Chapter 3: The Shadow
The next period went by with ease. You weren't with Kristoff, Anna, or Elsa so you kept to yourself. Nobody really talked much during the class and no major events occurred that you barely remember the period.
But this period was sure to be interesting. It was lunch time. The cafeteria was completely full, but luckily Anna and Kristoff already saved a spot. Her boyfriend Hans was there too. You've never talked to Hans, but you assume he is a good guy.
"(Y/N)!" Anna waves. "Come here, we have a table."
You barely hear her over the crowd, but you make your way over. Kristoff is sitting opposite of Anna and Hans. He seems off to you, but you don't pay much attention to it.
"Hey guys," you greet, taking your spot beside Kristoff. "I assume you're Hans?"
He looks at you and smiles. "You called me by my first name!"
You smirk and shake your head. "Yeah, sorry about that."
"Don't be!" Anna adds. "If you hadn't, I wouldn't have met you and Kristoff!"
You look over at Kristoff, who is eying Hans. "What's his deal?" you wonder.
Hans is too busy paying attention to Anna to notice, vise-versa with Anna.
"Kristoff," you say, nudging him. "What's wrong?"
"Later," he brushes you off.
Kristoff waves his hand to get Anna's attention. "Hey Anna, can you show me the cafeteria food? I'm not sure what to get."
Anna shoots out of her seat.
"Of course I will. This place has some of the best chocolates around."
"That's not... Eh, never mind." Kristoff mutters, walking with Anna.
Hans watches the two of them walk away. You try and grab his attention.
"You two seem to be close," you remark.
"Yeah," he shrugs, "she can be a little clingy."
"That does se-" you're interrupted.
"But have you seen her ass? It's perfect! Her whole body is stunning. I just want to see it."
You choke on your food for a second and look up at him.
"Excuse me?" you ask
He didn't notice your little reaction. "Yeah, I mean, she is so hot. Maybe one of the hottest girls I've ever seen. Her sister is pretty hot too. What I'd give to see her..."
You can't believe your ears. Anna seems like such a kind hearted person while Hans has displayed himself as a total pig. You can't say you're the cleanest guy yourself, but not like this guy.
"You think I could manage a three way between the sisters?"
You are so ready to speak up but the return of Anna and Kristoff stops you.
"Hey cutie," Hans says seductively, grabbing Anna's waist and pulling it towards him.
She giggles and grabs his waist. They lean and begin kissing.
You and Kristoff look at each other. Both of you have sour faces.
Kristoff clears his throat to try and gain the attention of the two.
They don't notice and continue to make out.
You clear your throat more adamantly and they turn to you.
"Oh, sorry" Anna says, blushing and giggling. "We get caught up sometimes"
"It's hard to stay away from her," Hans says, winking at you.
You cringe.
"Yeah, we noticed," Kristoff sarcastically remarks.
"Hey, where is Elsa?" you ask, facing Anna.
"She disappeared after class," Hans answers. "She doesn't really show up until next period."
"Yeah, she's always been like that," Anna continues. "She finds her own little spot to read and eat."
Anna's face slowly sinks. "I hardly see her outside of the house, and even then she isn't the most talkative person out of three of us."
"Three of you?" you ask.
Anna shoots her head up at you, her expression happier then what it was.
"Yes, we have a little brother named Olaf. He always tries to get Elsa to play, and he succeeds most of the time."
She smiles for a moment. So innocent. So pure. "She is nice, really. She just has a hard time interacting with people."
"Really? Define that for me," you ask
Anna looks at you oddly, "Why?"
"Well," you begin, "when Elsa and I were sent down to the office, she did talk to me. I wouldn't say we were best buddies but she did respond to most of my questions."
Anna's face lights up. "Really! What'd you say?"
You shrug. "Honestly I was just using silly conversation starters and random BS comments."
Anna didn't seem to get discouraged.
"Maybe she is opening up!" She turns to Hans. "I think you should talk to her, Hans! I would love to formally introduce you to her."
"Bad idea," you think.
As you look at Kristoff–who has been surprisingly silent–you guess he has the same thought as you. But why? Did Hans make a similar comment to Kristoff?"
Anna and Hans get into a conversation of their own, completely forgetting you two.
"We're gonna head off to class now. We'll see you guys later," Kristoff states.
He grabs your arms and drags you off.
Hans and Anna wave as they continue to talk
Kristoff and you had fitness class last period. After the teacher finishes his speech he lets you all into the workout area. It's massive, filled with machines and empty areas for one to workout in solitude.
"My old school has nothing on this place," you say aloud.
The teacher looks over at you. "We take all areas of expertise seriously. The computer labs, science labs and others are very much like this one: State of the art."
The teacher then gathers the attention of the class. "We will work out here today, and then tomorrow we will have a game of dodge ball in the gym. Sound good?"
The class cheers and heads to their own respective areas. Kristoff and you take the bench and bar. He sets 25 lbs on each side then lets you go first.
"You insult me, Kristoff," you joke.
"Well, you are small, (Y/N)," he chuckles.
"Compared to you, yeah. But I have more strength than you think. Set something that challenges you."
Kristoff smiles and grabs 125 lbs worth of weights.
"150. Not the hardest thing, but not a walk in the park. A good place to start." He says, looking down at you as you lie on the bench.
You grab the bar and nod your head. Kristoff lightly grabs the bar and helps you lift it to position. You begin your workout. The 150 lbs isn't too hard, but it will wear you down eventually.
"So, I was listening in on some guys around the school. I heard some interesting things about Hans," Kristoff states.
"Yeah, I heard something interesting too. You first," you say, not breathing too heavily yet.
"Well, I heard he has quite the record of getting into women's' pants. He is trying to set a record over his brother of women he's slept with in high school."
"Sounds like... They are all... scum bags..." you say, breathing heavily.
"Yes, well, the difference is that his brother told the girls he wasn't interested in a relationship. He just wanted sex. Hans on the other hand lures women in with promises of love and then abandons them afterward. A real asshole."
You come to a realization. "You... don't... want..." You lift the bar onto its placeholder. "Anna to get hurt..?"
Kristoff looks at you awkwardly "Well, no. I mean, this is what I was talking about. She thinks its true love and it's not. By the way, 43? That's pretty good."
You smile. "I can make it an even 50. Saddle up!" you say, getting into position.
You lift it and begin doing your last few. Kristoff goes into his own little world and begins leaning on your bar as you push up.
"Kristoff..." you mutter. "Kristoff!"
He realizes he is leaning on the bar and gets off it. "Sorry, sorry."
You put it back and stare at Kristoff, smiling. He smiles back.
"Listen, I agree with you about Hans. He told me something while you and Anna went to grab some food."
You and Kristoff switch roles. He gets ready to begin his workout and you prepare to help him if need be.
"He told me how much he thought Anna looked beautiful. Not in a romantic way, a completely vulgar way. He wants sex. He even mentioned trying to get in a threesome with Anna and Elsa."
Kristoff chuckles as he lifts the bar. He raises it a few times before answering.
"I doubt Elsa or Anna will go for that. But I'm worried Anna might think so much about him that she may actually do it."
You laugh. "You've known her for a day, Kristoff"
"Yeah," he huffs. "But, I've known you... for a day also. Think about that."
He is right. You feel like you really know Kristoff after such a short timeframe. Maybe you don't know all his likes and dislikes, but you are good friends. "So, this is what a real friendship feels like. I'd forgotten," you mutter quiet enough so Kristoff doesn't hear you.
He finishes and you taunt him. "That was only 41 Kristoff, I beat you."
"Wait I wasn't paying attention! That's not fair!" he argues.
"I wasn't either," you remark.
He shakes his head with a smile then flicks his head towards the sparring gloves.
"Oh yeah," you grin.
The rest of class goes well as you and Kristoff finish a solid workout. He invites you to his place and you accept. You don't have much to do tonight anyway. You do have to swing by work quickly, but that's basically it. You and Kristoff head up to the showers to clean up. You're both sweating like crazy and have a horrible stench.
As you and Kristoff head out the door you see Anna and Elsa talking in the parking lot. Talking would be an understatement, as it was evident that they were arguing.
"Why can't he come over? He means a lot to me!" Anna argues
"Because you've just met him. I'm sorry but true love doesn't happen like that."
"What would you know of true love, Elsa?" Anna protested.
"I may not have the experience of it, but that doesn't mean I am unknowing of what it is."
Elsa seems quite calm, if a little agitated. But Anna is quite upset. You can tell this could get out of hand. You and Kristoff begin to walk over when you see a car speeding through the parking lot. Dangerous, but nobody is standing out in the open, so it should be fine.
"Why can't I live my life Elsa!" she yells as she storms off.
Unfortunately Anna is walking in the way of the car and it isn't slowing down.
"Anna!" Kristoff yells, bolting to aid her.
"Kristoff! Damnit," you say to yourself, also rushing to get there.
Anna doesn't notice the car but she does see you and Kristoff running towards her. Before she can react Kristoff lightly pushes her out of the way. But he is caught in front of the car now.
"Move Kristoff," he says to himself but he can't find the strength too.
"Kristoff!" you yell pushing him out of the way.
You used your momentum to push him so you were now caught by the car.
"Let's see what I can do." You smile.
Before the car can hit you jump over it, spinning horizontally and straightening your body as much as possible. You start to lower towards the car so you use one of your hands to give you the momentum and air time to escape landing on the car. You shift your body closer in as you land on the ground. Your left knee and both your hands break your fall while your right knee almost hits you in the jaw.
You take a few heavy breaths and chuckle. "I still got some moves."
You raise yourself to see Kristoff holding Anna's arms.
"Are you okay? You have to pay more attention when crossing the street."
She smiles, blushing a little bit. You can tell she is a little shaken after seeing what just happened and how Kristoff saved her.
Elsa walks over to you. Her posture is ever so perfect.
"They won't give you credit so I will. That was brave of you to save Kristoff."
"Well, I wouldn't have had to but he froze. I won't steal his credit, though," you say, watching Kristoff and Anna.
"You are quite acrobatic as well."
Your eyes widen a bit and look over at Elsa. She is giving you a lighter look then she has given before, but it was still quite stern. You put on a goofy smile and rub the back of your head.
"Oh, you know. It comes on naturally."
Elsa nods, but you can tell that she thinks you are lying. "Does she think I am trying to impress her? It honestly is natural," you think.
Elsa is about to walk to her care but you grab her arm. You feel her arm tense up and you let go.
"Listen Elsa, Kristoff did just save your sister. I have no doubt you care about her so some part of you has to be grateful. I think it would be nice if you thanked Kristoff."
She stares at you for a second, then at them. She sighs then walks over to them and joins the conversation briefly before heading to her car. Anna seemed confused and Kristoff was blushing. You run over to the group but it seems their conversation had reached its end. Anna and Kristoff walk their separate ways but you could see both their faces were quite red. You knew exactly what to talk about during the ride to Kristoff's place.
He owned a truck. It was old and quite beat up but it worked pretty well. He started it up and pulled out of the parking lot. You noticed how different you two seemed from everyone else. You were wearing a simple outfit and so was Kristoff. Everyone else was mostly in high end clothes and some in suits. Their cars were crazy expensive too. Even Anna and Elsa's cars were really high end.
"So, Kristoff," you start. "How did Anna react to you saving her? Did she thank her valiant hero?"
"Laugh it up, tough guy. Besides, I noticed you with Elsa," he said, trying to move the conversation onto you.
"Ah, but that was a simple chat. You two were beat red and everything. You're still a little pink," you laugh.
He smiles as he stops at a red light. You look out your window and notice a huge field. It wasn't a minute away from the school. It was actually pretty secluded as well due to the fact that the majority of it was deeper than everything around it. You liked that spot and would remember it for later.
It didn't take long to get to Kristoff's house. It was a 5 minute drive, give or take. He pulls up to a fair sized house that has a message written on the front window.
"Psychic Pabbie, a reader of minds and teller of fortunes," you read.
"Yeah, gramps likes to do that as a side activity. He is the real thing, let me tell you," Kristoff explains.
"A psychic, huh?" a voice states. "What could they find in your mind, (Y/N)?"
"By the way, we have a big and odd family so... be prepared," he says.
That could never have prepared you for what you saw. A group of children swarm you and Kristoff. At closer observation they aren't kids, as you previously thought, but fully developed individuals.
Kristoff leans in your ear. "They are small, but don't even mention it. They haven't realized yet."
You snicker and go along with it.
They barrage you with a hundred questions. Literally, you counted.
As the questions kept coming in you heard a voice howl over top of all others.
The family then split into a line for an older one to walk through, ending up in front of you. He waves his hand for you to follow him. Kristoff gives you a thumb up for reassurance. Before you leave you shout out.
"Hey Kristoff, tell them about Anna!"
Kristoff stares at you as the flood of family members overwhelm him with questions.
You burst out laughing as you watch the scene.
You arrive in a small room with a table and two chairs. He urges you to sit in the one on the left. You do so.
"I suspect you are Pabbie?" you ask.
He nods his head, then stands on the table and meets you eye to eye.
"Your aura is... different. An anomaly," he states.
"Oh... That's... cool?" you respond, not really knowing how to take that.
He touches your head with his hand. You feel a rush of thoughts. It's like your brain is being sucked out. You push back, but maintain the stare.
"You are not alone," he states.
You are extremely shocked. He touched your head for a second and concluded you weren't alone. Did he know about the others?
"Come on out, Shadow of the mind," he demands.
"I think he is talking to me," the voice states.
"Don't you dare!" you say in your mind, but before you know it you feel like you are sleeping.
"Shadow, huh? That's a new one," you say very coldly. "But, I do like it.
"You are the second, the medium?" Pabbie asks.
Shadow looks at him for a moment. He has cold eyes as he stares at the old man.
"I suppose you think there is a third then. You wouldn't call me a medium otherwise."
Pabbie nods. "You have quite the secret. Three people in one body... How does that work?"
Shadow begins pacing around the room. "Who cares how it works. It just is."
"You lie," Pabbie accuses. "You like to know things. You like knowledge. The fact that you don't know how you were brought to this earth is something that haunts you."
Shadow doesn't react. He simply keeps his hands behind his back and a neutral expression on his face.
"Answers that I can't find because they have been lost in time."
"A rational answer," Pabbie points out.
Shadow chuckles in a dark way. "What did you want?"
Pabbie follows Shadow's movement as he continues in circles around the room.
"I wanted to see (Y/N), but to be honest I was not expecting you and the other. A dangerous thing you hold in yourself."
"It's contained," Shadow snarls.
"It's breaking free of the false chains you have it in. But, let's move onto another topic."
Shadow becomes curious. "What other topic?"
"Elsa," he responds.
Shadow laughs. "I didn't realize she was a topic for me."
"You find her intriguing. So does (Y/N)."
"What's your point, old man?" Shadow demands.
"You aren't as inhuman as you think. That's my point. From what I have seen you believe yourself to be an outcast. But you think yourself better than everyone else. This may be true in some aspects, but you are simply human. Just because you don't have a body of your own doesn't mean you aren't a human being."
Shadow snickers. "You have an odd way of putting things, old man."
"You also think it to be an aid for the two of you. You both keep the third in check, and it comes with perks. You have a plan for dealing with pain, I saw."
Shadow nods. "It's no use explaining it to you. Now, as fun as this had been, I am letting (Y/N) talk. He'll likely beg for you to not tell anyone. Be petty about it. He should act stronger."
"Like you?" Pabbie asks. "Tell me, what would being similar accomplish? The fact that you are both so different causes strength. But, you already knew that."
"You're using my own ideas," Shadow states.
"Then why did you fight them?" Pabbie asks
"To see how far you could go. Now I know, and you won't have any more information out of us."
You trip over yourself as you wake up. You know exactly what happened. You turn to Pabbie, who seems very calm.
"Talked to him? Yes."
"Shadow... He is now Shadow," you whisper to yourself.
"I will not inform Kristoff. But listen to me here, (Y/N). You have a dangerous side to you, but you can make yourself whole."
"Make myself whole?" you think. "What does that mean? And he knows about him... about that beast. That murderer."
You let out a huff before leaving the room. Kristoff is still being swarmed with questions but Pabbie aids him by calling the family. You and Kristoff sit on the couch. You look disturbed and Kristoff can see it.
"Gramps has a way of pushing buttons. Don't think too hard on it. So, wanna play some games?
You smile. "Hell ya!"
You enjoyed your time at Kristoff's. The family stopped barraging you with questions and they were actually nice people. You can see where Kristoff gets his manners from. Well, when he decides to use them. But you had to go. You had to drop by work. Before you left, you asked if you could borrow Kristoff's guitar until tomorrow. He agreed.
You thanked Kristoff and his family for having you and went on your way. Your work wasn't too far. In fact you purposely looked for a place close to the school. It was a corner store called Oaken's.
It was a simple place but the owner, Oaken, was really nice. He let you keep your stuff in the back. You didn't have too much anyway. He didn't pay you much, but you asked for even less then he was planning to offer. You needed the money, but only for simple and trivial things.
You arrived to drop off some of your school stuff and hang your clean clothes up for tomorrow.
"How are you doing, (Y/N)? You look quite exhausted. Maybe a school blowout will cheer you up? All school supplies half off?"
You smile "Oaken, I already bought my school stuff from you."
"Oh yes, I remember. Well remember to tell your friends!
You kept the guitar you took from Kristoff to your destination, the field you saw earlier that day. Something drew you back there, you couldn't explain it. It was very dark; you guessed it was around 11 or 12 at night. But you felt safe.
There was a need to relax. Pabbie worked you up a bit. But now you have a name for one of them. Shadow – the one who is always watching. You kind of like the name and you think he does too. He made it adamant on the way here that it was not his chosen name, but he accepted being called it. It was enough for you. "He may be a dick, but he's my dick," you think.
"Wait, no... that doesn't work. Well, whatever," you chuckle to yourself.
"Never refer to me as your dick again" Shadow states.
You start laughing uncontrollably. He snickers.
You arrive at the field. It's empty and peaceful – just as you thought it would be. You find a nice spot and lie on your back, placing the guitar on your stomach. You get ready and start playing it. You replace the piano of the song.
All around me are familiar faces
Warn out places, warn out faces
Bright and early for the daily races
Going nowhere, going nowhere
Their tears are filling up their glasses
No expression, no expression
As you sing a figure approaches the field. You don't notice them.
They carefully walk down the hill, holding a book and a flashlight. They are wearing a purple sweater with pajama bottoms. Their hair stood out in the darkness, but it was covered in a hood. They sat down but heard the sound of your singing. They quickly hide but realize you didn't see them. They remove their hood to reveal beautiful blonde hair.
It's Elsa!
She watches you as you lay there singing.
Children waiting for the day they feel good
Happy birthday, happy birthday
And they feel the way that every child should
Sit and listen, sit and listen
Went to school and I was very nervous
No one knew me, no one knew me
Hello teacher tell me what's my lesson
Look right through me, look right through me
Elsa gets a little closer to you and recognizes you.
"(Y/N)?" she whispers. "You sing?"
You finish your song and lay the guitar beside you.
"Well, I would say that was good for today."
You stand up and stretch, then start feeling your muscles.
"Ok, they feel fine. Let's see if I'm any worse at this.
You assume a handstand and keep it balanced. You breathe, then move your left arm up.
You held the position for 20 seconds. Elsa couldn't believe it, she tried to move a little bit but she stepped on a twig. She quickly ducked in the bush she was by.
"What was that?" you question, starting to lose your balance "Whoa, whoa!"
You lose it then fall on your back.
Elsa giggles a little bit, but she holds it in quite well.
"Ooooowwww!" you complain.
"Stop being a baby, (Y/N)," Shadow prodded
You attempt to try the hand stand a few more times but can't seem to get it again.
"Man, I was doing well," you sigh.
You get up and start walking around. Elsa throws her hood on so her hair isn't visible.
"I think I had a good first day," you say aloud. "I met Kristoff and his family. He is a good guy. Anna is good too. Her boyfriend isn't good enough for her."
Elsa nods her head to agree with your most recent statement.
"But a front can be convincing. I can't hold it against Anna, she is too sweet. Plus I think her and Kristoff might have a thing going – at least, maybe in the future. They were blushing like crazy at the parking lot."
Elsa thought back to her time at home. Anna was talking about Kristoff a bit. She could see it, and Kristoff did seem better then Hans, though she didn't trust either of them completely – Hans especially.
"And then there is Elsa," you say.
"Me?" she says softly.
"She seemed distant and cold. But there was something about her. Kristoff told me that she was known to be solitary. Anna said that too. Kristoff got a lot of information on the first day. What a resourceful guy," you continue to ramble.
Elsa found some sort of enjoyment in eavesdropping on you, but she had to get back. She quietly made her way up the hill started walking away. You saw her at the top of the hill and she noticed. She began to run away and you bolted up. She had a head start on you by the time you got to the top so you decided to let it go.
When you turned away you saw another figure watching from a distance. It began to walk away once you noticed it. That gave you a bad feeling. But you shrugged it off.
"Probably just an elderly man taking a stroll," you say to yourself.
You run back down the hill to grab the guitar and started making your way back to Oaken's. Something odd came into your mind. It was a thought – a person. You started thinking of Elsa.
You wonder why, but just shrugged that off too. You seem to be good at that.
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