Chapter 31: The Big City
Rapunzel and Eugene drop you off a little outside of Tiger Plaza. It's very crowded all around, so you choose to just walk in.
"You sure you don't want us to come?" Rapunzel asks.
"Yeah, it's alright. I'll call you two later, okay?"
The two simply stare at you as you get out of the car.
You step onto the sidewalk and look around. There has to be a hundred people on this street alone. You close the door behind you and look across the street. Tiger Plaza, according to Eugene, is down the street and to the right. Eugene's car drives away, leaving you all alone. This is the first time you've been alone in this city. Yes, the time in the castle could count but you won't count it. You wait for a clearing in the traffic. At one point the traffic is brought to a stop. You just slip through the cars to get across the street.
You walk down the street, looking at the shops that are around you. On your side, it's mostly just the butt end of all the stores accessible from the plaza. Those stores being clothing, video game, and even barber shops. You notice that there is one flower shop. It probably feels like the outlier among all the others.
The other side has a convenience store, pizza place, the usual suspects on a street. You pass by some pretty interesting looking people. There are definitely more diverse people here than in Arendelle. You follow Eugene's directions and take a left at the light. You can see the entrance to the plaza not far ahead. You make your merry way to the entrance and turn into the plaza. There is a grand sign above you displaying "Tiger Plaza". To your disappointment, there is no tiger around the sign.
You walk further into the plaza and scan the area for Hunter. It's hard to see him since the area is packed with other people, both tall and small. You stand still and continue to look around the area. All of a sudden you notice a girl angrily walking towards you. She has blonde hair and is quite attractive. But why she's so angry at someone you'll never know. She keeps her trajectory aimed towards you. You start to get a little worried. You look around you and see nobody just standing there. You turn back toward her and...
She slaps you so hard it leaves a red mark of her hand.
"Ow, ow, ow! Hey!?" You cry out, holding your stinging cheek. "What was that for? Jeez. I don't even know you!"
"Don't know me? How could you be like that! You're a pig!"
"Hey, I don't know you lady!" You argue.
"Typical of you Hunter. I knew you were a scumbag."
"Wait... Hunter? That's my brother. I'm (Y/N)."
The woman calms down a bit. She checks you out then processes the information. One second later her eyes widen.
"Oh my gosh! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! You look so much like him! I just thought he changed his hair! Are you okay? Can I get you something?" She spews, rushing beside you and wrapping her arms around you.
"I'm okay, don't worry. But you do hit hard."
"Again, I'm so sorry," she pleads.
You lightly push her off of you.
"So, how do you know my brother?" You ask, having your own guess.
"Well, I thought we were a couple but I was wrong."
"Wait... are you Hunter's girlfriend?"
"I once was, I thought. That was two months ago. That jerk never called me back after we-"
"I don't want to know what you did with him," you shout. "Well, he's supposed to be meeting me here. Maybe you two can catch up."
You deviously smile at the thought of Hunter having to deal with one of his exes. It'll knock him down a peg.
"Well... alright," she suspiciously says. "But why are you helping me? He's your brother, isn't he?"
"He is, true. But seeing you slap him the way you slapped me is just too good to pass up," you chuckle.
She starts laughing too.
"That makes sense, I guess."
The two of you walk around the plaza for a bit. You cannot find Hunter for the life of you. You decide to start checking in some of the more obscure locations in the plaza. You search through every single store until you come up to the last one. It's the flower shop.
Mother Earth's Flowers? What a weird name.
You walk up to the small shop and open the door. Hunter's ex follows suit. You look around the store for a moment and see the array of flowers. There are so many of them. The colours, shapes, sizes. They're all beautiful. You hear someone giggle near the back of the store. You swear you've heard that voice before, but you can't put your finger on it. You walk near the end of the store to find Hunter – with his back turned to you – talking to someone.
"Hunter!" The girl screams.
Hunter turns around and reveals who he was talking to. Your eyes widen when you see them. Their pale skin. Their green eyes. Their green hair that flows down to her waist.
"Gaia?" You softly question.
Gaia looks at you and recoils a bit.
The woman walks up and slaps Hunter square in the face. Gaia sees this and sighs in disappointment.
"There you are! How dare you abandon me! You jerk!"
She turns around and walks towards you. She grabs your cheeks and pulls you in for a one sided kiss. Your eyes explode out of your head. You start flailing your arms around, but the woman didn't notice. She releases you then nods in victory. She exits the store with some twisted form of pride.
You stand there, dumbfounded. You've just been hit with two bombs. One being this random woman kissing you, and the other being Gaia. She died. You saw her die with your own eyes. How is she standing in front of you? How is she talking to Hunter? Dead women don't talk.
Gaia gives a condescending eye to Hunter.
"Really? You can't go anywhere without SOME girl knowing you."
"It's not my fault!" He chuckles. "I'm just charming. Ask the three numbers I recently got."
"So... three more slaps?" She predicts.
Hunter's face drops. Gaia giggles a bit then looks at you. She can see you still trying to wrap your head around Gaia's presence here. She turns her attention back to Hunter.
"You didn't tell me (Y/N) was coming. I'm a little unprepared."
"You didn't tell me she was alive!" You shout.
"You didn't tell him I was alive?" She repeats.
Hunter closes his eyes and absorbs both voices.
"Okay, okay. My bad. Sheesh, give me a bit of a break. I just got slapped here."
"Good," Gaia smiles.
"Gaia... how are you alive? I... I thought I... I mean he..."
Gaia looks over at you and sighs.
"(Y/N), please don't be nervous around me. I'm not angry or spiteful towards you. I know that you didn't have control that day. Hunter already explained everything to me. I have to thank you for killing the Duke and Duchess. It... brings some vengeance to Pyro and Tempest."
"Well... if it wasn't for me they would be alive to talk about it."
"(Y/N), please," Gaia says, approaching you and placing her hands on your shoulders. "It's okay."
You smile and rub the back of your head. You realize you still haven't had your question answered.
"So, how did you not die? Seriously," you ask with determination. "I saw you 'return to the earth' or whatever."
Gaia shakes her head and crosses her arms.
"What does that have to do with it?"
"I don't know..."
"Tempest didn't get hit by lightning and go in the sky. Pyro didn't burst into flames. Wouldn't that give you a little bit of a hint?"
"I... guess I didn't think of that..."
"I stayed underground until I was back to health. Hunter found me not too long after, actually. And... well... now I live here in Corona. It's not that exciting of a story," she shrugs.
Hunter looks out the window of the shop then smiles.
"Hey, how about we get some fresh air?"
He places his hands on both your backs and leads you outside.
"You know, the outside world is just so great, right? Why be cooped up indoors?" He continues.
"Hunter, what are you on?" You inquire.
"Yeah, you're being weird," Gaia adds.
"Oh, nothing. I just saw some other friends we need to meet."
The three of you leave the shop and into the plaza. He lifts his hands off your backs and walks into the crowd. He turns around for a quick moment and puts his hands around his mouth.
"I'll be back in a second!"
Hunter turns back around and disappears into the crowd. You and Gaia awkwardly stand beside each other. Neither of you know what to say.
"So... You've known Hunter for a couple months then?"
Gaia looks over at you and responds, "Yes, a while now. He's quite a character, let me tell you."
"Oh, I know. If he wasn't my brother I probably wouldn't be accompanying him right now," you chuckle.
"Well that's not fair. He has good intentions, but he's... immature."
"How so?"
"Well, when I say immature I don't mean childish, I just mean... it's hard to explain. I suppose it's just the way I see him. We've been together so many times that-"
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait, what?" You quickly say. "You've been together? Like... dating, together?"
Gaia is a little taken back by your comment.
"Yes, we have. Why, did you not know?"
"No... I didn't. He mentioned someone but... I didn't think... I mean I did think you were dead... but..."
"Well, me and Hunter have been 'together' for about ten months now. It's tough but... we survive," she says, staring off in the distance.
"What?" She asks, smiling.
"Nothing. It's just weird to see my brother and an old enemy dating."
Gaia places her hands on her hips and gives you a joking look.
"Is that all I am? An old enemy?"
"Well... kind of. No offense, but I really don't know you that well. I just know that you and your friends almost killed Elsa and myself."
Gaia sighs. "Yes, that's true. Again, I'm terribly sorry about that. Pyro and Tempest were so enveloped in rage towards the Duke and Duchess that they would do anything to get at them."
"You weren't?" You ask, brow raised.
"Well... I was, but not like they were. You have to understand that it was a difficult life for us. All elementals faced the same troubles. We were outcasts," she says as thoughts and emotions swirl inside of her. "The Hierarchy made our lives a living hell. We were constantly being hunted. We couldn't find any work. It's like we were animals and they were hunters. We were just game to them. You were too, by the sound of it," she redirects at you.
"What do you mean?"
"You were just a pet project to them. Everything they work on is. It's a shame, really. We all had so much talent... but no. Our lives will never be normal," she disappointedly states.
"Well, you seem to be living a normal enough life now. I mean, you're running a flower shop. That's got to be pretty easy with the powers you have."
Gaia looks at you and lets out a small smile.
"Yeah, I suppose. It has been easier since my 'death'. I've met people, started my own business, I'm healthy."
"See! That's something!"
Gaia looks into your eyes and sees the genuine nature you have. You really believe that things can be normal for her. This confuses her. You said it yourself that she's just an old enemy to you, and yet you're trying to encourage her. You're mostly doing this because Hunter trusts her. She's also very different from the Gaia you met all that time ago. The Gaia that stabbed herself and wanted to die. You don't want people to die. You never do. Even pathetic people like Hans or your father. You want them to be stopped, not killed.
But you'll probably have to kill them to stop them. They won't just give up, not after all this time. Hans is too focused on breaking you down and killing you. He wants to prove that he's better than you, even though he's not. You're not cocky, you just know when you are stronger than someone. Due to all the training you've done for this, you're confident that there's few people that can best you, but that doesn't mean you can let your guard down. That's one thing that Shadow likes to beat into your brain.
"Never let your guard down. Anyone and everyone is stronger than they look – even you."
It's funny how much Shadow has trained you. You probably wouldn't be half as strong as you are now without him. You rely on him to an extent. You're literally two sides of the same coin... just two people of the same body. It's one advantage that will always give you the upper hand no matter what.
You're about to continue speaking when something cuts you off.
"(Y/N)!" A distinct voice calls out, stretching out your name.
"No way..." You whisper as you turn around to see the source of the voice.
You see two people walking towards you. One of them is waving quite flamboyantly. One of them is Hunter and the other is Matt. Matt is a little different from the last time you saw him. His hair is now medium length, but very neat and touched up. He's wearing a blue blazer with white dress pants.
"Matt? What are you doing here?"
"I'm visiting my boyfriend! I told you, silly," he chuckles.
"Yeah, where is he anyway? I thought he was with you?" Hunter comments, looking around.
"Oh he needed the little boys room. He'll be here any second," Matt clarifies. "So (Y/N), what's your cute ass been doing lately."
Matt... not a man to hold anything back.
You rub the back of your head and smile.
"You know, the usual."
"The usual? That's not what I heard. I heard that your little stunt destroyed an entire forest," he smiles.
Your whole happy persona drops to a somewhat serious one.
"How... did you know that?"
"Oh, my dad is... well I can't say, but he was one sent to investigate that little mess you made by Tocia. I didn't know it was you until Hunter told me. I gotta say, you know how to display a fireworks show."
You turn to Hunter.
"Why would you tell him that!?" You shout.
"Calm down, jesus. He's trustworthy. Besides, I didn't tell him directly."
Gaia takes a few steps away while the two of you talk. She sees someone come out of the crowd and smiles.
"Hey! We're over here!" She calls out.
A man walks out of the crowd and approaches the group. He comes in from behind you, so you don't notice him. He walks up to Gaia and hugs her.
"Hello Gaia. How're you doing?" He asks, his voice as soft as ever.
"I'm fine... Did you see who came here?" She inquires, raising her hand towards you and Hunter.
You hear Gaia talking and turn around. Your eyes widen a bit. Your mouth starts to smile. A familiar blue haired man stands before you.
"Rain!? What are you doing here?" You shout, rushing up to him and giving him a hug. You don't notice him blush. "It's good to see you!"
"It's good to see you too, (Y/N)," he quietly greets.
He looks over at Matt and smiles
"Excuse me (Y/N), but this man is mine," Matt declares, swooping in beside Rain and interlocking arms.
You back off for a moment and stare at the two of them. Your eyes squint as you try to make the connection. Everyone stares at you for a moment as you think. They all exchange looks as they wonder what your deal is.
"Oh my god, he's gay you moron!" Shadow clarifies.
"Rain... you're... I mean I have nothing against it I just never thought that... not that you aren't... I mean... it's just you're not so open, not that that's a bad thing! It's just Matt is so blaaa" you say, shaking your hands a little. "And he just... I mean..."
Rain blushes and folds into himself.
"Yeah... Remember how I said there were two reasons my parents rejected me. Well... this is the other reason..."
"Oh... jeez I'm sorry... I should have... I mean not that it's... Man... I'm really insensitive, and blind, and I should stop talking but I'm not because I'm-"
"Stupid. Extremely stupid; can't forget that," Hunter chimes in.
Gaia smacks Hunter's arm.
"What? We're all thinking it."
"That's okay (Y/N). You wouldn't know unless Rain walked around with a sign on his chest and it stamped on his forehead."
"Hey! I am very good at-"
"Alright, alright! How about we find a nice place to sit down and chat, huh?" Hunter interrupts.
Gaia sighs and turns towards her shop.
"Come on. I have a room in the back."
The five of you enter Gaia's shop and move to the back room. It's a quaint spot with some office supplies and general décor. There are stairs near the back of the room, leading above the main shop. Gaia brings all of you up there and to her house. There are only three rooms on the second floor. A bathroom, a kitchen, and the bedroom. The kitchen is the largest room. It has a dining table along with the general kitchen appliances.
Gaia leads you into the kitchen and to the table. You all take a seat and stare at each other.
"So, what do you have to say? You brought us all here," Rain sheepishly asks, trying not to be rude.
"Well, I got you all together because I need your help. The Hierarchy is almost ready to launch whatever they're planning and we haven't got a clue how to stop it."
"Listen, Hunter I have to get this out of the way right now," Gaia starts. "I don't want to wage war on them. I can't help you."
"What? Gaia, why not? This is serious!"
"Hunter, listen... I know this is serious to you but-"
"Serious to me? This is serious to more people than just me!"
You've never seen Hunter like this. He's keeping his voice down, but you can hear the pure anger in his voice.
"Hunter, maybe you should listen to her," you add.
Hunter looks at you and sighs.
"Why won't you help?" He halfheartedly asks.
"Hunter, I know this is something you've dedicated your whole life to but... I just got out. It hasn't even been a year. I want to live a normal life now."
The way that Gaia says it, and the look in her eyes shows that she's hinting at something else that only Hunter understands.
"Hunter, I can't say I'm all for the idea of fighting them either. I mean... what can the five of us-"
"Four," Gaia snaps.
"My apologies Gaia," Rain sincerely says. "What can four people do against an entire organization? None of us are fighters like you two. We're just average people."
Hunter knows that this group hasn't been the most active in helping him fight the Hierarchy. There are the odd times where they've helped big time with information of places to hide. But they never really helped in taking the fight to them. Hunter can't understand why. He can't wrap his head around the fact that people don't want to stop these people. It's a question that continuously swirls in his mind, and one that will likely never be answered.
"Well, I used to be an average guy too," you say. "But now here I am, fighting these guys. You don't have to be amazing in order to make a difference. You just have to try your best."
Hunter looks at you then back at the table.
"Look. I can't do this on my own. I will need your help. Please."
Gaia, Rain, and Matt look at each other. You remain silent, keeping your hands together. You dart your eyes between everyone as they make their decision.
"Hunter, I've never known you to leave anyone behind. If you really need my help, then I'll be here for you. But under no circumstances will I fight. Do you understand that?" Gaia firmly states.
Hunter nods. "I do, and... thanks Gaia."
You and Hunter look over to Matt and Rain.
"I'll do what I can," Rain softly says. "I can't promise much more than that."
"If Rain is in then I'm in too!" Matt loudly declares, sliding his hand atop of Rain's.
Hunter smiles. "Thank you, truly. So, we should get to work." Hunter stands up, then grabs your collar and pulls you out of your chair.
"(Y/N), you're coming with me. Rain, Matt, Gaia, do a little digging on that matter we were looking in to."
"I'll let you know what I hear through the grapevine," Gaia nods.
You chuckle a bit. The laughing is short lived as Hunter drags you out of the upstairs floor. Gaia, Rain, and Matt watch as the two of you leave. They wait until they hear the outside door close.
"So... does anyone else think that Hunter's becoming too obsessed with this?" Gaia brings up.
"I don't know. I think he just really wants to do this," Rain counters.
"Honestly, if (Y/N) wasn't there I don't think I would help him," Gaia continues.
"But don't you and Hunter have history?"
Gaia sighs. "We do... and that's why I don't want him to keep doing this. I feel like the appearance of (Y/N) has taken away all the work I've done to try and convince him to stop fighting. Hell, he got you hurt Rain!"
"I know, but that was my choice," Rain clarifies, remaining calm. "I know Hunter didn't mean for me to get hurt. Besides... I don't fight anymore."
"I don't want to gang up on Hunter but, you didn't fight before that instance," Matt says. "Besides, I don't want to see you get hurt anymore. You're extremely fragile and I don't think even that Hierarchy could stop me if you got hurt."
Rain snickers. "That'd be a big mistake on their part. But... I just think we need to support him. We can't just give up on someone that we call 'friend'. Besides, I trust (Y/N)'s judgement. He's not as obsessed."
"I have to agree with Rainy on that one. (Y/N) is a level headed guy, and smart too. Hunter would listen to him more than any of us. Well, except maybe you," Matt finishes, staring at Gaia.
Gaia looks out the window and sees the two of you walking out of the plaza.
"I just feel like this isn't going to end how they hope it will."
"So where are we going?" You ask as you and Hunter walk out of the plaza.
"We're going to go on a little scouting mission. There is a biotech corporation called Dysa Co. that has no doubt has dealing with the Hierarchy. We're going to find a way inside of it."
The two of you walk along the streets. The buildings are so tall that you can't tell which one is the Dysa Co. building. They're all just tall, grey buildings. This is why you hate cities. One of the reasons, anyway. So much of it looks the same with the odd spectacle here and there. Well, there's also the Red Light District here in Corona that will definitely spice up the bland setting, but you're not going to run in that part of town just for a change of pace. Maybe calling it bland is unfair. There are lots of flashing signs and bright lights. So that could count.
"(Y/N)! Hunter! What're you guys doing here?"
You turn around to see Eugene with a satchel. You smile and wave.
"Hey Eugene! What're you doing here?"
Eugene runs through the crowd and to you both.
"Oh, well me and Rapunzel got back after we dropped you off and then I got a call from work. I have to deliver this package," he says, lifting up the satchel.
"Want some company?" You offer.
Hunter gives you a look. You look back and shrug.
"Come on man, we have all day. Plus, Eugene might be able to help," you whisper.
"And how will he help? I don't mind Eugene, but we have work to do."
You pat Hunter on the head and smile.
"Stop worrying. We'll get to it," you smile. You turn to Eugene with open arms. "So Eugene, where are we going?"
Eugene takes out a small piece of paper from his pocket and studies it.
"We have to go to some weird company... um... Keralu. Oh yeah, that's that pharmaceutical company. Well, will you be accompanying me?"
"Yes we will," Hunter quickly answers.
You turn in around in surprise. You didn't expect Hunter to go along with it so quickly.
"Alright, well, let's get a move on," Eugene beckons. "We have to pick up... whatever I have to deliver. I swear, specifics aren't that difficult to give."
Hunter crosses his arms and begins to follow Eugene's lead. You do as well, but without the crossing of your arms.
"We have to go to the redlight district. Not the most ideal place to go but, hey... job's a job. The conditions never bothered me."
"The redlight district... that can be a dangerous place. We should probably be careful down there," Hunter comments.
"Yeah, I already have that covered. We just have to be really fast. In and out."
You shrug. "Sounds good. I'll follow your lead."
Elsa drives home from the doctor's office. It was a difficult conversation, and one with so many possibilities. Elsa was given a few things to try at home before coming back to the doctor the next day. She has a small bag in the passenger seat with some things to use for her tests. She'll be able to do it right away, so there won't be any reason to go stir crazy wondering what's wrong. The doctor took her blood and has some tests to run of his own. If all goes as planned, Elsa should get an answer tomorrow.
Her car lights up a bit. Her car screen shows an incoming call from Alec. She clicks the accept button.
"Hello Alec. What can I do for you?"
"I just wanted to see how our CEO was doing today, and bring her some information."
"I'm fine Alec, thank you for asking. I had to go to the doctors today, but I'll be alright for work tomorrow. So, what is there to know about?"
"I hope you're healthy by tomorrow. You have a meeting with some shareholders. It'll be a quick meeting, hopefully. I'll be there too," Alec says.
Elsa turns the corner and down a street.
"Alright, thank you for letting me know. Oh, and Alec."
"Yes Ms. Anderson?"
"I want to hire an assistant, or secretary for me. Is that possible?"
"Of course. I'll find a list and gather potential candidates for tomorrow. It'll be after the meeting. Is that alright with you?"
"That's perfect Alec, thank you."
"Alright. Well I'll see you tomorrow Ms. Anderson."
"Yes, tomorrow. Goodbye Alec."
Elsa ends the call. She sees her house and pulls into the driveway. She grabs the bag from the passenger seat then exits the car, closing the door behind her. She walks up to her house and opens the door. She can hear Anna and Kristoff upstairs. There's lots of banging and laughing. Elsa really hopes that it's just the process of moving that she's hearing. Yes, that's all it is. It's just moving stuff.
"Anna! Kristoff! You guys here?" Elsa calls out.
Elsa can hear some more rattling going on upstairs.
"Elsa? Hey sis! What's up? What'd the doctor say?" Anna yells, not bothering to come out of the room she's in.
"Just gave me some stuff to try, nothing much. What about you?"
Elsa takes off her jacket and hangs it up. She looks around to see where Gerda and Kai are. There isn't any sign of them, which makes her a little concerned. At least there are some signals of little Olaf running around.
"Me and Kristoff have just been moving stuff around."
"It sounds like you're both in your room," she states, walking up the stairs. "Shouldn't you be moving stuff into the spare room instead of yours?"
Anna looks out the door and sees Elsa. She giggles a bit, then slides out of the room. She closes the door behind her. Anna covers her mouth with one hand and giggles.
"What? I can't have my very loving, very loyal, boyfriend sleeping in the same room as me every night?"
Elsa shakes her head and shrugs.
"You're old enough to do what you want. I'm not going to baby you."
"Wait... really?" Anna says in disbelief.
Elsa smiles. "Of course."
Anna hops up and down then ambushes Elsa with a hug.
"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you! Elsa you're the best sister ever! I can prove to you that I'm a mature, responsible adult!"
Elsa giggles. "Well, we'll take it one step at a time. Anyhow, I have a few things to do. Does Kristoff still want to go out later today?"
"Um... I think so. Hey Kristoff! Come here!"
Kristoff comes out of Anna's room in a light jog.
"Oh hey Elsa. Whatcha need?"
"I was just confirming whether you wanted to have dinner later tonight?"
"Well, yeah. I mean, Anna was the one who wanted-"
"No, no, no, no, no I didn't, whaaat? I would never do that? Pshhhhh that doesn't sound like me."
Elsa rolls her eyes.
"Well, it's your choice. I'm not going to force you to do anything."
"No, that's fine. I'll come. It does sound like fun," Kristoff reassures. "But I'm in the middle of something so maybe in an hour or so?"
Elsa nods. "I have some things to do as well. We can go whenever you are ready, there is really no rush."
"Thanks Elsa. Well, I better get back to it."
Kristoff walks back into Anna's room. Anna stares at her room for a few seconds then looks back at Elsa.
"I need to go before he takes over. We've been battling for control."
Anna giddily rushes back into the room.
"Kristoff you can't move that!"
"You never even use that!" He chuckles.
"Well I might, and if you move it then what will happen?" Anna argues.
Elsa can't help but snicker. She turns to the bathroom and pulls one of the six objects out of the bag. A pregnancy test.
A plane descends onto the Corona airport. It pulls into a private dock and waits. The door opens up, and soon after a man walks out of it. He looks around the airport and notices a black car approach the plane. Alistair walks down the steps and onto the concrete. The car pulls up beside him and stops. Juno exits the car and looks at her husband. Alistair smiles and spreads his arms. Juno smiles and rushes to him, embracing him in a hug.
"I've missed you, dear. Things have gotten complicated lately. The device is still the same but-"
"Shhh, don't worry about that Juno," he whispers, placing a finger over her mouth, "For now, I need you to do something for me."
"I need you to get back on the plane. There's something I need you to do elsewhere."
Juno's expression drops slightly.
"I... was hoping we could spend more time together."
"I'm sorry my love, but you know we're on a tight schedule. Once this is finished we can spend all the time we want together."
Juno smiles at the thought.
"Alright. Do I get to kill anyone?"
Alistair chuckles. "Quite possibly. I left the details on the plane."
"Okay, I'll get it done immediately," Juno confidently states.
Juno kisses Alistair on the cheek. She stares into his fierce eyes for a moment. She can still see that fire that she fell in love with. Juno slowly walks past Alistair and into the plane. Alistair turns around.
"Hold on, don't take off yet. There's still something inside the plane that I want."
The three of you approach the redlight district. It's painfully obvious. Everything starts to become darker, messier, and sadder. You can wager that most people here don't necessarily want to be here. Well, the ones that live here, anyway. The rich always come down to get a quick one in before heading home to their wives, and the lonely man comes here not to feel so lonely anymore. Not only is there a brothel with dozens of prostitutes on the streets, but there's also heavy sign of gang activity. This one placed is chalked full of stereotypes.
"So, be careful around here. This place will beat you down and steal your money... it will leave you with a woman though, so... think of it as you will," Eugene passively states.
You look over at Eugene with a "really" look. Eugene chuckles and looks around. He pulls out a piece of paper and looks at it.
"Yeah... we're going to the strip club. Sorry if that's a place you'd rather avoid."
"Meh, it doesn't matter to me. It's not like I'm going to be doing anything there anyway," you respond.
"I might find something interesting there," Hunter snickers.
The three of you enter the district and walk down the street. People are either talking to each other, sitting around staring at nothing, or staring at your group.
"Eugene, you sure this is safe?"
"Yeah, no sweat. As long as we avoid the DCC we're fine."
"DCC? Who are they?"
"A gang I used to run with," Eugene explains, keeping his head slightly turned towards you but not enough to take his eyes away from what's in front of him. "Remember I told you I was being chased when I met Rapunzel? They were the ones chasing me."
"Fantastic," you sarcastically say.
You turn a corner and are greeted with a moderately sized building. Of course there are buildings all along the street, but this one is obviously trying to get attention. There are flashing lights, glowing stars, loud music, and a sign that shows a woman wearing some very revealing clothes.
"Talk about subtlety," you mutter. "Wouldn't this place be taken down or something?"
"No, this place is protected by higher ups. Besides, this place has its uses," Hunter whispers.
"Like wha... Hunter what the fuck?"
"What? No! Not those uses! I mean... Yeah it has those uses but that wasn't what I was talking about."
"Whatever you say... pervert," you whisper.
"Moron," Hunter retorts.
You all approach the strip club. Eugene stops in front of the door and looks at the two of you.
"One of you should stay out here, just in case."
"I'll do it," you offer.
"Good, cause I wasn't going to," Hunter chuckles.
"What is with you lately?" You loudly ask, throwing your arms in the air.
Hunter thinks for a moment then shrugs.
"I don't know."
Eugene grabs Hunter's arm and walks into the building. You lean against the wall and look around. You see a large crowd of people walking around outside the building. They don't seem like the friendliest people either. You take note of the fact that they're all staring at you – or at least in your direction. You stay vigilant, just in case.
They better hurry up.
Hunter and Eugene enter the main room. There are customers everywhere. All of them are being treated to by the girls. Eugene and Hunter can't help but raise their brows at the women. They're all beautiful, even if some of them are somewhat fake. Eugene shakes his head and looks down to his shoes. Hunter chuckles.
"View too much for you?"
"No. I just saw someone I'd rather not."
Hunter looks around the room.
"The dancer. Look, let's just get this package and be off."
Eugene pulls out the piece of paper and examines it. Hunter clears his throat.
"Eugene," he says during his cough.
Eugene looks up only to be met with a very bulky man in a suit. He's bald, wearing dark aviators. He's holding a small package between his body and left arm.
"Eugene Fitzherbert?" He emotionlessly asks.
"Yyyyeeeeeesss?" Eugene slowly responds.
The man hands Eugene the package.
"Make sure it gets done."
The man quickly walks away and into a back room. Hunter smiles in anticipation.
"Hey Eugene, you and (Y/N) can handle this, right?"
Eugene carefully places the package inside his satchel.
"Yeah, of course. Why do you ask?"
Hunter begins walking into the crowd.
"Cause I have something I want to try."
Hunter disappears into the crowd, his last action being a smirk. Eugene raises one eye brow to go along with his confused face.
"Man... those brothers are weird..."
Eugene assures that the satchel is secure, then makes his way to the exit. He leaves the building and finds you leaning against the wall.
"You ready to go?"
You look over at him and nod.
"We should proooobably get moving. I have a feeling this place doesn't like me."
"You seem to have the same mindset I do."
You chuckle and lightly push yourself off the wall.
"And what would that be?"
"I assume that everything I don't know doesn't like me. Though, how can someone hate this face? Especially when I use the smolder."
"The what?"
Eugene places a finger over your mouth. He suspiciously looks around.
"Shhh, no one must know about the smolder."
You push him away from you.
"Shut up, man," you laugh.
Eugene laughs alongside you. You both walk away from the strip club. Eugene stops laughing and looks around a bit. He notices an abnormality in the street. There are more people staring at the two of you than there should be. All the shops are closed too. Eugene keeps his mouth shut about it, but he keeps his eyes open.
"So what's the package?"
Eugene shrugs. "Dunno. It's part of the job not to know."
"I suppose that's fair."
Eugene stops walking. You take a few steps before stopping and turning around. Eugene is looking to the side, into an alley. Two people walk out of the alley. They look like twin brothers. Both are big, bulky, and look like they have a low IQ. One of them has some sort of eyepatch for some reason. It has a gold insignia on it. It's the same one that's plastered over a lot of walls. That means it's probably to show the gang he's affiliated with.
"Uh oh," Eugene shutters.
"What? Who are they?"
The two walk out with big smiles on their faces. They look extremely devious.
"They're the Stabbington brothers. They're the leaders of the Stabbington gang – the most infamous gang in Corona. Aaaaaaand they don't like me."
"Ryder... it's great to see you around here," one of them states in a monotone voice.
"We missed you," the other adds.
A group of gang members walk out behind them. More appear all around you, from the rooftops, to the buildings, to the streets. You look around and get a feel for the situation you're in. The first word that comes to mind is "fucked". They all have some sort of gun, whether it's a handgun or a submachine gun. You go back to back with Eugene as the two of you look at the dozens of gang members surrounding you.
"Whatever, you can't take us on even with all your guns!" Eugene confidently shouts.
You widen your eyes.
"Eugene, what are you doing?" You whisper.
"My buddy here can take you all in his sleep. He's dealt with worse than a few guns."
"Eugene!" You sharply whisper.
"Bring out even bigger ones! We can take you!"
The Stabbington brothers look at each other then smile. They look back into the alley and wave a hand to someone. Another gang member comes out with an RPG. He takes a knee and aims it at the two of you.
Eugene leans his head back a bit.
"What is it? I'm prepping your big moment."
"Eugene, I can't dodge a bullet."
Eugene pauses for a moment, his eyes stretching out.
"Say what?"
"I can't dodge a bullet. At least not this many from all directions."
"But... you fought with that Monarch guy... and the giant fight with the explosion," Eugene recollects.
"Yeah, I almost died there. A sword could kill me instantly if it got me good."
"But... aren't you super-fast and strong?"
"Yeah, but not that fast. I could dodge one – maybe two bullets if I was facing the guy who shot me. I don't think I can dodge all these bullets from all around me. If they hit me I'm as dead as you are."
Eugene pauses for a moment. He stares blankly at a wall.
The Stabbington brothers take out their own guns and aim them at the two of you.
"Let's see what you got then, Ryder."
The gang member fires the RPG. A second before that you grab Eugene and jump. You jump in an arc over the Stabbington brothers. However, the explosion hits your back and sends you flying further than you wanted to. As soon as the explosion hits all the gang members start firing their guns at you, including the Stabbington brothers.
You land on a dumpster. Eugene crushes you when you land. The two of you bounce off and land right out in the open. You grunt in pain and look around. You can see the guns start to aim towards you. You grab the dumpster and turn it so that you and Eugene are somewhat covered. You lay your back against it and take a breather. Eugene grabs his head and shakes it.
"Ohh man... Wait... (Y/N)!?" He shouts, looking around. He sees you laying against the dumpster.
"You're okay! Oh thank-" A flurry of bullets fly around the two of you. "Whoa, damn!"
You smile. "Alright... we should probably get out of here as soon as possible."
"You think!?" He barks.
You get off your butt and turn around to face the dumpster. You drag it back with you as you start moving away from the gang. Eugene stays right up against it as well, in order to stay safe. You're about halfway through the alley and you start feeling something. The bullets have started piercing through the dumpster. It won't take long until they go through you and Eugene. You look to Eugene.
"Get ready to run," you say.
Eugene can't even react before you kick the dumpster towards the Stabbington brothers. The two jump out of the way, but one gets hit.
"Run!" You yell.
You and Eugene start sprinting down the alley. Eugene sees that the back of your shirt is somewhat destroyed. Your back is a bit black from the explosion. You're running a little weird too. He wants to help, but there's nothing he can do right now. He just thankful you were there. If he was alone, he might not be alive right now.
You both reach the end of the alley but are attacked. Two gang members turn the corner and point their guns at you. You quickly grab one of their wrists and twist it hard. The gun falls out of his hand and right into your hand. You turn around and kick the other in the stomach. Eugene quickly attacks the one whose wrist you twisted. Eugene connects his fist with the man's face, effectively knocking him out. You spin around and kick the other in the face, knocking him out as well. You take the gun and aim it down the alley.
"You know how to shoot that thing, right?" Eugene shouts.
You observe the gun for a moment then smile.
"No, but how hard can it be. Besides, I don't want to kill anyone."
You start shooting down the alley to keep everyone at bay. Eugene backs away and around a corner.
"(Y/N), there's nobody here! Come on!"
You turn your head to Eugene and nod. The two of you run around the corner, down the street and through another alley. You can hear them shouting for you and Eugene. You and Eugene run as fast as you can out of the redlight district.
You get out of the area but neither of you stop running. You run down one street for about five minutes before Eugene collapses onto his knees. He's breathing heavy, as are you. People who are walking by stare at the two of you. Nobody stops to help, as the gun you commandeered is still in your hand. You stand up straight and take in a deep breath. You look at the gun and eject the clip. There's one bullet left. You reload the gun and toss it in your holowatch. You'll probably never use it, but it could work for intimidation. Then again, your sword could do that too.
"You okay Eugene?" You huff.
Eugene shakes his head.
"Yeah... yeah I'm fine... No I'm not... but I am... don't worry... Listen," he says, still breathing heavy. "You really saved me back there."
"Meh, don't worry about it. What're friends for, right?" You smirk.
"Yes, friends are for helping you dodge an RPG to your face! Then and only then will you know if they are your true friend," Eugene confidently states, obviously making a joke.
The two of you chuckle as you get your breath back. Eugene looks at your ruined shirt for a moment. He takes off his grey sweater and hands it to you – leaving him with just a white t-shirt. You look up and see the grey sweater. Eugene gives you a look telling you to wear it. You shrug and grab the sweater. You slip into it, then push up the sleeves right before the elbows.
"Comfy. Where'd you get it?"
"Rapunzel's mother knitted it for me. You better not ruin it."
"As long as you don't get us in any sort of gang trouble again."
You both start walking.
"So, how strong are you? You can't tell me that you can take a giant fire blast but can't take a bullet."
You think for a moment. "Well, I think of it like this: I have a very high resistance to pain. I'm also extremely strong. But can an extremely muscular man take a bullet? No. I mean... I think if I took a bullet in the leg, arm, or non-lethal location in the stomach, I would be able to keep going. If I took a bullet in the heart or head... well... I'm as dead as you would be."
Eugene nods. "I suppose that makes sense. But how did you survive that explosion?"
"Oh, I hid deep down in the ground and layered myself with elements. It still hurt like hell though. I was down and out after that. Make no mistake, I'm far from invincible. Even the sword can kill me, but I'm better at dodging those rather than bullets."
You glance over to the right and stop right in your tracks. You look to the building right beside you and see a vast collection of instruments inside. You slam yourself against the glass and look around. The place is a mix of grey and blue for the walls. However, you barely see the walls. They're covered up by posters, instruments, vinyls, and everything you could ever want.
Eugene turns around and sees what you're doing. He chuckles.
"Yep. That's Corona's music store. It's the only one in the city, but it's gotta be the best in the world. You can find everything there. You can even demo everything, for the right price."
You turn around and start bouncing a bit.
"Can we go? Please, please, please!"
Eugene outright laughs at this.
"Of course we can, don't worry. Let's head to the entrance."
Eugene leads you around the building and to the entrance. You both walk in and you swear you enter heaven. It's even more beautiful than you first thought. The clerk stops playing an ocarina and looks at you.
"Hello my friends. Is there any-" He squints his eyes. "May I ask why you're all dirty?"
You and Eugene look down at yourselves then to him. He has short-medium grey hair. His sideburns attach to a full beard. He has a very soft look to him. He doesn't seem like a push over, however. He's surprisingly muscular for an older man. Your guess it that he's mid-sixties.
"Well... let's just say we walked into the wrong part of the town," you shrug.
"Ah, well I'll leave that alone. So, what would you like?"
"Nothing. I just wanted to see this place. It looked amazing," you marvel, looking around the building.
"Ah, a fellow musician. What do you play?"
"A lot... mostly a guitar player though."
"A... I see a lot of those. No offence."
You raise one of your hands, "None taken."
You turn to Eugene and open your mouth.
"Oh my god!" A girl screams.
You look towards the scream while Eugene spins around to see it. A teenage woman is staring at the two of you. Her hands are slammed on her cheeks, and surprise is spread across her entire body.
"You're the singer of the Ice Harvesters!" She screams.
This is a little underwhelming for you. You sigh and let out a smirk.
"Yeah, that I am," you snicker.
"OMG! That's so cool! Can you sign my shirt?"
Eugene walks away laughing.
"Your fans await you."
You give him a condescending stare until the girl stands right in front of you. You grab a marker off the clerk's desk and sign the shirt. A few more girls and guys approach you, asking to sign things.
"I never knew I was this famous," you chuckle.
"You're small band is somewhat popular around here. There are far more popular bands than you... but maybe you can change that," the clerk states.
You raise your brow. "What do you mean?"
The clerk takes out a flyer and places it on the counter. You approach the flyer to see it.
"There's an annual Battle of the Bands that goes on here in Corona. It's held by Dysa Co. and they give out a huge detour of their facility and give some prize out. It's different every year. Perhaps you should try it. Where's your partner?"
"Kristoff? He's back in Arendelle... but maybe I can figure something out."
"(Y/N), are we going? I still have a job to do," Eugene shouts, spinning his satchel around.
"Yeah, let's go! Thank you, sir," you say, nodding at the clerk.
You and Eugene leave the building and look towards the direction of Eugene's destination.
"You ready?"
Eugene nods. "Let's go."
Elsa smiles at the pregnancy test. She tosses it in her garbage and walk towards her dresser. She fixes up the rest of her make-up and winks at the mirror. She looks at her teal dress. She really likes this one; mostly because you bought it for her. It was a present that you never explained. You just kind of bought it for her, but she won't argue. She likes how it looks on her.
Elsa leaves her room and walks across the hall. She slightly enters Anna's room and knocks on the door. Kristoff is tying his tie, but stops when he looks up at Elsa.
"Wow... that looks nice on you."
"Thanks. So, you ready?"
Kristoff finishes tying his tie then nods.
"Let's go."
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