Chapter 9: To You, Anne


3rd Person POV

In the dark of night, silence fills the air, the wind gently caressing the trees' leaves, and the moonlight shining down below. The town remains quiet, a good kind of quiet.

However, deeper into the forest, Y/N runs through the foreign vegetation that surrounds him, clearly something chasing him. He run towards a giant, fallen down log, and hides there. He tightly holds on to his weapon, blood dripping down the hilt and onto the blade itself.

He sighs, and readied his weapon once more. Suddenly, an ear piercing shriek was heard, and the sound of something flying in such high speeds can be heard...heading right towards him.

Y/N: Come on you glorified chicken, you fuck with my girl, and now I'm gonna have to kill ya.

He said to himself, as he steps out of the hiding spot and he readied his weapon, facing the very beast he hunts...a Giant Swamp Hawk.

Y/N: Come on, you overgrown cock! I'm gonna FUCK YOU UP!! WAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHH!!!


Earlier This Week

I open my eyes to the sound of footsteps coming from upstairs. It was faint, but enough for me to hear.

Y/N: Must be Hop-Pop, man's probably cooking an Elephant's Foot.

I chuckle at my own joke before silently sighing, and looked down to see Anne, laying on my chest...snoring and drooling...look, I love this woman no doubt, but damnit this is kinda grossing me out.

Y/N: Damnit Anne... Wait, what time is it anyway?

I ask myself as I grab my phone and I open it to check the time. The light from the phone blinded me for a bit, before turning the light down to a much more manageable level. It was 5 AM...

Y/N: Wait, how does my phone know what time it is in another dimension...? Eh, if it works it works.

I put my phone back down and I gently grab a hold of Anne and I rolled over and placed her on the bed, to which she suddenly laughs in her sleep and wrapped her arms around me

Y/N: chuckles Alright, that's enough huggies. You already hugged me all night.

I said as I pried her hands off, to which she whined, softly.

Anne: Nooooooooo...zzzzzz...

I chuckle again, and I lean in and kiss her on the head and smile, causing her to smile as well as if she knew. I make my way upstairs and I silently open the basement hatch and stepped out, closing it silently just as I have opened it.

Y/N: Right, I might as well cook cause ain't no way I'm letting Hop-Pop cook and feed Anne a goddamn Biohazard.

I said to myself, as I then proceed to make my way to the kitchen, seeing Hop-Pop reading that old, crusty ass recipe book.

Y/N: Morning, Hop-Pop.

The old frog turned to me, and smiles, as if I was his own, quite heartwarming really, but I think he's just being polite.

Hop-Pop: Morning, kiddo! Good news for ya, there really isn't much to do in the gardens other than the usual tending today so you're free to hang with Anne and the kids all day!

Y/N: I don't really mind the gardenwork, in fact I like it, but thank you, Hop-Pop. Say, what are you cooking?

Hop-Pop chuckles, before grabbing the book and showing it to me, pointing at a specific dish named "Bug Puss".

Y/N: ...Hop-Pop, are you tryna kill us with that thing?

Hop-Pop: Wha- This one here's a good family recipe!

Y/N: Yeah, if it was Victorian Era, which it isn't! Oh who the Hell am I kidding, you don't even know what that is.

Hop-Pop: Look son, this is not an actual puss, its a stew.

Y/N: Judging from your cooking, I'd say it's a bad one.

Hop-Pop: Oh really? Well then, I'd like to see you make a dish, then.

I smiled slyly, and I shook my head to focus.

Y/N: Gladly, you got crawfish around here?

Hop-Pop: Wha- are you insane?! A swarm of those could kill a frog! Granted, they do taste good.

Y/N, raising an eyebrow: They big?

Hop Pop: Yep.

Y/N: How big?

Hop-Pop: 18 to 23 inches, I know my crawfish alright.

Y/N: Huh, how the species of Mantis are much bigger here, but crawfish just happens to be just twice its initial size? ...Best not question it.

I turn around and began making my way to the door.

Y/N: Either way, when you're done with the first plate of what I'm about to cook, I know damn well you'll be asking for more.

Hop-Pop: Oh please, your cooking can't be that good.

Y/N: Can't be any worse than yours, old timer.

I laugh, as I walk out the house, leaving Hop-Pop to himself, sitting in boredom.

Hop-Pop: My cooking's not that bad...

I peek my head back in the house.

Y/N: Oh, and prepare a big bucket, with water if you will.

Hop-Pop: Why?

Y/N: You'll see.

I say, before finally heading to the nearest riverbank, and cracked my knuckles.

Timeskip: Third Person POV

Few minutes pass, and thrashing can be heard out the back of the house.

Even more minutes pass, and footsteps can be heard outside the house, and afterwards, Y/N kicked the door in, holding two, living crawfish with each hand. Big, mad and thrashing as it was just pulled out of the water.

Y/N: Hop-Pop! Get the bucket!

Y/N says, as he ran into the kitchen and Hop-Pop hurriedly placed the large bucket on the floor, as Y/N then placed the two, massive crawfish inside the bucket.

Y/N: Damn you weren't kidding when you said the crawfishes here are big.

Hop-Pop: Told ya so, but why didn't ya kill em already? Shoulda saved you some trouble.

Y/N: You're kidding, right?

Hop-Pop: No?

Y/N: Hop-Pop, crawfish meat rots fast, usually stays good for just 2 days and that's if you're putting it in the fridge. You can't just catch these things and eat it past the 2 day mark, you'll goddamn kill yourself.

Hop-Pop: Huh. Is that why one of the villagers round here died after catching a crawfish and only ate it in the weekend?

Y/N: ...How do you guys not know this? You know what, no don't answer that, I can tell you guys are still feudal...

Y/N then proceeds to walk to the cupboard, and grabbed all the spices that he can see. Pepper, salt, all that sorta stuff.

Y/N: I don't expect you guys to have this, but do you have Cajun seasoning?

Hop-Pop: Son, I don't even know what a Cajun is.

Y/N: Figures. But you do have black pepper, white pepper, cayenne pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, and paprika, right? I mean, you got a farm...

Hop-Pop: Oof, big list, alright.

Hop-Pop got to work, and made his way to another cupboard where all the other spices are put. He grabs all of them and set them down on the table.

Hop-Pop: Say, you gotta tell me more about this "Cajun" seasoning of yours.

Y/N merely chuckles, as he then gets to work, washing his hands, before walking to the table.

Y/N: Long story short, its amazing. And old timer, I guarantee you this will make you feel things.

Moments Later

Y/N: Alright! Should be done now!

Y/N says, as he then puts off the fire and removes the lid off of the pot with the crawfish in it, and he takes a good sniff of it.

Y/N: Ah, that right there's genuine etouffee. The only thing that could have made this even better is a cup of rice.

Hop-Pop: Sorry Y/N, haven't bought some when I last went to the market.

Y/N: It's alright, don't worry.

Y/N then sets the pot of crawfish etouffee on the table and grabs a scoop, and with it a bowl. He puts a generous amount on said bowl and hands it to Hop-Pop.

Y/N: Here, eat up, old timer.

Hop-Pop: Alright, Y/N, this better be as good as you say it is.

Y/N: Trust me, it IS.

Hop-Pop then takes a spoon and places a mouthful of the dish in his mouth, then he chews.

Y/N: So? How is it?

The old frog continues to chew some more, before shooting his eyes open wide.


The old frog collapses, much to Y/N's fear.

Y/N: Hop-Pop? Hop-Pop?!

Y/N proceeds to check up on the old frog who collapsed on the floor, and almost immediately Hop-Pop gets back up, eyes filled with glee and lets out a gasp.

Hop-Pop: gasp Y/N! What is this DELICACY?!

Before Y/N could provide an answer, Hop-Pop immediately devours the bowl of etouffee. Y/N rubs his temples, seemingly in frustration.

Y/N: sigh Goddamnit old timer, don't scare me like that.

Y/N can only chuckle, as he then proceeds to give Hop-Pop another bowl of etoufee, only this time, Hop-Pop ate it slowly, savoring it.

Hop-Pop: This is amazing, Y/N! But don't take this as me wanting to get rid of the old cookbook now, ya hear? It's my family's recipe after all.

Y/N: Yeah, sure. to himself Until one of us dies from food poisoning that is, see how you handle that.

Hop-Pop: What was that, son?

Y/N: Nothing. Should I wake the kids up? I mean, they might be awake already, given that you screamed just now...

Then, as if on cue, both Sprig and Polly ran downstairs. Sprig jumped from the last few steps, and Polly jumped, landing atop her brother's head.

Sprig: Hop-Pop! What is that smell?!

Polly: Nevermind candy; What is that stuff?! I want it!

Sprig: Wow Hop-Pop, this is such a turn around from the usual horrors of the culinary arts that you usually cook!

Y/N smirked at Sprig's comment, but that smirk soon faded as soon as he saw the old frog change his entire demeanor from what Sprig said, as he eats another spoonful of the etoufee. Seeing this, Y/N did what he saw needed to be done.

Hop-Pop: Actually, kids, it was-

Y/N: Now now, don't be like that to your grandpa, he took weeks to perfect this recipe, isn't that right, old timer?

Hop-Pop: What?

Y/N turns to Hop-Pop, smiling, and winks. It took Hop-Pop a second, and a second it did take for him to get the gist of what Y/N was trying to do.

Hop-Pop: Heh, right you are, kiddo.

Sprig: I didn't know you took cooking classes!

Y/N: He didn't, he's self taught.

Sprig: Dang Hop-Pop, so you CAN cook good after all, I'm impressed!

Polly: No more talking I wanna eat already!

Y/N, Sprig and Hop-Pop laugh at Polly's comment. The human then proceeds to grab two bowls and pour a generous amount for the children to eat, and set it down on the table where both the frog children sat down and ate.

Polly: Sooooo good!

Sprig: Hop-Pop! This is amazing! You should DEFINETLY try to cook some other stuff too, and even rework some of the old recipes! I'm sure the family wouldn't mind, right?

Hop-Pop: Hehehe, in time, Sprig, in time, for now, let's eat!

Y/N smiles, as he sees the three frogs eat his dish with great pleasure.

This somewhat reminds him of the time when the three, Anne, Sasha, and Marcy, first got to taste his cock- sorry, cooking. (Not yet ya perverts, heh.)


The three can be seen inside Y/N's home, specifically at the dining room, all of them waiting for Y/N as he cooks something up for them. Sasha was listening to music with her earphones on, Marcy was busy playing with her Switch, and Anne was playing with Domino, with permission from her parents to bring her cat to Y/N's place.

Y/N: Alright! It's done!

Y/N says in the other room, as he then proceeds to walk towards the dining room, a holding a pot with both of his hands, the lid covering the contents within.

This promptly snapped the three out of what their doing, and looked towards Y/N. Sasha removed her earphones, Marcy paused her Switch, and Anne picks up Domino to make space on the table, that and so she doesn't knock the pot off.

Anne: Wow, Y/N, that smells good! ...What is it?

Marcy: Hmm, N/N's birthplace was in the New Orleans swamps, so I'm guessing it's a childhood dish?

Y/N: Good guess, but nah.

Sasha: Whatever it is, that better not be poisoned, L/N.

Y/N: Oh shut up, Waybright, you'll live.

Y/N then places his hand on the lid, and looks at Sasha.

Y/N: Besides, this is something that you'll love, after all-

He removed the lid and the steam from the pot emerges, and floats up and out the window, inside the pot was an appetizing, mouth watering, Orange Chicken...Sasha's favorite.

Y/N: I know damn well this dish here's your favorite.

Sasha: ...Okay, now you have my attention.

Y/N: Heard from Anne and Marcy that you love Orange Chicken, so I decided to give it a go and cook some up.

Y/N says, smiling, as he grabs three small plates from the cupboard, and with it three forks for each of the three girls.

Y/N: Mind you I don't usually cook for someone but when I do...I tend to make it the best in my ability. Enjoy, Waybright.

Y/N says, with a smirk, putting a generous amount of the cooked chicken on the small plate, and give said plate to Sasha.

Sasha was hesitant at first, but eventually took the plate, as she couldn't resist it, after all it's her favorite food. She takes a bite and...her face lit up entirely, she loved it. Seeing Sasha's reaction to his cooking, it felt new to Y/N. He found it... rather adorable... eventually he realized he's been staring, with a small blush mind you, and he snapped out of it.

Sasha, muffled: Oh my gosh! swallows Dude, this is amazing! Are you sure this is your first time cooking this?!

Y/N: I swear on my momma...not that I'd do it, she'd beat me to a pulp if I did.

Y/N chuckles as he grabs the last two plates, filled it with chicken and hands it both to Anne and Marcy. Marcy sets her Switch down, and Anne set Domino down on the floor, as they too begin to consume what he cooked.

Anne: Sasha's right, this IS good, Y/N! You should cook more often!

Marcy: N/N, think you could make some other things? This is, like, one of the tastiest things I've had!

Y/N: I usually have to look up the recipes, but sure, I'd love to.

Y/N smiles, and he sits back on his chair, seeing the three girls enjoy the dish he made for them to eat. He felt something brush up against his leg, and he looks down to see Domino at his feet. He smiles and picks the furry cat up, and holds her in his arms, to which the cat nuzzled herself into Y/N.

Y/N: Aww, hi Domino.

The cat meows at Y/N, and seemingly smiled, before suddenly jumping on top of his broad shoulder, and climbs to the top of his head, to which Y/N can only chuckle.

Y/N: Sleepy, are you?

Anne: Oh my gosh, guys, look at Y/N and Domino right now!

Marcy: Awwww! giggle So cute, Anne, take a picture!

Sasha: chuckles Didn't take you for a cat person, Y/N.

Y/N: I'm not, I like animals in general.

Anne: She likes you, she's never like this with someone before.

Y/N: Heh, I can tell.

Sasha pulls out her phone, and she takes a picture of Y/N with Domino on his head, sleeping.

Sasha giggles as she shows the other girls the picture she just took, and all of them giggle and laugh as they look at it.

Y/N can only blush as he looks at all three of them as he used his free hand to cover his face so they don't see his blush. He thinks to himself:

Y/N, to himself: Shit...why are you three so fucking precious...

Suddenly, Domino lays on her back, still on top of Y/N's head and stretches. Which prompted Y/N to chuckle. Anne, at the other side of the table, sees this, and she takes out her phone, while the other two talk to each other, and she takes a picture of both Y/N and Domino together, she looks at Y/N smile...and felt her stomach flutter, as her face reddens.

Flashback Ends: Anne's POV

I smile, seeing the picture of Y/N with Domino on top of his head. The best part of the picture? That smile...that dang smile. Suddenly, the smell of something lovely begins to fill the air, the smell of good cooking, one that I DEFINITELY know of. Y/N.

Anne: Huh, guess Y/N wanted to make us breakfast today.

I stand up from my bed, throwing the blanket off of me, ready to start the day. I stretched my body, and I sighed, before putting my phone in my skirt's pocket and made my way upstairs.

Eventually, I see the three frogs, and of course my beloved Y/N. Yes, I know what I said, do something about it.

Anne: Hey guys!

The first to turn was Y/N, and of course, the moment he sees me he smiles...he always smiles when he sees me...heck, when he sees ANY of us.

Y/N: Morning, Anne. Slept well?

Anne, internally: With you holding me every night? Heck yeah~

Anne: Mhm! Slept great, even!

Y/N: That's great, then. Come on, eat up. "Hop-Pop" made breakfast.

He says, as he pulls up the chair beside him, winking at me at the same time. God...that wink is making me feel things. Wait, Hop-Pop made this?

Anne: Hop-Pop? Dude, I know your cooking-

Y/N: Hop-Pop made it.

Why does he keep...ohhh...I get it.

Anne: Oh, well, that's nice, Hop-Pop! Thanks!

I finally took a seat beside Y/N, to which he smiled as he serves himself a plate.

I took a bite, and an explosion of flavor occurred in my mouth. The salt, pepper, and above all the Cajun seasoning that Y/N tends to make himself, it SCREAMS Y/N's cooking, but I decided to play along.

Anne: Mm! Hop-Pop, this is amazing!

Y/N: I agree, perhaps after weeks of practicing this dish you finally got the hang of it.

Hop-Pop: Hehehe, thanks, you two, it means a lot.

I smile at Hop-Pop, and continue to eat. Then, Y/N speaks.

Y/N: So, Hop-Pop, you said that there won't be anything to do in the gardens today; You wouldn't mind if we could take a walk around town today, right?

Oh yeah, come to think of it I haven't been able to get a good look of the town much.

Y/N: Especially since I made a promise to Anne that we'll be..."heading out" to town, now that we're free.

Then, a hand placed itself atop my hips, which made me flinch. I looked down and saw that said hand belonged to none other than Y/N. I look at him, a blush forming on my face. He looks at me at the corner of his eye, and he smirks, then winks again. I immediately covered my face and continued eating, stuffing my face with his cock- I MEANT COOKING!!

Hop-Pop: Well...Y/N, I know how you fare around the townsfolk, even though you don't like it when you're being called names, at least you ain't rowdy. Anne though? Oof, gotta think about that one, son.

Y/N: Oh come on, old timer. She's with me, you can trust me on this one, and you know me, I'm more than capable.

Hop-Pop: Hmm...oh alright, can't really hold ya here forever, ya know? Just be back before the sun sets.

Y/N: Of course, you have my word, old timer...can I bring the sword-

Hop-Pop: Absolutely not, young man. They may tolerate you but carrying around a sword that's twice their size ain't exactly a sight people would take well.

Y/N: ...Goddamnit. Much as I hate it, he got a point.

Polly, mouth full of food: You know, I'd carry a knife, if I were you! They're small enough to be unseen, and still be as lethal!

Hop-Pop: Polly Plantar, what did I say about giving people criminal advice?!

Polly: It's not criminal if they attacked you first!

Y/N, whispering: Granted, she ain't wrong.

Anne, whispering back: I second that.

Y/N then leans towards Polly.

Y/N: Hey kid, I appreciate the advice, but I already got that.

He proceeds to lift a part of his shirt, and revealed what seemed to be a knife scabbard, and not just any knife, a large fishing knife, one that's mainly used in catching large fishes, and cutting up gators.

Y/N: For what it's worth, I like the way you're thinkin, kid.

Polly: So coooooooooool~

Hop-Pop: What was that?

Y/N, lowering his shirt: Nothin.

Hop-Pop: ...Alright then. Say, since you're goin out, need any coppers? I can lend ya some.

Y/N: No need, Hop-Pop, thanks. I already got some.

Hop-Pop: Well now, what have you been doing to get some coppers?

Y/N: Odd jobs here and there, they can be nice about it instead of leaving the goddamn bag on the ground though...jerks. The sheriff's a cool guy though. "It ain't a problem what you are. What you do in life, that's what matters." Now for a frog, I can respect that.

Hop-Pop: Sheriff? Y/N, you weren't hunting criminals, were ya?

Y/N: Nah, I didn't, but thanks for the idea!

Hop-Pop: Absolutely not, young man! You can head to town with Anne but you huntin' thugs and bandits is somethin I WON'T allow!

Y/N: Hop-Pop, look at it this way, not only can I earn money that Anne and I can spend, but think of the impact it'll have once the crime rates 'round here start to go down! The trade routes will become safer and maybe then more people will visit this place! And then maybe the town will finally trust me and Anne! Win-win the way I see it.

Hop-Pop: Answer is still no, Y/N. Look, I don't wanna lose a kid...

Hop-Pop turns away, and muttered something to himself.

Hop-Pop, muttering: Not again...

Y/N: ...The Hell you mean by that, old timer...?

Hop-Pop: ...It's nothin. Just be sure to not cause any trouble around town, alright?

Y/N: Like I said, you have my word, Hop-Pop. Anne?

Anne: Hmm? Oh, sorry, yeah, I promise too.

Hop-Pop: Alright, that's that. Sprig, do help me with the dishes after this.

Sprig: Sure, Hop-Pop! ...Can I have more of that stuff you made?

Hop-Pop, chuckling: Of course, here!

Sprig hands his bowl to Hop-Pop and he happily refills the bowl with a smile on his face. I turn to Y/N, who was smiling as well. I put my hand on his thigh, and he looks at me.

Y/N: Sup, Anne?

Anne: Wanna head out now? I've got nothing else to do and you're free right now.

Y/N chuckles, and he placed his hand on top of mine, the same one that was on his thigh.

Y/N: That's the plan. But just a sec, gotta wash my face first, do get ready too.

Y/N then stands up, and stretches his body, and slightly lifts his shirt up in the process, wasn't obvious but enough for me to see beneath it.

Anne, internally: God...

Y/N, unbeknownst to me, he saw my reaction, and as if he read my mind, he smirked, as he then proceeded to make his way to the bathroom to wash his face.


Change Scene: Your POV

I made my way to the front door, and there I saw Anne, waiting for me patiently, while she was on her phone.

Y/N: You ready?

Then, almost immediately, Anne turns off her phone and she looks up to see me, and she smiles...the same one that always make me melt every time I see it.

Anne: Took you long enough.

Anne stands up and she makes her way closer to me, which prompted me to walk closer to her as well. She stood beside me, still smiling, giddy with excitement.

Y/N: Alright, let's head out. Hop-Pop! We're headin out!

Hop-Pop: Alright, kids! Stay safe, and remember, before sundown!

Y/N: Got it!

We exit the house, and almost immediately the moment I opened the door I saw a multitude of frogs staring at the farmhouse, but just as quickly I saw them, they all scattered and scurried back to wherever they came from.

Anne: What was that about?

Y/N: Hell if I know, I'm just glad they're gone, really. Now, shall we?

Anne smiles, as she then proceeds to take me by the hand and we started walking to town hand in hand, well, she was in front of me dragging me behind her, but not that I mind, not with her.


Eventually, we find ourselves walking around town, and obviously getting stares from the locals, but nevermind them. I kept my eyes on Anne, as she explores town, and marvels at everything that this world, or at least this town, has to offer.

Anne: Wow, I admit, this place isn't half bad! I'm surprised they didn't run you outta town when you were walkin around here!

Y/N: I had my ways. I leave them alone, I do the same.

Anne laughs, as she then turns the other way, and she walks a bit as she continues to observe this foreign, amphibious world. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw multiple frogs looking at Anne, all of them murmuring something about her which I will ASSUME is nothing, and continue on my day with my date.

Anne: Oh hey! There's a thrift store! Wanna check it out?

I look forward, and see just that, a thrift store, its aesthetic fitted with the environment, the building, or rather the cozy house itself, was a massive hollowed out stump of an Mahogany tree, overgrown with moss at some parts, a testament of its age where the swamp itself continues to thrive as it stood firm and true, like a pillar withstanding the rages of a storm.

Y/N: chuckles You have a funny way of picking places for dates, Anne.

Anne: O-oh...s-sorry, it's just this is my first time and I don't-

I gently smile, before taking her hand, and placed a kiss on top of it, which in turn, made her blush.

Y/N: That wasn't a no, Anne. I'd love to go to the thrift store with you.

Anne: blushing O-oh! Okay then! clears throat Let's go then, I guess.

Anne says, as she lets go of my hand and started walking in front of me, clearly blushing and embarrassed. I can only smile at her reaction, as I followed after her.


Y/N: Damn, this place is loaded.

I say, placing my hand on my head, seeing the entire place with all sorts of things; furniture, old books and such, the stuff you see usually in thrift shops and all that, including clothes, lots of them.

Y/N: There's a lot of clothes here...shame they don't have sizes to fit us "large bipeds".

Anne: I'd head to a tailor if you want new clothes, but, you know, we aren't exactly accepted around here.

Y/N: That too. Anyway, have a look around, I'll be right behind you.

Anne: giggles Thanks, Y/N~

Anne says teasingly, as she proceed to make her way deeper into the store, looking for...well, something to buy, whatever it may be. I look around, and saw what looked like boots, probably made out of lizard-skin.

Y/N: Heh, just like how my old man likes it. Hmmm...

I walked closer, and I inspected it. The length, the size, all of it...and realized that it was the perfect size for the old man.

Y/N: Huh...I thought everything here would be small since its mainly frogs...but then again, I've yet to see a Toad...or a Newt...

I looked at the price tag, and saw that it was at least 350 coppers. Dunno if that's supposed to be expensive, but considering that it's Lizard-boots, I'll take it. Promptly, I grabbed the boots off the shelves, with the thought of buying it.

Anne: Y/N! Come here!

I snapped my head to the sound where Anne called out to me, and walk towards it. I see Anne, holding what looked like a stuff toy, similar to that of a cat, but instead has six legs...whatever that thing is, its adorable.

Y/N: ...What is that?

Anne: Dunno, it's cute, and I want it. Actually, it looks like a cat, now that you asked me.

Y/N: Well, I think that's their version of it here...whatever they're called. So, you want it?

Anne: Yeah! That is, if you're fine with paying for it?

I chuckled, placing a hand on Anne's head.

Y/N: Of course I'm fine with it. This date IS my plan after all.

Anne, blushing: H-heh, thanks Y/N...seriously, you're the best.

Anne smiles at me, all while hugging the plush close to her chest, looking at me with a reddened face, an obvious smile behind the plush. I can only smile back, rubbing her head some more.

Y/N: No problem, Anne. So, anything else you wanna buy?

Anne: Hm? Oh, no, nothing else. Say, what'd you get?

Y/N: Ah, just some lizard-boots for the old man.

Anne: For Hop-Pop?

Y/N: For my ACTUAL dad, Anne. Sure I like lizard boots too, but the old timer loves it more.

Anne: Oh, heh, sorry. What, you two like dinosaurs too?

Y/N: Hey, dinosaurs are cool, shush.

Anne: giggles Alright, alright...gosh, they must be worried sick, my parents, I mean.

Y/N: Well at least they care enough to worry, literally my old man could give two shits about me being gone, so long as I didn't run off with the Feds. My Ma though, yeah, she'd tear the entire city apart just to find me if she has to.

Anne: Heh, quite an expression, Y/N.

Y/N, raising an eyebrow: Expression?

Anne: Y-you're serious?

Y/N: Course I am.

Anne: ...I'll pretend I didn't hear that. Now, where's the person in charge here?

???: Come on, Archie, we got what we came for- woah!

Me and Anne turned around, and we saw a pale purple frog, with a blind eye and an old one at that. With one hand, she was holding her cane, and the other, what I assume is her pet.

???: You! Come to cause a ruckus have ya, you freaks? Well not on my watch-

Y/N: You again.

Anne: Dude, we're not even doing anything, can you leave?

???: Actin' like you two ain't planning something? Well, you can't fool me you forest beasts! Especially the big one! What are you planning, actin' all nice and patient around the same folks that you threatened to kill just few weeks ago?

Y/N: I admit, that was harsh, but you can't blame me, you folks are the one who tied up my "mate" here in the first place.

I say, placing my hand on Anne's shoulder, and faintly hear a yelp coming from her.

???: Well, fair point, beasts as you are, you certainly care about her.

Anne: See? We're not so bad-

???: But I'm still keepin' an EYE on you!

She says, while pointing to her one, good eye, and walked away, still staring at us.

Y/N: ...Weirdo.

Anne: Hey, at least we weren't pelted with tomatoes.

Y/N: True enough. Now, come on, lets pay for these already.

Anne nods, as she extends her hand to hold my free hand, and I can only smile, as both of us walked to the person, or rather, frog, that was at the register.


Exiting the thrift shop, we head back outside, looking for a place to eat. Anne was in front of me, humming to herself as she scans her surroundings more, while I held the bag that had the stuff we bought. Well, I bought, but still, don't matter.

Y/N: Say, Anne...

Anne: Hmm?

She stops and turns around to face me.

Y/N: Why you growing out your hair like that? chuckles You kinda look like a bush.

Anne: Dude, that's not cool.

Anne says, crossing her arms, with an unamused face, while I can only lightly laugh.

Y/N: Well, admittedly, a cute bush.

Anne, blushing again: Ugh, duuude! Shut up, you're making me red all over!

Y/N: Alright alright, I'll stop. But seriously, you growing out your hair to style it or what?

Anne: Yep! Wanna see what I can do with my hair, without Marcy, you know...making me bald again?

Y/N: I see, well, don't let me stop you with that.

Anne: I already have a style I'm trying to do! Pigtails! Look!

Anne then comes closer, grabs a bundle of her hair from either side of her head and hold them, to achieve the style she wanted to show me.

Anne: I don't have any hair ties with me, and my hair isn't long enough to actually make it fall down to my shoulders, but its getting there, see? How do I look...Y/N?

I placed a hand over my mouth, and bit down on my tongue to keep myself from screaming at seeing how adorable she is.

Y/N, internally: Fuck...she's fucking heart...damn...

Y/N: ...Looks good on ya.

Anne: Really?~

Y/N: Makes you look adorable, even.

Anne: Aww, thanks Y/N. You know how to make a girl feel special.

Anne says, before she tapped my chest, and traced her hand up to my neck and pinched my cheek, before placing a kiss on the same cheek. She giggles, before walking away, while I stood there, stunned.

Y/N: ...Did she just...

Y/N internally: Yes, you moron!

Y/N: Oh...Oh fuck...FUCK YEAH!

I shouted in pure joy, my heart beating fast, feeling all giddy and energetic. I chased after Anne, and I recomposed myself, as she was still smiling.

Y/N: Sorry for lagging behind back there.

Anne: giggles It's fine.

Y/N: So, whaddya wanna eat?

Anne: Anything that doesn't have creepy crawling legs, please.

Y/N: Really? We've been here for a few weeks now, still haven't gotten used to it?

Anne: Look man, I wanna remind you that I didn't grow up near the swamps and ate whatever outlandish things are out there, cut me some slack.

Y/N: Mainly swamp farms, and I mostly ate gator or shrimp...and of course frogs.

Anne: But where to eat...hmm...

Y/N: Hmm indeed, Anne.

Then, as if on cue, both of us placed our hand on our chins, as if to think. We lock eyes, and we both share a quick laugh at the "accidental" sync.

Y/N: Okay okay, seriously, it's almost lunch, let's head to a restaurant.

Anne: Alright, lead on, handsome~

I smiled at her compliment to me. Not because I liked it, even though I very much did, but because it's refreshing, very nice to see Anne be comfortable around me enough that she's trying to flirt with me, as opposed to me just doing it to her most the time. With that in mind, we made our way to the nearest restaurant.

Change Scene

Me and Anne find ourselves sitting in one of the tables. The place was called "Stumpy's Diner". Let's just say that this place needs some...changing, to say the least.

Anne, sarcastically: "You have a funny way of picking places for dates, Anne."

Y/N, pointing fingers at her: Hey, it was a collective agreement on both of us, this is kinda your fault too.

Anne, giggling: Yeah yeah, sure. Anyway, lets eat already!

Shaking my head, I smiled as picked up the menu.

Y/N: ...Damn, this place isn't holding up well considering their menu. Sheesh.

Suddenly, without even ordering yet, the chef himself walks to our table with two bowls in hand...or rather stump. He was wearing a chef's hat, and a sleeveless top that is filled with all sorts of stains, both his hands replaced by a spatula and a cleaver.

Stumpy: Guess ya two are hungry. Here ya are, enjoy the slop, or don't. I couldn't care.

With that, he walked off back to his kitchen. I looked down on the bowl of actual slop before me, disgusted...both at the sight of it, and the thought that it was even actually possible to birth this abomination of something that is supposedly cooked and is edible to exist.

Y/N: Shit...

I look at Anne, who I swear was trying her best not to gag loudly. I looked around, and I promptly tossed the slop outside the window and out into the street. I gestured to Anne, and she promptly gave the bowl to me, and I tossed that one out too.

Y/N: Okay so maybe I'll do the cooking after all.

Anne: Seems like it. But hey,your cooking? One of the best~

Y/N: Aww, thanks! ....Even better than your mom's-

Anne: Know your limits.

Y/N: Too far, I understand.

I say as I stood up. I left a bag of coins to pay for the slop we "ate" on the table beside the bowls, with a little extra coppers as a tip...a rather bug one.

Y/N: Hopefully, man uses it to change some things up around here.

Anne: Yep, some air fresheners too, if they even have those around here.

Laughing at Anne's remark, both of us made our way outside the restaurant, and began making our way back to the house.

Y/N: Well, this date wasn't exactly the best...sorry for that.

Anne giggles, holding my hand, caressing the top of my hand with her thumb.

Anne: Still, I had fun... regardless, I wouldn't wanna change a thing that happened here you?

I smiled, as I lifted my hand up with her hand still holding mine, and I kissed her hand.

Y/N: Not at all...I enjoyed this somewhat lame date with you, Anne.

Anne: I enjoyed it too, ya big goof.

Anne says, as she laughs, playfully slapping my chest. Then, she stops, she looks at me for a second, seemingly hesitant. Then, she turned back to me, leaned in a bit, and closed her eyes, pursing her lips a bit. Looks like she's- oh SHIT ITS HAPPENING!


Y/N: Uh...Anne?

Anne, placing a finger on my lips: Shh...just lean in before I completely change my mind...

With that in mind, I promptly cleared my throat, recomposed myself as I do so. Anne pulled me closer, wrapping her arms around my torso, and I placed a hand on her hips, pulling her closer to me. I leaned in, feeling her hot breathe against my mouth, and I sigh as I closed my eyes, and I leaned even closer...our lips, mere inches away. I stop, still looking at her.

Y/N: ...Anne?

Anne: Yeah?

Y/N: ...I love yo-

Suddenly, just as I was about to confess, screaming from multiple people can be heard. On cue, both me and Anne, groaned in frustration.

Y/N: This is the second time...

Anne: I don't curse a lot but holy shit, this is just cruel.

With a silent solidarity with her, I pulled away from the embrace and turned my attention to where the commotion was going on. Then, I see it, a pair of large wings spreading wide above the sky, blotting out the sun. I widened my eyes, realizing it was a Swamp Hawk, out on a hunt.

Y/N: Holy shit. That thing is big.

Anne: Pfft, that's what she said.

Unamused, I turned to Anne, and flicked her on the head.

Anne: Oww! Y/N!

Y/N: Sorry, but now's not the time for that. Get outta here, I'll try and see if I can chase this thing off...granted it doesn't eat me first.

Anne: No, no. We talked about this, I'm staying with you!

Y/N: Anne, please-

Anne: No, Y/N! I'm tired of you treating me like I'm mom's fine china; I'm not!

The giant gawk screeches, and I look back at it to see it picking up some of the villagers with it's talons, thankfully not harming them.

Y/N: Fine, but the moment things go south, I'm telling you to run.

Anne: I'm not running, Y/N...not anymore.

With that, I forced a smile, knowing that I'm still unsure of how this will pan out with her.

Y/N: Okay, I'll distract it, you get the rest of the frogs out of here, once that's done you come to me, understand?

Anne nods, before running off to the other direction, clearing a path that the villagers could take to get away from the avian beast that is above the town. Grabbing a nearby pitchfork, I threw it as hard as I can towards the giant hawk, and it hits the creature on its side, causing it to shriek in pain and open it's talons, making the frogs that might've been it's dinner fall to the ground and scurry away.

Y/N: Over here, you overgrown cock!

Just as me and my foul-mouthed ass wanted, the hawk turned it's attention to me, it's dagger shaped eye looking at me. Then, it started flying towards me, and it's talons ready to grab me.

Y/N: sigh Me and my stupid big mouth.

With that, I began running, seeing the hawk coming closer to me. I then dove to the ground, and I lay flat, as I felt the talons barely swipe my ass. I stood up, keeping my eyes on the hawk as it began circling overhead. I then ran for cover to a nearby building, a shop for gardening tools specifically, and began looking for something to fight back with it.

Y/N: I knew I should have brought my sword,. Goddamnit. Gotta find something pointy and long to throw at it. 

I say, as I began rummaging through everything, searing for anything to use. A spear, another pitchfork, God-forbid a bow. Then, I felt my hands wrap around a long wooden shaft, and I pulled out a spear. Strangely, it was shaped similarly to a Greek Javelin. The hawk shrieked once more, and almost immediately the roof of the building I was under was torn off.

Y/N: Shit!

I cursed, as I then proceeded to run outside with the spear in hand, seeing the giant bird fly around once again, with debris of the roof that it just grabbed. I then held the spear beside my head, and began to aim at the hawk again.

Anne: Y/N!

Anne called out to me, her voice strained as if she was carrying something heavy. I turned my attention to where she was coming from, and I saw her slowly walking towards me, dragging my sword behind her.

Anne: How is this thing so heavy?!

Y/N: Good call, Anne!

I say, as I then proceed to run towards her. During that window, the hawk charged for me again, and I was none the wiser. Anne sees this, and she immediately goes to drop the sword on the ground, much to my confusion. I turned around once more to face the hawk, and what I saw was it's giant talons about to rip me to shreds.

Anne, almost immediately, pushed me out of the way of the attack...but placed herself in front of it instead. Promptly, Anne was hit with the talons, which launched her across the field. She took a tumble, before laying on the ground motionless.


Full of rage, I ran to my sword, picking it up with relative ease and hurled it towards the hawk in pure rage. The sword stabbed the hawk on its side, making an even louder shriek in pain. The hawk then promptly fell to the ground, and hit the ground hard. I sprinted towards where it fell, but instead the hawk was still alive and kicking, and angry. I then started charging at me again, it's beak dragging across the ground, and it's wings destroying anything that was in the vicinity of it.

I then grabbed it by the beak, and started fighting against it with my bare hands. I thought I was doing damage, until it promptly bit down on my arm with it's beak, and I let out a groan of pain. Spreading it's wings wide to fly, destroying the buildings around it in the  process, the hawk started flying over the town again, and this time it's taking me with it. It kept rising, and rising, and rising, eventually we were a good ouple of feet off the ground, and as if it had planned it, the hawk released my hand from it's beak, and I started falling.

Few seconds later, I hit the ground, well, more like I hit one of the buildings, causing it to collapse. I pushed the rubble off of me, and I felt something stab my side. I looked down to see a giant splinter of wood, impaling my side. Groaning in pain, I let out a groan of pain as I grit my teeth, enduri g the stinging feeling of being impaled on the side, with blood gushing out the wound, my consciousness barely holding on.

Overhead, I saw the hawk flying away, clearly wounded and weakened, just as I am. I pant heavily, tired and in pain. I tried as hard as I can to pull out the foreign object lodged through my body, but to no avail. I lay there amongst the rubble, barely keeping myself awake. I see my sword from a distance, falling from the sky and somewhere in town.

I forcefully stand up, and I held my side just where I was impaled, making sure to not lose anymore blood. Seeing the destruction of the town, all the villagers coming out of their homes, each of them helping the other after the attack. I, however, don't need help...not when Anne is hurt. Eventually, I find Anne laying on the ground, still unconscious.

Y/N: Anne!

I weakly run forward, and I collapsed to my knees as soon. As I saw her. I gently picked her up, ignoring my pain, holding her in my arms.

Y/N: Anne, it's Y/N, I'm back. Please, wake up, come on, I'm here now, please wake up. Pease! Wake up, oh God!

I kept shaking her, to no avail, the lack of reaction made my mind run wild, and I feared the worst. I gently held her face, kissing her on the forehead to get a real thing out of her, nothing. I held her closer to me, pulling her to a hug, holding her head with my hand, rocking her back and forth, tears forming in my eyes as I felt dread and fear overtake me.

To be continued...


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