Y/n- Your name
L/n- Last name
F/f- Favorite flower
H/c- Hair color
P/c- Pastel color
E/c- Eye color
You and Jack soared all the way to Burgess. The night was cold and the trip was quiet all the way there. It was almost like the world was devoid of any hope or joy anymore now that all but one child believed in the Guardians. No sign of Pitch anywhere or his Nightmares at all which just made you unnerved.
Once you arrived, you and Jack headed straight toward Jamie's house. You and him approached the boy's room from the outside and looked through his window to see the boy sitting on his bed looking at a brown stuffed bunny. Jamie's window was opened slightly, allowing the cold air to flow into his room but he didn't seem to mind.
"Okay, look," Jamie said seriously at the bunny, "you and I are obviously what they call a crossroads. So, here's what's gonna happen: if it wasn't a dream, and if you are real, then you have to prove it. Like, right now." Jamie leaned in closer to his bunny and waited a couple of seconds.
The bunny did nothing.
"I believed in you for a long time, okay? Like, my whole life in fact." Jamie picked up the bunny. "So you kind of owe me now. You don't have to do much- just a little sign. Anything...Anything at all."
Once again, the bunny did nothing.
Jamie's figure deflated. "I knew it."
He let go of the bunny, letting it tumble to the wooden floor.
You let out a quiet gasp. You were sure the world would be engulfed in darkness or something, but nothing happened for the moment. That alone gave you enough fire to keep trying.
"We have to do something," you said to Jack.
"But what?" Jack wondered.
You thought for a minute. "Maybe...We show him there's something else for him to still believe in."
Jack looked confused for a moment before his face lit up. You shared a look with him, the same thought passing through your minds.
He pushed the window enough so you and Jack could slip through into the bedroom. Jamie didn't notice. Jack tapped the closed middle window pane, and frost spread across the glass. Jamie's focus shifted to the window as he heard the frost crackling. Once it was covered, Jack used his finger to draw an imagine of an Easter egg in the frost.
Jamie's eyes narrowed for a moment before he gasped when he saw what Jack did. His eyes darted to the stuffed bunny on the floor before going back to the window. Just like the middle window, Jack covered the top glass pane with frost. You smiled.
Jamie stood up on his bed. "He's real."
This time Jack drew the outline of a bunny with the frost. With a glance back at Jamie, Jack concentrated on the frost bunny. A couple seconds later, the frost stirred and a 3D version of the bunny literally hopped off the pane and into the room. The frost blue bunny bounced around in the air, frost particles trailing behind it.
"Whoa!" Jamie laughed as he bounced on the bed.
He was completely captivated by the bunny and tried to touch it, but it was always just out of his reach. You and Jack couldn't help but laugh along with Jamie, your own eyes watching the bunny hop around.
You blew a little breeze into the room to guide Jamie's attention to his bedroom floor. A magnolia sprouted up from a hole in the floorboards. His eyes somehow got even bigger when he saw the flower in his floor. The bunny zoomed past his face, and Jamie focused back to it .
The bunny scampered above Jamie's bed and then exploded with a quiet puff into a slow shower of snow.
"Whoa!" Jamie stopped bouncing when he realized what was in his room. "Snow?"
A tiny snowflake landed on his nose and immediately melted upon contact. A tiny F/f appeared in his hair.
Jamie's eyes widened. He lightly touched one of the petals and whispered, "Jack Frost...Y/n L/n."
Jack's narrowed. "Did he just say...?"
"I think he d-" you started, excitement slipping through your voice.
"Jack Frost. Y/n L/n," Jamie said louder.
Jack stepped back. "He said it again. He said..."
"I can't believe this," you said slowly.
Jamie slowly turned around. When his eyes landed on you and Jack, his jaw dropped and his eyes grew as big as saucers. "Jack Frost and Y/n L/n!"
"That's right!" Jack's hands went flying to his hair as he moved around exuberantly. "But-but that's us! Jack Frost! Y/n L/n!"
"Those are our names! You said our names!" Excitement shot through your body. You looked closer at the brunette boy when his eyes stayed wide and unmoving from Jack and you. "Wait, c-can you hear us?"
Jamie, with his mouth still hanging open, lightly nodded.
"C-can you...Can you see us?" Jack asked him.
Jamie nodded again, his lips pulling into a wide smile.
Jack laughed. "He sees us! He-he sees us!"
Out of pure elation, Jack backflipped onto Jamie's table. More colorful flowers sprouted up from the floor.
"You just made it snow! And-and grew flowers!" Jamie said, completely flabbergasted.
"I know!" you and Jack said in unison.
"In my room!"
"We know!" you laughed.
"You guys are real?" Jamie questioned.
"Yeah!" Jack moved over to the window. "Who do you think brings you all the blizzards and-and the snow days?"
"Who do you think makes winter turn into spring and grows the flowers in the yards back every year?" you added.
"And you remember when you went flying on that sled the other day?" Jack asked.
"That was you guys?" Jamie said in shock.
"That was us!" Jack said.
"Mostly Jack," you quickly corrected.
"You still had a hand in it, Y/n," Jack said with an impish glance.
You put your hands up in surrender with a dramatic sigh.
"But what about the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy, like, I mean-" Jamie quickly uttered.
"Real, real, real! Every one of us real!" Jack picked up Jamie's stuffed bunny and shook it slightly as he spoke.
"I knew it!" Jamie cried as he bounced on his bed again.
"Jamie, who are you talking to?" Jamie's mother suddenly said from outside his room.
Jamie stopped bouncing. "Um..." He glanced at Jack and you. Jack cocked his head at the door as you gave him a wink, both with knowing expressions. "Jack Frost and Y/n L/n?" Jamie tried.
Jamie's mother chuckled. "Okay."
The three of you shared a couple giggles. A strong gust of wind suddenly blew Jamie's window wide open, and you and Jack quickly went to it. Thunder rumbled as dark clouds hovered high in the sky.
The sound of sleigh bells ringing sounded out through the neighborhood. You and Jack flew outside to meet whoever was coming. The sleigh laid crookedly on the street in front of Jamie's house. North's reindeer who were supposed to be at the front were nowhere to be seen.
Tooth from inside the sleigh pointed to you and Jack with a gasp as you two approached. "Look!"
North rose up from in the sleigh as Tooth tried to fly out of it but ended up falling to the asphalt.
"Jack! Y/n!" Tooth brushed herself off as you and Jack reached her.
"You okay?" Jack asked the fairy.
Tooth just gave you and him an embarrassed look as she smoothed the feathers on her head back.
North came up beside her using one of his swords as a cane. "What are you two doing here?"
Jack shrugged. "Same as you."
He glanced back at the house. Jamie ran outside to the front lawn in his pajamas barefoot, eyes again growing big at the sight of the two Guardians.
"The last light," North said. He stood a little taller as he spoke.
Jamie ran up to where you all were. "Wow! It is you! I mean, it is you!" He laughed as he touched North's hand. "I knew it wasn't a dream!"
Jamie turned to look straight at you and Jack.
"Jack...Y/n...He sees you two," North said in awe. Tooth smiled beside him.
Jack gently nudged Jamie with a grin, and you ruffled the boy's hair.
You looked around and noticed there was someone missing. "Wait, but where's Bunny?"
"Losing Easter took a toll on all of us." North shared a look with Tooth. "Bunny most of all."
He and Tooth looked back at the sleigh. A second later, a tiny, fluffy version of Bunny hopped onto the side of the sleigh. Your eyes grew wide and your jaw dropped. You could not believe what you were seeing with your very eyes.
Jack's face dropped. "Oh no."
Bunny hopped onto the wing of the sleigh. His nose twitched adorably as he sniffed the night air.
Jamie chuckled as he strolled up to him. "That's the Easter Bunny?"
Bunny faced Jamie and stood up on his tiny hind legs. "Now somebody sees me? I mean, where were you about an hour ago, mate?"
You sighed. "There's the Bunny we all know."
Jamie turned to the rest of you. "What happened to him? He used to be huge and cool, and now he's...cute."
Jamie scratched Bunny under his cheek. The rabbit's eyes rolled to the back of his head, and his foot thumped rapidly on the wing. If you all survived, you told yourself you would not be letting this down at all for him.
Bunny quickly swatted Jamie's hand away with his tiny paw when he realized what he was doing. "Did you two tell him to say that?" He asked to you and Jack. He jumped off the sleigh toward you two and kicked at both of your legs. It felt like cotton balls hitting you.
Bunny backed away a little and put his little fists up while bouncing on his feet. "That's it, let's go! Two against one!"
Jamie kneeled down next to Bunny. "No, actually, they told me you were real. Just when I started to think that maybe you weren't."
Bunny glanced at you and Jack before looking at Jamie, his posture shrinking a little bit. "They made you believe? In me?"
Jamie nodded. Bunny stared back and you and Jack. A sincere smile formed on his face. You and Jack smiled back, a sense of understanding and appreciation passing between you three.
The moment was broken by a clap of thunder which made Bunny yelp. A bright white light flashed for a moment in the sky. Immediately your eyes were drawn to the grey clouds above. A cloud of black sand hovered high in the air clear for you all to see. Pitch's figure could just barely be seen standing at the very front. Thunder sounded out again as more lightning flashed behind him from within the clouds.
Jack glared at the sand cloud before glancing at North for a moment. "Get Jamie out of here."
The said man nodded and gently pulled the boy behind him.
Jack looked at you and held out his hand. "You ready?"
You didn't hesitate to put your hand in his. "With you, always."
The two of you shot up toward Pitch, just barely hearing North call out, "Be careful!" before he was out of hearing range. Jack held his staff with a white knuckled grip as you put your free hand into a fist.
Pitch immediately spotted you two flying at him. "Jack Frost! Y/n L/n!" He huffed with a grin as he gathered all the sand around him into a twirling vortex and fell rapidly at you and Jack. "Let's end this, shall we?"
Jack instantly shot a sharp blast from his staff at the same time you blew a gull of wind at Pitch. The Boogeyman halted in place once the forces hit him, but he didn't seemed any more deterred than that.
"That little trick doesn't work on me anymore!" Pitch announced.
He put his hands out in front of him to block the continuing blasts, advancing forward quickly at you and Jack. You put all you had into that blast of wind, but Pitch was stronger. His Nightmare sand blew you backward harshly and made you and Jack fall out of the sky. You could just hear Pitch's laughter drift off as you fell. Too dazed from the hit, neither you or Jack couldn't stop yourselves from faceplanting in an alleyway, but not before hitting a rooftop and a dumpster on the way there.
"Jack! Y/n!" you heard Jamie cry.
Tooth, North, and Jamie came up to you two as you both struggled to get to your feet.
"That was good try. A for effort," North tried, patting Jack on the back and then you.
Jack leaned his hands on his knees. "He's stronger."
"I don't think we can beat him," you said with a pained groan.
Tooth and North shared a worried look. Lightning flashed and thunder roared. Pitch's laughter sounded out as his shadow passed over the alleyway. All of you looked around for Pitch's physical body.
"All this fuss over one little boy and he still refuses to stop believing!" Pitch's voice echoed. A shadow of Pitch on his horse with sand rippling behind them passed over the side a semi truck that was in front of you. "Very well. There are other ways to snuff out a light." Pitch's hand in the form of a shadow passed over the lights on the side of the building next to you, the illuminations bursting into mere sparks whenever his hand went by them.
Bunny leaped forward. "If you want him, you'll have to go through me."
A giant shadow hand appeared on the alleyway ground. "Oh, look how fluffy you are!" Pitch's pointer finger nudged at Bunny's foot. "Would you like a scratch behind the ears?"
Bunny zipped away and climbed onto North's hand. "Don't you even think about it!"
Nightmares cantered forward at the alleyway's entrance.
"I can't tell you how happy it makes me to see you all like this!" Pitch appeared last behind the Nightmares on his horse "You look awful." A malicious smirk appeared on his face. Even more thunder and lightning flashed behind him.
You and Jack kept Jamie behind you two as the Nightmares approached, their shadows stretching forward on the asphalt.
Your head snapped to Jamie, along with Jack's.
Jamie looked into your eyes. Fear encompassed his. "I'm scared."
You quickly kneeled with Jack to face Jamie. Your mouth opened, but for the first time you had no idea what to say.
Suddenly a memory flashed in your mind. The image of your sister's terrified face appeared in your head when she saw you prepared to leave the house that fateful night. Her face looked just like Jamie's right now.
You tried to remember what you did in that moment to assuage her fears.
"Jamie, I need you to be courageous and strong for us so we can defeat Pitch. Can you do that for us?" you gently asked the boy.
Jamie nodded assuredly but still looked troubled. "But how do I do that?"
You gripped his shoulders firmly. "By believing in us. That's all you have to do."
Jamie smiled a little at your words. "I can do that."
You looked to Jack. "Do you have any ideas on how to get out of this?"
Jack looked like he was deep in thought. His wide eyes didn't falter. "We're gonna have a little fun," Jack whispered. "That's it. That's my center!"
Jamie looked at him with furrowed brows, but your eyes widened in realization.
"My center...I understand now," you murmured.
Pitch laughed loudly. His Nightmare sauntered closer to your group. "So what do you think, Jamie? Do you believe in the Boogey-AH!"
A bright blue snowball hit Pitch directly in the face. Two Nightmares' heads shot up, startled.
Jamie let out a short laugh before quieting himself with an embarrassed expression. North didn't hold back his laughter, and Tooth's eyes grew wide with amusement. You laughed with Jack, the winter spirit tossing a fresh snowball in his hand. You glanced around the alleyway and spotted a bunch of trash leaning on the side of the building.
Jack must have seen the same thing because he looked at Jamie with a smirk. "Now let's go get your friends."
With Pitch distracted by the sudden snow to his face, Tooth, North, Bunny, and Jamie were all able to grab one of the trash pieces and use them as sleds. Jack flew as he created a path of ice out of the alleyway and onto the street. You were also flying and used the wind to move the ones on the sleds forward continually on the ice. The streets were empty (except for a man walking his dog who both got startled when you all passed by) which was perfect for the unusual mode of transportation through the neighborhood.
Laughter erupted from everyone as you all moved along. Jack curved his ice path whenever the street turned and you shot puffs of wind at the others to turn them along the path. Jack even made a curved ramp that flung the sled riders into the air for a moment before being caught on another ramp and continuing on through the streets. When Bunny came down, he and his pan sled landed in North's hand. Jack created another ice ramp which vaulted them over a building.
You all soon came across Cupcake's house. Jack threw a snowball at her bedroom window and woke her up. Snow fluttered in her room just like in Jamie's. A couple snowflakes fell onto her face and turned into blue sparkles once they touched her skin. Jack made snow fall in Pippa's room as well, and she woke up to that with flowers in her room and outside her window.
Jack had the idea to hold Jamie outside of Pippa's window from the back of his shirt collar. Once she looked out of it, she could only see Jamie floating in mid air.
Pippa quickly pulled open her window. "Jamie, how are you doing that?"
"Jack Frost!" Jamie answered. "Come on, we need your help!"
Jack pulled Jamie away from the window. You could only imagine Pippa's perspective.
As Jack flew away with Jamie, you sprinkled some of your F/c sparkles onto Pippa's face. Just before you were both out of sight, Jack made it snow in Jamie's other friends' rooms and you grew flowers on their floors as well. North even joined in and put presents at the foot of Claude and Caleb's beds.
Soon enough, you had a whole procession line going on through the streets with the kids joining the ice ride through the streets with their own sleds. At one point, North, Bunny, and Tooth passed by the twin's house and called out to them precisely as expected.
"Merry Christmas!"
"Happy Easter!"
"Don't forget to floss!"
The kids whooped and hollered as they traveled along the ice path. They shouted out how they couldn't believe the figures they had been told about for their entire lives were actually real.
You and Jack continued the ride through the neighborhood, each look from the kids filling you with an immeasurable amount of joy. Making your way downtown, you and Jack stopped the sleigh ride when you saw what was looming beyond the tall buildings.
Pitch's black sand rose up in a wide wave, the man himself atop a building on his horse. Light flashed behind the wave of sand making it even more menacing. All you could do was stare frozen with the others at the oncoming storm.
"Yeah!" Monty charged ahead of you all, then promptly made a wide turn to get behind North, screaming in terror when he saw the sand rising in the distance.
"You think a few children can help you? Against this?" Pitch gestured behind him at the sand rolling in from all around the little town.
North tried holding up his sword bravely, but his arm fell down in order to lean on the weapon for support. You and Jack placed your hands on his arms to keep him up. In the corner of your eye, you could see Jamie move slightly forward with a scared gasp.
Jack tried to reassure the boy. "They're just bad dreams."
"They can't hurt you," you said.
The kids still all looked scared. You thought if you were them you would feel the same.
"We'll protect you, mate," Bunny told them.
"Oh, you'll protect them?" Pitch laughed condescendingly. "But who will protect you?"
You stood still, not knowing how to respond. You could put up as tough as a wall as you could, but Pitch knew how to hit all the cracks within it. You would be lying if you said Pitch didn't scare you still.
Nonetheless, you stepped forward with Jack prepared to bite back at Pitch. Then Jamie came forward in front of both of you.
"I will," Jamie declared.
You looked at him in surprise.
Cupcake moved forward as well. "I will!"
Caleb and Claude joined with their own statements of, "I will!"
Your heart swelled with affection and pride. You and Jack shared a smile.
Pippa moved next to Jamie. "And me."
"I-I'll try," Monty squeaked, standing next to Claude.
You wiggled your fingers at your side. F/c sparkles drifted over to Monty and delicately landed on his nose. He seemed to stand up straighter and his face became more determined.
Jamie looked back at you and Jack. You and him gave the boy a concerned look but didn't try to stop him or the other kids. You were proud of them for standing up for you and the others against the Boogeyman, but you still couldn't help but be a little worried.
You grabbed your knives getting ready for a fight. Jack held up his staff as North and Tooth moved right next to him. The kids looked scared, but they didn't back down from Pitch's intense stare.
"Still think there's no such thing as the Boogeyman?" Pitch asked.
The sand fell like a tidal wave onto the street headed straight toward your group. Your hands clasped onto your daggers harder. You were prepared at any moment to drop them and use your powers if needed. The sand drew closer and closer by the second, but no one backed down.
Jamie took another step forward. "I do believe in you. I'm just not afraid of you."
He held out his hand toward the sand, and the other kids followed suit. The sand spiraled down at you all like a gigantic drill. You braced yourself for the impact.
Just when the black sand touched Jamie's hand, it exploded into streams of golden sand. You gasped in shock at the sight. The black sand was completely gone, replaced with the bright golden sand. It rushed through the streets and over buildings just like how it did just days before. All of you cried out in amazement as you watched. Pitch could only stare in disbelief.
Suddenly, Tooth's face brightened as her wings began to flutter rapidly. She actually was able to lift off the ground. With a cheerful shout, she zipped away with the renewed energy as the kids cheered her on.
North's eyes grew wide as he became stronger as well. He lifted both of his swords up high with a jolly shout. The kids cheered him on as well.
Pitch's horse reared as the man himself fumed. "No! Get them! Do your job!"
The remaining Nightmares snorted and charged.
Bunny was by himself as he closed his eyes with a hopeful expression. "Oh yeah, come on, come on!"
His moment was interrupted as Nightmares stampeded toward the rabbit. Bunny yelped, "Crikey!" and swiftly hopped away.
North- completely rejuvenated -chucked two snow globes on the asphalt, releasing two portals. Yetis came flooding out of them ready to fight. The kids gawked at the yetis along with the lively toys that also emerged from the portals.
Bunny unfortunately was still being chased by the Nightmares, screaming, "I'm just a bunny!"
He managed to scramble under a car, but one Nightmare was able to nip his little cottontail. When the horse pulled him out from under the car, a fully grown Bunny hung upside down with a smug look.
"G'day, mate." Bunny spun his boomerangs in his hands and kicked the horse holding him in its snout. He threw both weapons at two Nightmares, turning them into lifeless sand. Once he did that, Bunny tapped his foot on the ground, creating a giant hole right in the street. The giant stone eggs popped up from the hole, one even emerging from under one of the twins.
"Come on!" Bunny yelled, and the eggs turned their massive heads to the angry looking side and charged into battle.
Cupcake led the other kids into the fight with an enthusiastic, "Let's get 'em!"
Without an ounce of hesitation, the kids ran at the Nightmares. One of North's elves who decided to join in launched launched itself at one of the Nightmares from a little bike with a side car and clamped his teeth onto the horse's leg. The kids simply placed their hands on the Nightmare, and the black sand instantly turned gold.
The sound of everyone battling faded to the back of your mind as you and Jack flew up to where Pitch was on the rooftop. You and him made quick work of all the Nightmares that were near Pitch and promptly pursued the Boogeyman.
Pitch growled and flicked the reins of his horse and came straight at you. He threw a stream of sand at you both, and you and Jack expertly dodged it. Jack blasted a shot of ice from his staff at the same time you threw one of your daggers at Pitch.
The man simply ran away on his horse to another rooftop. Jack followed after Pitch as you summoned your dagger back into your hand and then went after him.
Once you arrived on the rooftop, Jack was frozen in place as Pitch threw a black sand spear at the boy. You acted quickly, sending a gust of wind at the spear and successfully threw it off its trajectory.
Jack's eyes snapped to your figure. "Thanks, Y/n!"
Pitch tried to retreat again, but when he turned around Bunny popped out of a chimney that was behind him.
"Ho, ho, ho!" Bunny threw one of his boomerangs on the last word, Pitch moving aside just enough for the projectile to hit some Nightmares instead.
Pitch turned to another direction and managed to jump off the roof. North was on the one adjacent to the one Pitch was on a moment before. The Boogeyman created another sand spear, fully prepared to strike the larger man, but North skillfully slashed his horse to bits before he could with a single swipe sending Pitch flying to the ground.
He got up fairly quickly only to see North running at him with both swords drawn. Pitch retaliated with his sand scythe and knocked him down along with his swords. Bunny quickly jumped in with his boomerangs, hopping around Pitch's swings. The Boogeyman swung at the rabbit, and his scythe got stuck in the asphalt when Bunny dodged. Tooth took the opportunity to dive bomb at Pitch from above. He managed to pry his weapon out before she came too close but was too slow with his swing. You flew around Pitch and blasted a particularly strong gust of wind at his chest, knocking the breath out of his lungs. Jack landed the final hit from behind, kicking Pitch far enough to have him face the five of you staring him down threateningly.
"It's over, Pitch," Jack said as you all slowly backed the said man into a dark street.
"There's no place to hide," you said, narrowing your facial features.
For a moment, Pitch actually looked scared. Then a sinister smirk formed on his face as he fell into the shadow of the street with a cackle.
You all looked around to see where he would pop up to show his face again. No one noticed the giant shadow figure looming on the side of an adjacent building. And no one noticed Pitch rise up from behind Jack, giant scythe in hand ready to swing.
At the last moment, you saw Pitch move from the corner of your eye, and your eyes widened. "Jack, look out!"
You threw one of your daggers at Pitch. He easily swayed to the side, the projectile drawing Jack's attention to the man behind him. He was frozen in place, staring wide eyed at Pitch. You rose up in the air on the wind, fully prepared to take the blow in place of Jack, when suddenly a line of golden sand wrapped around Pitch's wrist.
The Boogeyman yelped as the sand yanked him away. He arched up high through the air and landed roughly in the little snow that was left on the ground in front of a swirling sand, cocoon-like shape on top of a nearby hill.
You couldn't help but smile along with the others when you saw it. Once the small, stout figured came out from the cocoon, you beamed with absolute joy.
Sandman in all his golden glory emerged from the swirling sand. Pitch's face was the perfect image of fear, down at the golden man's feet.
Sandy pulled Pitch closer by the string of sand around his wrist to have him face to face. With a condescending wag of his finger, Sandy uppercut Pitch throwing him high up into the air. He went so high the sand whip attached to his wrist went completely vertical.
The kids came around to see Sandman and gasped.
"The Sandman!" Monty gaped.
Sandy formed a bowler hat on his head and tipped it to the children as they cheered. After he did so, Sandy pulled the whip down sending Pitch roughly to the ground.
You and the others took the opportunity to surround Sandy with complete and utter joy on your faces. North even lifted Sandy up into the air with a laugh. The amount of euphoria you were feeling couldn't even be put into words.
In the moment, you felt Jack slip his hand into yours. He interlaced your fingers together, and you couldn't help but feel like that's how your hands were supposed to be like all the time. You squeezed his hand before focusing back on Sandy.
"Mate, you're a sight for sore eyes," Bunny commented.
Once you were all done greeting Sandy, the golden man rose up into the air on a whirling cloud of sand. Streams of gold sand curled off of his body. The sand moved through the air like water toward children's rooms, giving them the good dreams they had been missing.
The children dispersed, turning any other Nightmares that were around into golden sand. A thump sounded from behind you, and you turned to see a life sized sand brontosaurus making his way past you. Looking around more, you could see the heads of two more of those dinosaurs a couple yards over. Sting rays and dolphins leaped and glided through the sky. Sand snowflakes fell from the sky and tiny sand gardenias gently drifted through the air.
A small school of sand fish swam over to Jamie. He reached out to touch it when a snowball hit his back. Turning around, Jamie looked to see Jack and you behind him. Jack was tossing another bright blue snowball in one hand and still holding onto yours with the other. You hid your smile from behind your free hand but couldn't stop the giggle from leaving your lips.
Jamie laughed freely and reached down to make a snowball. He threw it at Monty, sending the boy to the ground. The other kids quickly joined in on the fun, including Jamie's sister Sophie. Even the yetis and Baby Tooth couldn't help but join the snowball fight.
North stood next to you and Jack watching the fight with a smile of his own.
After a moment, North turned to look at you both. "Your centers?"
"Well, it took a while," Jack said as he glanced at the fight for a moment, "but we figured it out."
North nodded with satisfaction before tossing you and Jack something small.
Your reflexes kicked in and you caught the object with both your hands. Looking at it closer, you saw that it was a baby Russian nesting doll of you, just like the one of North from his office. Your H/c with the P/c streaks, big E/c eyes, and even your sheath for your daggers were all delicately and intricately painted to your liking. You gently held the doll in your hand, admiring it with a smile.
You looked up to give North a smile of thanks and Jack laughed tenderly. North let out a hearty chuckle before a snowball smashed against the back of his head. Quickly turning around, the three of you saw the twins behind you, and they both pointed fingers at an elf between them.
North leaped into the air with a laugh. "You're all on naughty list!" He quickly formed a snowball as the twins ran off. "Bunny! Think fast!"
The snowball landed squarely on the unsuspecting rabbit's face, knocking him down onto the snowy ground.
North, you and Jack ran over to the children and joined in on the fight. Two yetis were throwing giant snowballs at each other as the rest of you flung smaller ones at each other. You had to say, the children were worthy adversaries. The Guardians even put up a good fight.
You laughed along with the others, throwing snowballs at anyone who got close to you. Whenever someone landed a snowball on you, couldn't help but yelp at the sting of the sudden cold. Somehow you managed to get a hit on Jack while he was distracted by pelting Bunny with magically summoned snowballs. He stopped his movements once it landed, giving Bunny the out he needed to bounce away to safety from the barrage of snow.
Giggling, you made another snowball and prepared get another hit on Jack. The white haired boy quickly turned around just as you formed the ball.
You laughed nervously when you noticed his astonished expression turn mischievous. "Hey, Jack..."
"Y/n...Don't you dare," Jack warned, playfulness slipping through his voice.
"Or what?"
Jack smirked and you knew you were in for it. You watched his every move as his strode up you, not moving an inch. He walked straight up to you, and his eyes never left yours. Your breath hitched when Jack drew his face right in front of yours. His eyes glittered like pristine snow. You both stood there for a moment just looking into each other's eyes. An unspoken agreement seemed to pass between you two as you nodded ever so slightly.
Time seemed to stand still for a moment when he kissed you.
With one of his hands, Jack cradled the side of your face tenderly and used his other to pull you in closer by the waist. You shut your eyes once his cold lips touched yours, completely melting into the kiss. Butterflies erupted in your stomach. Every touch sent tingles throughout your entire body. Your own lips warmed up his as both of your lips moved against each other. He tasted like freshly fallen snow and peppermint. He still smelled like mint and pine leaves. You could feel red roses spring up from the snowy ground.
You and him smiled into the kiss. You gripped his soft hoodie in your free hand for a moment before sliding your arms around his neck. Jack was gentle with his movements as if you were made of sheets of ice. He made a sound of contentment before pulling away finally for air. You dropped your arms to your side and slowly opened your eyes to see his face had stayed close to yours.
Nothing but complete and utter adoration shined from within his bright blue eyes. You hoped your own conveyed the same thing.
"How was that?" Jack asked with a smirk, but you could hear his voice shake slightly.
You couldn't help but peck his lips. Bliss still surged through your body. "It was perfect. You're amazing."
A grin appeared on his face. "Good. I think you're amazing too. Just keep that in mind for the next couple of minutes."
Your brows furrowed. "Why would I-?"
Jack swiftly snatched the snowball from your hand and smashed it in your face. He immediately burst into laughter right after as you stood there with a stunned look. He laughed so hard he had to support himself with his hands on his knees.
Wiping the snow off your face, you gave Jack a deadpan expression.
Jack eventually stood back up, the smile never leaving his face. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry. But you gotta admit, that was good."
You rolled your eyes and pulled him into another kiss by the collar of his hoodie.
You could have stayed frozen in that moment forever, but sadly it was interrupted when Pitch stood up on his feet and opened his mouth.
A/N. I'm really really sorry for such a late update. School really hated me for a while and that made me kind of lose motivation to write for this story, but I am determined to finish it. I hate leaving stories unfinished so you best expect there to be a final chapter. When that'll be...that's very much undetermined. This is such a lonnngggg chapter as well- longest one actually -so that's why this one took so long to come out too. Editing actually didn't take me as long as usual. I hope you all liked it. Let me know what you all thought! Comment and vote! -Anna
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