Chapter 29: Arrival in Corona

Kristoff decided to stay behind to help his family out some more. None of you found any reason to fight him on the manner. Frankly, you're just glad he's okay. The presence of your father is still disturbing to you, however. You understand that he may have had some respect for Pabbie, and you're relieved that he didn't hurt anyone. But now you've all seen his face. You gather he's one to keep to the shadows and pull the strings from back there. When he completes whatever his final goal is, he'll want to wipe out anyone who knows who he is. That now includes Elsa, Anna, and Kristoff.

Elsa places her hand on yours. You turn your eyes from the road to Elsa. Luckily you're at a red light and aren't putting anyone in danger.

"You worry so much lately. You're going to get wrinkles you know."

"You'll get wrinkles before I do," you chuckle.

Your laugh is short lived as Elsa punches your arm.

"I can't believe you said that," Anna laughs.

Hunter simply shakes his head and stares out the window. He is also a little concerned about Alistair showing up, but he'll speak to you about it later. Besides, you're both going to Corona soon. There'll be plenty of time for some brotherly bonding there.

"It just kind of slipped out of my mouth. I speak only truth!"

Elsa hits you again.

"Ow, hey! It's not my fault that you're older than me!"

"Not by much! You'll be all fat by that time," she rebuttals.

"No I won't! Do you not see my body AND my work out method! I'll be fit until I die!"

Elsa rolls her eyes and looks out the window. Hunter and Anna stare out their respective windows as well. You sit silently with a smile on your face as you drive. It takes no more than a few minutes to reach your house. You pull into the drive way and unlock the doors. Everyone piles out of your car and heads into the house.

You immediately go to your room and change out of the suit into some regular clothes. You leave your room and head down the hallway to the stairs. You look down to see Anna and Elsa chatting a bit. You don't know where Hunter is though. Your fist guess is the underground lab, but you could be wrong.

You slide down the railing of the stairs. Once you get close to the bottom you push off and land on the couch next to Elsa. Elsa turns to see what just happened. Before she even knows what's happening you steal a kiss and lie back on the couch.

"Well hello to you too," she giggles. "So Anna, what were you saying?"

"Oh nothing really. So (Y/N)... was that your dad?"

Elsa rests her head in one hand.

"Way to be subtle Anna," she says under her breath.

"Yeah, that was him."

"He seems very polite," Anna smiles.

"Humble too. But from what you've told me it's all just a ruse though, right?" Elsa comments.

You shake your head. "I think so. He's a tough old guy, and a smart one too. Who knows what his plan was. Hunter thinks he's in Corona. Or that he's going to Corona, so we're going to go there. Oh yeah, I know you wanted to talk about it."

Elsa sighs. "If it's what you need to do then go do it. As I said, we'll be fine here. I might even be able to help you."

You raise your brow.

"How would you help?"

Elsa opens up her phone and starts going through some files.

"I am the CEO of W.A. Industries. I have more power than you think. I can help you."

"You do know that the Hierarchy used to control that company. What makes you so sure you can find something?" You ask.

Elsa shrugs. "I'm not sure I can, but I do know I'm not going to just sit around while you gallivant around the world causing all sorts of mischief."

You smile and wrap your arm around her, pulling her close to you. She embraces this by resting her head on your stomach. Anna smiles to herself. She never gets tired of seeing her sister cuddling with you. It's fun to remember that Elsa is head over heels for someone. She used to give lectures about boys and love when the two were younger, but now Elsa's more into a relationship than even Anna.

Suddenly an idea pops into Anna's mind.

"Hey, where are you going to stay in Corona?"

You lightly shrug. "Probably a hotel or something. Why?"

"Well, you could save that money and maybe stay with Rapunzel and Eugene! The two really liked you and I'm sure they have the room to fit you and your brother."

Elsa bobs her head side to side, contemplating this.

"That doesn't sound too bad, as long as the two were okay with it. Besides, they do have a good feel for the city. It might help you out a bit."

"Alright, that sounds good," you nod.

"I'll call them right now!" Anna says, jumping off the couch and rushing into the kitchen.

You laugh at the sight. Elsa lets out a little giggle as well. She starts drawing circles on your chest with her finger, bearing a smile on her face. She looks up at you and kisses you. You move the hair out of her face and kiss back. After ten or so seconds you both break apart from each other. You both have the look of fulfillment.

All of a sudden you see Elsa bear an uncomfortable face.

"Are you okay?"

She places one hand on her stomach and smiles.

"I'm fine, really. It was just cramps."

"Oh... is it like... your time of the month or something?"

Elsa raises her brow and smiles.

"Do you really want to know?"

"Not really."

Elsa laughs. "Well it's not. Maybe I just have a stomach ache or something. I'll be fine."

"You sure?" You ask, stroking her cheek.

"Positive," she warmly smiles.

Elsa kisses your cheek and slips away from you, leaving you sad. She looks back and sees your pouting face.

"Oh don't look at me like that."

You continue to pout.

"You're a child, you know that?"

Still pouting.

"Oh fine," she submits, sitting back on the couch.

You laugh and get off the couch, leaving Elsa with her arms wide and her face questioning.

"I was just joking around with you."

Elsa start pouting.

"Oh come on. You can't beat me with..."

She changes to a very sad, very cute looking puppy dog face. You spin your head around and sit beside her. She claps her hands in victory and smiles at you. You give a jokingly evil look.

Anna comes back in the room and turns off her phone.

"I just spoke with Rapunzel and she was okay with the idea. Eugene and her will be at the airport to pick you both up!"

"Awesome! It'll be cool to see the two of them again," you admit.

"Hopefully you don't walk in on Rapunzel like last time," Elsa laughs.

Anna's eyes widen and a smile forms.

"What? What do you mean?"

You slam your hand against your face and fall back on the couch. Anna rushes onto the couch, and on your legs. She shakes Elsa.

"What happened? What happened?"

Elsa laughs and leans back to look at you. Even with your hand on your face, she can still tell you're red with embarrassment.

"I don't know Anna, let's ask (Y/N)," she smugly suggests.

You widen your eyes and dart them between Anna and Elsa – the unbeatable duo.

"Yeah (Y/N), what happened?" Anna smiles.

"I... well you see," you back up on the couch and end up falling off the edge. You quickly get back on your feet with a stupid smile. "It was really all just a HUGE misunderstanding, you know?" You explain, moving from the door area to the stairs. "I suppose it really was just-"

You don't finish as you bolt upstairs. Anna and Elsa give each other a devious look. The two get rush upstairs and follow you to your room, which is where you are hiding. You lie on your bed for a second.

"Why do they always have to gang up on m-"

The two burst through your door and jump on top of you, laughing the entire time.

"Hey! Whoa! What're you two doing?"

"Oh nothing," Elsa says with a coy smile.

You give her a jokingly stern face as you try to fight off the two. After a few minutes of trying to gain your bearings you manage to get off the bed. You quickly grab Anna and Elsa with each of your hands and hold them in the air. They cross their arms and pout while you do this.

"You know, this is actually pretty fun. But seriously, how old are you two anyway? Sheesh."

Elsa smiles and waves her hand a bit. A giant ice hand appears behind you and picks you up. Due to this, you let go of the two girls. Anna and Elsa turn around and see you hanging in the air unable to escape Elsa's icy grip.

"This. Isn't. Funny." You grunt.

Anna and Elsa burst out laughing at the situation you're in. You aren't as amused as they are, however. Elsa and Anna share a high five before Elsa walks closer to you. She uses some ice to raise herself to your level then taps your nose.

"Will you hold the two of us like that again?"

"You're really doing this right now?"

She nods.

You let out a long sigh and shake your head.

"Nah, it's too amusing for me."

"Then I'll just leave you like this for the rest of the day. Let's go get some chocolate Anna."

Anna laughs. "I like that plan."

The two leave the room. You wait until you hear the main door open and close before punching the ice hand – shattering it into pieces. You land on the ground and brush yourself off.

"Jeez, those girls. Maybe I can get a little pay back," you plan, caressing the fist you punched the hand with.

You leave your room and look around for Olaf. You find him playing with action figures in his room.

"Hey Olaf, want to go get ice-cream?"

Olaf bounces up and rushes towards you.

"Yeah! I bet it'll taste real cold."

You chuckle. "Yeah, that it will."

You and Olaf walk down to the door to put your shoes on. You grab your keys and leave the house. Olaf gets in the back seat while you enter the driver's seat. You wait for a moment before an idea pops into your mind. You look at your holowatch.

You know, this thing is supposed to do a lot more than I know of. Maybe...


You open it up and toss your keys inside of it. A little screen appears asking you if you want to "sync with vehicle". You click yes. The keys shoot out of the watch but a new icon has appeared. You click the car icon. Suddenly your car starts up. You smile at your genius. You look in your rear view mirror to see Olaf happily bouncing around in the back of the car. He seems eager to get going.

You drive out to the road and head into Arendelle.

"Hey Olaf, do you mind if I pull a little prank on your sisters before we get ice-cream?"

"Depends... can I get an ice-cream cake?" He bargains.

"Sure, I can do that for you."

"Then that sounds fun!"

You drive through town and into a small parking lot. There are a few stores all over the place. One of them is Elsa and Anna's favourite chocolate store. Why they need to go out to get chocolate is a mystery to you. They still have that massive chocolate haul you got Elsa months back. You even got it made by the same people that the two go to, but why on earth would they use that? It's not like you had to put in a lot of effort to get that chocolate for them.

You look into the store and see the two girls at the counter. You think of a friendly way to mess it up a little. Nothing mean, but something that will make them suffer a bit. You get an evil idea, and it shows on your face. You turn back to Olaf.

"Stay here. I'll be back in a few minutes."

You leave your car and quietly enter the store. Elsa and Anna don't notice you, which is exactly what you want. You sneak behind them and look into their purses, which are hung behind them. You grab their wallets and slip into a booth where they can't see you. This may be a little mean, but you know when to stop.

"This was actually really good," Elsa states.

"It was. Hey, do you think he got down?"

"Oh, of course. But it was really funny seeing him squirm like a little kid," Elsa laughs.

"Yeah, it was," Anna giggles.  "So we should go back now?"

"I suppose. Check please," Elsa calls out.

Someone walks buy and places the bill down for them.

 Elsa grabs her purse and looks through it. You watch and wait. Elsa begins frantically looking through her purse.

"Is something wrong?" Anna asks.

"I-I can't find my wallet. All my money's in there!"

"That's okay, I can pay this time," Anna offers, going through her own purse.

Anna becomes frantic as well.

"Where'd mine go? I can't find it!"

The two look at each other and try to come with something. They can't just leave. They have to pay somehow.

"Where did we leave them?"

"I never took mine out of my purse!" Elsa says, looking through her purse again.

You move back behind the booth and start laughing to yourself. You know that Elsa has a need to keep everything organized and proper. If anything is out of place for her, she gets a little... paranoid.

"I don't understand! Where could it have gone?"

"Did someone take both of our wallets?" Anna suggests.

"No way, they were right beside us."

"Then what happened?"

One of the servers approaches them.

"Are you having a problem?"

"No, not at all," Elsa barks.

You roll your eyes and exit your booth. You walk between the two and toss a fifty dollar bill onto the counter.

"(Y/N)?" The two question.

"There you go. Come on girls, let's go."

The two are so pre-occupied with you that they don't notice you place their wallets back in their purses. You smile as you wrap your arms around both of their shoulders and walk out of the store. You pat their backs and go to your car.

"Try not to get in trouble girls. I can't always bail you out."

You wink before getting in your car and drive off. Anna and Elsa sit there with a confused look on their face. Elsa crosses her arms and squints her eyes at the car.

"Hey Elsa... look."

Elsa looks over at Anna. Anna pulls out her wallet and shakes it a bit. Elsa looks in her purse and sees her wallet. She shakes her head and looks towards the direction of the car.

"He got us... He got us good."

You pull into an ice-cream store and park the car. You and Olaf exit the car and walk into the ice-cream store. You both walk up to a fridge and look through all the cakes.

"Which one do you want Olaf? It's all for you."

Olaf looks through all of them and points to one with a small snowman on it. You open the fridge and grab the cake. You bring it to the counter and smile at the girl working there.

"Hi, this is it."

"Is this for your son?"

"What? No, he's not my son. He's my fiancée's little brother," you chuckle.

"A fiancée? Should have known someone like you would be taken," she smiles.

You are a little taken back, but you recover instantly.

"Well thank you."

She scans it and clicks a few buttons.

"$27.73 please."

You throw another fifty down. She takes it and gives you change back.

"Thank you very much."

You take the change and give one smile before leaving with Olaf. You both get in the car and drive off. You toss the cake into the back seat.

"You can have one piece as long as you don't drip ice-cream onto my car or anything."

Olaf nods and goes for the cake.

You get back to the house and bring the cake back into the house. Olaf surprisingly only ate three slices of the cake. You walk in and see Anna and Elsa sitting on the couch watching a show. You take off your shoes and bring the cake into the kitchen.

Olaf runs up to the girls and sits in between them.

"(Y/N) bought me a cake!"

You cringe when you hear that.

"(Y/N)!" Elsa shouts, stretching out your name.

"Yes honey?" You answer.

"Can you come here for a second?"

"Why do I need to do that?"

"Would you rather us talk upstairs?" She offers.

"Yes! Sounds fantastic!"

You go to the main room only to see Elsa already walking upstairs. Anna laughing to herself at your expense. You stick out your tongue at her. Olaf runs up to you.

"Are you in trouble?"

"No, I'll be fine Olaf. I know how to deal with Elsa."

You walk up the stairs and look around for which room Elsa went into. You notice her room's door is a little open, so you assume that's the one she went into. You already have a plan to combat her possible onslaught of words. You open her door and walk in. You see Elsa looking out her window.

"Why did you do that to us?" She asks, turning around. "I think yo-"

Elsa has no time to react. You slam your lips onto hers. She loses all control over herself. It's a weird but pleasant feeling for Elsa. She wraps her arms around you and pulls you closer. You pick her up and bring her to the bed.

You lay her down and lift up her shirt, placing kisses down her stomach. You reach her jeans and stop. You look up and show your lustful eyes. She looks down at you and gets the chills.

"Are you going to continue?" She asks.

You pause for a moment. You push off the bed and throw your hands in your pocket.

"Nah, I think I'll be heading to bed or something now."

Elsa widens her eyes at your comment. You can't just build her up like that then walk away. You're about to leave her sexually frustrated. Elsa picks you up with some ice and tosses you on the bed. She locks you down with ice on your arms and legs. You chuckle and look down at her.

"Someone's a little-"

Elsa cuts you off by crashing her lips onto yours. She slowly pulls away and looks down at you. She's got you mounted for one, but you can't go anywhere since you're locked up. Well, you could get out easily, but that might make Elsa feel bad.

Elsa slowly lifts her shirt off of her, revealing her stomach and bra. She then takes off her bra and leans back down on you, allowing her uncovered skin to meet your clothes. You raise your brow at her attempt to tease you. It's a shame that you can break out of these. It takes the fun out of this.

"You know, I don't like it when you do something like that to me," she whispers in your ear.

"Do what? What could I possibly do to you?"

"I don't know. What could you do to me?" She playfully asks.

You smile.

Man, how can she possibly be this sexy?


You break out of your shackles and roll on top of her. She giggles as you start to kiss her neck.

"How about I show you what I can do to you?"


You and Elsa sleep soundly. Your arms are wrapped around her while her arms are around yours. You are peacefully dreaming about silly little things that bring warmth to you. It's a nice sleep that couldn't possibly be-

"Get up!" Anna yells into a megaphone.

You fly into the air and land on the floor. Elsa rubs her eyes and looks over at Anna.

"What are you doing? Where did you even get a megaphone?"

"Kristoff bought it for me a while ago. I was saving it for a special occasion," she smiles.

You let out a loud, agitated moan.


The two completely ignore you.

"And why did you choose today to do this?" Elsa questions. "I mean... there are easier ways to wake us up... or at least just him."

"Aaaaahhhhhhhh," you repeat.

"Well he has to get moving. His flight is today and you know how annoying airports can be. Besides, Hunter didn't want to see the two of you naked. Thankfully you're both covered up."

"Then why didn't you just wake him up?" Elsa complains.

"Well I would have, but you just HAD to spend the night together," Anna says, poking fun at Elsa.

"It's not my fault. He started it."

"But who played along?" Anna smirks.

Elsa takes a moment to stare at Anna. Elsa throws a pillow at Anna then buries her face in a pillow.

"Shush," Elsa hisses.

Anna starts laughing.

"Aaaaaaahhhhhhh," you continue.

"So come on (Y/N)! Get dressed and ready!" Anna encourages.

"How can you expect me to do anything when you scream in my ear WITH A GODDAMN MEGAPHONE!? Aaaaaaaahhhhhh"

Anna rolls her eyes and walks out of the room. You throw your arm onto the bed a few times before gripping the mattress and pulling yourself up. Elsa looks over at you and smiles.

"How're you doing?"

"I think I'm deaf now," you sulk.

"You'll get over it I'm sure," she giggles. "But Anna has a point, you do have a flight to catch."

You roll your eyes and head to your room. You grab some clothes and bring them to the shower. You don't take more than seven minutes in the shower. You put on some jeans and a long sleeve white shirt. You pull out Elsa's necklace and hang it over your clothes. You leave the bathroom and head downstairs. Hunter has some bags at the door filled with stuff for both of you. He and Anna are making some small talk before you show up.

"So you actually got us a place to stay? I suppose that's fine," Hunter shrugs. "Where's the location of the house?"

"Around the middle of Corona, I think. Why?"

"Just curious."

Hunter looks over and sees you coming down the stairs. He lifts his forearm up and moves his fingers as a greeting. You nod and move beside Anna.

"So Anna," you say, wrapping your arm around her shoulder. "Should I pay you back for that little megaphone stunt?"

Hunter starts laughing.

"That's what that was? Ha, nice one."

"I know, right!" Anna bounces.

You let your hand droop down off of Anna. You walk away from the two and head to the kitchen.

"(Y/N) we're gonna grab something to eat on the way. Let's get going," Hunter informs.

With one leg in the air you quickly spin around and proceed to walk back towards him.

"We're going right now?"

Hunter nods. He grabs some of the bags and flicks his head towards the door. You grab a bag and head towards the door.

"You were going to leave without saying bye?" Elsa questions.

You turn around and see Elsa at the top of the stairs. She is already showered, dried, and dressed. You have no idea how Anna and Elsa get ready so quickly. You remember Anna ran into her room for less than five seconds and had her hair and outfit ready. It amazes you how they do it.

"Well, of course not."

Elsa rolls her eyes, "I'm sure."

Elsa walks down the stairs and meets you at the bottom of the stairs. She's on the last stair, making her more or less as tall as you. She wraps her arms around your neck and stares into your eyes. You let out a small smirk.

"You'll be okay, right?" She asks.

"I'll be fine, Elsa. Don't worry so much."

"I can't help it. I don't want my fiancée getting hurt."

"I can't guarantee I won't get hurt. I won't die. I'll give you that one."

Elsa shakes her head, making some strands of hair fall in front of her face. She looks up at you with one eye.

"Just come back to me, alright?"

You softly place your lips on hers. She gives in and closes her eyes. She pulls you in a little closer to deepen the kiss. You keep it simple and sweet. You keep it away from the hot and heavy stuff. You retract your lips at the right time to make Elsa want more. She leans forward to keep your lips together. You can't help but laugh inwardly.

You finally separate. Elsa's ever alluring eyes stare into yours.

"I'll always come back to you. I promise."

You kiss Elsa's forehead and turn back to the door. You pick up the bags and head out the door. You turn back to Anna and nod.

"I'll see you later Anna."

She smiles, "Take care of yourself."

You leave the house and head towards your car. One of the back doors is open with a few bags there. Hunter is in the driver seat. You toss the bags into the back and close the door. You head to the passenger seat. As soon as you enter the car it starts. Hunter looks around in confusion. You smile and lift up your arm to show your holowatch.

"It's connected. I'm slowly learning its features."

Hunter shrugs and begins your trip to the airport. You pull out your phone and click Kristoff's icon. The phone rings for a moment.


"Hey Kristoff, it's me."

"Oh hey (Y/N), what's up?"

"I'm heading to Corona. I just wanted to say goodbye."

"Oh, yeah I forgot about that. Well, I hope you find what you're looking for there."

"Me too. Oh, and could you keep your eye on the girls for me? Make sure they don't get into trouble?"

Kristoff laughs. "Yeah, I gotcha. Have fun in Corona! Make sure to call us."

"Of course. See ya Kristoff."

You hang up and toss the phone into your watch. You position your arm so you can lean on it and stare out on the road. Hunter looks over at you for a second then back to the road.

"If all goes well we won't be gone for long."

You don't react. Hunter sighs.

"We can do this (Y/N). We can."

"I know we can... it's just... When I talked with father he wasn't as bad as I thought. He seemed sane... he had opinions and personality. Unlike Hans, I actually connected with him to an extent. I don't feel like he's an enemy as much as we just have conflicting interests."

Hunter bobs his head and makes a right turn.

"He's worse than you know. Though what you saw is his usual personality, he has a dark side if you push him far enough."

"Don't we all?" You point out, referencing your old problem.

Hunter sighs and continues to drive. You stay silent and continue to contemplate.

"I wouldn't start getting sympathetic with our enemy," Shadow advises.

"Oh, Shadow. Good to hear you again. What've you been doing?"


"How do you train without a body to fight with?"

"I train myself mentally. I practice my skills in your mind so I can use them more effectively. Are you going to comment on my first statement?" He asks.

"Well... It's not that I'm sympathetic it's just... I don't know..."

"Listen, they aren't your friends. They have their own goals, even if they aren't purely evil. People don't have to be psychotic to have bad intentions. Hans is batshit insane and needs to die, no question. Alistair isn't batshit insane – at least of what we've seen – but he still needs to die. Don't let their personality cloud your judgment. They won't hesitate to kill you, so don't hesitate to kill them. If you don't finish them, I will."

If there's one thing you can give Shadow, it's that he's blunt. He's also effective. You still don't know what his end intentions are. Is he fine with sharing a body for the rest of his life? It's something you never really chatted about, but you're sure it would come up in time. Shadow has always proved himself an ally to you. Thinking he's anything else is silly. He has as much to lose as you.

"I know you will. At least it's something I can fall back on," you say, letting out a smirk.

"I wouldn't rely on me. You should be able to do everything without my help. I know I'm training so I won't need you."

"Thanks Shadow. Glad to know you care."


You chuckle. "I know you care."

"Shut up," he snarls.

Hunter pulls into the airport and leaves the car in a parking lot. He gets out of the car and grabs some of the bags. You do the same.

"Are we just going to leave my car here?" You ask, grabbing a bag.

"No. I'll have someone get it and bring it back to your house. It'll be fine."

You nod and throw the bags over your shoulder. You and Hunter walk out of the parking lot and into the main building. Hunter leads you around the main security and to a lone guard.

"Aren't we suppose to-"

"I'm not the most popular guy around," he bluntly states.

You approach the guard. He hands you both two tickets and shakes Hunter's hand.

"These will get you to Corona and back. I won't be able to get you through as smoothly on the way back here."

"Don't worry, I have someone down there too."

"Then you should be good. Follow me, I'll lead you to the plane. It doesn't take off for an hour," he informs.

"I know. We'll stay out of trouble," Hunter chuckles.

The guard leads you through some hallways that are for employees only. It brings you past all the security and right to the terminal. Hunter gives the guard one last nod before the two of you head towards the waiting area. Hunter puts his bags down and takes a seat. You do the same and sit beside him.

"You know, I've never been on a plane before," you mention.

Hunter turns his head to you.


"Yeah. I've only ever been in my home town and Arendelle. I never went on a trip or anything. Elsa talked about it once but we never did it. Maybe when this is all over we can do something. Maybe take her somewhere nice... Oh yeah, a honeymoon! That'll work."

"Yeah, that would. So, it's nice to see that you have someone in your life. I mean, a wife huh? That's a commitment and a half."

"Yeah, it is. But for Elsa I think I can do it. She's special to me, you know? Haven't you ever had a girl that's touched you? I mean... not in that way but like... made you feel for her? Or hell, even touched you in that way," you smirk.

Hunter looks unamused but ends up chuckling.

"I've never loved a girl, so I can't say I know how you feel. However I do know what it's like to be 'touched'."

You start laughing.

"You don't seem like the most romantic person. How did you manage to woo a girl?"

Hunter rolls his eyes. "Sometimes you can have a passion born of respect. Sometimes I'm just so damn attractive to some women. You ever been to a bar? That's another option."

You relax in your chair and look around.

"So who did you have a respect relationship with?"

"You'll meet her sometime. She's in Corona."

You see a few passengers going about their business; getting ready for their flight.

"You have a girlfriend? Really!? No way!" You shout.

Hunter puts his hand on your head and pushes you down into your seat.

"Calm down. Jesus, it's like you're twelve or something."

"Well I would like to know if my brother has a girlfriend. I mean, you know everything about me so I should know more about you! It's the whole brotherly knowledge thing."

Hunter stretches back and places his hands behind his head as a rest.

"I don't have a girlfriend. If anything was to happen between us... well that's just time. I never meant for anything to happen, however."

You shrug and look around for a bit. You start to get bored. You look over and see a coffee shop.

"You mind if I just head over there real quick?" You ask, pointing to the shop.

Hunter looks back then returns to his original position.


You push off your chair and walk to the coffee shop. You take a seat and look through a small menu.

"Come on! It's almost time!" A girl exclaims.

You stutter for a moment then look over. You see Allison and Alex. They are getting coffee.

"We'll get on the plane soon enough Allison. Calm down, sheesh."

"But I really want to go! We haven't had time with our parents like this for the longest time!"

You close your eyes and shake your head, trying to ignore the two. You look back and see a boy and a girl, but they aren't Allison and Alex. The boy is looking at you with his brow raised. You turn back and slouch over.

I've seen so many people... why? Why are they showing up?


You get up and walk up to the cashier.

"Just some... I don't know... cola, I suppose."

The cashier grabs a bottle from a small fridge and puts it on the counter. You put a five dollar bill down and grab the bottle. You take a seat and crack it open. You take a sip and contemplate... things. It doesn't matter what, you just start to think.

This is probably going to be one of your last times that you can take a break and think. Not that there's a ton to think about right now. Your goal is very straightforward right now. You find your parents and you stop whatever they're planning. It's probably easier said than done. It makes you wonder why Hunter is so confident in your victory. He's been doing this for years but nothing has happened. He hasn't seemed to stop them yet. Why is it that he thinks it's possible now? Do you make such a difference in this whole thing? Well, if both you and Hunter can somewhat take on Alistair on your own, maybe the two of you can actually take him down. But there is also your mother. You doubt that they would fight separately. You can only assume that she has around the same strength as Alistair, but that's just speculation.

Then something hits you. All you've done so far is speculate. Even with your constant arguments with Hunter that you should be in the know... you aren't in the know. You have no idea who is allies are, what he's found in the past, or anything really. He just gives you vague responses. You trust Hunter, yes, but sometimes you feel like he doesn't trust you as much as he should.

You glance out of the window and look at Hunter. He's still relaxing the same way as before. Considering all he's been through he always seems rather calm.

I don't know how he does it. If what I know is true, we're facing something far more powerful than just he and I. Sure, our parents are the main threat, but this organization spans far beyond just the two of them. Even if we manage to end them, how will we take down the rest of them? There might be hundreds of people. Thousands even. Is Hunter thinking we can take on all of them? We may be strong, but we're just two people. There's only so much... two people can do... alone... Hm... maybe I'm starting to think like Elsa now. She always bugs me about how I can only do so much on my own and how I need help. I always told her not to worry, that I would be fine. Now here I am giving the exact same lecture. But there's a difference... Elsa isn't part of any of this. She doesn't need to get involved. She doesn't need to get hurt. I won't let her get hurt because of me. I-


"(Y/N)," Hunter says, snapping his fingers in front of your face.

You twitch a bit then look over at him. You didn't even see him move from his spot. Then again, you were in some deep thought.

"We have to get aboard the plane now. Come on, let's go."

You get out of the seat and follow Hunter to all your bags.

"Hunter, weren't these supposed to go to security to be put in the plane?" You point out.

"Normally, yes. But most people don't have our tools."

Hunter opens his own holowatch and tosses all the bags into it. You're slightly surprised that it can carry all that.

"See, easy. Now let's get to the plane."

You and Hunter pass show your tickets and are allowed access to the aircraft. You both go to first class and take a seat.

"So, how's your first plane ride feeling?"

"Like I'm sitting in a chair. We're not even in the air yet!"

"Fine... be that way," Hunter says, jokingly rolling his eyes.

You both sit in silence for a bit until a voice starts speaking over the intercom.

"We're beginning our flight to Corona now. All passengers buckle in and get comfy."

You make sure you're all strapped in before leaning back a bit. You look out the window and watch the plane start to move. It slowly picks up speed and starts ascending into the air.

The plane itself is shaking a bit, but nothing too bad. You stay normal throughout the entire experience. Some of the passengers seem a little worried for some reason. You notice one guy is asleep already. He took no time getting some rest. To most of these people flying is probably somewhat normal. People travel for business and pleasure all the time. You're probably traveling for business... maybe pleasure... you could say that "the fate of the world is at risk" or something like that. "A matter of global security", you say as you stare at someone with glasses that cover your eyes while your suit makes you look fine.

You shake your head and let out a smirk. Maybe that guy has a good idea. Maybe some rest is something you could appreciate right now.


Elsa finishes up the last set of the dishes. She places some the plates in the cupboard and smiles. She offered to do them for Gerda while she takes care of some other things. Elsa has no problem doing work around the house. Of course she does have other things to do, but doing some dishes or cleaning something doesn't bother her too much. If you were around she'd probably make you help her. Hell, she might make you do it on your own. Then again you aren't the most handy guy around. Elsa giggles to herself at the thought of you doing housework. For everything that you can do, there's a lot of simple things that you can't.

It's funny that Elsa isn't worried at all about spending a lifetime with you. Even if you're a little short on some basic things, you more than make up for it with everything else. Sometimes the things you do and say just inspire Elsa and make her wonder what goes on in your mind. Your voice is filled with a passion and a certainty that she's never heard before. Even her parents didn't have what you have, and she used to respect them the most. Of course it was before they went crazy. But before that they had a similar passion to them. They always talked about how their work will change the world someday. The spark in Adgar's eye made Elsa believe that they would. Maybe that work could change the world, since it's in the hands of Alistair.

Alistair... Elsa had a bad feeling about him when she first saw him. He seemed regal, almost. He had a certain persona of intelligence and respect.

Anna happily walks into the kitchen, loosely swaying her arms side to side as she walks. She immediately sees her older sister just staring at a closed cupboard. Anna raises her brow and decides to see what Elsa is up to.


Elsa snaps out of her little dream state and looks over at Anna.

"Oh hey Anna."

"You look pretty deep in thought there Elsa. Got something on your mind? Someone on your mind?" She finishes with a higher tone, implying you.

"Yeah, I do but not who you think. Well, kind of who you think but not completely."

"Jeez Elsa, I know Hunter looks like (Y/N) but having fantasies about brothers is just-"

"What!? No I wasn't thinking about that! I was thinking about his father!"

"Oh, that's even weirder. I mean he doesn't look bad for his age but isn't he someone who put-"

"I don't mean... not in that way Anna!" Elsa shouts, her cheeks red.

Anna starts laughing. She puts her arm around Elsa and smirks.

"I know, I know. It's just you're so easy to get to sometimes."

Elsa gives an evil expression to Anna.

"I'll string you up like I did with (Y/N), and I don't think you would get out so easily," Elsa deviously grins.

"You wouldn't do that to me. I'm your loving-"

Elsa waves her hand, causing an ice hand to pick Anna up and dangle her in the air.

"Hey! This isn't funny you know! You're gonna rip my new sweater and I'm gonna be SOOOOO mad!" Anna screams, flailing her arms and legs around.

Elsa bursts out into laughter. She knew Anna would behave like this. Anna can be easy to get to, if you know how to get to her. Since Elsa's had her whole life to know Anna, well, it's easy for her.

Elsa lets Anna down then dissolves the ice hand.

"You really like that power, don't you?" Anna asks, brushing herself off.

Elsa nods, leaning on the counter.

"I've been getting a lot of practice in. I can do a lot more than I could have when I first met (Y/N)."

"Seems like he's quite the motivator for you. Probably in more ways than just your powers," Anna jokes.

Elsa shakes her head and smiles.

"Oh and Kristoff hasn't done anything for you? Huh?"

Anna starts to get a little flustered.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about. I'm nothing like my sister, who I always catch!"

"Didn't (Y/N) catch you guys a couple of times? And also didn't you mention some stuff was going to happen after prom?" Elsa recollects.

"What? Why I would never," Anna states, looking away and placing her hands on her hips.

Elsa starts laughing.

"See, now you aren't even trying to hide it anymore."

Anna returns her gaze to Elsa.

"Well... you had sex before I did! So ha!"

"I'm also older than you, Anna..."

"And... well we don't have to bring in details!"

The two stare at each other for a moment before laughing. Elsa wipes a tear away before calming her laughter down into a giggle.

"It's nice we can still have these moments," Elsa sighs.

"We'll always be able to. It's just the guys like to drag us away from each other."

"Well, I wouldn't say that, but yeah. Our relationships have gotten in the way a little."

The two make their way to the couch and take a seat.

"Speaking of that, I should go see Kristoff. He might like a surprise visit."

"That sounds like a good idea. Having people around would probably help him out. Especially since (Y/N) isn't around for a while."

"Hey!" Anna bounces. "Maybe you and Kristoff should spend a little time together. You two are probably the weakest link out of the four of us."

"Hey, what does that mean?"

"Not in a bad way, but look at it this way. Kristoff and (Y/N) are best friends, so their bond is great. Kristoff and I are in a relationship, same as you and (Y/N). (Y/N) and I are really close too. Of course some things happened thanks to Hans," Anna hisses his name in disgust. "But we're still really close. You and Kristoff might be friends, but you're probably the least close out of all of us.

Elsa thinks for a moment then smiles.

"Sure, why not. Spending some time with Kristoff does seem like a good idea."

Anna claps her hands. "I'll pitch the idea to him tonight. Oh man, I'm so happy now!"

Elsa rolls her eyes and grins.

"Well, that is important."

Anna gets up and heads to the door, grabbing her keys. She hesitates for a moment.

"Hey Elsa, you don't mind me leaving you alone, do you?"

"No, of course not. Go on ahead, have fun with Kristoff," Elsa reassures.

"Alright, if you say so. See ya sis!"

Anna exits the house, leaving Elsa sitting on the couch. Elsa sighs and stretches across the entire couch.

"I'm happy Anna and I can still talk like that. It even surprises me how I can talk like that. I suppose there is some sort of dirty side to me. Then again... I'm pretty sure (Y/N) knows all about that side," she giggles.

Elsa looks at the TV and sighs. There really isn't anything to do right now. She could go into work, but Alec assured her that he could take care of things today.


"I thought you were in Corona, sir," Alec states.

"Oh I was, I was indeed," Alistair mumbles, walking around a seven foot humanoid robot. "But I had something to do here, so I came back. Besides, I wanted to take this off your hands."

Alec raises his brow in curiosity.

"Why? It's basically useless."

"I'm sure I can find some use for it. Don't worry Alec, it's nothing that concerns you. Just keep this building standing and everything will be alright."

"Um... okay, sir."


You feel some shaking. Someone is shaking you.

"(Y/N). Little bro, wake up."

You slowly open your eyes and look over to Hunter. For once, he has a soft face. He lets out a warm smile.

"We just landed. Come on, lets get moving. We don't want to make Rapunzel and Eugene wait."

You rub your eyes and nod.

"Yeah, yeah. Just... five more minutes," you plead in a drowsy tone.

"Now!" Hunter shouts, smacking the back of your head.

And the warm, brotherly feel has flown away.

"Hey! What was that for?" You complain.

"For not getting up! Now come on!"

You and Hunter get out of your seats and shuffle through the plane. You get separated from Hunter when two young women decide to get out of their seats right in between you and Hunter. You sigh and ignore it. You follow the line until you see an old lady struggling to get out of her seat. Why nobody else has offered to help is beyond you.

Man, I have to help. If I don't then I'm a bad person but it I do... I wonder if I'll get a merit badge or something. Well, whatever.


You move close to her seat and offer your hand.

"Do you need any help? You seem to be stuck."

"Oh, thank you dear. I guess I'm not as slim as I used to be," she chuckles, grabbing your hand.

You pull her out of the seat and help her into the isle. You lead her to outside of the plane and into the main area. Hunter is waiting for you with his arms crossed and his left foot tapping some type of beat. You let the woman do what she was doing. She thanks you as she leaves.

You approach him and sigh.

"Sorry, those girls got in my way."

"Oh, don't worry in the slightest. I actually got their numbers," he smirks.

"How in the hell did you get their numbers? I fell behind for like... one minute."

Hunter smirks and spins around.

"One minute is all I need."

"Oh I bet the ladies just LOVE to hear that."

Hunter rolls his eyes and proceeds to the exit. You both leave the building and look around the main parking area. It takes you a minute, but you eventually spot Rapunzel and Eugene. You nudge Hunter then start running towards them.

"Hey Eugene! Rapunzel!" You shout, waving your arm.

The two look over and see you. They smile and wave back. You get to them and stop running.

"Hey guys! It's great to see you!"

"You too," Rapunzel responds, hugging you.

You hug her then turn to Eugene whose hand is extended. You grab it and shake it.

"Good to see ya (Y/N)."

"Same here."

Hunter reaches you all and slides his hands into his pocket.

"I'll assume you're Rapunzel and Eugene. I'm Hunter. It's nice to meet you."

"Wow, he does look like (Y/N). More so than I thought," Rapunzel says aloud.

"Looks like there are two more studs in Corona now. I'll make sure to capitalize on that," Eugene grins.

Rapunzel elbows Eugene in the stomach. Eugene holds the spot she hit and coughs a little bit.

"Well, let's get going," she happily states as if she didn't just injure her husband.

The four of you get in a nice black sports car and drive out of the airport.

"So where are all your bags?" Eugene asks as he drives.

"Oh, they're in Hunter's watch," you nonchalantly respond.

Both Eugene and Rapunzel give you an odd look. You remember that they aren't completely caught up.

"Right, I'll explain later. So how far to your place?"

"Twenty minutes, give or take. Depends on the traffic," Eugene guesses.

"So I can take a quick nap?"

"Oh brother," Hunter remarks, rolling his eyes.

"Hey, don't judged me mister 'I do what I need to in one minute'."

Rapunzel giggles.

"Calm down boys. Go ahead and take a nap. We'll talk more once you're all settled in at our house."

You nod and rest your head against the window. You close your eyes and slowly doze off.

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