'm done. Hopefully this puts an end to it."
You march out of the room, leaving the two wondering what happened between you and Hunter. You're different, Hunter's gone, and San Fransokyo now has a hole where the city used to be.
"Are we going to tell him about his sword?"
"I doubt he cares about the specifics. But I want to keep this data. This metal... there's none like it," he says, working with lighting fast speed.
Honey sighs.
"I just hope they're okay. I don't like this at all."
Alistair watches as all the boxes are loaded into the cargo plane. Most of them are for his grand plan, but there's one box he's putting on there just in case. He has a feeling some trouble might brew, so Alistair assures he has a back-up plan for every contingency. Even if his plane is attacked, everything will still be delivered and his plan will move forward. Alistair's holowatch lights up, indicating he has a call incoming.
"Sir, you wanted us to keep an eye on your sons?" A male speaks.
"Ah, yes. What're the two troublemakers up to?" He jokingly answers, though keeps a fairly serious tone.
"Oh, well, the eldest, Hunter, seems to be visiting the earth elemental."
"In Corona?"
"Yes, sir."
"Hm... Interesting." He rubs his chin for a moment. "And (Y/N)?" He continues.
"Well, sir, he's... on his way to your location. Should we engage?"
Alistair chuckles.
"No, don't bother. I expected something like this. Let him come."
"I... okay, sir."
Alistair's watch lights up again, indicating another call.
"I have matters to attend to. Goodbye," he says before switching calls. "Juno?"
"Alistair, Elsa's on her way to our delivery point. How does she know about it?"
Alistair smirks.
"Because she caught on. Follow her, but no killing. You know that's not part of the plan."
Juno deviously laughs, then inhales.
"Ohhh, I just want to tear someone apart, Alistair. It's been eating at me, and she's so small. I could break her."
"Juno, honey, its okay," Alistair consoles. "You'll have plenty of people to kill when we're done. I promised you Weselton, remember?"
Juno starts laughing again.
"Yes... savoury..."
Alistair's face drops. Juno's slowly descending back into madness without his mental connection. If she harms Elsa it could ruin his entire plan, or at least make it more difficult. But Arendelle is his next destination, so it shouldn't be too much of a problem.
"Just hold out, my love. We'll be done soon."
"Yes... soon... soon. I love you, Alistair."
"I love you too, Juno. I'll be back at Arendelle in a few hours. Prepare everything for me."
"Yes, of course. Goodbye, my love."
Juno disconnects the call, leaving Alistair to blankly stare ahead of him, contemplating and planning. He nods his head, affirming that everything is going as he wants it to. He didn't plan on Hunter returning to Gaia, but that's such a small change that it won't hurt his plans in any way. The fact that you're on your way is... actually his plan to a t. He would almost be disappointed if you didn't show up. He even purposefully allowed himself and his crew be seen as they load up the boxes so you or Hunter will intercept. His wish has been fulfilled.
"Alright, everyone out! I'll load the last few boxes myself. We need to get going."
You hop onto a nearby building a short distance away from the airport to gain some bearings of what you're dealing with. You find the plane in seconds, but surprisingly there's nobody around. In fact, the plane looks odd. It's slowly getting small-
The plane is moving!
"You didn't notice that before?" Shadow shouts.
You leap off the building, passing the wall that separates the airport from the nearby street. The moment you hit the ground you start running.
"I wasn't paying attention, okay!" You frantically shout.
That time wasted may have lost you the plane. It begins lifting off before you're close. You grind your teeth as you push your legs even faster, almost making them feel like jelly as they carry you. Dust flies behind you as you bolt at high speeds towards the plane. By this time the plane already retracted its wheels and is starting to really ascend. With nothing holding you back, you leap forward, land, charge another jump, and fly diagonally through the air. The wind blows your hair back, your skin rippling at the high speeds. You get closer and closer whilst extending your hand, hoping to grab onto some part of the plane. You manage to grab the tail of the plane, though your grip is less than strong. The wind is whipping your hair and clothes at an extremely fast rate, distracting you somewhat. The force of the air pushing back on your weak grip loosens it. You look back, seeing that you're about to be higher than the skyscrapers. A fall from here might be lethal, maybe, probably not but still. You try to move your other hand to grab it, but your fingers give out and you fall back.
You shout as you windmill your hands, trying desperately to grab hold of anything you can, but there's nothing for you to grab but air. You fall farther and farther from the plane, getting closer and closer to the ground. You look down at the rapidly approaching cement and brace yourself for the impact. You land dead center in the road, smashing the back of your head on the cement as it bounces from the impact. The crash landing sends a ripple through the ground to flip nearby cars. You lift your back off the ground, rubbing the back of your head.
"That was less than comfortable..."
You look up and see Baymax, standing in front of you in his armour.
"You've crash landed."
"You think?" You retort. "Wait, you can fly!"
"It makes me a better healthcare companion."
"Yes it does," you smile, getting off the ground and assuming Hiro's usual position. "I need you to get me to that plane up there," you ask, pointing to your intended target.
Baymax identifies it and nods.
"Very well."
His wings extend and he soars into the air, leaving everyone on the ground watching him, amazed both to see Baymax and a random man fall from the sky and get up like it's nothing.
"How did you find me, anyway?" You ask.
"Hiro said you might need help."
You smirk.
"He is a smart one. Come on, let's do this Baymax!"
Baymax goes faster, quickly catching up to the cargo plane.
"What do you need now, (Y/N)?" He calmly asks.
"I need a way in... I can't just bust in or the plane will crash."
Suddenly the loading ramp starts to open.
"What the? Nevermind, Baymax, get close!"
He flies you right up to it, allowing you to jump in, sliding down the ramp and quickly getting to your feet. Once you enter the ramp stops and reverses, closing. You raise your brow at why this is happening.
Perhaps Hiro is hacking in?
You ignore it and look around. There's nothing but boxes in the cargo bay. No guards, no people, nothing. It's almost eerily quiet with the only sounds being your own footsteps, breathing, and the sound of wind hitting the metal skin of the plane. You approach one of the boxes and forcefully open it. It's filled with... tiny bots. They're so small, but the large container makes them obvious. You grab a handful of them and examine them. They look like tiny beetles, almost, but completely silver and robotic. You toss a few in your holowatch for safe keeping and examine another box. It's also filled with the same tiny bots.
"They're likely all filled with those. But what are they? Why do they need them?" Shadow ponders.
"Who knows... but... there is one different box. Look," you say, gazing at a larger box.
"We should check for the pilot, first. They could tell us where this plane is going."
You run past all the boxes, hopping over a few to get to the cockpit. You slow down as you get there, take a few quiet steps as you approach the door, and slowly open it. You peek in, seeing... nobody.
You drop your guard and open the door, entering the small room and looking around. Nobody is there. It's completely empty. You scratch your head as you look over the controls.
"Autopilot... Then I guess it'll say where this plane is going."
"Arendelle," a voice answers.
You turn around, raising your guard again once you see Alistair at the end of the cargo bay. The ramp is open and the boxes are all floating out of the plane.
"What the..?"
"Oh, well, I never really planned on having a plane bring them there anyway. These helicopters can carry them all well enough. I told you, son, to not get in my way. Why are you here?"
You exit the cockpit slowly, thinking on his question.
"I don't know," you honestly answer, your eyes proof enough that you're telling the truth. "I just... I know I had to come."
"You're different, aren't you? Something's different," Alistair asks.
You look away from him.
"Hunter turned into a monster chasing you. I don't want to be like him, but... there's still something in my heart... telling me I have to stop you!" You shout, becoming passionate. "Besides, Shadow wouldn't shut up if I gave up."
Alistair nods, smiling.
"Good... our family doesn't give up. So, I suppose you're expecting a fight. Well, not with me. Power Man... activate!"
The large box you noted earlier explodes into small pieces of wood, allowing a hulking, humanoid machine free. You spread your legs, bending down and getting ready for whatever that thing is.
"I need to bring these to Arendelle. You can play with my creation."
The last boxes hover out of the plane and connect to helicopters close by.
"Goodbye, (Y/N). I hope for your sake, you give up. Though I know you won't."
Alistair walks out of the plane, falling the moment he steps out. You want to chase after him, but Power Man locks onto you. His face is completely smooth, but still had an outline of a face, almost as if a skintight mask is on him. In fact his entire body is a smooth and sleek grey that looks more synthetic than robotic. A red glow fills his eyes as he marches towards you. He's at least seven feet tall, maybe more. He's taller than you, at least. You run towards him, jump, and thrust your fist into his chest. He skids across the floor, but he doesn't stagger. He grabs your hand with a surprising amount of strength and pulls it away from his chest. You grind your teeth, trying to resist him but failing. He lightly tosses you in the air then drives his fist into your stomach. You clench your teeth, but you're far from beaten. You pull a fist back and connect with his face, sending him a short distance away. You land on the ground, falling to one knee as you hold your stomach.
Power Man remains emotionless and continues his assault on you. He marches towards you and throws a punch, which you easily dodge. With this one attack you know you have the speed advantage, no doubt, but Alistair wouldn't sick this thing on you if it didn't have some special way of taking you out. Your feet trail along the ground as you slow down, positioning yourself behind the hulking mass. You spin and roundhouse its ribs, but all it does is send a slight pain to your foot, but not much. You twist your foot and hook yourself onto him, pull yourself in, unhook that foot and drive the same foot into his head. You twist your body to the right, making you face the floor, and slam your other foot directly on his head. With your attack done, you allow your body to fall to the ground so you can roll away.
Once you roll you turn around to get a sight on your opponent, but you weren't ready for his hand to grab your face so quickly. He grasps your head, holding you in the air. Without any thought he slams you head first into the floor, then, with all his strength, throws you up, breaking through the steel of the plane. The moment you break through the seal you start falling behind the plane. You bounce off the plane once, sending you over the side. You quickly summon the Dragon Sword and stab into the plane, cutting through it but also stopping you from falling off it completely. You hold yourself there for a moment, waiting for the right moment to hop back to the surface. You wait for your moment then swing off the sword and land on the surface. You keep low as you shimmy close to the edge to reclaim your sword. You sheathe it on your back and look to the hole where he threw you. You crawl towards it, but a loud sound behind you gets your attention. You turn around and see Power Man, landing in front of another large hole, marching to you.
You panic, leaping forward onto your feet and pushing down as hard as you can. Your stability isn't great right now. You're used to more gravity, not less, so this is a little tricky for you.
"We can't overpower him like this. We need a plan," Shadow advises.
"Yeah, you think of one while I keep him distracted!"
He runs to you and throws a punch. You dash to the side, sliding onto the wing of the plane. Power Man pursues you, catching up to you and throwing very heavy punches. You guide one away, slide to the side to avoid another, duck under one, slide under his legs to dodge a slam. He turns to you, emotionless as ever, which still gives you the chills.
"(Y/N), are you there?" Hiro shouts.
"Hiro? Where ar-"
With the distraction Power Man grabs your throat and slams you into the wing, tilting the plane slightly.
"I can't hear you, but listen to me. Your plane is compromised. It's slowly going down. You have to get off of it. Baymax and I are on our way! Just hang on!"
Power Man lifts you off the ground and holds you there. You punch his metallic arm to no avail. You have no real power behind your punches due to your compromised position. He squeezes harder on your neck, releasing precious air from your throat. You grab his wrist and use everything you have to pull it away. Luckily his grip loosens enough for you make a move. You grab onto his arm and lift your legs onto his chest, then slam him onto the ground. The wing tilts more, almost putting it completely on its side. You let go of the arm and slide down the wing, getting a grip after a second of sliding.
Power Man stands back up, scanning the area until he finds you standing back on the body of the plane. He takes a few steps towards you then stops. He looks down at the wing he's standing on, then punches into the wing. Your eyes widen, your mouth stretches, and your heart starts facing. With the hole in the wing, he turns around and starts ripping the wing off the plane.
"What are you doing?" You frantically shout.
Power Man successfully rips a large section of the wing off, completely throwing off the balance of the plane. It starts falling left and right, attempting to maintain a steady course. You get low, hand resting on the surface. Power Man turns around, the wing in his hand, and attempts to crush you with it. You push yourself to the side, dodging it. However it pierces the second wing, leaving a hole in the wing and damaging the engine.
"(Y/N), give me control. I have a plan!"
You close your eyes and relax, relinquishing control of your body so Shadow can take over. You stand in your mind, looking around. You can't see anything. It's covered in Shadow, not allowing you to see anything happening outside.
"Shadow... Shadow!"
On the outside, Shadow is smiling. He finally has a chance to let loose and put his training to the test. Besides, he needs to end this quick. Power Man starts to rush at Shadow, but he doesn't move. In fact he stands up straight, extremely casual. Power Man throws a punch, which Shadow catches. He opens his eyes, showing only a grey colour to it. Sparks emerge around him as power surges through his body.
"I'm not like that idiot," he states, sliding beside Power Man and driving his elbow on Power Man's arm, breaking right through the metal.
Shadow takes a step back brushing off the pieces of metal landing on his clothes.
"I don't understand how he's comfortable in these clothes," Shadow comments, staring at your casual clothes.
Power Man spins and backhands Shadow... but he doesn't move. Shadow watches Power Man, completely unamused as his cheek is pushed in by the metal arm.
"Simple machine."
Shadow clenches his fist and thrusts it through Power Man's chest. Sparks erupts from the chest once Shadow pulls back, and he watches Power Man fall down. Shadow grabs his remaining hand and throws him off the plane, then looks at that same hand. He smiles, his lips filled with pride.
"I... am the stronger one," he states. "(Y/N)?"
"Shadow! I couldn't hear or see you. What happened?"
"The robot is down. You can finish this."
Shadow closes his eyes, returning control to you. The form fades away as you gain control. You look around and immediately lose your footing, having to get low. The plane is going down, no question about that. You need to get off this plane and quick. Luckily Hiro and Baymax come up beside you.
"What happened?" Hiro shouts, his voice coming through your holowatch.
"An enemy... it doesn't matter, can you send this this to the ocean?" You shout into your holowatch, doing your best to maintain stability.
"No! You can't crash it!" A familiar voice speaks.
"Wha- Hunter?" You question.
"Listen, there's no time to explain. Every Hierarch building, transport, anything, is equipped with an atomic level bomb. It you crash it into the ocean it will detonate and destroy Corona."
You look ahead and see Corona not too far away.
"So what should I do?" You yell, hoping Hiro or Hunter will have an answer.
"Well, I can't explain how to defuse it, so you have to land it."
"Land it? Hunter, the wings don't even work! Where am I supposed to land this thing?"
There's a silence for a few seconds.
"(Y/N)," a female voice speaks. "It's Gaia, listen, you need to take some liberties."
"What does that mean?" You shout.
The plane shakes, dropping fast towards Corona.
"The Corona Freeway. Land it there! Hiro, meet Gaia and me on the Freeway. We'll clear it for (Y/N) to land the plane. And (Y/N)... you can't let it crash. It if does, everyone dies."
You take in the legitimacy of the situation and nod to yourself.
"Right. But, Hunter, we're talking after this."
"Yeah... I know. But lets save this city first."
You hop into the hole and run for the cockpit. You slide open the door and jump into the pilot's seat... but something's wrong. There's no means to steer the plane. You frantically look around, hoping to find something but it all looks the same since you have no flying experience. You have no idea how to direct this plane now. You slam your fists on the screen before getting up and running to the cargo hold and leaping back on the surface. The plane is going down fast, but it's not aimed towards the Freeway. You run to the edge of the plane, trying to plan how to move this plane to where you want.
"(Y/N), check your holowatch. Something's there that will help." Shadow says.
You don't question him, and instead look right to your holowatch. You pull up the items in your watch and instantly notice a few things you've never seen before.
"The wrist mounted one," Shadow guides.
You grab it, and suddenly a contraption appears around your wrist, opposite to the watch, with a small blade on your palm's side.
"What is this?" You ask allowed.
"Jump off the plane and thrust your wrist! You can kick the plane whatever direction you want."
"Jump off the plane? Are you-"
"Just do it!"
You look to the left. You need the plane to go right, so... You huff, hoping Shadow knows what he's doing. You look down at the contraption and notice something – an engraving.
"KT?" You mumble.
You shake your head and decide to focus on that later. You have work to do. You run to the right wing which still has a bit left to it. You get ready, shake your hands to rid yourself of the nerves, and sprint forward. You jump off the plane, turn around, and thrust your wrist forward. The blade shoots forward, tied to a rope that resides in your contraption. It pierces through the hull of the plane and latches on the inside. Suddenly you clench your fist, almost like you know what you're doing. You zoom back towards the plane, curling your feet until you get close enough. You then kick the plane with both feet, knocking it completely off course, which is what you want.
The plane keeps going down, but now it's at least going in the direction of the Freeway. Next, you need to activate the wheels, or else it won't land so much as crash into a million pieces. You allow the blade to release itself, letting you fall. It feels almost exhilarating with all the wind, tension, and possibility for death. It's odd, but you're finally having fun again, even though the stakes are high. This isn't being dragged around, fighting whoever Hunter tells you to. This is trying to save a city with your friends in it, and the way you're doing it just fills you with such an adrenaline rush that you can't help but smile. It's wrong to, but you can't help it. This is just so awesome to you!
You shoot the tether out once more, connecting it beside the front wheel. You bring yourself to the location and hang by your arm while your other one rips open the doors protecting the wheel. You get a good grip on the wheel and allow the blade to retract. You climb up the wheel and enter a small opening where you can push the wheel down. You rest your hands against the ceiling, your feet firmly on the wheel, and push with all your might. With how strong you are, you manage to force the wheel down, but you still have two more to go. You prepare to hop off the wheel when you hear an explosion, and the plane starts to rock. You lose your footing and fall off the wheel, plummeting back to the ground. You thank Shadow that he got this... however he got it, and latch yourself back onto the plane.
You dangle a fair bit away from the plane, looking at what caused the explosion. Fire is erupting all over the plane, but you recognize that the right side engine is no longer working.
"It must have been because of that robot, damnit!"
With nothing keeping the plane going anymore, it descends faster than ever, falling to Corona at an alarming rate. You swing yourself around the plane and land on the front glass to see what you can do. You're still falling to the Freeway, which is good. You're close enough to see that most of the cars are off the road thanks to Hiro, Baymax, Hunter, and Gaia. Now it's all on you. You have to land this plane properly.
"(Y/N)! We have a problem!" Hunter shouts at you through your phone.
Right as he says it you see it. The explosion caused by those two brutes all that time ago. The explosion that broke the Freeway. It's still under construction, so there's a gaping hole there.
"You have to stop it! If it crashes below it'll explode!"
"You want me to stop a fucking plane? How?"
"I don't know! I'm thinking!" Hunter shouts, panic evident in his voice.
You try to come up with an idea too.
Come on, come on. There has to be something. I mean, I could just stand in front of the plane, but... is that my only option?
"I... think it is, (Y/N)," Shadow adds.
You sigh.
You leap back onto the plane right as it starts to enter Corona. The broken right wing smashes through a building's floor, making the plane topple on its weakened left side. The pure force, speed, and lack of stability breaks the wheel you put down, making the hull of the plane grind against the pavement. You can hear screams erupting from the streets, panic seeping into people's hearts. Only a handful of people know what will truly happen if this plane crashes. You failed San Fransokyo... you will NOT fail Corona. You run across the plane and spring forward, landing a good distance away from the plane, though it's closing in fast. You drag one leg back, hold your arms forward, if slightly bent, and prepare yourself. The expression "getting hit like a truck" will have a whole new meaning to you now.
The nose of the plane hits you, but you manage to catch it before it can impact your chest. The force overwhelms you as you're dragged along for the ride with this ticking time bomb. Your feet drag along the ground, slowly wearing down your shoes to nothingness. Every muscle in your body is being used to its fullest, veins showing, face red, teeth almost cracking from the pressure you're putting on them. One of your eyes are closed as you do everything you can to stop this plane.
The right wing continues to pierce through buildings close enough to hit, causing panic to those who're unaware of what's happening. From a distance away, Hunter and the rest have gathered all the cars and people to the other end of the Freeway, far enough away so the plane won't hit them if you manage to stop it. Everyone can see you holding the plane as you get closer and closer to them.
"Who are you people? She used vines... you lifted a car... that boy used... I don't understand," a woman asks, holding her baby boy close.
Gaia and Hunter share a look. Their little group aren't like Hiro and his team. They were happily accepted as help and nobody questions it. Hunter, however...
"They're the ones who work behind the scenes," Matt answers, walking around Baymax. "And that one over there..." He points to the plane. "He's the one you should worry about."
Hunter smiles.
"Yeah... and Matt, thank you for helping. Thank you both," he says loud enough so Matt and the other can hear him.
"Of course," a voice says behind Baymax.
Matt nods.
"Of course we'll help! I finally have a reason again, even if I went through something before. Not that it'll matter if that hunk doesn't stop the plane."
"H-Hunk?" Hunter blinks.
Though they're suppressing their fear and worry, you're releasing it all into this plane.
You push your body past it limits trying to stop this monster, but you're running out of power. Your shoes are long gone, leaving your bare feet to drag along the harsh pavement, your arms and legs feel like they're going to burst, and you're getting tired.
"H... Hunter... I can't! I CAN'T!" You shout, shaking your head as you lose your footing, dropping a bit.
Hunter shakes his head, places his finger on his ear piece.
"No, (Y/N), you can! You have to! You have the strength, I know it! You can stop this plane!"
Everyone looks to Hunter, concerned that you might be losing your spirit. Baymax scans you from a distance, trying to get a read on your health. In the moment he knows you're slowly deteriorating. He activates his wings and flies towards the plane.
"Baymax!" Hiro shouts, but it's too late.
Shadow watches from inside your mind, hating the position. He could use his powers, but a transition at this point isn't possible. The moment it takes for you to relinquish control and for his to assume it would end your endeavor. But you need that power.
Baymax hovers over you, a little to the left, and pushes his body against the plane, activating his full thrusters. You see him attempting to help and a surge fills you. You lift yourself back up and throw everything you have at this plane. It's slowing down, there's no doubt, but not enough. Even with your strength, you can't stop this plane. Your clothes start to rip at how much you're flexing your muscles, and how much they're burning from overworking.
You're closing in on the gap, but the plane isn't slowing down fast enough. Hunter tries to think of something, but he can't do anything. If Gaia used her full power, she would reveal her power to more than just a few bystanders. There's nothing he can do but watch and hope.
"Come on, brother! You can do this! Please!" Hunter cheers. "I did something wrong, I know that, but you've always stayed true to who you are and never compromised yourself! You can't do that now! You have to stop that plane with everything you have, cause that's who you are! Come on! Show your power!"
"We believe in you, (Y/N)!" Gaia cheers.
"Show'em what you got!" Matt chants.
"You can do it!" The woman shouts. "You can!"
Suddenly all the people who Hunter has gathered starts cheering your name. You can hear it... you can hear their hope, their confidence. It's not just them, but you're saving Rapunzel and Eugene too! You have to do it for those people, for your family, for Elsa. You have to do this!
"Focus your power, (Y/N)! It's now or never!"
You hear some beeping and look to Baymax. He's used too much power, so he gives in, falling beside the plane and getting left behind. You're the only one left now. The plane edges closer to the gap, now only a dozen meters away. You close your eyes, focusing everything you have to do this. YOU HAVE TO!
Your eyes open with a spark of electricity. You feel rejuvenated and powerful, but there's not time to focus on that. You let go and hop a foot back, repositioning yourself, then catch the plane once more. This time the plane really grinds to a halt, the plane almost goes head over heels at the sudden stop. You quickly slow down, your feet finally stopping right before the gap.
The plane has stopped.
You let go and the power dissipates. You turn around and see everyone cheering. You smile, but Hunter can tell by your eyes that you're about to give in. Your eyes close and you fall forward, off the edge of the Freeway. Hunter jumps down and catches you. He jumps back up to Gaia and his friends, then rests you on the ground. You're dirty, your clothes are torn, and you're sleeping.
"He did it..." Hunter smirks, pride swelling in him. He looks up at the people who you saved. The ones who know you saved them. "People, I ask one small favour of you. Please, do not tell anyone about us. For him," Hunter requests.
The crowd has a general nod. Hunter looks to his friends.
"Well, we should get going. No doubt the news and police'll be here any moment. Gaia, take Hiro to Baymax. I'll bring (Y/N) to your place. He need rest after something like that. Matt, you guys can come with us, or meet us later."
Gaia and Matt nod.
"Alright, I'll get out of here. Come little brother."
Hunter leaps off the Freeway and lands on a nearby building, then keeps jumping away. You did it. You're one step closer to ending this all.
Alrighty, we're done with that one. I've had this scene planned for a long time, possibly over a year. I had a lot of fun with this chapter, even if it didn't progress much. Trust me, this chapter is necessary, else I wouldn't have written it. I hope you all enjoyed the possible heart pounding action!
So this is part of Project's Past November, but I'm not sure when it will actually be out. Remember, this is the third last chapter of act 2, so that's awesome. We're getting close and I'm super excited! I hope you guys are too! Well, maybe you just really want the story to end... which is coming. 2017, I know. Early 2017. Anyway, I don't have too much to say this time around. I hope you all enjoyed and see you next time.
However this is far after November. I still got two chapters and a half done, so that's something. Those will be coming.
Also I'd like to take a moment to thank my editor, Nuclear Deadline. She's my personal friend and has been helping me with this story since I first started two years ago. But nobody can stay doing one thing forever, and she has to move on. So I thank her very much for all the help in editing and story planning. She's gotten me this far and I aim to see it through. Since she's leaving I have another wonderful lady coming in to take her place. The only place I know her is on Twitter, so I'd like to welcome PossessedNightz to the position of Beta Reader. Why am I doing this publically? Well I assume you guys want to know the insight of the writing and stuff. No? Just want me to hurry my ass up and finish the story, huh? Right... well, ignore this, then.
PS: Shadow is now confirmed stronger than you at this point. So... you know, have fun with that.
Want to keep up with me? Know what chapter's coming out next and the progress of them? Follow me on Twitter! Twitter . com (slash) Chinsangan
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A special thank you to Patreon supporters: GrayJack72
Editor's note: Sorry it took so long, guys. My bad.
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