
Y/n- Your name

L/n- Last name

E/c- Eye color


Near the end of the night, Jack, Tooth, and you ended up in Jamie Bennett's room to collect his tooth. Tooth sat next to the sleeping boy while you watched her do her job.

"Left central incisor, knocked out in a freak sledding accident, " Tooth said as she held the tooth in her hand. "I wonder how that could have happened?" She gave you and Jack a knowing look.

Jack laughed as he turned his head toward her from Jamie's drawing on the wall of the incident. "Kids, huh?"

"Don't pin me on this. It was all him," you said with a teasing look at the white haired boy.

Tooth gave a sideways smile as she spun a coin with her fingers and slipped it under Jamie's pillow. Fluttering her wings, she hovered over Jamie's sleeping body. "This was always the part I liked most- seeing the kids." A soft smile grew on her face and she lightly crossed her arms. "Why did I ever stop doing this?"

Jack hummed. "Looks a little different up close, huh?"

Tooth faced you and Jack. "Thanks for being here, you two." She put a hand on Jack's shoulder. "I wish I'd known about your memory. I could've helped you."

"Yeah, well, look let's just get you taken care of, then it's Pitch's turn," Jack said with a determined look.

The sound of North trying to squeeze his way through a window interrupted you all, his giant tooth sack hanging over his shoulder. "Here you are!"

He finally got inside, and Sandy and Baby Tooth flew in behind him. Tooth put a finger to her lips, shushed North, and pointed at the sleeping kid.

"Oh!" North whispered with wide eyes. "What gives, slowpokes? How you feeling, Toothy?"

"Believed in," Tooth said eagerly as she flew in front of North.

North let out a short laugh. "That's what I want to hear."

"Oh, I see how it is." Bunny suddenly spoke, appearing in a hole in Jamie's floor in the back corner. "All working together to make sure the rabbit gets last place."

Tooth and North harshly shushed Bunny as he hopped out of his hole.

"You think I need help to beat a bunny?" Jack pulled out his small bag of teeth. "Check it out, Peter Cottontail."

"You call that a bag'a choppers?" Bunny showed off his own bag, significantly larger than Jack's. "Now that's a bag'a choppers."

"Oh, that's cute, guys," you said with a chuckle and revealed your even larger bag of teeth to them.

Jack's jaw dropped slightly and you smirked at him.

"Gentlemen, lady, this is about Tooth," North interjected. "It's not a competition. But if it was." He slammed the largest sack of teeth out of all of you onto the floor. "I win! YEE-HA!"

North started to dance around but froze when a bright light suddenly shined on him. The group looked at Jamie, who was now wide awake in his bed and pointing a flashlight at them.

"Oh no," North whispered.

Jamie gasped. "Santa Claus. The Easter Bunny? Sandman." He moved the light to shine on each one as he said their name. "Tooth Fairy! I knew you'd come!"

"Surprise! We came!" Tooth managed a chuckle.

"He can see us?" Jack asked, his voice full of hope.

You took a step forward.

"Most of us," Bunny said, glancing at you and Jack.

With wide eyes, Jamie moved his flashlight over each of the Guardians, pausing for a second on each one. He completely skipped over Jack and you.

Jack's lips thinned into a line.

You sighed and shook your head. "Right. Of course..."

"Shh, you guys, he's still awake," Tooth pointed out.

"Sandy, knock 'em out," Bunny ordered.

Sandman nodded and punched his fist into his hand, looking threateningly at the boy. Jamie looked confusedly at him.

"With the dream sand, ya gumby," Bunny specified.

Suddenly, Abby jumped onto Jamie's bed with narrowed eyes and growled threateningly right at Bunny, baring her teeth.

"No, stop, that's the Easter Bunny! What are you doing, Abby? Down!" Jamie cried as he turned off the flashlight and put his hand on the dog.

"Alright, nobody panic," Bunny said calmly and slowly put down his bag of teeth.

"I don't think we're the ones who need to be panicking," you said, cautiously eyeing Abby.

"But that's a, um, that's a greyhound," Jack said, pointing at the mentioned animal. "Do you know what greyhounds do to rabbits?"

"Well it's a pretty safe bet he's never met a rabbit like me." Bunny squared up to the dog, and Sandy created a swirling ball of glowing golden sand in his hand. "Six-foot-one, nerves of steel, , master of tai chi, and-"

Jack tapped Jamie's alarm clock with his staff, and that set it off. The ringing sound triggered Abby to widened her eyes and growl again.

"Crickey!" Bunny yelped.

The greyhound dashed after Bunny as he bounced around the room.

Sandy got startled from the sudden movement, and the ball of sand bounced from hand to hand. Jamie tried to get Abby to stop, but the dog was set on catching the rabbit. With Bunny and Abby running all over the room, Sandy had a difficulty with aiming for the dog. You did your best with the others to avoid the two.

"Sandy!" North shouted.

Sandy went to take his shot, but Abby jumped on him which made the ball soar toward the wrong target. It ended up flying at North, but he was able to move away in time and it ended up hitting Tooth and Baby Tooth instead. Both immediately passed out on the ground, and teeth made of sand popped up above their heads.

The ball of sand didn't stop there. It continued it's trajectory and bounced off of whatever surfaces it hit. Soon it hit Bunny which stopped his panicked words and scampering. He fell to the floor with a groan and carrots appeared over his head. The ball of sand quickly hit Abby next with bones hovering her head and then it hit North.

"Candy canes," North said dreamily just before he fell onto Jamie's bed with the mentioned sweets materializing above his head.

North's greater weight compared to Jamie's caused the boy to fly into the air like when he was on his sleigh and landed in Sandman's arms. With a simple nod, sand was sprinkled onto Jamie and he immediately went to sleep.

"Whoops," Jack simply said.

You, Jack, and Sandman looked around at the sleeping figures. Bunny and North were laying close to each other, and their dreams started to mingle with each other. One of the carrots grabbed a candy cane and danced and twirled around with it.

Jack laughed at the sight. "Oh, I really wish I had a camera right now."

You couldn't help but laugh too. "Bunny would kill both of us if we did."

"It would totally be worth it," Jack said with another laugh.

Sandman grinned at you and Jack as he put Jamie back into his bed. He looked behind the two of you and his eyes widened. You and Jack quickly follow his gaze to see a Nightmare outside the window. With a bray, it sprinted away into the night.

Without hesitation, Jack and you flew after it.

"Sandy, come on! We can find Pitch!" Jack called.

You didn't look behind you to see if Sandy was following. Jack and you were right on the Nightmare's trail, not once losing it from either of your sights. Two more Nightmares appeared and galloped beside the other one. The three of them tried to lose you and Jack. Sandman swiftly caught up and flew beside you two in a cloud of golden sand. Jack laughed with elation as the three of you continued the chase.

It didn't last too much longer. Sandman was able to catch one of the Nightmares and transform it into his Dreamsand. You and Jack continued to follow after the other two Nightmares, weaving around buildings, above powerlines, and through alleyways. As they cantered onto a rooftop, Jack shot a blast from his staff at one, and you shot a gust of wind at the other from the alleyway below. The horses let out whinnies as they got hit with the blasts and then became quiet.

Jack let out another laugh. "I got it!"

"Yes!" You cheered.

The two of you jumped onto the rooftop. The horse's body that Jack hit turned into a flat, vague shape of the horse on the roof, made up of a strange mixture of black sand and Jack's ice. Some of the sand tendrils that weren't hit by the blast were still moving slightly. The one you got was spread out in the shape of a loose sharp triangle with more of the black sand concentrated at the top.

Jack tapped at the frozen Nightmare with his staff. "Sandy! Sandy, did you see that?" He laughed and examined the Nightmare. "Look at this thing."

"That's so weird," you muttered. You sat on your haunches to get a closer look at the Nightmare you hit.

"Frost? L/n?" a voice suddenly said from behind you both.

You and Jack turned quickly to see Pitch leering at you two. Jack shot at him with his staff and you threw one of your daggers at him. Pitch ducked aside and disappeared into the dark. You growled and summoned you dagger back to your hand.

"You know, for a neutral party, you both spend an awful lot of time with those weirdos." Pitch appeared on a higher rooftop next to the one you and Jack were on. "This isn't either of your fights."

"You made it our fight when you stole those teeth," Jack said, pointing his staff at Pitch.

"Give them back," you said as you gripped your daggers.

"Teeth? Why do you care about the teeth?" Pitch's face twitched, and he turned his head to see Sandman standing right next to him with crossed arms and a irked look. Pitch jumped to the side with a gasp, and then let out a laugh. "Now this is who I'm looking for."

Without hesitation, Sandman flicked two whips made of sand at Pitch, who managed to dodge all the strikes. Pitch created a large black scythe with his own sand and swung it at Sandy. The two fought, and you and Jack tried to get in to help, but you both had to duck as Pitch's scythe almost sliced both your heads off. Sandy managed to wrap a whip around the Boogeyman's wrist and threw him up high into the air before slamming him back down onto the roof. He tossed Pitch against the door to the rooftop, and then flung him to the street.

Sandy brushed off his hands in satisfaction, looking down from the edge of the rooftop at the sprawled out Boogeyman.

"Remind us not to get on your bad side," Jack said standing next to him.

"For a guy who gives good dreams, you're a lot scarier than you look," you said with an impressed look.

Sandy looked at you both with a grin before stepping off the roof and floating down to the street with you and Jack following.

"Okay, easy! You can't blame me for trying, Sandy," Pitch said as he scrambled back on the asphalt away from the three of you. "You don't know what it's like to be weak and hated! It was stupid of me to mess with your dreams." He got onto his feet with a terrified look. "So, I'll tell you what. You can have them back." His voice changed into something more sinister, and he looked at the three of you with a snarl.

The sound of a horse echoed through the street. Black sand erupted from a manhole, twirling into the form of a Nightmare. It flared its nostrils as it stomped forward toward you three and even more Nightmares grouped behind it. Another horse neigh from above prompted Jack, Sandy, and you to look up to see a Nightmare on a nearby roof. It galloped along the side of the building and onto the street with even more Nightmares following it. Soon enough, the three of you were faced with numerous Nightmares on either side of the street.

"You take the ones on the left, we'll take the ones on the right?" Jack proposed to Sandy.

You clenched your jaw. "Get ready."

Pitch came forward riding one of the Nightmares. The rest of them huffed and neighed, waiting for the command.

There was a beat of silence.

Then Pitch flicked open his hands. "Boo!"

The Nightmares charged. Sandy acted first and flicked his whips at them. A whooshing sound came from above, and you and Jack were just able to see North's sleigh zoom overhead and right above Pitch. Your attention didn't stay there for long as a Nightmare reared up with its hooves right above your head. Thinking quickly, you thrusted your dagger into the horse's exposed stomach turning it to lifeless sand.

Sandy grabbed you and Jack and swirled up into the air with his sand at his feet. The Nightmares gathered together into a stream of sand and chased after swiftly. Once you were high in the air, Sandy let go of you both. Jack was quick to smack a Nightmare that emerged from the pillar of black sand, his ice magic making it dissipate.

You and Jack hit them as they came. With your daggers, you slashed and hacked at any Nightmare you got close to. Jack shot ice blasts from his staff and hit Nightmares with it. Tooth joined in the fight, flying at the edges of your eyesight as she zipped through the Nightmares. Bunny and North came through on the sleigh with North swinging his swords at the front of the sleigh and Bunny using his boomerangs and egg bombs.

Jack watched as two Nightmares galloped toward him from opposites sides. He pinned his arms to his sides and let gravity pull him down at the last moment so the Nightmares hit each other head on. Before Jack could get back into flight, he fell onto a Nightmare which made him lose grip of his staff. Without it, he kept falling. Jack flailed his arms trying to grab his twirling staff in midair.

You quickly spotted him falling and blew a breeze at Jack's staff, which gave it just enough of a boost to get it into grasping range. He gave you a grateful look. Once he had it back in his hands, he landed on a wing of North's sleigh.

Bunny looked at Jack. "You might wanna duck."

Jack took a look behind him and quickly did as Bunny said. A boomerang sliced through the charging Nightmare and went back into Bunny's hand. The rabbit gave Jack a smirk.

Meanwhile, Sandy was completely encircled by black sand. He whipped at them with his golden weapons, but it there was too much of Pitch's sand for Sandy to turn it all into his Dreamsand. Sandy couldn't turn the black sand into Dreamsand fast enough. Pitch hovered behind Sandman in his own sand cloud, watching with sadistic satisfaction.

You landed next to Jack on the sleigh and pointed out the black mass in the sky to the others. "We gotta help Sandy!"

North urged the reindeer on. They instantly headed as fast as they could toward the struggling Sandman. They weren't fast enough.

Pitch drew an arrow and aimed at Sandy. Without delay, he let it fly. The distracted Sandman froze once it hit his back.

Jack gasped. "NO!"

Your eyes widened. "SANDY!"

You propelled yourself off the sleigh with Jack, pushing the wind you rode on to its limit so you could reach Sandy. Neither Jack or you listened to North's call to you both.

Pitch laughed as Sandman's gold self slowly turned black. "Don't fight the fear, little man!"

You heard the Guardians back on the sleigh become quieter as they fell behind. You could feel your head straining as you tried to fly even faster. Helplessly, you watched as the cloud of golden sand turned black entirely.

"Sandy..." you softly said.

"No...NO!" Jack cried out.

You and Jack bolted forward. Pitch summoned his black sand into a giant wave behind him before having it dive straight at you and Jack. You tried to stop your trajectory, but the black sand was already on you and Jack.

For a moment, all you could feel was fear. Time seemed to freeze. All you thought was the impending wave of sand headed toward you. Darkness threatened to surround your vision. You could feel your breathing start to pick up. You thought this was going to be it for you, and that you would never be able to let Jack know how you felt about him.

And then you felt a hand on top of yours. Your eyes snapped to the side to see Jack looking intensely into your E/c eyes. He gently squeezed the top of your hand. Jack's gaze gave you the reassurance you needed to snap out of your thoughts and give him a determined grin. You both shared a look with the same idea crossing your minds.

Jack shot an icy blast from his staff at the same time you blew the biggest gust of wind you ever had fired at the wave of sand. The wind spread the ice blast forward throughout all of the sand, and at the end the force of the combined blasts thrusted Pitch off his cloud. The frozen sand exploded into dust and sparkles of ice which threw you and Jack out of the wind and breeze's hold. The two of you fell through the air, too dazed from the explosion and the use of your powers to do anything.

Vaguely, you heard North shout yours and Jack's names. A furry mass entrapped your body and a soft thump signaled that you were on North's sleigh.

You looked up with a groan to see Bunny looking down at you with a worried expression. "Bunny?"

"It's alright, Y/n," Bunny said, his voice shaking slightly as he set you down on the sleigh.

As you reoriented yourself, you saw Tooth set Jack down next to you.

"Jack, h-how did you do that?" she asked him.

"It-it wasn't just me," Jack answered looking at you. "But I, I, I-I didn't know we could."

"Neither did I," you said still, trying to get your head to stop spinning.

This time Jack gently took your hand in his and squeezed. You reciprocated the action.

Without another word, North snapped the reins and directed the reindeer into a portal to the North Pole.


Back at North's workshop, a cloud of gloom settled over everyone. A triangular crest with an image of Sandman and designs pertaining to him that were depicted in gold was situated on the floor of a balcony. Candles were loosely placed around the crest. Tooth placed the last candle in front of the crest and flew back to where North and Bunny were. Yetis and elves stood behind them respectfully.

The usually noisy workshop was quiet for once. All the work that had been happening came to a halt for the ceremony.

With a glance at Bunny, Tooth joined hands with him and then eventually North. All of their attention was on the image on the floor. The elves rhythmically swung their bells attached to their heads back and forth in a mournful tune. The noise echoed throughout the mute workshop.

Even though you didn't know Sandy for very long, you still felt the immense sorrow the Guardians did. You admired the work he did and wondered what would happen to the children's dreams now. Since Sandy was gone, you hated the idea of Pitch having complete dominion over their dreams. Seeing what Pitch did only made you scared of the man more than you already were. For once in your immortal existence, you feared for your own life.

You wanted to be with the Guardians for the ceremony but one minute in you left, albeit you did quietly leave behind lilies near the crest. It felt like you were intruding on something you had no involvement with, and the mood of the entire thing just had you replaying Sandy's demise over and over again in your head. It was too much.

Instead you went to a secluded part of the workshop to process what had happened. You sat on the sill of a large window overlooking the mountainside. The sky was clear and the sun reflected off the pristine snow making it too bright for such a somber moment.

Jack soon came in and sat across from you. He had his hood pulled up over his head. You kept your eyes on the outside while fiddling with your daggers. The two of you sat in silence for a while. Not uncomfortable but not in peace either. There was a certain elephant in the room that you didn't feel like addressing but knew you had to eventually.

"What were you like?" You looked up at Jack when he spoke, his icy blue eyes gazing into yours. "I mean, in your life before?"

You casted your eyes downwards. "Pretty much the same as now I guess."

Jack nodded. "What about your family?"

A soft smile formed on your lips. "I had a sister. She was younger than me, and she looked up to me. I did my best to be a good role model, but that didn't go through my mind sometimes with some of my pranks. And my parents...They were the best. My mom was the wisest person I knew, and my dad was the most skilled person in the village in terms of hunting. He actually taught me how to use these." You held up your daggers a bit for Jack to see.

Jack examined them for a moment before looking back up at you. "Why didn't you ever tell me about your old life?"

You stomach churned when he asked the dreaded question. "Because that's not who I am. I'm not connected with that past anymore."

"Is your past that hard to talk about?"

You shifted in your spot. "Not exactly. I don't like talking about it considering it's a life I won't ever have again. Though, it's more the after my life part that I really don't like to talk about."

"So...I shouldn't continue asking?" Jack said dubiously.

You shook your head. "No. I might as well tell you since you know now. I don't want to keep things from you." You managed a small smile at him before looking out the window again. "My family...I had to watch them go. For some reason, I got to live on, and they had their own times. Honestly, I'm glad you don't remember your life, because then you have to remember all that you did before and you wonder why did you become...this." You looked down at your hands. "Why was I granted this new life and these powers?" 

"You deserve them," Jack said, putting a hand on your knee.

You scoffed. "Do I? I can't think of a single reason as to what from my old life allowed me to be given this new one. The only reason why I'm here now is because of something stupid."

"What do you mean?"

You sighed. "The last thing I remember from my past life was going out in a blizzard back to my village. Somehow I don't even remember why I was out during it. Knowing me though, it was probably a dumb dare I took for something that wasn't worth it. It was stupid."

Jack was silent for a second. "For whatever reason, you obviously did something good to become who you are right now. If you were like this in your old life, I have no doubt that you were just as amazing."

This time you smiled wide at him. "Thanks, Jack. I know I don't know how you were before, but I still think you're really cool." Jack let out a little laugh at your wording which made you smile. "I hope we get your memories back for you."

Jack smiled wistfully. "Me too."

You glanced back at the workshop. "I can't believe Sandy's gone..."

Jack's lips turned into a frown. "Yeah...Me neither."

"I never knew that could happen to us." Your fingers tapped against the hilt of your daggers.

A black rose appeared next to you in between the slots of the floorboards. 

"Pitch is gonna pay," Jack muttered.

You nodded. "I just felt so...useless."

Jack stayed quiet, but you saw his eyes flash with empathy.

Another moment of silence passed between the two of you, this time more amiable. Jack didn't remove his hand from your knee, but you didn't say anything. His hand was surprisingly a comforting cold. Jack used his other hand to press his pinky to the window, and a small image of Sandman made of frost slowly formed on it.

In the corner of your eye, you could see North approach.

"Are you two alright?" he asked.

"I just, uh," Jack said softly, "I wish I could have done something."

"Anything," you added.

"Done something?" North questioned. "Jack, Y/n, you stood up to Pitch. You two saved us."

"Well, it was more Jack really," you mumbled to yourself.

"But Sandy-"

"Would be proud," North interrupted Jack.

Jack looked up at North. He pulled down his hood and stood up facing away from the window.

"I don't know who either of you were in your past lives," North said and put a hand on both of your shoulders, "but in this life, you are both Guardians."

"Is that really who I am in this one? I don't really feel like a Guardian," you said with a sigh. "If I can't protect an immortal, then how am I supposed to protect millions of kids?"

"This is never an easy job," North said his eyes casted downwards slightly. "But we all put in our very best to ensure the safety of the children. Sometimes that's all we can do."

"How can I know who I am, until I find out who I was?" Jack wondered.

"You will," North reassured. "I feel it. In my belly."

He pat his stomach and you smiled a little.

Tooth found the three of you and said that she had something to show you all. She took you to the giant globe where the little lights were blinking out rapidly.

"Look how fast they're going out," Tooth said worriedly.

"It's fear," Jack figured, flying up close to the globe. "He's tipped the balance."

You shared a nervous look with Jack, Tooth, and North.

"Hey, buck up, you sad sacks." Bunny hopped onto the globe control panel. "We can still turn this around! Easter is tomorrow, and I need your help." You looked up at him with Tooth and North as Jack landed on the ground next to you. "I say we pull out all the stops and get those little lights flickering again."

North looked at him with a determined look. Without another word, the four of you followed him through the workshop to the wooden elevator.

"Bunny is right! As much as it pains me to say, old friend, this time Easter is more important than Christmas," North said as he exited the elevator with a kick of the gate. 

"Hey! Did everyone hear that?" Bunny said excitedly looking around as the rest of you followed North, along with a couple of yetis and elves.

"We must hurry to the Warren," North declared. "To the sleigh!"

"Oh no, mate," Bunny said, stepping in front of North's path. "My warren, my rules. Buckle up."

Bunny thumped his foot on the ground, and a hole appeared right underneath the group's feet.

"Shostakovich!" North cried right before you all, the yetis, and the elves dropped down into the hole.

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