𝟎𝟐: 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐌𝐲 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭
On Monday, after a disastrous Friday night dinner with the grandparents, it was now time for Eleanor to start her school life as a preppy schoolgirl.
It wasn't a shock that on Friday, Emily and Lorelai had an argument:
"You took those girls and completely shut us out of your life," Emily said.
"You wanted to control me," Lorelai replied.
"You were still a child," Emily told her.
There had been more that was said but Eleanor couldn't hear it, until she heard:
"Well, I wasn't too proud to come here to you two begging for money for Rory's school was I?"
"No, but you're too proud to let her know where you got it from, aren't you? Well, fine, you have your precious pride and we got Eleanor enrolled in Chilton since they have a good music program there and it'll help her get into Yale as a neuroscientist, and I have my weekly dinners. Isn't that nice? All three of us win."
So, it turned out that Eleanor got in Chilton by bribery.
She didn't know why her grandparents decided to enroll her in Chilton, without her permission or even Lorelai's permission.
To make it worse, Emily had been gushing about the fact that Rory got in Chilton, while completely bypassing Eleanor, even though Emily enrolled her in Chilton.
To make matters worse, the white button down shirt with the vest, and the blazer made her large breasts very noticeable.
It was why she always went with baggy clothes - to hide them. It worked because a few people, besides her friends, Rory, and mother, knew about her bust or, as Rory and Lorelai 'affectionately' dubbed them, boulders. She was eleven when they became very noticeable being a C, by thirteen she was at a size D and they kept growing from there. Now at fifteen soon to be sixteen, she was a 34 DD. Lorelai joked that they were going to keep growing, Eleanor had a fear that her mother was right. Lorelai did make sure that she got proper fitting bras and tried to help her hide them with some baggy clothing.
She finished brushing her hair, put on some eyeliner, added her candy apple lip gloss, and got her black satchel that had pins on it. She even put on her friendship necklace that had a pair of handcuffs on it with a rectangular pendant that said 'Get Out Of Jail Free' on it. She put one her purple and white wristwatch. Arielle had the one with a shovel, Madison had the one with the bullet, and Leslie had the one with the gun. Brad didn't want a necklace, so he didn't have one.
She heard Rory say, "It's seven-seventeen!"
She went into the hallway to hear Lorelai say, "You know what, time lady? Why don't you go downstairs and warm up the car? That would be really super. Thank you."
Rory ordered, "Just hurry!" She went past Eleanor and down the stairs.
Eleanor went downstairs and into the kitchen to get some Pop-Tarts.
Rory came back inside the house, and yelled, "It's seven-eighteen!"
That wasn't helping.
Lorelai yelled, "Oh for the love of god!"
She emerged from the kitchen to see her mother running down the stairs, putting her hair in a ponytail. Rory was leaning against the banister.
Rory yelled, "It's seven-!"
"Don't even finish that sentence," Lorelai told her.
Eleanor stared in horror at her mother's outfit - cowboy boots, frayed denim short-shorts, and a bright pink tie-dyed v-neck shirt
Eleanor knew she had made some horrible clothing decisions (those god-awful
Christmas tights will forever haunt her), but Lorelai was taking the cake over the tights.
"What?" Lorelai asked them.
"Nothing," replied Rory. "I just didn't know the rodeo was in town."
"That outfit takes the cake on the Christmas tights that one year," Eleanor added.
"All right, that's it," Lorelai stated, taking two pictures, "I'm bringing the baby pictures and the picture of you wearing that tight shirt from when you were thirteen."
"Mama no!" Eleanor wailed, trying to sound like Will Smith from the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air in that one scene, but she probably sounded like the trailer park white trash female version of Will Smith.
"No! I'm sorry! I love the rodeo! The rodeo rules!" Rory called after Lorelai, chasing after her.
Of course Rory got in the passenger seat, so Eleanor had to get in the backseat. She chose to read the leather bound book The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice while Lorelai ranted as she drove.
Rory shook Eleanor's leg to get her to look up at the school. It was rather intimidating looking, with stone gargoyles.
"I remember it being small," Rory said.
Lorelai started, "Yeah and less-"
"Off with their head," Rory finished.
"Ah," Lorelai said, tilting her head.
Eleanor asked, "What are you looking for?"
"I'm just trying to see if there's a hunchback up in that bell tower," Lorelai told her.
Eleanor asked, "Can you see if there are any evil-signaling crows?"
"No, can't see any," Lorelai told her.
Rory asked, "So, how do we look?"
Lorelai looked at Rory and Eleanor, "You both look great."
Rory asked, "Really?"
"Really," Lorelai said with a genuine smile. "You two are amazing kids. You both have earned this."
"Except that Grandma bribed my way in," Eleanor pointed out.
"Yeah, well, you two just go in there and show them what smart really is. I love you two. Call me if you need me," Lorelai told them.
"You have to go in there with us," Eleanor pointed out.
Lorelai asked, "Really?"
"Really," Rory repeated.
"You have to meet the headmaster," Eleanor told Lorelai.
"Well, look at me!" Lorelai stated, "I can't meet anyone who does anything in there."
"Mom," Rory said.
Lorelai pointed out, "I look like that chick from the Dukes of Hazzard."
"Who would care because Daisy's a babe," Eleanor admitted. She got some weird looks from Rory and Lorelai. Lorelai shook her head.
"This is our first day. You are not getting out of going in there with us. Period," Rory told her.
"Nell can go in for you, and you can go in for her," Lorelai said. "That's why I had twins."
"Mom, just wear your overcoat," Eleanor said, feeling a headache forming.
"Yeah," Rory agreed.
"Fine," Lorelai grumbled. They got out of the jeep.
There were two women standing right there at the jeep, who were staring.
"Good morning," Lorelai greeted them. She was putting her overcoat on. The two women walked away. To Rory and Eleanor, Lorelai said, "Oh, well, we're going to be best friends."
They walked into the courtyard and Rory took out a piece of paper from her blazer.
Eleanor asked Rory, "Where are we supposed to go again?"
Rory looked at the paper, "Uh, the Ambroise building."
Lorelai asked, "Which is?"
"The big scary one," Rory stated.
"They're all big scary buildings," Eleanor said. She looked at another building, "Except that one. That one's big and intimidating."
"Yeah," Lorelai agreed.
A man in a suit came up to them, "Lost?"
"Yeah, we're looking for the headmaster's office in the Ambroise building," Lorelai told the man.
"Ah, okay. Well, this is it right here. Down the stairs, make a left and the headmaster's office is at the end of the hall," the man said.
"Great. Thank you," Lorelai said.
"You're welcome," the man said.
Eleanor looked around, spotting two blondes standing at a car.
The blonde girl was beaming and the blond boy was looking like he'd rather be anywhere but there.
Their dad looked to be giving the boy a lecture of some sort.
"Great. Thank you," Lorelai said.
The blonde girl looked over at the three of them and Eleanor adverted her gaze.
The man had stuck his hand out to Lorelai. "Uh, I'm Ian Jack. My daughter Julia goes to school here."
They shook hands.
"Hi! I'm Lorelai Gilmore. These are my daughters, Rory and Nell," Lorelai said.
"Your daughters?" The man smiled, "Really? Wow, that's great. Uh...I mean, daughters are a great thing."
"We're big fans," Lorelai stated.
Ian laughed, "Yeah. So, is your husband here? I'd love to meet him."
"Um, no," Lorelai said. "I'm not married. I'd love you meet your wife, though."
"I'm divorced," Ian said.
"Shame," Lorelai said.
"Excuse me. I really, got to go..." Rory started.
Lorelai took Rory's arm, "Right! We gotta go meet the big guy and I gotta get back to work."
They started to walk away.
"Where do you work?" Ian called after them.
Lorelai went back to him, leaving Eleanor and Rory to awkwardly stand by and watch.
"At an inn. The Independence Inn. I run it," Lorelai said.
A girl walking by, stopped and looked at Eleanor's chest, "Are those real?"
In a low voice, Rory said, "And so it begins..."
"What?" Eleanor asked Rory.
"Good luck in school, Rory and Nell. I'll tell Julia to look out for you two," Ian said to the two girls.
"Great, thanks," Rory said.
"See you," Ian told Lorelai.
Ian walked away and Lorelai waved a little, smiling, and staring after him. "What a nice, nice man."
Rory said, "You're feeling pretty good about yourself right now, aren't you?"
"Yeah," Lorelai said with a chuckle, still smiling.
Rory asked, "Do you want me or Nell to get you a mirror?"
Lorelai stopped smiling, "I'm back. Let's go."
They took off to the headmaster's office and walked down some stairs.
"Oh, good," Lorelai said, "More big stuff."
"Turn left," Rory said.
"Oh," Lorelai said.
They walked down the stairs and Eleanor had to awkwardly move out of the way of three girls, who didn't look happy.
They passed that blond boy from the morning. He seemed to stare after them.
Eleanor was sure that he definitely was looking after Lorelai or Rory, since they seemed to be the ones that got the most attention compared to her.
They managed to find the office, but the secretary looked busy.
Eleanor entertained the idea of the secretary falling asleep standing up.
Lorelai cleared her, "Um...excuse me." The secretary looked up, "Oh! How...wow. Hi, I - I'm Lorelai Gilmore. This is my daughters, Lorelai and Eleanor Gilmore. I named this one after me and their dad named that one after a song by The Beatles."
Arielle was going to be excited to find out that she was right, Eleanor thought.
Lorelai continued speaking, "I was in the hospital all whacked out on Demerol. Never mind. B-b-but we call them Rory and Nell. It's short of Lorelai and Eleanor, or even 'hey, you' depending on the...is the headmaster here?"
The secretary got up and removed her glasses, "One moment." She walked into a room.
The moment the door closed, Lorelai whispered, "See? That's what happens when you go to bed with your makeup on."
"I broke out badly when I accidentally fell asleep with my makeup on," Eleanor replied.
"Headmaster Charleston will see you now," the secret said, emerging from the room.
"Great, thanks," Lorelai whispered.
They walked in the room and the secretary closed the door.
"Ms. Gilmore, I'm headmaster Charleston," the headmaster said.
"Hi, wow, it's really nice to meet...Mom," Lorelai said. "Uh, excuse..." She went to talk to Emily.
Eleanor looked at Rory, who seemed really flustered at what was happening.
Emily walked over, "I came to wish my granddaughters luck on their first day of school." She looked at Eleanor's chest briefly, her eyes wide, before she shook it off, "Rory, Nell, you both look wonderful in that uniform!"
"You didn't have to come all the way out here, Mom," Lorelai said.
"I thought she said Chilton was five minutes away," Eleanor whispered to Rory who nodded.
"This gave me a chance to make sure that Hanlin here takes good care of them," Emily said.
"You're Hanlin," Lorelai said to the headmaster.
"Hanlin Charlesston," the headmaster replied.
"Hanlin's wife and I are on the symphony fundraising committee together," Emily said, sounding a little pointedly to Eleanor.
"Wow, that's great," Lorelai said.
"Your father and I are golf rivals. We're still fighting it out to see which one is worse," Headmaster Charleston told Lorelai.
Eleanor decided to tune them out.
"Hanlin, did you know that Rory has a 4.0 grade average and that Nell has a 3.9?" Emily asked quickly.
Eleanor only tuned back in when she heard her name. Lorelai had taken her overcoat off.
"I'm sure he does, Mom," Lorelai replied.
"The both of them are very special girls, you take good care of them," Emily said to the headmaster.
"We'll do our best, Emily," the headmaster said.
Lorelai said, "Rory and Nell aren't going to be a problem, they're totally low maintenance, you know, like a Honda. You know, they're just easy...just...nice office."
Emily said, "I don't think we should take up anymore of your precious time. It was lovely to see you. Give Bitty our love.
"Tell Richard I'll see him at the club Sunday," Charleston said.
"Have a wonderful day, you two. I want to hear all about it," Emily said to the two teens. To Lorelai, she spoke, "Do you need a ride or is your horse parked outside?" She left the office.
Eleanor tried not to laugh at that, even though she knew it was rude
"It's so nice to meet you," Lorelai said, shaking hands with the headmaster. She kissed Rory's forehead, patted Eleanor on the shoulder, "Have a great day." She went to leave.
"Oh, you don't want to forget your coat," Charleston said.
"Oh, no, 'cause that would be embarrassing," Lorelai said, taking her coat and leaving.
Charleston told Eleanor to wait in the office, so she went outside to wait.
Eleanor took out her book to read while she waited.
She got a few pages in when Rory emerged, looking a little ill, "Your turn, Nell."
Eleanor walked in, with Rory wishing her luck.
Eleanor sat in a chair as the headmaster looked over a file, "You are very bright."
"Thank you," Eleanor said.
"You have a few social activities: you work part-time at Weston's Bakery, you're in the math club, science club, book club, orchestra...uh, Mr. Munroe's School of Harmonic Cellists," Headmaster Charleston said. "You help organize bake sales and music festivals."
"Oh, I play the cello, which is why I joined orchestra. It's more of a hobby," Eleanor stated. "Mr. Munroe is my cello teacher. He teaches me and four others, so he calls it a school."
"I see," Charleston said. "What are you aspirations? Do you aspire to go to Harvard to study journalism and political science like your sister?"
"No," Eleanor said. "I want to go to either: M.I.T, Yale, or maybe Cornell-"
"On your way to being," the headmaster interrupted.
"A neuroscientist," Eleanor stated.
The headmaster seemed surprised, like he was taken aback at the idea that Eleanor wanted to be a neuroscientist, "I see."
Eleanor asked, "Have you heard of Diane Downs? Ted Bundy? Charles Manson? Jeffery Dahmer? Those people? I want to know how their minds worked. What drove them to kill. I want to learn how two people from the same environment turn out so differently, how one can go the straight and narrow and the other goes down the dark path onto killing people. Why? How? I think it's fascinating, don't you?" She added, "Although falling back on being a baker and playing the cello are also good fall back careers."
The headmaster got up, "I've known your grandparents for quite some time."
"I'm sure they like you to, which is why you've been friends for so long," Eleanor said. She cringed.
"In fact, I was at a party at their house just last week where I had the most delicious lobster puffs I've ever eaten. I'm very fond of them."
"I like the crab cakes myself," Eleanor said.
The headmaster sat at his desk across from her. "None of this, however, will be of any benefit to you. Chilton has one of the highest academic standards of any school in America. The pressures are greater, the rules are stricter, and the expectations are high. If you make it through, you will have receiver one of the finest educations one can get. And there should be no reason why you should not achieve all your goals. However, since you are starting late, and are not used to this highly competitive atmosphere, there is a good chance that you will fail. That is fine; failure is a part of life, but not a part of Chilton. Understand?"
"I like a challenge," Eleanor said.
The headmaster handed her a file, "Take this to Miss James in the administration office across the hall.
She took the file, "I hope you have a nice day, headmaster."
The headmaster smiled and nodded, "Thanks. Have a good day, as well."
Eleanor went to the door, but stopped turning back to him, "By the way...while I'm here...Is there any way you can bend the dress rule a little for me, so I can hide this." She motioned to her chest.
Headmaster Charleston glanced and grimaced a little, "I'm sure that your counselor will talk to you if it...becomes an issue."
Eleanor left the office and Rory got up from her seat. They went to the administration office. A few students were in there already.
The two girls went to the desk.
Rory said, "Hi, we're looking for Miss James?"
The woman asked, "Names?"
"Lorelai Gilmore, but I go by Rory," Rory said.
"Eleanor Gilmore," the black-haired girl said.
Miss James took the folders and handed them a sheet and pencil each, "Fill this out, please."
Rory and Eleanor took the paper and pencil and went to sit a table.
"Shut up."
"Hurry. Please. Spiders."
"Lorelai Gilmore."
"Nice stripper name."
"Eleanor Gilmore."
"Cute old lady's name."
"Both formerly of Stars Hollow High School."
"Where's that?"
"Make a left at the haystacks and follow the cows."
"Ooh, Dixie chicks."
"One has a perfect attendance, 4.0 grade point average. The other one has good attendance, but a 3.9 grade point average."
"Bugs, dirt, twigs."
"One's a journalist major."
"That mean she's going out for the school paper."
"Not necessarily. The other one is a neuroscientist major."
"Ooh, a science chick."
"The both of them got a thousand recommendations in here."
"Both popular with the adults and one going out for the paper?"
"Will you stop? You don't know that she's going out for the paper."
"Ow, something's biting me!"
"Quiet down."
"I hate nature."
"They'll never catch up. They're a month behind."
"You can tutor them. Be like a big sister."
"You're funny. They have each other anyway."
"Okay, lizard, goodbye."
"Why are they letting all these extra people in? They just take up space and screw up the curve. We don't need any new kids here."
"Too late."
Eleanor and Rory finished filling out the forms and went to hand them in.
Miss James started handing out papers, "Here's the dining room, the science hall, the theater. Here's your locker number, here's your schedule, take this map. This locker number is for the band room." She passed another piece of paper to Eleanor, before handing out the rest, "Here's the rules of the school and the Chilton code of honor. Here are the words to the school song, which must be recited upon demand. This can happen anytime, any place. If you do it in Latin, you get extra credit. Do you have any questions?"
"Are we allowed to breathe at any point?" Eleanor blurted out.
Miss James didn't look impressed with Eleanor's question.
"Uh, no, not at the moment," Rory said.
"If you do, you can make an appointment with your guidance counselors Mr. Winters and Mr. Shaw," Miss James said. "They handle everything but bulimia and pregnancy. For that you have to go to the nurse or Coach Rubens. Welcome to Chilton."
Eleanor looked at her papers. She had Mr. Shaw as her guidance counselor. Well, it looked like asking him for help on making herself less noticeable was out of the building. She felt irritated at the headmaster.
It seemed like everyone stared at her wherever she went. She was sure that they were staring at her chest.
She had a few classes with Rory. They shared at least World Literature and English class.
The teacher, Mr. Remmy, was speaking, "And while French culture was the dominant outside cultural influence, especially for Russia's monied class, English culture also had its impact. Tolstoy's favorite author, for instance, was..."
"Dickens," a blonde girl said with her hand raised.
Mr. Remmy continued, "Yes, and last week, we discovered Dostoevsky's main authorial influences..."
The blonde girl raised her hand again, "George Sand and Balzac."
Eleanor was feeling irritated at the blonde girl.
"Good, as Tolstoy commenced writing both War and Peace and Anna Karenina, Count Leo would turn too-"
"David Copperfield," Eleanor said quickly with her hand raised.
"Correct," Mr. Remmy said, smiling.
It was something that Eleanor and the book club had discussed.
The blonde girl that Eleanor was sitting next to gave her an unimpressed look.
"He would turn to David Copperfield for inspiration."
A door opened and Eleanor looked to see a rather good-looking blond guy walk in.
"A, Mr. Dugray," Mr. Remmy said.
"Sir," Dugray said, handing the teacher a note.
"Nice to have you back," Mr. Remmy told him. "I hope your grandfather's feeling better."
"Much better, sir," Dugray responded.
He walked over to his seat, but on the way there, he seemed to leer at Eleanor and Rory.
Mr. Remmy continued, "Great Expectations, A Tale of Two Cities, Little Dorrit, all major influences of Leo Tolstoy..."
Eleanor raised her hand, "Les Misérables had an enormous influence on Tolstoy when he wrote War and Peace. In fact, he met Hugo after he finished reading Les Misérables."
"Ah, yes, very good," Mr. Remmy said with a smile. "I was going to get to that."
"Who are they?"
"New girls."
The bell rang and Mr. Remmy said, "Class dismissed."
Dugray said, "Looks like we got ourselves a Mary and a Magdalene."
Eleanor turned to look at him, "One, just because I have big boobs doesn't mean I'm a slut. Two: Magdalene? Seriously? You must be getting by on looks alone, aren't you? Three, because you branded me a slut doesn't mean I'm going to sleep with you or anyone."
"Miss, uh Gilmores, could come up here please?" Mr. Remmy called to the two girls.
They went to the desk. "These are last week's study materials." He gave them a huge binder each. "There'll be a test on them tomorrow, but since you're both new, you can take a make up test on Monday. Will that be sufficient time?"
Eleanor doubted that this huge binder had to be last week's study material. She looked at Rory, who nodded. Eleanor looked at the teacher, "Yeah. Monday will be fine."
"That's just an overview. You'll find it very helpful to you to borrow one of the other student's personal notes. They tend to be more detailed."
Rory asked, "More detailed than this?"
"It seems daunting right now, I know," Mr. Remmy stated.
"No, no, it's okay. We'll be fine," Rory stated.
Eleanor nodded.
"Remember to get those notes," Mr. Remmy told them. "They'll be a life saver."
They left the classroom, and Eleanor saw the blonde girl death-glaring them.
"I'm Paris," the girl said.
"I didn't see you there," Rory asked, "Where'd you come from?"
"I know who you two are. Lorelai and Eleanor Gilmore from Stars Hollow," Paris stated.
"You can call me Rory," Rory responded.
Paris asked, "Are either of you going for the Franklin?"
Rory asked, "The what?"
"Nice innocent act. At least I know you're not going out for drama club," Paris said. "The Franklin, the school paper. Are either of you going out for it?"
"No," Eleanor said.
"We have to find our lockers first," Rory stated.
"I'm going to be editor next year," Paris stated.
"Congratulations," Eleanor stated.
"I'm also the top of the class and I intend to be valedictorian when I graduate," Paris continued.
"Good for you. I didn't even plan on being valedictorian, but now I have a goal in mind," Eleanor said.
They tried to move out of the way, but Paris blocked their path.
"You'll never catch up. And you'll never beat me," Paris said.
"Okay, whatever. I have to get to psychology, so Brooklyn, was it? Can you move before I make you move?" Eleanor snapped.
"With what?" Paris asked, "Your chest that you obviously stuff?"
Eleanor rolled her eyes and moved on hearing Rory said, "She doesn't!"
Paris just made her list.
In psychology class, Eleanor sat next to the blond guy from that morning. According to a paper, his name was Elliot Taylor
The teacher Ms. Roscoe passed out the assignment.
"Now, I want you to look at the person beside you, and make assumptions based on appearance alone. Then I want you to find out correct you are," Ms. Roscoe said.
Eleanor considered dropping the class alone based on that one assignment. She was sure that psychology classes didn't go like this.
Maybe it was something to get her settled in? But she couldn't be that narcissistic.
So, she looked at Elliot, who looked at her.
"Let me guess: your secret talent is singing, your favorite books is Wuthering Heights and Pride and Prejudice, you think that Cathy and Heathcliff are a great couple, your favorite bands are Spice Girls, NSYNC and Backstreet Boys, your favorite movie is Clueless, you feel like a disappointment to your dad because he says he wanted a boy, and you think your parents and sister don't understand you," Elliot said.
What. The. Hell.
"That is farthest from the truth from me. I'm a terrible singer my mom and sister can agree with that; my favorite books are IT and The Shining by Stephen King. I read Wuthering Heights and I find Cathy and Heath to be so awful they made everyone so miserable around them that they were glad that they died. I actually like Northanger Abbey because of the fact that she started confusing reality with her fantasies. Also it's because a character has the same name as me. I actually like Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Slipknot, Slayer, Guns N' Roses, Metallica, Korn, and Mötley Crüe. My favorite movie is Scream because it's a satire. I see my dad once a year and we talk over the phone once a week, so I consider him a deadbeat. I actually feel like my mom and sister understand me." She looked at Elliot.
"But let me guess...your parents want you to be just like your perfect older brother, they say, 'why can't you be like him'. You listen to classical music like Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, and Chopin just so you can seem deep. Considering how you accused me of liking Wuthering Heights and knowing who Cathy and Heath are, you read romance novels, but your favorite book is the Outsiders considering you feel like one." She looked at him, "Your parents ignore you in favor of your older brother because he's the golden child and you like to think you're deep and mysterious when in actuality, you're not."
Elliot seemed to glare at her.
It looked like she had another person to add to her list.
Eleanor was at her locker getting some books. To make it even weirder was that Elliot was her next door locker neighbor. When she closed her locker and turned to walk away, she almost jumped when she spotted Tristan leaning against the lockers.
"Oh god!" exclaimed Eleanor. "Why are you standing there like Ruth Gordon with a tannis root?"
"Look, Magdalene, I think we got off on the wrong foot back there in Mr. Remmy's class," Tristan said.
"Yeah, that's all you got, Justin Timberlake. Two left feet with a crappy, slut and virgin shaming attitude," Eleanor said, turned, and walked away.
Tristan followed after her and asked, "Okay, how I loan you and your sister my English notes?"
"Sure," Eleanor said.
"And a date..." Tristan added.
Eleanor was confused, "With me and Rory?"
"With you," Tristan said, "To make up for the crappy, slut and virgin shaming attitude?"
"No," Eleanor said. "I'll leave the date, but I'll take the notes." She looked at Paris, who was glaring at her. There were two other girls with her. "Would any of you three date that? I feel like I would have to leave my self-worth behind every time I'm with him so he can feel better about himself." She smirked while Paris gaped at her.
Chilton wasn't looking to bad now that she thought about it.
Lorelai, Lane, and Rory went their own while they ate pizza, while Eleanor preferred to walk with her friends. They were eating veggie pizza, because Leslie was a vegetarian and they didn't want her to feel left out.
"So three people made my shitlist today," Eleanor told them.
Arielle asked, "Wow, three?"
"Yeah, two guys named Elliot and Tristan, and a girl name Paris," Eleanor said.
Madison asked, "What did they do?"
"Well, Tristan called me Magdalene," Eleanor replied. "He was essentially calling me a slut. Probably based off of my big boobs."
"Nowhere in the bible did it state that Mary Magadelene was a whore," Brad explained. "It said she had seven demons that came out of her. The one who was a sinner was Mary of Bethany. So, calling her a prostitute would make sense, but honestly, she could've just ate a lot. She has a sister named Martha who was a baker and they had a brother named Lazarus who Jesus cried over."
Eleanor asked, "Really?"
"Yeah," Brad said. "Back when my parents forced me to go to church, our priest said 'Yes, it does say she has demons pulled out of her, but to be fair, demons were applied to every physical or mental illness back then, so she might have just been depressed.'"
"I'll be depressed too if everyone thought I was a prostitute," Arielle said.
Madison said, "Didn't she watch Jesus get crucified? I would be depressed about that too."
"Yeah, me too," Arielle said.
Brad asked, "So, what about the other two? What did they do to make your list?"
"By the way Tristan wanted to date me, after he called me Magdalene, again," Eleanor said.
"What a way to a girl's heart. Call them a whore and then ask them out," Arielle deadpanned.
"I know," Eleanor said. "Elliot made these really stunning off-base assumptions about me. It was part of an assignment but I really felt insulted by it. Paris is just obnoxious."
Brad asked, "So, you put someone on your list just for being obnoxious?"
"She put her dad on her list," Madison said.
Eleanor nodded, "That's because he visits once a year and calls once a week. Yes, I can be petty if I want."
"Some advanced school you're going to if they're insulting you with a misconception about Mary Magdalene," Brad stated.
Eleanor nodded.
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