Chapter 41: Erik Westergaard
Chapter 41: Erik Westergaard
A limousine pulls up beside a large jet. It's larger than an average private jet but far from a passenger plane. The airport itself isn't particularly busy. No planes or helicopters litter the field, and not a single soul exists here. The door to the limo opens and Alistair makes his exit. He places one foot out of the vehicle and uses it as a stepping stone for the rest of his body. His suited body leaves the confines of the limo. He stretches his arms in front of him, pushing his fingers outwards until he hears a satisfying crack.
"I never liked vehicles," he mumbles to himself.
Alistair spins around and looks into the car. Hunter slowly carries you out of the limo on his shoulders.
"OW!" You shout, genuine pain in your voice. "Could you carry me any gentler?"
"Why don't you..." Hunter gets himself onto his feet out of the car. "Shut up... before I throw you into the sun!" He barks.
"Like you could even throw me that far. Please," you roll your eyes.
"You're talking pretty big for someone who can't walk on their own," Hunter comments, stretching his muscles a bit and taking in the sights.
"Alright! Put me down and we'll settle this! I'll show you who can't-"
Hunter relaxes his shoulder, letting you slide right off of him. You crash on the ground, hitting your shoulder first then collapsing onto your face. Your body is face down, your head splattered against the pavement. The whole situation sends a jolt of pain throughout your body.
"AAAAAHHHAAA HA OWWWW!" You cry out. "WHY IN THE HOLY NAME OF EVERYTHING IN EXISTANCE WOULD YOU DO THAT? GOD! OWW!" You howl, rolling around on the ground to try and diffuse the pain across your entire body. It doesn't really work out too well.
"You said to put you down. So, put'em up. Let's go," Hunter provokes.
Hunter slides his foot back and raises his fists to assume a fighting stance.
"I was joking! Learn sarcasm you idiot!"
Hunter chuckles, leaning back on his hip and crossing his arms. After getting over his laughter he cocks a smirk.
"Please, I know sarcasm like I know where Waldo is."
Alistair's entire body slouches as he watches you two bicker. Back and forth with barely a breath between retorts. It's not even a legitimate argument either, it's just noise coming out of both your faces. Alistair sighs and shakes his head. He begins to stroll away towards the plane.
"This is what I get for having children. I guess they're making up for a childhood of arguing."
Alistair moves his hands behind his back and grabs his left hand with his right, letting his muscles carry his hands above his buttocks. He lazily paces around the plane while you and Hunter argue away. It's literally just calling each other names now. Deciding to escape the idiotic banter Alistair approaches the plane's entrance. The door opens up, and a ramp composed of a plethora of blue particles appears. Alistair raises his brow in slight surprise.
"Hm... seems like Weselton finally completed that project. I was unaware he installed it in my plane though." Alistair shrugs. "Whatever. As long as it works."
Alistair approaches the glowing blue ramp. He can see sparkles within what seems to be the outer layer that keeps it all together. He takes one step on the ramp, which does act as a foothold for him. His foot arcs up, pushing against the ramp. Alistair takes another step on it, positioning his entire body onto the new technology. It feels like any metal ramp on normal planes, except a lot more convenient.
Alistair walks all the way up the ramp and into the plane. He takes a right and heads directly to the cockpit. Alistair walks through a massive passenger area that has a small amount of chairs. It's designed for himself and a few other people, so there's room for other things. A TV, bar, and a large, advanced looking metal pad. Some couches littler the sides as well as a table. There is more if one takes a left, but that's not the way Alistair is going.
As he approaches the cockpit he sees a pilot and co-pilot patiently sitting in their respective seats. The pilot turns around and acknowledges Alistair's existence. He quickly moves out of his seat and grabs Alistair's hand, not waiting for Alistair to really gather who the person is.
"Sir! It's you! Remember, you saved me from the helicopter crash?" He happily greets.
Alistair smiles and participates in the handshake.
"It's good to see you... but I thought I gave you time off?"
"Well, you did... but I felt like it wasn't fair that I take too much time off. Besides, I was told I would barely be flying much with this one. However, I am happy I get to fly you, sir. Shall we take off?"
Alistair glances out the window at his children, who are still arguing. Alistair sighs and shakes his head.
"We'll be ready in a moment. I have to get my sons first," he says, giving one last firm shake before breaking off.
The pilot sits back in his chair and starts fiddling with the controls. The co-pilot looks back at Alistair as he walks through the plane, his very presence emanating into the plane itself. He can still feel his commanding presence, even though he seemed to be pleasant. The co-pilot looks over at the pilot.
"You know him?" He whispers.
The pilot looks over to him, processing what he was just asked. He then smiles and nods.
"Yeah! Yeah I do," he answers enthusiastically.
Alistair strolls down the blue ramp to be immediately confronted by the booming noise that is your argument.
"Well who even asked you?" You shout.
"You did you fucking moron!" Hunter shouts back.
Alistair approaches Hunter, placing his foot right beside your head. He kneels down to you and stares directly into your eyes.
"Please... shut up," he softly requests before delivering an almost invisible chop to your neck.
Your eyes widen at the hit, but then close instantly. Your body completely relaxes and you spread out on the ground. Hunter takes a step towards you both, raising a fist.
"What the hell was that for!?" He shouts.
Alistair raises his head, only allowing Hunter to see three quarters of his face. But that's all it takes to inflict fear within Hunter. Alistair's eyes turn sharp as a well-kept sword, his face turning deadly serious. It looks like Alistair is about to end everything around him, leaving nothing but death and destruction in his wake. All this taken from his one gaze.
"We're leaving. Get in the plane. I'll carry (Y/N)."
Hunter mumbles some incoherent nonsense as he walks towards the plane. Hunter finally notices the illuminated, over-the-top ramp that leads to the plane.
"A little much if you ask me," Hunter shouts.
Alistair, with you being carried piggy back style like a child, walks right past Hunter.
"I never asked."
Hunter watches Alistair walk away after that snarky comment. Hunter tries to think of a comeback, but he has nothing. Alistair gets the last word. Hunter rolls his eyes, crosses his arms, and lazily strolls up the ramp. He sees Alistair take you to the left, and he quickly rushes to follow him. Alistair easily hears Hunter follow him, but he doesn't care. Alistair walks through a corridor to the plane until he reaches the second door on the right. He slides the door open and is greeted with a large green glow. Hunter stumbles back when seeing this, curious of what could possibly be projecting that aura.
Alistair carries you into the room. It has three, large, glass tubes that are placed against the three walls. Green juices flow through the tube like a lava lamp. In each of the tubes is a single rebreather with an obvious purpose: breathing. Besides each of the tubes is a keypad with a nine by nine pad. Alistair walks up to the pad and inputs a code into it. Once he finishes the liquid begins to drain from the tube.
Hunter walks in once the draining process is complete. He leans against the frame of the doorway, watching what Alistair does. The tube's hatch raises, allowing someone to be placed inside. Alistair grabs the side of your torso and spins you around so you're facing him. He walks closer – nearly entering the pod himself – and lays you down into it. Once you're in position Alistair grabs the rebreather and straps it on your face.
"What're you doing?" Hunter inquires.
Alistair looks back at him for a moment before returning his focus to you. He backs up a step then hits one of the commands. The pod closes then starts slowly filling with the green liquid. It envelops you, dampening your entire body and making your hair flow through the constantly moving liquid. Your clothes do the same, weaving with the liquid with no control over itself. Once the pod fills to the brim you move off the ground a few centimeters.
"It's a rejuvenation chamber. This will bring him back to one hundred percent by the time we reach Sanfransokyo," Alistair explains.
"Hm... With no side effects?"
Alistair nods.
"Of course. You think I would accept it WITH side effects?"
Hunter rolls his eyes and starts to walk out of the room.
"You should rest. We have a lot of work to do," Alistair recommends.
"What? So you can kill me in my sleep?" Hunter scorns.
Alistair snickers.
"Oh ye of little faith. I'm resting up too, so I suggest you do the same."
Alistair makes his way out of the room. He walks past Hunter and stops right beside him, not looking at him.
"Or should I be worried about you killing me in my sleep?"
He doesn't give Hunter the chance to respond. Instead he walks to the left towards the remaining three rooms.
"You can choose whatever room you want; other than mine of course. Unless you want to snuggle with you daddy," he finishes with a baby voice.
Hunter clenches his fists, grinding his teeth. Alistair smirks at the reaction he got.
Hunter looks back at you, hovering in the pod. Your eye is twitching every so often but your body remains as still as it can with the constant pushing and pulling of the recovery gel. Hunter sighs, rubbing his eyes.
"Maybe... maybe I could use some rest."
Elsa writes her signature at the bottom of a page and sighs. This is the eighteenth page that she's had to sign. It's early in the morning and yet her mind is already on fire. Not only does she have work on the mind, but you, Olaf, and that Erik Westergaard fellow. It's all piling on her psyche, making it hard to focus on the simplest tasks. She can tell that her signature is getting lazier.
Elsa puts her pen down and rests her head into her hand. She keeps her eyes closed as she drags her hand down her face.
"Ms. Anderson? Are you okay?" Juno asks with true concern.
Elsa quickly looks up at Juno in surprise. She shakes her head then smiles.
"Yeah, I'm okay. Thank you, Juno. What did you need?"
Juno slowly walks in and cautiously approaches Elsa as if she was a timid kitty who could run away at any second. Juno takes a seat across from Elsa and watches her, trying to find any way to help or even find out what's wrong with her boss and friend.
"Elsa... If there's one thing I'm good at its knowing when someone isn't okay. My husband forced me to be good at it. Quite an introvert when it comes to feelings," Juno voices.
Is he there for you? Would he be a good husband?
"Huh..." Elsa mumbles.
Juno raises her brow. She can see that something is wrong when she mentions her marriage.
"Is something wrong with you and (Y/N)?" Juno questions, being blunt about the subject.
Elsa's eyes widen. She's about to answer she can't seem to utter a single word. She slowly looks down at her desk. Juno lightly places her hand on Elsa's, making her quickly look up at her secretary.
"Maybe we should take a break? Grab a coffee?" Juno recommends. "Then maybe we can talk."
Elsa ponders Juno's request for a moment before nodding.
"Okay... I suppose a little break would be okay. I do have some things on my mind."
Elsa tidies up the paperwork she has on her desk before getting out of the chair. She pushes the chair back a bit before elegantly exiting the office chair. Juno, in turn, leaves her chair and begins walking towards the door, Elsa just a few steps behind her.
The two women make their way through the hallway to the elevator. Their heels each make their own distinct sound each time they hit the floor. It gives a little more sound to the otherwise quiet space. Elsa reaches the elevator first, so she hits the button. Elsa looks up at the floor counter. Thankfully it's already closing in on her floor, so the wait time is little-to-none. Juno comes to a stop beside Elsa. She glances over at the CEO to see if her expression has changed at all. Elsa has a slightly optimistic face, but it simply masks a deeper problem. Juno has seen Elsa with a genuinely upbeat face, and this isn't it. It's a mask for her employees, which includes Juno herself.
The elevator door slowly opens up, allowing them to enter. Juno takes the lead this time and clicks the button. The two patiently wait for the elevator to bring them down to their intended floor. There's an awkward silence between the two, as Elsa is still pondering her life in her head and Juno is Juno. She isn't the most social person. This task she has now is one of the more difficult she's ever had. Smiling all the time, being a polite and gentle person makes her sick to her stomach. She would rather just finish her objective now and get it over with. But Alistair has other plans, so she happily follows. He knows what he's doing, and he's worked his whole life to get to this point. He has a plan that he wants to accomplish, and Juno wants nothing more than to watch it come to fruition. She can swallow her pride for him anytime.
The elevator brings itself to a halt after a short time. After the doors open, Elsa and Juno promptly exit the elevator, and then the building.
"So, there's this nice coffee shop just at the end of the street. We could go there?" Juno advises.
Elsa lightly nods.
"Yeah... that sounds fine."
Is he there for you? Would he be a good husband?
Elsa cringes a little as the doubt echoes in her head. She doesn't even want to think it, and yet it's stuck in her thoughts. She hates it. She thinks it's wrong. You WILL be a good husband. You're ALWAYS there for her when she needs you. Well... you're not here now. But she understands. She does... right?
The two women take a stroll down the street, holding their heads high as they pass by all the men who constantly cat call the two. Juno desperately wants to snap their necks, and she probably would if Elsa wasn't there. Juno glares at the men, giving them a look that makes them feel dead inside. It's like she destroyed their souls with just her eyes. They sink into themselves, feeling completely defeated. Elsa turns to Juno. Juno bears a pleasant smile when she faces Elsa, keeping her persona intact.
Within a minute the ladies reach the caffeine producing building. They enter the building and instantly look for a seat, not bothering to enter the ever-growing line. They find a spot close to the window and decide to rest there. Juno can see that Elsa is restless. Uneasy. It's especially odd since she seemed fine this morning.
"So... look," Elsa starts fidgeting a little. "I just have to get this off my chest. Can I trust that this stays between us?"
Juno enthusiastically nods.
"Of course. You're my friend before you're my boss."
Elsa subtly smiles at the comfort. She keeps her eyes focused on the table, her body constantly moving in the subtlest ways. It's not like Elsa to be like this.
"Well... I don't know why but these weird thoughts have just been aching in my mind. I'm... and I know this is stupid since he's proven it over and over... but I don't know whether (Y/N) will be a good husband. It's always been something I thought of... but..."
"Elsa," Juno pipes up.
Elsa deters from her train of thought and looks up at Juno.
"If a guy could grab your attention – your love – then I think he's worth it."
"You're... right. You're right. I don't know why I keep thinking that. It's almost like that Erik gu-"
"Wait," Juno cuts off, her voice becoming deadly serious. "Erik? Erik who?"
Juno raises her brow.
"Erik Westergaard. He stopped by to see how I was doing as CEO. He gave off a really creepy vibe though, I have to admit."
Juno springs out of her chair and starts walking towards a small hallway.
"I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be back," she coldly informs.
"Oh... okay," Elsa mutters, confused by the ordeal.
Juno marches through the shop with fire in her eyes. Anyone who's standing in her way scurries away from her, and for good reason. The entire shop's very tone drops to a dark and deathly one, all stemming from Juno. She barges into the bathroom and slams the door behind her. Her hair is a bit messy now, a few drops of sweat forming around her face, her breathing escalates. She twists her head towards the mirror, facing her own menacing gaze. It almost seems like the mirror itself cowers in her presence. She advances towards the mirror only to deliver a solid punch aimed for herself. The mirror shatters. Pieces of glass stick in Juno's fist, causing her to bleed. She doesn't care. Her anger has reached new heights. She can't feel any pain right now.
The blood slips down her hand and drops to the floor, making tiny puddles of blood around the floor for the next door chap to slip on. Juno grinds her teeth to the point of breaking them.
"Erik... I'll kill him... I'll kill that fucking bastard," she hisses.
Juno takes a few seconds to calm down. She needs to talk to Alistair, but she can't the way she is. She closes her eyes and exhales, thinking back to the teachings Alistair taught her. After about half a minute Juno opens her eyes. The fire has receded to mere coals. Knowing that she's calm enough to speak with Alistair, she activates her holowatch and scrolls to Alistair's name.
Alistair calmly lays on one of the many couches, his head resting on his hands. His body and mind is completely relaxed. Hunter, on the other hand, is utterly tense. He's leaning against the wall outside of your room. He takes a gander at you every once in a while. You haven't moved since Alistair tossed you inside of it.
Suddenly Alistair's holowatch lights up. He opens up his watch and notices that he's getting a call from Juno. He raises his brow and opens both eyes. He flips off the couch and strolls away from Hunter, not wanting him to hear anything that he says incase his loving wife has something sensitive to discuss. He passes through a door and closes it behind him before accepting the call.
"Juno, my darling, what is it you-"
"He's fucking alive, Alistair!" She screams.
Alistair cringes at the tone Juno yells at him in.
"Who is alive?"
"Erik Westergaard! He's here!"
"I know."
There is a short pause. Alistair can almost hear Juno's fists clenching, her brow furrowing, and her teeth pushing against themselves so hard he's expecting a shattering sound. He closes his eyes and turns away from the watch a bit.
"You knew... why... didn't you tell me?" She asks, trying to be as polite as possible but Alistair can hear the venom in her voice.
He sighs.
"Juno, sweetie, you have a job to do right now. Elsa is your priority, so I couldn't have you chasing down Erik even though you'd love to rip his spine out. I have someone dealing with him already. Please, just don't do anything rash."
Juno sighs, leaning her head against a wall.
"It's... been hard for me to keep my temper in check... without you."
Alistair adopts a warm smile at her remark, relishing in the fact that his wife still needs him. However the smile quickly dissipates when the thought of his love suffering without him slithers into his mind. It's true that he's necessary to keep Juno's sanity in check. In close quarters his mind links with hers, keeping her monstrous urges intact. It's been that way for years, and it's how Juno remains so calm. Without him, she may deteriorate into an animalistic nature. Thankfully Juno's gotten better over the years. She can last longer without Alistair around.
He knows he has to hurry. Kill Hans, finish his plan in Corona, and Juno will take care of Arendelle.
"Juno... I trust you'll be fine without me. Erik is being taken care of, and I'll tell Alec to inform you when you find anything. Just stay strong, my love. We're so close."
Juno embraces the love Alistair gives her.
"You're right... I won't mess up, for you. Thank you. I love you."
"I love you too, Juno. Make sure Alec saves Erik for you. He must suffer for what he did."
A devious, pure evil smile emerges on Juno's face.
"He will."
Elsa vigorously taps her nails against the table. She's not aggravated that Juno's left her for a moment. She's irritated at herself.
Is he there for you? Would he be a good husband?
It's still repeating in her mind. It's a never ending message that she's telling herself. It's not even a different, invading voice. It's hers. Her thoughts. Is that what she really thinks? Does she really want to marry you? YES! No?
Elsa bursts out of her chair from pure frustration, her pale complexion replaced with a red tone. She can't handle her own mentality. Luckily Juno comes back just in time. Her face mirrors concern and she rushes to Elsa's side.
"Elsa!? Are you okay?"
Elsa stares into Juno's concerned eyes, which calms her down a bit. Her heavy breathing dials down a bit. Her icy complexion returning to her face. She looks away, shamed that she couldn't keep her cool.
"I... think I'm going to take the day off. If I get any important messages then call me."
Juno nods.
"I will. Get some rest."
It's rare that Alec has to do any field work, not that he's never done any before. His early days were filled with leg work. It may surprise most people who don't know Alec very well. Hunter and Alec used to do a lot until Alec was truly trusted within the Hierarchy. Alec pulls out his flask and takes a swig. It calms his nerves, even though the taste is terrible.
"Huh, feels like the good ol' days," he whispers to himself.
With his new outfit and mission ahead of him, he goes to the first place he can think of. He needs intel on his brother since he's had no contact with him for years. So, his first stop is the asylum at on the edge of town. It's an eerie drive there, no doubt. Fog covered the entire route there, and loomed around the building itself. Alec stands in the parking lot beside his bright, white, extremely modified car. It's basically a tank in car form.
Alec huffs before strolling towards the chilling building. His body is already shivering from the mere feeling of being outside the building. A cold, deadly aura is reaching out to him, almost asking for help but at the same time it's wishing for his demise. If there's one thing Alec will admit, it's that he's never been somewhere that smelled more like death.
Alec marches up the cold stairs and approaches the steel doors. He pushes on one, which doesn't open. Alec sighs at the hindrance. He can tell that the doors aren't locked, they're just stuck. He lifts one leg and places his heel on the door. With a moment of preparation, he forced his leg forward, which forcefully flings the door open. Alec gazes into the desolate entrance. There's a broken reception desk, metal chairs flipped all around the room, fake plants which still look nice – a real outlier compared to the rest of the room. The most notable sight, and smell, is a few rotting corpses against the wall and in the receptionist desk.
"They didn't even clean the corpses," Alec remarks. "Shouldn't they be skeletons after more than two decades? Hm... this place was said to be air tight. I guess they might have been preserved."
Deciding not to dwell on corpses, Alec continues with his mission. He needs to find Dr. Bishop's notes, which are likely in their office. He shuffles past the desk and approaches the computer. It's riddled with dust to such an extent that the screen isn't even visible. Alec is slightly disgusted at the filthy surroundings. He looks down at the dead receptionist who still has her clothes. Alec rips part of her sleeve off, quite easily, in fact, and uses the cloth to clean off the screen. The dust nearly takes over the cloth, which goes to show how much is there.
With a visible screen, Alec boots the computer up.
"Let's hope it works. I don't have any technology on me," Alec feels his pockets for the electronic ball given to him by Hans. "Except this."
He clicks the power button on the ancient computer. He waits in anticipation for the technology to light up. It's so quiet that he can hear his own breathing, as quiet as it is. He sees no lights come on, no sounds start up. He can only assume its dead. Alec takes a quick look around the room, attempting to test a new theory.
He sees a light switch across the room, and walks towards it. He steps over the dusty corpses and broken vases to get there. The place is just an absolute mess only made worse by time. Alec reaches the light switch and flips it up. Nothing. Not even the hum of the lights as they attempt to brighten the place.
"Fantastic, power's out. If I remember correctly this place has a generator in the basement. I can probably find a way to turn that on. Hell, maybe I'll find Bishop's office on the way. But... I think I'll need a flashlight." Alec takes a gander outside. "There isn't much light outside and I doubt it'll carry over into the building."
Alec backtracks to his car, having to expose himself to the chilly weather. He opens the car door and looks to his glove box. He pauses for a moment, thinking what would work better: a flashlight, or night vision glasses. Unfortunately the only glasses he has with him are aviators. He isn't a fan of any type of glasses, so the flashlight is his choice.
"Flashlight," he states as he opens the glove box.
A large, black flashlight sits neatly in the glove box, waiting for Alec to take it. He wraps his hands around the cold metal and claims it as his own. With the classic tool at his side, he ventures back into the building. Alec passes by reception, taking the right hall. It's already getting dark, so Alec turns on the flashlight. It's a powerful light, illuminating almost the entirety of the hallway. There are glass windows on the sides, but Alec can barely see out of it thanks to the fog. He isn't too keen on looking at them anyway. To his knowledge they're some sort of courtyards for "recess". However, after the massacre here, it's now filled with corpses, likely picked apart by crows or other animals desperate for food. That, or they've become the houses of maggots. Either way, it's an undesirable sight.
Alec keeps the flashlight steady as he walks. His shoes echo through the halls, making his location known to anything that may be here. Not that anything is here other than Alec himself. He comes to a crossroad: straight, left, or right. From what Alec remembers from his time here, Erik's containment room was near the end of the building, which means there's quite a walk ahead of him.
He continues straight, taking a quick peek left and right just in case. Nothing is there. As calm as Alec is, he can't help but be superstitious. He's in an abandoned insane asylum where everyone was killed. If that doesn't warrant a haunting then nothing does. The décor is mostly the same throughout the entire thing. There are doors on the side, some more caged than others, signifying some more dangerous people. They have labels on most of them.
"T. Romanov. M. Katar. S. Fisher," Alec says aloud as he walks past.
There are a few benches every so often, along with plants housed in vases, though a lot of them are knocked over. Alec notices some blood stains littered on some of the leaves. Oddly enough, there are no bodies in this hallway.
"So... where did the blood come from?" Alec asks himself.
He stops in his tracks and turns towards one of the doors. He slowly approaches it, keeping the light focused on the door. He grabs the handle and slowly turns it. He can hear the rust breaking apart from its docile state. Alec opens the door up and peers inside. The light illuminates a body attached to the wall. Each limb is nailed into the wall... except each of his limbs were cut off from the body. Alec shakes his head.
"I wonder if all the rooms are like this. Hell, I don't think I want to know." Alec closes the door behind him and starts walking down the hall. "Ignorance is bliss, and I'll happily be ignorant about this."
Alec focuses on his ears. His eyes can only see what the flashlight is pointing at, where his ears can hear anything around him. Though his shoes disrupt it a bit, but it's still most efficient. Suddenly he hears wind smashing against the glass around him. The rushing of wind through the cracks of the eroded building. Alec moves the flashlight to the wall. He can see roots squeezing through, trying to make the building part of it. Alec dismisses this, returning to his objective. He slowly walks down the hall, passing three different hallways that split off. He can't deny that he doesn't like the feeling of this place. He knows there's no such thing as ghosts, but he can't help feeling a dark aura that surrounds this place. He can nearly feel something trying to get into his head. Someone trying to enter his body.
Alec unconsciously starts moving the flashlight around in an attempt to gain his bearings. He doesn't want anything to sneak up on him. All he has is his flashlight. His flashlight and flask. Flask! Alec reaches into his pocket and pulls out his flask. He opens it up and takes a good swig. He grinds his teeth, enjoying the burning taste of his drink. One would think that his flask would be empty by now.
Alec rests it back in his pocket and continues on, a new drunken confidence driving him. Though he's always drunk to an extent. It's how he's functioned for the past few years, and he needs it more than ever in this eerie place. He knows he's closing in on his destination; closing in on Erik's old cell. Alec takes a breath, trying to focus on something. After a moment, he smiles. He's going to be fine. Alec continues on with a new confidence, trailing through the hallway to the room.
Alec starts to feel a slight breeze blowing against him. He can only feel it against his face. The only other indication is the push against his coat. He raises his brow. Judging by how windy it was outside, and how far away he is from Erik's room, he has an idea what that could be. Alec's light flashes upon Erik's room. It's at the very end of the hall. It was supposed to be the most secure room in this place... and its door is through a wall. Alec's suspicion was correct. The door has been thrown off its hinges and is through the wall. Bodies are all over the place, along with stained blood splattered all along the walls and ceiling.
Alec walks into the cell. Nothing is really there, but he can almost feel a dark aura envelop his entire being, attempting to enter his soul and corrupt him from the very core. A cold shiver slides through his spine. It's not even subtle. A normal shiver is like a feather grazing down your spine. This feels like a chainsaw grinding through his bones. There's absolutely no doubt in his mind that Erik still has a presence here. But he knows that Erik wasn't strong enough to do all this, to kill these people and rip a door off its hinges.
Something piques Alec's interest in that department. He turns around, looking away from the torn apart room. He approaches the hinges and takes a closer look. Judging how they are broken, it looks like the door was forced open from the inside.
So he had something break him out? There's still no way he could have opened it on its own.
Alec turns back around and lights up the room again. Surprisingly, the place is clean. It's surprising that there are no scratch marks, or any vandalism in the room, contrary to most of the other rooms. He heard Erik went crazy. Why didn't he defile his room in madness?
"Perhaps he's not as mad as I've been told. I'll only get that answer if I find him," Alec states.
Alec's ears pick something up. He turns around after a large crash in the distance. It was something breaking, no doubt. A vase, probably. But this only indicates that something else is here with him. Alec sighs, taking another swig from his flask to prepare himself. He takes a step and kicks something. Alec looks down at the object he hit. It's a clipboard, faced down after getting kicked.
Alec grabs it and turns it over. There's a ripped piece of paper attached to the clipboard. It's an evaluation sheet. Three quarters of the paper is ripped off, but the stop is still there. Dr. Bishop's name is labelled at the top, along with Erik. Alec takes another look around the room to see if the other part of the paper is around. There's nothing, so he has to settle with what he has. Of course, in the back of his mind, he's still concerned about whatever else is in the building, but he has a goal he needs to accomplish and chasing some person around is not that goal.
Lucky for Alec, the page he found has Dr. Bishop's room number on it. He doesn't have to search every room now.
"Room two fifty three, huh? Alright, I know where the two hundreds are. This should be quick," he turns back to the shrouded hallway. "Then again, whatever's here might slow me down a bit." Alec shrugs. "I'll deal with the troll when I get to the bridge."
Alec keeps the paper in his pocket, then grabs his flask again. After a swig, he gets going. Not really caring about the bodies, blood, or mess of the building anymore, he's completely focusing on where he is. He passes the four hundred hallway, then turns down the three hundred hallway. More bodies, more blood. It seems like nearly a hundred people are dead from what he's seen. There's still dozens of rooms, and hallways that probably host more.
In no time he reaches room two hundred and fifty three. There's a label on the door that says "Dr. J. Bishop".
"Looks like this is the place," Alec huffs. "Let's hope her notes are intact. I got no leads otherwise. Except maybe the note... hm... let's just get this over with."
Alec pushes the door... only for it to fall right over, smashing on the ground and echoing through the building. Alec pauses for a moment, listening for anything that responds to it. A few seconds later he hears something. He can't decipher what it is. Almost like a howl or a shout. It's too distorted for him to make it clear.
"Hm... something's definitely here. What could it be? Why would someone stick around... or why would someone leave something here?"
Alec takes a step in the room and heads straight for the filing cabinets. He sets his flashlight up in a place to see everything in the cabinet. There's a list going from A to Z. Alec goes to W first, looking for Westergaard. He finds W, then cycles down until he finds it.
"Here we go," he states, grabbing Erik's file. "This should be it. But maybe I should check her desk, just to be thorough."
Alec grabs the flashlight and moves to her desk. He searches each drawer, focusing his flashlight in each drawer. His eyes scans through each of the compartments, searching for anything that relates to Erik. He moves to another drawer and instantly finds something. It's a note book with Erik's name on it. Alec grabs that and stuffs it in his inner coat pocket. He takes a quick look in the other drawers and finds nothing.
"This is all I'm gonna get. No point in sticking around."
With the folder in hand and journal in his pocket, Alec grabs the flashlight and leaves the room. Alec starts walking down the hallway, making his way to the exit. He can hear something prowling the halls, coming closer and closer. Alec doesn't run, or even hurry at all. He keeps a steady pace while making his way to the exit. The sound gets closer, barreling through the halls like a wild animal that's barely large enough to comfortably run through.
Alec turns the corner and sees the entrance. He calmly grabs his flask and holds it in his hand. The sound gets ever closer. It sounds just down the hallway Alec just left. Alec reaches the door and stops. He hears a vase crash. He turns around, flask in hand, to see whatever is coming at him. But something is different. The thing stares at him.
A large dog with no hair on it, skin charred and flesh showing. Blood seems to be dripping from its mouth and stained teeth. It's growling at him, intent adding his taste to his palate. Alec raises his brow at the sight of the deformed dog.
"Hm... Erik's doing, I assume."
Alec opens the flask, raising it to his face.
"Come on then."
The dog barks then rushes him. Alec drinks the whiskey, closing his eyes while the liquid burns down his throat. After a decent amount, he opens his eyes. The dog is gone. The vase is back to normal. Alec smiles.
"Hm... looks like it still works," he smiles.
Alec knocks back another bit of whiskey in victory. Alec places the flask back into his pocket and approaches the car. He enters the car and relaxes a bit.
"Go to Arendelle," he says aloud.
The car lights up and the engine starts. On its own, the car backs out of the parking space and makes its way to Arendelle. Alec waits until the asylum is out of sight before looking at the papers he snagged. A notebook and files. One personal, one professional. Honestly Alec is interested in both equally. First has to come professional, though. He takes the notebook out of his pocket and lies it down in the passenger seat, then grabs the files with the same, now free, hand.
Alec opens the file and explores its contents. Many of the pages are just reports to superiors about how Erik's condition is unexplainable through health and sciences. It's nonsense that doesn't explain much. Thus, he has to move to the personal notes. Alec grabs the notebook and looks through. There's six entries in total about Erik, so he goes through them.
Entry 1
It's hard to determine why this man is here. He just seems angry more than anything. I sometimes listen to him when he's alone. He just sits there, whispering to himself. He talks about someone named Alistair, and someone named Balthier. From the files, Balthier is his father, and the one who sent him here. But that's the thing that confuses me the most. Off the record, I've been doing the entrance evaluation during our sessions and he doesn't seem to pass any of the requirements. He's just resentful towards those two people. We'll have to see how things go. Maybe his placement here was all a misunderstanding.
Entry 2
Seems that I'm being monitored while working with Erik. I was questioned why I was doing the entrance evaluation, and told to stop. Something is odd about all of this, but nevertheless I have a job to do. Finding out what's plaguing him is what I have to do. It's been a few weeks since he's got here. No human interaction, other than myself. I believe his brother, Alec, visited once, but they didn't talk. He wasn't allowed to enter the room. For some reason, Erik is placed under maximum security. Even the room being used has been customized by W.A industires. Their men were here for a while before. Maybe Balthier wants a more comfortable room for his son? I truly can't say. Hopefully I can get some progress with Erik. I might be able to find out why he resents his father and this "Alistair" character.
Entry 3
It's been a month since I started talking to Erik. Progress has been slow, and talking to him has been awkward. He keeps asking me questions about myself. I don't want to answer these questions, but I'm told that it's important to let him learn about me. I don't want to give away any personal information, but I'm being told – no forced – to talk about my personal life. I don't like it but if it helps then I will. I'll be going back on everything I stand for if I don't do everything I can for this man. He's troubled, I know that. I just have to find the source.
Entry 4
I've been having this weird headache lately. It's been getting in my way a few times a day. My doctor just recommended some pills to take, but they don't seem to work. I've noticed that it's more intense when I'm at work. Maybe it's the air conditioning or something. I'll have to talk to someone about it. Anyway, Erik has been increasingly talkative lately. I don't know why. He smiles when I come into the room, and I swear what he says sticks with me long after our sessions. He likes to know more about me and my roll. He likes that I've taken self-defense, work out, and read. But he continues to avoid the question about Alistair. I can nearly feel the hate seeping out of him. Maybe one day he'll reveal it to me.
Entry 5
I keep hearing him, all the time. After our sessions I can hear him telling me things. He wants me to get him out of here, and of course I decline. But something keeps telling me to do it. And, well, I could be put in this place if I said this but, it's almost like I can hear his thoughts. He thought about Alistair today, and how he wants him dead. I could hear that thought. I don't have anyway to explain it, but... it makes me interested in this Alistair character. I want to learn about him, know him, and discover what makes Erik hate him so. Maybe then, I'll get my answer.
Entry 6
Erik... Erik... I hate him. I hate who he is, and what he wants. He's twisted, he's manipulative, and he wants revenge. It sounds straight out of some movie but... it's true. I need to stop him; tell someone about what he wants. But then, he never says anything. He just thinks it. We never speak anymore. He talks to me through my mind, and I talk right back. He knows everything about me. Where I live, who my parents are, and even my friends. But it works both ways. I know who he is, why he wants Alistair. Alistair... he's the goal. He knows. I want him. Want to find him. He's my answer, my way out. That name is always on my mind. I know how much Erik hates him and it makes me want to find him more. I have one more session with Erik tonight. After that, when I leave, I search for Alistair. There's one place Alec has in mind: his old mansion. I... don't know how, but I know where it is. A childhood home or something. He thinks Alistair might be there. I must find it.
Alec sets the notes beside him. He knows exactly what place she's talking about. Alec clicks the screen of the car and brings up a GPS. He inputs the coordinates then sits back again. The car will go there automatically, so Alec just has to relax.
"So... Dr. Bishop tried to treat Erik, but instead she fell under his control? No, he made a link between them. But why? From the timing of this all, it would be smart to think this was when he wasn't used to his newfound power. Perhaps she was his test subject? Early trials of his powers. He accidently linked their minds for a time. So, I wonder what Dr. Bishop gained from this."
Suddenly Alec's pocket starts to light up. He looks down at it, sighs, and then grabs the small orb that Hans gave him. He places it on the passenger seat, then clicks a button on the side. The ball lights up, taking on the form of Hans.
"Found anything?" Alec asks, getting straight to the point. "A bit. Seems Erik has been traveling a lot lately. And I mean a LOT. Obviously under aliases; he even used your name."
Alec snickers.
"So that's who it was. That was years ago, though."
Hans shrugs.
"I really have nothing on him. He's been extraordinarily difficult to even track, let alone find. I can't even begin to guess what he would want."
"Well, naturally, as your older brother, I'm about to one up you," Alec confidently states.
Hans rolls his eyes.
"I'm waiting with bated breath," he sarcastically remarks.
"I know where Erik is."
Hans' eyes widen.
"Wait, seriously? Where?"
"You'll know when I get there."
"Just be patient, Hans. You can do nothing from where you are. Besides, he wants to see me alone. He even left a little something to make sure I knew I was on the right trail. I'll call you back when I arrive."
Hans huffs.
"Fine. Just, don't die, alright?"
"Ha, is that concern?" Alec laughs.
"You're a Westergaard. You're my brother. I have no intention of letting any of us die."
"Even Erik?" Alec quickly asks.
Hans pauses for a moment, his eyes moving around, indicating that he's thinking.
"I don't know. If he threatens us..."
"I don't know what he threatens. You'll see for yourself, soon. I'll speak to you soon, brother."
The hologram disappears, leaving the floating, glowing ball. The light fades from the ball, causing it to fall on the seat. Alec huffs. He lies back on his chair, clicking a button so it will recline. It goes back the entire way, letting Alec lie completely flat. He takes another quick drink while he waits.
"Sir Alec, you have arrived at your destination," the car notifies.
Alec opens his eyes. It's a little difficult, as he admittedly took a nap on the way here. He's still in that stage where he could fall back to sleep in a second if he let himself. To fix that, Alec takes another drink.
"Alright Erik, I hope you're ready for me."
Alec gets out of the car and looks at the structure in front of him. A whole wave of memories flood him at once, attempting to drown his brain but the alcohol already has taken that place for itself. Still, he can't help but feel nostalgia for this place. This is where he was born. This is where he grew up. A massive mansion, at least five stories tall. When he was young, Alec always wondered why the building had to be so big. Years later he still thinks that. It's completely unnecessary. Erik used to own an entire floor, when he was still there. Alec was really the only one who visited him when he was up there. Erik would always be inventing something or drawing plans. He was a genius, and it showed through everything he did.
Balthier would supply Erik with whatever he wanted and Erik, in turn, would create extravagant things. Alec's certain that the original design for the holowatch came from Erik. Alistair was the one who perfected it though. He and Adgar designed the ultimate holowatches, which the Knight family all wear. Alec's certain that Hans has one as well. Soon enough, a holowatch will be made for world distribution.
Of course Alec is a genius in his own regard. He simply wasn't given the resources that Erik was. Besides, Alec visited Hunter a lot in his youth, and that was good enough for him. Seems he chose the better path too. Alec wasn't sent to an insane asylum. Alec isn't being hunted by Alistair.
Alec shakes his head and sighs, his shoulder jumping during his sigh. Some minor way to warm himself up. Alec walks up to the house. He walks around to the stairs, which there are two of. The go from the side and meet in the middle. There's a fountain in the middle that used to release some of the clearest water Alec has ever seen. Alec looks down at the fountain as he walks up the stairs. There's not even a foot of water in the fountain, not that anyone could tell. The water is far from clean. Alec shakes his head at the state of his home. Thankfully it's not as bad the insane asylum. The building was abandoned a few years after Balthier's death. All the Westergaards simply moved onto other places, and didn't want the reminder of both Balthier and Erik.
Alec meets the door. The Westergaard symbol still stands strong on the metal doors. Alec slowly reaches into his pocket and pulls out the flask. He looks down at the screw on lid. Right on the top is the same symbol. Other than his flask, which he doesn't necessarily look at, he hasn't seen that symbol since Alistair fought the Hierarchy. It was taken down, stripped away, and spit on. But that isn't of Alec's concern. Balthier brought it on himself, and Alec will not pity him for that decision.
Alec pushes the door open. It emanates a loud creak that echoes through the entire house. Alec steps in and immediately gets hit by the distinct smell of home. It's an odd smell, one that Alec himself can't even describe. It just smells like home. Surprising that he can still recognize it after all this time.
Alec enters the building, taking a look around. There are balconies all above him, with a chandelier hanging prominently above him. It's dusty, and not nearly as beautiful as it once was. In fact, the entire place is filled with dust, taking away from what this place used to look like. Alec takes tightens his grip on his flask and downs some more.
"Alec... brother," a voice calls out.
Alec looks towards the stairs, directly in front of him. He sees a skinny man in an all-white suit. He looks similar to Hans, in some ways, and different in others. But his eyes... his eyes have changed. They aren't like they used to be. They used to be filled with ambition and ideas. Now all Alec can see is despair and hatred. It's more prominent than his iris. It's a cloudy mess that Alec can't see through. But there's one thing Alec knows. He can feel it from here. Once again, he takes a drink.
He wipes some of the liquid from his lips.
"Erik... it's been too long," Alec exhales, tired.
Erik walks down the stairs, confident as ever. He stops a few steps from the ground floor. His eye brow raises as he stares at Alec. He focuses a bit, cringing while intensely staring at him.
"Nice guard dog you have at the asylum. He looks a lot like ol' Fergus. Except Fergus was a lot smaller, and had a distinct lack of blood like this one," Alec says.
"You recognized our old dog, huh? I'd say I'm surprised that you survived him, but... I can't seem to access your mind. No wonder why his illusion didn't work. Would have killed anyone else out of their own fear."
Alec shrugs, proudly smiling.
"I have my way. Wouldn't be alive if not."
"Hm..." Erik walks down the stairs and reaches the ground floor. He starts pacing towards his brother. "It's interesting. There's only three people whose mind I can't enter. (Y/N), because of his blood. Alistair, because of his own mental powers, and the Doctor, since she'll know where I am the moment I enter her mind. But yours... I can't enter yours either. Why?"
Alec lifts his flask.
"Alistair can enter people's minds. I've known that since I was young. Drinking helps keep them out. I've drank so much that I function normally with it, and now nobody can enter my mind. Not you, or Alistair. Would be compromising for myself and Hunter if Alistair found out what I've done. So, I always have this handy thing with me. Never runs out of whatever liquid I pour into it, so I always have some."
Erik shuts his eyes and smiles. Admittedly that's genius. Erik never would have thought of that. Makes sense why his illusion at the asylum didn't work. Most others would break down in proximity to the building. Any who entered would be lost forever.
Alec, remembering about his younger brother, pulls out the ball. He clicks it and lightly tosses it beside him. The ball hovers beside Alec, waiting for a connection. Not wanting to waste time waiting on Hans, Alec continues his conversation with Erik. He doesn't seem to care about the ball anyway.
"By the way... the doctor, who was she? J. Bishop? The one you broke?"
Erik's smile turns devious.
"The chess piece, huh? She was an interesting subject. So innocent and sweet. Did you know she had a husband before I got to her? Dead now, unfortunately."
"What did you do to her?"
Erik looks away from Alec to a picture of Balthier, hanging on one of the walls.
"I hate them. Balthier, Alistair, the entire Hierarchy. Balthier... he sent me to Alistair as a test subject. All the work I did for father and he cast me aside for his project."
"Considering how you are now... and who worked on that project... I assume it formed your powers?" Alec hypothesizes.
Erik nods.
"Alistair and Pabbie used me to harness mental powers. It benefited both of them, and even Balthier. But after that, Balthier tossed me aside, saying I was no longer useful. He put me in that damndable asylum, hoping I would just go insane. I nearly did. The powers manifested themselves in ways that not even Alistair could predict, which is why he can't do what I can do. But because of my room, I couldn't reach out to others. I couldn't practice my powers. Until Bishop came along."
The floating ball starts to light up some more. It's quickly surrounded by a hologram of Hans.
"What is-"
"Hans, quiet," Alec snaps.
Hans turns to Alec, then looks around the room. He instantly recognizes this place. It's his home.
Erik ignores Hans, continuing his story.
"My mind slithered into hers in no time. A connection was formed – a bond. But... well I'm man enough to admit that I hadn't mastered my powers at that time. I entered her head, but it was a two way street." He places his hands behind his back and slowly paces around the room. "She learned everything about me. She started to hate me after all our sessions, and I hated the world right back. Most of all, I hated Alistair. Balthier was already dead, this I took from her mind, so everything was focused on him." He clenches his fist in anger. Alec can feel the house begin to rumble. Lucky for him, Erik clams down rather quickly. "Then the time came... I couldn't take it anymore. I knew Bishop was a skilled fighter for her age, so I used that. I put everything into her, boosting her strength, speed, perception, endurance, and bloodlust. I made her break me out and kill everyone there for what they did to me."
Alec's eyes widen in shock.
"What? You mean everyone was killed by her? Who is this woman?"
Erik turns back towards his two brothers. They both stare at him, eagerly waiting his response. He can tell Hans is especially curious, even though he's just looking at a hologram.
"She is a being created by me. I made her kill. I twisted her mind. She was nearly my thrall, but... she leeched off of one thing I had. She turned my hatred into love."
Alec's mind has been running overdrive for the past few minutes, piecing everything together that Erik tells him. Now... he knows who Dr. J. Bishop was. Who she is. Hans, however, is still lost.
"The Bishop became a Knight," Erik finishes.
"Juno..." Alec whispers.
"What?" Hans questions, turning to Alec.
"Juno... she was Dr. Bishop. That's why she's so obsessed with Alistair. She hated you, Erik, and you hated Alistair. She changed that hatred into love and admiration. She loved the thing you hated, because she hated you."
Erik smiles.
"You haven't lost your touch, brother. You're correct. For her crimes and insanity, Juno was sent to another facility which Alistair took her from. Though I think now they truly have formed a bond." Erik looks to his hand. "I can't wait to crush it," he declares, tightening his hand into a fist."But why? Why attack the Hierarchy? Our father's work?" Hans shouts.
"Because he started it all! He was the architect of his own destruction. If Alistair didn't kill him, I would have come eventually. I want to tear down what he wanted, just like he tore my future apart!"
"But, he's dead. Wouldn't it be better to use his resources to your own advantage? You're smart enough to see that, are you not?" Alec fires back.
"Why use tainted resources like that?" Erik coldly responds.
"Look, I want to kill Alistair too! I can restore our family name! You can change anything however you want! Just help me kill him," Hans offers. "With your powers, we can turn the tide, kill Alistair!"
Erik stares intently at Hans. Hans looks almost desperate, but he does make sense. Hans has no reason to betray him, but still. There's something about him. Hans resembles Balthier so closely, from the way he talks to his very gestures. It just reminds him about Balthier.
"Well, I can't say I have the same views as Hans here," Alec interjects. "But destroying everything that father built up seems foolish. Think of the companies, technology, and advancements that are being made long after father's death. I won't get in your way, Erik, and I don't necessarily care if you side with Hans, but perhaps just kill the Hierarchy, and leave what they built. W.A. Industries, Dysa Co., all of these things are still useful for the future."
Erik snickers.
"Why should I care about the future?"
"Don't care about the future then!" Alec snaps, taking a step towards Erik. "Focus on the past and kill who you want, but leave everything to me. I'll take care of the companies, the foundation. If all the leaders of the Hierarchy are dead, the small fries won't care. If I take the lead-"
"You take the lead?" Hans questions, almost laughing. "Why should you take it? If anything, I deserve it more. I am far more powerful then you."
"Your power is overshadowed by your immaturity." Alec growls at Hans. "And the war against (Y/N) and Elsa proves this."
"They are working with Alistair, however. (Y/N)... he's his son... so Is Hunter... they must die," Erik snarls.
Alec looks back and forth between Erik and Hans. They seem to be completely focused on you and Hunter. He has to find some way to get them off your back. Erik himself said that he can't enter your mind, and he knows that Hans doesn't stand a chance in a fair fight. Directly, you have nothing to worry from these two, but they are both extraordinarily sneaky. The fact that Erik has been able to get around, survive, and plan something. To be fair, Erik never said he has something planned, but there's no way he doesn't. Not with all the hatred backing him up. Who knows what he's done already, and what gears he's started turning.
Alec sighs and lazily waves his hand in the air.
"Whatever, do what you want. But, Erik, I have another question for you. Why did you want me to meet you? You made your presence known to Alistair and Juno, just to talk to me? Why? To tell me about Juno?"
"Because I need to tell you something."
Erik looks towards Hans' reflection. His eyes widen for a moment, and the ball starts to malfunction. It drops on the ground, lifeless.
"I care nothing about Hans and his plans. (Y/N) must die for my vengeance to be complete. But Elsa, Anna, and Kristoff... I care nothing about their fate."
Alec walks over to the ball and picks it up, his eyes still on Erik.
"What's your point then?" Alec asks, attitude flowing in his voice.
"You have to kill Elsa."
Alec springs to his feet, take a step towards Erik in a menacing way.
"What?" Alec shouts. "Kill her? Are you insane?"
"I'm determined, not insane, and I'm determined to stop Alistair. But, I know that I need time to fight him. But time is on no one's side but his. But, if you kill Elsa, his plans will be delayed for years."
"You know what will happen if I kill her? Are you trying to make (Y/N) kill us all?" Alec debates.
"If you don't kill her then we'll all die anyway. (Y/N) will be gone from this world, Hunter will die, you will die, and everyone who tried to fight him will die. He'll destroy the Hierarchy, which includes you," he says, pointing at Alec. "Then, everyone who isn't dead, will submit to Alistair and Juno. But you can stop it all by killing her."
Alec's eyes drift down to the ground, Erik's bright, white shoes take part in his vision. He's contemplating everything that Erik is saying. It's true, Erik would have nothing against Elsa, and he has no reason to side with Hans. It really seems like the best option, logically, is to kill Elsa. But... what if Erik is wrong? Do they really need her? For what? Elsa wouldn't help them do anything. Not voluntarily, anyway. But what if it wasn't voluntary?
Erik smiles in victory. He can tell Alec is really considering all his options right now. He walks straight, moving beside Alec. He places his gloved hand on Alec's shoulder. He pats it twice.
"Think on it, brother. You think like I do. It may not be the most popular choice, but it's the most logical."
Erik pats Alec's shoulder one last time, then walks away. He exits the house. The door closes behind him, a thundering noise echoes in the house. Alec doesn't even hear it. He's too involved in his own thoughts.
What is the best option?
It has been too long. Far, far too long. I sincerely apologize to all fans of this story. I swear to you, it won't happen again. I'm devoting a lot more of my time to this story to produce more chapters for you all. Think of it as a small hiatus while I gathered my thoughts. Thank you all so much for sticking around, and for reading after so long. I truly hope to get this story done by the end of the year (which, by my guess, this story will be 60 – 70 chapters). As I said, a lot of focus is being placed on this now. My other Frozen story is being put on the back burner (note, I don't mean it's cancelled. I mean I'm working on it slower, so if you're a fan of Dream Come True then there's no need to worry) while I do this one. My new RWBY story will keep at it's pace, since I like having two different universes to write for. Anyhow, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. More will be coming out soon. Also, if you want updates on story progress, I have a twitter account. I don't post anything useless. Everything is related my stories. If you want those updates on how it's coming along, follow me there. Other than that, I hope you had fun reading, and have a great day.
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Advice? Send me a message! See ya!
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