Chapter 25: Do you Consider Yourself a Hero?
Chapter 25: Do You Consider Yourself A Hero?
Your eyes slowly open. You blink a few times before finally coming to. You slowly lift yourself up and rub your head. Thankfully there is no headache, which is surprising since you drank so much last night. You drank so much that you don't even know where you are. Where are you? You look around to find yourself in a familiar bedroom. It's the same one that you complained about being bored in.
You get out of bed and look around.
How did I get here? I don't remember coming back to the room.
You walk out of the room only to be met by a surprise. Hunter has two pans and is smashing them together. You stare at him for a moment, only showing slight disorientation. Even If it doesn't have the same effect it would have if you were hung over, it's still odd to have pans banging against each other.
Hunter can see you aren't fazed by it and stops. He has a sad look on his face.
"You... you aren't hung over, are you?"
"No... no, not really," you say in victory.
"Well there goes my plan!" Hunter yells, spinning around and tossing the pans on the couch.
"Sorry to disappoint," you snicker.
"I doubt you're truly disappointed."
"Yeah... I'm really not."
Hunter turns to face you then chuckles.
"Sheesh, be sympathetic for your poor brother."
"Oh please. You don't need any sympathy."
Hunter shrugs and goes to the couch. He sits on the couch and puts his feet on the coffee table. He grabs the remote and starts to flip through channels. You stare at him for a moment, expecting him to say what you're going to do.
Hunter ignores you and continues to flip through the channels.
"Hunter!" You snap.
"What?" Hunter says with exaggeration.
"What are we going to do? You brought me out here to find something. We should go do what we have to do."
"Calm down, (Y/N). We'll get there. You were good last night," Hunter complains.
"Wait... How did you even find me last night?" You ask, brow raised.
"The party was so loud I could have found you from 10 blocks away. But I honestly just walked in and found you talking with a bunch of people. You voluntarily followed me back to the room and passed out in front of the door. I tossed you in bed. Congrats, you know what happened."
"Well... thanks. So are we going to go get the bad guys?"
"The bad guys? You seriously just called them that?" Hunter remarks.
"You know what," you pause. "Shut up."
Hunter laughs and gets up. He walks to the door and turns his head to face you.
"Stay here, alright. I'm gonna go check some things out. I'll be back in a few hours."
Before you can respond Hunter leaves the room. You stare at the door for a while before finally moving. You walk to the nearby fridge.
There are fridges in these places? I really need to learn more about hotels, sheesh.
You grab a bottle of water and start drinking it. You walk around the room a couple times before you finish the bottle. You have no idea what to do. You check your pockets and realize you have your cell phone.
Christ, I am bad at keeping track of this thing. I should keep it in the watch.
You unlock it and go through your contacts. You have a few numbers from school, but none that you actually want to call. You flip down to Elsa's number and stare at it for a moment. You have a picture for her contact. She is giving you an extremely shy, but extremely cute, smile. You crack a smile as you look at the picture.
You debate whether or not to call her. Even though she is mad, you still want to hear her voice again. It feels like years since you last heard her laugh, even though it was a couple days ago. You click the call button.
Elsa is just waking up from last night. She feels so much lighter now. She doesn't have weight of anger anchoring her down. She happily lifts herself up and stretches. She gets on her feet and makes her way to Anna's room. Elsa lightly knocks on the door and opens it slightly. She sees Anna and Kristoff cuddling together. Elsa smiles and quietly shuts the door.
Elsa's mind wonders to a possibility. She walks over to your room and softly opens the door. She looks around for any signs of you. Sadly, there are none. The room is perfectly clean. Untouched. Elsa frowns and leaves the room. She starts to fear for your safety. She knows you are fully capable of taking care of yourself, but she can't help but worry. She loves you. It's a condition.
Elsa walks back to her room and grabs her phone. She checks it for any messages or calls. There are none. Elsa brings her phone to the bathroom and puts it on the counter. She makes sure she has all her towels, then readies the shower. Elsa takes off her clothes and hops in the shower.
As soon as she does this her phone starts to go off. It is on vibrate, so Elsa doesn't notice it. A picture of her and you is sitting on her phone as it rings. The phone goes off for a little bit before the call ends.
Elsa finishes her shower. She gets out and grabs her towel. She dries herself off and covers up. She opens the door to the hallway and checks if anyone is there. There is nobody, so Elsa safely makes it to her room. Elsa puts on one of her suits for the day. She has some business at W.A. Industries she needs to take care of. She really wants to wait for you at home, but she made a commitment to this job. She has to do it no matter what.
Elsa gets in a blue suit and white dress shirt. She takes some time to fix up her hair and put on some make-up. After making sure she is ready for the day, she leaves her room. As she exits she bumps into Anna.
"Oh, Elsa. You look ready for the day... already... How do you get up and ready so fast? It would take me at least 2 hours to look as gorgeous as you," Anna compliments.
"Oh, well thank you. But that really isn't necessary."
"A compliment isn't necessary? How long have you known me Elsa? You know I'm full of unnecessary!" Anna retorts.
Elsa giggles. "I suppose, yes."
Elsa and Anna walk downstairs and to the kitchen.
"So where is Kristoff?" Elsa asks, taking a sip of tea.
"He's sleeping in my room. I forgot that he likes to sleep in," Anna chuckles.
"Yeah, (Y/N) is like that," Elsa softly says.
Anna can see Elsa's mood change after that sentence.
"He's not back yet, is he?" Anna asks.
Elsa shakes her head. Anna moves to her sister and gives her a hug.
"He'll be back soon, Elsa. He loves us all. We can explain what happened when he gets back," Anna comforts.
Elsa smiles at her sister's words. Anna releases Elsa, allowing her to leave.
"I'll be home tonight. Try not to have too much fun with Kristoff, huh?" Elsa winks.
"Shut up!" Anna blushes.
Elsa laughs as she leaves the house. She gets in her car and drives out of the parking lot. She starts driving towards W.A. Industries.
Her mind keeps wandering back to you. She can't get you off of her mind. Your location. Your condition. She hates herself for doing this to you. She knows you would tell her that it wasn't her fault, but she still feels guilty. It was her fault, and nothing can change that. She realizes she's thought about this so much, but she can't help it.
She pulls into the parking lot of W.A. Industries and makes her way to the front. The secretary greets Elsa and allows her to pass. Elsa takes the elevator to her floor and exits. She sees everyone hard at work. She likes being in this kind of environment. She enters her office and takes a seat. She reaches into her pocket to check her phone but is cut off by a knock on the door.
"Ms. Anderson?" Alec queries.
"Oh, Alec. Come in," Elsa offers.
"Actually I'm here to get you. There is a meeting and I assumed you want to participate."
Elsa quickly gets out of her seat and makes her way towards Alec.
"Of course. Lead the way."
Alec and Elsa make their way to the meeting room.
"Now, just keep in mind that my brothers... well they aren't pleased that you took over the company. They expected one of us to take that role. I'm just warning you."
"I can handle myself, Alec," Elsa reassures.
The two enter a room with a large, glass, round table. There are 10 other men sitting at the table. They are all in black suits, and all have their hair slicked back. They look similar, but have distinct features. There is no doubt that there is a certain "Westergaard face". They all look like Hans. This almost makes Elsa's stomach churn. Elsa and Alec take a seat and the meeting begins.
"So, what is there to report?" Elsa asks.
"Nothing is going wrong. All projects are going according to plan. If anything, we are exceeding expectations," one man reports.
"And what exactly are the projects that are going so well?" Elsa questions.
"Well, one of our more successful projects is our holowatch. A watch that has the capacity to hold objects, clothe an individual, link with phones, and more," Alec explains.
"That seems like an excellent product. When will that be finished and distributed?" Elsa asks.
"A few more months. We just have to get everything perfect, so there are no accidents."
Elsa nods in approval. "Anything else?"
And in her pocket sat her phone. The notification hidden under a black screen. One missed call.
The phone keeps ringing until it hits the answering machine. You hang up and stare at your phone.
She doesn't want to talk to me. She's still mad... Man did I mess up.
You close your eyes and exhale. You regret calling her. You never should have. You throw your phone in your watch and try to get your mind off of what just happened.
You leave the room and walk to the elevator. Some fresh air is all you need, you're sure of it. You activate the elevator and lean against the walls. You stare at your feet, thinking.
"Shadow? You awake yet?" You speak aloud.
There is no response. He is still knocked out.
"Man," you shake your head. "How did he get beaten that badly? It just doesn't seem possible."
The elevator suddenly stops and lets out a ding. The door opens to reveal a familiar face. Allison's face lights up when she sees you in the elevator.
"Hey (Y/N)!" She happily greets.
You smile. "Hi Allison. How're you doing?"
Allison walks into the elevator and stands beside you. The doors close behind her.
"I'm good. Better than most people. Everyone is feeling really sick. Are you?"
"Nah, I'm perfectly fine. I rarely get hangovers," you say.
"That's weird. You're the only one who isn't feeling a little sick. I'll even admit that I'm not one hundred percent right now."
"Well, it doesn't show," you smile.
Allison blushes. You realize that you technically flirted with her and mentally kick yourself.
"S-so even your brother is sick?" You ask, trying to change the topic.
"Yeah, he's sick too. I'm getting some ice from the corner store. Do you want to come with me?" Allison requests.
You look at her for a second and smirk.
"Sure, why not. I wanted some fresh air anyway."
Allison blushes some more and looks away, smiling. You raise a brow to her actions.
"You okay?"
"Hm? Yeah, I'm fine," she reassures.
The elevator lets you both off on the ground floor. You exit the hotel and start walking down the street. As you walk you fall into yourself once again. Your mind continues to wonder and explore different possibilities. Allison notices.
"Are you thinking again?" She asks.
You snap out of your little trance.
She starts laughing. "Yeah, you were."
You give her a fake smile before going back to what you were thinking. Allison quickly cuts you off.
"So you said you were from Arendelle, right? How is that?"
"It's cool, I guess. I could probably blame that place for the person I am today. That city has changed me a lot," you digress.
"The city, or the people?"
You snicker. "The people. Definitely the people."
Allison nods in acknowledgement. She walks beside you, trying to think of something to say.
"Hey Allison, can I ask you something?"
"Was there a man named Hans at the party?" You query.
"Hans? Hm... I'm not sure. My brother would probably know. Why?"
"Nothing. Just thought I saw someone I knew," you huff.
"Like, a friend?"
"Yeah," you pause. "Like a friend."
Allison gives you a strange look then starts giggling. You turn to her with a questioning look on your face.
"Nothing. You're just a funny guy," she laughs.
"Am I?" You ask in surprise.
"Yeah, you are. You were really funny last night, and now you have this funny charm about you. It's great."
You smile and look ahead. The corner store is just ahead. You both walk in and a bell dings. A man looks up from his newspaper and stares at the two of you.
"Ah, a couple. Haven't seen those before," he sarcastically remarks.
Why is it that every time I am with a girl people think we are dating? Jesus.
"A couple? No, not us," Allison quickly corrects.
"Wow, thanks," you joke.
Allison gets flustered.
"What? No, I didn't mean it like that! It's just that we're not and I didn't want you to be uncomfortable," Allison spews.
You laugh at her state of weakness. She pouts, then walks over to the ice. She grabs two bags and brings them to the cashier.
"$4.93," he says.
You pull out your wallet and quickly toss a five dollar bill onto the counter. You grab the ice and start walking out of the store.
"Come on Allison. We don't want the ice to melt," you beckon.
Allison stands there dumbstruck for a moment before catching up with you. You didn't stop to wait for her, and are a short distance away from the store.
Allison catches up to you.
"What was that?"
"I paid for your ice," you respond.
"I noticed that, thank you. Why?"
"Why not? Random acts of kindness are nice."
"And random," she retorts.
"What can I say? I'm a good guy," you snicker.
Allison chuckles with you. The two of you walk back to the hotel. You have to flash your little key chain to get back in. You and Allison ride the elevator to her floor and get off. You have small talk the entire way there. You both enter the room and what a sight it is. There are people passed out all over the place. You can't help but chuckle at the sight.
"Everyone seems to have fallen asleep. Well... I guess the ice is useless right now. Sorry about that (Y/N)."
"Not a problem, really," you say.
You turn around and leave the room. Allison quickly follows you out of the room. She rushes in front of you and puts her hands behind her back.
"So, are you going to come back? Going to talk to us again?"
This brings some surprise to you.
"Yes, of course. You guys were really fun to hang out with. I really hope your futures turn out the way you want them to. People need that hope," you smile.
"What about you? Are you doing what you want to do?"
You pause for a second.
"I don't know. I really don't."
"Oh, there it is! You're thinking again!"
You shake your head slightly and smile.
"Yeah, I tend to do that."
The small tension starts to rise between you two. You can both feel it. The door to her hotel opens and someone walks out. He lets out a yawn and rubs his eyes.
"Alex! You're awake!" Allison comments.
Alex loses his balance a little and stumbles back.
"Geez, sis. I just woke up from my drunken stupor. Give me some time before you yell in my ear."
"Well, I was drunk too! You don't see me whining," Allison declares with sass.
"That's because I drink real drinks while you have your girly stuff."
"What did you just say?"
You start chuckling and try to break up the sibling scuffle.
"Come now, let's try not to wake up the other guys and girls," you mention.
"Oh, yeah. Hey (Y/N). Good to see you up and active," Alex greets.
"I'm always up and active. You should see me play dodgeball," you joke.
Alex chuckles. "I'm sure you're the prodigy of dodgeball. You'll be in the hall of fame."
"Of course. It'll be the second thing I'll be famous for."
"What's the first?" Allison asks.
"Oh, music. My friend and I are in a band. The Ice Harvesters."
"Bullshit," Alex calls out.
"You know us?"
"Yeah, the Ice Harvesters are pretty cool. Lots of cover stuff, right?" Allison agrees.
"Yeah. Wow, I just thought we were a local thing. I'll have to tell Kristoff..." You end with sadness.
You shake your head and smile at your new friends.
Your smile fades a little when you look at the two. They are getting a little pale.
"Are you two okay?" You ask.
"Yeah... I'm... I'm fine," they both say.
The two begin to fall to the floor. You quickly move between them and put your hands out to catch them. They fall in your arms. You lift them both to their feet and lean them against a wall.
"Alex. Allison. Are you two alright? What's wrong?"
"Maybe, just a bit too much to drink last night," Alex slowly states. "I'm gonna go take a nap. It was nice seeing you (Y/N). Drop by later today, alright?"
"Of course," you nod.
Alex leans against the wall and goes back to his room. Allison is still in your arms. You look at her with concern.
"What about you Allison? Are you okay?"
"Yeah, yeah I'm better. Thanks."
Allison pushes off the wall and balances herself. You are ready to help her if need be, but she seems fine on her own.
"So, where are you going to go? Doing anything today?" She asks.
"Yeah. I have something I need to go check out," you say.
Allison seems a little disappointed.
"I'll be back later, maybe. It depends on how it goes."
"Well, I hope it goes well. I know everyone here would want to see you again."
"Yeah, I'd like to see them again too," you nod.
You tap Allison on the shoulder and turn around to leave. Allison grabs you for a moment.
You turn around to face her.
"What is it?"
Allison smiles and leans in on you. She kisses your cheek and backs off. She is blushing immensely. You are without words at her action.
"I wish you luck. You seem like you need it."
Allison runs inside and closes the door. You stand there for a moment, thinking.
She didn't kiss me on the lips. It's not cheating. I'm fine. I'm fine. Hell, I don't think it would make a difference at this point.
You walk away from the door, planning your next move. You know Hunter told you to stay put, but you can't. You just can't sit in one place and do nothing. You have information that you need to act upon.
You walk into the elevator and start it up. While the elevator descends you activate your holowatch. You pull out the documents and read them over. You want to make sure you know where you're going. You nod and toss the notes back into the watch. There shouldn't be too much in the way of getting to this temple. It would barely have anyone there, and that means you can explore all you like.
The elevator opens and lets you out. You head out from the hotel to the street. It isn't too long of a walk to get to your intended location. At least, it shouldn't be.
The room is dark and misty. The air is so heavy it could drag you down. There is a single source of light within the room. A hologram of a woman, and a short man. The short man is older and has grey hair. He seems to be in a lab coat.
"Are you all settled in, dear?" The man asks.
"Of course, Alistair. Our little friend has been so cooperative with me," she responds.
"Of-of course. Anything for the M-Monarchs," the short man responds.
"Good, good. I'll be there in a few days. I'm hoping everything goes smoothly. It seems that everything is going even better than anticipated. We may be able to launch within the month," Alistair grins.
"All because of you," Juno compliments.
"Us, dear. Now get a move on. Let's keep our luck going."
Juno nods and the hologram disappears. Alistair chuckles a bit and throws his hands in his pocket.
"I never would have imagined everything to go so smoothly. Hunter has been an annoyance, but he's barely halted anything. As for (Y/N)... well, he is a wild card. I'm eager to see what he'll have in store for me."
Another figure walks in the room and turns on the lights. The lights reveal the man to be Hans. His face is indeed perfect. Fixed. Hans smirks and walks up to Alistair.
"I did what you asked. We'll get to see if your little toys actually do their job," Hans reports.
"Very good Hans. And what about the sword?"
"(Y/N) is on his way there. I am to test out our little toy on him," Hans confirms.
"Perfect. We'll see how he fairs against this. I really want to watch. I'll follow your lead," Alistair states.
"You-you're coming? Why?"
"Are you questioning me?" Alistair asks with a raised brow.
"No. I just don't understand. What would you gain by watching this?"
"It's not what I would gain, per se. I just want him to experience something, and I have to be in a decent range for him to feel it."
Hans raises his brow then shrugs. He pulls out a small device and clicks a few buttons. He smiles mischievously.
You approach a giant forest. You have no idea how deep it goes, but you know the temple is here. You exhale and start walking into the forest. You push some foliage out of the way to clear the path. It is surprisingly clear in the actual forest. You aren't complaining one bit. You step over a few rocks and make your way down a path. It's not an actual path, but it seems to have some sort of direction it's going.
You walk down the path for ten minutes before you hear something. Groaning. You look around to find where the groaning is coming from. It sounds close, but it also sounds distant. It doesn't make sense to you.
"(Y/N)? Are you there?" A voice asks.
You recognize the voice instantly.
"Shadow! You're up! Hold on!"
You lay against a tree and close your eyes. You force yourself to Limbo.
You open your eyes and see the white canvas that is your mind. You look around for signs of Shadow. You see a suited figure getting to their feet, but failing and falling back to the floor. You start running towards it.
You get beside him and try to help him up. He surprisingly accepts your aid. That's out of the ordinary for him.
"(Y/N)... what happened to Monarch?"
"We lost. I didn't fare much better than you did. Hunter and I got destroyed," you explain.
Shadow has a melancholy look on his face. You get him to his feet and release him. He is having some trouble keeping himself up.
"Hold on. I'll search your mind," he says, closing his eyes. "You went to a party? Allison, huh? Seems like we're on our way to the temple."
"And Hunter told us to stay at the hotel. Why the fuck are we here then?"
"Because you're bored? You idiot. You're lucky I don't have the will to explain how stupid you are," Shadow insults.
"Sheesh, you haven't missed a beat. You're right back to insulting me. Who's the one who picked a fight with Monarch? Huh?" You counter.
"I thought we would do better. Nine months of training and we still couldn't beat him. What was it all for? It was useless. Damn!"
"I know. I have no idea how to beat him. The only thing I can think of is that power I used against Elsa and Anna's parents. But I still can't use it," you huff.
"Wait... What was that?" Shadow exclaims.
"Carnage... There was definitely a hint of Carnage in you during your fight with Monarch," Shadow says.
"Yeah, I felt it too. I don't know what that was. He's gone, isn't he?"
"There's no doubt that he's dead... but maybe he's just settling in," Shadow mumbles.
"What? What do you mean?" You question.
"I always knew that he would never just disappear. He is part of you, and some of his traits will be there."
"Which means I could go on a rampage like he did?"
"No. I think you can just be more ruthless than you normally are. That would explain the enhanced strength, speed, and the nails thing."
You chuckle at the last part. Shadow smirks and turns his head away from you. He is obviously thinking.
"Look, you should get a move on. I'm going to recover a little more before becoming active. Go see what that temple holds."
"Right," you nod.
You open your eyes. You squint in order to adjust to the sunlight. You shake your head and lift yourself to your feet, ready to get moving once again.
"You still there?" You ask aloud.
"Yeah, I'm here," Shadow responds.
You begin walking through the forest once again. Before long you stumble upon a few tents. This interests you. You slowly walk up to the campsite and look around. There are a few empty boxes around, but nothing too much on the outside.
"Hello? Is anyone here?" You call out.
Nobody responds. You walk up to one of the tents and slowly open it up. The tent has nothing special in it. A few sleeping bags and a lantern. You pout and walk to the next tent.
You open this one up. A raccoon ferociously jumps out of the tent and at your face. You move just in time for it to miss you. The raccoon quickly runs away. You are breathing a little heavier for a moment, but calm down soon.
"Jesus, that scared me."
You watch the little critter run away before looking back at the tent. There is a cooler with some food in it. It's likely the reason why the raccoon was in the tent. There is sleeping bag, and a little note pad. You raise your brow at the note pad. You lean into the tent and grab it. It's a simple note pad, nothing more. About one hundred and sixty pages within it. You open it up and start flipping through it. There are dates at the top of each page. It's almost like a journal.
It dates back almost one year ago. You read the first page aloud.
"I can't believe it! There is something here. Something under the dirt. We found the top of some sort of building! From the look of it, it seems to be ancient. Very ancient. Who knows what it could be, or what treasures it could hold! I need more manpower though, it's only ten of us here. That's not nearly enough to dig this up quickly. I hope someone will fund us, or help us do this. It could take years if not, and I don't know if the others will go along with that."
You flip through the pages, scanning each one to find something worth wile. Most of the early pages talk about the lack of support these people received. They went a total of seven months without anyone supporting them. One page catches your eye. It's dated 2 months ago.
"Finally! After months of nothing, someone has put money into us. The weird part is, they aren't telling us who they are. They call themselves our 'benefactor'. They're going to provide all the resources we need! This is great! My friends are finally happy! We're going to discover what this place is! From what I've found, it used to be some sort of temple. There is more than one building too. It could have been some sort of religious temple or something. We'll have to see when everything is dug up," you read.
You lower the journal but keep it in your hand. You walk around the campsite for a moment before flipping through the journal once more. You pass the last entry and enter blank pages. You stop and flip back to the last entry. You start reading the entry while walking towards a clearing.
This entry was made a week ago. Huh... Wait a second!
You pull out the notes that Shadow grabbed at the last place. You look at the notes about the Dragon's Tear. The notes and the journal entry were both made on the same day. You keep this in mind as you read the last page.
"My mysterious 'benefactor' came by today. He has a wife, and they scare me. I still don't know their names, but they are referred to as 'The Monarchs'. They have this really strange feel to them. It's like despair is dripping off of them. I don't know why they have an interest in this temple, though. I don't like what they are doing. They won't let us enter the temple after we fully uncovered it. When I asked them about it, they said they got what they wanted from the temple. The rest is ours! We're going to scavenge some more, and get what we can."
You lower the book from your view and toss it aside.
"So, I suppose these people are still at the temple. Maybe I can ask them a few questions," you plan.
You trek your way through the forest and walk into the nearby clearing. You finally exit the forest and approach the edge of a small cliff. You look out at what has been unearthed. A large temple grounds stands tall. There are three buildings inside of a giant wall. The wall has deteriorated and is mostly destroyed. Two of the three buildings have some decay as well, but are still somewhat intact. The largest building is still intact and strong.
There are a few tents and some equipment scattered through the courtyard. You know that the excavators must be somewhere down there. You look down the steep hill and judge the distance. You nod and step back a little. You run forward and jump of the hill. You land on the ground and start sliding down the hill. Your feet start to overlap each other but you are able to regain control and get down the hill.
You reach the bottom, and your momentum stops. You regain your bearings and let out a smile. You look around to get an idea of your surroundings. You nod and make your way to the biggest temple. You pass by a few broken pieces of wall and such while walking to the entrance. You slide the door open and walk in. There are a few electronic lanterns and such spread around for light. There are large amounts of dust spread around the floor. Every step makes dust fly up
There are some decaying walls and wood chips lying around. A few small end tables are present as well. There seem to be some banners, but they are much too old to determine the original picture. It really is old, but in surprising condition. The journal was right.
"Hello?" You call out. "Anyone there?"
No response.
"I swear, if there is some monster then this is the worst cliché," you complain.
You grab one of the lanterns and start walking through the rooms. You step over a fallen down door and into the next room. You notice something in the corner of your eye. You can't tell what it is, as it's clouded by darkness.
You walk over to it and kneel down. It's a corpse. It's not fresh, but not old. No more than a week, you'd say.
That's weird. There was no mention of a death in the journal.
You inspect the body to check for any signs of what killed him. You delicately lift up sleeves, move his head, and otherwise check for a cause of death. From what you can tell, there is no direct sign of what killed him. No puncture wounds, no bleeding. Nothing. You raise your eye in suspicion.
You stand up from the body and continue through the temple. There was nothing you could do for him anyway. You go through the next door and observe. There are a few weapon racks, you think. You honestly can't tell by how old everything is. The wind blows through the room and gives you the chills. You shake a little bit, but keep going. You find another door that seems to lead to a basement.
"Grand Master," a voice whispers.
You turn around and raise the lantern. Nothing is there.
"Grand Master," a voice says a little louder.
You look around to try and find the source, but there is nothing. This is really making you question what's left of your sanity.
You start to see slight apparitions of people, running around. They look like they have a purpose.
"Ghosts? What can I do against a ghost?" You question.
Two become much more distinct than the others. They are walking towards you and talking to each other.
"Grand Master, we're under attack. They're here for the artifacts," the man on the left states.
"Then we beat them back. Tell everyone to hold their ground while I get all the children to safety," the other commands.
"Yes, Grand Master."
The apparitions pass right through you then disappear.
"What... what the fuck was that? Seriously," you question. "You saw that too, right Shadow?"
"Yes. I did. Don't ask me how though, I have no idea."
You slap yourself and shake your head.
"It's probably just my imagination. I hope it's just that."
You try to forget what you just saw and continue to walk to the basement. You walk down the steps. Each one lets out a loud noise. The same noise old stairs always like to make.
"Check the hallways! Secure all the exits!" A voice whispers.
You tighten your face and attempt to ignore that voice. You finally reach the bottom of the stairs. It is a long corridor that leads to a giant door.
You traverse through the hallway until you reach the door. There are a few more bodies sitting near the door. They look the exact same as the one you saw earlier. They all have no indication of what killed them. You sigh at the loss of life, but press on.
You walk up to the door and study it. It has an infinite amount of markings all throughout the stone. It's like a giant rat's maze you did as a child. You try to find a way to open it, but there is nothing. You start feeling the door to find any openings or secret spots. Once again, nothing.
"The door is impenetrable. There is no way anyone is getting the artifacts of our clan," a voice whispers.
"If only we had more time"
You spin around, expecting to see some ghost face. You're wrong though, there is nothing.
"Seriously, I would rather see something. There is too much nothing!" You moan.
You look over to the door one more time.
"Damnit!" You yell, punching the door.
The indents on the door effect your knuckles, and causes you to bleed. The blood drips down the wall and in to the little cracks.
You pull your hand back and shake it twice.
"I didn't come here to end up with nothing. There's got to be a way through the do-"
Before you finish you hear the door start to move. It slowly lowers itself, letting out dust and debris. You turn around to face the opening door.
"How the..."
You decide not to question it, as it's doing you a favour. After the door finishes lowering you enter the room.
It still has some light, somehow. It is a very large open room with statues of people all around it. The statues aren't extremely detailed, so you wouldn't be able to tell who it is even if it wasn't dusty and eroded. There is one chandelier hanging from the middle of the room. The candles are still lit. There is also some mannequins scattered all over the place. A few of them have very old armours on them. They all have some sort of dragon mark.
You notice that there is one sword in the middle of the room. It's a katana. You make your way towards its pedestal. It is just a blade with no sheathe. You examine it. It has a black grip but red material covering it. There is a gold plate separating the hilt from the blade. The blade itself is a beautiful steel. To no surprise, it has a dragon slithering through the blade. You reach out and grab it. You hold it on the pedestal for a moment before pulling it off.
You wait for a moment and dart your eyes all over the room. You expect something to come and kill you for taking it. You wait for a moment before relaxing your body. You look at the sword a little more closely. You are amazed that it is in such good condition. Its state is a stark juxtaposition to the rest of the temple.
You give it a few lazy swings, just to test the weight of the sword. You smile. It feels great. Natural. It's like the sword has been waiting for you. You get into an actual stance and start doing some practice swings. You slice with one hand before spinning around and grasping it with your other hand. You slice upwards then bring it down in front of you.
"Oooh, man. This is awesome. I wish it had a... wait a second."
You open up your holowatch and flip through the contents. You find the sheath that you deemed useless before. You grab the sheath and bring it into reality. You look at the sword, then the sheath. You take the sword and attempt to sheath it.
The sword fits perfectly within the black sheath. You smile in amazement.
"So... was I supposed to come here and get the sword then? I know this is awesome, but this is also really suspicious. Well, I can deal with whatever they throw at me.
You place sword into the holowatch. A little options menu pops up before you. It is displaying options of how you would like the sword to be on your body. There is one picture with it in your side. One on your entire back. One hanging sideways off the bottom of your back. Those are the only options. You shrug and pick the option of it being on your back. The sword appears on your back, sticking to your clothing.
You look back at it and smirk. You click the holowatch and the sword disappears. You click it again and the sword reappears on your back. You smile once more.
"So I did get this cool sword... but I still have no idea what a Dragon's Tear is or where I can find it," you say to yourself.
You leave the sword on your back and start walking around, looking for any clues to what the Dragon's Tear is.
You walk up to a few more places but nothing indicates what the Dragon's Tear could be. You stand still for a moment and start thinking.
It has to be somewhere. I know it's here, the pages said... Oh christ, I'm an idiot. The journal said that the Monarchs were here, and there are notes about the Tear at that lab. The Monarchs already took the damn thing. This whole trip was pointless. I'm such an idiot.
You angrily walk out of the room and head for the surface. You remember how to exit the building, so it doesn't take too long. You are greeted by one more apparition before you exit the building. Your head starts pounding. It's like it's going to rip itself apart right then and there. You grab your head and fall to one knee. This makes dust shoot out from under you.
You look up at the apparition.
"We fight to the end."
"We fight to the end," younger voices repeat.
"Until our dying breath."
"Until our dying breath."
Fire start forming all around the apparition and yourself. You tighten the grip on your head and look around at the flames. You try and look for a way out but there isn't one.
"And upon our dying breath."
"And upon our dying breath."
The fire gets closer and closer. It start warming you up. You can feel sweat start to appear. You use everything in you to stand up and look around. The pain in your head masks the pain of the heat. You look at the apparition as it finishes its chant.
"We will be born again. Everlasting."
"We will be born again. Everlasting."
The fire makes its way to you. It swirls through the ground and reaches your leg. You sweep your leg away but this hurts your head even more. You fall to your knee, and the fire attempts to take its victim. It swirls in around you and tries to capture you inside of it. Making you one with the flame.
"It is not your time," a groggy voice calls out.
The fire parts and allows someone to walk closer to you. By the look in their eye, they don't notice you. They are wearing a grey coat that end close to their feet. There is a small split at the rear end of the coat, allowing for more movement. The coat is lightly detailed, but it is an apparition, so details are lost. There is obviously some clothes under this coat, but you can't make them out.
You stand up and face the apparition. You look to his side and see something familiar. A sword is attached to his left hip. His face is blank. There is no face, but his hair seems to resemble yours. He passes through and stops right behind you. You don't know what to do, so you stand still. You and the apparition stand the exact same way for a moment. At the same time he and the fire disappear. You didn't notice his face though. For a moment his face was revealed, but you did not see it.
With the fire gone and your head returning to normal you start to question your mental state. Something is wrong, and you need to find out what it is.
Who would even know how to deal with my mental...? Wait! Pabbie! He was able to find Shadow and Carnage just by touching my head, no doubt he'll be able to tell me what's going on. At least with my head, anyway.
You give yourself a moment to recover before exiting the building. The natural light blinds you for a moment. You put your hand up to block it, and notice something. Two people are standing in the same plane you are. You lower your hand and allow your eyes to adjust. You squint a little bit to see who it is. When you see their face you chuckle a little bit.
You start walking towards the two men, and they begin walking towards you.
"Hans! You're face doesn't look like shit anymore!" You point out.
"No thanks to you," he replies.
"Do I not get a greeting? You think you'd respect me a little more," Alistair asks.
"Yeah, I really respect you. Definitely."
Alistair notices the sword on your back.
"Ah, I see you got the sword. Very nice, you made it past the lock. Ancient stuff you know. It's a better security system then we have in the modern times."
What is he talking about? All I had to do was punch it.
The three of you stop a few feet away from each other.
"So I'm assuming you have the Dragon's Tear?" You ask.
"I don't have it on me. I did acquire it not too long ago."
"But let's get on with it, shall we? We know this won't remain civil for long," Hans determines.
You raise your arms and shrug.
"Whatever you say Hans. I just hope I get to ruin that pretty face one more time."
Hans chuckles and snaps his fingers. A large amount of soldiers step out from the surrounding area. They are in all back, clothes with body armour on. They have helmets and balaclavas to cover their face. They all take out batons and surround you. You take a few steps to see them all, but you don't the small circle where you were standing. You smirk as you see the 30 or so soldiers.
"How petty. You're hiding behind these people. Well, they chose to do this," you say, taking out your sword. "And I really want to test out this new sword."
Alistair and Hans move back to allow your fight to commence. Three of the 34 rush at you. You smile and prepare for the battle.
Let's see how that swordsman training paid off.
You grip your sword and wait for their attack. Two go for your head while one goes for your stomach. You lift your sword to block the upper two, and raise your foot to catch the last one. The sword clashes with the batons, and you are smiling. You push back all the attacks and start your own. In one swift movement you spin around and slice all three of their throats. They hold their throat as blood spews out of them. The three fall to the ground and bleed out.
Hans and Alistair laugh, and you have no idea why.
All of the soldiers rush at you now. You decide not to wait for them and run into one section. You jump over them and move your body so your head is parallel to theirs, and your feet are high in the air. You ready your sword and decapitate one person. Their body keeps running for a second before falling to the ground. You land in the middle of a few soldiers, and they are ready. They go for some swings which you dodge easily. They are way too slow for you. You block one attack from your right. You lock the sword behind the baton and force the soldier into his friends. You move your sword to your back to block another attack.
You push the baton away and then spin around, slicing through their stomach. You kick him into his buddies then stab one right through the stomach. You run forward with the soldier still on your sword. You impale two other soldiers before stabbing your sword into the ground and letting the bodies fall off. You stand back up and rotate your shoulders. You stare at the other ones and point your sword at them with your dominant hand.
You spin it in your hands once before grazing it across the ground and running towards them. You then fall to your knees and slide across the ground. You sever one's knees from their body. You get up with haste and kick the upper body off of their lower legs. The legs balance for a moment before falling off.
"(Y/N)... are you okay?"
You smile at the question as you slash through another ones torso.
"Never better, why?"
"It's just... I'm feeling Carnage pulsing through the body right now. You need to balance this out."
You block two more attacks then incise their chests.
"What are you talking about? I'm all me right now."
"No you're not! You're enjoying this way too much!"
You spin past an attack and shove your sword right into their neck. You twist it a little before pulling the sword out.
"Because this is fun!"
"You idiot! I know fighting is fun for you, but this isn't fighting! This is killing! You aren't a killer."
You kick one away then flip into the air to dodge another attack. You land a few feet away from the remaining five and listen to what Shadow is saying.
"What are you talking about?" You ask.
"Remember when I told you that you and Carnage are now one now? Well, I did say you could be more ruthless. Look what you're doing now!"
"There is a difference though. Carnage murdered people who didn't deserve it. He just attacked whoever was closest. I'm fighting people who want to kill me. This isn't for the sake of killing, Shadow. This is because I have to."
You rush at the remaining five and start twirling your sword in your hands. You jump in the air, twirl your entire body to gain momentum, then cut clean through one of the soldiers. His body falls apart in two separate parts. You continue on by stabbing one of them and bringing the blade out of their side. One tries to attack but you slice their arm off and easily stab them.
The three soldiers that remain run at you. Each of them try to hit you and keep running past you. You block each attack and allow them to get by. You drop your sword and put your foot on the hilt. You toss it backwards and right into one of their stomachs. You turn around and kick the stabbed one into his friend. You land on the ground, pull the sword out and push them on the ground. The last one stands firm against you. They try to hit you five times but you easily sway out of the way. You catch the baton and shake your head. You stab the last one in the heart then pull out the blade. They fall to the ground.
You breathe heavily for a moment before swinging your blade close to the ground in order to get the blood off the sword. After the blood is removed you place the sword back into the sheathe. You turn to Alistair and Hans.
"Well, looks like it's just you two now."
"Yes, seems that way," Hans agrees.
Alistair shakes his head and starts whistling something. He's too quiet for you to hear what it is.
"Can I ask you a simple question?" Hans asks.
"Sure," you suspiciously agree.
"Why are you fighting us?"
"Why. Are. You. Fighting. Us? What is your purpose right now?"
"Is it because we attacked Elsa once? The people who did that are dead. Is it because you hate me? Is it because you are bored? Why fight us when you have no purpose to?"
"No purpose?" You question.
"You can't even come up with a reason to fight us. Is it because Hunter said we were bad? You're blindly following his orders because he's so trust worthy, right? Where is he now, huh? Not here. There is no other reason you are against us. We aren't even after Elsa right now. You have no reason to fight or kill. You killed these people for no reason. You've done all these things for no reason."
"They were part of your twisted group! They're no better than you are!"
"Really? But does that make them evil? Look them in the eyes – see their face – and tell me they are evil. They're just men and women."
You walk over to one of the bodies and kneel beside it.
"Being a simple man or woman doesn't change what you are. You're both just men, but you manipulate."
"We do not manipulate," Hans starts.
You lift the mask of the soldier and stare into his eyes. Your eyes widen at his face. You know this person. You know their eyes, face, mouth, and nose. You've talked to them before.
"We control," Hans finishes.
You shake your head and back away from the body. You back into one and decide to look at that face too. You lift the mask off and recognize that person as well.
"No... no," you weakly state. "You... you were there."
"Amazing what technology can bring, huh? At least we are honest in what we do. If you're not with us, we forcibly control you. If we really don't want you, then you die. We don't put false causes and hopes like countries do. We don't tell people a fake reason why they are fighting just so they'll fight for us. We are blunt. We do what we need to."
You rush over to another body and see the face. Tears are present, but you aren't crying.
"Alex... No... I didn't..."
Sorrow fills your entire body. Your stomach twists and mangles itself into a knot to compensate. Your brain doesn't know what to think. It's swirling with emotions of guilt, agony, sadness. Your whole body is reacting to this, but you still can't comprehend it.
"And sometimes people just don't want to fight for us. Thankfully nano-bots are very helpful. They make you fight. They control you without resistance. They also make you skilled, and lethal. But how is someone supposed to be deadlier than you?"
You stand up slowly and stare at Hans. He has a grand smile on his face. You see another body close to Alex's. You take off their mask and your horror comes to life. Allison's lifeless eyes are staring back at you. You drop to your knees and hold the siblings close. Two people who you considered to be your friends... and you cut them down.
"All the people from your party... Hans controlled them all," Shadow states. "(Y/N)... keep level headed right now. Don't fall into rage or sadness."
"How can I not Shadow," you say, still holding Allison. "You were right... I'm no better than Carnage. I killed with... with no thought. I'm a monster."
"You didn't know! It's not your fault!"
"How could you... use these people?" You question.
"Well, we wouldn't have had to if it wasn't for you. Take a step back and see what I'm saying. You decided to fight us for no true reason. You don't have a cause pushing you forward. You fight because you're told to. You could have stayed in Arendelle with Elsa and none of this would have happened. But YOU decided to do this. We never would have needed these people if YOU did not pursue us. YOU forced our hand. YOU killed them with YOUR own hands. YOU are the one who took away their futures. Their families will never see their children again because. Of. You. You have to live with consequences (Y/N). You have to learn that you aren't the 'hero' you make yourself out to be. To us, you are just a child who put on a cape and is trying to stop the 'bad guys'. You have no idea what we even do, what we even plan to do. You don't know the sacrifices we make to keep everything balanced. It's pathetic, really. You hate us so much because of what we did to Elsa that you're willing to condemn everything and everyone. Look at the people you killed right here. Stare into their eyes. They were people who had futures, and you showed them no mercy. Tell me. Do you feel like a hero yet?" Hans chuckles.
You hear his words and stare at the bodies. Your person is crumbling under the weight of guilt. You can barely breathe. Your body doesn't want to go on anymore. You knew these people. You made bonds with them and learned about them. They learned about you. You said you were going to come back to see them, and you did. You did, but you killed them all. Every last one of them. You allowed your ruthlessness to cloud your judgment and you have paid for it.
Alistair and Hans stare at you. You are broken and they can see it. Hans smiles in victory. He broke you. He destroyed who you are. Alistair is still whistling as he stares at you. He shrugs and starts walking away.
"Come Hans. Let's leave him be."
"What? Let me kill him here and now!" Hans argues.
"No. He is already dead on the inside. Killing him now would prove no satisfaction. You've already killed him."
Hans sighs and follows Alistair. A helicopter comes over the trees and drops a ladder for the two. Hans begins to climb up first. Alistair waits and stares at you. You haven't moved. You haven't changed. He frowns and shakes his head. He grabs the ladder and starts climbing up.
You stare at the dead siblings. You can't stop looking at them. Everywhere around you is death you caused. Unnecessary death.
I lost everyone. I've lost Elsa, Kristoff, and Anna. Now I've lost these people too. I've lost Kat. I lost my old friends. I've lost everyone I ever cared for. I push them away. I kill them. There is no point in my life... I bring nothing but carnage. Sorrow. Death. But...
The sky becomes dark. Clouds form all around, releasing a mix of snow, rain, and lightning. The grounds starts shaking. Fire begins appearing out of nowhere, colliding with the rain and snow. Roots of trees begin sprouting, then get engulfed in the flames. The world around you is changing.
Alistair sees this and looks at you. He knows what's happening. He releases himself from the ladder and lands on the ground.
"What are you doing?" Hans yells.
"I'm going to have fun. Go on. Get out of here. You'll all die if you stay."
Hans nods and yells at the helicopter pilot. The helicopter begins to fly away, but is having trouble due to the massive gusts of wind surrounding the area. Alistair smiles and clicks his holowatch. He is transformed into his fighting robes. The same he wore when you fought last.
I still care for these people. I still want to do everything in my power to help them. Allison, Alex, Kyle, Cassie, everyone. I'm sorry I killed you all... Elsa, Kristoff... I'm sorry about what I did to you two. But I swear I'm going to kill all of them! I have nothing to lose! No one to go back to! I have nothing to live for!
You let out a howling scream at the sky. The elements swirl around you and shoot up into the sky. A beam of colour and power takes up the area around you. The elements create this beam, causing the colour to change between blue, red, green, brown, and yellow. It's able to be seen for miles. You don't see it, but your holowatch shows a notification. A call. A call from Elsa.
A few hours earlier.
"No offense Ms. Anderson, but we have more important things to discuss. We can send you a list of our projects if you want to check over them all," one person offers.
"That sounds fine. So what else would we have to talk about?" Elsa asks.
The meeting goes on for an hour. It consisted mostly of possible new projects they could start and how to advertise their upcoming ones. Elsa had to decide which products would be distributed this month, and what they would hold back in the coming months.
Even though most people would find this line of work boring, Elsa genuinely enjoys it. She is happy to have a job in such high standing, and is able to build off of what her parents created. Even if they weren't themselves when she saw them, she felt it was up to her to rebuild the Anderson name.
The meeting ends and everyone leaves the room. Everyone except Elsa and Alec. The two await the rest to leave before departing themselves.
"Well, I have some things to take care of. I will make sure the list of our current projects is sent to your office within ten minutes," Alec says.
Elsa nods and allows Alec to leave. Elsa gets up and heads back to her office. She sits in her chair for a moment and waits for the papers Alec promised.
Before they arrive, her desk phone rings. She picks it up.
"Ms. Anderson? I have an Anna Anderson on the line for you," the secretary informs.
"Oh, yes. That's just my sister."
"Alright, connecting you both."
Elsa hears a small beeping, signaling that Anna is on the other line.
"Anna?" Elsa greets.
"Oh, hey sis! How's your big day at work going?"
"It's fine, I suppose. What about you?"
"It's great! Me and Kristoff have been spending the whole day together. We just checked up on Pabbie and were wondering if we could come see you at work!"
"At my work?" Elsa repeats, "I suppose. Just for a few minutes though."
"Okie dokie! We'll be there in a few. See ya sis!"
Elsa hangs up the phone and lets out some air. Someone knocks on her door and brings in a massive stack of papers.
"This is the list of what we are producing. It is a long list."
"Thank you for bringing them to me," Elsa nods.
The man smiles and leaves the room. Elsa begins looking through the papers. She carefully reads each one to get every detail about it.
The first page is about the holowatch. Elsa reads every detail about what it can do and what it's going to be used for. She nods in agreement of the product and goes to the next one. She finds some interesting products during her search. There are some weird cell phones she's never seen before. A new super suit idea. One that would enhance a person's strength, speed, and endurance. Gloves that have nano-bots keeping them eternally warm. They were all interesting, and Elsa wanted to know more.
She was especially curious about the nano-bots. If the company has them, they must be using it for more than gloves. Elsa looks up at the clock and realizes an hour and a half has passed. She gets up with the intention to talk to Alec but is cut off by her sister. Anna walks into her office. Kristoff comes in a second after.
"Elsa!" Anna shouts. She looks over and sees the massive pile of paper work, "My goodness Elsa, that's so much work!"
Elsa looks at the pile and smiles.
"Yeah, it may be a little more than I thought it was."
"You really are a worker, aren't you?" Kristoff laughs.
The three chuckle for a moment before Elsa goes to check her phone. She turns on the screen and sees one notification. Her eyes widen at the words. Anna and Kristoff see this.
"Elsa, what's wrong?" Anna asks.
"(Y/N)... (Y/N) called me hours ago! I have to call him right now!"
Elsa redials the number. As soon as she clicks it a flash of light shines in the distance. The three look out the window at the giant beam of light coming from kilometers away.
Elsa lowers the phone and puts her hand on the window.
"20 bucks says that's where (Y/N) is," Kristoff jokes.
Anna elbows Kristoff in the stomach. Elsa ignores everything and just stares at this beam of light. Her hand goes limp, making her phone drop to the floor.
You continue to scream as the power overwhelms you. The elements fly into your body and fills you with the power. Your eyes go completely white. Your physique increases significantly. The air swirls around you, then shoots out to blow everything around you to smithereens. Alistair puts his hand in front of his face to keep the shrapnel out of his eyes. He lets a smile out as he watches your power explode.
You stop yelling and return to a normal position. The beam of elements circle around you, then enter your body. You start glowing with elemental radiance. The various elements continue to be apparent around you. You grab your katana and slowly pull it off your back. Before you even get it out you dash at Alistair. In a second your sword is ready to chop his head off. He ducks under the slice then uppercuts you into the sky. He notices something different about your sword. The steel has changed. It is no longer a grey steel. It is black.
You flip through the air for a moment before getting your bearings. You throw your hand forward and shoot a combination of fire and lightning at him. Alistair jumps far to the side to avoid the attack. You use the wind to change your course. You knew he would land around there. As soon as his feet land on the ground, you are right there with him. You go for another cut, which he barely dodges.
You are prepared for this and have a fist ready to hit him. He sees it, but knows there's nothing he can do. You hit him right in the face. It plants into his face for a moment before you extend your arm and send him flying. He bounces off the ground once, then recovers. He materializes a katana of his own in his hand. He knows you are attacking again, and he's ready. He puts his own katana in a position to block yours. The two swords clash. Your katana slashes right through Alistair's. He widens his eyes at this fact. He knew what this was, he just wasn't expecting it.
Your katana goes past Alistair, and you do as well. You quickly spin around and throw your fist at him. He catches it, but his arm is pushed back a bit. You both lock eyes. He sees the anger inside you. The desire to kill.
You clench your teeth and attempt to stab Alistair. Alistair moves his head out of the way then head-butts you. You barely flinch. The two of you smile at each other before breaking off. You both land eight feet from one another. You put your hand out and summon earth. Five giant walls rise from the ground and move towards Alistair. He runs around, dodging all the walls.
The five walls collide together and create one giant wall, separating you and Alistair. Alistair takes a second to breathe. He can hear you doing something on the other side of the wall. In an instant he feels something on his lower chest. He feels something he hasn't felt in years. He feels pain. He looks down to see a gash on his stomach. Some blood is dripping out of it. He looks at the wall to see the slightest cut through the entire thing.
Alistair knows what's coming. He materializes one more sword. It's a broadsword. As soon as he grips it you crash through the wall. You bring your sword down upon him. He blocks it with his own. This time, his defense doesn't crumble. You are slightly above him, and he is obviously below you. Gravity pulls you to the ground. The fight begins.
Alistair glides a foot away from you but you jump towards him. You tuck your feet close to your body as you attack from the air. You throw three slashes at him, which he blocks. You land on the ground and prepare your defense. Alistair spins his blade around his body then slashes at you. You block his attack and push him back a little. He doesn't give up. Once he gets a good footing, he rushes you once more. Your swords are colliding so fast that the rain around you is forming around you. You're so fast that you're keeping the rain away.
You both push off each other and slide across the ground. The water in that area finally falls to the ground. You and Alistair are breathing a little heavy.
"(Y/N), what the hell happened?" Shadow asks.
"I don't care anymore Shadow. I'm fighting with no concern for my wellbeing. Nobody is waiting for me, so I can go full out. Push my body to the limit," you smile.
"The control you have right now... It's unbelievable. I thought you were letting Carnage back in but... you had this all under control."
"You underestimate me Shadow. That's something you shouldn't do."
You sheathe your sword and get into a fighting stance. You put your dominant goot farther than your other one. You put your hands in a fighting position. You gesture Alistair to come at you. You're ready. Alistair smiles at the challenge. The sword disappears out of his hands and he gets in his own stance.
"You're the biggest challenge I've ever had. I respect you for that (Y/N)."
"I'm honoured."
The two of you disappear in an instance. A shock wave occurs in the middle of where you both were. Your forearms are struggling to see who is stronger. You throw your other hand and punch Alistair in the face. Alistair recoils a bit, then throws his leg into your ribs. Your feet are planted firmly in the ground, but you still slide across the ground a bit.
"Tell me, why aren't you taunting me with the death of Allison and them?" You question.
Alistair brings his leg back, then spins around and kicks you in the face. You stumble back. Alistair jumps in the air and brings his fist down on your face. You lower to the ground.
"Because I'm not petty like Hans. He didn't beat you. He manipulated you. Anyone can manipulate. I want to beat you with my fists, feet, and blade. That's how we'll know whose better."
You bring your fist up to his jaw. He tries to hold it down, but you beat him. You grab the collar of his armour piece and smash your forehead against his. You continue the assault by throwing your arms at him. You hit him four times then bring him down on your knee.
He doesn't lay back and let you hit him. After the knee, he throws his fist in your stomach. You back up a bit, then shoot some air at Alistair. He puts his hands up to block it, but he is thrown back. While Alistair flies through the air he starts tossing fire balls at you. You flip to avoid them, but one does get you in the stomach. You fall on to the ground and hold your stomach. The black and white shirt you are wearing has a giant whole in it now. You snarl and rip off the shirt, leaving your upper body completely visible. There are a few burn marks.
Alistair looks at you and smiles. You smile back. The two of you rush at each other one more time. You collide fists, then feet, then elbows, then heads. Your attacks are even. You strength is equal. Neither of you want to lose ground. You catch his fist, the he catches yours. You start colliding knees with each other. You use your arms to throw Alistair around you for a moment then send him flying in the air.
Alistair recovers in the air and smiles.
"Do you think you have control over the elements? I'll show you control!"
Alistair conjures small fire balls in his hand you chuckle at how petty they are. Alistair throws them and they expand. They grow larger than the city or Arendelle. Your eyes widen and look around. There are only three, but there is no way you're going to out run it. You try to think of some way for you to get out of this mess.
The fire balls come down upon the ground. The three hit, then explode. They create a similar beam to what you did with your power. However, this is destructive. The fire destroys the entire area surrounding the temple. Even the temple is destroyed. The flames and shock wave decimate everything. Nothing survives. Alistair lands in the aftermath of his attack. He is drawing a few breaths before standing straight. He looks around to see if there are any signs of you. There aren't. There aren't any signs of anything. It's all desolate now.
Alistair closes his eyes and focuses for a moment. He opens his eyes and smiles.
"You clever bastard."
Alistair stays in his battle clothes and starts walking away. He looks down at the large gash in his stomach. He puts his hand over it to try and keep some blood in. He'll survive. No doubt about that.
He jumps out of the crater and walks through the destroyed forest. He starts whistling Carol of the Bells as he departs. He found what he wanted to. He found someone who could hurt him. He leaves the battlefield, leaving it empty. The explosion could be seen for miles. The whole world will know about it. But there are some very specific people who witnessed it.
Elsa, Anna, and Kristoff watched the explosion happen. They are worried. Worried for their friend. Worried for the person they all love.
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