|| The Hideaway ||
|| Central Storm Deadlands ||
A couple of days after returning to the hideaway, Lyra was busying herself with decorating the entire place with flowers. The shipment of seeds Nigel mentioned had arrived while she and Clive were in Dhalmekia. She was currently stringing up a thriving vine of purple flowers across the archway leading to the main deck. At the top of a ladder, she was careful to avoid falling.
"So pretty!"
Lyra looked down to see Tett and Crow. She smiled at the twins. "What can I do for you both?"
Crow stepped forward nervously and spoke on behalf of her and her brother. "You've been putting all these pretty flowers everywhere recently. Would it be all right if we had some of our own?"
"Of course you may," the woman replied. "Go visit Nigel. He will help you pick out the pots and flowers you wish to have. After you receive the seeds, come find me and I shall grow the flowers for the both of you."
With bright smiles, Tett and Crow rushed off.
Lyra got back to decorating. She threaded the vine gently through the small holes in the airship to prevent it from falling. As she finished, she was startled when someone shouted, "You!"
Having been alarmed by the shout, Lyra jumped suddenly and the ladder shifted under her. She grabbed the top rung for dear life as the ladder started falling. She was prepared to hit the ground, or worse, fall off the edge and plunge into the water. However, someone grabbed the ladder and steadied it before it fell too far.
Realizing this, she looked down to see Clive had been the one to grab the ladder. She sighed in relief and smiled gratefully down at him. "Thank you, Clive." She then noticed it had been Vivian who shouted when she saw her not too far from the ladder. "Were you shouting at me, Vivian?"
"Yes," Vivian replied. "It seems my exuberance got the best of me. My apologies, Lyra."
"It's fine." Lyra climbed down the ladder. "Is there something you need of me?"
Clive released the ladder and joined the women. "A book has recently come into Vivian's possession. From Kanver, no less."
"And I cannot make head nor tail of its contents. Neither can our loresman," Vivian stated. "I brought the book's attention to my dear pupil and he suggested we speak to you."
"The book's scripture resembles the symbols from your talismans," Clive explained. "I believe it is the language of the gods."
"As you are the only deity present among us, we wish for you to examine the book's content," the scholar added.
Lyra was more than curious. "Of course."
"Then follow me, my lady."
The blonde followed Vivian to the map room. Clive had tagged along, having been as curious as the goddess.
Vivian gestured to the book on the table. It had an intricate cover adorned with gold accents and small gems.
Lyra recognized it immediately, eyes widening. "This book... It is Mimir's chronicle."
"Mimir?" Clive parroted.
"The god of knowledge," she clarified. "He would often venture from the heavens to this world to expand his knowledge. He always wrote down his wisdom so he may share it with the other gods."
"I was not aware the gods traveled to this world," Vivian commented.
"Before humanity came into being, the gods would travel between the heavens and Valisthea. Even I visited quite often. Mimir was protective of his chronicle, which is why I'm shocked it has been discovered. He perished in the heavens during the massacre."
"Then how did his chronicle come to rest in Valisthea?" Clive wondered.
"Perhaps Indra, or even the executioner himself," Lyra answered.
"Ultima..." the man murmured the otherworldy being's name.
"Regardless of who or what brought it to this world, it is in our possession now." The goddess opened the book and slowly flipped through the pages. On each one was tons of information written in the scripture of the gods. "With your permission, Vivian, I would like to take this book."
"Seeing as I cannot read the scripture, there is no need for me to keep it in my possession. All I ask is if you learn something interesting, share it with me," Vivian replied.
Clive was more than intrigued as he watched her flip through the pages of Mimir's chronicle. He was amazed at the neatness yet intricacy of the scripture. He wished he could read it. "Would you teach me?"
Lyra blinked in shock. She turned to him. "You wish to learn the language of the gods?"
"Yes," he answered. "You once attempted to teach Cid, if I remember correctly."
"I did, but he struggled much. Are you certain, Clive?"
"More than certain."
She closed the book. "All right, then. Once we find some time to ourselves, the lessons shall begin."
Clive nodded. "Of course."
Vivian smirked in amusement. "It seems we'll be sharing a pupil, my lady."
Lyra laughed. "I will try not to keep him from your lessons."
"As will I."
"Lyra! Lyra!" Tett and Crow shouted as they ran up the stairs to the mess. They both were carrying a pot.
Leaving the chronicle in Clive's care, she left the map room to meet with the twins. She followed them over to one of the empty tables and began working on growing the flowers they chose.
From the map room, Clive watched Lyra as he held Mimir's chronicle. Vivian came to stand next to him to also gaze at the goddess while she interacted with the twins. The scholar crossed her arms. "The goddess of life who cherishes all. She is quite excellent with children, and the children adore her."
"She has been adored by many ever since we ourselves were children," Clive replied, eyes still focused on the woman he spoke of. "Though there are still those who wish to bring her harm and claim her as their own. I shall do all in my power to ensure no one touches her."
"You are the finest Shield of all Rosaria, possibly even across all the realms. If anyone can protect our deity, it is you."
Lyra finished growing the flowers for Tett and Crow. She watched with a smile and waved to the twins as they ran off happily with their flowers. She then departed from the mess and headed to the backyard to grab the flower wreath she made for her mother's grave. She then left for the pier. There, she found Clive waiting for her. She smiled at him. "Your face may end up getting stuck like that if that crease in your brow doesn't vanish."
"Are you certain you wish to travel alone?" Clive asked out of concern. "I would not mind in the slightest if you wished for me to accompany you."
"I'll be fine, I promise," she replied. "I would like to speak to my mother in private. I'll be back soon."
"If anything happens..."
Her smile grew. "I will send a stolas immediately. While I'm gone, try to get some rest. I know you have been helping Mid with the construction of the thermal displacement stack for her ship, but take some time to relax. You're still recovering from the battle with Titan."
"And what of you?" he remarked.
"I've fully recovered thanks to the Mothercrystal shards." She put the wreath on a crate. She then kissed him on his scarred cheek before pulling away. "Time for me to depart. Once I return, I'd like to join you to visit Cid's grave."
He nodded. "All right. Be safe, Lyra."
"I will."
Transforming into a hawk, she grabbed the wreath with her talons and flew off.
|| Eastpool ||
|| Central Rosaria ||
After a couple of hours of flying, Lyra landed in her hometown of Eastpool. She reverted and held the flower wreath gently in her hands. Before heading to Hanna's grave, she decided to walk around the small village. It was completely desolate and the Blight had passed the northern gate. It was slowly creeping further into the village, siphoning the life out of the land.
Parts of Eastpool were still in shambles from the imperial attack. There was still a large hole in the home she once shared with Hanna and Rodney. In the end, her parents perished without learning just who their daughter truly was and it made her happy. To them, she was an extraordinary child they loved oh so dearly.
Walking into the house, Lyra looked around at the destruction before wandering to her room. She saw it was ransacked, probably by thieves after the imperials attacked. She found nothing that she had left behind. She then moved to her parents' room. Inside, she was surprised to find Rodney's sword. It was rusted and clearly needed attention. Not wishing to leave it, she grabbed it and infused it with her magic. Like her spear, she was able to dispel it in the same manner.
Leaving the house, she departed from Eastpool and climbed to the hill that overlooked the wetlands. She found the graves Gav had his men make for the poor people who were slaughtered by imperials in cold blood. Seeing the white marker with her mother's name, she walked over and kneeled down. She gently leaned the flower wreath against the grave marker. "Forgive me for taking so long to come and see you, Mother. I have quite a story to tell you."
She spoke to Hanna as if she were still alive. She told her everything that happened in the past five years. She didn't skip any details and only stopped when she found herself crying. She wiped away her tears and remained by her mother's grave until night fell.
Knowing she needed to leave, she said goodbye to Hanna and left the hill. She thought about spending the night at Eastpool, but she decided to head to Martha's Rest. She walked through the night until she arrived at her destination. Some of the Cursebreakers stationed in the village recognized her and greeted her with waves and smiles.
Lyra entered the Golden Stable and found Martha at the counter. The innkeeper smiled sweetly at her. "I wasn't expecting a visit from you, Lyra."
"Hello, Martha," she greeted. "Do you have a room available?"
"I do, and it's all yours free of charge. Consider it a "thank you" for helping me when those Black Shields were tormenting Rosaria. And have a meal on the house! I'll get prepping while you make yourself comfortable."
"Thank you."
Lyra headed up to the vacant room. She got comfortable and gazed out the window until Martha arrived with not one but two bowls of soup and loaves of bread. She entered the room and closed the door with her foot.
"I hope ye don't mind, but I wanted to enjoy my meal with you," Martha explained as she put the tray down on the table.
The goddess smiled. "Not even the slightest. It would be nice to have a little chat, woman to woman."
Martha smiled as well. "Aye. Let's eat."
While Lyra and Martha ate, they talked about anything that came to mind. They laughed, groaned, and even cried together until their food was gone. When the subject of their conversation drifted to her relationship with Clive, she became a little flustered.
"My, I didn't know you were interested in my love life," Lyra said.
"I stand at that counter all day and watch many people come and go. Mind you, some of 'em are couples. After all these years, I can practically smell when someone is in love," Martha laughed. "And, of course, I have two perfectly functioning eyes."
She smirked in amusement. "We're doing fine. Once I return to the hideaway, we will be visiting Cid's grave before continuing our mission."
"You're a busy woman." Martha stood up and grabbed the empty bowls. She neatly stacked them and the spoons on the tray. "I should let ya get some rest. Sleep well, Lyra."
"Thank you for the meal and the conversation," Lyra replied. "Goodnight, Martha."
Once the innkeeper was gone, Lyra crawled into bed and called it a night.
. · : · . ✧ • ✦ • ✧ . · : · .
The following morning, Lyra departed from Martha's Rest. She decided to take a small stroll through the wetlands before deciding to return to the hideaway. While walking down the path through the Three Reeds, she could hear the sound of monsters nearby. She simply dismissed the cries until she heard what sounded like men laughing.
Wondering what was going on, she followed the men's laughter away from the main path. She drew closer to the laughter until she found the source. A group of poachers was surrounding a flock of chocobos. One of the birds, which had pure white feathers, was protecting the other members of its flock.
"C'mon, ya bloody birds!" One poacher shouted.
"Jus' grab the damn thing!" Another shouted.
"With my bare hands?! Are ya mad?!"
"Both of ye shut up!" A third yelled.
Lyra grew tired of the poachers and intervened before they could capture the chocobos. She summoned her spear and sent it hurtling toward them. She killed one and drew the attention of the remaining poachers.
"Oi, ya damn wench!" One shouted, drawing his dagger. Before he could take a step toward her, the spear pierced his chest.
After seeing Lyra kill two of the poachers, the others were frightened. Instead of engaging her in battle, they screamed at the top of their lungs and ran away in fear.
The woman caught her spear with a heavy sigh. "Not even the wildlife is safe from such vulgar men..." Dispelling her weapon, she turned and smiled at the flock of chocobos. "Go now, before they return."
The white chocobo kwehed gently as it approached her. She was confused, wondering what it wanted. What surprised her even more was when the bird leaned down and nuzzled its beak against her cheek. A memory popped into her mind, remembering only one chocobo that ever showed her such affection. "Ambrosia...?"
The white chocobo chirped softly in response.
Lyra was utterly shocked. Ambrosia was alive. "By the heavens..." She petted the chocobo. "I must tell Clive. He would be overjoyed."
Ambrosia chirped at the mention of her owner.
"Oh, but..." She looked behind the bird to see the other chocobos. "I wouldn't want to tear you away from your flock."
The white chocobo kwehed again as if to tell her it would be fine. The other chocobos then ran off into the wetlands.
Seeing this, Lyra understood. "All right. Let's head to Martha's Rest. From there, I'll send a stolas."
Ambrosia lowered her body to the ground, allowing the woman to climb onto her back. She carried her all the way to Martha's Rest.
Lyra asked Martha to send a stolas to Clive while she tended to Ambrosia. Once she was nicely combed out and presentable, she waited at the stables with her until Clive arrived. She talked to the bird as if she were an old friend.
A few hours later, Lyra caught sight of familiar black and red in the distance. She walked across the bridge and noticed it was indeed Clive. She saw he was running quite fast, which puzzled her. Raising her hand, she waved at him when he was close enough.
Clive didn't stop running until he reached her. He was panting as he asked, "Are you hurt?"
"No, I'm fine," she answered. "I've never seen you run so fast before."
"I was worried when I received Martha's stolas," he confessed.
"Heavens... What was...?" She shook her head and disregarded her curiosity. "It doesn't matter. I've got quite the surprise for you. Come with me." She grabbed his hand and tugged him to the stables. She let go of him when Ambrosia noticed them. Smiling, she watched the chocobo approach the man.
Clive seemed confused at first but recognized the chocobo when he noticed the scar over her left eye. His eyes widen in shock. "Ambrosia..."
The chocobo kwehed, happy to be reunited with her owner.
He petted the white-feathered bird with a joyous smile. He then looked over at the golden-haired woman. "How did you find her?"
"I was simply enjoying a stroll until I came across some poachers surrounding some chocobos. I didn't even realize it was Ambrosia until she convinced me herself," Lyra replied. "When I mentioned your name, her eyes lit up and was more than joyous to accompany me."
"Thank you, Lyra," Clive smiled gratefully at her.
She smiled back. "I am overjoyed to see the both of you reunited. Will you be taking her back to the hideaway?"
Ambrosia was more than happy at the news. She chirped and kwehed to express herself.
"Will you be joining us in our return?" Clive asked the blonde.
Lyra nodded. "Yes. My business in Rosaria is finished. Let's return to the hideaway."
|| The Hideaway ||
|| Central Storm Deadlands ||
After Clive and Lyra saw to Ambrosia's new home at the hideaway, the couple decided it was time to visit Cid's grave. But first, they needed to speak to Otto. As usual, they found the man at the mass.
"All right, Clive. How's tricks?" Otto inquired. "Mid finished sending half the hideaway traipsing across the Twins, has she? I swear, that girl'd do anything to put off visiting her old dad's grave. No excuses now, though, eh?"
"Not quite. She said there was one final "thing" she had to take care of," Clive responded. "I'm sure she'll be finished soon enough."
Otto paused for a brief second before asking, "She said that? In those words?"
The man was slightly taken aback at his incredulous tone. "She...did, yes..."
"Clive...Were you born yesterday or something? There is no "thing." She'll probably be halfway to Kanver by now."
"Mid..." Clive sighed. "We might still be able to catch her."
Lyra followed Clive out of the mess but stopped him just after they walked down the stairs. "Clive," she called out to him. When he turned to face her, she continued. "Let's leave Mid be."
The man was flabbergasted. "What?"
"From my last conversation with her, I knew she wasn't doing well. She attempts to hide her sorrow behind a joyful facade, but I easily saw through it. She drowns herself in her work to keep herself from thinking about Cid. It has been five years, but...grief is different for everyone. She is grieving in a way she thinks is best for her, which involves avoiding Cid's grave. There will be a time when she does visit him, but now is not that time. Let her go to Kanver. She'll be back soon."
Clive felt the heavy truth carried by her words. He glanced out across the distance before finding himself agreeing. "You're right. When she's ready, we will be there for her."
Lyra smiled. "Yes. She will have all of us supporting her."
"Oi!" someone shouted.
The couple turned and found Obolus walking over.
"Got a letter for you, Cid," Obolus explained. He pulled out a letter and handed it to Clive. "Urgent, by the sound of it. One of your uncle's men said I was to hand it to you in person post-bleedin'-haste."
"Thank you, Obolus," Clive said.
"Don't mention it." The boatman turned and left the couple.
He opened the letter to read its contents. "What tidings, Uncle?"
Lyra waited patiently for him to finish before asking, "What of Lord Byron?"
"His journey to Kanver was successful, and now he wishes to borrow Gav."
"Trouble in the Free Cities?"
"It appears so. Sending Gav will also allow us to keep an eye on Mid." Clive put the letter away.
"We best speak again to Otto and Gav," she said.
When the couple returned to the mess, they were in luck. Gav was already with Otto. When the scout heard that Mid left, he was surprised.
"So what, Mid got us to do all her dirty work, and then just sailed off into the sunset?" Gav asked.
"It...seems that way," Clive said.
"Well, nothing we can do about it now," Otto commented. "But next time you plan on visiting Cid,
you might want to tie her to something before you suggest it."
The scout smiled. "Ah, don't be so hard on her. Got to admit, the dirty work was kind of fun—everyone pitching in, all that bollocks. Just like when we built this place."
"You're right," Clive agreed.
"Anyway, we all set to head to the old hideaway? I could do with getting to Kanver pretty sharpish. Wouldn't do to keep Lord Rosfield of the seven High Houses waiting, now, would it? Not after he asked for me personally."
Clive met Otto's gaze. "Gav and Lyra will be leaving with me. Will you mind the place while we're gone?"
Otto nodded with a confident smile. "You can count on me. Just be sure to give Cid and the others my regards, all right?"
"We will, Otto," Lyra said.
"Oh, by the way," Gav spoke up. "Jill'll be joining us too. She's got some things to care of, but she'll meet us there."
"I hope she's telling the truth, at least..." Clive mumbled.
"Come now, Jill is not a liar," Lyra remarked. She then turned to walk toward the stairs. "I'll grab what I've prepared. I'll meet you both at the pier."
Heading to the backyard, Lyra grabbed the flower wreath that many at the hideaway helped her create. She asked everyone to pick a flower and she made sure each one made it into the creation of the wreath. Grabbing the flower wreath, she returned to the pier and left with Clive and Gav.
|| Cid's Legacy ||
|| Central Storm Deadlands ||
Clive, Lyra, Gav, and Torgal arrived at the sight of the memorial. They stood before the large stone with a white symbol that was used as a memorial for those who were lost during Titan's attack and where Cid was put to rest.
With a flower in hand, Clive kneeled down and placed its stem under a small rock to keep it from blowing away. He and the others remained silent to pay their respects to Cid and the other people who fell to Titan's rampage.
"Well, Cid...I remember what you told me," Clive spoke up, shattering the silence. "That if no one is listening to what you have to say, you may as well not say it." He lifted his head and gazed at the memorial. "But I will say this, old friend. Hugo Kupka is gone. His shadow looms over us no longer."
Gav hung his head. "It's a pity the Phoenix can't be in two places at once. If he'd've been with us, maybe he could have done something for the lost."
"Not even the Phoenix can bring people back from the dead. Life has a beginning, and an end." Clive stood up and looked over at the scout. "So we must live while we have the chance. And not as slaves to the crystals, but as free men."
Hearing Clive's words caused Lyra to grip the flower wreath tighter. She hung her head and used her long locks to hide her face. It seemed the differences between gods and mortals were beginning to weigh heavier on her mind.
Just then, they heard Jill's voice. "May we join you?"
Jill, Goetz, and Charon had arrived. They joined the others in front of the memorial.
"Lady Charon. What a pleasant surprise," Clive said.
"I thought I'd drop by and see how you were all doing before heading off to restock me supplies," Charon explained.
With the flower she brought, Jill sat on her knees and placed it next to Clive's before allowing Lyra to place the flower wreath around both flowers. She stared sadly at the flowers in silence before she sensed the familiar presence of one of the four winds wishing to pay their respect. "Rhea..."
Hearing the cry of a deer, everyone turned around.
Rhea, her green fur blowing in the faint breeze gradually walked forward. The flowers blooming along her white wooden antlers swayed gently with every step she took. Everyone except Lyra backed away to allow the beast room to pass.
The goddess stood next to Rhea as the deer bowed her head. When she raised her head, she let out another cry and vines with pink blossoms wrapped around the memorial stone.
Goetz shrieked happily while everyone else could only stare in awe.
Lyra placed her hand on the deer's neck. "Thank you, Rhea."
Rhea bowed her head to the goddess before walking away. Her body dissipated into a cloud of leaves and petals before being carried off by the breeze. At the same time, the petals from the flowers everyone brought were taken by the breeze.
As the vivid petals disappeared, Charon saw the bleak landscape. "It wasn't the most scenic view back then, but it were never as bad as this."
"I know. The Blight marches on. And soon there will be no escaping sights like these. So our mission remains unchanged." Clive turned and looked at the faces of his comrades. "We cannot stop until every Mothercrystal is gone, and their thirst for aether with them. The only one that remains in Storm is Drake's Tail, in the Crystalline Dominion."
"Our next target," Jill said.
"And possibly the most dangerous," Lyra added before she smirked. "But danger hasn't stopped us before."
"We're going to Twinside," Clive announced.
"It's the capital of the empire these days. I wouldn't like to think how tightly guarded they've got the place," Gav chimed in. "Not that that'll stop you. But we'd do well to scout it out before you go charging in."
"We would indeed."
Lyra crossed her arms. "I thought you were departing for Kanver?"
The scout grinned. "I've got both covered. Just like you, I've got my own tricks up my sleeves. Oh, and you'll have to tell me about that deer thing later."
She sighed. "All right."
"If you're off to the Dominion, you can take this great lump with you," Charon said, nodding to Goetz.
Goetz was shocked.
When Charon noticed Clive's confusion, she placed her hands on her hips and remarked with, "Oh, I am sorry. Have you forgotten you're the most wanted man in the Twins? I thought you might like to disguise yourselves as the attendants of a traveling trader—assuming you've no better ideas." She then turned to the large man. "You wanted to buy yourself some tools, didn't you? Well, now's your chance."
Goetz was more than happy. "Y-you're letting me go? With them?!" He squealed joyously and grabbed her shoulders, shaking her back and forth. "Awww! Thanks, Nan!"
Charon smacked his hands off her shoulders and shoved him back. "Stop that! You'll break my bones, you great galoot!" She turned to Clive while the trader continued move around excitedly. "There's a caravan that runs back and forth between the Dominion and the Boklad Markets. It's managed by the merchants' guild. Just show them Goetz's trader's pass and you'll be on your way. It'll be a damn sight less risky than footing it the length of the Crystal Road, that's for sure."
"Thank you, Charon," Clive expressed his gratitude. "And glad to have you with us, Goetz."
"Oh, oh, okay then! I'll get me things and I'll meet youse there!" Goetz grabbed Charon's hand and started to drag her off with him. "See youse down in Boklad!"
"Get off! My poor fingers!" Charon shouted angrily.
Clive, Jill, Lyra, and Gav watched Goetz and Charon walk down the path with fond smiles.
Clive turned to his childhood friends. "Lyra, Jill, you're with me."
"Understood," Jill responded.
"Lead the way," Lyra said.
"And Gav—" Clive began.
"Already on my way, captain!" The scout interrupted, patting the man on the shoulder as he walked past him.
"Be careful."
Gav waved to them with his back turned to his friends. "Aren't I always?"
Lyra glanced between Clive and Jill with a smile. "To Boklad we go."
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