Chapter 35: A Performance That Could Kill
Chapter 35: A Performance That Could Kill
You slide your fingers down the metal strings of the guitar. The calluses that have formed on your fingers hold strong, even though your fingers have become red. You've been playing guitar, bass, drums, trumpet, piano, and other instruments for hours now. Your body is overall tired. Your voice is among them, as you've been singing for as long as you've been playing. It's been tough, but worth it.
You finish off the song and end with one strong downward strum. You're breathing heavy, and staring at the ground. Some sweat scurries down your face and droops off your nose. You see it, but don't react. It clings onto your nose for as long as it can before giving out and falling on the stage. You smile at the fact that you just finished it all. You finally completed all these songs with so much hard work.
You stand up straight and look around the stage. It's filled with small water marks around the separate playing areas; mostly around the drum set, however. That one killed you, but probably one of the most fun for you. You take a step near a guitar stand and rest the guitar on it. You check your holowatch and hit one of the buttons. The holowatch beeps and scans the room. It beeps one more time, signaling that it's done. You smile.
"So, I'm done. Nobody will have the same type of concert as I will."
You hop off the stage and walk over the desk where the cash register is. You grab your shirt and pat your body in attempt to get rid of the sweat. You do this until you're satisfied, then put on the shirt. It's damp, but not to a degree that discomforts you. You walk back to the stage and sit on the side of it. Your feet dangle just above the floor. You think of what you've played and saved. Even though you only need three songs, you ended up practicing about ten different songs. You don't know when you'll need them, but it'll be a neat party trick some time.
As you blankly stare out the window of the store something comes into your mind; Rain advised you call Elsa and let her know about the concert. It's a good idea, and you do want to talk to Elsa again. You click your holowatch and select your phone. You pull it out of the watch and it materialized in your hand. You unlock it and search through your contacts. It's easy to find Elsa for two reasons: it's in alphabetical order and "E" is pretty early, and you don't have that many contacts to begin with.
You select her contact and call it. You hold the phone up to your ear and wait.
"Kristoff!" Anna yells, slightly coughing. "Why would you leave it in for so long?"
"It's not MY fault the timer didn't go off!" He cries out.
"It did go off, you were just too busy!"
"Well you helped with that! I didn't see you telling me to go away," Kristoff smugly states.
"It's hard to say no to you sometimes," Anna admits, her voice not as loud.
Elsa shoots a light amount of snow into the oven, cooling it down. More steam and smoke burst out, making Elsa cough. She grabs a towel and waves it randomly in the air. The smoke clears up a bit, allowing Elsa to see again. She looks over to see Kristoff and Anna flirting in the living room. Elsa sighs and turns her head to the food in the oven. It was some lasagna, but now it's just pure black. How both Anna and Kristoff didn't notice is beyond Elsa.
"Are you two even paying attention?" Elsa questions.
Anna and Kristoff break off and look over at Elsa.
"Yeah, of course. We're paying attention," Anna nods.
"What did I just say then?" Elsa asks.
"You were saying how we should pay attention more," Anna confidently states.
Kristoff raises his brow at Anna's statement.
Elsa shakes her head.
"I haven't said anything, Anna!"
Anna's cocky face drops.
"You... didn't?"
Elsa shakes her head once again.
"Sheesh, can you two ever not be all over each other?"
Anna bursts out laughing for a second then throws her hand over her mouth. Elsa moves her hand on her hips and squints her eyes.
"What was that?"
"Nothing," Anna states, her voice muffled by her hand.
Elsa's face turns somewhat sour.
"What are you trying to say Anna?"
"Nothing. That's why I have my hand over my mouth," she retorts.
Kristoff snickers but quickly regains his composure. Elsa darts her eyes between the two but is distracted when her phone starts to ring. Elsa grabs it out of her pocket and looks at it. Happiness takes over as she sees a picture of you on her screen. She accepts the call and puts it to her ear.
"Elsa? That really you?" You ask.
"Yeah, it's me," she softly replies.
Anna lets her hand fall off her mouth. She wiggles in beside Elsa.
"Who's that?"
Elsa raises her free hand to shush Anna.
"It feels like forever since I heard you. Your voice is as angelic as always."
Elsa lets out a blush.
"I would spice it up a little more if I was trying to flirt. Besides, you're my fiancée. There's little reason to flirt anymore. Well, other than those role play-"
"Alright, alright, I get it," Elsa giggles.
Anna stays close to Elsa, prodding her a few times.
"Elsa, who is it?"
Elsa moves the phone away from her ear and covers it.
"It's (Y/N)."
Elsa rests the phone against her ear once more.
"So how's Corona? Is Rapunzel treating you well?"
"Yeah, I'd say so. They took me all around town the other day, so that was fun. I met her parents too. They're really nice as well. I've met a few old friends here too. Matt and Rain are here."
Elsa chuckles. "And how has that been?"
You sigh, but lightly chuckle.
"Matt is... well he's Matt. He basically takes over every room he's in, and he never fails to make me smile."
"Oh is that right?" Elsa jokes.
"Ha. Ha. Not like that."
Elsa wraps her arm around herself and starts slowly wandering around the house. Kristoff and Anna back off of her and wait for the conversation to end.
"I know, I know."
There is a moment of silence between you two. It's not an awkward one or one that appears when neither person has anything to say. This silence is one of appreciation. You haven't talked to Elsa in a while, and don't have the chance to see her at all. Just knowing that she's on the other end of the line is perfect for you. Same thing goes for Elsa.
You decide to break the silence.
"Gaia is here too."
"Gaia? The women who tried to kill us?" Elsa clarifies.
Anna and Kristoff's ears pick this up. They look at each other.
"She's not harmful at all. She's actually going to help us," you inform.
Elsa pauses. Her eyes dart around the floor.
"I don't like that, (Y/N)."
"I know... but Hunter says she's trustworthy. It'll be on him if anything does happen."
"If you say so... on the subject, how is your adventure going?" Elsa says, trying to change the subject.
"Meh, it's alright. We haven't really gotten anywhere, but I'm hoping that'll change tomorrow."
"Why is that?"
"Well, it's part of the reason I wanted to call you. I have to perform in the Corona Music Festival tomorrow."
Elsa giggles.
"You can never stay away from playing music, can you?"
You chuckle.
"No, that I can't. But I heard it's televised, so maybe you, Kristoff, Anna, and Olaf could watch me play?"
Elsa smiles at the idea.
"Of course. I'll be looking out for it tomorrow. You sound tired," Elsa points out.
"Oh, yeah," you laugh. "I've been practicing and recording all day. Without Kristoff, or anyone else for that matter, I've had to play all parts of the songs I choose. All layers of guitars, bass, drums, oh god the drums. I have to commend Kristoff for his work."
"Well, maybe you'll show him up tomorrow. I'll let you know his reaction when he sees you. So... how are you going to play it all? Just a backing track?" Elsa inquires.
"In a way. You're going to have to see. It's going to be great," you say, your voice filled with excitement.
Elsa can't help but smile at your enthusiasm.
"I'm sure it will be."
"Well... I have to get back to Rapunzel's place. It's getting dark."
"Scared of the dark?" Elsa teases.
"No, not really. But I already have been attacked," you nonchalantly state.
"What!?" Elsa yelps.
"Oh, nothing. I'll see you later Elsa. Love you!"
"(Y/N) you better not-"
Elsa hears the phone disconnect. She pulls it away and sighs.
"I love you too."
Anna and Kristoff get into a position somewhat near Elsa. Elsa looks up at them and smiles.
"Is everything alright?" Kristoff asks.
Elsa nods.
"He's fine. I hope you two are free tomorrow."
Kristoff shrugs.
"I don't have to work tomorrow. Why should we be free?"
"Because (Y/N) is playing in a music festival tomorrow. I'm going to watch it, and he wants you guys to see it too. He also wants... hm..." Elsa's mind wanders for a moment.
"What is it, Elsa?" Anna questions.
Elsa crosses her arms and looks around the house.
"Have you guys seen Olaf recently? I haven't really seen him at all lately."
"I heard his school had some sort of flu epidemic or something and has a week or so off. Maybe he's just spending that week there?" Kristoff mentions.
Anna raises her brow and turns her upper body towards him in a sassy manner.
"And how would you know this?"
"One of the guys I work with brought it up. He has a son that goes to the same school. His kid has been home all of this week."
Elsa sighs.
"Olaf's independence is such a double edged sword. I like it, but I barely know where he is all the time. It's unnerving to me."
"I kinda have the same feeling. It's just cause he's our little brother."
"I'm sure he's fine. We'll call some of his friend's houses. For now, how about we all get some rest for tomorrow? It is late."
Anna bursts out laughing.
"It's not late, silly."
"Well it's late for me. Work is tiring, so I'm going to head to bed."
Kristoff turns and heads upstairs. Both Anderson sisters watch as he goes into his room. Anna turns to her sister and lightly shrugs with one shoulder.
"I'm going to join him, I suppose. Don't stay up too late, Elsa."
"Didn't I always say that to you?" Elsa questions.
"Not listening!" Anna shouts as she runs up the stairs.
Elsa sighs and takes a seat on the couch. Her mind races with thoughts of you, and whether or not her future husband is going to be okay. She looks down and notices the snowflake ring that's resting on her finger. Another thing that come into her mind is something Juno said. She went more in depth about how she and her husband have stayed together for so long even with her husband always on the move.
Elsa moves from sitting up straight to lying down on the couch. She extends her arm and grabs the TV remote. She turns on the TV and switches to a movie channel. She puts the remote down and relaxes.
You hang up the phone and chuckle.
"Elsa would probably kill me if she found out I was shot at. I always find that weird. Why do people always threaten to hurt me if I get hurt? That's kind of counterproductive."
You shrug and toss your phone back into the holowatch. You look around and move your hands on your hips. You think of anything that you could do to make the show any better. There really isn't, however. You've done a lot, and the show will be amazing. It's going to end with a bang, that's for sure. You are the last person to play, so you have to be sure to wow everyone.
You hear a little bell ring. You look over to the door and see the shop owner walking in. He looks so innocent in his little sweater vest over a white sweater. He walks in and looks at you.
"You've been playing hard, haven't you?"
"How do you know?"
"I was a musician once too. I know the sweat one gets with playing instruments. Besides," he continues, looking past you at the stage. "I see you've played a lot of instruments. Good on you though."
You smile and rub the back of your head.
"Thanks. I try."
The shop owner chuckles.
"So, how is the playing going?"
"I'm actually done. You can use your shop again."
"Oh, don't worry about that lad. There's only about an hour until the store would close. There's no point," he says.
You shrug.
"I suppose. Well, I should get going. It's getting dark."
"Alright. I'll be watching at the festival tomorrow, so I'm looking forward to seeing you there."
"Well, thanks. I'll see you tomorrow then!"
You wave at the shop manager as you walk out of the store. You exit the store and step onto the sidewalk. You're about to take a step towards Rapunzel's house but you stop dead in your tracks.
"I have no idea how to get back to her house... god...damnit..."
You try to think of how to get back, but your mind was drawing a blank. However, you need to go somewhere.
"Well... Gaia's place is close by. I know how to get there... I hope she doesn't mind me dropping by."
You put your arms in your pocket and start walking. Corona is almost eerie at this time. Darkness took over a lot faster that you thought it would. Corona and Arendelle aren't that far away, but it's obvious that they're far enough away for it to get darker faster. The street lights have turned on, giving only certain sections of the street some actual light. There's also a surprising lack of people around. It's like some sort of horror movie. It sends a small chill down your spine.
You keep to yourself as you walk through the streets. It may affect you more because you still aren't used to Corona. Arendelle is basically your city. You know that place inside out, and it's unlikely that anything would make you jump, or make you uneasy. Corona is different. It's new. This is a place unfamiliar to you, and that isn't the best feeling to have.
After a truly unnerving walk you reach Tiger Plaza. You walk through the deserted area and reach Gaia's shop. You see that there are lights still on upstairs.
"Gaia must still be awake," you say to yourself.
You rest your hand on the shop entrance and push. Surprisingly, it's open. You shrug it off and walk into the store. You quietly close the door behind you and start to head towards the back.
"Gaia really needs to lock the doors. What is she even doing?" You ponder.
You go through the next door and start walking up the stairs. You get into Gaia's living area. You see Hunter walking around without his shirt. You raise your brow.
Hunter looks over at you and smiles.
"(Y/N)! What're you doing here?" He asks in a very friendly manner.
A little embarrassed at the real reason you're here, you decide not to elaborate.
"I...was in the neighborhood. Now, what're you doing here? And without a shirt!?"
Hunter looks down at himself. Before he can answer Gaia walks in. She doesn't have a shirt on either. You turn away and put a hand up to block Gaia from your peripheral vision. Gaia looks over at you. She notices your gesture and is confused for a second. She realizes what you're doing and snickers.
"You don't have to do that (Y/N). I have my bra on."
"Why do neither of you have a shirt?" You overdramatically shout.
"Oh, that was my fault. I ended up knocking my drink on Hunter's shirt, so I threw it in the dryer," Gaia elaborates.
"And I told her she couldn't wear a shirt, just to make it fair," Hunter finishes.
You slowly lower your hand and look at them.
"So you two... didn't... you know..." You mumble, beating around the bush.
Hunter laughs. "We did that too."
Gaia smacks Hunter's chest, leaving a red mark.
"Shut up, we did not. Only in your dreams," she laughs.
"Well we always try to make our dreams a reality, no?" He proposes.
Your eyes dart back and forth between the two.
"So... did you or not?"
Gaia and Hunter respond at the same time. They look at each other and squint their eyes.
"Liar," they both say.
You raise your hands and shake your head.
"You know what, I don't care anymore. Gaia, can I crash on your couch?"
Gaia shrugs.
"If you want to, I suppose it's alright. Not to sound rude, but why not go back to Rapunzel's house? She probably has a much comfier furniture than I do."
You walk towards the couch as Gaia asks this. You stop and turn around. You rub the back of your head and lightly chuckle.
"Can't you run faster than most people can see? You should be able to get back there in no time," Hunter comments, walking towards the kitchen.
"Meh, only in short bursts. Besides, I already said I have no idea how to get back to their place."
"You really don't pay attention sometimes, do you?" Hunter chuckles.
You make a mocking face and fake laugh.
"Ha ha, shut up."
Gaia sighs and shakes her head.
"You two are some of the most immature people I have ever met."
"Hey! He's the one that's immature!" You both shout, pointing towards one another.
"Exactly my point," Gaia says, disappointed.
You and Hunter stare at each other for a moment before bursting out into laughter. You both continue to laugh even when you turn away and continue doing what you were doing. You take off your shoes and lie on Gaia's couch. It's pretty comfy. Not as comfy as the couches at Rapunzel's house, but these have their own appeal to them.
You cross your arms and close your eyes, getting ready for sleep to overtake you. Gaia quietly walks over to you and kneels down to your height. You open one eye to acknowledge her.
"I can take you back to Rapunzel's house if you want."
"You have a car?"
Gaia lightly moves her head from side to side.
"Not exactly, but I can still get you there quickly."
You sigh and hop off the couch.
"Alright. Wouldn't want to intrude on you two."
Gaia blushes.
"Nothing was happening!" She softly shouts.
You shrug and start walking away.
"Alright, I believe you."
Before Gaia stands up she notices your shoes on the ground. She picks them up and starts following you. Hunter comes out of the kitchen area and sees both you and Gaia leaving the building.
"Where're you two going?"
"I'm taking (Y/N) home. Don't wait up for me," Gaia responds, waving.
Hunter pouts and lets his shoulders slouch.
"My girlfriend is taking my little brother home... if he was drunk this would actually be a somewhat normal situation. A situation that Gaia would actually like... a normal one."
Hunter's thoughts trail off and so does his gaze. He stares at the ground for a moment before shaking his head.
"No. There are more important things to do right now."
Gaia leads you out of her building and to a small patch of land. It's all grass with one grand tree in the middle. There are some purple and yellow flowers that decorate specific areas around the square of land. Gaia kneels down by the tree and places her hand on the ground.
"Come close to me, and place your hand on my shoulder."
Without hesitation you move beside her and plant your arm on her shoulder. In less than a second you two are engulfed by a plant. You take your hand off Gaia's shoulder and get ready for a fight. Gaia stands up and turns towards you.
"Nothing to worry about. We're just traveling under the ground. It won't take long before we're at our destination."
"We're moving? It doesn't feel like it."
"No, it doesn't. But it's my means of transportation, and it'll get you around faster than any car," Gaia claims.
You look at your surroundings. It's a very enclosed space with not much room for both yourself and Gaia. You place your hands on your hips and admire it.
"(Y/N), can I ask something of you?"
You look over to Gaia, who seems to have a sad face.
"Sure, what is it?"
Gaia stays silent for a moment. This situation is a little confusing for you. What would Gaia want with you?
"I... need you to look after Hunter for me."
"I think he can look after himself, but sure. I can do that," you reply.
"That's not what I mean. You... have to keep him grounded for me."
"Grounded? What do you mean, Gaia?"
"He's obsessed (Y/N), and it's going to get him killed."
"Obsessed? Obsessed with what?" You ask.
Gaia pauses one again.
"He's... obsessed with your father. Obsessed about stopping him. He's so driven by his need to fight his father that it's starting to really change him. It's worse than Tempest and Pyro had to fight the Duke and Duchess. He's swallowed so much by that need to stop him that it seems like he doesn't really care about me as much as he does about that. I can't be with him if all he's going to do is put himself in harm's way, and I don't think he'll be a real brother to you if he's on this quest."
"But... don't you understand why he does it?"
"I understand, but at the same time it's taken over his life. As much as I love him, we'll never be together so long as he is like this," Gaia says, her eyes beginning to tear up. "I've tried to talk him about it but he just brushes it off as a joke. You're his brother, so maybe you'll be able to talk some sense into him or something. Anything."
Where is this coming from? I wasn't picking up a hint of this earlier. Does that mean Gaia cares more about Hunter than I thought? What about Hunter? Maybe this is something worth looking into.
Even though Gaia's talking about Hunter, it's almost like she's talking about you. Rapunzel mentioned that Elsa thought the same thing. It's weird. You never saw it that way. You felt like this was something that needed to be done. That you served more than just yourself, but the billions of people on this planet. But... is it worth losing the one person you care about the most? Is that what Hunter feels? Is it his belief that the greater good comes before your family and loved ones? What does that mean for you? You and Elsa are in a different situation than Hunter and Gaia but the question still stands; could this make you lose her?
You shake your head to rid yourself of those thoughts. You walk up to Gaia and place your hand on her shoulder.
"I'm sure Hunter will be fine, but I'll talk to him for you."
Gaia smiles.
"Thank you (Y/N)."
I don't know if what she's saying is completely true... but I might as well talk to Hunter. If he cares, he'll have something to say about it.
Not one minute later you hear something burst above you. The flora around you releases its grip, and lets you see the world around you. You see Rapunzel's house a small bit ahead. You look back at Gaia, who is nonchalantly staring at you. She uses her eyes to tell you to get going.
"You aren't going to say anything?"
Gaia shrugs and raises her hand once more.
"I'll see you later (Y/N). Stay safe."
Another plant engulfs Gaia then disappears. You walk over to the spot she was standing and examine the spot where the plant appeared. You actually can't find the exact spot where she left. The ground is untouched and undisturbed. It makes sense, as she is the one who controls earth. Rain was able to hide under a pond and make it look completely normal. You kneel down and rest your hand on the ground. You pat the ground in a few different spots to see if there is any difference at all. The only difference you can gather is that a few parts feel fresher than others.
"(Y/N)? What are you doing out here?" A woman shouts.
You quickly stand up, spin around, and face the woman who called out to you.
"Oh, Rapunzel. Hey!" You shout as you begin to walk towards the house.
Rapunzel is in some yellow pajamas and is leaning against her from door. She doesn't look too tired yet, so she might have just been getting ready to sleep. However she looks very much awake. In fact she looks amused. She has a smirk on her face and one eye brow raised.
You make it to her door and stop in front of her. Her eyes stray from your eyes down to your feet, then back.
"Where were you? Your clothes look damp."
You look down at your attire. Once you realize you really are that damp you look up at Rapunzel, close your eyes, and rub the back of your head.
"You're doing that a lot more recently. It makes you look like a jackass," Shadow comments.
"Shut up!" You quietly snarl.
"Oh... sorry. I didn't know that offended you. I was just pointing it out," Rapunzel states.
"What? Oh no, no, no, not you! I didn't tell you to shut up. Sorry, I guess I was just out of it," you say, rubbing the back of your head.
Rapunzel giggles and points at you.
"You do that a lot."
You realize what she's talking about and stop instantly. You put both hands behind your back and throw on a goofy smile.
Rapunzel stares at you suspiciously then starts laughing. She turns around and walks in the house.
"What? Why're you laughing?" You question, following her.
"Nothing. Nothing at all," she chuckles, waving her hand close to her face. "It's just that Elsa describes you perfectly."
You raise your brow whilst still following her.
"You've heard of me a long time ago..."
"And yet she's still right, even after all this time."
You cross your arms and pout like a child. Rapunzel looks back at you and laughs once more.
"Yep, got that right too."
"You know what!"
"What?" Rapunzel jokingly challenges, turning back at you.
You both stare into each other's eyes for a second. There is a friendly tension that echoes between you two. Your eyes stay locked, though slightly fidgeting around.
"Shuuut uuup," you childishly say, turning away and leaving.
Rapunzel holds in her laughter and watches you march upstairs. She shrugs and goes back to the TV. You, on the other hand, go to your room. You don't take any time to find Eugene or Rapunzel's parents. You just head straight to bed. You open the door to your room and close it behind you. You click the holowatch and cycle through your different outfits. There is one that's just boxers. You click it and watch your clothes dissolve off your body, leaving you in only a white and blue stripped pair of boxers.
You hop in the ever so embracing and warm bed. You wrap the blanket around yourself and close your eyes. No distractions. No reason to stall. You just fall asleep and await the concert tomorrow.
Three Hours Later
Gaia slowly starts to toss and turn around her bed. She's whimpering and at the brink of tears, yet even she doesn't know it. Her nightmares are taking over once more, and she's just a victim again. She has no control over herself, or the dreams she's placed into. It's her own little hell that she visits almost every night. The nightmares have been present ever since she was young. She never understood why until recently. When she was younger it was just pure hell. It was basically flashbacks of the torture she was put through. All the elementals had it, to Gaia's knowledge, anyway. Elsa is out of her knowledge, so she has no idea whether or not she experienced any sort of nightmares. Pyro, Tempest, and Rain all experienced them. Rain still has them as well.
Like always, Gaia is woken up by her nightmares. Her eyes shoot open, and her body wakes up. She sits up and arcs her hands on her knees. She's breathing heavily, and there's sweat all over her. Gaia stares at her bedsheets as her composure comes back. She looks over to Hunter for support, but he isn't there. Gaia looks around, but there's nothing. It's like he wasn't even there.
1 Hour Later
Hook and Gothel sit across from each other. Gothel has her arm resting on the table, and has her head resting on her hand. Hook is leaning back in his chair, lightly feeling his synthetic hand.
"To think that Jafar is dead..." Gothel mumbles.
"It shows Monarch's ruthlessness. I believe it's supposed to be a sign to the other ones who've betrayed him or those who're thinking of betraying him."
"What a topic for you two to be discussing," someone comments.
Gothel and Hook immediately turn their full attention towards the sound of the voice. The same man as before stands prominently at the door. He walks into the room and begins pacing around the room. Hook and Gothel keep their eyes on him.
"I wouldn't worry about pairing with Hans anymore. He's gotten what he wants from both of you. You're useless to him now."
"What?" Hook snarls.
"The Dragon's Tear from you," he says, pointing at Gothel. "And the suits from you," he finishes, pointing at Hook. He crosses his arms and closes his eyes. "Frankly he's played you both for fools. Now you must stick with Alistair. He's bound to win anyway."
Gothel raises her brow.
"Why do you say that?"
The man snickers.
"Call it a hunch. If I were Alistair, there's one thing I know I would do. If he's smart, and sees the entire field, he'll do what I predict."
"And then we'll lay a trap for him," Hook assumes, smiling deviously.
"No," the man instantly denies. "There's already a plan for that. Right now we focus on Hans. All I ask is to keep your eyes and ears open. If my intel is right, there's going to be some interesting developments coming soon."
The man interlocks his fingers together and starts walking towards the door. Hook clenches his fist and is about to say something.
"I refuse to be a pawn," he whispers under his breath."
"A pawn?" The man asks.
Hook very slightly turns his head to the right. He sees the man right beside him. The man's face stays blank.
"You're not a pawn. You can fight back whenever you wish. This is like working for Alistair, or the bastard before him. Just know it's for me. If you want I can back off and let you do whatever it is you want. However, when I defeat Alistair and take over I will remember that you didn't stay loyal to me."
Hook bites his tongue and looks away. His eye brows are the most obvious sign that he's displeased with the result. Gothel sighs.
"Very well. We'll keep our eyes and ears open. How should we contact you if we find something?"
The man looks at Gothel with a smirk.
"I'll come find you."
The man makes his exit from the room. Hook is clenching is synthetic as tight as he can. He's just about to crush his own hand. Gothel sees this and walks across the room to Hook's side. She places her hand on his shoulder. Hook begins to shrug her off but then relaxes. He slams his fist on the table.
"Twenty years Gothel! Twenty years we've been here and for what!?" He shouts. "We had a stable control over everything when Westergaard was Monarch, but then he had to go fuck it up! Now we have this new one who's only focus is his secret project! Now we have this bastard trying to take over! Will it ever end!?"
Gothel stays silent in order for Hook to calm down.
"And what's worse is who that is... he's basically another Alistair," Hook finishes.
The Next Day
"Come on, come on, get up!" A voice shouts.
You feel yourself being shaken. You grab the nearby pillow and throw it at the source of the voice.
"Ha! You missed me!"
You lift your head up and looked at the person. Eugene is standing across the room, standing sideways. He looks like he's showing off how he dodged the pillow. He stares at you with such a glow to his face that it rivals the sun.
You flop back down into the bed and groan.
"(Y/N) if you don't get up I'll go get Rapunzel. You do NOT want her to try and wake you up, believe you me."
You push your upper body up once more.
"Believe you me?" You repeat in a questioning tone.
Eugene shrugs. "It's a saying. Look it up. On that note," he starts, rushing towards you. "GET UP!"
He begins shaking you even more.
"Alright, alright," you quietly say.
Eugene doesn't hear you, and continues to shake you.
"Alright!" You shout. "I'm getting up!"
Eugene backs off to let you get up. You push off your bed and flip onto your back. You rub your eyes to try and wake yourself up. You're extremely tired for some reason. It doesn't make sense why you would be. You went to sleep at a decent time last night. Perhaps you overslept? No matter what it may be, it won't keep you down. You shimmy over to the side of the bed and turn yourself. Your legs dangle off the bed whilst your upper body rests on the mattress. Before you can move someone barges into the room. You look and see Rapunzel. She's dressed and ready to go. She looks over at you and pouts.
"Why are you still in bed? Come on!" She commands.
Rapunzel runs up to your feet and pulls you out of the bed.
"Whoa! Wait!" You yell, but it's too late.
Your body slides off the bed and down to the ground. You smack the ground with your hands in order to take the initial impact. You don't lose your breath when you hit the ground, so it was successful. Eugene bursts out laughing at your predicament. You slowly stand up and brush yourself off. You turn your attention towards Rapunzel and bear an unamused face. Rapunzel is jittery and happy.
"What's with you?" You ask.
"It's concert day! You should have been there an hour ago!" She says.
Your eyes widen.
"Oh shit! I completely forgot!" You yell.
Eugene shakes his head at your statement.
"Am I actually late!?"
"No, Rapunzel's just exaggerating. You still have a few hours."
You let out a breath and put your hand on your chest. You then look to Rapunzel.
"Why would you scare me like that?"
Rapunzel smiles.
"I just wanted to see your reaction. It was worth it."
You shake your head and head for the door.
"Where're you going?" Eugene inquires.
"Shower. We'll head out after that."
Gaia's body begins to awaken. She doesn't do this because she's had enough rest, however. She's waking up because she smells something. She opens her eyes and quickly gets out of bed. She goes to her kitchen to see what the source of the smell is. When she arrives she sees Hunter's back. He's in front of the stove making eggs, by the smell of it.
"You're here," she comments.
Hunter turns around to acknowledge Gaia. After looking at her he returns to his cooking.
"Of course I am. We went to bed together."
Gaia raises her brow.
"So you never left during the night?"
Hunter pauses for a split second. It's barely noticeable.
"I think I got up to pee once. Why?"
Gaia cross her arms and looks away.
"Never mind. So are you ready to watch (Y/N) play?"
Hunter picks up the eggs with a utensil and places it on a plate.
"Yeah, I can't wait. I heard him play a bit, and he sounds good. It'll be quite the performance."
Gaia goes to the refrigerator and grabs a carton of orange juice. She takes a glass cup from the cupboard and pours some orange juice in it. She takes a sip and looks over at Hunter. He's moved to the kitchen table and is happily eating his eggs. Gaia stares at him while she drinks her orange juice. Once she finishes she leaves the room and heads to her room to get changed.
Hunter finishes his eggs pretty quickly and drinks all of his milk. He wipes his face and tosses the dishes in the sink. He stands up and cycles through his holowatch for his outfit for the day. He selects one and watches it materialize on his body. It's a black t-shirt with jeans; simple attire. He stretches a little bit then hears someone enter the building. He waits a moment and sees Matt and Rain walk up the stairs.
"Hey you two. What're you doing here?" He nicely asks.
"Oh, hey Hunter," Rain greets. "Gaia invited us here. She said we're all going to (Y/N) concert together."
"And we can head out right now, if you want," Gaia says, coming around a corner.
Elsa finishes getting dressed. She stares at herself in the mirror. She's dressed in a white blouse and blue jeans. She has her own version of a snowflake necklace wrapped around her neck which goes with the ring you bought for her. Once she's satisfied with how she looks Elsa leaves her room and goes downstairs to the living room. Kristoff and Anna are already there, cuddled up together. Elsa sits on the loveseat diagonal from them. Anna looks over at her sister and smiles.
"Are you ready to watch your hunk perform on live television?" She jokes.
"My hunk?" Elsa chuckles. "I never, and will never, call him that. It might inflate his ego too much."
"Giving him a pat on the head will inflate his ego," Kristoff laughs.
Elsa shrugs and gets comfy on the couch. She's truly excited to see what you have in store.
2 Hours Later
You await the last band to finish up their song. In truth you do like the song they're playing, but you're up next. It's been real interesting watching all the bands perform. There are some singers that far surpass you. Thankfully this isn't about singing, so you're not going to be eliminated right away. Your skills with instruments should really help tip the scale, as well as your presentation. The music was also pretty good. Right now the band is coming close to finishing "Carry On My Wayward Son" which is one you enjoy. There were also covers of bands like Pink Floyd, Billy Talent, Rush, Boston, Korn, and even a Linkin Park song. You knew all of them, and enjoyed most of them.
The band finishes up the song and takes a bow. The crowd is roaring for their excellent performance. They take their instruments and exit the stage. The singer walks up to you and offers his hand to shake. He looks like a punk rocker with a white t-shirt, ripped jeans, dark sun glasses, and gelled hair. You got into a small conversation with him while another band was playing, and he's actually really nice.
You smile at him and shake his hand.
"Good luck out there (Y/N)."
"You gave me a tough performance to follow," you chuckle.
"Not our fault. We're just that fucking good, am I right boys?" He shouts to his band members.
"Damn right!" They cheer.
You laugh and take your hand back. You walk onto the stage, and the glare of the sun hits you. You cover your eyes and look at the massive crowd. The festival is taking place on the streets, and there are people filling it up. You can barely see where the crowd stops. You notice cameras all over the place, all looking at you.
Hunter, Gaia, Rain, and Matt are all pretty close to the stage. They're all cheering you on quite heavily. Eugene, Rapunzel, and her parents are closer to the stage. They are also cheering you on really loud; Rapunzel in particular. The one shocking thing is that you don't have a guitar... or drums... or any instruments with you. Everyone is slightly confused at that.
Hunter stares at you for a second then looks at the rooftops. He sighs then leans into Gaia's ear.
"Gaia, I'll be right back."
Gaia turns to Hunter. Some of her green hair blocks her vision. Before she can say anything Hunter is already gone. She stares off into the crowd for a moment before shaking her head and focusing on you once more.
"Where'd Hunter go?" Rain asks.
Gaia shrugs.
"Maybe to the little boys room. Then again, I've heard he's no 'little boy'," Matt chuckles.
Rain and Gaia look at Matt with unamused faces.
"You two just don't get my humour," he states, feigning that he's insulted.
"Elsa! Look at (Y/N)! He looks so overwhelmed. It's actually pretty cute."
Elsa giggles. "He really does look overwhelmed."
"So ladies and gentlemen," the announcer states with a booming voice. "Right here is (Y/N) Knight. Says here he's part of the Ice Harvesters – a band from Arendelle."
A selection of the crowd starts cheering. Mostly girls.
"So, let's give him a warm, Coronian welcome!"
Alistair opens his eyes when he hears the name "Knight".
"I didn't realize he went by my last name. Hm..."
Alistair stands atop one of the highest buildings in Corona. He's balancing on one of the poles that stand tall in the air. It takes skill and concentration to even get on one, let alone balance on it with all the wind. His main goal is to keep an eye out for any of Hans' henchmen. It is possible Hans was bluffing, but Alistair doubts it.
He keeps his attention on anything and everything that comes on these buildings. Nothing will harm you during the concert.
Hunter rushes up the stairs of one of the buildings that surrounds the stage area. During his little escapades he learned that Hans has a plan to take you out during the concert. The only way he could do that is with snipers. Anything else would draw too much attention. All Hunter has to do is reach the top and keep a look out.
"So, let's give it up for (Y/N) Knight!" The announcer shouts, pointing at you.
You smile and wave.
"Unfortunately my drummer, Kristoff, couldn't be here. So, I decided to fill in for him. As you may have noticed," you begin, gesturing your arms as if you are displaying the stage. "I don't have anything with me. Well, I have a good reason why."
You click the holowatch and cycle through some options. You find the one you want and smirk.
"You're all about to be amazed."
You hit the button. The holowatch's hologram expands across the entire stage. A drum kit, amps, microphone, and everything you need appears in a hologram form. You click it once more to materialize a guitar and pick for you. The crowd coos in amazement. You smile. You walk up to the mic.
"First song I'm going to be playing for you is Satellite by Rise Against."
As soon as you say it a hologram of yourself appears at the drum kit, and another one beside you. The hologram beside you also has a guitar, and starts strumming. The one at the drum kit begins the beat. The song starts.
The rhythm plays for a little before it's your time. You play a few notes then stretch towards the mic.
You can't feel the heat until you hold your hand over the flame
You play a few more notes then continue.
You have to cross the line just to remember where it lays
You once again play some notes. The drums start to pick up a little more.
You won't know your worth now, son, until you take a hit
Couple more individual notes. A second hologram of you with a guitar appears on the other side of you. He begins making a distorted noise. One more hologram appears, holding a bass guitar.
And you won't find the beat until you lose yourself in it.
The drums go loud and smash away. You kick up your distortion and strum a few times. All guitars begin playing the same cords. The crowd begins to go wild as the intensity flares.
That's why we won't back down, we won't run and hide.
Yeah, cause these are the things that we can't deny
I'm passing over you like a satellite
So catch me as I fall
You begin doing a different tune than the rhythm and back up.
That's why we stick to your game plans and party lives
But at night we're conspiring by candlelight
We are the orphans of humanities dream
So shine your light on me
You play a small melody before starting again. The tone goes to a slightly easier one for now. You wink to the crowd, making the closer ones cheer. This causes a ripple effect, making everyone cheer.
You can't fill your cup until you empty all it has
You can't understand what lays ahead
If you don't understand the past
You'll never learn to fly now
Til you're standing at the cliff
And you can't truly love until you've given up on it
You turn up the intensity once more for the chorus.
That's why we won't back down, we won't run and hide
Yeah, cause these are the things we can't deny
I'm passing over you like a satellite
So catch me as I fall
That's why we stick to your game plans and party lives
But at night we're conspiring by candlelight
We are the orphans of humanities dream
So shine your light on me
You play a different melody from before. The guitar holograms mirror each other perfectly, whilst the bass keeps the beat. The drums slow down a little bit too.
She told me that she never could see the world again
So I offered up a plan
You end your melody there. The two guitars stop completely, but the bass keeps a light riff going. The drums remain silent for the most part as well. This is just one guitar and the sound of your voice.
We'll sneak out while they sleep and sail off in the night
We'll come clean and start over, the rest of our lives
When we're gone, we'll stay gone
Out of sight, out of mind
It's not too late
We have the rest of our lives
You slide your pick across the top string and start playing some chords. The drums start to pick up once more as well. Even the holograms of you are smiling and enjoying themselves. You and the hologram guitarists play the same chords.
We'll sneak out while they sleep and sail off in the night
We'll come clean and start over, the rest of our lives
When we're gone, we'll stay gone
Out of sight, out of mind
It's not too late
We have the rest of our lives
The rest of our lives
You play a little melody half way through until you start singing again. Everything else but the drums stay silent.
That's why we won't back down, we won't run and hide
Yeah, cause these are the things we can't deny
I'm passing over you like a satellite
So catch me as I fall
That's why we stick to your game plans and party lives
But at night we're conspiring by candlelight
We are the orphans of humanities dream
So shine your light on me
The song picks up once more, heavier than ever.
Because we won't back down, we won't run and hide
Yeah, cause these are the things that we can't deny
I'm passing over you like a satellite
Cause these are the things that we can't deny now
This is a life that you can't deny us now
Everything ends on that one note. You all let it ring for a bit before stopping it all together. The holograms of you disappear, leaving you standing in the middle of the stage, alone, smiling.
The whole crowd goes absolutely wild. Your friends are no exception.
"He's basically proven that I'm useless in the band now," Kristoff says, stunned.
All three of them have their jaws dropped. The TV is showing your smiling face. Elsa shakes her head and stands up. She begins cheering, even though you can't hear her. Anna stares at her sister, then decides to follow her lead. She stands up and starts clapping. Kristoff follows suit.
"Huh... not bad. Not bad at all, kid," Alistair compliments.
You wave at the crowd.
"Thank you. Thank you all so much."
The crowd continues to roar for you. You have to take a little control on move onto your next song.
"So, I think we should all take a trip, huh? It's hot out here and you've been standing for long enough. I think..."
Two guitarists, a bassist, and a drummer appear in hologram form; all of them still you. You start retuning your top string to drop D.
"It's time we take a trip to Bat Country. Now there's one unspoken rule there."
You begin lightly playing the opening chords.
"He who makes a beast out of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man!"
The drums, bass, and other guitars kick in. All the guitars play the same thing. The bass has no easy part either. The drums look amazing as always. It's no joke either. You actually had to play all instruments every time. These are more recordings rather than holograms. You can even see some sweat on the holograms if you look close enough.
Caught here in a fiery blaze
Won't lose my will to stay
The guitar switches from the intro a simple melody. The drums keep the beat going, along with the bass.
I try-ie-ied to drive all through the night
The heat stroke ridden weather, the barren empty sights
No oasis here to see, the sand is singing deathless words to me
The holograms start to sing in the background. You change up the strumming again to fit the chorus. Small bits of sweat start to sully down your face. You don't really care. You're having a blast right now.
Can't you help me as I'm starting to burn (all alone)
Too many doses and I'm starting to get an attraction
My confidence is leaving me on my own (all alone)
No one can save me and you know I don't want the attention
You repeat everything for the next verse.
As I-I-I-I adjust to my new sights the rarely tired lights will take me to new heights
My hand is on the trigger, I'm ready to ignite
Tomorrow might not make it, but everything's alright
Mental fiction, follow me; show me what it's like to be set free
All instruments go silent for a moment. You decide to skip the slow part and go right to the solo. You hold your pick in the air for a moment to build up suspense. The drum counter part of you spins the drum stick in the air for a second before continuing. You follow with the guitar.
Caught here in a fiery blaze, won't lose my will to stay
These eyes won't see the same, after I flip today
You hold that last word for a couple seconds. The two holograms back you up as you start the solo. You strum and bend the string three times, progressively going down the neck. After you reach a certain point you let your fingers loose. They hit some notes pretty fast and land on the sweet spot. You proceed to play the whole solo, using your fingers as best you can. People marvel at the speed you're going at, especially near the end. You finish off that part only to enter the second part of the solo. One of the holograms. The hologram just harmonises with you the entire time. You both finish the segment and get back to it. Through the next section you play small bits of bends and such while singing. The holograms keep the pace going.
Sometimes I don't know why, we'd rather live than die
We look up towards the sky for answers to our lives
We may get some solutions but most just pass us by
Don't want your absolution cause I can't make it right
I'll make a beast out of myself, gets rid of all the pain of being a man
Can't you help me as I'm starting to burn (all alone)
Too many doses and I'm starting to get an attraction
My confidence is leaving me on my own (all alone)
No one can save me and you know I don't want the attention
You do a maniacal sounding laugh as you end it with one drum slam, and one guitar strum. You remain in that position for a second to regain yourself. The crowd, however, is going crazy. Gaia and Matt have red faces from screaming so much. Rain is excited too, except he doesn't scream much... or be loud at all. Rapunzel is hopping up and down, shaking her hands and screaming her head off. Her parents aren't much different. They seem to be having a great time too. Eugene's into it as well. You've gotten almost all of Corona cheering for you.
You stand up straight and see the hordes of people cheering you on. You smile at this. It's something that just leaves you completely satisfied. All these people are liking you for your talent, and your skill. It's something you kind of missed from back in the day.
You wave at the crowd.
"Thank you. Seriously, thank you all so much."
You look over to one of the cameras. It zooms in on your face. You can tell because there are some giant TVs down the road so people who are far away can still see. You blow a kiss into the screen, intending it for Elsa.
"Look at that ladies, he's showing his love for all of you," the announcer shouts. "Was that directed to anyone?"
You crack a smirk and look in the camera once more.
"They know who it's for."
Anna shrieks and shakes Elsa.
"Anna... Anna..."
Anna squeezes Elsa in a hug and won't let go.
"He's so awesome!" She shouts.
Kristoff pouts and looks away.
"He's not all that special. I can drum like that."
You grasp your guitar and shoot your hand out to the crowd.
"Are you ready for one more?"
The crowd cries out in excitement. You smirk.
"That's what I thought. I got one more for you all," you say, playing a few slick notes. "One song that I wrote myself. It's a gamble, but I hope you all enjoy."
The normal holograms come up – the two guitarists, the bassist, and the drummer – but this time there are more. A piano, a trumpet; all sorts instruments. You smile and start it. You pluck the high E string and let it ring for a moment, then pluck 7, 5, 3, and then 5 on the same string.
Hunter is watching not only you, but all other buildings in the area. He's a little worried at what he sees. Dozens of the Hierarchy's men are taking position on multiple rooftops. They all have light tactical gear on, and are in all black. They have balaclavas covering their faces, along with sniper rifles on their backs. Hunter clenches his teeth then gets to work. He uses the building's design in order to get up a little higher. He finds a decent amount of space in order to get a running start for a jump. He backs up and shakes his hands in hopes to get rid of some of his nerves.
He starts running as fast as he can. Right at the edge of the building he jumps. Hunter launches himself over the street and to another building. He windmills his arms to try and get a little more distance. He gets close to the building, so he reaches out. His upper body makes it, but his legs dangle down to the street. Hunter quickly pulls himself onto the building and starts running again.
He sprints to the closest sniper and attacks. Hunter stops running and slides a little past him. He spins around and brings his elbow down on the assassin. He crushes his skull between Hunter's elbow and the side of the building. Hunter then grabs the man's head, spins around to get momentum, and throws him into the next sniper.
The rest of the ones on the building notice Hunter at this point.
"The other brother is here! Take him out, but don't shoot him! We can't alert the target!" One says over the radio.
The six men on the same roof as Hunter put down their guns and pull out knives. They rush Hunter all at once. Hunter notices that the ones who aren't on the building are still setting up to shoot you. He has to rush through these guys fast.
Hunter keeps every single one of the assassins in his sights. One goes for a straight stab but Hunter pushes the knife holder's arm away from him. He has no time to attack, as there are more already on him. Hunter bobs and weaves through most of the men, coming out more or less unscathed. The last one attempts to stab Hunter's face. Hunter grabs his wrists and stops the attack. They struggle for a few seconds. Hunter hears the others coming in for another attack, so he acts fast. Hunter stops fighting and instead guides the knife somewhere else. It arcs right down into the man's leg. Hunter pulls out the knife then slices his throat. He falls to the ground and bleeds out.
The others keep running at Hunter, however. Hunter dodges the first attack then jabs him in the stomach eight times. He commandeers that knife as well, giving Hunter two knives. He spins and kicks the dead man into his friends, making them stagger and lose their momentum. Hunter uses this opportunity to rush in. He gets in between two men and shoves the knives in the back of their throats. He purposely falls onto his back to drag the bodies with him. The last two look at Hunter and go for him. Hunter smiles and throws both knives at them, effectively penetrating their skulls.
He flips onto his feet and pulls out the two knives from their faces. They stand up straight for a second before falling onto their backs. Hunter wastes no time and heads for the next group. He runs across the top of the building and jumps to a lower one. He rolls a few times after hitting the ground in order to break his fall. He looks up to see one of the snipers ready to take a shot.
"No!" He shouts, knowing he's unable to reach him in time.
Before the shot could fire someone lands right on top of the shooter. The shooter is crushed under the sheer force being thrown on him. Hunter stands up but keeps his guard up. Everyone is staring at what just happened. Before the dust can even clear someone bursts out from it and thrusts his fist into an assassin's face. The assassin goes flying across the building and slams into a wall. Hunter's eyes widen as he sees his father. He clenches his teeth and rushes at him.
Alistair looks over at Hunter just in time to catch his punch.
"I don't think this is the time," Alistair comments.
"It's always the time!" Hunter snarls.
Alistair pushes up on Hunters arm, sending him into the air. Alistair then turns his attention to the assassins.
"It's the Monarch! Get him!" One says over the radio.
The assassins in proximity to Alistair start going after him. He easily dodges and blocks anything they throw at him.
Hunter lands on the gravel and looks up at Alistair, who's fighting off some assassins. Hunter rushes him once more and attacks. Alistair notices and sighs. He kicks three assassins away, then blocks Hunter's attack.
"We should be working together right now."
"Like hell we should!"
Hunter throws his other fist at Alistair, which hits him. He slides back a bit but regains his composure easily. Hunter jumps into the air and throws a kick. Alistair catches in, spins, and throws Hunter to a completely different building.
Hunter spirals through the air. He knows he can't get back to Alistair at this point, so he looks to where he'll land. There are other assassins on the building that want are attempting to kill you. Hunter snarls.
"Damn... I have to deal with them first."
Hunter pulls out the two knives he stashed away. Unknown to Hunter Alistair threw him with enough force to easily make it to the next building. Hunter makes it over the edge and tumbles across the ground. The assassins turn their attention to him, and attack him. Hunter – in a weakened state – throws the knives once again. Instead of hitting the head, both knives enter one man. They penetrate both shoulders, leaving the arms practically useless. Hunter gets on his feet and gets into a fighting stance.
Alistair, on the other hand, is having little trouble with any of the assassins. He's been able to clear two rooftops now, and is on his third. He grabs the last man's cheek, moves behind him, and spins it 360 degrees, effectively killing him. The body falls to the ground, and the rooftop is clear. Alistair looks around to see how Hunter is doing. He's cleared one building, leaving only one rooftop left. Hunter's already on his way there, and now Alistair is too.
You move into the first solo, making a somewhat echoing sound. You have a huge grin on your face as your fingers move all over the fret board. The piano is keeping a beautiful melody behind you, and the drums are keeping it all together. You slip into a little slower solo and blast through that.
The whole crowd is in awe. They haven't heard this before, and it's the first time it's been played live. Eugene and Rapunzel are cheering you on through the whole thing. Rain, Gaia, and Matt are no exception.
Elsa and Anna are jumping up and down while their arms are wrapped around each other. They're cheering their heads off for you. Kristoff is in on it too, just not hopping around or anything like that.
Hunter and Alistair both close in on the last rooftop. They both jump and aim for the same man. They throw their fists forward and crush the man's head between them. Hunter has a killer look in his eye whilst he looks at Alistair. Hunter pushes the middle man out of the way and starts throwing himself at Alistair. He throws a straight, then a side kick, hook, straight, roundhouse. Alistair blocks everything except the second straight punch. Alistair returns with a good knee to Hunter's stomach. Out of the corner of his eye Alistair notices an assassin come at Hunter with a knife. Alistair kicks Hunter aside, causing him to smash into a wall. He then turns his attention to one of the last assassins. Instead of actually putting effort into this fight, Alistair simply launches an ice spike into their stomach.
Hunter shakes his head and looks around. The only two people left are Alistair and one other assassin. He is backed up in a corner by Alistair. Hunter gets up and walks closer to the assassin. Alistair grabs the assassin by the neck and holds him over the street.
"Who do you work for? What branch?"
"Duke Jafar! I work for him!" He cries out.
Alistair crushes the man's neck and tosses him onto the roof.
"I already killed Jafar, so you're useless."
Alistair turns around to face Hunter. The sound of your song is echoing in the background. They stare intensely at each other until Hunter disturbs the peace. He pounces off his back leg and throws a kick. Alistair grabs it and slams Hunter to the ground.
"I'm not here to fight you, even though it would provide some entertainment. In fact..." Alistair looks down at the stage. "I might be able to use you two..."
Hunter laughs. Or at least laughs as much as he can with his face firmly in the ground.
"You may not agree... but maybe (Y/N) will."
You and one of the guitar holograms play side by side. You both play the same thing but harmonized. It's the main riff, and you end on that last note. You let it ring until it naturally dies off. The holograms disappear, leaving you alone. You stand up straight and hold your guitar in the air. The crowd bursts into a cheering fit.
"I don't think the crowd has cheered so hard all day!" The announcer shouts.
You smile as you hold the guitar up. Everyone can see that you've truly been enjoying yourself. Everyone can see that you're genuine.
"Alright folks its time for the vote. Who do you think won this year's CMFs? Voting stations are all down the street. Get there and vote for your favourite!"
You bow and exit the stage. The same group you spoke to earlier greets you.
"(Y/N), man, that was epic! You deserve to win this one. I haven't seen a show like that before."
You lazily throw your hand at him.
"Oh stop."
"No, seriously. I mean, holograms and shit? That's awesome! How did you even pull that off?"
"You know," you shrug. "I have my ways."
"May all participants in the CMFs please make your way to the stage now," the announcer requests.
All the bands come onto the stage and line up. You stand a little left to the middle. You see Rapunzel and the entourage waving at you. You smile and lightly wave back. Everyone in the crowd is gathering around the voting stations. The TVs all over the street show the poll. Right now, you're in the lead by ten points. All the other contenders keep their eyes on the TVs, but you keep your eyes on the crowd. You just stare at everyone's happy faces and glowing expressions.
After almost half an hour the votes final come in. The TV turns off before you can see who won, but everyone keeps bugging you that you were the obvious winner. You brush it off. You don't want to brag or be too cocky.
The announcer squeezes his mic and spins around.
"And now, ladies and gentlemen, the results are in! The winner of this year's Corona Music Festival is... (Y/N) Knight!"
Anna and Elsa jump into the air.
"Yeah! Go (Y/N)! He did it!" they both cheer.
Kristoff chuckles and claps.
"Good job man, you earned it."
The crowd commences an uproar. All the people on stage walk up to you and shake your hand, congratulating you for your win. You shake all their hands as they walk off the stage. You stay on the stage and wave at the crowd. You look to your left and see someone walking up to you. He has a weird moustache and a suit. You turn your whole body to face him.
"Mr. Knight, my name is Hook. I'm the CEO of Dysa co."
Hook shakes your hand. You grip his hand and squeeze a sufficient amount, but you notice something about his hand. It's strong. Very strong. His grip is almost abnormal. You pull your hand away and cautiously stare at him.
"You have won the privilege to tour my building and see some of the wonders we are making. However, it's obvious you need to freshen up. You're sweating and... have a scent. Come to my building in two hours and we'll show you around. Until then, I bid you farewell."
Hook regally walks off the stage. You stare at him until the crowd draws your attention. You look over at them and start waving once more. You try to find Hunter in the crowd, but you can't see him with Gaia, Rain, and Matt. You scan the area to try and find where he could be.
You finally find his distinct white hair farther back than everyone else.
Why the heck is he back there? And who's he with..? Wait... is that... DAD!?
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