Chapter 21: Pain of the Mind
You look at her face with complete surprise and shock. You don't know whether to say something or just stay silent. She starts moving around, and her eyes start to open. You prepare for what may come. She opens her eyes, looking at you. She takes a moment to register your face.
You both stay silent for a moment before pushing off against each other and falling off the bed. You both stand up and look at each other. You're both naked. You turn your head away and look for your clothes. Anna grabs the bed sheet and covers her body. You find your underwear and slip them on.
"(Y/N), why were we naked?" Anna asks.
"Why were you in my bed?"
"Did we..?"
"Do the thingy..." You finish
"The thingy?"
"You know... sex."
"Why would you say that? Of course we didn't... did we?"
"We were drinking."
"Oh god."
"But not driving," you mumble.
"Are you absolutely sure we... did stuff?"
"Hold on, I have a way to check," you say.
You walk to the bathroom and lift up the toilet seat. You exhale and get ready for the ultimate test. At the same time Anna is gathering her clothes – which are scattered all over the room – and putting them back on.
"Oh man, oh man, oh man. I know I thought about it once or twice but I never thought I would actually sleep with him. I thought he was Kristoff. Ohhh, Elsa's going to kill us."
"Awwwww, crap," you say from the bathroom.
You step out of the bathroom and look at Anna.
"Yeah... I had sex last night, and it was no doubt with you."
"How do you know?" She asks.
"When guys... you know what I'm not explaining it. My stream isn't right, okay?"
Anna stands there puzzled for a moment before rushing towards you.
"So what are we going to do? We have to tell her!"
"Yes, that we do. But I'm just trying to think on last night. I can't seem to remember it all that well. I remember chicken wings and a song," you recollect. "I kind of remember us, but I swore you were Elsa."
The memories of that night are... cloudy at best. Now thinking a little bit on it, you remember thinking she felt different. You made that comparison before. You should have known better.
"I remember drinking a lot," Anna says, chuckling a little bit.
"Yeah... that we did. Listen, how about we clean ourselves up and talk about this in an hour or so? That way we can get a clear head, and maybe remember some stuff."
"Ok... that seems fair."
You walk up to your dresser to grab some new clothes for the day. Anna starts to leave but stops at the door.
"Yes, Anna?"
"Things won't be weird between us, right?"
"No. You're one of my best friends and this was just... a thing. Don't worry, we'll be fine."
Anna nods then leaves the room. She goes to her own room and lies on the bed for a moment. She tries to think of what happened last night but she can't. She shakes her head and slams it into a pillow, trying to remember. Guilt starts settling on her. She just slept with her sister's boyfriend who she loves immensely. She isn't looking forward to that conversation. Anna gets up and heads to her personal shower. It would probably help with her thinking.
You grab some clothes and head to the main bathroom. You open the door to find Elsa doing her makeup.
"Oh, hey sleepy head. I was worried you weren't going to wake up. Five more minutes and I would have woken you up myself."
You chuckle and rub the back of your head. You can only imagine how bad that would have been.
"Well, you know me. I'm pretty good when it comes to waking up."
Elsa laughs. "No you aren't. Remember when I had to shoot you with ice a few times just for you to wake up."
You laugh and nod.
"Yeah, I remember that. Anyway, I'm going to jump in the shower."
"Go right ahead. I'm almost done."
Elsa starts focusing on her make up once more. You take off your shirt and look in the mirror. You see your chest and neck are filled with lipstick marks and a couple hickies. One may have been Elsa, but not all of them.
You quickly throw your shirt back on and aim for your pants. You slip them off and then your boxers. Elsa chuckles and turns around.
"Well, you could have waited for me to leave."
You stand there, confused.
"But... you just said..."
"I'm kidding, don't worry. Make sure you dress nicely, I want to make a good impression."
Elsa gives you a kiss before leaving the bathroom. You watch her leave and smile.
You throw your shirt to the ground and look at your body. The lipstick will be washed off, but the hickies may take some time. You shrug and turn the shower on. You get it to your preferred temperature and step in. The water flows down your body and seems to slow the whole planet down. You try to think back on what has happened. You can't get a clear picture. It's all black.
"Wait... Shadow might know!" You exclaim.
You lay down and take position against the opposite end of the tub. You close your eyes and enter Limbo.
You open your eyes and look around the plane. It's empty.
"I hate when he hides like this. Can't you just APPEAR WHEN I GET HERE?" You yell.
There is no response. You raises your brow then shrug and put your hands at shoulder height.
"Man, how rude."
You start walking through the endless plane that is your mind. You look around but can't find Shadow. This has happened before, but now it's mostly white instead of black so you should be able to see easier. You keep walking for some time before finding Shadow. You shake your head and walk towards him.
"Shadow, what the hell? Why are you... Shadow?"
You notice he is holding is head with one hand and allowing his other arm to be limp. Blood is dripping down his arm and onto the ground. One more drips down and the white Limbo turns red. Shadow turns around to see you. He seems deranged and wrong.
"(Y/N)... What are you... Argh!" He drops to his knees in pain.
You start to rush towards him but a large pain shoots through your head too. You drop to one knee and hold your head.
"Shadow... What's..." Another pain shoots through. "This is... it's like before... What is..."
"I can't... focus... I need to... think..." Shadow mumbles.
It feels like hours are passing by. Or is it minutes? You really can't tell. The pain is destroying you and you have no idea why. It's more intense than when Anna found you. You look towards Shadow, who is the same as you.
"Hey Shadow, I have a plan."
"Yeah... What is it?"
"Let's put our heads together!"
Shadow pauses for a moment.
You slowly walk up to him and lift him up. He looks at you for a moment before you act. You grip Shadow's shoulders and head butt him. His head flies back but his body stays still.
"What the hell?" He yells.
"Come on, return."
He shakes his head and prepares a head butt. You both do it at the same time and connect. You hold it together for a moment before closing your eyes.
You almost feel like you're merging together for a moment before a shockwave causes you to fly apart. Neither of you recover, and you both slide across the ground. The pain stops for you, but you aren't sure about Shadow. You lift yourself up and look towards Shadow. He is standing straight and looking away. He seems back to normal.
"You got up fast," you start.
"Huh... I suppose. Maybe you just can't get up fast enough."
You shake your head and walk towards him.
"So what the hell was that?" You query.
"I don't know. It started last night during your drinking."
"Did the alcohol affect you? It never has before."
Shadow sighs.
"It never has, but something affected me. It was wrong, and I didn't like it."
"And it's happened twice. It's something we should look into."
"No shit," Shadow retorts.
You look at Shadow and smile. He looks over at you and raises his brow.
"Nothing," you say, looking away quickly.
Shadow looks towards the endless abyss, thinking.
"Wait... what about that drink you didn't order?"
You think back but it's still blurry.
"Which drink?"
"The waiter brought you and Anna a drink. It may have just been because he liked you, but it's still something to look into."
"I'll ask Anna to look into it. I want to go to W.A. Industries and see what I can find there," you plan.
"Fine, that seems logical to me. Sometimes I wish we had separate bodies so we could do different things at the same time," Shadow says.
"Wouldn't you just leave?"
"Ha, you really don't know me."
Elsa finishes her food and stops for a moment. She looks towards the stairs and listens to the shower. Confusion takes over her face and mind.
"It's been half an hour. (Y/N) never takes showers for this long."
Elsa gets up and starts walking up the stairs. Anna walks down the stairs and passes Elsa.
"Hey Anna," Elsa greets.
"Hi! Hello. Good luck!" Anna rapidly spews and rushes away.
Elsa watches Anna rush away and shakes her head.
"Huh, I wonder what that's about."
Elsa knocks on the door.
"(Y/N)? Are you alright?"
No response.
Elsa pushes the door open and looks in the room. Your clothes are still lying on the floor and the steam is filling the room. Elsa opens the shower curtain to find you sitting down. Your eyes open and look towards her.
"Oh, hey Elsa. What are you doing here?"
"You have no humility, do you?" She chuckles.
"Why? You've seen me naked before."
You get on your feet and turn off the shower. Elsa hands you a towel and you start drying yourself. Elsa steps back to let you get out of the shower.
"So what's with the check up?"
"Well, you were taking some time in there and I got worried," she explains.
"Got worried about what? What could... Elsa you didn't think that I was... you know."
"What? No. Well, maybe. I don't know what you do when I'm not around."
You hear Shadows laughter at the irony of the statement.
"Oh come on Elsa, I hope you mean that in the nicest of ways," you say, kissing her cheek.
She blushes. "Of course I do."
You chuckle as you wrap the towel around your waist.
"Hey, have you talked to Anna today?" Elsa asks.
You pause for a moment, hoping she doesn't know.
"Yes, for a second. Why?"
"She seems a little more... off. That's all I can use to explain it."
"I can talk to her before we go, if you want."
"If you could. But quickly. We have to go in a few minutes," Elsa says.
You pick up the clothes you brought with you and keep them in your hand. You forgot you had to dress fancy when you woke up. You walk to your room and toss the clothes on the bed. You open your closet and grab a suit. You wore the same black and black suit you wore for prom. You put a bright blue tie on, just to finish it all off. You make sure it's all on properly before looking at yourself in the mirror. You wink at yourself and walk away.
You hop down the stairs and find Elsa putting on her shoes. She looks up at you and smiles.
"I'll go get the car started. Just go talk to Anna then meet me."
"Of course," you respond.
You walk into the kitchen to find Anna vigorously eating chocolate. You shake your head and walk towards her.
"Y'alright Anna?"
"No! How are you so calm?" She cries out.
You rush over and sit down beside her. You look her in the eyes and smile.
"Just smile, Anna. You didn't mean to do... me, I guess. Look, I may have an idea on why this happened. Would it make you feel better if we figured it out?"
Anna nods.
"Ok, do you remember our waiter last night?"
"If I saw him, I would know."
"Okay, ask him about the drink he gave us. We think it may have been spiked."
"We?" Anna asks, her brow raised.
"Me. I. I think it was spiked."
Anna continues to stare at you as you back away from her.
"You know, it's kind of funny how similar yet different you and Elsa are," you mention.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, I thought you were Elsa when you walked in. But I remember how you felt, and not in that way! I mean you both have a different feel, I guess. Anyway, I have to go. Try and get out of the house. Bring Kristoff with you, if he will come."
Anna nods once more as you leave. She puts her chocolate away and grabs a glass of water. She drinks it and thinks for a moment.
You and Elsa are sitting in her car. She is driving and singing along to some music. You're smiling at her as she sings. It's a sound you could hear until the end of time. You start to sing along with and she laughs at you.
"What? What'd I do?"
"Nothing, it's just you started singing when the male singer in the song started singing. It was perfect," she giggles.
"Well, maybe I'm just THAT good," you smirk.
Elsa shakes her head and focuses on the road once more.
"So how was your night? Did you and Anna have fun?"
"Yeah, it was fun. We ate a lot. I was actually surprised how much Anna can eat. I was so surprised."
"Is that all you did?" Elsa chuckles.
"Eat? No. We went to a store, got some clothes, – which reminds me I have to pick up some clothes later today – we went to a bar. That's where we ate and drank a bit."
"You drank?"
"Yeah, a bit. We had a good time," you nod.
"That's good. I should set up a time to be with Anna. She's been really worried lately."
"Worried? Why?" You ask.
"She's been worried about you and Kristoff," Elsa explains. "Kristoff because of Pabbie. He isn't doing so well and Kristoff hasn't been leaving the house much."
"Yeah, I'll admit I've been worried about him too... Wait, why is she worried about me?"
Elsa sighs. "She's worried in the same way I'm worried about you."
"Why are you worried?" You ask, your voice a little louder but not angry.
"Because of all the adventuring you want to do! We're getting into a normal life again and you want to go off and do... something! You could get hurt!"
You smile and stroke Elsa's cheek. She glances at you quick before looking back at the road.
"Oh Elsa. You're so cute when you're worried."
"Shut up," Elsa shyly says, moving your hand away from her face.
You laugh and lean back in your seat.
She turns the corner and looks for a place to park. She ends up parking on the side of the road. Elsa exits the car and looks up at the giant building ahead of her. You step out of the car and walk beside Elsa. You put your arm around her shoulders and hold her for a second.
"Don't worry Elsa. I'm right here. I'll always be here."
She looks at you and smiles. She kisses you before heading towards the building. You follow her and keep a look out. You aren't sure what could happen in this building.
You both enter the building.
"Welcome to W.A. Industries. The foundation to a better world," a synthesized female voice greets.
You chuckle at the statement. Elsa nudges you to quiet down.
"Sorry," you whisper.
You look around the main area of the building, which is impressive yet simple. There are displays of impressive and advanced technology. There are flight suits, robots, floating water in a case. You don't understand the water thing. Other than those few examples and a couple pictures, there isn't that much in the area. Behind the reception desk are two sets of stairs leading to two separate elevators.
You both walk up to the receptionist.
"I'm here to see Alec Westergaard. My name is Elsa Anderson."
"One moment please."
The receptionist clicks a few buttons on her computer and smiles.
"Yes, a Mr. (Y/N) and Ms. Elsa. I'll let him know you're coming. Take the elevator to the right up to the 17th floor. He should be waiting for you once you get off the elevator."
"Thank you," Elsa says.
"Yes, I'll make sure to tell your boss what a great job you did," you add.
Elsa gives you a sarcastic look and walks away. You chuckle and catch up to her.
"You don't love me," you say.
"Ha, sure I don't," she snickers.
You shake your head and click the elevator button. Within seconds the doors open and welcome you in. You both walk in and Elsa clicks the appropriate button.
"Why did it say both you and Elsa?" Shadow asks.
"Because we were both supposed to come," you reply.
"No. Elsa was supposed to come. You weren't expected to come."
You try to argue but you can't. Shadow has a point. How did they know you were going to come? It doesn't matter now, though. You are here and there's no going back. The elevator stops and the door opens. Alec is standing in front of the elevator with a cocky smile.
"Elsa, (Y/N). Thank you for coming. Follow me."
Alec spins around and starts to walk away. You and Elsa follow him. You look around to see a large variety of rooms all housing different things. There are scientist working hard on... something. You don't even know what it is, but it seems early in production. It was mostly sketches and schematics on this floor. Some of the scientists look out at you and quickly return to their work. You don't know whether it's you, Elsa, or Alec that's scaring them.
You find one room that captures your interest. You stop following Alec and Elsa, and stroll on over to this room. It has some drawings of a watch. From what you can tell, it's more than a simple watch. You slip into the room and look around. There is a distinct lack of personnel in this area, and you're going to take advantage of it.
You start reading the board and looking at the notes.
"A watch with unlimited space? Materialize items into and out of the object? Oh man, this sounds great!"
You grab all the notes you can and some partly finished schematics. You stuff them in your pockets and begin to walk out. As you walk out you almost bump into a man.
"Look out kid, you're gonna hurt someone," he says.
You look at him. He has slicked back blonde hair and a highly defined face. He has a suit on and a smirk on his face. You can tell he is muscular, even through the suit. He reminds you of someone, but you can't quite make out who. A woman stands next to him. She has a firm yet beautiful face. Her brown hair is tied in a bun. Her eyes are covered by sunglasses and her body is covered in a suit.
"Sorry about that," you say.
The man looks at you for a moment then chuckles. The chuckle turns into a light laugh and he starts walking past you. The man and woman take opposite sides of you. As they pass you an odd feeling takes over you. You feel it through your entire body.
"Are you feeling this?" You whisper.
"Yeah... what is that?" Shadow responds.
The two walk past you and towards the elevator. You turn around and look at them. The elevator opens for them and they walk in. They turn around and face you. The man winks before pressing the button to close the door. A large part of you wants to follow them. It boils your blood and urges you forward.
You walk towards the door and click the button. You look around the door to try and find some sort of indication on what floor they're on. There is none.
"There's got to be something. Come on!" You yell.
"Calm down. What is wrong with you?" Shadow asks.
"Did you not feel that? It was like my body freaked out."
"(Y/N)? What are you doing?" Elsa calls out.
You turn around to see Elsa and Alec staring at you.
"Oh... nothing. Nothing."
You quickly jog over to the two and follow them into Alec's meeting room.
"So, do you agree to the terms? You have full control of the company and it's staff, but I must be your advisor," Alec sums up.
"Why do you have to be an advisor?" You ask.
"(Y/N), he already explained it. Don't worry," Elsa says.
"No, it's fine. It's simply a compromise. I believe I told you that my family isn't too enthusiastic about having Elsa lead our company. I'm there to keep their interests in mind, and give my opinion. I have been in charge for eight years now."
"That's likely a lie. If the Andersons were alive then he wasn't in charge. Maybe just a decoy, but nothing more," Shadow utters.
"And I will no doubt keep that in mind. I don't want to take away everything this company is, but I do have some ideas," Elsa agrees.
"Yes, you told me. They were indeed great ideas. We can get started on those soon. So, do you want to work here?"
Elsa looks at you for your opinion. Even though you have heavy suspicion about the company, you know Elsa will be able to do well with it. Having her lead it may also give you the opportunity to snoop around easily.
You nod. Elsa smiles and looks back at Alec.
"I accept. I'll follow my parents' footsteps and surpass them."
"Fair enough. Come in on Friday and I'll show you everything."
Elsa nods and stands up. You remain seated.
"Come on (Y/N), let's go."
"I'll be there in a second. I want to talk to Alec."
"(Y/N)," Elsa whines.
"It's quite alright Elsa. Go on, we'll talk," Alec says.
Elsa stares at you for a moment then walks towards the elevator. You wait until her heels are no longer heard.
"You completed the simulation," he says, walking over to a secret cabinet.
"Yes, except it was different."
"You still completed it."
Alec pulls out some scotch and pours some for himself. He looks to you and raises his brow.
"No, I'm fine," you politely decline.
"Suit yourself. You look nice, by the way," he says.
"Whatever, so what did you want to tell me? What do I do?"
Alec takes a drink and walks towards the window.
"What have you learned so far?"
You stand up and slowly walk towards him.
"I know that I wasn't part of the Andersons'– or Duke and Duchess'– project, but rather forced in by 'The Monarchy'."
"And do you know who that is?" He asks, his voice cocky.
"No, why don't you enlighten me?"
He chuckles. "That's not how this works. I'm helping you as a favour to someone else, but I won't get killed for you. Try typing in your name. Try exploring the wide bank of knowledge that computer holds."
You stop behind him.
"I'm not playing games!" You say, voice raised.
"And I am? Listen, you have to look up a facility in the mountains. All the information you should need is on that computer. If you truly need help, then I will indulge you. But you don't need my help just yet. Find the facility and that should help you."
"Why did you want me to come if you aren't going to tell me anything?" You ask.
"Fair point. I'll give you some information then."
You await his words.
"Protect Elsa. She's more important than you think," he whispers.
"What? Who's after Elsa?"
"Why do you think I'm advising her? There is no danger yet, but there will be. If you really do love her than you better bust your ass to protect her."
You nod at him and walk away. You leave the room and head towards the elevator. Alec watches you go then pulls out his phone. A voice is heard from the other side.
"Get moving Hunter. (Y/N) will be at the base soon, and I know you want to introduce yourself."
You find Elsa waiting beside the elevator. She looks at you with a concerned look.
"What did you talk about?"
"Nothing. I just needed to ask him a question."
"Oh... alright then."
The elevator opens and you both enter. You click the main floor and it begins to descend. You look at Elsa and smile. You grab her hands, which grabs her attention.
"Elsa, you know I'm here for you. You know I'll protect you with every fiber of my being right?"
"Yes, I know. I simply hope you never have to."
You smirk and hug her. She is confused but hugs you back.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine."
Maybe just a little scared.
Anna finally puts on some new clothes and walks out the door. She pulls her phone out of her pocket and calls Kristoff. The phone starts ringing.
"Hello?" Kristoff starts.
"Kristoff! It's Anna."
"Hey Anna, how's it going?" He asks in a gloomy voice.
"Good. Listen, I'm coming to get you."
"Wait, what? No, I'm looking after Pabbie. I'm not going anywhere."
"But Kristoff..." Anna whines.
Some voices are heard on Kristoff's side. He responds then huffs.
"Alright, alright. I'll come with you."
"Fantastic! Be there in a few," Anna cheerfully says.
"Wait, where are we go-"
Anna hangs up the phone and gets in her car.
She pulls out of the drive way just in time to see Gerda, Kai, and Olaf pull in. She waves to them as she drives out. Anna proceeds through Arendelle until reaching Kristoff's house. She pulls into the driveway and walks up to the door. She knocks five times in a cute little pattern. Kristoff opens the door a few seconds later. He is all dressed and ready to go.
"Hey cutie," Anna says, kissing Kristoff.
It lasts a few seconds, as Anna hasn't kissed him in a few weeks, and she wants to erase the memory of you and her.
"Hey Anna. Alright, where are we going?" He asks after Anna releases him.
"We have a couple places to go, but we absolutely NEED to drop off at a pub."
Kristoff's expression changes to a startled one.
"A pub? Why would we... no, you, need to be at a pub?" He chuckles.
"It's important. Besides, we have to pick up my clothes as well," she says, leading him to the car.
"What the heck have you been doing lately? Pubs? Loss of clothes? Jeez Anna," Kristoff huffs.
They both get in the car and drive out onto the road.
"So how has Pabbie been?" Anna asks.
"He's been up and down. The family says I'm worrying too much but... I don't know."
"Hey, he'll be fine. He's a tough old guy."
"Yeah, that he is," Kristoff smiles. "Listen, I have to apologize to you guys. I've been such a downer lately."
"It's okay Kristoff. We all know what it's like."
Kristoff smiles and kisses Anna on the cheek. Anna blushes, but continues to drive. Anna's mind wanders back to her time in bed with you. She's beginning to remember things about last night. She remembers singing alone with you, and calling you a super hero. She remembers kissing your neck and rubbing up against you. She remembers her moaning, and the pleasure she felt. The thing is, she still remembers it being Kristoff. She knows it's you, but her mind says it was Kristoff.
Kristoff rolls down the window and positions his hand to support his head. The wind blows through his hair and his light beard. He doesn't have a beard most of the time but he has let himself go. He has stayed fit and muscular though. He would never let himself fall behind you, even though he has. But he doesn't look like he has. That was the key.
He's spent so much time indoors that he forgot what it was like to be outside. The fresh air and busy streets have been lost to him. The sound of fans while he played drums was almost like a dream now. He hasn't been playing as much, and left you to be the lone Ice Harvester. You've been meaning to change the name, but never spoke to Kristoff about it. He still chuckles every time he thinks back to the day he named you.
Things seemed easier then, even though it was far from easy. Kristoff has been away from everyone for one month only, so he's been enjoying the other eight with you. Since you couldn't use the school anymore, you worked out at the gym. You wouldn't join him as often since you had this amazing training area. Kristoff was nowhere near the league you would train at, so he stayed away.
Even with his constant watch over Pabbie, he always thinks back to you guys. He genuinely feels bad for Anna that he hasn't been with her for a while. He even told her he understood if she wanted to break up. Anna gave him a thirty minute lecture about how silly he was being and how much she loved him. You were there when he said that, and you couldn't help but laugh during Anna's speech. She hit you for laughing.
Kristoff leans over and turns on the radio. Some general news station starts playing.
"In other news, an ancient temple was found yesterday by architects. They say it was a temple for some sort of cult or clan. The location is by a small town called Toc-"
Kristoff switches it to a classic rock station. Anna pulls around a corner and parks on the side of the road.
"Alright, my clothes are first."
They exit the car and walk into the store. The same lady is sitting at the counter, looking through things on her computer. She looks up and sees Anna.
"Oh, hello! I remember you. Where's your boyfriend?"
Anna becomes flushed.
"This is my boyfriend!"
"Oh, my apologies. So are you here to pick up the clothes?"
Anna nods. The woman grabs two bags and hands it to her.
"What's in this other bag?" Anna asks, looking through it.
"This is the other man's bag. He bought something and left it here for pick up."
"Okay, thank you," Kristoff says.
They walk out of the store and enter their car. Anna takes out the jacket you bought. She looks at in and shrugs.
"I guess (Y/N) got it."
"(Y/N)? When were you guys here?" Kristoff asks.
"Yesterday. Alright, now to the pub."
Kristoff chuckles and looks out the window once more. He starts thinking and comes to a realization.
"Wait, did you go to a pub with (Y/N)?"
"Yeah. Well, here we are. Let's find that waiter."
Anna pauses for a moment.
"To... compliment him. Yes. Exactly."
Anna quickly exits the car and walks into the pub before Kristoff can even move. He gets out of the car and rushes in after her. He finds Anna looking around, then walking up to the counter. He positions himself at her side.
"Excuse me, do you know where... Where... Steve! Can I talk to Steve?" She asks the bartender.
"You mean Steven? Yeah, he's in the back. He'll be out in a second."
"Ok, thank you,"
Anna and Kristoff take a seat at the bar and wait for Steven. Kristoff is about to say something but someone cuts him off.
"Anna! You're back!"
A man in a suit walks out from the back room with open arms.
"Um... I'm sorry, who are you?"
"Oh, I manage this store. The name's Wesley. Hey, where's your boyfriend?"
"I'm her boyfriend," Kristoff says, standing up.
"Oh, well I'm sorry buddy but last night you weren't. Wait a second... you're the other Ice Harvester! I love you guys! The other one was here last night."
Kristoff looks at Anna then back at Wesley.
"Yeah, I heard. Anyway, could you get Steven for us? He's supposed to be in the back."
"No problem, just sit tight."
Wesley walks into the back. Kristoff sits beside Anna and looks at her.
"Two people who think (Y/N) was your boyfriend... Hm... maybe I have been gone for too long."
"Who cares what they think? What matters is what we think!"
"Yeah... yeah I guess."
Anna's guilt is building fast. Her stomach is filled with butterflies and she feels like she'll explode. She wouldn't feel so bad if she hadn't slept with you. But she did. She betrayed Kristoff and Elsa. She can barely take it.
"Kristoff listen I-"
"Hey, Anna! What are you doing here?" A voice questions.
Anna and Kristoff look to the source of the voice. Steven is walking towards them with a smile on his face.
"Hey, Steven. Listen, can I talk to you outside?"
"Oh, um... sure. Will it take a long time?"
"No, it shouldn't,"
Anna gets up and walks next to Steven. Kristoff stands up as well.
"Kristoff, stay here. Please."
Kristoff is about to object but he decides not to. He sits down and huffs.
Anna and Steven walk outside.
"What's this about?" Steven asks.
"Listen, I need to ask you what we ordered last night. Did we drink or eat something out of the ordinary?"
Steven tenses up for a moment.
"Well... yes."
"What? What do you mean?"
"Listen, I'm very sorry. I won't tell you a sob story, but I needed money," Steven rapidly spews.
"Steven, calm down. What did you do?"
Steven takes a moment and frowns.
"A man came up to me while you were eating. He gave me these two drinks and paid me to serve them to you. Neither of you passed out or got sick, so I thought he was just being nice."
Anna thinks back on the night. There is a blurry memory of a drink that was never ordered.
"What did he look like?"
"Well, he had slicked back brown hair. I never saw his eyes. But the most noticeable feature was his face. It seemed scarred, but only around the mouth. Almost in a handprint, if you can believe that. It seems like he had been caught in a fire."
Anna's mind swirls. She can only think of one person who fits that description. Her mind rushes back to nine months ago. Your power was unleashed and Hans was nothing to you. You burned his face and tossed him aside like nothing. He escaped that day, and now he is back.
"Ok, thank you," Anna says, rushing inside.
She grabs Kristoff and drags him into the car.
"Whoa, hey. What's going on?"
"Something very bad," Anna states.
Kristoff's expression changes instantly.
"What is it?"
"I'll explain it later, we have to find Elsa and (Y/N)!"
You and Elsa just arrive home. You still have the watch blueprints in your pockets, and you're eager to see what you can build. Elsa pulls into the drive way and turns off the car. You kiss her real quick then run out of the car.
"Fun times Elsa, I'll talk to you later."
Elsa is stunned with confusion. She doesn't move for a few seconds after you run away.
"I swear he never changes," she giggles.
You sprint into your room and change clothes. You put on a simple white shirt and a pair of jeans. You grab the notes out of your dress pants and rush down to the lab. You open the elevator and tell it to go down. It responds and brings you down to the training area. You burst out of the elevator and into the lab. You find a large workbench and set down all the necessary notes.
You look at them closely, reading all the instructions, materials, and flaws.
"Hell, I'm not a scientist. How am I supposed to...? Wait a second."
You turn to the computer and smile. You grab the blueprints and place it on one of the scanners.
"Computer, scan," you command.
The computer begins scanning the blueprints. The screen lights up with the blueprints on it. The computer starts putting the pieces together on what could be used and how it could be perfected.
"Oh man, I love this thing."
The computer places everything together then stops.
"Error, model is outdated."
"Outdated? I just took this. How is it outdated?" You scratch your head and think. "Elaborate."
"Most efficient model in storage. Opening now," it says.
A small part of the wall opens up. There is a model hand with a gorgeous looking watch on it. It's black with bits of red in the best spots. You grab it and place it on your wrist.
It's an analog watch, which makes you tilt your head. There is one button on the side. You play with it but you only accomplish changing the time. You shrug and set it to the proper time. You look at it for a second, trying to figure out how to use it. You flick it. Nothing.
"You seriously thought flicking it would work?" Shadow asks.
"Well... maybe?"
You start poking the face of the clock.
"Fucking idiot," Shadow remarks.
You keep poking the face until a hologram appears from the watch. There is a hologram of a key, a map, and a sheath. You are confused at what to do with it. You reach out for the key and grab it. It materializes in your hand and disappears from the hologram list.
"Calm down, jesus christ," Shadow complains.
The hologram stays in there. You place the key on the base of the watch and it disappears. A hologram of the key appears. You smile. You swipe through the three objects until you get to the sheath. It seems to be somewhat curved, so a katana most like. You grab it and take it out. There is no sword, just the sheath. It's pure black, with nothing special on it.
"Well this is... helpful?"
You place it on the face and it disappears into the hologram.
"Why would there be an empty sheath? Seems random."
Anna and Kristoff pull into the drive way. They both rush out of the car and into the house. Gerda and Kai see them barge in.
"Hello Kristoff, nice to see you aga-"
"Not now!" Anna cuts off.
She grabs Kristoff and drags him upstairs. The two barge into Elsa's room. Elsa – who is reading on her bed – looks over at them with confusion.
"What are you tw-"
"Not now!" Anna cuts off. "Where's (Y/N)?"
"In his 'man cave' thing. Why?" Elsa responds.
"Kristoff stay here, I'll be right back."
Anna bursts out of the room and into her parents' room. Elsa and Kristoff look at each other, hoping one of them has the answer. They both shrug and take a position to wait until Anna comes back. Anna activates the elevator and speeds down to the training room.
"And the map, what could this reveal?"
You are about to grab it when you hear a door open.
"(Y/N)!" Anna screams.
You deactivate the watch and sprint out of the lab. You look at the person and see Elsa.
"Elsa, are you okay?" You ask with genuine concern.
Anna looks at you for a moment. She heard you call her Elsa. This makes her smile, but also makes her frown with concern.
You keep looking at her until and aching pain shoots through your head. You grab your head and look around the room. Different colours are flashing all around the room. Things are moving around or bending in and out of reality. Anna rushes towards you to see if you're okay. You look up at her and see something strange. Half her body is Elsa, and the other half is Anna.
"What the hell?" You mumble.
You grab your head once more. Suddenly the pain stops. You look up once more and see Anna.
"Anna? But... oh man my head," you complain, grabbing it again.
"Come on (Y/N), this is exactly what we need right now."
Anna helps you along to the elevator. You lean up against the wall, recovering.
"Up," Anna commands.
The elevator door closes and it shoots up. You shake your head and blink a few times. The after effects are gone and you feel normal again.
"(Y/N), just keep calm and let me talk. I have to do something."
You want to question her, but something tells you to let her be. You give her a nod and she smiles.
You both exit the elevator and walk into Elsa's room. You see Kristoff sitting on Elsa's bed. Elsa is beside him.
"Kristoff! Hey man!"
"Hey (Y/N)."
You and Anna stand directly in front of Kristoff and Elsa. They eagerly await an explanation.
"Okay, Anna what's going on?" Elsa asks.
Anna takes a deep breath.
"Elsa, Kristoff. I... we have something to tell you."
You look over at Anna. You know what she's talking about but you have no idea why she's doing it.
"Last night (Y/N) and I... we had sex."
Kristoff's jaw drops. He looks at you with anger, but he doesn't act on it. Elsa, on the other hand, has no reaction. This surprises you.
"I know," Elsa says with sadness.
"Whoa, what? How?" You ask.
"I walked into your room to wake you up. I found you both lying there. Why do you think I was redoing my make-up?" She says, raising her voice. "I was hoping, so desperately hoping, that you just fell asleep in the same room because you were drunk. It was silly to think that."
You look away in shame.
"Elsa, Kristoff listen. I know it sounds bad now but I think I have a reason for it! Please just listen."
"A reason? Oh I can give you a reason!" Kristoff yells.
"Kristoff, calm down man. Listen to what Anna has to say," you ease.
He looks at you for a moment then confronts you.
"No, I don't have to 'calm down'. You, my friend, slept with my girlfriend! The person I love! And you ask me to 'calm down'," he yells.
"Kristoff, please," Anna begs.
"No, Anna! He's not the only one I'm mad at. Everyone we talked to today said he was your boyfriend that night. How do you explain that? Huh?" He accuses.
"They what?" Elsa asks, standing up.
Kristoff turns towards Elsa.
"Everyone thought they were dating. The way they were acting and how they were so close. I talked to some of the people at the pub while you were away Anna. I know how you acted!"
Elsa stands up and looks towards you. You can see her start to tear up a little bit. You attempt to get closer to her but she moves away.
"Don't... come close," she whispers.
Your heart breaks right there. You start to feel the room go cold. You know what's happening.
"Listen to me please, I can explain this!" Anna cries out, tears in her eyes too.
"No, Anna, you won't," Elsa declares.
Anna looks over at Elsa. Kristoff does as well.
"The facts are the facts. You two evidently care more about each other than us," Elsa sobs.
"Elsa no! How could you think that?" You question.
"No, you can't give me that! You who have spent so much time away. You who has thrown away what I gave you!"
That last part confused you. You had no idea what she was talking about. You've never thrown anything of hers away.
"Just go! Get out of here! Both of you!" Elsa shrieks.
"Elsa plea-"
"Go, Anna!"
"No! Listen to me you two! Anna has an explanation for all of this. Just let her speak!" You ask.
"Why don't you explain it?" Elsa coldly questions.
"Because I don't know what it is. I don't have the answer."
"So you're gonna let Anna make up some ridiculous story so you can keep screwing around behind are backs? Fuck you (Y/N)!" Kristoff accuses.
He moves towards you and punches you in the cheek. You aren't phased at all by it, and instead are simply disappointed.
"Oh yeah, I forgot. You're Mr. Perfect," Kristoff hisses, removing his fist from your face.
Anna is horrified by the situation and is in tears. She can't believe all of this. She wanted it to go so much better.
"Just leave you two. Let us be alone," Elsa requests.
You sigh and turn towards the door. Anna grabs your arm and looks into your eyes, questioning your actions. You simply shake your head slowly and walk out of the room.
Anna glances back at two people who she loves. Her tears continue to flow and she runs out of the room. Elsa freezes the door shut after she leaves and starts crying. Kristoff sits beside her and comforts her.
You walk away from Elsa's room and intend on going back to the training room. Anna rushes beside in front of you.
"That's it? You gave up like that?" She asks.
You don't answer.
"(Y/N), we have to tell them. We could all be in danger right now."
"Anna just... leave me alone right now."
Anna stands in shock as you walk away. She can't believe how badly this got, even though she has the answer. She wants to scream it out to everyone. She wants to rub it in Elsa and Kristoff's face that neither of you did anything wrong. But something kept Anna silent. Tears flood her eyes and she runs to her room.
You slowly walk towards the elevator. You open it up and demand it to bring you down. It does, and you take a step out of the elevator and towards the laboratory. Something catches you eye and you stop. You see a shopping bag sitting outside of the elevator doors. You pick it up and take out the black jacket you bought the other day.
"What the..?"
You remember where you found this. Anna must have got it for you when she was out, and left it here for you. You smile and put the jacket on. It fits you perfectly. The sleeves end right at your wrists, giving your hands full mobility. Your white shirt is still visible right down the middle, as you haven't zipped the jacket up. You look on the right shoulder and look at the dragon mark. You smile at how much you like it.
"Thanks Anna."
You continue to the laboratory and take a seat. You have no idea what to do right now. An idea soon pops into your head. You can't be here right now, and sulking isn't the way to fix things. You might as well be productive with your time. You push off the chair and walk up to the computer. You input your code name and wait for the computer to bring something up. You stare at that code name. "Overlord". Your face cringes and your fists tighten.
The computer starts bringing up small files to search through. You click the first one, which opens up the name and location of a facility. It's on the outskirts of Arendelle, leading to Tocia city. You know where you're going.
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