Chapter 12: Rain Arrives
Anna's car pulls into the parking lot. You approach it then open the passenger seat. Someone else is sitting there. He is a young man, likely around your age. He gives you a big smile.
"Hello, I already took shotgun. You have to sit at the back."
You shrug. You don't really mind sitting in the back. You take your seat. Kristoff begins the journey home.
The man moves his head over the seat to face you. "Hi, I'm Eugene."
He moves a hand in range for you to shake. You shake it.
"This is Rapunzel's boyfriend. You remember Anna mentioning her?"
"Oh yeah," you recollect. "So how is it dating someone named after a fairy tale character?"
Eugene laughs. "I made that joke a couple times too. She's actually a good sport about it. I wouldn't bring it up though. It's an old joke."
You nod your head.
"So you must be Elsa's boyfriend," Eugene observes.
"Yeah, I could be called that," you chuckle.
"'Could?' You made out on the stage!" Kristoff laughs.
Eugene's intrigue takes over his face. He looks at you.
"It was Battle of the Bands and she won it for us. I kind of got caught up in the moment."
"As in, you totally took the stage. You'll both probably be in the school paper," Kristoff predicts.
"Not you and I?
"No. That kiss made me completely irrelevant,"
Eugene chuckles. "The power of love."
Kristoff laughs. "(Y/N) is the definition of that."
You shake your head then look of in the distance. You think back to Hunter. You smile at the thought. You like him, you seem to get along well.
You arrive at the Anderson household. You swear you can hear the laughter from the girls. Kristoff and Eugene get caught up in conversation so you go in alone. You see the three girls sitting around the living room with some wine.
"Well aren't you all sophisticated young women," you sarcastically state.
"(Y/N)!" Anna and Elsa say in unison.
Elsa gets up to give you a hug and kiss. She then remembers that Anna and Rapunzel are right behind her. She giggles while close to you then slowly turns around to face them. They both have massive smiles.
"Rapunzel, this is my boyfriend, (Y/N)," Elsa introduced you.
You smile at her. She smiles back at you then walks towards you two. She gives you a hug. You look at Elsa who gives you a nod. You hug Rapunzel back.
"It's nice to meet the man who could thaw my cousin's heart," Rapunzel jokes, not knowing the pun she is making. "I never thought she would find love," she whispered.
You blush. "Love? Well I wouldn't–"
"I already told her," Elsa informs.
You got nothing to say. You smile and give an innocent shrug. Kristoff and Eugene enter the house.
"What took you so long?" Rapunzel seductively asks Eugene.
"Well, we had to hold off all the girls who came after us."
Kristoff laughs. "They were just coming in waves."
Anna gives Kristoff a silly look. Kristoff shrugs and continues to laugh. You all take a seat. Everyone is with their partners.
"So (Y/N), what do you do around here?" Rapunzel asks, taking a sip from her wine.
"Well, I used to work at a local corner store. I actually just stopped working today once Anna and Elsa offered a place for me here."
"So where did you live before? Are you from Arendelle?"
You go silent for a moment. Your friends all feel the uncomfortable aura you are giving off. Elsa is about to change the subject.
"I don't usually talk about my past. It doesn't really matter right? What matters is who you are and what you do know," you respond.
"I can respect that. There are things best left buried."
You smile at Eugene. Elsa smiles at you, but you don't notice. As much as she wants to learn more about you she would never force you to tell her. However there is one shred of anger in her mind that she doesn't even realize. She hates the fact you won't tell her anything when she has told you her biggest secret.
She doesn't even make this thought known in her mind, but it's there. Floating around, waiting for the perfect moment to push its way to the surface. It's a dormant storm. A very icy one.
The hours go by as you all converse. It goes quite well, but you notice the girls are a little tipsy. Anna and Elsa are getting into the giggly phase that you remember from before. You quickly take the wine bottle and place it back in the cupboard. The girls whine about it for a second but it seems they forgot all about it when you get back.
Kristoff and Eugene are having a ball as they watch the girls. It can be fun to see your girlfriends get all silly while you remain perfectly fine. Hell, that's what happened last time and you had a hoot.
You excuse yourself to the washroom and proceed there. You open the door and close it, however it remains the tiniest bit open. You do your business and flush the toilet. You turn on the tap to wash your hands. Before you can start Rapunzel barges in and closes the door.
"Gah, jeez," you say startled.
"Oh," she says, flustered. "The door was open so I assumed nobody was in here."
You can tell she is a bit tipsy. She has that look and movement to indicate it.
"So," she smirks. "How is Elsa?"
You are confused. She is obviously more than a tad tipsy.
"Not sure what you mean," you say trying to slide your way to the door.
She gets in the way of the door. "I think you know what I mean."
"Did you drink that whole bottle of wine?"
"No. Well, I didn't on my own. We have our second one now."
"Okay," you say as you make your way out of the bathroom.
You politely move Rapunzel out of the way and proceed to your friends. You see the second wine bottle out.
"Okay ladies, I think that's enough," you say in a happy tone.
Anna and Rapunzel whine but their boyfriends calm them down quickly.
You put the quarter empty bottle in its place, then the empty one where other empty bottles are. You shake your head. "Man, I never would have thought they would drink a lot. Over a couple days too. Weird," you think.
You return to your friends. Anna and Rapunzel are arguing over some game they used to play. It's a friendly argument, so you're not worried. Huh, worry. You never were one to be the "adult" when your friends drank. You were with them when they did. You wonder why that has changed.
You sit and listen to them ramble. All the guys laugh. Elsa nudges you for attention. You turn to her with a smile.
"What's up?"
"Do you mind if I drag you away for a minute?" Elsa asks.
"Well... I am enjoying this conversation..." Elsa gives you a look. "But I guess I could spare a moment."
Elsa grabs your hand and leads you to the back. You don't notice, but Elsa and Anna shared a conniving look as she left.
You reach their backyard. You've never actually been out here. It's quite beautiful as the moon is shining bright. The reflection of that coming off the small pond makes it all the better. Fireflies are soaring through the air, giving it a very unique aura to the whole place.
"So what'd you–"
"I wanted some privacy," she interrupts. "I have something for you."
She pulls out a small box and hands it to you. You open it up. It's empty.
"Best gift ever! I always wanted a small box!" You joke.
Elsa giggles. "No, but I thought having the box will give a certain feeling to what I'm really going to give you.
She starts melding something in her hands. Ice forms and she plays with it. She puts her hands around your neck and an ice chain appears. It goes down your neck until it comes together. She then makes a small snowflake made of ice hang in the center of your chest.
You are stunned. You grab the snowflake and lift it for you to see. The craftsmanship is outstanding. It is just like the walls she creates. You look at her and she has a shy smile on her face.
"I wanted to give you this. I've never done this before and... Well I wanted to show you that I really appreciate you being with me... And I felt like I need to give you something."
You chuckle. "Being with you is all I need."
She blushes. "Well, if that's the case I could take it back."
You grab the snowflake. "No, no, I love it."
Elsa smiles. "And I love you."
She pulls you in for a kiss. She spins her hand to make a slight – yet romantic – snow fall over the two of you while you kiss. It's perfect. All your plans don't compare to this. It isn't fair though. She has magic and she's Elsa. Everything she plans is perfect.
You hear something. You can't believe you heard it considering Elsa is taking all your attention. You look around then see the water is disturbed. You get a feeling that something is here. You break off from Elsa. She seems disappointed.
"I'll be back inside in a minute, Elsa. I don't want to keep you from your cousin."
Elsa wants to fight back but she doesn't. She sees a look in your eye. You have something to do. She wants to be there but she knows you wouldn't let her.
She walks back inside. Her walk is sexy; she has to be teasing to you. "She has to be doing that on purpose," you think.
You shake your head then walk over to the water. Ripples are present, showing it was disturbed.
Before you can react a water hand grabs you and pulls you in. You can't breathe for a moment but a second later you feel land under your feet. There is oxygen. You open your eyes. You're underneath the pond. A man is standing opposite to you.
He doesn't look like he wants to fight. His face is light and quite welcoming. His hair is very blue. He smiles at you.
"I always wanted to meet you again, (Y/N)."
"So you are the one who killed Gaia."
He sighs. You can see he regrets it.
"I liked Gaia. I really did. But her plan wasn't right. She seemed to be rushing the fight. I didn't want to kill her but... I honestly didn't think she would die from that. I actually thought it would heal her. You know, her being earth and all," he rambles.
You smile. "You don't seem too bad. Better than they were, anyway."
His face disapproves. "They weren't bad people. They just experienced bad things."
"You did too, didn't you?"
He shrugs in defeat. "I suppose."
"So what's your name? Please say it's Poseidon," you beg.
He laughs. "You're close. People call me Rain."
"What's with the names relating to the element? I mean, Elsa doesn't mean ice. At least to my knowledge."
He gives another shrug. "Maybe because she had parents. They could name her anything they like. They rest of us didn't."
You think on his words.
"I assume you remember me from some project or another? The reason you're all the way you are," he nods. "But I had parents when I grew up."
Another shrug. "You were always different from us."
"How do you remember so much?" You question.
"Honestly, I just remember you, Elsa and Gaia. I'm not too sure about anything else. Sorry."
"It's not your fault. I'm just tired of fumbling around in the dark."
Rain puts his hands in his pockets. "Gaia felt the same way. Though she had the pressure of..." he thinks for a moment. "Tempest and Pyro, I believe their names were."
You nod. For a moment you look around. You notice the beauty of where you are. This pond isn't dirty. It's clear and beautiful. The moon light is beaming clearly onto you. The ground you stand on is clean, in a sense. It's healthy. This seems like such a perfect little space. Like Rain's own Limbo.
"Gaia tried to recruit me to fight you. She said that people could tell us of our past. We just needed Elsa to be gone. Gaia was so determined to do it. She wanted to know so badly. But she forgot how powerful you were. Even I remember. You told me about it once, when we were kids."
You tilt your head, you want him to explain.
"You could describe it better now, but you talked about the two others. One was scary and one was a bully."
"Ha, which one am I?" Shadow chuckles.
"I hated fighting. That's why I didn't join Gaia."
You listen to what he has to say. You don't know whether this helps or not. You still have no idea who did this or why. You don't even care about yourself, its Elsa. She lost her sister for years because of whoever did this. It may not matter much anymore, but you still want to find them. You'll have to find a way. For Elsa.
"So you would say you're in pretty good control of your powers otherwise? I mean this is amazing," you say as you look around.
"I suppose."
"So why did you bring me here? Why did you want to talk to me?"
He lets out a huff. "I don't really know. I just felt this need to talk to you, and to express my apologies."
"For what?"
"I saw the way you were after you killed everyone. After I..." He pauses for a moment. "I can tell it wasn't easy for you to deal with. Especially when you have no control over your own bloodlust."
You chuckle. "Yeah... But I have to be strong for Elsa."
"Why? She can take care of herself," he counters.
"I know but..."
"You love her."
You nod. "And I know she looks at me for support at times. That the way I act truly affects her."
You hold the snowflake dangling on your chest.
"Well, if you ever need help I'll be here."
You tilt your head. "You're going to live under the pond?"
"What? Oh, no," he chuckles. "I mean I'll stay in town. I've been alone for long time and maybe being around people will help me. Being around you," he whispers the last part.
You give him a smile then walk up to him. You extend your hand, insinuating a handshake.
Rain smiles then shakes your hand. You can feel that his hands are a little damp. You can't blame him. He uses water to bring you both back to the surface. The process gives you butterflies. He gives you one last nod then disappears into some mist he no doubt created.
"Rain... Why can't I remember?" You ask, not expecting a response.
You hold the snowflake one more time then head back inside. You can hear Anna's voice way before you even get to the door.
You enter to see them all in the same spot. Elsa saved you a seat beside her which you took right away. You lean into her ear.
"I love you too, Elsa," you whisper.
She blushes and everyone can see it. They also notice your new necklace. Anna smiles at Elsa.
Anna knows that Elsa has finally found the perfect man for her. She never formally told you, but you had her blessing a long time ago and she has no doubt that her parents would say the same.
The Next Day
Everyone is awake and getting ready. Everyone except for you. Kristoff stayed over last night. He has a spare pair of clothes. Eugene and Rapunzel were planning on staying for the remainder of their trip here. They took your room, which you didn't mind. You decided to sleep on the couch that night.
Everyone knew there was school today and everyone got up for it. They all awoke at relatively the same time and chatted in the hall way. They made their way downstairs and notice you on the couch. You only in your boxers and you lay half off the couch. The blanket isn't even covering you at this point. Your head is uncomfortably cramped on the floor while your legs dangle in the air.
The group takes in what they see then start laughing their face off. Elsa quickly creates a little figure of this in her hand, just like the ones of her parents and siblings. She would keep this as a joke.
You wake up from the laughter. You have no idea that you are in this position, so when you try and move your whole body flops onto the floor. The laughing only grows stronger. You pick yourself up and stare at them. You let a goofy grin take over then rub the back of your head.
Sadness hits the group of people as they see your body. The damage to your body hasn't healed yet. Eugene and Rapunzel have completely stunned faces. Anna and Elsa notice this and nudge them. They try to ignore it but the scars on your body are quite large. The bruises aren't hidden either.
"You do know we have school today, right (Y/N)?"
Your eyes widen at the revelation. "Crap!"
You bolt upstairs and into the shower. Kristoff laughs, but stops when he notices he's the only one.
He quickly realizes the reason.
"What... What happened to him?"
Anna and Elsa shared a look. They used their secret sister powers to talk without words. They debated whether to tell them or not. If they did, they would have to reveal Elsa's powers.
"Rapunzel, I have to tell you something," Elsa gloomily states.
"But later," Anna interjects.
Rapunzel and Eugene are confused, but decide to roll with it.
"So what're they going to do all day? We have school."
Anna and Elsa giggle.
"We get the week off to spend with Rapunzel," Anna states. "You guys are on your own."
"What? Oh come on, that's not fair!" Kristoff complains.
Anna walks up to him and pats his nose. "Too bad."
Anna has fun with that, teasing Kristoff as she does.
"Well, I could come to school with you, if that's alright with everyone," Eugene offers.
Nobody argues. Everyone just hopes the school has no issues with it.
You come sliding down the railing and land perfectly. You give a little pose as you land.
"Meh, B+," Elsa sarcastically states.
"What? That was perfect!"
The girls laugh. It's always at your expense.
They inform you of the plan.
"But Elsa," you say walking up to her. "Whose gonna keep me safe?"
She giggles then pushes you away. "I'm sure you can handle it."
Kristoff waves to you, indicating they are heading out. You follow them.
Anna, Elsa and Rapunzel sit on the couch.
"Okay Rapunzel, I'm going to tell you now. Just... keep an open mind," Elsa warns.
Hans and Alec leave an elevator. Hans seems absolutely stunned while Alec has a smirk.
"I can't believe it..." Hans gawks.
"It is quite something. Those two have made significant advances. We would have all the answers we need by now if the elementals had succeeded."
"So how are you going to get what you need?"
Alec smiles. "We'll let them handle that. In the meantime I think you could have some fun with your newfound information on Overlord."
"(Y/N)? Yes. I have an idea for it. Give me the file, I'll go right now!"
Alec turns to Hans.
"If you want to play this game then there are rules. You can do whatever it is you're planning but only after I say so. We must let all the pieces fall into place."
You, Eugene and Kristoff arrive at school. As soon as you walk in a barrage of girls start crowding you.
"Wow, I can't believe how much we're revered here," Kristoff laughs.
"Well, try to hold your own. I can't save you from EVERYTHING and Anna would kill us both if the girls got their hands on you."
Eugene's jaw has dropped. You never explained Battle of the Bands to him so this random horde of women was a complete surprise to you. The teachers attempt to reestablish order and some chuckle when they find out the reason. One teacher scolds you for it, but the other teachers defend you.
"Okay, you guys have to tell me what's going on around here!" Eugene asks as if it's a matter of national security.
You and Kristoff laugh. You start walking through the halls, explaining the whole event.
"Wow, you two must be really good."
You chuckle. "It would seem so, but Elsa was the one who won it for us."
The three of you continue to talk but are cut off by the music teacher.
"Excuse me gentlemen, but could I use you for the day?"
You look at Kristoff then back at the teacher. "We have class, Mr..?"
"Mr. Foster, and I can take care of that. I always use the winners of Battle of the Bands to help teach classes. Do you have your singer Elsa with you?"
"No, she's absent for the week," you inform.
"Oh, what a shame. You will do. You had quite the voice."
You, Kristoff and Eugene travel to the music room in all its glory. It shouldn't be called the music "room", it should be the music "arena".
You and Kristoff set up your own spots. Kristoff taught about drum techniques and rhythms. You taught some guitar chords and scales.
"It's really simple. We'll just switch between these few chords. You all ready?"
The student nod then prepare their guitars. They all used acoustic while you used the electric. It helped distinguish your sound from that of the students.
They played well. Some were a little slow but you didn't mind. You repeat this set a few times before stopping it.
"Okay, can I get a volunteer?" You ask.
Many of the students put up their hand. You chose a boy from the front. His hand was up first.
He pulls his chair beside you.
"So we're going to do a back and forth exercise. While everyone is playing the chords, we are going to solo back and forth."
He nods in understanding.
You signal the class to start playing. You begin with a simple solo. Nothing too complex. However he bursts out with a very impressive solo. You are shocked. He gives you a cocky smile. You smile back, accepting his challenge.
Your turn comes around and you take advantage of it. You slide down the neck of the guitar. You get to a sweet spot where you start playing different scales. Every note flowed perfectly with one another.
The student's jaw drops, but he doesn't let it show. You end your little solo, allowing him to counter. He starts playing a cool little solo. You both know you won, but it was still fun. You go back and forth a few times before you both end it on the same note. You both chuckle.
You shake his hand. "Nice work man. You surprised me."
"You didn't surprise me at all. I knew you were amazing from the start."
You smile and shrug. "Everyone was a beginner at some point."
After teaching some guitar you are tasked with singing. This is harder for you to teach because you never knew how you did it. You just kind of did. It was mostly girls in that section. There were a few guys. They all act so flirty around you.
"So... To sing you have to... Listen, I honestly don't know the intricacies of singing. I'd have to ask one of my friends."
"Like Elsa?" One girl mentions.
All the girls giggle, the boys roll their eyes. You blush a little.
"Yes, like Elsa," you smirk.
"Since you can't teach us about singing, how about you answer our question," one girl asks.
All the others back her. You sigh, you can't beat them.
"Fine, but I have a limit to what I'll answer," you inform.
The guys are still paying attention. Seems like they want to know a bit too, even though they act like they don't care.
"So, how'd you meet?"
"She ran into me on the first day. Kind of cliché, but whatever."
The girls ready more questions. You try and prepare.
"Wow... Elsa I would have never guessed. Are you okay? Do you still feel any pain?" Rapunzel frantically asks.
"I'm fine Rapunzel," Elsa chuckles. "It's (Y/N) we're most worried about."
"I can't believe that's what those scars are. There were so many of them."
"I know," Elsa gloomily states.
Anna has a serious look on her face. She is staring at the ground and thinking. She is thinking whether to reveal the secret she and Kristoff kept. Maybe Elsa would know about it. But what if she didn't? What if she took it badly?
Anna didn't want to risk the relationship that she admires, but at the same time doesn't want to keep secrets that could possibly help you. She is conflicted. She has no idea what to do. She feels the need to ask you about it right away.
"So he's saved all your lives. Yours twice, Anna," Rapunzel says.
Anna snaps back into reality then smiles.
"Yes, yes he did."
Rapunzel and Elsa look at Anna. Anna just keeps her smile, hoping they'll look away.
Anna wants to get off this topic. The more it's discussed the more she wants to speak to you.
She thinks of something, her face gets a sly grin. She turns to Elsa.
"So Elsa, what did you do that day? When (Y/N) brought us home."
Elsa blushes ever so slightly. "I slept, why do you ask? And what's with that smile?"
"You sure there were no late night visits?"
Elsa begins blushing extremely. Her pale face is completely red. Rapunzel gets curious.
"What're you girls talking about?"
"Nothing at all. Right Anna?"
"Well I seem to remember waking up that day and checking on my sister," Anna starts.
Elsa continues to blush.
"And finding her in bed... But someone else was in that bed."
Rapunzel's jaw drops then turns to Elsa. Her face can't get any more red. She is totally speechless.
"Don't worry Elsa, I'm only teasing."
"I hate you," Elsa smiles.
"Can I ask about it?" Anna requests.
"How about one question each. One for me and one for Anna," Rapunzel compromises.
Elsa huffs. "Fine. One each."
Rapunzel and Anna start whispering. Elsa doesn't get a good feeling from this.
"Ok, first question. Why did you sleep with him?" Rapunzel asks.
Elsa pauses for a moment then smiles. "He admitted he loved me."
Anna and Rapunzel start shrieking with enjoyment. They hug Elsa and she hugs back. Anna already knew but now she knows the reason behind it. She couldn't be happier for her sister.
But that thought crept back into her mind. If they love each other then it's possible you could have told her the true events of that night. If you hadn't, then would she understand? From what Anna remembers Kristoff saying, you were brutal. Uncaring. Does Elsa know this side of you?
But she thought even further back. You said you didn't want anyone hating you. This could be the reason. Anna doesn't hate you. Kristoff doesn't hate you. The only thing they are is curious. But Elsa has no idea, from what she has shown. That she is keeping it a secret for you. It was killing Anna.
"Okay, okay. Now can we get this over with?" Elsa prays.
Anna grins, "Well... How well do you know him?"
Elsa is taken back by this question, "What do you mean?"
"You both love each other right? So you must share a lot between one another, right?"
"Am I being too straightforward? I want to dance around the bush but it's only a few leaves. There isn't much to play with," Anna thinks.
"I would like to believe we share quite a bit with each other. But we have respect for the other's privacy. I wouldn't pressure him into answering anything I didn't absolutely need to know."
Rapunzel is confused. She can tell that Anna is trying to go somewhere with this, but she doesn't know where. She is afraid this might lead to something bad. She takes it on herself to change the subject.
"Well, since we know Elsa's secrets with her boyfriend... How about you, Anna?"
Anna begins blushing extremely. Anna and Elsa's roles reverse. Elsa bears a smirk.
"Yes Anna. How about a question each for you!"
"Good, whatever that was is now averted," Rapunzel thinks.
"No, that's not necessary." Anna takes in a breath. "I have indeed slept with Kristoff."
"When?" Elsa asks.
"He seems like a nice guy, where'd you meet him?" Rapunzel asks.
"(Y/N) introduced me to him. I was dating Hans at the time, but Kristoff was there for me when we broke up."
"Not (Y/N)?"
"Well, he and Elsa were starting their little thing, so I don't blame him."
"Our little thing?" Elsa smiles.
"Yep. You're little thing that is so beautiful and fun to watch," Anna responds with happiness.
"So we're a form of entertainment for you?" Elsa jokes.
"Kind of. You know how many times I walked in on you guys having moments, including the one we just talked about. By the way, you should really get around to locking your door," Anna giggles.
Elsa brushes her off. She sends her to get some chocolate from the kitchen.
"So Rapunzel, how'd you meet your boyfriend? He seems quite nice."
"He actually broke into my house by accident. He was trying to run away from some guys and thought my house was his. I hit him with a frying pan because I thought he was an intruder."
Elsa bursts out laughing, she imagines that exact scene and starts laughing harder.
Anna runs back in with the chocolate.
"What? What'd I miss?"
Rapunzel re-tells the story. Anna joins her sister in laughing.
"We got to know each other and one thing led to another."
"Yeah, that's how it always goes," Anna says, still laughing.
"By the way, I have to congratulate you two."
Anna and Elsa become confused.
"Both your boyfriends are so muscular. I mean –aside from the scars, which are admittedly are kind of attractive – (Y/N) is quite the defined guy. He could be on magazines."
Anna agrees and Elsa laughs. She gets everyone to imagine you posing in silly poses. They all laugh with her.
"I could imagine what (Y/N) would say if he were here," Elsa says. "Probably something like..."
"Who talks about this kind of stuff?" You question the girls as their questions keep coming.
They may even surpass Kristoff's family. Probably not. Kristoff walks over to you then drags you off. All the girls sigh.
"I heard some of their questions. I feel bad for you."
"I know! Why would I tell them that stuff?"
"You haven't even told me stuff!" Kristoff adds.
You look at him and sigh. "That is an innuendo for me to tell you stuff, isn't it?"
"Maybe a little," Kristoff says, using his fingers to make a point.
"Well, where is the fun if I'm only putting out?"
"That's what she said," Kristoff jokes.
You shake your head but can't hide a chuckle.
"She can do this thing with ice, you know. I don't know how she did it but... DAMN," You mention.
Kristoff laughs. "Anna doesn't do anything like that."
"Wait you've...?" You begin to ask.
He shakes his head. "Evidently you have to. I honestly didn't think you two had. So what does Elsa do with ice?"
You think for a moment trying to explain. You even ask Shadow for help but he blocked that whole scene out.
"I can't even explain man. It was just... Yeah. It was just. I have no other words for it."
"Does it have anything to do with your snazzy new necklace?"
You look down at it. "Nah, that's just a present she made for me."
"It's very nice," Kristoff compliments.
As you and Kristoff walk through the hall you notice something.
"Hey, where did Eugene go?" You ask.
Kristoff is about to answer, but he doesn't have one.
"I have no idea."
You both start surveying the area but don't see Eugene.
"Eugene!" You yell.
Students look at you but none of them are Eugene.
"Oh crap... The girls are going to kill us," Kristoff complains.
"Not if we find him! Look, how about we split up and look for him. If one of us finds him, then we'll get the office to call the other down."
Kristoff nods then bolts off down a hall way. You go down the other. You search all over the place but you can't find him. It's not like he would've left. But he may have been taken. You shake your head to ignore those thoughts. "He is fine," you think.
"He has to be fine," you say to yourself.
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