
Sleep weighed heavy in the blue and green heterocromatic eyes that slowly blinked open to the darkness of the room. Letting out a soft breath through the nose, the pair of eyes slowly drifted over to the nightstand beside the bed, where a digital clock laid. The numbers that read 5 : 01 am glowed with a soft blue light.

"Damn it, one minute too late" a soft voice sighed, low and husky from sleep.

From the way it sounded, anyone could guess that the voice's owner was a young female. The bedsheets made a few ruffling sounds as she stretched out a hand to turn off the alarm that had been set for 5 : 30 am, then she rolled onto her back as she rubbed at her eyes in an attempt to wake herself up. Once she deemed that to be enough, the young female pushed herself up into a sitting position before slipping her legs out from under the blanket and pressing her feet against the ground.

Holding on to the nightstand, she stood up, and waited for a second before she began walking off towards the door. Sliding her hand along the wall, she fumbled for a moment before finding what she was looking for. She flicked the switch, and the room was suddenly bathed in the light that came from the rotating ceiling fan.

The female gave a sharp intake of breath as she quickly moved one of her hands to shield her eyes from the sudden brightness. She probably should have done that before flicking on the light switch. After her eyes adjusted to the change of light, the young female drifted off to the closet and began to search for her school uniform.

After a couple minutes spent diving into her closet, the female found what she was looking for, and pulled out the uniform from the endless space that was her closet. After laying the clothes out on her bed and smoothing them out a bit, the young female gave them a judging look before assuming an 'oh well' expression and turning around. Before she left the room, she took a moment to pause and look at some of the pictures that were up on the wall.

Well, one in particular. It showed a family of four that was standing in the middle of a meadow filled with lavender flowers. The tallest, a man, who looked to be in his late thirties with the faintest hint of facial hair, stood there with a big smile on his face and a bright look in his light green eyes.

He had an arm wrapped around the shoulders of a woman that was standing next to him. She looked to be in her early thirties and she had an equally big smile set on her features. Though the light in her bright blue eyes was more fiery than that of the man next to her.

If one were to look closer, they would see that she had a hand gently pressed against a swollen stomach.

Both adults had a hand placed on the shoulders of the two kids standing before them. One, a little boy, was taller, and looked to be around ten or eleven years of age. He had inherited his mother's eyes, and his father's black hair.

Though here and there, you could see a couple of white strips. A rare genetic mutation. The little girl standing beside him had it a bit worse.

Her hair was actually a somewhat light ash blonde color. Another peculiar thing about the little girl was her eyes. Her left eyes was a bright green, like her father's, and her right eye was an equally bright blue, just like her mother's.

But that's where the peculiarities ended. Both children had smiles on their faces that could rival the sun itself. The young female standing in front of the photo softly smiled at the scene in it.

A smile that seemed to turn sad as she raised a hand and gently tapped a finger against the older male.

"Good morning dad. Happy birthday" she softly murmured before exiting the room and entering the small hallway outside.

Passing by a door, she lightly rapped her knuckles across it, and paused to listen for any sounds. A quiet, sleepy groan and shuffling sheets is what she got.

"What's up?" a male voice, heavy with sleep, asked.

"Come on man, time to get up. We have that surprise to prepare for mom, remember?" the young female called.

"Mmmm, alright" the male inside called out, sounding like he was drifting back to sleep.

"Ashasi, I swear, I will bust this door down and jump on your bed until you actually get up" the young female stated, putting her hands on her hips.

"Alright! Alright! I'm getting up! Jeez!" Asashi called out, suddenly sounding much more awake, and slightly annoyed.

"See ya at the kitchen brother. And keep your voice down. Don't want to wake up mom yet" The young female said with an accomplished smile on her face before walking off to the stairs.

Her smile turned to one of amusement as she heard her brother mutter something about "Bossy little thing" and "So demanding".

Making her way down the stairs to the kitchen, the young female flicked on the light and began to search around for the supplies she would need. Setting two pans down on the stove top, she turned a knob to the right heat amount before leaving the pan to warm up. She set the oven to a temperature for it to preheat to before heading over to the fridge.

The young female out the croissant roll, breakfast sausages, bacon, and carton of eggs. Setting everything on the counter, she banged the croissant roll against the counter, making it pop open. She was in the middle of separating each part of the dough when her brother finally came down, holding a comb and brushing his hair with it.

"Hikari, why do you always wait to do your hair in the mornings?" he asked when he saw his sister's hair.

She hadn't really brushed it yet.

"Because I like to have my physical appearance be the last thing I work on" Hikari retorted as she began rolling the separate pieces of dough and setting them on the baking sheet she had prepared.

"Well, I'm going to fix your hair first, then we can continue" Ashasi stated as he pulled Hikari away from the croissants by the back of her shirt.

"Asashi! We need to get this stuff done before mom wakes up!" Hikari lightly cried as her brother began to run the comb through her hair.

"Dude, I thought the whole reason we woke up an hour early was to make sure we avoided that possibility?" Asashi said as he worked the comb through a troublesome hair tangle.

"Yeah, and we're - ow - wasting that hour away!" Hikari told him.

Asashi sighed and shook his head as he continued, putting his hands on Hikari's shoulders every now and then to steady her every time she got too fidgety.

"There, now you can continue in your oh so important work" he said in a slightly exasperated tone.


"..."Wha'd you do?"

Hikari heard Asashi lightly chuckle in amusement before he answered.

"I put it up in a french braid. Now what do you need me to do here?"

"Well, I'm still waiting for the oven to preheat, and the drinks still need to be prepared, but that can wait until the end, but I think those pans are hot enough for the sausage and the bacon. Though the bacon still needs to be prepared. Can you do that?" Hikari replied, nodding her head towards the stove top as she set another completed croissant on the baking pan.

"Aye aye captain" Asashi said, giving his younger sister a two finger salute before grabbing the package of bacon and the cutting board.


Hikari quietly creeped up the stairs and slipped into her mother's bedroom. Moving over to her mother's bedside, she began to lightly tap the older woman's arm.

"Mom, wake up, I've got a surprise for you" the young female whispered.

She lightly smiled when the woman began to stir.

"Hikari? Honey, what are you doing awake at-" the woman paused to check the time.

"-six in the morning?"

"Asashi helped me get a little surprise together for you. Come down and see!"

"...Is there gonna be coffee?"

"You'll have to come and see, mom!"

"Oh boy. Alright, give me a moment"

Hikari backed away to the doorway and watched as her mom got out of bed and put on a fluffy robe. Then, the older followed the younger downstairs, and Hikari's mother was pleasantly surprised at what she saw.

"Good morning mom" Asashi called from the dining room table, which had been laden with the fruits of the siblings labor.

"Oh my goodness, kids, when did you...?" their mom asked, the beginnings of a smile making its way on her face.

"Hikari had been planning this for a little while, and let me in on her ideas a few days ago. She's a determined little stinker when she wants to be" Ashasi explained as he gave Hikari a look.

"Heyyy! Anyway, come and sit! The food's getting cold!" Hikari stated before lightly tugging her mom's hand to pull her over to the table.

"How long ago did you guys get up to make this?" Mrs. Honata asked as she sat down.

Asashi and Hikari shared a look.

"...About an hour ago" the young female replied.

Their mother looked up from where she was grabbing the plate of croissants, and gave them, the look.

"I appreciate you guys doing this, but not if its sacrificing your sleep" she said, though she continued to pull the plate closer and began to put some croissants down on it.

"Well, we wanted to do a little something for you. Especially since today is..." Hikari said before trailing off.

A collective silence fell over the table, and everyone turned to look at the fourth seat at the table. The seat had no occupant, but there was still a plate and cutlery in front of it. Mrs. Honata let out a soft sigh, which brought her kids attention back to to her.

"Happy Anniversary, mom. And Happy Birthday to you dad" Hikari stated.

Her mother ended up smiling a bit.

"C'mere you two" she said.

Hikari and Asashi both went over and their mother enveloped the two of them in a tight hug, something both kids returned.

"I know the past two years have been tough, especially with him no longer around to liven things up-" She said before Asashi cut in.

"I don't know mom. I think Hikari's more than enough to fill that role" he said.

Hikari gave him a deadpann look while Mrs. Honata laughed a bit.

"That she is. But, continuing with what I was saying. Your father may not be around anymore, but if he were here, I know he'd be very proud of you two. And so am I" she said.

Hikari smiled a bit and snuggled more into her mother's side.

"Thanks mom" she said, and her brother echoed her words.

Mrs. Honata tightened her grip just a bit more before releasing the two.

"Now, let's eat, shall we?" Asashi stated.

His statement got a hearty agreement from everyone.










The ash blonde female was startled from her thoughts at the sound of someone yelling her name while another person snapped their fingers in front of her face. That action caused her to blink and reel back a bit. Looking over at her side, she noticed her two friends staring at her.

One, who had bright forest green eyes and green hair that was all over the place, seemed to be worried as he clutched the straps of his yellow backpack. The other, with scarlet red eyes and spiky yellow blonde hair, seemed annoyed as he pulled his hand back and shoved it into his pants pocket.

"Are you alright? You zoned out for a minute there" The green haired one asked.

Hikari blinked as her mind processed his words.

"Oh, uhm, I'll be alright. Just give me until tomorrow" she answered with a light shrug and a hand flap.

"Hmm. That just translates to you're not alright right now idiot. What's wrong?" her blonde haired red-eyed friend stated.

Hikari gave him a slightly surprised look. Damn, why did he have to be so perceptive?

"You know, Katsuki, I both love and hate the fact that you're almost as good as me when it comes to perception" the ash blonde told him.

"Hah? The hell do you mean 'almost'? I am better than you at perception! Now what the hell is bothering you?" Katsuki lightly snapped at her.

Hikari couldn't help but smile a bit. He may not realise it, but Katsuki did show that he cared. Just in an aggressive manner. He aggressively cared.

The ash blonde female turned her mind away from that fact so she could actually answer his question.

"Well, today's my dad's birthday, and it's also my mom's anniversary today, so, we're probably gonna head over to the cemetery for a little while later on today. So...yeah" she said.

A look of realisation came over Katsuki's face while the greenette beside him looked sympathetic.

"He was a pretty cool guy, your dad. Remember that one sleepover, a few years back, when he brought us a plate of cookies without telling Mrs. Honata?" the green eyed male reminisced.

Katsuki was snapped out of his 'oh shit' trance and gave a laugh as he thought back to that time.

"I've never seen her go off on him like that. That shit was funny as hell" he said.

"You thought that was hilarious? Do you guys even remember Halloween three years ago? When he managed to dress up in a white bloodstained clothe that covered his whole body?" Hikari put in.

"He really committed to the role of playing as a dead body!" Izuku laughed.

"Yeah, he was one hell of an actor. Very convincing with a lot of the things he did" Katsuki agreed.

"He was quite the character, wasn't he?" Hikari noted as she took out her phone, feeling it vibrate.

She internally panicked when she saw the time.

"Uh, guys?"

"Yeah?" Izuku and Katsuki chorused.

"If we don't get moving, like, right now, then we're not gonna be at school in time" Hikari told them as she showed them what time it was.



"...Well shit"

"That sums it up pretty good"


By some miraculous twist of fate, the trio managed to get inside their homeroom classroom a second before the bell rang.

"We were in here before that bell rang! Therefore, we are technically not late!" Hikari called out as she pointed at the homeroom teacher.

The old man sighed a bit as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Just get to your seats you three. And if you all do that in the next five seconds, then I won't count any of you late" he said.

That task was done successfully.

"Now that we, hopefully, no longer have any clowns in this room, let's go over the lesson plans for today, shall we?"

At that moment, someone's phone went off.


"That wasn't me! That was Donmai!"

"I concur with that statement"


The teacher let out a sigh while assuming an 'I'm so done with everything' expression.

"Whoever it was, turn the phone off or set it on vibrate. The next phone I hear go off is going into this bin. Am I clear?"

"Yes sensei" the entire class chorused.

The teacher gave a curt nod.

"Good. Now, today, we're going to be learning about..."

And with that, class was in session. It was too bad that since everyone's phone was on silent, no one knew about the breach alert. And that consequence surfaced in the class that took place after lunch.

The teacher had paused the video they had been watched to talk about a key point that had just surfaced when a sound that came from outside made him stop. The sound got louder, continuing in a rising and falling pattern. That sound was more enough to fill everyone with dread, especially with what that sound signified.

The sirens that alerted the approach of a Kaiju were blaring at full blast.

... equals a time skip

"..." no explaination needed

.... equals someone being silent

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