Chapter 23: Long Lost & Long Yearned For

Hunter picks himself off the floor and looks over at his brother. You're face first on the floor, not moving. He looks around and can't seem to find Monarch. Hunter shakes his head and finally gets to his feet. Hunter holds his ribs and grunts a little bit. He holds his ribs tightly and changes the placement of them. He cringes at the pain, but the long-term pain is gone. Hunter stretches his neck and his arms while he walks over to you.

He leans close to you and shakes you a little bit.

"(Y/N), are you alright?"

"I'mma... I'd love some... steak..." You mumble in your sleep.

Hunter chuckles and shakes his head.

"Yeah, yeah I should expect as much."

Hunter picks you up and tosses you over his shoulder.

"Jeez, you are heavier than you look," he grunts.

Hunter starts slowly walking out of the facility. Every so often you would move a little, disrupting Hunter's movement. Hunter is still hurting, and it's difficult for him to walk. Walking with you over his shoulder makes it even worse.

"You know, we weren't supposed to fight him. See what happens when you rush in without thinking?" He says to you.

You don't respond. Hunter shakes his head and continues.

"Then again, it seems you do a lot of things without thinking it through. You've gotten this far, why not continue to do it, right?"

Hunter thinks back to your fight with the Duke and Duchess. He didn't think you were going to win, but you proved him wrong. However, this was completely different. Hunter knew for a fact that you were nothing against Monarch – against Alistair.

"He's going to have to get better... but what does he know? He hasn't been doing this for as long as I have. Then again, I wasn't always ready to bring the fight to the Hierarchy. It was forced upon me..."


Hunter thinks back to his childhood – a childhood that you weren't around for, at least not for the most part.

"I remember mom and dad bringing you home for the first time. You were wrapped in this little green blanket..."

I ran up to my parents with a huge grin on my face. They looked down at me then back to the little blanket in my mother's hand. She kneels in order to show me my new sibling. I looked at you and started laughing.

"He's so small!"

"You were like that too, Hunter," father responded.

"But now I'm big and strong!" I shouted, full of energy and enthusiasm.

"That you are Hunter, and now you can use your strength to help your brother," mother chuckled.

I reached out for him. I wanted to hold him close. I wanted to hold my new baby brother. Mother let him to do this, then she snuggled up with dad. I saw the two of them stare at us.

"Hopefully they don't take too much from you," dad whispered.

"Because you're a great role model," she retorts.

While I held you I was curious about one thing.

"What did you name him?"

They looked at each other for a moment then turned back to me.

"(Y/N). (Y/N) Knight," said.

"(Y/N) and Hunter Knight, together forever!"

I smiled and bounced him in my arms. I rubbed my nose against his, and he tried to grab it. He had no idea what he were doing, and it was so innocent to me. I laughed and held him tight.

"You're my little brother. You're under my protection!"

I was so happy to have a little brother. To be honest I was a little disappointed that his hair wasn't white like mine, but it was still okay. I was sure to be the best for him, even though I was young. I would be the best big brother ever.

I always helped mother when it came to situations revolving you.  Fortunately he was a fantastic baby. He hardly ever cried or made a lot of noise. When he just sat on the couch staring at the ceiling, I would always imagine about what he was thinking. I never could though. His baby mind just amazed me.

"Mommy, how does (Y/N) not cry?" I asked.

"Well, he is strong! He gets that from you," mother told me.

"Well, I'm not going to cry! If he won't cry then I won't!"

Mother smiled then took him away to be fed and put to bed. I was sad when he was put away but I had other people to play with. None of them were the same as him, though.

Three months after I turned seven, I was crushed. Mom and dad took him away and never brought him home again. I kept asking for days and days and they wouldn't say anything.

"He can save the world Hunter. He just has to do it somewhere else," father told me.

I hated them after that. I absolutely hated them. How could they take him away without a reason?  In an attempt to get him back I would bang things against the wall and wait for their reaction. At some point my parents just stopped reacting to me.

When I figured out that it wasn't working I tried something new. I was the best in my class, prior to what I did. I would interrupt classes, make messes in the bathroom and try my best to be the most horrible child in that school. The teachers were so concerned since I was a 'perfect student'. Mom and dad kept telling me to stop. I would never until they agreed to my demands.

"Bring (Y/N) back, and I'll stop!"

This didn't work. He was never brought back to me. I became depressed. Well, as depressed as I could be for a seven year old. I became less social and just grieved over your loss. But I refused to cry. I promised myself that I would never cry.

Life was never the same. My parents and I were never close after that. They became buried in their work and I hated it. When I was nine, I chose to run away. I explained everything to my most trusted friend and asked to stay at his house. I still went to school, and was always the top of the class. I thought it was going to be okay after that, but I was wrong. After a few months I was taken. I was walking back home and some men in suits grabbed me. I tried to struggle and fight back but there was no use. I was knocked unconscious and brought somewhere.

"Get up. Your new home is waiting for you," a voice said over a loud speaker.

I slowly opened my eyes and started to feel my body again. It actually felt like I was on something comfortable. I rolled over and was woken up instantly when I fell on the floor. I quickly got to my feet and looked around the room. It was an all-white room. The walls were white. The ceiling was white. A desk and chair was white. The bed and sheets were white. Everything was white.

I ran around the room trying to find a way out. There wasn't even a noticeable door I could bang on. I just started banging on all surfaces, hoping that something would happen. Nothing happened. I walked over to the bed and laid on it. I started to think about my parents. I thought how scared they must be right now. I began regretting running away. He was mad at them but he still loved his parents, and they must have loved him.

One of the walls suddenly raised up and a man in a suit and glasses walked in. He grabbed me and dragged me out the door and into a dark hallway. I was able to squirm enough to break free. I started to run as fast as I could. I didn't care where I was going. My freedom was short lived when more men in suits appeared in front of me. One hit me right in the jaw to stop me. It was the first time I was hit there, and far from the last. I was then lead to a large white room. It was a weird room with not much in it. I was confused at first. Suddenly, a man in a mask, red robes, and golden armour walks in.

"I want you to fight me," he demanded. "Hit me with everything you have. If you do, then I'll let you go free."

I was worried at first, but the offer of freedom was too good to pass up. I ran the man in the mask. I threw hand at the man, but he moved out of the way and tripped me. I fell flat on my face only to be picked up by the collar of my shirt. The man hit me in the stomach so hard. After I coughed up some saliva he tossed me to the side. I hit the ground hard and held my stomach in pain.

"Again!" The man yells.

I picked himself up and looked at the man blocking his freedom.  I ran in once more and went for a sloppy kick. The man used his own foot to block it, then spun around and smashed my cheek with his heel. Blood sprayed across the ground, and I followed suit.


I slowly got to my feet and stared at the man. He hit me so hard that my vision was blurry.  I tried to throw another punch but I passed out from a mix of pain and exhaustion. The masked man picked me up by the collar and held me there for a moment. Another suited man walks in from behind him.

"Monarch, sir. Should we throw the boy away and look for another?"

"No. Heal him up and give him a shot of B23Z10. Give him some school supplies for now. Tomorrow we'll start his training."

"Yes sir!"

When I was 10 I got finally got someone to talk to. While I was doing my math work someone walked into my room. I looked over to see a brown haired child. He looked at me and smiled.

"Hi! You're Hunter Knight, right?" He asked.

I nodded, but stayed silent. He walked up to me and stood beside me. He looked at my work and pointed at the question I was on.

"The answer is 47," he said.

I kept staring at him for a bit until he found it awkward.

"Sorry... I just know stuff like that. I suppose you do to, huh?" He smiled," My name is Alec! Alec Westergaard!"

"Did they send you?" I quickly asked.

"No. I snuck in."


"You aren't the only child genius around here."

The two of us sat on my bed and started talking. He told me that he was the son of the men who owned this building. He was able to loop the video so it would look like I was still working. It was complicated for someone of his age, but I could have done it if given the opportunity. I suppose the work did help me in the long run. Alec also told me that other kids were around, but they were younger and in a different section of the building. They wouldn't be as fun to talk to as me. We chatted for a little bit before he said he had to go. It would be suspicious if he was gone for too long. He promised that he'd come visit me again. I was happy about that. It's been too long since I've talked to someone.

When I reached 15, I was more mature than ever. I also was at peace with the entire situation. Every week was the same routine. Once a week I would fight the same masked man – who was identified as Monarch, thanks to Alec. I fought him every week to try and escape, and every week I lost. The other days I would be put through mental and physical training. I was pushed to learn a large variety of different languages, maths, sciences, history, and everything else one could think of. After six years, it became natural for me. I suppose you could've called me a genius.

Alec visited as often as he could, which was about twice a week. As time when on it became easier to talk to him. We became best friends. We would talk about random things, but also some serious topics. He always kept me up with things that would happen around the facility. He kept trying to find out how to why I was here, but to no avail. Alec would also explain some other things to me about this place.

"My parents keep talking about something called the Hierarchy. I'm supposed to join them soon," Alec lazily stated

I finished my set of one hundred push-ups and went to my bed.

"And where does that leave me?"

"It means I can find out what they plan to do with you. You seem to be somewhat important around here."

"I'm honoured," I chuckled.

The same question keeps running through my head.

"Why was I here?"

 It seems like a punishment, but also a blessing. I was getting a massive amount of education every single day. I am also building my body to be almost perfect. My strength, endurance, and flexibility were far beyond that of a normal person. Even at age 15, I was still a match for almost every guard in this place. The problem is Monarch. He always seems to be one step ahead, and I'm pretty sure he was getting even stronger. That or he's been holding back and just releases a little more each time we fight.

The guards started to respect me as I grew older. I wasn't some whiney kid that annoyed them anymore. Some of them even tried to stir up conversation with me when acceptable. However there are only two people that I respect in this place. Monarch, and my teacher, Miyamoto. Miyamoto taught me a large variety of different fighting techniques, and also how to use every type of weapon. However, guns were not among them. That confused me. The world we live in is all about guns. Why would we not use them?

"Guns are not honorable. They don't prove who the better man is. Monarch understands this, and makes everyone learn all forms of martial arts."

That made me respect Monarch. For him to see the world like that is something different. It's a point of view that I've never seen before. Hunter kept that lesson. Even if the man if the man beats me senseless every week, there seemed to be more to learn when it came to his ideals and beliefs. I would be sure to ask him before I escape.

I finally attained freedom at 16. I fought Monarch. I fought him with everything I had in me. There is no way he wasn't hurting after the beating I gave him. We collided punches and kicks for hours. After four hours of constant battle, I fell to my knee in exhaustion. Monarch stood across the room from me, panting heavily. He was tired, I could tell even with his mask on.

"Very good Hunter, you've done well."

"Does.... That mean... I can leave now?" I slowly asked.

"Well, that depends on you. I have one more thing to offer you. Train under me," Monarch offered

"What?" I questioned, positioning himself in a sitting position.

"You've become what I hoped you would be. I offer to train you personally. Learn everything I know."

This surprised me. I wasn't expecting to be let go so easily, but I didn't think Monarch would offer to train me. I knew he was strong and could teach me so much more than I could have learned on my own. Accepting the offer was the best thing I could have done in this situation. Learning from him is probably the best thing he could do. I stuck my hand out to Monarch. Monarch walked over to me and shook my hand. After a second he pulled me to my feet and walked away.

"It was a good fight Hunter. We'll start training tomorrow."

I didn't know whether I was free or not. I suppose I wasn't since I agreed to this training. In a way, I was excited. I was ready to see how much stronger I could get.

I didn't get any more injections after that fight. I didn't need them, but it was just odd. I've gotten them for almost a decade now.  I wasn't craving them, but it was just a little pattern that was off. I was 18 at this time. I've been training with Monarch for two years now, and I've learned so much. He taught me techniques – fighting styles I never would have learned without him. He taught me how to take a punch even better than I could. He taught me speed, agility, stamina that far exceeded my own. He was something much more than human, I had no doubt in my mind.

I had one problem with Monarch, however. His views on humanity were horrid. He would always talk about evolution and how humans can become more. He was working on something related to that, but I was left in the dark. He would sometimes talk about saving the world from itself. Changing it to fit his image. Manipulating it all. It was the goal of the Hierarchy, but mostly him. He spoke of it with such passion and motivation that it was difficult to see how crazy it was. Manipulation is not peace, its control.

I don't know whether or not Monarch picked up on my lack of enthusiasm towards his dreams. I always stayed silent and listened to him, but I didn't share his passion. People should be free. That's part of what it is to be human. We fight to make sure people are free, but then again... I suppose the subject of 'true freedom' is very complicated. But Monarch had a plan for total control.

When I went to see him that day everything changed. Instead of fighting, he brought me into the room he always went to after our fights. I always wondered what was in that room, and I finally found out. It was just an empty room with an elevator. In that same room were two others. A woman who I didn't recognize, and Alec. I didn't want to compromise Alec, so I pretended I didn't know him. He did the same for me.

Monarch walked beside the woman and took off his mask. It was the first time I've seen his face. It was just a face though. I was sort of hoping for some Phantom of the Opera type ordeal, but alas. He stood beside the woman. She slithered under his arm. Something about her eyes... something wasn't right. She was off. She almost felt unstable.

"I offer you a place with us, Hunter. You can help change the world. Save the world," Monarch offered.

"You can make this planet a place of peace and order. A place where everyone is equal, and respected," the woman added.

"All we need is for you to say you'll join us," Alec finished.

I stood there for a moment. Only one sentence echoed through my head. "Save the world."

That's what I was told when (Y/N) was taken away. That was foolish of me to think. But I couldn't take the offer. I didn't believe in their cause, and they certainly wouldn't have explained it without me agreeing to them. I simply refused to be part of something like this. Maybe if I voluntarily came here... maybe if things were different. I didn't know. I was partly mad. After all this and still I didn't have my freedom.

"And if I say no?" I questioned.

The woman chuckled. "That's not an option."

No freedom. That right there confirmed it for me. They never planned on giving me my freedom. I was a puppet from the beginning. Me and everyone else who they had here. Those children that Alec mentioned years ago. They'll be puppets too!

I quickly dashed to the elevator, activated it, and clicked the "M" button. The elevator closed and started speeding to the main floor. I took a breath, thinking about what I just did. From what Alec told me, these guys have a huge reach. Escaping them may have been difficult if Monarch hadn't taught me what he did. Maybe he knew I would escape... but that was just random thinking.

When I reached the floor there were guards waiting for me. Without a second thought I rushed them. I punched one straight in the jaw, sending him flying away. The others didn't even have time to react before they were hit with my fists. I didn't go through nine years of brutal training for nothing. The guards went down like nothing.

I looked for the nearest door and ran through it. The sunlight blinded me for a while. I hadn't seen the sun in years. After the shock, I sprinted through the streets. I only knew one place I could go. I had to go home. After running for ten minutes I stopped and looked around me. I didn't notice anyone suspicious, so I let my guard down a bit. There was no doubt they would be after me sooner or later.

I quickly got to my house and knocked on the door. My father's old car was still in the driveway. I laughed that he still had the crappy old thing. I waited a minute before turning the handle. It was open. I quietly entered the house. It was furnished the exact same way I remembered it. It was weird. I was expecting something different.

I walked into the living room. Nothing. The kitchen had nothing. Their room had nothing. I walked up to my room and paused for a moment. I slowly opened the door to see a box on my old bed. I closed the door behind me and walked up to this box. I opened it up and found a note with a card inside.

I can't remember exactly what the note said, but my parents said they weren't sorry for what they did, but they were sorry for the fact that they couldn't handle it better. The note described that the card has access to a bank account with almost one billion dollars within it. I didn't believe it. My parents were not rich. We were middle class. Average. At least I thought we were.

But where were my parents? The letter didn't say where they went or what happened to them. They were just gone. I had money, but no parents. I had strength, but no purpose. I had a life, but nobody to share it with. I started feeling regret. I felt like I should have taken the deal with the Monarchs.

"No... no that's compromising! That's giving in to something I don't believe in. It's almost like crying... (Y/N) never cried. He never gave into that. I won't either!"

With nothing else to do I decided to check out this bank. I walked over to the bank and handed them the card. They confirmed the amount within. I was rich. But I had no purpose with this money. What did I need it for? I had nothing.

"Hey Hunter," a voice said behind me.

I tilted my head to see Alec standing behind me. He had his signature smile on. I smiled at him and turned around.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Seeing you. You need help."

"How so?"

Alec laughed and led me to a small table in the bank. We sat down and stared at each other for a moment.

"The Monarchy is not taking your resignation very well."

"I never agreed to the job!" I snarled. "They tried to force it upon me!"

"Yes, I know. But you were one of their most valuable 'projects'. You have to realize that they aren't going to give up on you. They'll keep hunting you. Hunting Hunter... Ha. Listen, I'm going to help you."

"Help me with what?"

"You have to stop them! You have to end their plan!" Alec said.

"I... why?"

"I've known you for years, Hunter. You're a fighter. They want you dead, and you want what's right for the world. They aren't what's right for the world. I can help you stop them, but I can only operate from the shadows."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My best friend was telling me to fight back against these people. I didn't even know what they wanted to do. What their end goal was.

"I can see the doubt in your eyes. Listen, you have to do this. They gave you the tools to fight them, all you have to do is use them."

I sighed and stared at him.

"Alright, I'll do this. But I want to know more about what they're doing before I do anything drastic."

"That's fair. Ok, how about this. They have some children that they're testing on. It's supposed to be the second generation of some sort of advanced humans or something. I'll tell you where it is and you can check it out for yourself."

"Alright, that sounds good."

Alec hands me a piece of paper and a small blank card. I grabbed both of them and took a look at them. I didn't understand the use of the card, however.

"What's this for?"

"Tap your bank card on it. It'll take all the data from it without the tracing ability. You'll be able to use it without the Hierarchy finding you."

I smiled and gave Alec a light hug. Alec hugged me back.

"You're not alone Hunter. I'll do everything I can to help you, but I can't compromise my position at W.A. Industries."

I nodded in understanding. I read the address. It was a warehouse outside of Arendelle.

"How cliché. A warehouse?" I said to myself.

It took little time to reach the warehouse. I pushed open the large doors and walked in. It was dark, cold, and dusty. This definitely wasn't the same as the place I was at. At least, the look wasn't.

I was tempted to leave, but I knew Alec wouldn't send me somewhere without having a reason to. I started to look around. There was one thing that came to my mind, and one thing that may help me. When I was in my room, the door was part of the wall. One wouldn't even know there was a door at first glance. It blended so well. It might have been the same here. The door could be hidden.

It started to feel the walls around me. I felt every single wall and crack within the building. There was nothing. I stopped for a moment and started to think. There had to be something. Something that I was missing. Before I knew it there were spotlights shining on me. I instantly readied my body for anything that could come at me. It was the first lesson Monarch taught me.

"Hunter Knight. How did you find this place?" A weasel sounding voice asked over an intercom. "You are a wanted man. I could get in good with the Monarchy if I brought you to them."

This idiot told me everything I needed to know. This was some sort of facility and I was being hunted. It didn't matter though. I could take anything they threw at me.

"This seems to be the best time to see how well my projects are coming along. I can do better than the other Duke!"

When he finished talking the floor began to open up. I lightly hopped away from the middle and stared at what could be my opponent. To my surprise, it was little kids. Six of them, in fact. I was confused. Young children couldn't stand up to me.

The kids looked over at me and extended their hands. Something amazing happened. Elements started bursting out from their hands. A combination of water, air, fire, lightning, earth, and ice. I quickly jumped out of the way and grabbed onto a loose piece of metal above me. I flipped myself on top of the bar and looked at the children. They saw me and shot their elements at me once more.

I jumped to the right and dodged them. Their attack blew a whole right through the warehouse. They continued to shoot elements at me and I just kept running circles around them. I tried calling out to them, but their eyes showed that they didn't care. I don't even think they were kids anymore. Their eyes said that they were lost. That who they were died a long time ago.

I knew that it wasn't going to end unless I put a stop to it. I pushed off the wall and went directly at them. They didn't have time to attack again. I easily took them all down with one hit. They were kids, what else would happen? But I was wrong. They stood back up and smiled at me. It was almost scary. They shot at me again but I rolled out of the way. There was only one way to finish this, but I didn't want to do it.

I ran a few circles around them before attacking again. I slipped behind the green haired one.

"Sorry," I whispered.

I grabbed her head and twisted it. His head spun around to face me. The lifeless child fell to the floor, and I was horrified. Without a second thought I elbowed the next one in the nose and threw him at the wall. The girl slammed against the wall and tried to accept the law of gravity. I didn't allow it. I pushed off my leg and jumped at her. I shoved my fist in her face. She was stuck between my fist and the wall, except I kept pushing.

I didn't stop until I heard a crack. The noise that confirmed they were dead. I don't want to remember how, but I did kill them all. All those kids. I knelt in the center of that room and howled to the sky. I hated myself for killing these kids. It was horrifying. But I didn't blame myself. I blamed them. The Hierarchy. I knew where the door was now. I walked over and shoved my hands into the cracks.

"What-what are you doing?" The voiced yelled.

I used all my strength to rip open the door and jump inside. The drop was longer than I expected, but I landed on an elevator quickly. After searching through the base – and fighting guards along the way – I found the central hub. It was like a mainframe.  I needed information on what was happening. I needed justification for killing those kids and going after the Hierarchy.

It was surprisingly easy to hack into the computer and download the files. To be honest, I didn't even know what files I was downloading. I just grabbed what I could. After all the files downloaded I tried to find a way to destroy this place. It was a good thing that I learned what I did during my time in confinement, or else I wouldn't have been able to reroute the power to overload the base and destroy it. I one-upped Alec.

What I learned from those files tore me apart. Those kids were kidnapped by their families to become test subjects. They were the second round of the "Elemental Project", which meant there were more people like that. However the files told me they would be around thirteen to fifteen by now. It didn't give me their names, so I had to ask Alec about it.

There was a mention of something, or someone, called "Project Overlord", however the details were vague at best. One of the best parts of this information is that it labelled everyone in the Hierarchy by name. The whole Westergaard family was part of it. I didn't know Alec had so many brothers. It also listed someone called Weselton, Adgar and Idun Anderson, and so many others. However, these names had the label "Duke" or "Duchess". I assumed that made them important.

This started by battle against the Hierarchy. I originally just fought them for what they did to me. Then it was for kids that they would steal. Then it's became for the safety of the planet. After I fought them for five years. I had my victories. I had my defeats. I had to fight the Monarchs a few times. That duo were two people I couldn't beat. I asked Alec about them once. Even he didn't know too much about them.

In those years of fighting I learned they had something big planned. Something to do with the elementals. I found out that they needed a girl named Elsa Anderson. Alec told me that she was a pure blood. She had the powers of ice since she was born. They needed her for something. She went to Arendelle's School for the Gifted. I needed to get her before they could take her. I went on the first day of her last year. I came up from behind the corner to see her and another boy walking down the hall way.

He went in front of her and held her hands. She pulled away. I couldn't believe his face. I swore it was my little brother. I swore it was (Y/N). But I didn't think it was possible. My brother was gone. Dead. I stopped and stared at him as he walked away with her. He had such a happy face. Such energy. It was exactly like (Y/N).

I left the school after I saw him. I couldn't keep the surprise off my face. It just didn't seem possible. I quickly contacted Alec and told him to meet me. We met at his office. I don't know how he got me in there without the Andersons knowing, but I trusted him. I knew I would be fine.

"What is it Hunter?" Alec asked as he poured a glass of whiskey for us.

I grabbed it and downed it in an instant. I could see the surprise on Alec's face.

"I saw a ghost.  I saw a fucking ghost!" I shouted.

"Whoa, whoa, calm down. I've never seen you like this. What happened? Nobody should've been able to stop you."

"Oh, but someone did. Alec, I need you to be completely honest with me right now. Do you swear?"

Alec sipped his whiskey and nodded.

"Is my brother alive? Is (Y/N) Knight alive?"

Alec stared at me for a second before drinking the rest of his whiskey.

"Project Overlord. Your brother is Project Overlord."

I tightened my fists. My brother was alive for all these years and I had no idea. What happened to him? What has he been doing all these years? And he's one of their puppets too? My brother was tortured like I was? It gave me more of a reason to fight these people, even though I've been doing it for so long.

I think Alec could tell my head was spinning. He sat me down and explained everything to me. He told me about what the project was. He told me about Shadow and Carnage. He told me how he murdered his old parents and friends in cold blood. Alec also told me how he was watching out for (Y/N) this whole time. Alec was the only reason (Y/N) wasn't placed in some institution or another.

After a few days I knew I needed to talk to him. I needed to speak to my brother once more. I went to the school and found him staring at a wall. I knew that wall. I researched Elsa before coming to get her. She made this wall with her powers. Nothing said she actually used them, but I knew better.

I stared at him for a moment before taking in a deep breath. I walked over to him and started talking to him. It was great. I heard his voice. Saw his emotion. There was no doubt that he was my brother. My little brother was still alive. I shook his hand and walked away. I could feel his eyes staring at me, just like he did when he was younger.

I left the building and smiled. My brother was there. My brother was alive and talking. I wanted to jump in the air for joy. I wanted to shout aloud. I felt like I could take on the world at that moment. There was nothing that could've gotten in my way. My brother was alive.

I kept tabs on (Y/N) after that. It was a surprise when I saw him making friends with Elsa Anderson. This made it pretty clear that I couldn't move on her. I wasn't going to take her from him. When I saw the elementals go after Elsa I thought (Y/N) needed help. But I was wrong. He was able to defend himself from the elementals. The only time I had to help him was then his heart was frozen. Other than that, he was able to hold his own and defend his friends and loved ones. It's exactly what I wanted to do, except I had nobody to protect.

After the Duke and Duchess were killed I knew I had to act. The Monarchs were coming and I needed to be ready. I spent nine months getting everything in order. I met with people and got things ready for (Y/N) and I. My only hope was that we'd be strong enough to fight Monarch. To fight Alistair and Juno. Alec informed me that they're stronger than ever, which means that I have to be the best I can.

I found it funny when Alec told me that (Y/N) was on his way to the base near the North Mountain. It was where I was planning to go. It was the best time to introduce myself to my brother. I had to take it.


Hunter shakes his head after his huge train of thought. He continues to carry you through the base and into the forest.

"In a way, you got more done than I did. You killed the Duke and Duchess. You put most of the elementals at ease. Hell, you didn't even know about this whole thing and yet you still helped out. Now we're together, and we can fight back. You can protect Elsa... and I can protect you."

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