Chapter 28: Changing your Perspective

Elsa's eyes slowly open. She can feel the warmth of another body beside her. She smiles when she remembers who it is. She cuddles up closer and lets out a satisfying moan. She's ever happy to be beside you, to be in the same bed as you, to know that the person she loves is right beside her, sleeping soundly. There are too few moments where she can truly appreciate being with you. With things the way they are, it's more and more difficult to take these moments as they are. At least you're home now. At least you're safe.

Elsa kisses your forehead and slips out of the bed. She walks past her closet and grabs some clothes for the day. She carries them to the bathroom and turns on the shower. She does have to go to work today, and she needs to get going. She quickly finishes her shower and dries her hair and body. She puts on one of her suits and heads to her room. She puts on a little bit of make up before nodding at herself in the mirror.

She walks over to you and stares at you. She sits on the bed and strokes your cheek. She leans over and places a kiss on your head.

"I'll call you later. Try not to get into any trouble, huh?" she giggles.

Elsa bounces off the bed in happiness. She walks out of the room and takes a glance at her ring. She smiles at it as she walks down the stairs.

"Elsa!" Someone calls out.

Elsa looks around and notices Kai.

"Hello Kai, did you have fun at the amusement park?"

"Well... Olaf had fun, so I suppose I did," he sniggers.

Kai's eyes move to Elsa's hand. Her snowflake diamond ring is very noticeable.

"What is this?" He asks.

Elsa looks down at her ring and smiles.

"(Y/N) asked me to marry him!"

"Oh, that's great!" Kai expresses, hugging Elsa.

"Thank you Kai, but I need to get to work right now."

"Of course, Ms. Elsa."


Your eyes slowly open and notice the absence of Elsa. So, does that mean she woke up first? You did wake up earlier that night. Or was it day? You didn't really pay attention to the time when you woke up. You roll off the bed and onto your knees. You raise yourself up and stretch out your arms.

The first thing that comes to your mind is Kristoff. He probably isn't feeling all too happy right now. Or maybe Anna's making him feel like the happiest guy in the world right now. You walk to your room and change your clothes for the day. You notice that Hunter is no longer in your room. You look around the entire room before you jump to any conclusions. You scour your room for him, but he is nowhere to be seen.

You shrug. You know that Hunter can take care of himself so you aren't worried. You look at your closet for some clothes for the day. You remember that you have that extra set in your watch, but you haven't worn it yet. That jacket you bought so long ago and you still haven't worn it. You're just looking for the right time. For now, anything will do.

You throw on an average outfit for the day and leave your room. You stroll over to Anna's room and lightly place your head against the door. You can't hear anything. Maybe Anna and Kristoff are st-

"Hey (Y/N)!"

You jump a bit and fall on your side. Anna starts laughing hysterically; grabbing her stomach and almost falling to her knees. You roll onto your back and look at Anna, who's going completely red right now. You roll your eyes and lift yourself up.

"Thank Anna, really appreciate it. You could have approach me in any other way, but it really warms my heart that you greeted me in this way," you sarcastically state.

Anna takes a minute to calm down, but giggles are still in her voice.

"Well, weren't you the one who was snooping?"

"I was just wondering if you two were awake."

"You could have just looked downstairs. Wait... what did you mean by 'you two were awake'?" She asks with an eyebrow raised.

"You and Kristoff. He was in your room when I brought you back to your room last night."

Anna seems completely puzzled by your words.

"Was he not there when you woke up?" You add.

Anna shakes her head. "No, he wasn't. Maybe he went home or something. I wonder why."

"Oh, you know Kristoff. He probably has something important to do like... get... ice, or something," you say, faking a laugh.

You know exactly why, but you're surprised that Kristoff left so early. You'd think that he would tell Anna and Elsa before leaving. Then again, he probably just wants some alone time. It's understandable. But now you aren't sure whether to tell Anna and Elsa or not. It is Kristoff's problem, but it's something that the two should know. Kristoff is Anna's boyfriend so she has a right to know about him. There is a privacy matter, but this is serious.

 It's like you and Elsa. It's been tough, but you try not to keep anything from her anymore. You owe it to her now. Which actually means you need to tell her about Corona. It's something that she needs to know about. You keep leaving and getting into danger, and you can only imagine how Elsa feels about that. She may feel fine about it, but you aren't sure. Either way, you need to tell her about it soon.

"So, do you know where he is?" Anna happily asks.

"No. We'll give him a call later. Let's eat or something."

"Sounds good. I haven't had any food yet."

The two of you begin walking downstairs.

"Really? What time is it? How long have you been up?"

"It's eleven in the morning, I've been up since ten," Anna responds.

"What have you been doing for an hour?"

"I showered, talked with Gerda and Kai, played with Olaf. The usual."

"Gerda, Kai, and Olaf are back? Where did they go, anyway?"

"Gerda and Kai brought Olaf to the amusement park. They spent the night at a hotel while they were there. They came back late last night while we all slept."

The two of you reach the bottom of the stairs.

"Maybe they know where Hunter is," you mention.

"Did he leave last night?"

"Well, he took my room last night but he isn't there anymore. I assume he left at some point last night."

You both enter the kitchen where Gerda is preparing breakfast. She turns to see you and smiles.

"Hello you two. Sleep well?" Gerda warmly asks.

"I slept quite well, I think. At least for the time that I did sleep."

"What else could you have been going?" Gerda asks.

Anna thinks for a moment. She remembers that you and Elsa snuck upstairs after announcing your marriage. She starts laughing as she grabs something to drink. Gerda doesn't understand.

You notice the confusion on her face.

"I proposed to Elsa last night and she said yes," you clarify.

Gerda turns her attention to you and smiles.

"Congratulations! So why would... oh, I see. Well, I won't think about that," she chuckles.

"Yeah, let's do that. So what are you making?"

"Bacon and eggs."

"Sounds perfect," you smile.

Anna finishes her juice and walks towards the living room. You watch her leave then look back to Gerda.

"Should I wake Elsa up for food soon?"

"Don't bother, she left an hour or so ago."

You acknowledge this with a nod of your head. You trot over to the living room and sit on the couch with Anna. She's watching some random show that you aren't really paying attention to. You stretch out and lie across the couch. There is just enough room so you don't have to lay on Anna, however your legs are somewhat off the edge of the couch. She looks over to you and laughs.

"You can lay on my lap if you want. It really doesn't matter to me."

You move your head to look at Anna. In the position you're in, she is upside down. You turn your head back to the T.V.

"I know, I just think it'd be better if we don't... touch a lot."

Anna sighs and shakes your head.

"(Y/N), we all know that it wasn't our faults that we slept together. I understand that you don't want that to ruin everything again, but it's okay. You're my best friend, and I'm going to touch you if I want to."

You move your head towards her once more and raise your brow.

"You'll what?"

Anna quickly pushes herself towards you and starts trying to tickle you.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" You spew.

Anna laughs as she assaults you in such a manner. You roll off the couch and fall onto your stomach. Anna takes this opportunity to jump on top of you and attempt to tickle you.

"Anna! Why are you... stop it!" You laugh.

"So you are ticklish?" Anna mischievously grins.

She keeps running her fingers all over your sides and around your neck. You try to stop her but she has a surprising edge over you right now. You roll over, causing Anna to roll over onto the ground.

With this advantage, you get on top of Anna and start ticking her. She starts laughing uncontrollably as she attempts to push you away.

"Sucks, doesn't it?" You laugh. "This is total payback!"

"You dastardly fiend!" Anna cackles.

"Dastardly fiend?" You repeat with joy.

This goes on for a few minutes. It's been too long since you and Anna have had moments like this. She was right, though. You have been worried about your relationship with Anna. It's been strained over this while, even though you've been very intimate with her. But you don't think of that right now. It's not even on your mind. The only thing that you can think of is the fun you're having with Anna.

"(Y/N)! Anna! Breakfast is ready!"

You quickly shoot your head around like a dog.

"Food!" You yell, running off Anna and to the kitchen.

This makes Anna laugh even harder. Your silly actions are always very... silly. She laughs her way to the kitchen to find you eating bacon. No eggs. Gerda is giving you a stern look.

"You need to eat more than just bacon, (Y/N)."

"But... but... bacon!" You argue.

Gerda can't help but chuckle to the lightest degree. Anna slips beside you and grabs a piece of your bacon.

"No! My bacon!" You yell, trying to grab it.

Anna slips away from you and eats the piece of bacon. You pout and slump down on the table. Anna lets out a smile and grabs another piece of bacon. She walks beside you and places it in front of your face. You look over at her. She is smiling with such sincerity, such care. It's different. This is a different sort of caring than Elsa shows you. This is something else. Something you can't put your finger on.

"You okay?" Anna giggles.

You shake your head and smile. You grab the bacon and take a bite out of it. Anna giggles and sprightly walks away. You watch her walk away as you finish your bacon.

"(Y/N)," Gerda calls out.




Gerda turns around to see you looking over at Anna, who is watching TV on the couch, eating bacon and eggs. Gerda walks up to you and snaps her fingers in front of your face. You jump a bit and look at her.

"What's with you?" She asks.

"Nothing, nothing. Just lost in thought," you weakly respond.

You get up and walk away from the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" Gerda asks.

"Nowhere. I'll be back in a second."

You leave the backdoor and take a few steps. You look out at the massive amount of land that Elsa and Anna own. You take a few more steps towards the pond and lie down. You stare up at the sky and stare at the clouds that pass by. It's peaceful. Something Kristoff would probably need right now. You hope he's okay. You lift your hand up and click the holowatch. You grab your phone and look through your contacts. You still only have three.

You shrug and click Kristoff's contact icon. You click call and hold it up to your ear. You let out a sigh and listen to the ring. You look over to the right. Your heart stops for a moment. You can see Kat and Dan, looking away from you. Kat seems to be sitting on something, but there isn't anything there. Dan is right behind her, fixing her hair.

"Hurry up Dan, we're going to be late!" She giggles.

Her giggles echo's through your body. You can hear every change in pitch. Every sound vibrates through your entire body. You can feel Daniel's breath too. You can't push it away from you. It's surrounding you. Encompassing you.

"Slow down, we'll get to the ball soon enough," Dan chuckles.

The two get up and start to walk towards you. The look in their eyes indicates that they don't notice you. You stand up and ready yourself for them. They pass right by you, totally ignoring you. You pause for a moment before turning around and reaching out. By the time you turn around they are gone. Your hand stays extended for a moment until you slowly retract it.

You stare out until you hear something.

"Hello? Hello?" A quiet voice questions.

You raise your phone to your ear.


"(Y/N)? What do you want?" He bluntly asks.

"I... I..."

You can't come up with words. You can't even focus right now.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah... yeah, I'm fine," you shake your head. "It's not me people should be worried about. Where are you? When did you leave?"

"Early. Look, I'm sorry if I worried you. I just wanted to be with my family right now."

"Yeah... I understand that. Have you told the girls?"

Kristoff remains silent.

"I'll take that as a no. Do you want me to tell them?"

"I suppose. You're coming to the funeral, right? It's 1pm tomorrow."

"Yeah, I'll be there. The girls will too."

"Alright, well I'm going to get back to my family. Stay safe (Y/N)."

"You too."

You hang up the phone and toss it into your holowatch. You close your eyes really tight, trying to get back to normal.

"What is wrong with you?" Shadow asks.

You quickly open your eyes, becoming very tense. After a second you relax.

"Nothing, nothing. I'm fine."

Shadow doesn't respond. You shake your head again as you turn back to the house. You slide open the door and enter the building. Kai is cleaning up the living room while Anna watches her show. You take a right and head up the stairs. You take another right and end up in Adgar and Idun's room. You activate the elevator and enter it.

You lay against the wall, holding your head. That's two times where you've seen this... vision. It disturbs and worries you.

Why is this happening?

You drag your fingers across your skin, leaving a red trail. You create a fist at your head then pull it away. You let your hand relax, along with your body. Worrying isn't going to do anything for you. The only thing it could possibly do is make things infinitely worse.

The door opens and reveals a lit up training room. Hunter is in the middle of a field, fighting what appears to be twenty men at once. You slowly walk in and cross your arms.

Hunter sways his body away from one of the holograms. He instantly lifts his left arm up to block a kick. He then raises his knee to block another kick. Hunter pushes them both back, jumps into the air, then extends both of his legs straight into their faces. He lands, allowing his body to get close to the ground. He looks over to you and smiles.

"End simulation," Hunter commands.

"Simulation ending."

The area returns to the blank tiles it once was. You approach Hunter with a smile.

"Getting a little training in?"

"A little? Ha, more like four hours worth. I have to say, the Duke and Duchess had an impressive training room. No wonder they were so strong," he compliments.

"Were they stronger than you?"

"What? Hell no. I was leagues above them," he laughs.

This actually surprises you. You don't really have anything to judge Hunter's power off other than the time where you both got beaten by Monarch.

"So, how strong are you? Seems you aren't much more than I am."

"Hm? Well aren't you thinking too little of your older brother? I'm actually around your strength, you know? And not your normal strength."

"My normal strength?" You repeat.

"I'm around as strong as you are now in that hyper mode you have. I can keep up with father, unlike you."

"Excuse me?" You sassily say. "Who was it that got a direct hit on our... father... and who was it that got wrecked by him?"

"Ha, you really need to open your eyes. Do you think I've gone this long without being able to stand my ground against him? As you are right now, standing in front of me, you are leagues behind me. But, you technically could be stronger than me."

You don't hear that last part. The only part you hear is that you're weaker than Hunter.

"I don't think so! I've done so much more than you have! Alright, let's have a match!" You yell, backing up and raising your hands.

Hunter sighs and shakes his head.

"Alright man, whatever floats your boat. Just don't get mad when I win."

"Oh trust me, you won't!"

You lock eyes with Hunter for a moment before pushing off your back leg and rush him. You throw a left hook which Hunter easily dodges. He begins moving back as you attack.

"This really isn't going to end well for you," he taunts, still evading every attempt at a hit.

Hunter sighs. He catches your right arm then delves his knee into your stomach. Your eyes widen and go white. That was more than a light hit. You cough up some saliva. Hunter backs up a centimeter before spinning around and kicking you in the face, sending you across the ground.

"It's hard to admit it, but you aren't strong enough. There are just some people who have more power than you, and I'm one of them."

You lie on the ground, holding your stomach. You never thought Hunter would be able to hit you so hard. He always seemed weaker than you, but he beat you in a second. Why did he hold back against Monarch? It doesn't make sense.

Hunter walks up to you and kneels down. You look him in the eye as best you can, but one of your eyes is half closed. Hunter smirks and extends his hand towards you.

"Sorry, I just wanted to get the point across."

"You... how are you so strong? I guess... I'm nothing..." You mumble.

"You're wrong. You're au naturale."

"What... do you mean?"

Hunter's eyes drift away from yours. You can see some sadness in his eyes.

"I'm only as strong as I am because I was drugged. I'm artificial. Add years of training and... well... here I am," he snickers.

You feel bad for him. He said that one line with such horror, almost. "I'm artificial". It's like he was made for fighting, almost like you are.

"Aren't... aren't I artificial?"

"No, no you aren't," he laughs. "Weird, isn't it? I'm the only one in the family who is fake. You and our father are natural. Mother too, except she's down right insane."

"I've heard that a few times now. Why is our mother crazy?"

Hunter pulls his hand back and lays down beside you. You get into a resting position as well.

"I don't know why she's crazy, I just know that she is. She will kill anyone who stands in her way, or Alistair's way. If there's one thing I'll give her credit for, it' that she's loyal. She almost seems completely devoted to our father. If there is such a thing as true love, that is it. A demented, twisted version of it though."

"So... how did our parents meet?"

Hunter looks over at you with a questioning look accompanied by a smile.

"How the hell would I know? Why would you even want to know?"

"I don't know! It was just a question. Sheesh."

"Whatever. Well, let's get moving then," Hunter says, flipping onto his feet.

You roll onto your feet.


"Corona. We have to go."

"I... can't yet. I have something to do. I have to go to Pabbie's funeral."

Hunter jerks his head a little.

"(Y/N) we don't have time to mess around."

"This isn't messing around!" You shout.

Hunter walks away then crosses his arms.

"After the funeral, we leave. Understand?"


Hunter smiles and turns to face you.

"Now, how about we practice a bit? You seem to need it."

"Why would you say that?" You joke.

"Well, by how easily I took you down it seems like you need the practice," Hunter cockily states.

"This time I'll actually try!"

You both rush at each other and launch your fists. They collide, initiating a shockwave.


Anna pulls into the drive way after her little adventure. She went out to get some new clothes, as she always needs to restock on the latest trend every once in a while. And by every once in a while means every other week to Anna. She's lucky she has so much money.

It surprises most people, but Anna doesn't actually spend a lot of money. It's not like she couldn't, what with their parents inheritance and the money Elsa makes, but Anna simply refuses too. With Anna's amazing fashion sense, she is able to make the best outfits out of the simplest things. She doesn't need expensive items to make herself look amazing.

Anna exits the car and grabs the few bags she bought and walks inside. She has had Kristoff on the mind all day, and felt like she needed some sort of escape from it. She doesn't like being obsessive, but she can't help but worry. There is a huge difference between concern and being obsessive. Anna really hopes she is only showing concern. She's texted Kristoff a few times today with no answer. Anna knows something has to be wrong. There has to be something that's bugging him.

Seems like you and Kristoff deal with things in the same way. You both attempt to cover it up like it's nothing and keep to yourselves. Maybe it's a man thing. Anna and Elsa don't do that. Then again, she only has two men to base this off of, but that's enough to make this assumption. If she is right, then she needs to talk to Kristoff. At the very least she needs to figure out what's bothering him. That means she needs to talk to you.

Anna walks in the house and sees Olaf playing his video game. She smiles and passes behind him and up to her room. She lays her bags on her bed and smiles at her purchases. It's a simple pair of jeans, a few shirts and a dress, but she's still happy about it. Anna gracefully puts the clothes away and leaves her room. She looks around for Gerda and Kai. One of them should know where you are. She has a guess, but she doesn't like going down there without having to.

Anna hops down the stairs and goes to the kitchen. Kai is cleaning some dishes while Gerda puts them away.

"It's gotten easier as Olaf has grown, hasn't it?" Gerda chuckles.

"Indeed it has. He doesn't need as much attention as he used to," Kai agrees.

Anna giggles as she hears them. She walks into the kitchen and taps Kai on the shoulder. He turns around to face her.

"Anna, how are you doing?"

"Good, thank you. Listen, do you two know where (Y/N) is?"

"Probably in the 'basement'," Gerda chimes in.

"Ok, thanks!" Anna happily says, trotting away.

She heads to her parents room and activates the elevator. After the short trip down the elevator opens and reveals you and Hunter lying on the ground, panting.

"Are you okay?" She yells, rushing over to you.

You lift your head up a bit and smile at the concern.

"I'm fine, Anna. Don't worry," you say, half laughing.

Anna stops running and proceeds to walk the rest of the way. You raise your upper body off the ground and look at her.

"What's up?"

"Oh, nothing really. Why are you both so... tired?"

"Training," you start.

"At seven times earth's normal gravity," Hunter adds.

"I'm surprised. You dropped like a pancake at ten," you joke.

"I wasn't prepared!" Hunter spews.

Anna shakes her head at the two of you.

"Are you coming back upstairs?"

"Sure, I will. What about you, Hunter?"

"I'll stay down here for a bit. You two go on."

You nod and look back at Anna. You smile as you get onto your feet and walk with Anna. She looks back at Hunter then to you.

"What were you guys doing down here?"

"Beating the tar out of each other," you laugh. "It's really the new way to bond with family."

"No it isn't!" Anna protests.

"How would you know you... oh, right."

"Yeah, your girlfriend – no, fiancée – is one of those siblings I have, and we never fight."

"Oh really?" You laugh, clicking the elevator button, causing the doors to close. "Cause I'm pretty sure that I remember Elsa handcuffing you with ice cuffs."

"That... is different!"

"Different how? It's still a form of fighting. Plus you both attacked me after! You're worse than I am!"

"Oh pshh, no."

Anna crosses her arms and pouts. You smile and look towards the elevator wall. Your mind wanders to something you need to tell her.

"Anna... listen, I need to tell you something."

"Sure, what's up?" She happily answers.

The elevator doors open up and you both step out.

"Well... I don't really know how to say this... Have you noticed Kristoff has been distant today?"

"Yeah, I did actually. Do you know something about that?" Anna asks, pretending to be oblivious.

"Kristoff is grieving, I guess. Pabbie died last night so he's with his family."

"Oh my goodness! We have to go see him. I have to give him a hug and see if he's okay!" Anna frantically plans.

"No, don't. We'll see him tomorrow at the funeral," you say, gently placing your hand on Anna's shoulder. "He just needs some time Anna. We'll see him."

Anna looks up at you and smiles.

"Thanks (Y/N)."

She leans in and kisses you on the cheek, leaving you blushing a little bit. Thankfully she didn't notice. Anna aims for her room and walks in that direction. She opens the door and turns her head towards you.

"I'll be in here if you need me, okay? Don't do anything silly before the funeral."

You smile at the thought.

"Who, me?"

Anna gives you one last smirk before she enters her room. You stroll away from all the rooms and head downstairs. You look over at the couch and see Olaf watching TV.

It's nice to know that there is still time to relax.

You skip the last step and walk across the room. You aim for the kitchen until your watch starts going off. You look at it and see your phone ringing. You grab it and answer.


"(Y/N)? Are you awake?" Elsa asks.

"Well it I wasn't awake I wouldn't be answering you, now would I?" You sarcastically respond.

"Aren't you funny. I meant are you showered and such."

You look down at yourself.

"Yeah, I would say so."

"Do you have some time? I'm taking a break from work. Want to meet up?"

"Of course. Tell me where."

"How about that small coffee joint across from the mall? You know which one I'm talking about?"

"Ed's place?" You guess.

"That's the one, I'll see you there."

"Yeah, I'll head out right now. I love you."

"I love you too," Elsa softly responds.

You hang up your phone and head to your car.


You pull up on the side of the road. You look out your passenger window to see the coffee shop Elsa described. You get out of your car and walk into the shop.


You look around to see Elsa in a corner of the coffee shop waving her hand. You put on a smile and walk over to her. You go beside her and give a quick peck on the cheek before sitting across from her.

"Hey Elsa, how's work going?"

"It's normal. Lots of paper work and such. There are some genuinely interesting projects going on at that place. Right now we're actually working on a cure for cancer."

"Isn't that the work of... I don't know... doctors and such?"

"We do everything, (Y/N). It surprises me sometimes. We even make drinks!"

You laugh as you look through the menu.

"So, how should I repay you for last night?"

You slowly lower the menu and stare at her. She has the most devilish face on right now. It's actually pretty cute.

"So I heard the food is really good here."

"Are you trying to avoid the question? Why? I'm giving you a compliment."

"I wonder if the fries are good. Fries should be good, right?" You say aloud.

"You've gotten much better over the months. I would like to think I'm a good teacher."

You laugh.

"You knew nothing more than I did, Elsa. You can't say that."

Elsa giggles.

"Good to know you're still listening."

You give Elsa a funny face then look back at the menu.

"Why is a coffee shop selling fries? This is something else."

A waiter comes up to you.

"Hello, I will be your waiter for today."

"A waiter at a coffee shop? That's pretty intricate," you comment.

"We strive to be more than a coffee shop, sir."

"I'll have the special for today, please," Elsa orders.

"As you wish, Madame. And for you, sir?"

"Fries, please."

Elsa raises her brow at you. You clear your throat and initiate a very regal stance.

"Your finest fish and chips, please."

The waiter stares at you for a moment before writing both your orders down and walking away. Elsa smacks your arm.

"Ow! Hey!"

"What are you, twelve?"

"No, I'm... how old am I, actually?"

Elsa gives you a look spelling out "really?"

"Well, you're older than Anna but younger than I am. Two years, I believe."

"Why were you still in high school then? You're three years older than Anna, and she's nineteen now. Why were you twenty one in high school?"

Elsa takes a sip of her tea and looks at you.

"I suppose I never explained it, did I? But you never explained why you were a year older," Elsa retorts.

"Well, it was my old parents, actually. I guess I should call them my step parents now. Anyway, we took a year vacation and traveled all around the globe. It was fun, but I missed a year of school because of that. Your turn," you smile.

"I missed three years of school for various reasons. Mostly when I was younger though. Anna and I have been in the same grade since third grade. I preferred it that way though, as I could keep an eye on Anna at all times," she explains.

"But you were still a little distant?"

"Yes, that I was. You know I was scared of hurting people with my powers."

"I know, but even when you were that young? You've always been looking out for others, haven't you?" You joke, leaning in on the table.

"I have to. All the people I care about aren't the best at taking care of themselves," she smirks.

You sit there for a moment thinking about what she just said.

"Hey... are you including me in that list?"

"Of course I am," she giggles.

"I can take care of myself! I've done it plenty of times before!"

"So those times I had to save you? What were those?" She jokingly says.

This hits you harder than Elsa meant it to. The only thing you could think of when she said that is when she died protecting you. It almost replays in your mind. The blood on her hair. Her body falling back into yours with hardly any life in it. Her whispering her final words to you. It plays through your mind once more. It was the worst moment in your life, no question. You still haven't forgiven yourself for that moment.

You know how Elsa is, and that she is similar to you in many ways. No matter what, she'll put her loved ones needs before hers. She did it for Anna during her whole youth. Like you, she isn't hesitant to put her life on the line for others, and doesn't want others to be hurt because of her. That time you weren't strong enough to keep everyone safe and Elsa paid for it. That moment is a mixture of morals and ideals between both you and Elsa.

On one hand, you wouldn't want her to get in the way but if she didn't you would have died. Your death wouldn't have done anything for anyone. You almost want to be mad at her for it, but you can't be. All you can do is be mad at yourself.

Elsa can see the conflicted look on your face. She realizes what she said and places her hands on yours. You flinch and look up at her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that."

"No, it's fine. I'm overreacting."

"Are you sure?" She asks, eyes full of concern.

"Yeah, it's fine. Anyway, I do have some other stuff to talk about."

"Oh, like what?"

You intertwine your hands with hers.

"You can't go to work tomorrow, we all have to go to Kristoff's house."


"Pabbie died yesterday, and his funeral is tomorrow."

"Oh my, how is Kristoff doing?"

You bob your head to the left and right.

"As good as you can be for someone who just lost their grandfather. But there is more."

"Oh, and what would that be?"

You tighten your grip, but not enough to hurt Elsa.

"I... I'm going to Corona in two days. I don't know for how long."

Elsa stares at you for a moment, processing what you said.

"So... you're leaving again?"

"Yes, and I'm sorry. Hunter and I need to go in order to stop my father. I know you want me home Elsa, and I want to stay, but I need to do this. I need to find him."

Elsa looks down at the table for a moment. She sees her ring and smiles before looking back up into your eyes.

"We're a team, (Y/N). I'll support you no matter what... to a reasonable degree. I still have to make sure you don't do anything TOO dangerous."

"And going after my crazy strong father isn't too dangerous?" You chuckle.

"Nah, I think you can handle it."

You smile and kiss her from across the table. You lean back in your seat and look around.

"So where is our food, man."

"Is that all you think about?" She laughs.

"Well... thinking back to this morning it just might be."

"What did I miss?"

"Anna stole my bacon."

"Oh, heavens forbid she take your bacon," Elsa melodramatically states.

"I know rig- you're mocking me," you realize.

"I would never."

You roll your eyes and look around the shop. The waiter approaches your table and gives you both what you ordered. You grab your fish and chips then start digging in on the fries. More the fries than the fish. Elsa giggles and starts eating her meal.


The Next Day

You look at yourself with the mirror in your room. You have a black suit on with a white dress shirt underneath. You've used the same suit these past few times. There really isn't need of a second one, so there's no point in using anyone's money. You unbutton the buttons near your neck, leaving a little skin visible. You nod and walk out of your room.

You exit your room and see Hunter in a grey suit with a blue dress shirt under it.

"Are you coming?" You ask with surprise.

He nods.

"It would be rude if I didn't."

You shrug and walk over to Elsa's room. Hunter passes you and makes his way downstairs. You knock on Elsa's door then open it slightly.

"Elsa, you good?"

You hear a laugh.

"I'm good (Y/N), come on in."

You open the door fully and walk into the room. Elsa is wearing a black dress that ends around her knees. You've never really seen her in black, but she looks nice. You even blush a bit.

"Are you ready?" You ask.

"I am. Let's get Anna and head out."

You and Elsa leave the room and knock on Anna's door. You don't hear anything from the other side of the door. You knock one more time.


"She's down here," Elsa informs, looking down on the family room.

Elsa goes downstairs without you and meets with her sister. She gives Anna a comforting look before smiling.

"You look beautiful."

"You look even better," Anna smiles, remembering the last time she tried to compliment Elsa and said "beautifuller".

You meet up with the girls and lead them towards the door. Hunter already has your car started and ready to go. He is sitting in the passenger side. You open the back door for Anna and Elsa to enter before going to the driver's seat. You get in the seat and proceed out of the driveway.

It's a silent drive, if anything. Nobody wants to say anything, and you don't have a good conversation starter at the moment. You were fine with the silence though. It sort of fit the mood. Even though you hate being sad and depressed, this wasn't a time to be cracking jokes or acting silly.

Since it was a quite drive, it seemed to drag on forever. But you got there in time. You pull into the drive way and walk up to the house. Hunter, Anna, and Elsa are all behind you. You knock on the door and await someone to answer. To your luck, it's Kristoff! He's in a baby blue suit. You have to hold in a laugh at bulky Kristoff in a baby blue suit.

You extend your hand and smile.

"Hey man, how're you holding up?"

Before Kristoff can answer Anna rushes up to him and hugs him. He pauses for a moment before hugging her with full passion.

Heh, seems like he really needed that. He relies on her almost as much as I rely on Elsa, even if neither of us like to admit it.

Kristoff and Anna stop hugging but their hands stay together. Kristoff looks at the three of you and smiles.

"Thank you so much for coming on such short notice. It means a lot to me and my family."

"I wouldn't miss it for the end of the world, buddy," you nod.

"We're happy to be here," Elsa adds.

Kristoff leads you all to the backyard where a hole is buried. It's surrounded by the entirety of Kristoff's family. A casket is in the middle of them all, right by the hole. You can only assume it's where Pabbie's body is being held.

Anna stays arms locked with Kristoff while Elsa does the same with you. You all walk up to the casket and take a moment to respect Pabbie. Hunter moves in closer too. The four of you back off a bit and get ready to lower the casket.

"(Y/N), Hunter. You want to help me lower it?" Kristoff asks.

You both nod and get into position. Right before you lift you hear something.

"Don't bury him just yet."

Everyone turns around to see a man standing confidently by his lonesome. Your eyes sharpen instantly. You move in front of Elsa and Anna in a protective manner. Hunter gets his legs ready, but his arms remain neutral.

"What are you doing here?" You bark.

The man smirks.

"I'm here to pay my respects."

"Who is that?" Elsa asks.

You turn back to her then face the man once more.

"That... is my father, and the one behind everything we've been through."

Anna and Elsa both have a surprised look on their face. Kristoff can't believe that he met your father before. He showed up one day a while ago to talk to Pabbie.

"What is your plan? Are you after the girls? What do you want?" You snarl.

Alistair chuckles.

"I want nothing more than to pay my respects to a dead man. I have respect for a funeral, (Y/N). This isn't the place for a fight."

Alistair walks closer to the casket, and closer to the girls. You stay in front of them as you move out of Alistair's way. He walks up to the casket and places his hand on it. He closes his eyes and mumbles a few words. He opens his eyes and looks towards you all. He gives a smile that reminds Elsa, Anna, and Kristoff of you.

"So you're going to lower the casket? Want an extra pair of hands?"

You are a completely skeptical of him, and don't trust him for a second. Hunter walks up to the casket and grabs one side.

"Well, let's go."

You stare at Hunter in a confused manner. Why is he so calm around your father? This is a man who has beaten both you and him down. A man who wants you all dead. You don't like this one bit, but you aren't going to start a scene right now.

Kristoff slowly gets onto the opposite side if Hunter and Alistair. He looks over at you, waiting for you to help. You stare at him for a moment with hesitant eyes. You are both uneasy, but there isn't anything you can do right now. You look over at Anna and Elsa. They seem more intrigued than anything. Of course they are, it's your father. Nothing can prepare them for the true evil he is.

You get beside Kristoff and lift the casket, not breaking eye contact with Alistair. He has a smile on his face. He doesn't seem to find his presence disturbing in any way possible. You cringe at his ignorance. The four of you lower the casket into the hole that was prepared for it. You set it down and wipe your hands together.

Kristoff's family starts to push dirt on top of the hole, covering up the deceased Pabbie. You can't even feel sad right now due to Alistair. His very presence just puts you on edge, and for good reason. However, he isn't even paying attention to you. He is staring at the hole in deep thought.

Does he really want to be here? No. He's gotta be here to attack us or something.

Bulda takes position in front of the now filled whole and starts talking. She goes on about Pabbie's life and how much he meant to everyone. Alistair moves away from everyone, but remains in the area. You look back at him, seeing exactly what he's doing. Hunter doesn't seem to even pay attention to your father. Unknown to you, Hunter was actually paying close attention to him, just in case.

Anna stays near Kristoff and Elsa stays by you. She knows you're uneasy right now, and it's understandable. You look at Elsa with protective eyes. Elsa smiles and whispers into your ear.

"Do what you have to do. Just be careful. I'll be right here."

You lighten up a little bit at her words you kiss her cheek and break off from her. You make your way through the crowd and to your father. He doesn't even react to your approach.

You stand beside him and cough.

"So, who are you here for? Elsa, Hunter, or me?"

"I'm here for Pabbie, child."

"I don't believe you. You have no ulterior motive?" You question.

Alistair chuckles and looks around quickly before glaring at you.

"We may be enemies, but that doesn't mean I have no respect. This is a funeral. A funeral is no place for a fight. Let's add to the fact that Pabbie was a dear friend and mentor to me. His loss is tragic, and I feel like I should be here for his funeral. It's surprising that you have such little respect for a grieving man. But for the sake of argument let's say I didn't know Pabbie; that wouldn't mean I would attack you," he scowls, looking away from you. "As I said earlier, I respect funerals. You're lowering me to Hans' level, and that I won't allow. If you want to fight then fine, I shall. But I will end it quickly so the soil doesn't harden up."

You are a little taken back by his speech. You've never seen your father be respectful in any form. Then again, you've only seen him twice and those two times it ended with you bashing each other's faces in. More your face than his, but still.

You fidget a bit before lowering your head.

"My apologies. I suppose you have a point."

"You're apologizing now? Ha, that's not something I thought I would hear from you," Alistair mentions.

"What? Why?"

"Well, not to me anyway. We don't generally see eye to eye on most things."

"To be fair, I don't even know your perspective on most things," you retort.

Alistair nods.

"Fair enough. You know, there is one thing that Hans said that was true, even if I hate to admit it. The people in my organization, they're just men and women. I'm just a man with a purpose."

"And what would that be, father?"

Alistair looks over at you and hides a smile. He almost likes it that you're calling him father.

"I want order. Peace. I don't see what's so wrong with that."

"Try diplomacy," you mutter.

"That never works. Just men in suits yelling at each other. I'm a man in a suit that gets things done."

"And what would those 'things' be?"

"Well, (Y/N), I can't spill all my secrets," he smiles.

You turn away and stare at Elsa. She is standing next to Anna as regal as ever. You have no idea where she gets it. It must be natural for her. Alistair sees you staring at her.

"She's a beautiful woman."

You give him a death stare.

"That she is," you sigh. You realize who you're talking to. "But that isn't your concern!"

"You know you remind me of me when I met my wife."

"Do I now?"

"Protective. Loving. A little quirky, and you love to make jokes. Sound right?"

"I... yeah..."

He laughs.

"It's genetic, I think. How do you think you got your good looks?"

You give him a doubtful look, causing him to chuckle some more. There is a silence for a moment before he breaks it.

"So, you play guitar, correct?"

You look over at him. "I do, as well as a few other instruments."

"I used to play guitar when I was younger. I actually started out on the bass in the school band. I was the only bass player, which means it all fell on me. I remember one time there was a bass solo in a song that I just couldn't do, and every time we got to that point I would always mess up and everyone could hear it. I hated it."

You look over at him and give a halfhearted smile.

"I know the feeling. I hated not being able to play songs. It made me even more determined to learn it."

"Trying to prove people wrong?"

"Trying to prove to myself that I could do it," you correct.

Alistair puts his hands in his pockets.

"I... I want to thank you (Y/N)."

Your entire body fills with confusion.

"Thank me? Why?"

Alistair moves his eyes in Hunter's direction.

"You may be my enemies, but you are my sons. I guess... it's nice to know we're not entirely different. But, I want to make one thing clear."

You gesture him to continue.

"After today –after this funeral – we are still enemies. If you get in my way again, I will kill you."

You stare at him for a moment. You're completely conflicted at the moment. On one hand, this is a man that put you and Elsa through hell. Not to mention the one who orchestrated everything about your project, and the elemental project. He's a person who deserves to die for all the pain he's caused, and yet he's so relatable. Of course he is, he's your father. But you imagined him to be more like Hans, honestly. This man you're talking to has honour, respect, and he's truthful. At least he's telling you that this changes nothing, but he also told you that he enjoys being able to talk to his son. You can barely make sense of it.

"Oh yes, and how is my other son doing?" Alistair questions.

Other so-

"He's talking about me dumbass," Shadow remarks.

"He says 'hi'," you relay.

"No I didn't!"

"I highly doubt it," Alistair snickers. "But I think I've been here long enough. I should get moving."

Alistair walks closer to the crowd and towards Kristoff, Anna, Elsa, and Hunter. The four look over at him with questioning eyes.

"You're (Y/N)'s dad?" Anna asks.

"Yes, indeed I am. I just came over here to give you my regards. He was one of my close friends, so I somewhat know how you feel. I sympathies for you and your family," Alistair wishes, directing it at Kristoff.

"Oh... well thank you."

You make your way with your friends and take position beside Elsa. Alistair looks at Elsa and sizes her up.

"I assume you're keeping my son in line?"

Elsa doesn't respond. She maintains eye contact and thinks. Alistair smiles at this.

"Well, I couldn't think of someone else who could put up with him. All the happiness to both of you for your upcoming wedding."

Elsa reacts to this, hiding her ring behind her other hand. Alistair begins to walk away but turns his head toward you and Hunter.

"Let's hope you both live to see that wedding. If you were smart, I would suggest you not going to Corona."

Hunter snickers. "You'd be disappointed if we didn't, don't fool yourself."

Alistair shrugs and leaves the backyard. You and your friends stare at him until he leaves. You are noticeably on edge, so you decide to take a moment for yourself. Kristoff, Anna, and Elsa watch you walk away. You don't go far, but you are away from everyone.

"Maybe you should go talk to him?" Anna suggests.

Elsa looks at her sister and nods. She maneuvers out of the crowd and towards you. You gets behind you and wraps her arms around you, pressing her body against yours. You don't resist her at all. In fact, you put your arms around hers and hold them.

"Are you okay?" She softly asks, laying her head against your back.

"Elsa... I want you, Kristoff, Anna, and Olaf to leave town. Find somewhere else to be. Somewhere safe."

"What? Why?"

You turn around to face her. You place your arms on her shoulders in a loving manner.

"I don't want anything to happen to you guys while I'm gone."

"We're tougher than we look. How many times do I have to tell you?"

"Elsa, as tough as you are it's just... I... I just feel that if I'm not there then it's not enough, you know?"

Elsa smiles and kisses you.

"You're so cute when you're concerned."

"Is that a way to say you guys aren't going anywhere?"

Elsa nods her head with a big smile on her face.

"You are so stubborn."

"Oh, I'm the stubborn one?"

"Yes you are," you laugh, picking her up and spinning around.

Elsa giggles until you put her down.

"Come on, let's get back to the funeral," she recommends.

"Yeah, that sounds good."

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