Chapter 19: Open Sesame
School was finished quite quickly after that night. It seemed like it was only one day, but you know it was so much more. There were speeches, crying, and partying. You were told to give a speech, which you reluctantly did. Elsa laughed as you were sent up on stage. You pulled her along with you for morale support. She got mad at you but wouldn't show it, as she was in front of the entire school. Anna and Kristoff giggled when they saw you brought Elsa up on stage with you.
You both stand there in front of everyone and stare at all the people who were with you through the school year. The idea of them not knowing what has really happened at the school... You watch the eyes of the school stare at you, and you try to think of something not too cheesy to say.
You look to Elsa, who smiles back at you. You once again look to the crowd and start.
"Life, huh? It's a weird concept when you think about it. We're brought into this world and are told we can do anything we set our minds to. But that's only half true, as you have to fight for what you want, and you have to be ready to fail. These past years have been nothing but preparation to what lies ahead.
"I believe we all have an idea of what we want to do. Who we want to grow up to be like. But life doesn't always work that way. Sometimes life changes, and you along with it. It'll put you in a maze like a rat and laugh as you try and find your way out.
"Am I trying to discourage all of you? No. I doubt I could. As humans we have a conviction –a will," you say, turning to Elsa and smiling. "To move forward and get what we want. It is that passion you hold that will push every obstacle out of the way. No matter how much gets in your way you WILL persevere and complete your goal.
"Life can't keep us down! We've taken the tools of our youth and learned how to live! Whether you use your mind," an image of Shadow comes into your head.
"Or your strength," an image of Carnage pops into your head.
"You can do what you want to in life, and become the person you want. Be the man or woman you truly want to be, and don't let anything keep you down!"
The crowd cheers and throws their hats in the air. You smile at the response. You didn't think the speech was that great, but whatever.
The video tape pauses and everyone looks at you. You throw your head into the couch and let out a huff.
"It was a very nice speech, (Y/N)," Gerda compliments.
"You were so impactful," Elsa giggles.
You move your head to see her still giggling in front of you. You grab her and pull her towards you. She falls on the couch, right on top of you. You quickly flip her over and smile at the victory.
"You two should be wrestlers or something. You do it enough," Kristoff smugly remarks.
"I have to prove that I'm stro-"
Elsa quickly flips you over and freezes you to the couch.
"Prove you're what, now?" Elsa grins.
Kristoff and Anna laugh at you. Gerda and Kai can't help but chuckle too. You roll your eyes and try to break free. The ice is stronger than you anticipated.
"Having trouble?" Elsa taunts.
"Nope. Not one," you struggle some more. "Bit."
Anna gets up and walks over to the stairs.
"Well, I'm going to bed. Tonight was exhausting and I need the energy to look through all the pictures I took!"
Kristoff stands up and stretches. "Yeah, I better head home too. My family will want to congratulate me some more."
Kristoff and Anna leave. Gerda and Kai finish up their duties before taking their own leave. Olaf was already sleeping, so it was just you and Elsa. Unfortunately you are still stuck to the couch, and Elsa won't let you go.
"Seriously, when did your ice get so strong?" You complain.
Elsa sits beside you with a hot chocolate and some marshmallows.
"You didn't even make me some?"
"Oh there is some for you," Elsa says taking a sip from her drink. "You just have to go to the kitchen and get it."
"I hate you," you say.
"I love you too."
You struggle some more before gathering enough force to break out of the ice. You stand up and look at Elsa. She has a giant smile and is still drinking her hot chocolate. Before saying anything you jog to the kitchen and grab a cup of hot chocolate. There were a ton of marshmallows in it, and most have melted or are in that awesome mid-way point where they are really soft. Elsa knew how to make a hot chocolate.
You sit back down and kiss Elsa on the cheek. She blushes as you do this. You found it funny that she still blushes when you do things.
"So really, how is your ice that strong?"
"You think you're the only one whose been practicing?" She says, giving you a smirk.
You are baffled for a moment but smile after. You take a sip of your hot chocolate, which tastes magical. It's the only word you can find to describe the taste.
You lower it and wait for a moment.
"You want to go for a walk?" You ask.
Elsa looks at you and smiles. "Will you piggy back me?"
"What are you, four?" you joke.
She pouts.
"Of course I'll piggy back you."
Elsa giggles and finishes her hot chocolate. You do the same. Elsa gets her shoes on and is ready to go. You open the door and start to walk out. After a few seconds you notice Elsa is not there with you. You turn back to see her hands out and a questioning look.
"Oh right, you're piggy back."
You rush over to her and let her get on your back. She giggles as you walk away with her.
"Couldn't even walk out of the house?"
"Nope," Elsa says enthusiastically.
You chuckle at the childish manner.
"You're starting to sound like Anna."
She smacks your head, which makes you laugh some more. You continue to walk down the road. You have an intended destination, but won't tell Elsa where it is. You two talk during the walk. Your arms never get tired of carrying her. Her breath smells like mint, even after drinking a hot chocolate. It puts your breath to shame, which is why you try not to face her too much. You fail at that attempt, however, as you always like to see her face.
"So, what are you going to do about Alec and the company?"
She sighs, obviously in thought. Elsa hasn't had much time to think on it, and her spare thinking time was spent on you.
"I think I may do it."
"Really?" You ask, surprised.
"Yes. I think I'll be able to learn things from that place, and maybe make the world a better place," Elsa rambles.
"How sweet. You want to make the world a better place," you joke.
She smiles. "What do you want to do after school?"
You stop for a moment. You really don't know anymore. You had some ideas, but this year has really left you confused on what the hell you're going to do with the rest of your years. Any simple job would be pointless and a waste of your time. You'd likely kill yourself working at a fast food place, or being cooped up in an office.
"I... I really don't know Elsa. What would you do when you have talents like mine?"
"Be a boxer?"
You chuckle. "I'd punch the guy through the wall."
Elsa chuckles alongside you. She rests her head on your neck. Your cheeks are pressing against each other. It isn't even a battle for control. Your cheeks each have enough room and are simply holding each other, embracing the warmth of the others touch.
You both stay silent, as not to ruin the moment. You walk over to your old field. You haven't been here in months, but you feel like it would be appropriate. Elsa's eyes are resting until you get there. You shake her a little and whisper.
"Elsa, we're here. Wake up."
Her eyes slowly open and she looks around without separating the touch of your cheeks.
"The field?"
You let her off your back and you both lie on the ground. She cuddles right up to you, which you don't object to.
"You don't need to find a job if you don't want to (Y/N). We have enough money to support all of us. Plus the money I'll make from W.A. Industries."
You stay silent.
"But I doubt you care about money," she finishes.
You look at her and smile. "You know me so well."
"You know, I'm surprised," Elsa starts.
"At what?"
"I'm surprised you aren't in that room fighting whatever challenge is coming your way."
"Well," you say turning towards her. "It is just a simulation."
"A simulation that could kill you."
"Well you don't have to be so pessimistic," you joke.
"I'm serious, dork. You could get hurt. You could die!"
"You died on me once."
Elsa stays silent.
"I still remember how much that killed me. I wouldn't allow you to go through that same pain. Plus, it would be real embarrassing for me to die by a simulation after everything I've fought."
"It's all about the fight with you, isn't it?" Elsa asks, brow raised.
"No. That's third. Second is Gerda, Kai, Anna, and Kristoff. First is you. You're what I'm all about Elsa. I love you."
Elsa gives a weak smile and a tear falls down her face. You become worried.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing. Nothing is wrong. Everything is perfect."
She grabs you and kisses you.
"Everything is perfect when I'm with you."
You both returned home safely that night. You laid Elsa in her bed but she wouldn't let you leave. You snuggled in beside her and spent the night. Your eyes open at an early hour. The sun was barely out. The effect of school was still apparent on you. You try to get back to sleep but your body won't let you. It screams at you to wake up. You let out a sigh and pull yourself out of bed.
You slip out from Elsa's grasp and head downstairs. You didn't take a shower, as not to wake anyone up. You walk down the stairs and stretch your arms. You yawn and shake a little bit. You reach the main floor and walk to the kitchen. You grab something to drink and lean against the wall. You start to feel your head pounding. It starts to seep into your mind with a thud.
It feels like your head is a drum set and someone is playing you. You put down the glass and grab your head with one hand. You squeeze your head and grunt in pain. Your teeth clench together.
"Shadow, what's going on?" You weakly ask.
"I don't know. I feel it too," he responds.
It is evident that there is pain in his voice to. Something is attacking your mind and you have no idea what it is.
"Is it Carnage?" You ask.
"No, this is different. This is coming from the outside, I think."
You fall to one knee and grasp your head with both hands. You try to stay as quiet as possible but there isn't much you can do to stop it. You slither your way towards a cabinet and reach for the handle. You pull it open – almost ripping it off – and grab an advil bottle. You quickly open it and swallow two of them.
"What is that supposed to do for the-"
Shadow is cut off by another wave of pain. The thuds grow louder and hurt even more. You have no idea what to do, so you sprint outside. You push the door out of your way and fall to your knees. You grasp your head once more and bite your tongue so you don't yell. You haven't felt pain like this for months. It rivals what Elsa's parents did to you. Your body goes limp on the grass as you retreat into your mind.
Shadow is holding his head like you are, trying to deal with the pain. He looks up and sees you. He cracks a smirk before returning his gaze to the ground.
"You'll find no peace here. You never have," he warns.
"That's a shame. I was hoping we could hold hands and make the pain go away," you smile.
"Fuck off. I'm not Elsa, you won't touch me."
"But I love you," you smirk.
"I will kill you."
You both remain silent for a moment before laughing.
"Get out of here (Y/N), this is my place."
"It isn't the same without Carnage. Literally. How is it with this place being whiter?"
"Do you just ignore everything I say?"
"If it's not helpful advice in battle, then yeah," you say.
Shadow rolls his eyes. You smile in victory and start walking around. The black horizon and grey clouds were gone. It was a mix of white and grey now. It was quite nice, really. You turn back to look at him. He is attempting to look strong, but you know he is really hurting. It is the exact same thing you do to Elsa and your friends. Maybe it's just a subconscious thing both of you do. You shrug and decide to leave.
"I'll see you later Shadow," you say, waving.
"Waving? Really?" He questions.
"What? I can't be formal?"
"This generation is dead if waving is formal. A handshake is formal."
"This generation? What are you, fifty?" You snicker.
Shadow growls at you while you leave. You really love messing with him, as he enjoys messing with you. It's all mutual. You two are like brothers. The brother you never had. It was funny how the two people who were in your mind were the closest thing to brothers. Shadow was likely the oldest one who thought before he did anything. Carnage would have been the middle child who always starved for attention. And you? You were the youngest who always got the most attention from everyone. Maybe Carnage was jealous of you this whole time.
You open your eyes to see Anna hovering over you. The bright sun shines around her. You realize you must have been outside for a long time. Anna has concern written all over her face. You smile at the familiar face. Anna sees your eyes start to open and a grin occupies her face.
"Hey Anna, how's it going?"
"(Y/N)! Are you okay? What are you doing outside?" She questions.
You rub your head and get on your feet. The throbbing pain has gone away for now.
"You know, just enjoying the fresh air."
Anna gives you a look of disbelief. You rub the back of your head and chuckle.
"I thought you said there were no more lies?" She accuses.
You lower your head in guilt. It's true, you said that.
"It was nothing Anna, really. I just had a headache and I suppose I just fell asleep again."
"Whatever you say. Come on back inside before everyone notices you were out here," Anna says as she walks towards the house.
"Right," you agree.
You both enter the house and sit on the couch. You look around but can't see Gerda or Kai. That was odd.
"Where's Gerda and Kai?"
"Oh, they called and said they weren't feeling well. I told them to stay home, I'm sure we can keep this place up and running."
"Ha, I get the feeling you mean I am going to keep this place running."
Anna looks at you and giggles. "Well, you just offered."
"What? No I didn't!"
Anna giggles some more and lays on the couch.
You walk over to the kitchen and try and find out what to make for breakfast. From what you see it wouldn't be so hard to make pancakes. You get all the necessary utensils and such out. Anna walks in and laughs.
"You're gonna make pancakes?"
"Yeah, what's so funny about that?"
"Elsa told me about your cooking (Y/N)," she continues laughing.
"It was one time, seriously. It wasn't even my fault!"
You once bought a turkey for the family. It wasn't a special occasion or anything but you wanted to try cooking for everyone. Anna and Kristoff had reservations at a fancy restaurant that night, so they weren't there. You invited Gerda and Kai to eat, and they did. You still don't know exactly what happened, but you assume the turkey was bad. The meat was horrible. Everything else tasted fine, but the turkey was awful. Nobody believed it was the turkey, so they joked about you being a bad cook.
"I swear this'll be good," you defend.
"Yeah, yeah. I just need some water," she brushes off.
"So where's Elsa?" You ask, stirring some ingredients together.
"Sleeping, I assume. It's only ten."
"Usually Elsa is up by now. How strange."
"I can go check on her, if you want," Anna says, taking a drink of her water.
"No, it's fine."
You continue to make the mix for the pancakes as Anna watches you. She simply sits there, takes a sip of water, and then giggles. You have no idea why. She doesn't have her phone out, so she can't be talking to Kristoff.
"What is so funny?" You eventually ask.
"Oh nothing. I'm just thinking about tomorrow."
"What's tomorrow?"
"You'll see," Anna giggles again.
You roll your eyes and finish up the pancakes. You flip them two more times to check each side. You're sure the first batch is done. You place them on a plate and hand them to Anna.
She takes them and pours a bit of syrup on it. She takes a bite and chews it up. She won't let a single expression be seen. She's acting like a critic or something. She puts her fork down, grabs a napkin, and dabs her mouth.
"Really?" You smirk.
She puts the napkin down and looks at you.
"It's delicious."
You smile in victory and proceed to finish up the batch. You heard Olaf run down at the smell of the pancakes. Elsa follows soon after. You all enjoy the pancakes and have a nice conversation. However, nobody believes you made the pancakes. Anna continues to say she made them and you swear that's a lie.
After breakfast Olaf calls his friend and makes plans to go to his house. Anna offers to drive him, leaving you and Elsa alone. You wave as the two leave and turn to Elsa, who is reading on the couch.
"I'm surprised you made such good pancakes," she remarks, eyes still on the book.
"Now you agree I made them?" You shout.
"I knew you made them all along. It's just fun bugging you," she smiles.
"You... you..." you slowly say.
Elsa giggles then returns to her book. You stare at her beauty for a moment before walking upstairs.
You know what you have to do now. You've kept your promise, and now it's time for your reward. You take a soothing shower and put on some jeans and a long sleeve black shirt before making your way to the training area. You allow the computer to scan your face, then enter the elevator. You wonder what secrets this place has. It could show who you really are. What chemical components they put in you. Maybe it will show why Anna and Elsa's parents did what they did.
At any rate, whatever is there has got to be worth it. It better be worth it. The elevator stops and you exit. The room lights up and you hear the computer awaiting a command. There is no room for doubt, it's time to do this. You tilt your head upwards.
"Computer, activate Overlord Protocol."
You hear the computer process the request.
"Overlord Protocol activated. Warning, protocol changed by Monarch user."
"What?" You question under your breath.
The room lights up and transforms. You look around to find a clearing between two places. There is a forest behind you, and some sort of temple in front of you. It's surrounded by a large wall but the three story temple is still visible.
"What is this place? I've never seen something like this before."
You walk around a little before you hear someone coming in from behind you. You quickly pivot your body. You move just in time to dodge a punch. The attacker passes by you but recovers smoothly.
The man is in a three piece red robe. There are silver armor pieces on his shoulders, chest and legs. The legs are a little harder to see, however. There is a hood covering his face, leaving it out of sight and covered in darkness. The weird part was that there should be some light breaking through that darkness.
"I thought I was fighting elementals!"
"Think idiot! The computer said it was changed. This must be what we're fighting!" Shadow informs.
"Would you rather me leave you to do it all?"
"Meh, we'll see how it goes," you smile.
You get into a fighting position, and the man does the same. You both stay still for a moment until you move. You put all your leg strength into your heel and push off it. You almost glide across the ground before reaching the man. You throw a punch. He raises his arm and blocks it with his forearm. You move to his back and attempt to elbow his spine. The man counters this by spinning around and connecting the back of his fist with your face.
You stumble back but keep focus on him. He rushes at you and throws some punches. You block them and throw some back. The two of you are locked in a stand still. You keep blocking his punches and he blocks yours. You connect your fist with his. You attempt to punch him with your free fist but he sees this. He quickly uppercuts you and kicks you away. You don't let him go unscathed, however. You grab his foot and spin him around. After gaining enough momentum you release him, sending him flying into the temple grounds.
You chase after him. You gain momentum from sprinting then jump through the hole he created. You wouldn't have been able to do this nine months ago, but the gravity training has done miracles for you. As you push the dust out of your way the man grabs you in mid jump. He grasps your face and slams it against the ground. He proceeds to jump, spin, and slam you into the ground once more. He takes position on top of you and starts to beat your face into the ground. You can't concentrate with the barrage of punches coming at you. You think simple.
You shoot your hand out and grab his face. You use all your might to try and crush it. The man pulls back some, which gives you an opportunity to punch him off of you. He rolls across the ground but does recover. He looks up just in time to see your foot coming straight at his face. He has no time to react. Right before you connect you are pushed away by something. You stumble across the ground but bounce onto your feet.
You wipe some blood off your mouth and look up at him. His hands are positioned in a manner which he pushed you away, but he never touched you. You try to figure out what happened, but nothing comes to your head. The man stands up and you see him chuckle. He flicks his hand. Your eyes widen at the possibility. You look down and see the ground is becoming red. You jump away from the location. A small tunnel of fire shoots up from the ground. You land in another spot and look at the man.
"So he is an elemental."
The man rushes at you and flicks his wrist again. A swarm of ice shards come zooming at you from both left and right. You keep running at him. The ice shards collide into each other and form a giant swarm of them. They chase you from behind. You look back, then at the man. He swipes his arm right and a barrage of lighting rushes towards you.
"Oh crap."
You keep running. Right before the lighting hits you slide under it. The man didn't expect this. You push off the ground and connect both feet right in his face. He flips backwards and lands flat on his face. You let out a smirk. He flips onto his feet and stares in your direction. He rushes towards you. You prepare yourself for anything he might do.
He raises the earth below him to get higher ground. You hop farther and farther back to keep your eyes on him. You reach a building, so you can't go anywhere. You realize his plan. He's going to squish you! You look up and decide there's no better place to go. You run forward, spin, and then jump on the first story of the building. You hop up to the second, then the third. The man is waiting for you at the top.
"You know, this is the most fun I've had in months. It may be a simulation, but it's still fun."
The man doesn't flinch at your words. You shrug and get back into a fighting position. Both of you rush at each other and jump in the air. You collide and start fighting. He uses wind to keep you both suspended in the air. You throw a punch that he catches. You kick him in the ribs and he lets go of your hand. He proceeds to straighten his hand and fill it with fire. He slices at you, but you sway out of the way.
You kick him in the back of the head. He turns and punches you in the face. You punch him. He kicks you. Punch. Kick. Dodge. Kick. Dodge. Hit. Collide. Punch. You are both knocked away from one another. You become a victim of gravity and plummet to the ground. He remains in the air. He shakes his head then rushes towards you. Like a diving bird he closes in on you. He creates a layer of ice for you to land on.
You properly land on the sheet of ice, but have to jump out of the way of the man's attack. The new platform shatters into pieces when he connects with it. You position yourself close to him then attack. He catches it and throws you to the ground. You won't accept being the only one hurt by this. You manage to grab his head and pull him closer to you. Neither of you notice the ground during the struggle. You both smash on the ground, creating a large cloud of dust.
You slowly pick yourself up. You're coughing and holding your side. Some blood is coughed up. Your opponent is hurt as well. He is holding his leg in pain. You stretch your back and hear a couple good cracks. You look back at your opponent and smile. He shakes his leg and returns to a normal stance. You rush at him once more. You jump in the air and start spinning. You extend your leg to hit him. He blocks with his arm, but is in a weakened state. You lock your foot around his arm to move up and behind him. You use your other foot to kick the back of his head and send him flying into a section of the temple.
You take the moment to get your breath. Before you know it the temple turns to ash. The man has his arms raised, and the elements are going wild. Lightening is showing up around him in small intervals. The wind is making his robe go crazy. This site almost looks familiar. Suddenly lava starts appearing out of nowhere. Lightening starts crashing down. Ice and snow are caught in the wind. He is destroying the environment around him. You look at the disaster, and make sure you aren't caught in anything.
He seems to have an aura of power around him now. His very presence shakes the ground around you. It seems so real that you almost forgot it was a simulation. You stand your ground until the man stops his display of power. He lowers his arms and starts to walk towards you. Flames burst from the ground around him. The whole area is just a mess. You decide not to just sit and wait for him to attack.
You run towards him you are about to throw a punch but are tossed aside like nothing. He uses the air to throw you meters away. You twirl across the ground, unable to recover. You stop on the ground and raise your head to see the man. He is walking towards you once again.
"Ok... this may be a problem," you mumble.
You pick yourself up and try to look as strong as possible. The man walks closer and closer to you. You throw a punch. It connects right in his darkened face. He doesn't flinch at all. He grabs your hand and pulls it away. You use all your strength to try and keep control of your hand but to no avail. He pulls your hand to the side and readies his own punch. He sends you flying into what's left of the forest.
You crash against the remnants of a tree and land on your face. You push yourself up and look at the man. He is miles away from you and is keeping his walking speed. You need to give him one good hit. It's all about quality, not quantity.
How can I get the impact though? I obviously don't have enough strength on my own. I need... Wait! When I got the momentum from my spinning kick he was weakened. I just need speed on my side! Ha, I don't need Shadow to make a good plan!
"I heard that," Shadow chimes in.
"I know," you smirk.
You start running as fast as you can towards your opponent. You're speed is amazingly fast after all your training. You're going even faster than you thought possible. You keep running and running and running. The man is getting closer, and you're ready. You clench your fist and go to punch him. You appear right in front of him and throw the punch. He attempts to hit you but the punch goes right through you.
"Hm?" he mutters.
You suddenly appear right in front of him. Time seems to have slowed down right before the punch. You get in right in his face. You are positioned beside him and your arm isn't straight yet, but it's still in his face. You use the last of your momentum to straighten your arm and finish the punch. He flies right back to the ruins of the temple.
He stands up and looks at you. You can hear his howling, and the elements follow him. The man starts running towards you. His speed is incredible. You start running as well. The both of you get close real fast. You ready a haymaker, and he does the same. You both throw your punches. They collide. Neither of you are giving up any ground. The man starts conjuring the elements to aid him.
You start losing your ground. You put as much pressure on your feet as you can but you can't stay stationary. You start sliding through the dirt. You grunt and try to use all your push him back, but you can't. You feel the fire and ice start surrounding you and absorbing you into them. Your body feels like it's being tossed between a boiling pot and a freezing cold lake. You feel lighting enter your body and the winds pull you apart. You can really die here. You could be leaving Elsa alone.
Your eyes shoot open. They become completely white. You thrust your body forward and unleash your own elements. You regain your lost ground and push him back.
"Eat this!" You howl.
You push your fist even farther. A large explosion of elements shoots out from your two punches. The explosion covers everything in a 20 mile radius. The simulation can't handle the power you are putting out. The room begins to shake. The lights flicker violently. The whole place lets out a huge explosion that shakes the earth for miles across.
Elsa is trying to keep herself up. She froze the entire house in place so nothing would fall or break. She feels the intensity of your battle from up here. This feels worse than what Anna described. Elsa becomes worried about your health and decides to find out for herself. Elsa stumbles her way to the elevator. She allows the scanner to scan her, then enters the elevator.
The half the ride down is full of uncertainty. The place has a constant shake for a while but eventually stops. Elsa waits for the door to open then sprints out of the elevator.
"(Y/N)! (Y/N) are you okay?"
She sees someone lying on the ground. She runs over and kneels beside them. She looks to see your face, but the clothes are odd. You are wearing tattered red robes with broken silver armour. She hovers over you.
"Weird, huh?" a voice says.
Elsa spins around to find you – also looking injured – looking away from the body.
"It may just be a simulation, but someone changed the protocol, which means someone wanted me to fight this person."
"(Y/N)... are you okay?"
You turn to face her. You have a big grin on your face, and your arms open for her. She rushes towards you and falls into your arms. You give her a big hug.
"Did you... Beat the simulation?" She happily says.
"Yeah, that I did."
You look back to the simulation's version of you.
But why did I have to fight myself?
You release Elsa and kneel beside the man.
"You gave me one hell of a fight. Thank you."
"Protocol Overlord complete. Simulation shutting down," the computer states.
The grand metal door finally opens. You move away from the now empty space and towards the opening. Elsa follows closely and grabs your hand. You intertwine your fingers between hers. She smiles. You both walk into the next section of the room. It is slightly smaller than the training room, which means it's quite large. There is one main computer surrounded by other ones. There is what seems like a work bench. It has a few things on it, but you'll look at those later.
The place is really just computers with the odd place for working and one locker. You walk up to the computer and look at what to do. You see a small section. It looks like you can place a computer chip inside. You remember the one you used to open this place up. You rush back upstairs to grab it, then rejoin Elsa. She is hiding it well, but she is eager to see what this computer will say. You place the computer chip in the slot. The screen lights up and there is a video prepared. You click the play button.
"And here I will be describing the details of... hrm... Project Overlord..."
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