Tales of the Georgia Vampires: Northern Lights
A/N: This was written for the @CitifiedFantasy prompt
"Oh hell no! I forgot the tacos! Wait a minute, Karly-bear, while I get them," Chris said as he slid out of the passenger seat.
"Goddamnit, kid. You've only just got in the truck," Karl roared as the passenger side door slammed shut behind the other vampire.
Chris blinked through the open passenger-side window before he said - "I won't be a moment, babe. We can't leave without the star of the show. I'm not spending all night making that shit to leave without them."
"Well, goddamned hurry up then. Infant child," Karl groused as he settled back behind the wheel again.
Chris directed a grin through the window, yet Karl studiously ignored that smile and certainly did not respond to it—not that Chris expected his husband to do anything of the sort. Chris chuckled—more to himself than to the other vampire—before he hurried away towards the front door of Hensen House.
Chris was aware of Karl's gimlet glare boring into his back as he fumbled with the keys on purpose. He was giving Karl a good show of uncharacteristic clumsiness to ramp up the tension and to truly give the other vampire cause for complaint - not that Karl ever needed a cause to begin with.
Chris finally opened the front door and scurried inside; Hensen House was dark with the absence of light and heat from the kitchen. Things had been shut down for the night in preparation for the vampires' absence at the Food Truck Friday event near the Atlanta City Hall. Christmas Lights and festivities were promised and so the vampires had baked a whole gamut of goodies for the event to show off their wares and to hopefully attract more customers to their amalgamated businesses.
Chris didn't need light to guide his way, however; instead, he padded confidently through the kitchen, using his vampiric night vision to steer his steps. He made his way to the fridge, pulled out the required goodies, and slammed the door closed.
Once he'd returned to the front door, he saw that Karl was still staring out of their food truck. That same gimlet glare continued to narrow Karl's eyes; anger glimmered at the edges of his expression as a dark scowl pulled equally dark brows down low over normally kind hazel eyes. Chris grinned at his husband and balanced the tacos on the verandah railing before he secured the door with lock and key. He grabbed the food and sprinted towards the food truck, slammed the tacos inside and re-took his place in the passenger side again.
"You took your goddamned time," Karl groused even as he fired up the engine.
"I took two minutes," Chris objected as he checked his watch indignantly. "That's hardly any time at all."
Karl grumbled out an incoherent response which could have meant something or nothing at all - it was hard to tell with Karl sometimes, Chris mused. He thought that Karl's sole purpose in vampiric undeath was to grumble and groan his way through every night's travails, yet Chris knew that his husband had a kind heart beneath it all. The words and anger were merely a bluff and Chris was often comforted by them.
Chris sighed and stretched with near-feline grace as Karl navigated his way down the drive, leaving Hensen House behind them as they made their way finally into Atlanta proper. Traffic snarled through the streets in trails of red and white lights, soon joined by the much more festive drapery of Christmas decorations as they passed Piedmont Park.
Once they'd reached City Hall, they parked alongside a multitude of similar food trucks, all owned by other eating establishments dotted around Atlanta. The scent of food being cooked had already started to fill the air with both a savoury and sweet fug and prospective customers had started to arrive. Soon both Chris and Karl were serving with abandon - Chris admittedly more cheerfully than Karl, as per usual.
Partway through the evening, Karl slipped off, hungry eyes scanning the crowds to pinpoint likely victims; he left Chris holding the metaphorical fort at the food truck as he did so. Soon, Karl picked out his first, mesmerised the man and took him off into the shadows, away from the thud and pull of life and the multi-coloured wash of the Christmas lights.
His fangs pierced flesh and he closed his eyes as the iron-rich blood flooded his tongue and stained his throat. He took just enough to mesmerise his victim, to leave him with nothing more than a sense of confusion and no memory of what had happened to him come morning's first light. Something in Karl's bite made the victim forget what had happened if Karl did not choose to kill them first.
Karl melted amongst the crowds once more after he'd finished, and chose four more victims in quick succession until finally his bloodlust was sated for the night. He returned to the food truck and waited for Chris to finish serving his current - and incredibly indecisive - customer before Chris slipped out of the truck to perform a hunt similar to Karl's own.
Karl felt warm and well fed and some of his previous grumpiness slid away - though that gruff exterior never truly left him. It never did. Though he grumbled and scowled his way through serving, he still waited patiently for his husband's return and once Chris climbed back into the food truck, they continued serving together for a while.
The hour grew late and the customers began to peter out, leaving only the most strong-hearted behind; the food trucks began to pack up their wares and to close down for the night. They didn't leave immediately; instead, it seemed as though a lot of the vendors were hanging back, with an air of expectancy hanging around them.
It was Chris who asked the inevitable question of the nearest food vendor - "What's happening?"
"Haven't you heard? It's the Northern lights display tonight," the man replied with just enough scoffing sarcasm to his tone that Karl growled in annoyance slightly.
The human didn't seem to notice yet Chris did. Chris shot his husband a warning look despite the smile that tugged at his lips and threatened to spill his fangs into clear view of the human. Chris stopped himself from grinning just in time - the vampires never showed their fangs to the humans and so never revealed their true natures to anyone they weren't feeding upon.
"No. We didn't know. We've been too busy preparing for tonight to keep up with such news," Chris said with an air of corresponding sarcasm.
The human seemed to accept that remark because he nodded and glanced up to the sky. He fell silent and the vampires did not feel the need to pursue the conversation further. Instead, they drifted away from the remaining humans, to find a viewing spot for themselves.
Chris sighed and placed an arm around Karl's waist even as he stared up at the night sky. Karl huffed in sudden amusement and returned the half-hug, one hand propped proprietorially against the other vampire's hip. Chris snuggled closer yet still did not look at his husband. They remained silent, expectant, before Chris sighed.
"I've always wanted to see the Northern Lights," he said dreamily.
"Yeah? That so? You've never said," Karl said gruffly despite his sudden amused smile.
"It's not the type of thing you just suddenly announce halfway through baking the pot roast, babe," Chris pointed out which made Karl wheeze out a rare laugh.
"True enough," Karl allowed with a slow nod.
Chris glanced at his husband and grinned before he said - "I'm sure there are plenty of things that you want to see but you've never announced in turn."
"I'd love to see goddamned Paris but I ain't ever seen that," Karl allowed after a brief moment's thought.
Chris' thick eyebrows arched high over suddenly surprised blue eyes before he gave his husband a lopsided smile.
Karl shot the other vampire a swift glance before he asked - "What?"
"That's a bit romantic for you, isn't it?" Chris asked and his voice was warmed by his inherent surprise. "Paris is the City Of Love, after all."
"I know, asshole," Karl said gruffly. "Doesn't mean to say that I don't want to see it. I can be romantic."
"Yeah. I know. Occasionally," Chris said and giggled his way out of his husband's embrace when Karl threatened jokingly to punch him.
Karl's sudden grin warmed his face and he allowed Chris to return and settle against him once more. They stood in silence for a while, gazes locked on the sky until finally, the first burst of blue and green miasma danced and shimmered across the sky, intershot with vague purple lines. They were barely visible through the light pollution yet with the vampires' enhanced supernatural vision, that light display still was clearly seen.
Chris inhaled sharply, holding an unnecessary breath as he stared up in wonder at the beautiful display. Karl too was entranced, hazel eyes wide and locked on the swaying shimmer of reflected light particles dancing mystically above their heads.
"It's so beautiful," Chris choked out and it seemed to Karl then that Chris might even cry.
Karl sighed and tilted Chris' face to his before he planted a kiss upon his husband's mouth. Chris responded eagerly, tongue lapping at Karl's lips until Karl allowed him entrance. They remained kissing for a while until both vampires eased away from one another, to direct their gazes up to the still shimmering light display above their heads.
Chris sighed happily, hands resting upon Karl's broad shoulders yet neither of them spoke. They were too enraptured by the magical sight for that; instead, they stood and watched until finally the light display faded, swallowed up once more by the lights that always permeated Atlanta's night streets.
"Well, that was worth hanging around for," Karl said with a wry twist to his mouth. "Glad I suggested that."
"You damned well didn't, you big fat liar," Chris said and laughingly ducked away from Karl's slapping hand.
Karl barely suppressed a gruff chuckle even as Chris danced in against him and stole another kiss before he allowed himself to be led away by Chris, back to their food truck. The humans had already left, much to Karl's relief; they piled into their truck and pulled away to head back to Hensen House once more.
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