
A/N. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Published this one early because school's really gonna start to hunker down on schoolwork so I wanted to get this one out for you guys. One quick little change in the story, when I looked at the Warren scene I realized only one elf came along to there and that there wasn't multiple, so I changed that back in the previous chapter and continued with that detail in this chapter. Surprisingly, this one didn't take me as long as I thought it would. Still went back a couple of times and edited it, but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out and I hope you guys are too. Let me know what you all think! Comment and vote! -Anna

Y/n- Your name

L/n- Last name

F/f- Favorite flower

S/n- Sister's name

P/c- Pastel color


You let out a bubbly laugh as you slid down Bunny's tunnel along with the others. You utilized the breeze to help stabilize yourself as you fell. North's scream and Bunny's chortle echoed throughout the mossy tunnel. Jack skated around smoothly on his feet, and Bunny hopped ahead. The yetis, the elf, and North bumbled around, knocking into each other as they traveled through the tunnel. The trip didn't last long and soon enough, you, Jack, Tooth Fairy, and Baby Tooth landed gracefully at the end of the tunnel. North, the yetis, and the elf landed on their backs in a heap at the foot of the tunnel exit.

North let out a breathy laugh. "Buckle up," North said as he sat up and looked at Tooth, "is very funny."

Bunny chuckled, sitting in front of you all. "Welcome to the Warren."

He gestured his paw out behind him. From what you could see, you wished you had convinced Bunny to show you the Warren earlier. Stone covered moss hills rose above Bunny. You spotted a pink flowering tree hidden behind some stones. Pastel colored hydrangeas, buttercups, hyacinths, and other numerous flower species spotted the grassy ground. Birds chirped from somewhere in the area. Two giant moss covered stone eggs with faces etched to look like they were smiling stood on either side of Bunny. Their bodies swiveled slightly as they moved, and you noticed they had no arms.

Bunny suddenly stood up straight. He turned in the direction of another tunnel from behind him, and his ears twitched and twirled around to listen to a noise you couldn't hear.

Bunny sniffed the air. "Something's up."

An army of white eggs with just legs scurried out of the tunnel Bunny was facing. A high pitched screaming noise echoed out of the tunnel sounding uncomfortably like a Nightmare. The rabbit pulled out his boomerangs. Immediately, the rest of you readied your own weapons and got into defensive positions. Even the yetis wielded spears and were ready to go. The living stone eggs turned their faces around to show off their angry ones.

Bunny let out a cry, and the rest of you followed his shout as you all charged toward the tunnel. Just before the group reached the entrance, a little blonde girl scampered out of it, her screaming coming to a halt when she saw all of you. Luckily Bunny was able to stop in his tracks before he ran into her and subsequently made the group slide to a stop right behind him.

The girl in colorful pajamas holding white eggs in her arms that were kicking stared up at all of you with wide eyes.

You peaked over Jack's shoulder and your eyes narrowed with puzzlement when your eyes landed on the girl. "Sophie?"

You quickly sheathed your daggers and the others did the same with their weapons with a nervous chuckle, all of you plastering on saccharine smiles.

Sophie's attention quickly shifted when she spotted the elf. She dropped the eggs and chased after him saying, "Elf, elf, elf!"

"What is she doing here?" Bunny questioned sounding completely flabbergasted.

"Uh..." North patted down his body in alarm. "Snow globe."

"Crikey, someone do something!" Bunny said with a panicked tone.

"Well, don't look at us," Jack said as he stepped back and glanced at you. "We're invisible, remember?"

"This might be the only time I'm happy about that," you said as you looked at the child tugging the elf around by the bell on top of his hat.

"Don't worry, Bunny. I bet she's a fairy fan," Tooth said in a singsong voice.

Sophie gasped when Tooth flew into clear view, posing for her to see.

"It's okay, little one," Tooth reassured.

"Pretty," Sophie cooed with big eyes.

"Aw. You know what? I've got something for you!" Tooth showed Sophie several teeth that were on the palm of her hand, the crowns still red. "Here it is! Look at all the pretty teeth with little blood and gum on them!"

Sophie looked from the teeth to Tooth before crying out and running away.

Jack laughed. "Blood and gums?" He flew onto the top of a stone egg's head that was stuck halfway in the ground. "When was the last time you guys actually hung out with kids?"

The white eggs ran to hide inside the mouth of the stone egg that Jack was on, and Sophie ran after them. She stuck her head in the opening and shouted, "Peak-a-boo!" Her voice reverberated throughout the stone egg and the white eggs darted right out of the mouth which made Sophie chase after them again.

"We are very busy bringing joy to children," North explained. "We don't have time-" He was cut off for a moment when Sophie ran across his line of sight now chasing butterflies. "-for children."

"That's ironic," you snorted. "I think you guys might be out of practice."

Bunny huffed. "Am not," but then cautiously eyed Sophie when she got close to him.

"If one kid can ruin Easter, then," Jack said as he created a snowflake that spun around his hand, "we're in worse shape than I thought."

Jack blew the snowflake to glide through the air, and it landed on Bunny's nose, exploding into blue sparkles over his face once it hit.

It was like a switch flipped in Bunny. A different light shined in his eyes and he actually smiled.

Bunny took charge in the operation to get the eggs ready, but he wasn't concerned with Sophie being around for the process. You all followed him further into the Warren, and you marveled at the sight of the assembly line of how the eggs would become painted.

The first area was a swarm of plain eggs making their way through the Warren. Bunny showed Sophie a stone hill where there were a bunch of enclosed flowers that unfurled to reveal white eggs on the inside. The little girl giggled at the sight.

"You wanna paint some eggs? Yeah?" Bunny asked Sophie.

"Okay!" Sophie exclaimed.

"Come on then."

You watched the two interact with a soft smile. You had never seen this side of Bunny before, and you would be lying if you said you weren't surprised it existed. 

The eggs ran across the grassy ground. Thousands, maybe even hundreds of thousands were making their way to where they needed to go. You didn't want to accidently step on any, so you hovered above them all and looked down at them completely fascinated.

"Rimsky-Korsakov! That's a lot of eggs!" North said with his hands on his hips as he looked at the swarm of eggs, an impressed expression on his face.

"Uh, how much time do we have?" Jack asked, perched on top of his staff.

"If you were on the job, probably forever," you snickered.

Jack stuck his tongue out at you.

Bunny bounded ahead of the eggs with Sophie on his back. The eggs continued to scurry along under two rows of hanging bluebells, the flowers puffing out pink, blue, yellow coatings onto the eggs as they passed by.

"Alright, troops," Bunny called, "it's time to push back. That means eggs everywhere!"

Sophie giggled as the now colored eggs gently pushed her down a hill. North waved at her as he stood above on two small stone mounds.

"Heaps of you in every high rise, farm house, and trailer park!" Bunny continued to say. "In tennis shoes and cereal bowls! Oh, there'll be bathtubs filled with my beautiful googies!"

The eggs made their way into another tunnel. At the end of it was a purple river. Baby Tooth watched the elf push one of the early eggs into the river. He did a little dance in a teasing manner before turning to see the horde of eggs coming his way. Unable to get out of the way in time, the elf was backed up to the river and fell into it along with the eggs.

North picked up one of the eggs that diverged off the flow of the river and examined the now pink and purple coloration. "Okay, that's a little strange."

"No, mate," Bunny said. "That's adorable."

This time you really wished you had a camera. It was such a picturesque image: Bunny crouched with colored eggs climbing all over him, and butterflies flying all around. The giant intimidating rabbit for once looked calm and vulnerable. 

The elf clambered out of the river, completely dyed with different bright paint hues. Even his tongue was multicolored.

You landed on the shore of the river, watching the eggs jog out now varied in color. You couldn't help yourself and pointed at a patch of grass on the ground. A F/f bloomed right there. 

Jack landed next to you and joined in on the observing. You glanced at him to see a smirk suddenly appear on his face. He turned to face you, and you recognized the mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Jack, whatever you're thinking, don't you dare-" you started. 

Jack gently pushed you with the top of his staff. With a shriek, you felt yourself fall backwards, headed right for the river. At the last moment, your instincts kicked in, and you quickly ordered the breeze to catch your body before you could fall in. The breeze helped to straighten yourself so you could be upright. You giggled at Jack's disappointed look.

"Nice try, Frost." You tapped his nose with your pointer fingertip.

Jack shook his head. "You got away this time, L/n. Next time you may not be that lucky."

"We'll see," you said with a grin.

Jack returned the expression and took your hand in his. You didn't protest the action as he flew off with you further into the Warren.

"There will be springtime on every continent!" Bunny's voice rung  throughout the Warren. He leaped onto a rock and spread his arms out wide. "And I'm bringing hope with me!"

The eggs continued with their assembly line as they walked across stems and jumped into coiled vines. They slowly fell out of the vines' grasps and they left different colored designs on the eggs' bodies. The elf somehow managed to fall into a coiled vine as well, completing his Easter egg look.

"Too Christmas-y, mate," Bunny said as he dashed past a yeti meticulously coloring an egg red. "Paint it blue."

The yeti cried out in exasperation, slumping over on the little hill he was sitting on in defeat, two giant pyramids of red eggs sitting behind him.

Near the end of the trail, Bunny pointed out an orange and purple egg to Sophie. "Ooh, what's over there?"

Sophie scurried over and picked up the egg in complete awe. She ran back to Bunny and held it up for him to see.

"Oh ho, that's a beauty!" Bunny gently encompassed Sophie's tiny hand into his much larger one and led her to look out at the row of exit tunnels from the top of a hill. "Now all we gotta do is get him and his little mates through the tunnels, to the top, and we'll have ourselves Easter."

Bunny kneeled with Sophie at his side on the top of the hill and watched as the eggs made their way to the tunnels. You and Jack sat on your haunches next to him and watched too.

"Not bad," Jack said, impressed.

Sophie let out a yawn and hoisted herself into Bunny's arms. You couldn't help but smile at her cuteness.

Bunny looked down at the drifting child before looking up at Jack. "Not bad yourself."

Jack smiled before becoming quiet for a second. "Look, I-I'm sorry about the whole-you know, the 'kangaroo' thing?"

You gasp dramatically and put a hand to your chest in faux concern. "Jack Frost apologizing to the Easter Bunny? Who are you and what have you done with my Jack?"

Jack chortled at your words.

"It's the accent, isn't it?" Bunny asked.

You and Jack chuckled in response.

A moment of silence passed before Bunny suddenly said, "Thank you, Y/n."

You raised an eyebrow. "For what?"

"For turning winter into spring every year," Bunny said, sincerity reflecting in his eyes. "I don't think I let you know how much I appreciate what you do so I can carry out my own work as much as I should."

A soft smile formed on your lips. "Well...thanks, Bunny."

Tooth and North carefully came up from behind and looked at the sleeping Sophie.

"Ah, poor little ankle-biter. Look at 'er, all tuckered out," Bunny said affectionately.

"I love her," Tooth said with a smile as she kneeled next to Bunny.

Baby Tooth chittered in agreement. Sophie cooed in her sleep.

"I think it's time to get her home," Tooth said as she carefully took the girl from Bunny.

"How about I take her home?" Jack proposed.

"Jack, no, Pitch is out there-" Tooth started to say.

"Then I'll go with him," you said, standing up next to the white haired boy. "I'll be his backup if Pitch does show his face."

"Yeah. He'll be no match for these," Jack said and held out his staff and gestured to your daggers.

"Which is exactly why we need you two here," Bunny said, motioning to North and Tooth, "with us."

"Trust us. We'll be quick as bunnies." Jack mimicked running with his fingers.

The Guardians shared a look, glanced at Sophie, and then focused on you and Jack.


Reluctantly, the Guardians allowed you and Jack to take Sophie back to Burgess and to her room. Baby Tooth decided to tag along, obviously attached to the person who saved her. Sophie clung to Jack like a koala the entire way. She had a vice grip on his neck as Jack tried to lay her down in her bed. He had to climb onto the bed and have you pry her fingers off of him to get her onto her mattress.

Just as you thought your job was done, Sophie yawned and rolled off her bed to the floor. You, Jack, and Baby Tooth let out panicked gasps.

"Sophie, is that you?" you heard the mother call from outside the bedroom.

Thinking fast, Jack plopped a yellow sunflower blanket onto Sophie's sleeping body, and then dropped a stuffed sheep by her side with her still on the floor.

You gave Jack a disapproving look before briskly commanding the breeze to lift Sophie onto her bed with her blanket and stuffed animal. Jack rolled his eyes and he and you carefully climbed out of the window.

"We should get back," Jack said, glancing at the snoozing Sophie.

"Agreed," you sighed.

Suddenly, Jack's head turned sharply to look out at the neighborhood.

Your eyebrows furrowed. "What is it?"

"Did you hear that?" Jack asked.

"Hear what?" You looked out to where his eyes were directed but saw nothing.

"That voice...I know that voice," Jack said, his voice almost too soft to hear.

You strained your ears, but you couldn't hear anything. "I don't hear any-"

"Y/n," a voice echoed out faintly from the neighborhood.

Your words stopped short. "...Someone just said my name."

"Someone's been saying mine," Jack said, his eyes still focused out at the neighborhood.

"Y/n!" the voice said again.

You swore your heart almost stopped beating. "S/n...?"

Without another word, you told the breeze to carry you in the direction of the voice. Strangely, Jack flew in the same direction as you, but you were too focused on finding where the voice was coming from to take note. You didn't even look to see if Baby Tooth was following.

You and him stopped on top of a roof when you lost the direction of the voice.


The voice echoed off toward the forest. You and Jack leaped off the roof and soared after the voices. You were sure you were going insane. She was gone. Although in the back of your mind you knew it was impossible, you still had hope.

Landing in the forest, you heard the voice call out your name again, this time closer. You and Jack followed the voices you both heard to a small, barren clearing and spotted an old wooden bedframe in the middle of it.

As you and Jack slowly approached the bedframe, Baby Tooth chittered and pulled at Jack's hoodie.

Jack waved her off. "Don't worry. There's still time."

You and Jack walked up to the frame. The boards in the middle were broken slightly to show the deep hole situated right underneath it. Jack used his staff to break the boards, and the scraps fell into the hole, their landing echoing from within.

"Y/n!" the voice called, clearly coming from the hole.

For the first time since you had heard the voice, you paused and stared down into the hole. What really was calling out to you and Jack? Was it worth chasing after? The Guardians needed your help with Easter. You shouldn't be here. Could you really be brave enough to face whatever outcome there was going to be if you followed the voice? Were you confident enough to know that you could handle the possible heart break or revelation?

Jack noticed your hesitation and gently put a hand on your shoulder. "That voice is someone important- I know it. I need to find out who it is, but I can't do this alone."

He held his hand out to you and looked into your eyes with his hopeful ones.

Clearly, you could see the determination and yearning in him which helped you make up your mind.

You firmly placed your hand in his.

With an exhalation of a breath and a gentle squeeze of your hand, you and Jack plummeted into the hole. Faintly, you could hear Baby Tooth's wings flutter rapidly as she followed. The hole led to a short tunnel with stalactites and stalagmites placed along it randomly. Baby Tooth continued to try and pull you and Jack away from wherever the tunnel was headed.

"Baby Tooth, Baby Tooth, come on!" Jack said, his voice bouncing off the tunnel. "We have to find out what that is."

The tunnel led into a giant open cave, the only light source coming from the sun high above. The entire place was void of color except for black and grey. Stone staircases and catwalks seemingly going nowhere were stretched across different parts of the cave. Your eyes widened when you spotted the myriad of cages hanging from the ceiling. Tooth's fairies chittered and beat their wings anxiously from within the cages.

You and Jack jumped into action, each of you flying onto a cage. The fairies chittered even louder when they spotted you both.

You hushed them. "Keep it down. We're gonna get you out of here just as soon as-"


Your words stopped short when you heard the voice call out to you again, this time you could clearly hear it from below. Looking down, you spotted the mountains of golden tooth boxes at the very bottom of the cave.

"...As we can," you whispered.

Jack and you let go of your cages and landed roughly on one of the piles. You rifled through the boxes with Jack, the sound of them clinking against each other drowning out the fairies' cries. 

You weren't even sure why you were looking through them. You had your memories. So why were you so desperate to find your tooth box?

"Looking for something?" an eerily familiar voice rang out.

Your head snapped to the side to see the shadow of Pitch clinging to a wall. Jack fired an ice blast at it, and the shadow slipped further away into the cave. Pitch's laughter could be heard as you and Jack bounced after him. The two of you flew into a darker and more crowded area with walls and random walkways and pillars.

"Don't be afraid, Jack, Y/n," Pitch's disembodied voice said.

You and Jack swirled around until you spotted him physically where the caged fairies were.

"I'm not gonna hurt either of you," Pitch said on one of the walkways facing away from the both of you.

You and Jack leaped onto the end of the walkway brandishing your weapons.

"Afraid?" you scoffed, trying to steady your voice.

"We're not afraid of you," Jack said, holding his staff out in front of him.

"Maybe not. But you both are afraid of something," Pitch said cryptically.

"You think so, huh?" Jack challenged.

"I know so," Pitch said turning to face you and Jack. "It's the one thing I always know: people's greatest fears. Both of yours is that no one will ever believe in you."

Your eyes widened. Of course he knew, but you were still shocked at how blunt he was.

A shadow slinked under the walkway, and you and Jack let out shouts of surprise as you both fell into the darkness.

You tumbled through the air, thumping into whatever structures ended up in your way. You hit the bumpy ground hard in a whole different area of the cave. Barely any light was seen. A dark entrance stood in front of you.

You rolled onto your back with a groan. Looking around, you immediately became aware that Jack wasn't with you.

"Jack?" you called out, your voice quivering.

Your hands shook as you tried to keep a grip on your daggers.

"But that's not all. You're also profoundly afraid that dear boy Jack won't reciprocate the feelings you've been hiding deep inside you for years," Pitch's voice continued, now sounding like he was speaking directly at you.

You tried to clamber onto your feet, but Pitch's words made your limbs become jelly. You felt like your own daggers were sinking deep into your heart.

"You're afraid if you do tell him about them, you'll lose Jack forever. He'll never want to be around you again once you've revealed your feelings to him. Not only will you be invisible to the people of the world, you'll also be ignored by the one person you care about most in the world. You'll end up spending the rest of your days alone," Pitch sneered.

You clamped your hand over your ears, trying to block out his voice. "Shut up, shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!"

Unfortunately, it did nothing to keep Pitch's taunting voice from reaching your ears. "You're afraid he doesn't feel the same way you do. Maybe he doesn't even have his eyes on you. But, you're too much of a coward to tell him about your feelings."

You finally got to your feet, looking around for the source of his voice but had no luck.

"And worst of all, you'll never know why- why you?"

You scrambled through the entrance, completely blinded by the dark for a moment before hitting a wall. 

"Why were you chosen to be like this?" Pitch's shadow slid onto the wall, eventually the man himself appearing in front of you. "Well, fear not, for the answer to that, is right here."

Pitch held out a tooth box, an image painted to your face's likeness at the very front stared right back at you. The only difference was that the depiction didn't have the P/c in your hair.

"Do you want them, Y/n?" Pitch asked, his voice almost soft. "Your memories? You already have yours, but there's something in you that knows you're missing something. You can find that something in here."

Your hand started to reach out for the box. It almost seemed like it was calling out for you. Your hand paused before you could grab it, your subconscious screaming at you to stop.

The Boogeyman laughed before disappearing again. You soared back to where the bird cages were and landed on a staircase. As you slowly walked on it, Pitch's shadow moved on the wall next to you.

"Everything you wanted to know- in this little box." Pitch held out a shadow version of the tooth box before laughing and pulling away.

You chased after him to a secluded corner. You spun around, trying to find the real Pitch.

"Why did you end up like this? Unseen, unable to reach out to anyone- you want the answers so badly. You want to grab them and fly off with them," Pitch said as his shadow multiplied and circled around you on the walls, "but you're afraid of what the Guardians will think. You're afraid of disappointing them. Well let me ease your mind about one thing: they'll never accept you, not really."

"Stop it!" you yelled, backing up another staircase.

Your breathing picked up, and your heart was beating a mile a minute. All you wanted was to get away from Pitch and hide away in a hole for the rest of your life. 

You found yourself in front of Pitch's own version of North's globe, the only thing forming it was the land masses fashioned out of metal with the little lights blinking on them.

You looked up to see Pitch amble out of the shadows. "After all, you're not one of them," he said as he came closer to you.

"You don't know what I am!" you shouted, keeping a dagger and a hand out in front of you.

"'Course I do!" Pitch said casually. "You're Y/n L/n! You're always acting with reckless abandon, never thinking about the ramifications of your actions- why you're doing it right now."

Pitch flung your tooth box to you, and you caught it instinctively, the teeth clinking from within the box.

Your eyes widened in realization. "What did you do?"

"More to the point, Y/n, what did you do?" Pitch chuckled ominously as he backed away into the shadows, his eyes contrasting against the darkness before disappearing.

As one final effort, you threw one of your daggers into the darkness. You ran after Pitch into the shadows, and fell into a dark chasm. Picking up your dagger on the gravel ground, you pursed your lips and tried to run back to the cave only to bump into an intricately carved stone wall in a mossy tunnel.

You fruitlessly smacked your hand against it in frustration. Turning your head to the side, you jumped when you saw Jack standing right next to you.

"Jack," you gasped, your voice trembling.

"Y/n," Jack breathed, his eyes wide like a cornered animal.

The same thought went through both of your heads when you looked around and noticed who was missing from the tunnel.

"Baby Tooth!" you and Jack said simultaneously, looking at each other in horror.

"Happy Easter, Jack and Y/n," Pitch's voice said before fading away.

You and Jack turned away from the wall, and both your eyes widened when your eyes landed on the tunnel floor. Vaguely, you could feel a bellwort sprout on the grass ground. A hand grasped your heart with an iron grip. Everything seemed to stop in that moment.

Your breath hitched. "No..."

Right in front of you and Jack laid a trail of colorful broken egg shells.

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