
Weclome to 'From Words on Paper', where we get to know some of our favorite authors, and learn more from them beside what they create for the fandom.

Tonight on the show, we're joined by Darkstarkid98. A writer that makes long and interesting stories, such as 'Withered Rose', the first 'abused and neglected' story I read, and a story that hasn't got a more defined title yet, 'RWBY Neglected magic reader x Malachite twins'. And we're glad that he could join us here, tonight.

Artomix: First off, thank you for participation on 'From Words on Paper'. It's a honor to have you here. 

Boogeyman: Ah c'mon, I'm not so special. But thank you though. 

Artomix: I want you to know that you're not forced to answer a question if you don't want to and you're free to ask me questions as well. 

Boogeyman: M'kay 

Artomix: Alright. The question that I like to start off is, who are you? So why don't you tell us a bit about yourself. 

Boogeyman: Well...I go by Robin by most people I know. I'm a rather...random person. I normally go on funny, sad, or whacky things that pop into my head. It's kind where i started writing the fanfic. 

I'm not very quiet unless i have to be. I'm also a man of principle. If your kind then I'm kind too. Now I understand that some people arent the nicest and i get that. But there's a fine line between being harshly honest and being a jerk. 

I also love music, horror films, video games, anime, and rping too. Oh and writing of course. 

Artomix: I can understand what you mean by a 'man of principle'. I'm similar in that regards, and being a Capricorn, you don't want to be on our bad sides.

Anyway, the next questions is about your artistic name, what does it mean to you?

Boogeyman: Hmm....what does it mean to me?...........Hmmm....I guess it holds a sense of individuality to me.

Artomix: An artistic can mean a lot to someone.

Like mine, it's a name of my main Oc that has been with me since six years old, and he's basically my imagination personified. Is there something similar like that to you?

Boogeyman: Yes actually. I had an OC that I made, stuck with, reworked, improved on, and even reimagined sense I was 7.I always liked to draw. Always have. I started drawing when i first learn to use a pencil. 

Artomix: So another artist is among us. Nice.

Boogeyman: He's basically my first ever creation and I hold the OC dear to me. Though....I've never actually placed him in a story...

Artomix: I more or less gave him a cameo appearance as the main character on 'Harmonic Heart'. Although, that was only his looks and not how he acted.

Anyway, the next question I got is, how did you discover RWBY?

Boogeyman: Eh, I mainly watched Rooster Teeth for Rage Quit because hey. Michael is hilarious. Then one day I saw RWBY there. Then well yeah you can guess the rest.

Artomix: I actually learned about RWBY thanks to Wattpad, just discorvered one story that caught my interest and read it. After I was done reading it, I started investigating and from there, I started watching the series. It's the only anime I watch, really. 

Boogeyman: I get ya. 

Artomix: The next question is, have you ever written something before RWBY? If so, what was it about? 

Boogeyman: It was two fics on a different fanfic website named...archive? And it was on Persona 5. I LOVE the persona series to death. 

Artomix: Do you mean Archive Of Our Own? And I don't really know what that is, so could you maybe tell me a bit about it? 

Boogeyman: Yeah that website. Well basically the first one was called the Fool and his Devil. What it was a series of stoires revolving around the ship between then MC and Ohya. A very underappreciated love interest in the game cause apparently people find her "BORING" don't see how.

 So yeah. I really loved Ohya as a love interest in the game and not many if not NONE of the persona 5 ship fanfics have her in it I thought. Let's fix that shall we?

  Honestly if ANYONE from persona 5 is boring it's Makoto mc. try hard blandly pants...  

Artomix: So you do more or less the same process as me. When I started writing, I was looking around, seeing what has been done and what not. Then write about that. That's actually how I started with my first RWBY story, 'Broken and Silent Gems'. 

Boogeyman: Yeah. The new fic i recently wrote as the Malachite twins as love interest. Cause I don't see them very often.

Coco is another one. And also you don't see alot of Emerald ones either.

Artomix: I have to agree. Although I see Coco a lot more than the Malachite Twins.

And from Emerald, I did read a very good story of Zairrif, called 'Used Rose'. Maybe you've read that one?

Boogeyman: Read it a while ago. Poor Emmy.

Artomix: Yeah, I actually started liking Emerald because of him.

I got one more question before we start the more 'author related' questions. Do you have a favorite author or favorite story?

Boogeyman: Hmm...Don't really have a favorite. I like anyone who doesn't do the stupid over used story ruining "Harem/incest" shit. I mean I'll even give them a thumbs up even if they have really bad grammar. 

Artomix: That's understandable. It can be hard to find something good and original these days. It's usually a harem story, abused/neglected story or cheated story. I can't really complain since: 

 1- You have two amazing story from the abused/neglected genre. 

2- I've done two of the three genres I mentioned, but I try to give them a unique twist to them. 

Boogeyman: Thanks *Blushes*. When I THINK I've found a good story and I've made a habit of just checking the table of content and just look for ONE specific thing....If a chapter says Harem. Abandon ship.

I don't even bother reading it.

Artomix: I don't mind it, but it can be hard not to do it since most of the cast in RWBY are females. 

Boogeyman: Yeah there's also that. 

Artomix: Anyway, now we start with the more 'serious' questions. What inspired you to write fanfics? 

Boogeyman: Boredom believe it or not. One day I had noting to do so i just read some RWBY neglected fics and noticed there were alot of em so i just thought. "Eh, why not give one a go?" 

Artomix: And you started writing a very good one. Your's was the first one I read of that genre believe it or not. 

But I understand how you started. I did the same, really. I had too much imagination in my mind and I needed to get it out, and from there, I started writing as a hobby. I remember that my first original story took a year to write. 

Boogeyman: Well aren't we a couple of goons? 

Artomix: A lot of people seams to start that way. I actually did a interview with a friend of yours, Phoney, and I believe he started in a similar way. 

Boogeyman: Yeah he told me about it yesterday. 

Artomix: The next question is already partially answered, or completely answered, but how do you get inspired to write your stories? 

Boogeyman: From things that just pop into my mind. Like I said, I'm pretty freakin random. The smallest thought will just grow and evolve into something crazy and it just goes from there. 

Artomix: I get ya. That's really how I recovered some inspiration for 'The Rose to my Nightmare'. 

Boogeyman: Heh....don't think I've heard of that one.

Artomix: That one is my attempt for a abused story. I was stuck on what to do for a month and a half, maybe more. 

Boogeyman: Writers block? 

Artomix: A big one, and I decided to take a break from that story and do something completely different. I got all the plans figured out, but I still need some time to get some of the more... darker details out. 

Boogeyman: Wanna know something? 

Artomix: Sure. 

Boogeyman: I NEVER get writers block.

Artomix: Be happy! Those suck so much, and can be frustrating at some point.

Boogeyman: I mean if i wasnt busy from time to time i could fire out chapters and new stories like a machine gun. 

Artomix: Hehe. I can imagine that. Anyway, the next question is, have you ever collaborated with another author on a story? If so, what was it like? 

Boogeyman: No i have never done that. 

Artomix: Really? Each their own, I guess. 

Boogeyman: I don't really have Wattpad friends....

The only one I know is PhoneyAnd I only have him an OC ideaNot really helped with the story

I'm alone. TwT 

Artomix: Well, if you ever need to talk, I'm always open for a chat. 

Boogeyman: Heh, thanks. 

Artomix: The next question can be a weird one. What is your preferred writing program? 

Boogeyman: Anything that runs okay and doesn't require me to install or buy alot of shit just for it to work. 

Artomix: Like Notepad? I usually use 'OpenOffice' (which is free) to write my stories in, but after I'm done writing a chapter, I pass it through Word on an old 2003 Apple computer. It's a miracle that that thing still works, in all honestly. 

Boogeyman: OpenOffice. 

Artomix: Do you use that? 

Boogeyman: Sometimes. Not all the time

Artomix: Alright. Do you wish to take a break?

Boogeyman: I can keep goin

I got nothing to do at the moment.

Artomix: Then do you mind that I take a break for a couple of minutes? 

You're listening to 'Another Song About The Weekend (Acoustic)', by A Day To Remember.


Artomix: The next question I have is... Do you ask about opinions about your story? If so, what are their responds? 

Boogeyman: I've asked opinions buuuuut....the most i get is the story is amazing and i love it. So yeah.

Artomix: Well, at least it's positive. 

Boogeyman: Yeah, but sometimes i wish for a different answers. The only ever negative feed back i got was some jerk off bashing me for putting Yamcha in my fic then calling me a weeb. 

Artomix: So you wish for some constructive criticism? 

Boogeyman: That would be nice but apparently people can't do that without being douchebags. It's honestly sad.... 

Artomix: Some people actually feels bad when they want to say something negative. 

Boogeyman: They either A. Have to be unnecessarily rude about it or B. Have to bring insults into it. And that I simply do NOT tolerate. 

Artomix: That tends to happen a fair amount, I agree.

The next question I got is, do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want?

Boogeyman: Both. 

Artomix: That can be a hard balance to keep, so how do you handle it? 

Boogeyman: I normally compare what I want to do and what they like and blend and mold them around together so we both are happy with the result. 

Artomix: Alright. The next question may or may not be a spoiler for your story, so I can understand if you wish not to answer the question. Do you want each book to stand on its own, or are you trying to build a body of work with connections between each book? 

Boogeyman: I'm actually working on that this very moment.

The magic reader and withered rose will have second stories that connect to them. They will have connections stories that take place in the same universe at the same time

Artomix: Alright. I usually don't ask that question, since some of the writers have a lot of separate stories. But since you have three great stories in your Wattpad Library, I thought that it was worth a shot. 

Boogeyman: You know what?

Artomix: What? 

Boogeyman: I'll actually give you a teaser of what's coming. 

Artomix: Are you sure you wish to do that? It might end up at the final product. 

Boogeyman: I'm sure. I'm just that kinda guy. I was gonna tease this anyway.

Artomix: Alright. 

Boogeyman: "The night....the time where the moon shines...and the shadows dance." 

"As humans....we instinctively fear the darkness....by why is it so?" 

"Are we afraid of what we cannot see? What lurks in the shadows? Or....the unknown...?" 

"But...I know the truth....there is only one thing......you should fear in the dark....and if....this thing.....sets It's sights upon you...." 

"You better make peace with God immediately...." 

"What will you do?..........................................When the Shape...comes for you?" 

Artomix: That got my attention.From that little piece alone, it sounds interesting.

Boogeyman: Heh, thanks.

Artomix: The next question I got is, how did publishing your first book change your process of writing? 

Boogeyman: Ugh...I don't think it changed much really. 

Artomix: You may think that, but changes can happen without you realizing it. 

Boogeyman: Hmm... If so I haven't noticed.

Artomix: Anyway, we're almost done with the 'author related' questions. What kind of research do you do, and how long do you spend researching before beginning a book? 

Boogeyman: Hmm...normally a few minutes. An idea pops. I think about it for a bit then I get to it.

Artomix: I presume that you scrap an idea once in a while, correct?

Boogeyman: Uhuh. Scrap it or rework it. Nornally rework.

Artomix: I can imagine some of those changes have been very big.

Boogeyman: You guessed it 

Artomix: If possible, could you give an example of one of the changes? 

Boogeyman: Weeeeell... I originally planned to do a voting pole for the love interest in Withered Rose but i decided to just go with Marceline. 

Or the time i planned for Soul Edge to look like the one from soul caliber but decided to go with a sword from bleach I thought looked cool. 

Or how I originally planned for the reader to be half angel rather then demon. 

Artomix: Alright, those can change the story drastically. Especially the love interest.

Boogeyman: Yeah. The main reason why was because everyone went with Neo.... 

Seriously she wins every voting poll I've ever seen by land slide i do NOT know why... Either her or Velvet...

Artomix: She's cute, not well known, and you can do a lot with her background. Same can count with Velvet.

And I did let the readers choose the love interest in 'Broken and Silent Gems', by which Velvet won. Not that I minded it, I didn't know much of RWBY to begin with when I was writing that story, just the basic. Although I did accidentally spoiled myself on the events that happened in Vol 3, but I was still shocked at what happened when I watched it

Boogeyman: Hm. Okay. 

Artomix: Anyway, the next question I got is, how many hours a day do you write?

Boogeyman: Depending on what's going on with me. If nothing. Normally 2 or 3 hours. But i write kinda fast so I get get alot done.

Artomix: Alright. The last question for the 'author related' questions is, what is the most difficult part of your artistic process? 

Boogeyman: Hmmm....I guess putting certain parts into words.

Like long and deep speeches. I know what i want to say but i NEED to put it in a certain way the hits people ya know?

Artomix: Like the reunion or fight scenes? 

Boogeyman: Both. Well...

Artomix: Fight scenes are hard to make. I know that.

Boogeyman: Not really the fight scenes. I actually have no issue with those. I can think of badass fights pretty easy.

Artomix: I noticed, yeah.

Anyway, we're almost done, so we can relax a bit. The next question I have is... What's your favorite under-appreciated novel?

Boogeyman: Huh? Excuse me? 

Artomix: Do you have a favorite story that not many people know about?

Boogeyman: Oh yeah. There's that Orange lantern x Blake one. Though I kinda got a little bored with that one.... 

Artomix: Alright, what is your thoughts on the community? 

Boogeyman: The community of Wattpad as a whole?

Artomix: The RWBY community. 

Boogeyman: Ah....Aghh... 

Okay how do I say this? It's weird.

Artomix: You don't have to answer if you don't want to.

Boogeyman: That's the best answer i can give. It's weird.

Artomix: Everyone has their own opinion of the community.

Boogeyman: I mean like....it seems okay, but then you get those real weird people... Then you just get those annoying ones...

Artomix: Those are in all kinds of communities.

Boogeyman: I mean like...let me tell you a little story

Artomix: Alright. 

Boogeyman: Okay so before Boogeyman, my profile was actually Raven.

And dude I shit you not when i joined a RWBY server alot of people were just either being an ass to me for saying I'm a horrible mother.

Artomix: You could've expected that one... 

Boogeyman: Raven is even my youtube profile name and i swear there's always that ONE or two guys who see me in a comment section on a video and try to chew me out for not raising Yang. Of course I put them in they're place. 

Then there was that one guy who's profile was Ruby Rose and well...he tried to chew me out saying my dad thinks your a bastard and your a horrible person, and Yang doesnt need you and yatta yatta and I got a little annoyed and tore him a new one. I basically tore about Ruby's horrible main character development.

Artomix: Yikes... 

Boogeyman: I know right? Saddest thing ya ever done seen.

Artomix: But that can happen when you have the name of a well known character. They like to pull those jokes.

The closest thing that happened to me that similar to that is when I was playing on a Terraria server, and I made my character look like the Doctor from Doctor Who. Some people started to joke around about me.

Boogeyman: Annoying aint it? 

Artomix: It is to a certain point. Anyway, do you have any tips for the rest of the public?

Boogeyman: Hmmm... I'd say....

Work hard.

Never lose sight of the path you've drawn for yourself. Forge ahead to the end. 

Be everything you can be. 

Imagination is not by any means morally wrong.

 We think there for we are. 

We are all unique in our existence. Why try so hard to prove your not?

True..we're not all the same. BUT.......that doesnt make us less.

We bicker, we love, we hurt.

What you are.....is not wrong. It is not ugly.

I hope you can all feel proud of that one day. 

I hope you'll let your individuality set you free.

Artomix: Nicely said. Couldn't have said it myself.

Do you have any questions for me?

Boogeyman: Hmmm....what are you dreams? I'd like to paint a mental picture of you. 

Artomix: My dreams? Hmm... I'm usually a easy going guy. I don't really have dreams, but I do want to help those who are close to me in any way I can.

I'm still a bit of a child in my heart and mind, but that doesn't mean that I don't know how cruel the world can be.

That's also a reason why I write. So I can show the world the places that I escape to when times can get tough, and if people could support me on Patreon, that would be great, but I don't force anyone to go there and demand them to pay for content that I won't show to DeviantArt or Wattpad. Sure, it can help me and my family, but I usually feel bad about that.

I write because I enjoy it. If I can get money from it, that would be amazing, but you can't always have nice things, and I know that I'll have to work for my money. But writing gives me happiness and freedom, something that can be hard to come by from time to time.

I went off on a tangent, didn't I?

Boogeyman: Hmmmm....thank you for this. I think i get a nicely clear image of you. As a person.

Artomix: If that gave you a clear image for why I write, then I'm not even going to begin with my thoughts on personal emblems and symbols. 

Boogeyman: Heh 

Artomix: I actually did a sort of speech long time ago on DeviantArt about my own personal symbol, but I think it's better to leave that alone. Do you have any other questions?

Boogeyman: Hmm...just one more. Do you like stars?

Artomix: Stars as in the night sky? 

Boogeyman: Uhuh 

Artomix: Yeah, i do. When I younger, I used to read a lot of astronomy, but at one point... my younger version got scared about the thought of the end of the universe and was a bit depressed for a while... I'm weird, I know it. Even my entire family knows I'm weird. 

But I still do enjoy watching the stars and the night sky in general. 

Boogeyman: Thank you. Here. I'll share one of my drawings as a final tribute to this interview. 

Artomix: Interesting drawing. 

Boogeyman: I like aliens. 

Artomix: We all are weird, but everyone denies it!

And it's an interesting looking alien. My main OC is technically an alien as well. Just... very humanoid.

Anyway, any last words before this is over?

Boogeyman: Yes.No matter how grim....the outcome...Is NOT preordained. 

Artomix: Alright, then I want to thank you again for participating on this little interview/podcast. It was quite an interesting chat. 

Boogeyman: Thank YOU. I was pretty bored.

This has been 'From Words on Paper'. We hope that you guys learned something from one of your favorite authors.  

If any of you are interested to join this little show of have suggestions who should come up next, please tell me via the comment section or through my Inbox. Until then, take care fellow readers!   

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