Weclome to 'From Words on Paper', where we get to know some of our favorite authors, and learn more from them beside what they create for the fandom.
Tonight on the show, we're joined by AStoryWithoutWords. Someone who's not very well known around the community, but with how well he writes his stories, I think he deserve more attention. Let's see if we can give that to him, shall we? He has written stories such as 'Frozen Heart', 'The Strenght of a Soldier' and many more. And we're glad that he could join us here, tonight.
Artomix: Alright. Before we start off with the questions, I want to thank you for participating on this 'show' of mine.
Story: Its my pleasure.
Artomix: I want you to know that you're not forced to answer any questions if you don't want to and that you're free to ask anything to me as well.
Story: Alright.
Artomix: The first question that I usually like to start off with is, who are you? So please, tell us a bit about yourself.
Story: Oof, where to start. I obviously want to maintain a degree of anonymity, but let's tell you a bit about me. I was born in Seoul, South Korea, and adopted by an American family when I was 7 months old. I'm currently in University studying to be a chiropractor. I'm extremely passionate about music and was almost a music major before switching to chiropractic. My biggest passion is the martial arts, which I have studied for over a decade and will continue to train until the day I die.
This being said, I think it's almost impossible to fully capture what an individual is like without meeting them personally. I suppose the best way to describe myself would be: black belt. Anyone who trains in the martial arts knows how much weight this carries, and that it speaks volumes to a person's character.
Artomix: You lead quiet an interesting life over there. I'm a bit surprised that you write fanfics in your free time, I presume. Especially with how well they are written.
Story: Thank you for that. It is a little strange I suppose. Fanfiction is always considered to be a bit taboo by what we might consider outsiders.
Artomix: I'm not one to judge. I studied graphic design a couple of years ago, and now I'm stuck at studying a 'easier' version of architecture, and I still write for my own pleasure.
Story: And that's exactly why we write. I think the moment writing becomes more work than play, it's completely lost it's original meaning.
Artomix: I can somewhat understand that, yeah. Anyway, the next question I got is about your artistic name, what does it mean to you?
Story: The caviot to that is that we also have to please our following. Whether that be one person or one thousand, I feel that once you've started something, you have an obligation to your readers to finish it.
Artomix: I... actually get that. Especially now with my studies in the way, I have a bit of trouble continuing my stories a while.
Story: I chose my penname, A Story Without Words, because I don't think that stories need words to be told.
Silent films used to be extremely popular, and save for the few dialogue cards that would flash across the screen, they were completely devoid of words.Words simply provide a way for us, and I as a writer, to convey my story, but it's important for people to understand that the words aren't the story, the story is the story. And most importantly, the people are the story.
Artomix: I wholeheartly agree with that. And you know, the way your penname is really fit well with how I call my 'show'. "From Words on Paper."
Anyway, the next question I go is... How did you discover RWBY?
Story: I hopped on the RWBY bandwagon pretty late actually, discovering it between Volumes 3 and 4. It was actually my brother who introduced me to the show. He's always insisting I try this new show with him. Sometimes they're good, sometimes not. RWBY happened to fall into the good category. The very good category.
Artomix: Believe me, I came in this fandome pretty late as well. I actually really became part of it last year.
I'm quite interested in the next question because from what I've read from your stories, they are incredebly well written.Have you ever written something before RWBY? If so, what was it about?
Story: I will admit that RWBY was not my first experience with fanfiction. I began reading fanfiction because of Doctor Who. After Matt Smith, the 11th doctor, left the screen, it left me completely heartbroken. I just wanted more adventures with my doctor. I also shipped Whouffle really hard (The 11th Doctor and Clara Oseald for those who don't know), and I felt show runner Stephen Moffet kept teasing us with it but it never went anywhere. So I first started reading Whouffle fanfic.
This eventually evolved into me writing my own Doctor Who fanfiction.
Artomix: That's an interesting first start, being a fan of Doctor Who myself, although I haven't seen the show in a while now.
I have one more question before we begin with the 'author related' questions.Do you have a favorite author or favorite story?
Story: Outside and fanfiction, I'm a huge Harry Potter fan, having read the series over 50 times in it's completion. I guess I would say JK would be my favorite, and the Half Blood Prince is my favorite of the Harry Potter series. Inside the realm of fanfiction, I can't say I have a favorite, though I have become extremely invested in TheNameIsntImportant's Glynda x Reader story.
Artomix: I think I know the story that you're refering to and it's a really good one. I'm reading quite a lot of stories lately from . He makes a lot of stories that involves Jaune and the point where he get's exposed for facking his stranscript to Beacon and from there, a lot of interesting stories comes along.
My favorite being 'The Path to Infinite' which involves Jaune turning into Infinite from Sonic Forces.
Story: For me personally, I really enjoy the reader insert genre, which is suggested by my own stories. I think that evryo at some point or another has dreamed of living in the universe of their favorite TV show or movie or book series. For me I really felt that with Harry Potter, and still do.
Artomix: Alright. Now we start the more serious questions. I wanted to start with what inspired you to writting, but since you already answered that one, we'll skip it. The next question is... where for you get your ideas for stories?
Story: A number of different places. The One You Feed was heavily inspired by a one shot by batmanbeyondis. I contacted him to ask if I could turn it into a full story, and he graciously agreed. Brother of the Beast and Songbirds, Roses, and Other Signs of Spring were both requests. I can't believe how many views Brother of the Beast has gotten! Frozen Heart was inspired by a real event in my life. The other story ideas kinda just fall into my head.
Artomix: I actually read 'Frozen Heart' and because of how well it was written, I wanted to interview you, because in my opinion, you deserve much more attention that you have right now.
Story: Thanks, I really appreciate it.
Artomix: The next question I got is, have you ever collaborated with another author on a story? If so, what was it like?
Story: I have not collaborated with another author, no. I'm not sure how I feel about it to be honest. I think that putting two creative minds together might prove challenging, especially if they have poor communication.
That doesn't mean I'm not open to the idea, but it would need to be very well planned out and it would have to be with the right person.
Artomix: That's understanable, but they can also help you with story details or if you're stuck with a writer's block. I've had some help in the past and they did help me a fair amount. But that's your choice to make if you decide to do it or now.
Anyway, the next question might be a weird one. What is your preferred writing program?
Story: I write everything on Microsoft Word.
Artomix: Finally! Someone who also uses a different writting program!
Story: I don't like writing straight on Wattpad. I have so many different ideas for where my stories could go and I need to be able to map it all out.
Artomix: I understant that. Heck, that's how I've been writting for years. I use OpenOffice, since it's free but it also allows me to check on spelling mistakes that I occationally make with certain words.
Story: It's definitely nice having a program that can check your grammar and spelling. Some thing still get through though.
Artomix: I know the feeling, yeah.
Many of you don't know this, but this interview was done 2 weeks in advance, sorry for the delay. Your listening to 'What Hurts The Most', cover by State of Mind.
Artomix: Anyway, the next question I got is... Do you ask about opinions about your story? If so, what are their responds?
Story: I am always eager to here from my readers. I really want them to feel like it's their story. Any feedback they have is always welcome, so long as it's constructive, and not just complaints because something didn't play out exactly the way they wanted. I really do my best to please everyone, while also staying ng true to the story I have outlined in my head.
I usually don't get that much though, and I really hope that's because people are happy with my stories
Artomix: It can be complicated to balace that out, althought the complain part really hasn't happened to me.
And speaking about trying to balace things out, do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want?
Story: I try to be original. I usually have the story written in my head already. If one of my readers really wants something, they can ask and I'll try to write a story just for them.
This is how Signs the of Spring arose.
Artomix: Alright, this next question might be a bit hard to answer.
How did publishing your first book change your process of writing?
Story: To be honest, it really hasn't. My first story, Male Reader x Yang Xiao Long Vol. 1 I wrote ahead of what I uploaded, and I still do that now. Or at least I try.
I think that the biggest difference is knowing how many people actually are interested in my work. I never imagined thousands of people would read my stories, and it makes me much more conscious of my grammar and story telling, pushing me to deliver my best work.
Artomix: Maybe you have inproved on your writting skils and you may not have noticed it. I recently did a remanster of a oneshot story that I did some time ago, and I can really tell that I've improved a lot. So who knows?
Story: Well, I certainly hope I'm improving.
Artomix: We're almost done with the 'author related questions, only one left after this. How many hours a day do you write?
Story: It varies. Sometimes not at all, sometimes just one. If I've got writers block I kinda just end up staring at the screen. Once I get in the zone though, I can crank out three to five chapters in a few hours.
Artomix: That's quite impresive. It can take me a couple of days to write a chapter from time to time.
An the last question for this category is... What is the most difficult part of your artistic process?
Story: Consistency. I have so many ideas that sometimes the main character's personally jumps around a bit and I need to go back and fix it. This is happening a lot for Strength of a Soldier. The main character is a really complicated character. I want him to be someone who sees the world in a bit if a child like wonder, but at the same time haunted by his time in the Great War.
Kinda like someone who's seen too much and tries to hide it behind child like immaturaty
Artomix: Huh, that's a first, but also a very understandable one. I usually tend to have a bit of a guide line, like from A to B, but how to get there I tend to improvise a lot.
Anyway, we're almost done with the interview, just a comple of questions remain before it's over.This also might be a difficult question to answer, but what's your favorite under-appreciated novel?
Story: There was this really good book series called the Rangers Apprentice. I thought it was a brilliant series, and I definitely need to reread it.
Artomix: What is your thoughts of the RWBY community?
Story: Sun Tzu's The Art of War is also very interesting, though that might just be my martial arts background talking. And Homer's The Iliad, predecessor of the Odyssey I feel it really under appreciated.
As a whole, I think the RWBY community is fantastic. Very supportive and United. I do feel that there are people that demand way too much from RT and the people making the show. I think they're doing a great job. It really upsets me when members of a fandom start whining simply because something didn't go their way, and I definitely see that a lot with h members of the RWBY community. Overall though, I think it's great.
Artomix: They people that aren't happy with how the show is turning out should at least be happy that it's continuing since the death of Monty Oum.
Story: Exactly.
Artomix: The next question is... What advice do you have for other authors?
Story: My advice for other authors, and just advice in general, is to not care what people think. You write because you want to. If people don't like what you write, so what, to hell with them. You should never do anything just to please anyone else. Be unashamedly you. If you're writing because you want followers you're writing for the wrong reason.
And most importantly, never give up. Always set the bar higher and higher. The minute you stop trying to improve is the moment you stop growing. So learn from your mistakes and just keep moving. move onwards, not there yet.
Artomix: You have the same mindset as I have when it comes to writting.
There's one question left after this one. Do you have any question for me?
Story: Yes. How did you become inspired to interview other writers?
Artomix: I've actually answered this question in the past, but I don't mind doing it again. The origins for this show/podcast thing that I do came from a podcast that's for musictions called 'Elements of Harmony'. I was listening to it during the vacations and I though that it would be nice to do something similar for the RWBY community. Or at least for the fanfic side of it.
There's a lot of good writters here on Wattpad for the RWBY community, and yet, we know very little about them, aside from the occational Author note mid story or they give notifications. This is my attempt and my way to let the community know who those authors are that write those amazing stories for us, for free no less. This is my attempt to show that we are just like everyone else and that there's no need to put us on pedestals. That's my reason why I created 'From Words on Paper'.
Story: Brilliant. There are so many amazing authors that don't get the recognition they deserve. This is a great way to let people know more about them
Artomix: Exactly. Everybody thinks that if someone write an amazing story, they think that they are important and that they deserve their space. While it may be true to some, others are want make new friends with similar interest but are to nervous to even ask at times.
Now that say it like that, it's very similar as to what Pyrrha went through.
Anyway, do you have anymore questions that you have in mind?
Story: A lot of what you asked me really. You should write a chapter about yourself if you haven't already
Artomix: I actually did a one year anniversary special a while a go, if you're interested to read it, I can provide you a link once we're done. That interview was... interesting and long, but you can't tell since it's all written.
If you don't have any other question in mind, then I'll ask you the last question.
Story: Go ahead.
Artomix: Any last words before this is over?
Story: I just wanted to thank you for choosing me to be interviewed. It was truly an honor.
Artomix: It's no problem at all. It's been a while since I actually did an interview, and I still think that you deserve more attention with the quality of your stories.
Story: If you ever wish to talk to me, go ahead. I'm always open for a chat.
Artomix: Will do.
This has been 'From Words on Paper'. We hope that you guys learned something from one of your favorite authors.
I hope that everyone had a great Xmas and are going to have a good start on the new year.
If any of you are interested to join this little show of have suggestions who should come up next, please tell me via the comment section or through my Inbox. Until then, take care fellow readers!
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