Chapter 18: Whatever Happens
9 months later
Anna is sitting on the couch writing in her diary. She giggles at a few things she is writing. All she can think about is how amazing these last few months have been. With no catastrophes occurring, you have all had bonding time. You and Elsa have become extremely close. Almost every day another special thing would happen between you two.
Anna and Kristoff were doing great too. Anna offered Kristoff to live at her house, but Kristoff didn't want to leave his family just yet. Pabbie has been having strange dreams lately and Kristoff wants to be there to hear them. When Pabbie is having strange dreams it usually means something is wrong.
Anna didn't agree with some of the things you've done the past few months. For starters, you were always down in the training room. Elsa and Kai would drag you back up to make sure you were social. Sometimes you would even forget to eat. Kai made you promise that you would finish all your homework and spend time with everyone before you went down there. You never meant to leave everyone, but there was a desire in you to get stronger.
Shadow was also more present lately. He would always leave in the middle of the night and not come home for hours. Nobody ever knew what he was doing, and when they asked you it was met with confusion. You ask him about it, but he says not to worry. That he needs some time to play as well.
Shadow also started using the training room for himself. Your body had become much stronger after all this time, but you still never activated the Overlord Protocol, even though you wanted to. You made a promise not to do so until school is over. But it's the last two weeks of school, which means you can try it soon.
Anna hears her phone ring and grabs it. She chats on the phone for a moment before coming to a realization. She hangs up the phone and rushes to her parents room. Before she could activate the elevator a huge earthquake occurs for a moment. Everything in the house topples over, including Anna.
"Ow..." She said, rubbing her head.
She picked herself up and remembered you.
"Oh my gosh! Is (Y/N) okay?"
She runs into the elevator and activates it. You made sure that the elevator had a better decent than it did the first time you used it. The ride ends and the door opens. Anna sees you lying on the ground.
"(Y/N)" she shrieks, running over to you.
When she sees your face she becomes unamused. You are laughing. She walks up beside you and hovers over you.
"Hey Anna, how's it go-" you are cut off by her kicking you in the ribs.
You grab them and moan.
"Man, you hit hard. Wow..."
Anna chuckles for a moment, but retains her serious face.
"What happened? The whole house shook!"
"It did? Sorry," you chuckled. "Anyway, I was trying to activate that mode again. I haven't been able to do it since the first time. In the session, I was hit by a bunch of elements at once. It hurt."
Anna shakes her head and lies beside you. You both look at each other for a moment.
"Hey, where's Elsa? Wouldn't she normally be the one beating my door down?"
"Elsa and Kristoff are out shopping. Like we should be doing."
You cough. "Why?"
"You forgot, didn't you?"
"It's prom this week!"
Anna gives you a look. "Elsa wants it to be special, (Y/N). We should be buying a suit and dress."
You laugh, "Yeah, like I'm going dress shopping with you."
She smacks your chest, which is still sore from the training.
"Ow," you complain.
Anna blushes, "Sorry, sorry... Wait no, no you insulted me! It would take ten minutes!"
You burst out laughing at the statement.
"It would take ten minutes for me. It would take hours for you. You'd find thirty 'perfect dresses' and cycle through them eight times. There is no way I am shopping with you. No way."
Anna is upset you think so little of her. She looks at you with a pouting, angry face. You try to resist but you know Anna will never stop asking you.
"Oh...fine. Just let me shower and change."
Anna giggles in excitement and helps you up. She grabs one of your hands and pull. You pull as well, but you use to much force and Anna falls right on top of you.
You chuckle at the situation before lifting yourself and Anna up. Anna is blushing and rapidly apologizing. You are curious as to why she is taking it so seriously. Then again, you may just not be taking it seriously when you should. Either way you brush it off and head upstairs for a shower.
You take off your clothes and hop in the shower. You stand there for a moment, thinking. There has been so little going on for you. You and Kristoff have become quite the band, without even trying. Pubs and musical gatherings have asked you both to come and play. You never said no to playing guitar, as Elsa was always impressed with how fast your fingers could move. She would always make a dirty joke about it, which surprised you. Even though Elsa can be playful, you didn't think her mind was as polluted as yours.
You think about Hunter. You haven't seen him lately. You assumed he went to your school, as you've only ever seen him there, but he was never around. You were getting fond of him, even though you only talked to him twice. He seemed like a good guy. Seemed like someone you could talk to. You wish you knew more about him, but it doesn't matter now. With everything else that has been happening he may have been forgotten.
You turn off the shower and dry yourself off. After giving your hair a dry you wrap the towel around your waist and start to go to your room. You check yourself out for a minute. It seems like it was only yesterday that you were filled with scars. Now your body is clean and normal. There is a difference between then and now, however. You are a lot stronger than you used to be. Your muscles are noticeably more defined, but not like those magazines that always show ripped men.
You didn't want that. You didn't care about the physical appearance of your strength, you cared about the actions that strength could do. But you have augmented your strength more than it used to be. You've been training really hard for what is coming, and you won't stop until you've passed what you think is enough.
Your favourite part was training with the gravity higher. You could act natural at 2.5 times earth's normal gravity. You found it odd how your body could handle the pressure, but your bones never broke. Your body never became a pancake, which you're sure Elsa appreciates. She never understood your need to get so strong. You were likely the strongest man on the planet, but you felt like you needed more. Like if you took a rest, declared that you reached the highest point of your strength, then this training simulator would demolish you.
The computer even said that you can die if you aren't careful. You seem to always find a way to win, but that was with Carnage. You don't have Carnage anymore, which means it's all you and Shadow. You feel as if you need a guarantee that you can win, no matter what. That you will find these answers about who you really are.
You chuckle then head to your room. Anna passes by you.
"So we can head out now?"
"As long as I can put some clothes on. I mean, I'm sure nobody would mind if I went to the mall like this but..."
Anna laughs. "I'm sure all the girls would fall for you right then and there, (Y/N)."
You laugh in turn and make your way to your room. You grab a black long sleeve shirt and a pair of jeans. You slip them on really easily then run to the front door to meet Anna.
"So, are you gonna drive, or am I?" Anna asks.
You shrug. "Up to you."
"You drive."
She walks over to your new car that the family bought for you. They felt like you needed a car, rather than walk around all the time. It was a super car that you didn't recognize. Gerda said it was a custom made for you. You didn't want to know the price of it. You took it for a few test drives. It was fast, agile, and beautiful. It seemed like it was trying to copy you. The car had an amazing looking shell with a pure white colour. You never asked for a car, but they gave it to you anyway.
You didn't mind too much, as it got from A to B and that's all you really want in a car. The beauty of its shell is an added bonus, you won't deny. You grab your keys from the bowl inside and unlock the door. Anna sits in the passenger seat and you sit in the driver seat. This was Anna's dress shopping day, so she seemed a little more peppy than normal. That's saying something.
"So I made a list of all the places we should go," Anna says, handing you a list.
You read it and your eyes explode. There were at least fifteen stores written down on this page, and none of them were for you.
"Anna... I only need to go to Moore's. Why do we need to go to all these places?"
"Well, they all have really nice dresses. How else am I supposed to find the–"
"Perfect dress?" You finish, hinting at what you said earlier.
Anna stares at you for a moment, realizing what you are saying.
"Shut up, (Y/N)," Anna laughs.
You chuckle and start up the car. You drive out of the driveway and onto the road. Your seven hour journey begins. You decide to get yours out of the way first, and head to a Moore's. Anna complains about this at first, but then gets excited at the thought of finally seeing you in a suit. You both enter the store and are greeted by a well-dressed man.
"(Y/N)!" A man said, dragging your name out.
"Ah crap," you say under your breath. "Hey, Matt."
"Aw, I was hoping you'd be happier to see me," he responds.
Anna noticed a strong lisp on this man. She does recognize him, but can't put her finger on it.
"So who's this sweet thing you have with you? Oh, the other sister. How daring of you (Y/N)," Matt teases.
Anna remembers! He was one of the people who went to your school. He graduated last year but always came back to visit. He took a fancy to you, in two ways.
"It's not like that Matt, Anna is ju–"
"Oh I get it, I get it. So, I can only imagine you came here for a suit."
"Well, kind of. I came here to see you too. You invited me here once, remember."
"Oh I do! I'm surprised you remember. So, we'll get you set up in a PERFECT suit," Matt says, eye balling your figure. "I'm guessing this is for prom?"
You nod. "Anna is making me do it now, rather than later."
Anna waves shyly, and you snicker at that.
"She's getting her dress today too. I just wanted to get my suit over with first."
"I understand. So how about we get to try on some suits."
The process takes longer than you wanted. Matt continually said that it wasn't good enough for you, even when you thought it was fine. He kept saying, "With a body like yours you need the perfect suit." Even though it was taking up Anna's dress time, she was stirring up quite the conversation on what suits could work on you. You weren't enjoying how long this was taking.
Eventually – an hour and a half to be specific – a suit was finally "suitable" enough for you. You chuckled at the pun you made. Anna and Matt gave you a look and went back to their discussion. The suit was black, and had a black dress shirt underneath. You wanted a white one but you realized your opinion barely mattered anymore. You were just a mannequin they were using for their amusement. Oh how you wish Elsa was here. Or even Kristoff. You wonder how their endeavor is going.
Kristoff walks out of a different Moore's with a suit in a suit bag. He's happy with his purchase, as it's plain and simple. Elsa's ready for her dress shopping, however she has more of a plan than Anna did.
"So, where are we going first? And why couldn't you take Anna or (Y/N) along?"
Elsa gives a look to Kristoff. "Well, for one, (Y/N) can't see what dress I am wearing! That ruins it. Same goes for you and Anna. Second, (Y/N) probably would forgotten about getting a suit if Anna didn't use her personality to get him out of the house."
Kristoff laughs, "He can beat all these super powered people, but can't stand up to you two."
"Yes, cause all he does is train all day," Elsa says with some bitterness.
Kristoff catches this.
"I know, I know. That wasn't fair of me to do. He spends a lot of time with me and sets up some pretty marvelous dates. The days where we do nothing at all are still magical. But..."
Kristoff puts his hand on Elsa's shoulder. "He cares about you more than anything, you know that. He just needs to figure out more about himself. I would want to know more too if I was some sort of project. I know you somewhat understand, and you may not completely agree, but your support means everything to him."
Elsa smiles at Kristoff's speech.
"Besides, you're gonna blow him away with the dress you'll pick."
Elsa smiles. "Speaking of that, we have a much easier dress picking than Anna and (Y/N) does. I made sure to tell Anna to keep (Y/N) out of the house for a long time."
Kristoff raises his brow. "What do you have planned?"
"I'll explain on the way, let's go!"
"Shadow, can you please take over for me? Please? I will love you forever," you beg.
"For one, I don't care whether you love me or not. Two, HA. You're on your own for this one (Y/N)."
You face palm.
Matt got off of work after you got your suit. He and Anna are choosing dresses now. You are on the verge of smashing you head against every wall you encounter.
Just as you predicted, Anna has found too many dresses for her to wear. You are graced with the marvelous job of carrying everything. EVERYTHING. This wasn't just dresses anymore. Anna found even better shoes to wear, some great make-up and so much more. You complained about it and called everything heavy but it didn't even break a sweat for you. The one drawback of your strength! The one weakness!
Anna wants to find a dress that could compliment her white streak of hair. Matt agrees completely on her thoughts. Unfortunately, the dresses she picked didn't follow this new line of thinking. They bring all the dresses back to their stores and apologize. You set them down one by one. As you do it, you hear someone giggle.
You look over to find a girl with blonde hair and a nice figure giggling at you. She was very attractive, and her giggle was pretty cute, but not as cute as Elsa's. She is in a uniform, which likely means she works at the store, though you don't remember seeing her before.
"You know, laughing at someone's misfortune is not very nice. Ever heard of karma?" You mention.
"Ever heard of a cart?" She retorts.
"Ouch, you got me there," you chuckle, setting the last of the dresses down. "But how else would I be able to show off my amazing strength?"
She walks a bit closer to you.
"I don't know, go to the gym, enter a contest, go into some professional fighting club," she cheekily responds.
"Ha, professional fighting wishes they had something on me," you say, not realizing you almost spilled a secret.
"(Y/N)! Come on, we're going!" Anna calls out.
"Stop flirting with girls," Matt teases.
You start jogging towards them. "Flirting? I wasn't flirting! I can't even flirt!"
"That's not what Elsa says," Anna chuckles.
You blush at the statement. You look back to the girl. She is smiling and waving at you. You give a smile and a wave before leaving.
Anna hits you on the back of the head. "Stop it (Y/N)! Elsa will get jealous!"
"Elsa isn't the jealous type... is she?" You say.
"As her sister, I will inform you that she indeed is the jealous type."
You look at Anna oddly. "How sophisticated of you, Anna."
"It's all these fancy stores," she laughs. "Hey, we should get some chocolate! It's been a long day!"
Matt gets excited at the idea. You huff.
"We have a huge supply of chocolate at home, remember?"
"Yes, but Matt won't be there! He's been so helpful!" Anna compliments.
You decide not to argue and just go along with it. The three of you reached the chocolate shop. Anna was the first to order some. You sat back and waited for the two to order.
"Are you getting any, (Y/N)?" Anna asks.
You make your decision and follow through. Everyone cleans up and heads off to another store.
5 hours later
You push the door to your house open and fall face first on the couch. You don't even notice Elsa sitting on the couch with you. You almost fell right on her lap.
She giggles. "Had a fun day?"
"That was more exhausting than the training I've been doing."
Elsa giggles some more. "Anna can be quite the handful, at times."
Anna walks in with her arms crossed.
"(Y/N), you have to get my dress for me! How could you just leave me like that?" She teases.
Kai volunteers to grab Anna's dress and your suit. Anna makes sure Kristoff isn't around before Kai enters.
"Kristoff went home. You're fine," Elsa informed.
Anna nodded and ran to her room with her dress.
"Shall I place this in your room?" Kai asks you.
"I don't even care," you say, your voiced muffled by the fact your face is in the couch.
Kai stood there for a moment.
"He said yes," Elsa responds with a smile.
Kai nods and starts walking to your room.
Elsa moves her eyes to the back of your head. She giggles again, and puts her book down.
"Are you going to face me?" She asks.
You let out a muffled moan.
"Is that a yes?"
Another moan. Elsa shoots a small blast of ice at your butt. You jump off the couch and hold your butt.
"What was that for?" You exclaim.
"See, you moved," she smiles.
You smile back and lay on the couch. You go to the same spot, but this time with your face actually facing the rest of the world. Elsa leans over and kisses you. It's a little weird, since it feels like you're upside down. But you never pass up a chance to kiss Elsa.
She backs away from your lips and smiles.
"So what's the plan for this week?"
"I don't know. More training, probably. I haven't played gui-"
You are cut off by Elsa slapping your stomach.
"No silly! Prom! You make sure that you don't forget!"
You smile, "Well, you do have a talent for distracting me and making me forget."
She chuckles, "Flatterer."
You spin your body around to face Elsa then pull her close. She giggles at your actions.
"I can show you some real flattery, if you want," you tease.
"Oh please good sir, I must know," Elsa melodramatically responds.
You kiss her with great passion and she responds with the same. You pick her up and she wraps her legs around you. She giggles while she kisses you. This tickles your lips a bit. You start to bring her up the stairs but see someone in your way. Kai is standing a short distance in front of you with his brow raised.
You shrug and bring Elsa to her room. Elsa didn't notice, so she never complained. Kai rolled his eyes at the two of you.
"Young love. I'm surprised they've kept their passion for so long."
"Those two were made for each other," Gerda chimed in, walking out of the kitchen.
"That they were. It's almost scary how well Elsa connected with him after she distanced herself from everyone else."
"He is special, you know that," Gerda says. "He has a certain something that makes people believe and trust in him."
Before their conversation could continue the doorbell rings. Kai makes his way to the door and opens it.
"Hello, is this the Anderson household?" A male voice asks.
"Yes, it is. May I ask who you are and why you are here?" Kai asks.
"Of course. My name is Alec Westergaard, CEO of W.A. Industries. I have business with Elsa Anderson."
Kai bows then walks up to Elsa's door. He knocks twice.
"Ms. Elsa? You have a visitor."
"Tell him to go away," you yell.
"(Y/N)!" Elsa cheerfully giggles. "I'll be there in a second."
"What? Why? You were the one who was getting-"
A slap is heard.
"Ow," you complain.
Kai shakes his head and returns to the door.
"She will be down in a moment."
"Not a problem," Alec responds.
After twenty seconds you and Elsa come rushing down the stairs. You slide down the railing while she made an ice slide for herself. She beat you to the bottom. Thankfully the stairs are hidden from the door, so the man doesn't see her powers.
You make your way to the door with Elsa to see who was there. Alec didn't look at Elsa right away. Instead he looked at you. He hasn't seen you in the flesh for years, and was happy to see his best friend's younger brother.
"Hey, how's it going?" You ask him, extending your hand. "My name is (Y/N)."
"Alec is mine," he responds, shaking your hand. "I'm doing quite well, thank you."
Alec gives you a quick smirk before turning his attention to Elsa.
"Elsa Anderson? My name Is Alec Westergaard."
Both you and Elsa become weary of him. You have a bad taste when it comes to that family.
"How can I help you?" Elsa questionably asks.
"I have come to ask whether my messenger boy has come to talk to you yet."
Elsa's face shows confusion. "No, nobody has come on your behalf."
"Except maybe your brother." You hiss.
Alec looks at you. He knows exactly where your hatred is coming from, but he has no intention of messing with you.
"There are a lot of us, and we're all different. I assure you I am quite different from all of my brothers."
You and Elsa share a look before turning your attention back to Alec.
"Well, your parents left Westergaard-Anderson Industries under your name. I have been acting as CEO until you take over. But apparently you know nothing about it, so I will have to explain."
Elsa was going to question it, but decides to wait for his explanation.
"You're parents ran the company, and with their untimely death – which I am truly sorry for – they left their company in your name. When you finish school, you may be the CEO of the biggest company in the world."
Elsa is surprised at this. She never expected something like this from a Westergaard. Or even at all. The CEO of a company? Her? You are equally as taken back by the information.
"I'm the CEO of W.A. Industries?" Elsa states.
"Only if you want to be. It is optional."
Elsa turns to you, her eyes are screaming for your opinion.
"So, what will Elsa have to do? She doesn't have any experience with running a company," you query.
"I'll teach her about it myself. I am fully behind you being the CEO, and will help you with getting in the groove. I also ask if I could be your advisor, to aid you in decisions. The choice will always be yours, but I would give my personal opinion."
Alec looks between you and Elsa.
"Listen, you have time to think about it. If you need more information then I urge you to come visit the company and see what we do. Whether you take over or not, you'll still have royalties from the company. You're basically going to be even more rich."
Alec shakes Elsa's hand before leaving. Elsa closes the door and walks over to the couch and lays on it. You watch her for a moment before bursting out the door and catching up to Alec.
"Hey!" You call out, grabbing his arm.
Alec hardly reacts. He starts to turn around and you let his arm go.
"Why now? What's with the timing? You had months after her parents died to contact her, but you do it now? What's the purpose?"
Alec chuckles, "How did you know when her parents died?"
You are without words at this. You have an explanation, but you aren't going to tell this guy what happened. Alec smirks at your silence.
"Cat got your tongue? No matter. To answer your question I simply respect the Anderson's wishes. If they want their daughter to lead their company then that is what I support. I know you may not trust me, given your encounters with Hans, but I have nothing against you or your girlfriend."
"How did you know about Hans?" You ask.
Alec exhales and looks around. He leans into your ear.
"Once you complete the training program, come meet me at W.A. Industries."
Your eyes widen at this. He knows more than he's willing to tell. Before you know it you fall asleep. Shadow assumes his posture and cocks a smirk at Alec.
"Surprise, surprise. W.A. is behind all this."
"No. Not all of it. I would say we're just a proxy."
"A highly protected proxy," Shadow counters.
"You are quite perceptive, aren't you, Shadow?"
Shadow is slightly surprised. "You knew it was me?"
"Your tone changes from (Y/N)'s. Your stance and postures shifts slightly. Your words and manner of speech is more sophisticated."
Shadow chuckles. "Good to know I have a clear difference."
"It's subtle, but there. I wonder, have any of (Y/N) or your memories come back to you? With the loss of Carnage I assume the memories don't fade out from your mind."
Shadow gives a cynical look to Alec. "How did you know?"
"Then you haven't shared the information with (Y/N), have you? You know he would go rushing in without a thought."
"He tends to do that," Shadow reflects.
Alec begins walking away. "I offer the same thing to you as I did to him. See me after your training is completed. I'll offer you some aid."
Shadow watches Alec walk away. He is somewhat angry that there are things being hidden from him. Shadow wants to pin Alec down and beat the information out of him. But there isn't time for that right now.
Shadow comes back into the house and closes the door behind him. Elsa lifts her head to see him come in.
"What'd you-"
"Nothing, it doesn't matter," Shadow coldly responds, passing by Elsa and heading upstairs.
Elsa is perplexed at this response. She gets up from the couch and chases after him.
Shadow opens the door to the parent's room and activates the scanner. Elsa enters the room during the scan.
"(Y/N), what's wrong?"
"Scan complete." The computer verifies.
Shadow walks into the elevator and looks to Elsa.
"I'm not the one you want to talk to, Elsa."
The elevator door closes, leaving Elsa staring at the wall. Elsa isn't stupid, she knows it's Shadow. Elsa has had a few encounters with Shadow, and can tell his cold and distant tone from your warm and loving one. Elsa leaves the room and heads to Anna's. She knocks on the door.
"Anna? Can I come in?"
"Of course. Come see my dress!"
Elsa walks into Anna's room to see Anna in beautiful dress. The bottom half is a lovely shade or green. The body is black with some blue and red designs on it, and finally the shoulders are a darker shade of green. Anna is spinning around, letting the skirt part dance around her body. Anna's smile is so wide, as she is obviously happy with her choice.
"Anna, you look beautiful," Elsa compliments.
"Thanks! I actually picked this a while ago and showed (Y/N)'s friend Matt a picture. He thought it was perfect. Though, I still kept him out all day, like you said. What was that about anyway?"
Elsa leads Anna to her room and opens the closet. It is almost completely cleared out, except for one mannequin with a dress on it. Anna's eyes widen. The dress is completely made of ice. It emanates with beauty. It sparkles, even in the dark closet. It is a thing with no parallel, no equal.
"Elsa... you..."
Elsa giggles, "Do you think (Y/N) will like it?"
"Like it? He'll love it!" Anna hops in the air, clapping her hands. "You have to try it on! Please?"
Elsa takes the dress off of the mannequin and puts it on. The icy feel doesn't bother Elsa. She rather enjoys it. The dress fits beautifully on Elsa. There is some amount of cleavage, but not much. There is a sliver in the bottom half for a leg to be exposed. The dress complimented Elsa's pale skin, and brought out her true beauty. Anna was over joyed.
"Elsa you look amazing! I can't believe you made this out of ice!"
"It took some inspiration. I took Kristoff out just to get some ideas for the dress. He was happy it didn't take long."
The two giggle as they enjoy their time in the dresses. Elsa's face falls flat as she remembers why she came to talk to Anna. Anna notices the lack of joy in her sister's face.
"What's wrong Elsa?"
Elsa takes off her dress and places it back on the mannequin.
"It's... I don't know. It's silly."
"Come on Elsa. Is it about (Y/N)?"
"Somewhat. It's about that other one."
Anna realizes it may be a bit more serious than she originally thought. The two sat on Elsa's bed.
"I worry about that. I know it hasn't been too much to handle lately, but it's weird seeing him be so cold towards me. I know it's not him... but..."
Anna chuckles a little bit.
"What? What's so funny?"
"I swear you need a reminder every few months that he loves you," Anna chuckles. "Even Kristoff notices that."
Elsa blushes then lightly smacks Anna. "Oh shush!"
Anna laughs, "I get it. It's nice to be reminded that you're beloved truly loves you, especially when said beloved has another person inside of them."
"That still seems really weird to me," Elsa confesses.
"Yeah, it's weird. But (Y/N) always says that Shadow has nothing against us, he just doesn't find a need to speak to us. But who cares about that! Right now you have to plan! You need proper hair, and make up, and... oh so much. Can I help you?"
Elsa chuckles, "Of course you can."
Shadow blocks a punch, then breaks the arm that attacked him. He straightens his hand and chops the assailant's neck. The man goes down, then disappears. The simulation ends, and the gravity is reverted to normal. Shadow is relieved by the release of pressure. Unlike you, he trains at 4x earth's normal gravity. It is much more difficult to keep himself up, but he has learned to do it quite well. He too is baffled on the reason the body doesn't collapse under the pressure. The only explanation he can think of is the project you were placed in.
Shadow enjoyed raising the stakes on training behind your back. This ensures that the body is more durable and capable than what you believe it is. He uses this just in case you believe you are in over your head. It's like a safety net. He knows what the body can do more than you do. It is also the reason you are so much stronger, faster, and more tired. Two people are training with the same body.
You do train harder than Shadow does, at times. You like to place yourself against an overwhelming force with the gravity turned up. Shadow tends to have the gravity higher than you, but less people to fight. The method works for the way each of you go into battle. Alec was right in his statement regarding the difference between the two of you. Shadow heads to the elevator and returns to the main house. He lays on your bed and falls asleep, allowing you to regain control.
Most of the time you barely notice. It's like blinking then being in a completely different place at a different time. You are used to it, but know that Shadow has messed with something. You get out of bed and run right into the wall. You hold your head for a second and wonder what happened. You were going way faster than you normally do. That is usually a sign of gravity training.
You take a moment and start hopping around the room. You get used to the gravity before leaving the room. You knock on Elsa's door.
"Elsa? You in there?"
There was no response.
"Hm... Maybe in Anna's room?" You mutter.
You hop over to Anna's room and knock on the door.
"Anna? You there?"
"Yeah, come on in."
You open the door to find Anna brushing her hair, and Elsa sleeping on her bed.
"Why is Elsa..?"
"She was tired. Also worried."
"About what?" You ask.
"Your alter made her paranoid, sort of."
"Damn it Shadow!" You yell in your mind.
"Well she doesn't have to be so sensitive," he retorts.
"Oh... I guess you guys aren't as used to that as I am," you say.
"Well, Kristoff and I are somewhat okay with it. But I can see where Elsa is coming from. Sometimes her boyfriend isn't actually her boyfriend."
"Yeah... I guess that makes sense."
Anna can see the sadness in your eyes, she cheers you up by giving you a hug.
"Hey, you can make it up to her at prom! I know she's looking forward to it."
"Yeah, I kind of am too."
The days seem to have flown right by, as tonight is the night! It's prom! Elsa and Anna have gotten dressed up and are waiting for you and Kristoff to pick them up. You all agreed that you and Kristoff would get ready at his place while Anna and Elsa fixed up at theirs. Anna is freaking out while waiting.
"Why are they late? Does my hair look good?"
Elsa giggles. "You look beautiful, Anna."
"You look beautifuller," Anna responds, but soon regrets saying that. "Well not fuller but, more beautiful."
Elsa giggles some more. "Thank you. You have to calm down a little Anna. Kristoff is going to love how you look."
"That's not fair for you to say, Elsa! You're drop dead gorgeous in that dress. You even fixed your hair, make up, and everything.
Elsa's hair flowed beautifully over her shoulder, braided like little snow flakes. Elsa used a little ice to make sure her hair stayed that way.
"You look amazing Anna. Just give it a minute, they'll be here."
"Anna is going to kill me!" Kristoff yells from inside the car.
He pokes his head out the window and looks back at you. Small drops of rain fall on his hair.
"How're you doing?"
"Fuck you!" You yell, pushing the car across the road.
Kristoff chuckles a little bit but is still concerned. He never thought his car was going to break down and limo is going to show up at the girls' house any minute now.
Kristoff looks out the window to you again.
"I thought you were stronger than this!" Kristoff taunts.
You look at him with a half playful and half angry face.
"I'll come up there and show you how strong I am!"
The car keeps going on the road. Other cars honk and pass by. You ignore them and keep pushing the car. You curse the suit for its lack of flexibility. You swear it is going to rip sooner or later. The rain isn't helping either. You're basically soaked to the bone. You get annoyed with this whole situation. Even though you never showed care for prom, you hate being late to something you have agreed to go to. You push off the car and wait for a second.
"Just go!" You yell, giving the car a grand haymaker.
The wheels spin fast as the car flies across the road. Kristoff grabs the wheel and attempts to lead it to safety. He checks the speedometer, which reads 80 mph.
"Damn (Y/N), how strong are you?"
After the punch your suit jacket rips completely. You let out a small huff then start running to catch up to the car. It is slowing down, and eventually reaches a spot close to Anna and Elsa's house. You catch up and Kristoff makes fun of your little tantrum and your ripped clothes. You both notice the limo arrive at the girls' house so you rush there.
You talk to the limo driver while Kristoff rings the door bell and motions you to join him. The limo driver agrees to wait a couple minutes. He better, as he's being paid well. You walk up to the door beside Kristoff just in time for the door to open. Gerda opens it and leads the two of you inside. She notices your ripped jacket and pulls you towards her.
"What happened?"
"Ask Kristoff," you mutter.
The girls saw you both coming from outside, so they planned something for your arrival. Gerda knew what to do.
"So, the girls requested you to get them from their rooms. They are a little childish," she chuckles.
"Not a problem Gerda, this is their night," you smile.
"It's yours too. Make it a good one boys," she says as she walks away.
You and Kristoff gives each other a quick smile before bumping fists.
"Let's make it a damn good night," you say.
"Can't get any worse than you pushing a car," he laughs.
You shake your head as the two of you split up.
You reach Elsa's room and take a breath. You are wet, cold, and have a broken suit. You are just hoping she isn't focused on the appearance of it all. Not that you look bad, but your clothes are a tad... ruined. You knock on the door twice before opening it. Elsa is standing in the middle of the room with her dress on. Your jaw drops when you see her. She has never looked more stunning than she does right now. Elsa giggles at your reaction.
"You like it?"
"Like it? I love it! Is it made of ice?"
She nods. She takes a look at you and becomes confused.
"What happened to you?"
"Don't even get me started. Kristoff is getting a piece of my mind tomorrow."
"From the way Anna tells it, he may get a piece of her tonight," Elsa says with slight aggravation.
You laugh. "You can't get mad at her for anything tawdry she does with him. You know what we've done, and that surpasses anything that they could do."
Elsa looks at you and smiles. "Tawdry?"
You shrug. "I don't know."
Elsa walks around you with such a sexy walk that you just want to kiss her right now and forget all about prom. It's almost killing you.
"I suppose you need a new suit," she says seductively.
"I guess, but I don't know- whoa baby," you say as she uses her powers to remove your clothes and cover you with ice.
The ice forms into a blue suit that perfectly fits you. It sparkles like Elsa's.
"I think we're matching now," she giggles.
You admire her work, but you can't take it anymore. You grab her waist and pull her in to kiss you. She doesn't fight back one bit. She embraces it. You took continue to make out for a couple minutes until Anna and Kristoff interrupt you.
"We do have a prom to go to, remember? Hey... nice suit," Kristoff comments.
You and Elsa smile before following the two out to the limo. You all find a spot and take position with your dates. Kristoff gives you a smirk and slight nod out of respect. He knew your girl looks amazing, but of course he has his eyes on Anna. You all have a great talk full of laughs and "awwww"s. You were all ready to graduate school, and tonight was the night to celebrate that.
You reach the school and thank the limo driver. You exit the car and take Elsa's hand as she exits.
"My lady," you joke.
"Why thank you," she says, her hand on her chest.
You wait for Anna and Kristoff before entering the school. The prom was in the show room. The same one that you and Kristoff played in throughout the year and at Battle of the Bands.
Anna and Kristoff enter first. Everyone knew the two were coming together, but whispers could be heard wondering where you and Elsa were. You both stand outside the door before entering.
"You ready Elsa?"
"When I'm beside you I'm ready for anything," she smiles.
Elsa slips her arm through yours and gets close to you. You smile then open the door to the dance.
Everyone stood silent as they watched you both walk in. Your matching clothes were absolutely stunning, but you knew Elsa was taking all the credit. She looked better than anyone there, and that was a fact. You both walk into the room and stand with Anna and Kristoff. The two are having a drink and chatting. You grab your own drinks and talk with them. The night is mostly just you four talking up a storm with the occasional person asking one of you to dance. You were surprised that people had the balls to ask Elsa to dance with them. She respectfully said no, as she was saving her first and last dance for you.
Eventually a vote started coming around. It was to vote for the prom king and queen. You and Elsa voted for Anna and Kristoff. They seemed to be the best for the part. The two laughed when they heard it, as they voted for you and Elsa. Before the tallies were counted the final slow dance commenced. Elsa only wanted to dance to this, so you took her hand.
"May I have this dance?"
"I'll have to think about it," Elsa teases.
You pull her into the dance floor. You somehow find your way to the middle. Everyone else makes a circle around you. You had a lot of space for the dance. You pulled Elsa close to you and started dancing. Your form was perfect and you lead fantastically.
"I never knew you were a dancer," Elsa compliments.
"I'm not. Fighting is kind of like a dance, so I had the basics down. Gerda made sure I knew how to dance properly though. You don't know how many times she came into the basement and forced me to dance."
Elsa laughs imagining the sight.
She stops laughing and comes even closer to you. She lays her head on your chest and embraces the beautiful moment the two of you are having. You smile and somewhat lean your head on hers.
"I love you, Elsa. I'll always love you."
"I love you too, (Y/N)"
The dance is starting to come to its close. Another student goes on the stage with two ballets.
"Okay ladies and gentlemen, it's time to find out who the prom king and queen are! Let's start with the queen!"
He opens up the ballet and reads it.
"The prom queen is... Elsa Anderson!"
Elsa is surprised at this. You encourage her to go up. The whole room is applauding for her. She waves weakly as she stands on the stage. A small crown rests above her head.
"And now for the king... Kristoff!"
The room goes dead silent. You aren't really moved by it but everyone else is. Even Elsa is shocked. Kristoff slowly makes his way up to the stage.
"We're just messing with you buddy, sorry. The real king is (Y/N)!"
Kristoff looks over at you and nods. You smile back and give a nod. You rush onto the stage and make your way beside Elsa.
"You seemed a little worried," you whisper.
"I would rather choose my own king," she responds.
The crown is put of your head.
"Let's hear it for King (Y/N) and Queen Elsa!"
The crowd lets out a huge roar. The school photographers take pictures for the paper. You wink at the man then pull Elsa in for a passionate kiss. The crowd gets even louder. You break off and she gives you a conflicted smile.
"Live in the moment, my love."
"My love? What's with your speech today?"
"I am the king you know, I have to have some kingly speech," you joke.
"Uh huh," Elsa rolls her eyes with a smile.
The four of you get back to your house. Anna and Kristoff won't separate from each other. They kiss all the way to the bedroom, and you don't want to imagine what's going to happen next. You and Elsa head to your room. She slips out of her ice dress, and you do the same with your ice suit. You hang it and place it neatly in the closet.
Elsa pulls you in closer to her a resumes the dance you two were doing.
"We never finished," she says.
You smile and continue to dance. A gloomy thought passes your mind.
"You know... I'm going to do that training program soon. That may lead me to some answers."
Elsa lets out a weak smile, "I know. I've been complaining about it for months."
"Elsa... I have to do this. I'm sorry bu-"
She puts her finger over your lips to stop you.
"(Y/N), I understand. I do, and I support you one hundred percent. If this leads you on some new adventure then so be it. I'm okay with it."
"Really?" You confirm.
"Of course. Whatever happens I will be by your side. I will be your love to the end of time."
You smile and kiss her passionately. You know you're ending this night exactly how Anna and Kristoff are ending it: tawdry-like.
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