Information and Sign Ups

Credit to the lovely
❄️UnitedWarriors❄️ and 🌸BloodyR0se🌸
for the ideas that lead to this go check them both out!

Don't cheat this rule is self-explanatory and if I find out you tried cheating you could be banned from the game.
Don't nag me if your panthera dies or I will ban you from the game.
Don't nag me for new days I'm in college I don't always have time.
Hate the panthera not the player.

Basic Info
One chapter in the game is equal to one in game moon. Every three days is a season. Every four seasons is a year.

Roleplaying is optional. Don't just join someone else's roleplay chains. Ask first.
Roleplaying may or may not effect everything.....

A task is something your panthera can do that will use energy. There are multiple types of tasks which you can find in the list of commands near the bottom of the page.

Healthy full ranked pantheras will have four energy, young pantheras will have three energy and cubs will have one energy.

The border goes down by three everyday so you need three patrols to keep the border as is and every patrol after that adds one to the border strength.

Skill Levels
Skill levels affect how much prey, herbs, or sticks you can collect. It also affects your hits in battle, your ability to heal and your chance at surviving a disaster.

Skill levels go from Level 0 to Level 6

Hunting, foraging, healing, battle, gathering, and sin are separate skills and must be leveled up separately. To level up you need to train with someone with a higher level in that skill. Healers have healing, foraging, gathering, and sin skills. Warriors have hunting, battling, gathering, and sin skills.

You need to train each skill twice to level up once.

Wet Season: +1
Cool Season: -1
Hot Season: +2
Drought Season: -2

When two pantheras are in a hunting patrol they will get a partner bonus. The next two also get a partner bonus.

If four lvl 6 hunters hunt together they have an ⅛ chance to catch a bigger piece of prey that can feed five pantheras.

Health and Hunger
There are a few different types of injuries: slightly injured, injured, severely injured, and infection.
There are a few different types of illnesses:
cough, whitecough, greencough, hayfever, cold.
But, don't fret healer pantheras can use herbs to heal! When injured you will lose energy depending on how injured you are. You will die if not healed when you are severely injured with an infection.
You can get rabies when fighting other animals if you get injured you have a ¼ chance of getting the disease. If you do get rabies you can not be healed though and will most likely be exiled before you can harm anyone in the tribe.

Hunger depends on how well your panthera has eaten every day. Pantheras automatically eat at the end of the day in order; frosted, burnt lilac, spark, lotus, phoenix, fire lily.
One day without food makes you hungry, two makes you starving and if you don't eat that day you will die.

You can use the command /don't eat which will make you eat last so that other pantheras can get a chance to eat.

If there aren't enough dens for a panthera they will be sleep deprived and have a greater risk of becoming sick.

When a panthera dies they must be buried or else they will begin to rot and make other cats sick as well as attract scavengers.

Sometimes depending on the season the tribe can be hit by an event. These can range from fires, droughts, floods, thunderstorms, blizzards, frost, thieves, hunters, and attacks.
The weather related events depend on the season.
The thieves and attacks depend on the tribe's border strength though even at full sometimes these may happen. These may kill you. The password is your favourite panthera. Pantheras can get injured from hunter's traps while on patrol, hunting, foraging, or gathering if they are traps on the territory.
But, don't fret there will also be good events that won't harm you.

Special Defects and Others
Breeding: there is an ⅛th chance that when you breed you won't conceive any cubs

Miscarriage: there is an ⅛th chance every day while expecting cubs that a panthera will miscarry

Stillborn: there is a ⅛th chance that a cub will be stillborn when born.

Complications: A lotus must assist a wildfire before she delivers incase something goes wrong while she's giving birth. If a lotus didn't use the command and something goes wrong they could loose the cubs and the wildfire at worst. There is a ⅛ of a chance something will go wrong.

Lost: while searching for cubs you may get lost or injured you have an ⅛ of a chance you may not even find cubs. You have a ⅛ of a chamce of bringing back injured cubs with any listed defect.

Relations: if a pair of related pantheras decide to have cubs they have an increased ⅛ of a chance for any of the special effects while expecting and during delivery. This equals an ¼ chance of the above special effects happening.

Nursing: a wildfire will not automatically nurse their cubs and must use the command. If they don't the cubs can become ill, die, or malnourished in which case they will need to be nursed for an extra day and healed by a healer.

Infertility: there is a ½ chance that a mixed species male panthera will be infertile.

Albinism: there is a ¹/50 chance that a cub could be born with albinism which will decrease their sight giving that cub a debuff of ¹/6 less skills than that of normal pantheras if two pantheras with albinism have cubs their cubs will also be born with albinism

Blind: there is an ¼ chance that when two related pantheras breed their cubs will be blind this will give that cub a debuff of -1 energy and ½ the skills of normal pantheras

Deaf: there is an ¼ chance that when two related pantheras breed their cubs will be deaf this will give that cub a debuff of -1 energy and ⅓ less skills than that of normal pantheras

Clumsy: there is an ¼ chance that when two related pantheras or two different species of panthera breed their cubs will be clumsy due to a deformity this will give that cub a debuff of ¹/6 less skills than that of normal pantheras

Defects: there is an ⅛ chance that when two related pantheras breed their cub could be missing a body part and a ¹/³² chance any cub could be born with a defect.

(all are punishable by the tribe)
Thief: if you had been forbidden to eat or just want to make sure you eat that day you can steal yourself food
»must pm me«

Secret Mates: if you had been forbidden to be mates with a certain someone or you just feel like it you could become secret mates with someone and even breed with them although that would give you away
»must pm me«

Escaping: escaping the tribe is strictly forbidden and if you get caught you can be severely punished
»must pm me«

Murderer: a panthera may be chosen to be a murder at some point in time they can kill another panthera of their choosing up to every seven days they may do this each time they strike they will leave a hint linking them to the crime
»must pm me«

Sorcery: a panthera may at be chosen at some point in time they can possess another panthera of their choosing and make them do whatever they desire up to every seven days they may do this the panthera they possessed will receive a hint linking them to the crime
»must pm me«

Kidnapper: a panthera may be chosen at some point in time they can kidnap another panthera of their choosing and torture them for up to 3 days they can do this up to every seven days the panthera that they kidnapped will reveive a hint linking them to the crime
»must pm me«

Attacker: a male panthera may be chosen at some point in time they can impregnate a female panthera of their choosing up to every seven days and a hint will be given to that panthera linking them to the crime
»must pm me«

Striker: a female panthera may be chosen at sone point in time they may neuter a male panthera of their choosing up to every seven days and a hint will be given to that panthera linking them to the crime
»must pm me«

Gang: a panthera may be chosen at some point in time to be a gang leader that panthera can choose up to three other pantheras to ask to join the gang if they say no but, the gang leader wants them in they can blackmail that panthera into joining they may do many evil things but, the only way to stop them is to catch the gang leader or else they will just replace the other pantheras with now ones they can strike up to every seven days and a hint will be given of a random gang member if the hint is for the leader a ★ will appear somewhere in that day
»must pm me«

The Good
The Good can defend one panthera every night. If that panthera gets attacked by any of the evils above they will be saved. This panthera acts as a shield so the assailant will back off though they can become injured but won't be killed
»must pm me«

The Frosted can decide many things...they have two lives and there can be anywhere from two to four of them. If one frosted becomes lazy the other frosted can demote them back to a lower rank and strip their second life from them. The other frosted can also decide if they need more frosted or not.

The frosted can decide to rankup an underaged cub into a fire lily if need be but, that cub will take twice the amount of training to learn a skill and only gain one extra energy until they are the proper age of an apprentice.


When two pantheras over the age of 24 moons breed they will have 2-4 cubs. The cubs will be named by their parents. They have one energy and only one command '/Play'. Cubs can play once everyday. Parents can play with their sparks and only them. The more you play as a cub the higher your skill levels will be when you rank up. 2p=0.5, 4p=1, 6p=1.5

Frosted - Leaders of the tribe. [-spirit]
Burnt Lilac - Council (High Ranks) of the tribe. 5 min - 5 max
Lotus - Healers of the tribe.
Phoenix - Warriors of the tribe.
Fire Lily - Apprentices of the tribe. [-fire or -lily]
Wildfire - Queen.
Spark - Cubs.

Dying and Re-joining
When your panthera dies you can rejoin as a new panthera. Do not cry to me if this happens because, guess what. 'what?' IT. WILL. HAPPEN. You will go to the end of the waiting list and have to wait to be born. No exceptions.

List of Commands

/Hunt with...
Sends your panthera hunting with the rest of the pantheras listed. Can have up to 4 pantheras. Uses 1 energy.

/Patrol with...
Sends your panthera patrolling with the rest of the pantheras listed. Must have 4 pantheras to work. Uses 1 energy.

/Gather with...
Sends your panthera gathering with the rest of the pantheras listed. Can have up to 4 pantheras. Uses 1 energy.

/Train battleskill with...
Must tag the other panthera both pantheras must use the command for it to work. Uses 1 energy.

/Train huntingskill with...
Must tag the other panthera both pantheras must use the command for it to work. Uses 1 energy.

/Train foragingskill with...
Must tag the other panthera both pantheras must use the command for it to work. Uses 1 energy.

/Train healingskill with...
Must tag the other panthera both pantheras must use the command for it to work. Uses 1 energy.

/Train gatheringskill with...
Must tag the other panthera both pantheras must use the command for it to work. Uses 1 energy.

/Train sinskill with...
Must tag the other panthera both pantheras must use the command for it to work. Uses 1 energy.

/Forage with...
Sends your panthera hunting with the rest of the pantheras listed. Must have at least 2 pantheras to work. Can have up to 4. Uses 1 energy.

Heals the mentioned panthera with herbs based on the Healing Chart. Uses 1 energy.

/Breed with...
You all know what this does already.
Uses 1 energy.

/Find cubs...
It explains itself.
Uses 1 energy.

Sends you wandering around in heat. May come back expecting cubs if female.
Uses 1 energy.

/Nurse cubs
Used by a wildfire to feed their cubs when nursing. Takes 1 energy.

/Build [den]
Builds the specified den.

Defends the tribe against the enemy. Effectiveness and injury of your panthera depends on yours and your enemies battleskills. Only warriors and apprentices can defend. Uses 1 energy.

Hides your panthera during battle and keeps them safe from enemies. Cannot use other commands while hidden. Does not use energy.

/Don't eat
Puts your panthera at the end of the list (makes them eat last that day.) Doesn't use energy.

/Rankup to...
Ranks up your spark to a fire lily only applicable to sparks over six moons. Doesn't use energy.

Ranks your panthera up to a warrior or healer panthera. Only applicable to pantheras over 20 moons old. Doesn't use energy.

Makes your panthera play with other pantheras. Only sparks, wildfires and the other parents may play. Can be done once a day.

/Kill (enemy name)
Kills a passive enemy. Must be done before any other actions or else it could result in injury or death. Uses 1 energy.

/Bond with...
Bonds you with another panthera. Uses 1 energy.

/Become mates with...
Makes you mates with the other panthera. Uses 1 energy.

/Separate from...
Removes your bond from the other panthera. Uses no energy.

/Exile (panthera's name)
Must be used in a chain. Half of the tribe must use the command. Uses no energy.

Takes one energy.

/Fetch water
Used when a heatwave is going through the territory so that pantheras don't dehydrate and die. Gathers water for 1-5 pantheras. Uses 1 energy.

/Oversee delivery
Used by a lotus before a wildfire gives birth incase something goes wrong. Takes one energy.

/Spirit Pond
Sends your panthera to the spirit pond to receive guidance, lives or other. Uses 3 energy.

Sends your panthera to bury a deceased panthera. Uses one energy.

Hunting Chart
Skill Level 0: catches 0 prey
Skill Level 1: catches 0-1 prey
Skill Level 2: catches 0-2 prey
Skill Level 3: catches 1-2 prey
Skill Level 4: catches 1-3 prey
Skill Level 5: catches 0-4 prey
Skill Level 6: catches 1-4 prey

Battle Chart
Skill Level 0: score of 0
Skill Level 1: score of 1-20
Skill Level 2: score of 10-30
Skill Level 3: score of 20-40
Skill Level 4: score of 30-50
Skill Level 5: score of 40-60
Skill Level 6: score of 50-70

Foraging Chart
Skill Level 0: forages 0 herbs
Skill Level 1: forages 0-1 herbs
Skill Level 2: forages 0-2 herbs
Skill Level 3: forages 1-2 herbs
Skill Level 4: forages 1-3 herbs
Skill Level 5: forages 0-4 herbs
Skill Level 6: forages 1-4 herbs

Gathering Chart
Skill Level 0: gathers 0 sticks
Skill Level 1: gathers 0-2 sticks
Skill Level 2: gathers 0-4 sticks
Skill Level 3: gathers 2-4 sticks
Skill Level 4: gathers 2-6 sticks
Skill Level 5: gathers 0-8 sticks
Skill Level 6: gathers 2-8 sticks

Sin Chart
Skill Level 0: 0%
Skill Level 1: 9%
Skill Level 2: 24%
Skill Level 3: 39%
Skill Level 4: 54%
Skill Level 5: 69%
Skill Level 6: 84%

Healing Chart
Skill Level 0: cannot heal
Skill Level 1: can heal slightly injured, cough, and malnourishment (uses 2 herbs)
Skill Level 2: can heal whitecough and hayfever (uses 4 herbs)
Skill Level 3: can heal injured and colds (uses 5 herbs)
Skill Level 4: can heal greencough and infections (uses 6 herbs)
Skill Level 5: can heal severely injured (uses 8 herbs)
Skill Level 6: can heal all but mental injuries (uses 10 herbs)

Den Chart
Frosted Den: 5 sticks fits one panthera
Shivering Blossom Den: 5 sticks fits one panthera
Blazing Rose Den: 5 sticks fits one panthera
Burnt Lilac Den: 10 sticks fits 5 panthera
Lotus Den: 20 sticks fits 5 panthera
Blooming Petals Den: 20 sticks fits 10 panthera
Wilting Flowers Den: 10 sticks fits 5 panthera
Fire Lily Den: 10 sticks fits 5 panthera
Wildfire Den: 15 sticks fits 5 parents
Cheetah Den: 10 sticks fits 5 pets
Wild Dog Den: 10 sticks fits 5 pets

Friendship Chart
Level 1: Aquantances
Level 2: Friends
Level 3: Best Friends [mate level]

Feel Free to Ask me Any Questions
I will only further explain stuff I will not tell you information when I already wrote it out for you I will not stand for that! *Falls*
I will not answer incorrect forms I'm sorry but there's even an example form.

Sign Up Area
Pantheras Needed;
LIONS: 5/5

Ranks Needed;
LOTUS: 3/3

Biological Genders Needed;
MALE: 10/10
FEMALE: 10/10

You may not have 'moon', 'spirit', or 'star' in your name. I can also not allow names that I don't see as fitting for wild pantheras.
Names shall not be reused. Ex. Lilacice and Lilacice. Lilacice and Lilacfrost is acceptable.

NAME: warrior name
GENDER: male/female/trans/etc.
SPECIES: tiger/jaguar/leopard/lion
DESCRIPTION: related to your type of panthera
RANK: choose one
PASSWORD: hahaha you thought

Waitlist Form;
Tag yourself

NAME: Wetlemon
DESCRIPTION: Dark red with distinct black stripes and amber eyes
RANK: frosted ;p




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