
A/N. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Just a quick note, I'm not going to describe what you guys are gonna wear for the story, so you guys can choose what you want and all that. The dress from last chapter was to start out and then you guys got your own style over the years kind of like what Jack did. Anywho, hope you all enjoy! -Anna

F/c- Favorite color

E/c- Eye color

F/a- Favorite animal


Three hundred years later...

You smiled as you put the finishing touches on the tree. With a tap of your finger, a cherry blossom bloomed, covering the last bit of the tree branch. You willed the breeze to move you back so you could admire your work. The grove of cherry blossom trees were now completely covered in a multitude of pink flowers. Not a single branch left untouched.

You glanced around at the grove. The grass was luscious and a bright green. Further along there was the grove of wisterias and shrubs of hydrangeas that you also grew. Satisfied with bringing a colorful spring to Japan, you whistled to get the breeze's attention.

"Let's go find Jack, shall we?" you asked.

With a soft push, you flew up into the air going faster than any normal breeze would. You closed your eyes as the wind gently combed through your hair. Even though you were going incredibly fast, somehow it only felt like you were riding a bike.

A moment later, you found yourself in the lively town of Burgess, Pennsylvania. You sighed once you saw the snow that was lightly covering the ground. People didn't seem to mind the snow in April. In fact, the people of the small town seemed to be in a cheery mood, probably because it was only a few days before Easter.

You saw something blue flash by and you quickly followed it. Nothing else could be faster than you on wind, except for one person. You tailed him as he laughed and caused chaos wherever he landed. Frost appeared everywhere from on top of cars to the sides of store fronts. He glanced behind him, and an even wider grin somehow appeared on his face. He faced forward and headed toward the lake at the back of the town. With another laugh, he skated around the lake with frost following his every move. He blew a gust of wind at a brunette kid who was at the bank of the lake, prying the book from his hands and onto the ground.

You were waiting for him at the bank, tapping your foot with annoyance.

"Jack Frost," you said as he strolled up to you.

"Y/n L/n," he said in a light tone, obviously trying not to laugh.

"What did you do?" you sighed.

"I made a snow day," the white haired boy said casually.

"Jack, I just turned the town back to green last week and you've already ruined all my work with snow," you said with an exasperated look.

"It'll go away soon," Jack shrugged.

"You know he's not going to be happy with you either," you said.

"He can go hop into a snowbank."

You rolled your eyes. "You're so mean to him for no reason."

Jack raised an incredulous eyebrow. "Oh, like you aren't?"

"I am nice to him!"

"Because you actually like him or because you technically work with him?" Jack questioned. "You two technically have to work together considering that you bring the spring for his Easter to even happen."

"Yeah, and I don't pester him every time I see him," you noted.

"Oh, so you weren't intentionally trying to get on his nerves when you covered an entire park with weeds and he couldn't hide any eggs there that year?" Jack pointed out.

"Well, I mean, he did-"

"Or the time you tangled his fur with burrs?"


"Or the time you spelled out with buttercups-"

"Okay, okay, I get it!" You threw your hands up in defeat.

Jack's lips formed his usual teasing grin. You tried not to smile but ultimately failed which made Jack's smile grow bigger. His was just too contagious.

"But really, did you have to make it snow in April?" you asked him.

"The place needed a snow day," Jack shrugged.

You raised an eyebrow. "Right. Just like last week. And the week before that, and the week before that-"

You were interrupted by the brunette kid running up to get his book that was beside you. Taking a closer look at the cover with Jack, you could see it was printed with the creatures Big Foot, the Loch Ness monster, yeti, and others you didn't get to see because the kid picked up the book. You had been around the town long enough to know the kid as Jamie and know his friends as well.

"Huh. That looks interesting. Good book?" Jack asked.

Of course, he didn't answer him.

Jamie brushed off the book, and his friends bumped into him excitedly saying, "Snow day!"

Jack laughed and put up a nonchalant hand. "You're welcome!" He then looked at you with a smirk. "See? At least someone appreciates my work."

You just rolled your eyes and sighed.

"Hey, guys, wait up!" Jamie called and ran after his friends.

With help from the wind and breeze, Jack and you followed after the kids back to Jamie's house.

"Are you guys coming to the egg hunt Sunday?" Jamie asked.

"Yeah! Free candy!" Caleb said.

"I hope we can find the eggs with all this snow!" Claude said excitedly.

"Whoa! It says here that they found Big Foot hair samples and DNA in Michigan! That's like super close!" Jamie exclaimed as he climbed through the makeshift fence door to his yard. You and Jack landed on top of the fence and listened in. You also noticed Jamie's little sister Sophie running around on the porch of the house with their dog Abby.

"Here we go again," Claude sighed.

"You saw that video too, Claude," Jamie said with big eyes as he grabbed his sleigh. "He's out there."

You appreciated Jamie because of how open his mind was to the possibilities of the world. Though as a child, you supposed it was a lot easier to do that.

"That's what you said about aliens," Caleb told him.

"And the Easter Bunny," Claude added.

"The Easter Bunny is real," Jamie said pointedly.

"Oh, he's real alright," Jack said as he hung his arms over his staff that was on his shoulders. "Real annoying, real grumpy, and really full of himself."

"What is it with you two?" you asked, but either Jack didn't hear you or just ignored you.

"Come on, you guys believe anything," Claude said as he playfully pushed his brother.

Then you noticed Sophie trying to jump down the porch stairs with the dog Abby while saying, "Easter Bunny! Hop, hop, hop!" At the last step, the greyhound jumped down with her and ended up bumping Sophie to the ground which made her cry.

"Mom! Sophie fell again," Jamie called in annoyed tone. 

"You okay, Soph?" Jamie's mother said, and then noticing Jamie going off with his friends called out, "Jamie? Hat? We don't want Jack Frost nipping at your nose." She plopped a fuzzy teal hat onto his head. 

Jamie raised an eyebrow. "Who's Jack Frost?"

"No one, honey, it's just an expression." Jamie's mother said as Jamie and his friends walked away. "Just like how they say get the ground ready for Y/n L/n to have a good spring."

"Hey!" Jack cried as he glared at the mother's back.

An expression? Was that all you were?

You tried to shrug off your hurt. "At least she didn't call you Old Man Winter."

Jack then glared at you. "You're never going to let that go, are you?"


Jack grabbed a handful of snow from a pile near the fence and created a snowball.

You shifted in place. "Jack, come on."

"Who's Jack Frost?" Jack blew onto the snowball, and it turned a glowing blue color. With a mischievous grin, he threw the snowball at Jamie, hitting him right in the back of his head.

Jamie grunted, paused in place, and a moment later you heard him laugh. "Okay, who threw that?"

"Well, it wasn't Big Foot, kiddo," Jack said as he and you glided over to him and his friends.

With another laugh, Jamie grabbed a snowball and threw it at one of his other friends that were nearby, Monty. He quickly threw another one at his friend Pippa. The boy fell face down in the snow as the girl ended up sitting on the snowy ground. 

"Jamie Bennett! No fair!" Pippa shouted.

"You struck first!" Jamie said.

Jack gave you a look as he made two snowballs.

You sighed and grabbed one of them. "Fine. But I'm blaming you for whatever happens after."

Still, you couldn't help but grin as you and Jack threw your snowballs at the twins.

A full blown snowball fight began.

"Free for all!" Jack said as he threw more snowballs at the kids.

You manually created your own and continued the fun for the children. Laughs and shouts of surprise were all around you.

"Who needs more ammo?" Jack asked as he created snowballs on the ground.

The kids cheered with joy at the snowballs that seemingly came from no where, but none of them questioned it as they used them to pelt their peers.

You watched the kids and saw that Monty seemed hesitant, fiddling with a snowball in his hand. Whenever one of the kids crossed his line of sight, he raised his hand to throw it, but a moment later his arm would fall down to his side. With a gentle smile, you hovered above him and let a small gust of wind blow across his face. F/c sparkles appeared in front of his eyes. With a bright laugh, he took up his snowball and threw it at Caleb. It landed right in the center of his face. Caleb stood there shocked for a moment before throwing his own snowball right back.

Suddenly, a snowball landed on the back of your head, and you cried in mock indignation as you turned around to face the offender. "Jack Frost!"

"It wasn't me!" Jack said with hands raised high, a smile threatening to appear on his face.

You grinned as an idea hatched inside your head and slowly started to make your way up to him. Jack's eyes widened as you got closer and closer. Soon enough, your faces became inches apart, so close to each other you swore you could see frost details in his blue irises. His eyes were searching your E/c ones for something you couldn't quite put your finger on. You didn't understand why he hadn't smashed a snowball in your face yet, but you weren't complaining. You moved your face even closer to his, and you could hear his breath hitch.

At the last moment, you moved your head to the side right next to his ear. A visible chill shook his body.

Your lips brushed against the shell of his ear as you whispered, "Gotcha."


You crashed a snowball into Jack's face and quickly ordered the breeze to pull you away from his range. He stood there for a moment stunned, and then wiped the snow off his face.

Jack smirked. "Oh, you're going to pay for that, Y/n."

Just as he was preparing to run after you, the kids all gasped, staring at girl in a pink sweater with bits of snow in her brown hair. She growled as she slowly turned to face the kids.

"Crud, I hit Cupcake," Pippa whispered worriedly.

"She hit Cupcake," Monty said as he pointed at the culprit.

"You hit Cupcake?" Claude said in a small voice.

Jamie cowered from underneath his sleigh as Cupcake stood menacingly above him with a snowman's head in her hands. A snowball suddenly hit her in the face.

"Did you throw that?" Caleb asked no one in particular.

"Nope!" Claude responded.

"It wasn't me!" Pippa squeaked.

Jack smiled perched atop his staff from behind the kids, his hand still out from after he had let go of the snowball. Blue sparkles danced in front of Cupcake's eyes. A short giggle escaped her mouth. Then another which became a full blown out laugh.

Now that her mood had considerably changed, the six kids all ran off into the neighborhood laughing as Cupcake chased them with the snowman's head raised above her own. Jack and you followed them on the wind and breeze on the side.

Jack blasted ice from his staff on the ground in front of Jamie as he said, "Little slippery!"

Once Jamie reached the ice, he tripped and landed on his sleigh. The ice caused him to slide along swiftly, dragging him away from the rest of his friends. The others cried out for him as Jamie slid straight into the street.

"Jack!" you cried as Jamie narrowly missed a car.

"Whoa! Don't worry, kid, I gotcha!" Jack said as he created an ice path for Jamie's sleigh to follow. "Hold on! It's gonna be alright!"

Jack made Jamie turn a corner right in front of a mover truck. The truck glided to the side, its door sliding up for some reason as a red couch and a bunch of boxes fell out. With a yelp, you blew a breeze toward the boxes to move them to an alleyway so they wouldn't hit anyone. Unfortunately, you couldn't push the couch, and it disappeared somewhere.

Jamie started to head straight for a building, but Jack curved the ice path to the side.

"Keep up with me, kid! Take a left!" Jack said.

You blew a breeze at him so he would follow the path. Jamie narrowly missed smacking into a man and his dogs, glided over a mountain of dirt, and turned another corner into the street. You and Jack worked together like a well oiled machine to make sure Jamie wouldn't crash into anything. The brunette boy protested the entire time he was on the unusual sleigh ride.

For a moment though, Jamie seemed to enjoy the ride, but then his eyes widened as he was headed straight for a snow plow.

"Whoa!" Jack turned the ice path to the side and created a ramp at the end in front of the statue of the town founder. A big snow bank rested at the foot of the statue.

You quickly pushed a gust of wind behind Jamie, and he barely missed the snow plow. The extra boost of speed sent him flying up into the air. It seemed for a moment he was soaring like a bird. Then reality caught up to you, and Jamie crashed head first into the snow bank.

"Yeah!" Jack cheered and pumped his fist as he landed on the base of the statue.

You slapped the back of you hand to his chest. "I can't believe you just did that!"

"Oh, come on. You have to admit, it was a little fun!" Jack said with a glimmer in his eyes.

"It was stupid. Jamie could have gotten hurt!"

"But he didn't," Jack pointed out.

You opened your mouth and then closed it a moment later. Then you huffed and crossed your arms. A couple yellow lilies sprouted up from under the snow behind you. "Yeah, okay. Maybe it was..." you muttered.

Jamie's friends appeared at the statue looking at the boy worriedly and calling for him.

Jamie got up from the snow, stumbling slightly but with a bright look on his face. "Whoa! Did you guys see that? It was amazing!" He articulated his words with wide hand gestures. "I slid- I did a jump! And-and I slid under-"

The red couch from the moving truck slammed into Jamie, knocking him to the ground.

You flinched along with Jack.

"Whoops," Jack winced as you glared at him.

A moment later, Jamie's arm popped up from behind the couch holding a tooth.

"Cool, a tooth!" Jamie said as he got up and around the couch to his friends.

"Dude! That means cash!" Claude exclaimed.

"Oh, no," Jack muttered. "No..."

"I gotta put this under my pillow," Jamie said as he and his friends started to walk off.

"Oh wait a minute, come on- hold on, hold on," Jack said and leaped down from the statue. "What about all the fun we just had? That wasn't the Tooth Fairy, that was me!"

With a deep frown, you watched as the white haired boy flew in front of the kids.

"What's a guy gotta do to get a little attention around here?" Jack asked.

A moment later Jamie and the other kids walked right through Jack like he was a ghost. Immediately, Jack's face fell. Snow started to fall. Jack stuffed his hand into his hoodie pocket and flew off without a glance toward you.


You managed to catch up with Jack, but you quickly found out he had lost his usual chatty and boisterous self. You wished your powers worked on spiritual beings so you could give him a little boost. For now, you stayed by his side so he wouldn't feel lonely.

You filled the time by reminiscing your past with him. You reminded him of when you two first met over two hundred years ago. It was springtime again, and you had just started to have the leaf buds appear on a tree in Burgess when frost had appeared on the trunk of the tree. The flowers you had planted below the tree became frosted as well.

Raising an eyebrow in confusion, your head swiftly turned to the side at the sound of laughter.  You fingers itched as they hovered over your dual daggers strapped to your thigh. You didn't see the owner of the noise, because you were in the middle of a forest with no one around. Or so you had thought.

A gasp left your mouth as striking blue eyes entered your vision suddenly. An white haired boy floated upside down in front of you wearing brown trousers and a poncho over a white shirt.

He had asked you what you were doing, and you told him your job. Then you said to him that he was ruining your work. He just shrugged and said he wanted to get your attention. He also said he thought you were the prettiest spirit he had ever seen. Then he admitted you were the only other spirit he had ever seen.

That's how you met the infamous Jack Frost.

After that moment, the two of you spent a lot of time together. Nothing much had changed for either of you over the years, except maybe your fashion choices. If you weren't making spring happen somewhere or if Jack wasn't causing trouble elsewhere, the two of you were together. That's when your feelings for the winter spirit developed.

You continued to fill the empty noise with your chatter. As you spoke, every now and then Jack would smile briefly before it faded away. Jack would sometimes let out a chuckle at particular memories like when you managed to successfully prank him for the first time, or lightly critique your version of when you both tried to show off your ice skating skills by doing tricks.

Night time came and you followed Jack to Jamie's house. The winter spirit hung upside down in front of Jamie's room window as you hovered right below it.

Inside was Sophie, her mother, Abby, and Jamie who was jumping around with a large figurine recounting the story of how he lost his tooth to them.

"And it was awesome! Then I was flying down and this hill!" Jamie said as he waved around the robot figurine. "And it was like whoosh whoosh whoosh- cars! -and then the sled hit this-this thing and it was like way up in the air and then bam! The sofa hit me!"

"Wow..." Sophie said with wide eyes.

"And-and see? My tooth?" Jamie pulled up on his upper lip to show the gap in his mouth and she giggled.

"Alright you, tooth under you pillow?" Jamie's mom asked.

"Yeah, I'm ready." Jamie turned off his lamp and placed the figurine on his nightstand. He turned on his figurine's light and then a flashlight that was on the stand.

"Now don't stay up trying to see her, Jamie, or she won't come," Jamie's mom warned.

"But I can do it this time!" Jamie said determinedly. "You wanna help me, Soph? We can hide and see the Tooth Fairy!"

"Hide, hide, hide, hide, hide!" Sophie repeated.

"Uh uh! Straight to bed now," Jamie's mother said.

Jamie groaned. "Mom..." Abby jumped on the bed and started to lick his face.

Somehow Jack's face fell even lower. Frost crawled onto the glass. He grimaced and shot up onto the roof.

You watched Jack as he slowly walked across the roof, hood over his head. "If there's something I'm doing wrong, can you...can you just tell me what it is?" He looked up at the moon longingly, like he was expecting the moon to speak. "Because I've tried...everything! And no one ever sees me." He waited for a minute but nothing happened. "You put me here! The least you can do is tell me...tell me why."


Of course, it was always nothing.

You knew Jack struggled with getting kids to believe in him. After three hundred years, it didn't look any better for him or you. He was so desperate to have just a single person to see him. At one point you were too, but eventually you put your energy into making every spring as perfect as it could be. Seeing the kids' eyes light up when signs of flowers appeared in the earth was something you always looked forward to every year.

You flew up to Jack and patted his shoulder. "It'll be okay. Someday, Jack."

"Yeah," Jack said.

He jumped and let the wind carry him to a telephone line. Frost spread out all over from wherever he stepped. You silently hovered next to him, the breeze you commanded naturally following your every move. Jack tapped his staff on the line next to him and more frost appeared.

Suddenly a streak of gold sand crossed in front of you, moving like water in a flowing river. You turned around and tapped Jack's shoulder for him to do the same.

Jack chuckled. "Right on time, Sandman."

More streams of gold sand floated through the air as they headed toward homes to give children good dreams. You wished you could do something that amazing, but all you had to offer them were sprigs of clover and boosts of inspiration. Even Jack had a lot more to offer to them than you.

The two of you marveled at the sight only you guys could see. Jack finally seemed a lot better as he watched the sand and pulled down his hood. He and you ran along the powerline and he put hand through a line of sand. A dolphin emerged from the sand and did a couple tricks around you and Jack before returning to its course as a line of sand.

You put your hand through a different string of sand, and a tiny F/a popped out. It circled around your head making you laugh. The F/a nuzzled your cheek before disappearing into another stream of sand.

You felt Jack's eyes on you, and you turned to face him. A gentle smile was on his face, and you reciprocated the look. The two of you watched in silence as all the sand slowly disappeared.

Suddenly, a large figured dashed out in front of you and Jack. Acting quickly, the two of you leaped after it onto a tree. Nothing for a moment, and then the figure sprinted past you two again. Jack and you followed behind swiftly, bouncing from surface to surface with Jack setting off a couple car alarms on the way. The two of you ended up in an alleyway, and the figure knocked over a trash can. You and Jack went back to back with him holding up his staff and you with your daggers in your hands.

"Hello there," an accented voice called out.

You and Jack quickly turned toward the voice at the entrance of the alleyway. A large figure leaned against a wall spinning what looked like a boomerang in his hand.

"Been a long time, at least for one of you. Blizzard of '68, I believe." The figure emerged from the shadows to reveal the Easter Bunny. "Easter Sunday, wasn't it?" He pointed his boomerang at Jack.

"Bunny!" You sighed with relief when you saw him and sheathed your weapons.

Jack leaned on his staff. "You're not still mad about that, are you?"

"Yes," Bunny said with a glare. "But this is about something else. Fellas?"

A large furry hand grabbed Jack by the back of his hood. Two yetis appeared from nowhere, one holding Jack and one holding a big red sack.

"Hey!" Jack cried. "Put me down!"

The yeti holding Jack shoved him into the sack.

"Bunny!" You narrowed your eyes at the rabbit.

"Sorry, sheila. You'll see soon enough," Bunny said.

The yeti that had grabbed Jack took you by the collar suddenly and put you in the sack as well. You were pretty sure you accidentally stabbed your elbow into his stomach as you were thrown in. A moment later, you could feel the sack being thrown and then swirled around before you thumped onto solid ground.

"They're here!"

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