Chapter 10: Absolute Carnage
Warning: There are some graphic, violent scenes in the chapter. You have been warned.
You look around and see familiar hallways. You proceed to walk around. There are people chatting and walking. People reading with their headphones in. A few couples holding each other close. You remember this place. It's your old school.
You walk up to your locker and put in the code. It opens to reveal your belongings: A backpack, gym clothes, textbooks and a jacket. You grab your stuff and lock the locker. You pause for a moment.
"How'd I get here?" you ask yourself.
The memory isn't there. You don't remember waking up this morning. You don't remember your parents making breakfast. You don't remember your dog coming to see you in the morning.
You hold your head for a moment then proceed to the cafeteria. It's small, but comfortable. You see all your friends sitting together. You see Kat smiling. Her smile is still so beautiful. You smile and rush over to see them.
Before you get there you see another you. His clothes are tattered and his head is slouched down. He begins walk over to your friends. You know exactly who it is. You drop your backpack and sprint over to him. In one strong backhand he sends you flying against the wall. You can't move.
Your vision is blurry, but you see him attack your friends. They start trying to run away but Carnage is too fast and too strong. You try with all your might to get up but you can't. Your body is frozen. Kat sees you and kneels down beside you. She puts her hands on you and tries to wake you.
"(Y/N)! Why won't you wake up? (Y/N)! (Y/N)!"
You vision is still blurry but you see Carnage make his way towards you and Kat. You attempt to speak but not a word is uttered. Kat is too busy with you to see him coming.
"(Y/N), please wake up!"
Olaf is shaking your sleeping body.
"Guys, why isn't (Y/N) waking up? Breakfast is soon," he asks the others.
They are holding their heads and seem very inactive. They don't respond.
"(Y/N)!" He says.
Your eyes shoot open and you zoom onto your feet. You look around to see Anna and Elsa's living room. Olaf is at your feet. He is tugging at your jeans.
"Breakfast!" He states, pointing at the kitchen.
You look to the kitchen and see all your friends. You can tell they are all hung-over and you chuckle at this.
"Alright Olaf, let's go."
Olaf jumps up then gives you a hug. You hug him back then proceed to the kitchen.
"Isn't it a marvellous day?" You say in a loud voice.
You start clapping intentionally loudly. You decide to have a little fun with your friends.
"(Y/N)..." Kristoff starts, his voice is groggy and tired. "I will punch you."
"I'll hold him down," Anna adds, her voice the same.
"I'll help," Elsa concludes.
You laugh then sit down beside Elsa. Olaf takes a spot at the other end of the table.
"You okay Elsa?" you smile.
She groans.
"That's what I was expecting."
Gerda and Kai bring in the food. It smells delicious. All your friends' moods elevate a little bit. Olaf is as jumpy and happy as ever. He grabs some of the food and starts chowing down. You grab some yourself and challenge him to see who can eat the fastest.
Olaf agrees and you begin eating super fast. You slow down a little bit so Olaf can win. Your friends can't help but laugh at the contest. Olaf finishes all his food then starts cheering and running around. You melodramatically declare defeat.
Gerda and Kai settle Olaf down and he returns to his seat. He sits quiet for a moment then looks up at everyone.
"Why was (Y/N) kissing my sister?"
Everyone chuckles a little.
"That's because him and Elsa are dating, Olaf," Kai responds.
"But it wasn't Elsa he was kissing," his innocent voice clarifies.
You choke on what food you have left over. Elsa and Kristoff look at you with their brows raised. Anna looks confused and is trying to remember.
"You did what?" Elsa firmly asks.
"Yeah, (Y/N) was putting garbage away then Anna kissed him. He flailed his arms a lot. It was funny," Olaf chuckles.
Anna looks at you for clarification.
"You were a little... you know. You did kiss me once and tried again quite a few times."
Anna throws her head into her hands and wails.
Kristoff and Elsa seem more relaxed now. They realize that Anna was drunk and she came onto you. It's a good thing they realized that, you did not want to get both Elsa and Kristoff mad at you. You've never seen Elsa angry. You don't want to see that. But you imagine a hung-over Elsa would be even scarier.
"(Y/N), did I really..?" Anna implies.
"Don't worry about it Anna. I know you weren't thinking clearly," you reassure.
Anna sinks into her seat and blushes. You chuckle a bit then finish your food.
You gather your plate then take Olaf's. Gerda and Kai thank you.
Kristoff and Anna finish their food then rush up to their room. Elsa takes you to hers. Olaf complained about Elsa taking you away but Gerda distracted him so you could go.
Elsa closes the door behind you then goes on to close all the blinds in her room. She didn't want any light. You chuckled at her a bit. She gave you a small smile in return.
"Elsa, are you actually mad at me for last night? When I wouldn't... you know."
Elsa tilts her head at you. "No, not at all. I'm actually conflicted about it."
Now you are confused.
"What do you mean?"
Elsa sits on her bed then turns to you. She huffs.
"You had a chance to sleep with me, yet you turned it down."
You laugh at her.
"What? What's so funny?" She whines.
"Elsa you were drunk. I'm not going to take advantage of you like that. Honestly if I was drunk too, then I may have. But it has nothing to do with the way I feel or anything. I just didn't think it was right."
She smiles then lies on her bed. She pats a spot beside her, signalling you to join her. You follow her little command. You lie down beside her and she cuddles into you. You put your arm around her.
"It wasn't right huh?" She asks in a sarcastic voice.
You're not sure whether she is trying to insinuate something.
"Yeah, at least for me."
"Aren't you the gentleman," she continues.
You smile then turn towards her.
"Damn right, I am."
She chuckles then kisses you passionately.
Elsa falls back asleep after an hour or so. You assume that's what Anna and Kristoff ended up doing. You don't leave Elsa though. You stick with her. She is holding you with her head on your shoulder. You rest your head on hers.
Anna and Kristoff walk into the room.
"Do you knock? That's a thing, you know," you make fun.
"Yeah yeah, how is she doing?" Anna asks.
You look at her then back to Anna. "She's doing well. She's hung-over, and I thought you two were as well."
"Well Elsa's never drank before," Anna mentions.
"And you have?" You asked with a raised brow. "Both of you seem to be doing quite well."
Kristoff shrugs then puts on his classic smile. Anna just giggles.
"Did you need me?" You ask, preparing to get up.
"No, we just wanted to check up on you," Kristoff states.
Elsa starts stirring and wakes up. She notices Anna and Kristoff but is much too comfortable with you to react. She looks up at you and smiles. She is still thinking about what you said yesterday. This new discovery that you rejected her when she was so vulnerable has shown her something else.
"Elsa? Are you awake?" Anna softly asks.
"Yeah Anna, I'm awake," Elsa responds, assuming a different position that faces Anna but is still as close to you.
"Gerda told me that Rapunzel is going to be coming here in the next day or two."
Elsa seems confused by this.
"I thought she wasn't coming for another few weeks?"
"That's what I thought too, but I'm really excited to see her! She told me that she has a boyfriend now," Anna expresses.
"Rapunzel? She's actually named Rapunzel? Like the Rapunzel in fairy tales? Sheesh..." You mutter.
Elsa slaps your stomach and smiles. She lifts off you and on to her feet. She seems better than an hour ago. Maybe you have a healing aura.
"I'm going to shower," Elsa declares.
She grabs some clothes and leaves the room. You all follow her out of the room then proceed to the living room. Kristoff and Anna sit together. They hold hands.
"(Y/N), would you like to live here?" Anna abruptly asks.
You are startled by this. It's so random. So sudden.
"Um... This seems a little random Anna."
"Well, Olaf loves you and that makes a mark."
"Olaf doesn't love me?" Kristoff remarks, obviously joking around.
"Not like he loves (Y/N). Anyway, I asked Gerda and Kai about it the other day. They agreed last night. I'm sure Elsa would love to have you stay as well."
"Would Elsa even agree to the idea?" You think.
You doubt that she would say no, but this is her space. You don't want to intrude.
"If Elsa is fine with it then I'll stay," you say.
Anna claps her hands then begins to run upstairs. She then realizes Elsa is in the shower and walks back downstairs. You and Kristoff laugh at her. She blushes.
"So you had fun last night?" You ask, making some conversation.
"From what I can remember, yeah! I still can't believe Elsa drank as much as she did," Kristoff chuckled.
"I'm actually surprised too. She has really let loose since she's met (Y/N)," Anna adds.
"Me? Why me? Why not since this year?"
"Because, (Y/N), it is you who changed her. Even if you don't want to admit it, you have changed my sister for the better."
You sigh. You don't like putting such a title on yourself. You know Elsa has changed since you first met her. But Elsa and Anna both say that Elsa was more open as a kid. Maybe it's time. Maybe it's the fact that Elsa no longer has to hide her powers from Anna, and that she is in control of them.
You start to imagine Elsa as a child; her beautiful face now looking younger, so energetic and playful with her powers.
"Hey Anna, what was Elsa like as a child? You know, before she shut you out."
Anna thinks for a moment.
"She was a lot like she is now, actually. We used to build snowmen and make snow forts."
Anna giggles at the old memories.
"We would sing a lot too! We loved the same music so we would sing in the car. She's only gotten better."
"That's right!" Kristoff exclaims. "Can we take a second to say how amazing Elsa was yesterday? I mean she won us the competition."
You smile. "That she did. She was truly amazing."
"I was surprised when she did it," Anna chimes in. "I never thought she would sing in front of the school, but you two nailed it perfectly."
"And that lovely kiss at the end helped," Kristoff said winking at you.
You blush a little. "It was a spur of the moment thing. I didn't know what I was doing."
Anna and Kristoff have big smiles on their faces. They don't believe you one bit.
It was true, though. At that moment you just couldn't keep yourself away from her.
Kristoff and Anna start bugging you on the topic. You can't even defend yourself. Usually you can hold the two of them off quite well but this time you can't. The three of you are so busy talking that you don't notice Elsa walk down the stairs.
"Come on (Y/N), why won't you admit you love Elsa? Anna and I admitted it."
You tense up a little bit. Anna sees this and urges him to keep off the subject.
Kristoff sighs. After he stops he notices how tense you are on this subject.
"You know, I had a dream last night. A dream about my old friends. A dream of why they hate me."
You let out a big sigh. Everyone waits in anticipation. Elsa stays on the stairs, eager to hear what you are going to say.
"Guys, I–"
"Excuse me everyone," Gerda declares, cutting you off.
Everyone but you look at Gerda with a disappointed face.
"Did I interrupt something?"
"No," you say. "Nothing important, go ahead."
"Well, the school called. They said one of your guitars was left there. They left one door open for you to grab it."
"How did they know to call this house?" You ask.
Gerda pauses for a moment. She doesn't have that information. You all shrug and decide to go get the guitar. Elsa reveals herself and offers to drive. You all pile in her car and get going.
You remained silent for the whole drive. Anna and Kristoff mostly conversed with each other while Elsa concentrated on driving. You stare out the window and think. You enter your own little world of thought where you can't hear the outside world at all.
You were going to tell them everything. Now you don't know whether you should. You still have doubts about whether or not to tell them. You haven't even told yourself the full story. It's eating away at you, at your core. You hate lying to them, but you have no other choice. Not now.
Elsa pulls into the parking lot. There are no other cars here.
"That's odd," Elsa mumbles.
She doesn't say it loud enough for everyone to hear. But you heard her.
You all walk to the front entrance but it is locked. They didn't tell Gerda which one they left open. Or maybe they did and Gerda forgot to tell you all. You walk around to the back. There are two doors there. You go to open one but it is locked.
"Guys, how about you stay here while I check the one down there? That way we're not all walking around," you inform.
They all nod their heads as you run off to the door.
Once you reach it you notice something: the handle has a slight spark emitting from it. It is ever so slight, but you notice it.
"Up here!" you hear a voice yell.
You look up only to have your head forced to the ground by a punch. You land flat on your stomach.
You try to recover but the assailant keeps you down with their feet. You use your strength and push him off with one strong lift. He easily lands back on his feet then withdraws his hands. You are confused but then it hits you. Literally.
A barrage of lightning comes from behind. It likely originated from that handle. It sends you flying away from the school and into the field. You struggle to get up from the jolt that hit you. You try and find your friends.
They are being attacked by fire and earth. Elsa is doing her best against the two. Kristoff is giving the support he can while keeping Anna safe.
"The Fire Prince... Is alive?" You huff.
You pick yourself back up. You twitch every a couple times from the lighting. You are determined to get back to your friends, but someone is blocking you.
You see your opponent. He is a man with a rather weak build. He is skinny and doesn't look physically strong, though that punch he delivered proves otherwise. His hair is a whitish blue.
"So, you're the one we should be so scared of? You don't look so scary to me."
You chuckle. "Neither do you."
His mouth twitches into a smile for a split second.
"Well," he says opening his palms and allowing electricity to flow through them, "Shall we get to the dance?"
You smile and get into your own stance. "I lead."
Elsa is being overwhelmed by both Gaia and Pyro. She is doing much better than she did before however, which means she may have practiced a bit. She is summoning a massive amount of ice spikes and walls. Pyro is surprised at the advancement she made.
Kristoff is trying to get Anna away from here but Gaia keeps changing the earth to keep them close.
"Anna, I need you to keep yourself safe. I have to help Elsa!"
"What about (Y/N)?" She frantically asks.
Kristoff sees the fear in her eyes. He grabs her and kisses her.
"He'll be alright. He never loses."
Kristoff joins the fray against Gaia and Pyro. Pyro is attempting to overwhelm Elsa with lava but Elsa is keeping her ice layered just in case. She is also using ice blasts to freeze and destroy Gaia's thorned vines.
She lets out a shot that knocks Gaia onto her back. Kristoff runs over and keeps Gaia down. He dodges a few vines then punches her in hopes of knocking her out. Gaia smiles at the punch then spits in his face. She creates a solid fist of stone and punches Kristoff off her. She then throws some leaves at him, which are much deadlier than their appearance would suggest. One skims his cheek, which causes it to bleed.
"Razor sharp leaves? Man, it's always something," He sarcastically remarks.
Tempest continues to shoot lighting at you. You have no choice but to back up towards the forest. Thankfully you want to. The lighting won't electrify the branches. It will set them on fire, however. You grab a branch then block the lighting with it.
It catches on fire, as you thought. You throw the burning branch at Tempest. He dodges it but you are faster then he thought. You grab both of his hands so he can't conjure electricity. You knee him thrice than deliver a solid head butt to his face. He reacts to it but you still have his hands.
He sees this then shoots lighting out from his body. It creates a circle of lighting that you are caught in. You scream but try not to lose it. You release one hand off him to get some distance. He tries to move back. You pull him in then lift your leg up to his face. You kick him repeatedly then push yourself away.
You exit the circle of electricity. There is still lighting emanating from your body. You feel weakened, yet you know you didn't do too much to him. He stops and wipes his face. He smiles at you.
"You'll need to think of something better than that!" He taunts you.
"To be honest, I'm surprised he's alive. Normal people would die with that much electricity pumped in them," Tempest whispers.
You are breathing heavy. The effects of the lighting haven't worn off yet. You are trying to think of a way to win but his powers seem too strong. There is no weak point you can see. His use of the electricity is astounding.
"Rubber could work... But I don't have anything like that. Water might work... But the sprinklers may not be the same after before... Damnit," you mumble.
Elsa and Pyro are going toe-to-toe. Elsa is refusing to lose again. She hurls a huge ball of ice at him which he melts away. But she summoned three ice spikes to follow it, which handily hit him. They almost penetrate his skin.
He growls at her success. He shoots a huge tornado of fire at her. She responds by sending ice in close proximity to the fire. It melts and the water douses the fire. Elsa smiles at her plan.
Kristoff is outrunning a huge barrage of vines and razor leaves. He is thankful for all the fitness courses he has taken lately. He dodges out of the way as the vines pass him. He goes to rush Gaia but she erects a wall in front of him. Her original attack starts making its way towards Kristoff.
He looks around but can't find a way out. Elsa sees this and freezes the plants. Pyro takes this opportunity to hit her with fire. She screams and falls to the floor.
You can do nothing but dodge. When you start to get close Tempest surrounds himself in electricity. You still don't have a plan. He finally gets fed up with you running and creates a large wall to block you off. He then hits you with a beam of lighting. Using it, he lifts you up and throws you against the school. You crash though the same wall Elsa built. You hit the carving of you two. As you hit it, you hear Elsa scream.
You roll on the floor as you hit it. The impact was lessened that way. You get up and try to think. You see the area where the school keeps their gym equipment. Tempest sends a blast at you and you duck into there.
You notice that your shirt has been torn to shreds by the fight. You rip it off in case they try to grab it. You try to think as you look around. You notice a big ball. But there is something special about it. It's made completely of rubber! You have a chance. You grab the ball then run out. He shoots at you but you block with the ball. Nothing happens.
You throw the ball at him which disorients him. The ball bounces back towards you. You do a flip as you grab it and stand on his head. You jump a little then let your knees slam on his shoulders. You don't allow him to react as you smack him with the ball, and then a kick.
He falls to the floor. You take the ball and shove it in his face. You grab him then use all your strength to toss him out of the school. You proceed to grab the ball and throw it at him. It hits him, sending him a little further. Your plan works as he smashes into a tree.
"Who doesn't have a plan now... Asshole," You chuckle.
Pyro is beating on Elsa. She is trying to defend but he is using fists instead of powers. Elsa can't use hers because of his proximity to her. It instantly melts all ice she summons. He punches her in the stomach then hammer fists her back into the ground. While she is trying to get up he kicks her in the face. She falls on her back.
"Elsa!" Anna howls as she attempts to help her sister. Pyro grabs the back of her hair then knees her in the stomach. As she leans over and grabs her stomach he puts both his hands there. He creates a fire pulse which blast Anna to the ground.
You run out from the school to witness Anna get blasted by the fire. Kristoff his being strangled in the air by vines. He is struggling, but it is in vain. Elsa tries to fight back but Pyro hits her with a blast. Her scream rocks you to the core.
"Elsa!" You roar as you begin to sprint over to her. Before you can a lightning blast stops you. You are getting angry. Elsa is in trouble and this idiot wants to keep fighting.
"Did you think... I would lose... to you..?" He looks up at you; his eyes are gleaming with electricity. "AGAIN!"
He raises his hands and a huge storm cloud appears in the air. He collects all the lightning from it then morphs it into a ball in his hands. He smiles he shoots it not at you, but at Elsa. He lifts her in the air as she shrieks in pain.
Your heart is pounding hard. You want to rip this guy apart. He is hurting Elsa. Anna is hurt as well. Kristoff is being strangled. All your friends are about to die and you can't do a thing about it. Your blood begins to boil. You want these people dead. You want them to suffer.
Pyro and Gaia stand with Tempest. He releases Elsa and she falls to the ground. Kristoff is released as well. He is still conscious, however. He sees you watch Elsa fall to the ground. He can feel your emotions from there. He can't do anything else, so he watches. He wants to help, but he has nothing left.
"(Y/N)... I'm so... sorry... I couldn't defend... either of them..." Kristoff struggles to say. "Now... I have to... watch you... die..."
There is nothing else in your mind. Nothing but death. Nothing but killing.
Nothing but...
You don't care about control. You don't care about anyone being safe anymore.
"I'm gonna..." You mumble.
Your muscles begin to bulk up and become even more defined. Your teeth are clenching so hard they could shatter. Your nails begin to sharpen a little bit.
"Look guys, he's going crazy," Pyro laughs.
"FUCKING KILL YOU ALL!" You scream in a demented voice.
Your eyes have a murderous intent in them. You start smiling. You bend down a little bit and release your hands in a claw shape fashion.
"Get ready boys! It's time for some... CARNAGE!"
Carnage rushes like an animal towards them. He gets to a close proximity then jumps at them. Pyro shoots a condensed ball at Carnage. The smoke clears to show Carnage still going. He punches Pyro in the jaw, dislocating it.
He then uses the momentum to kick Gaia in the stomach. He grabs her throat and slams her into the ground. Tempest shoots lighting at him. Carnage doesn't even feel it. He turns towards him and tilts his head with a murderous smile.
"Like a bug!" He whispers. He charges at Tempest giving him a good tackle to the ground. A vine grabs Carnage's leg and tosses him up into the air. Gaia then throws stone blocks and solid earth at Carnage.
Carnage gains his bearings in the air then zooms towards the objects. He claws at one stone and cuts it in half. He uses his legs to knock two others away then punches through the final one. He laughs maniacally.
Gaia erects a wall to protect her but Carnage smashes right through that. He spins and claws her face. One of his fingers penetrates her right eye. She screams in pain. Carnage pulls her in and grabs both ends of her mouth and starts pulling them apart. Anyone can start to hear the cracking.
Pyro shoots a massive fire ball at Carnage. It doesn't even make Carnage flinch. However he does spare Gaia. He releases her and she falls to the floor, her jaw intact.
Pyro seems to have fixed his jaw and is ready to fight.
"NO!" Tempest screams. "This is my fight! I will kill Overlord!"
Carnage turns around and rushes Tempest. He doesn't even have time to react when Carnage grabs his neck. He digs his nails into Tempest's neck.
Tempest tries to free himself with electricity but Carnage isn't bothered at all by it. He laughs his usual insane laugh. Carnage readies his hand and shoves it right through Tempest's stomach.
"TEMPEST!" Pyro howls.
Carnage lifts his arm for Tempest to slide down. He is at Carnage's shoulder. He turns around to face Pyro. His face as crazed as ever. Carnage turns his head to Tempest's body and takes a huge bite out of it. He chews it for a moment before spitting it out.
"Let's see who tastes the best," Carnage laughs.
He lowers his arm to allow Tempest to slowly slide off of it. He is for sure dead.
"(Y/N)... What is this..? This isn't... Isn't you..."
Kristoff tries to move himself but to no avail. He can just watch this twisted form of you massacre everything.
"Who... are... you?"
Kristoff finally passes out.
Gaia is able to lift herself back up. She feels her jaw and realizes she barely escaped death.
"Gaia... It's him. I remember those eyes. Those god-awful eyes! Make them stop!" Pyro wails.
"We can beat him," Gaia slowly states.
Carnage laughs at the statement.
Both Pyro and Gaia create giant monsters out of their element. Marshmallow and his new buddy rush as Carnage.
Carnage continues to laugh as the two creatures attempt to squish him with their fists. Carnage stops both fists easily and holds them back. He uses his hands to flip himself on Marshmallow's arm. He proceeds to run up in and stop at the shoulder.
He dives his hands into the cracks of Marshmallow's shoulder. He then starts to rip his arm off. Carnage's muscles tense up. You can see it takes effort to do this, but its working. Carnage chuckles, he knows that he's got the arm. He yells as he completes the motion and rips Marshmallow's arm off. Marshmallow howls as his arm falls off. Lava is flowing out of it. Carnage then grabs the arm and turns his attention to Gaia's creation. He uses the arm to hit it and disorient it.
With the disorientation, Carnage jumps and shoves the end of the arm he ripped off right onto the monster's head. It screams in pain as the lava consumes it. It falls over dead. Carnage looks at the injured Marshmallow. He cracks a smile then runs right towards it. He jumps into its stomach before clawing away at it. He rips open a huge hole in Marshmallow's stomach. He then rips out its magma heart before crushing it. Marshmallow is dead.
Gaia and Pyro are completely shocked at what just happened. They were brutally killed. It was an impact on them. The creations weren't even true people, but their cries of pain were still genuine. Carnage simply laughed at it.
Carnage turns towards them. The murderous intent in his eyes hasn't faded one bit. He begins slowly walking towards them. Pyro tries to fight back but he isn't doing anything to Carnage. Carnage grabs Pyro and holds him the air.
Pyro struggles but can't do a thing. Carnage slams him on the ground then places his foot on his head.
"Please (Y/N)! Show mercy! You have beaten us!" Gaia begs.
Carnage's gaze turns towards Gaia. "What's. Mercy."
Carnage pushes his foot down on Pyro's head, effectively crushing it and killing him. It is simply a pile of mush where his head used to be. Gaia is completely shocked at the development. She never imagined Carnage to be like this. She never planned on the destructive power he held.
Carnage bends down a little then grazes his finger through the mush. He puts the finger in his mouth. He spits out a piece of bone.
"Better than the first. Shall we see how you measure up?" He cuckles.
He begins to walks towards her. Before he can reach her Carnage drops to his knees. He is panting heavily with sweat dripping off of him. Gaia keeps her distance.
"That's only happened once before," you say. "And every time he comes out... I remember. Oh God, do I remember."
Gaia still has no words. She is in complete shock.
"I never wanted that to happen. You pushed me and pushed me... You left me no choice! You could have walked away!" you yell.
Tears begin streaming down your face.
"I'm so sorry for both of them... I know the fear he can instill."
Gaia flicks her hand and the bodies of her comrades sink into the earth. She then fixes all the destruction that the fight caused.
"You said you know how this happened to me... How did it happen?"
Gaia accepts defeat. She has no will to fight anymore but she can sense your fear, sorrow and confusion.
"From what we can remember..." She stops due to a lump in her throat. "We came from a laboratory. Someone wanted us all this way. There were so many of us... But you..."
"But I don't have your powers! What was I doing there?" You ask.
Gaia can't answer.
"The people who did this... They want Elsa. She is special, Overlord."
"Overlord?" You question, with a weak voice.
"That was your codename."
You try to take in the information. All the element users and yourself were made this way in a lab. For what purpose? Who did it? Why is Elsa so special? Why are you part of all this? This news didn't help. It just brought up more questions.
Gaia takes out a knife and starts walking over to Elsa. You see her and attempt to stop her.
"What are you doing?" You ask, getting in the way.
"We all have to die now. Elsa, you, and I. This must end."
You stand your ground. She sees you won't budge. She extends the knife then stabs herself.
"No!" You yell.
She falls to the ground. You pull the knife out then put pressure on the wound.
"Don't die like this! Help me stop these guys!"
She simply shakes her head. A surprise hits you. A blast of water hits you away from Gaia then surrounds her in a ball. It takes all the air away. You run up to the ball and slam on it. It isn't budging.
"Gaia, you can break free! You can live and help me stop these guys! Don't give up!" You tell her.
Gaia doesn't move. She simply watches you with the one eye she has. Blood begins taking over the bubble.
"No! Whoever is doing that please stop!"
There is no response. Gaia drowns in front of your eyes and there is nothing you can do about it. Her body becomes limp. She is gone. The water splashes on the ground and Gaia's body with it. Her body then forms back into the earth. The place where she belongs.
You take a moment of silence for everyone who died here.
"FUCK!" You howl, punching the ground. "FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!"
You stop beating the ground and tears form in your eyes. You yell at the top of your lungs then slam your head onto the ground. Tears dribble down your face. Small bits of lightning randomly appear around you. Small bits of earth start rising. You try and calm yourself down. The elements do the same. You roll over and look up at the sky. You only used violence when necessary. But now you just murdered these people. You killed them in cold blood. They tried to kill your friends – the people you cared about the most.
But they were people. People who had a hard childhood. People who were used by someone else. They had something for them, and you cut them down. You'll never forget these people.
After lying in your own filth for half an hour you pick yourself up. You rush over to Elsa. She is alive. She has some cuts and bruises. Her face isn't as bad as you thought it was going to be. You pick her up in your arms then walk over to Anna. You put Elsa down then throw Anna on your back, like a piggy back. You pick Elsa up again.
You walk them to her car and lay them in the back seat. You hurry back and get Kristoff to the passenger seat. He takes a little longer to get there. You take the driver's seat and make your way back to Anna and Elsa's place. Your home.
You make it back to find Gerda and Olaf watching TV. Gerda sees your beaten and bloody chest and sends Olaf straight to his room. She and Kai help you get everyone in their own room. Kristoff is placed in the spare room which Anna and Elsa never mentioned before.
You take Elsa to her room and lay her on the bed. You shake your head in failure then walk away. Gerda and Kai are waiting for you downstairs. You know they want an explanation. You tell them everything, aside from Carnage. They seemed very concerned yet somewhat relieved to hear the three are dead.
The news of the water user is disturbing to all of you. You still aren't clear whether they tried to help or hinder you. Gerda and Kai thank you for saving the girls. You brush it off. You don't feel like a hero tonight.
They offer you another room but you decide to take the couch. Before you lay your head down you take a shower. All the blood and dirt washes off you to leave bruises and cut marks. They are a grueling reminder.
You take one last look at everyone before you go to sleep. You give Kristoff a pat on the shoulder for trying to fight them. It took guts. You gave Anna a kiss on the forehead for being strong. You reach Elsa's room last. You want to enter but something keeps you out.
"Elsa..." You start. "I'm so sorry that I couldn't keep you all safe. I let you and Anna and Kristoff get hurt. I wasn't good enough. I wasn't strong enough to keep you all safe."
You begin tearing up.
"I resorted to something I hated to beat them. Elsa, I can't forgive myself for this. They are all dead. I killed them. With these hands and... I shouldn't have to do that. You put up a hell of a fight, though. You saved me, you know. You saved me from something I thought would consume me. I thought I was going to lose myself in the bloodshed, but you. You made me come back. You were the thing that helped me regain control. Elsa..."
You put your hand against the door and lean on it.
"Elsa, I'm so happy I ran into you that day. I'm so happy I did all those stupid things. Because it brought me to Kristoff and Anna. And you..."
Tears roll down your face.
"I won't let this happen again. I swear on my life. I swear on everything I am. Elsa... Elsa I love you. I truly love you. And I hate that I couldn't keep you safe. I hate that you had to suffer because I wasn't good enough."
Your speech has ended. You said it. You accepted it. You love Elsa Anderson.
"I love you too," A soft voice responds.
You are shocked for a moment. The door opens and Elsa pulls you in.
"I love you so much (Y/N)," Elsa happily accepts with tears in her eyes as well.
Your hands are around her waist and hers around your neck.
"You were awake that whole time?"
She simply responds with a smile.
"You let me say all those things," you playfully whine.
"And I would do it again," she says as her lips connect with yours.
You kiss her back. She is more passionate than you have ever seen her be. You aren't sure why, considering she was beat up today. She pushes you on your back then takes off her shirt then rubs up against you. You remember this type of scene from when she was drunk.
You push her away for a moment. "Elsa, are you sure about this?"
She smiles. "I've never been more sure."
You accept that. She allows you to remove your pants as she removes hers.
You move more to the middle of the bed. You're both in your underwear now. She removes her bra. You feel her back with nothing in the way. It's soft. You move your hands all over her slender body. She does the same to yours. You aren't worried about this anymore. You aren't afraid to love again.
You end this brutal day, with a passionate night.
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