Chapter 8: All This For a Goddamn Stick


3rd Person POV

Down in the basement, where Anne and Y/N's room is now in, Sprig and Anne find themselves in front of the stuff that was inside Anne's backpack. Laid out across the floor, what can be seen are the following; A tennis racket, a book , an eraser, nail clippers and all sorts of stuff that was used to write. And beside both best friends, was Y//N, reading a book, sitting on the bed that him and Hop Pop had made.

Sprig: Wow, Anne, look at all your cool stuff! What's this?

Sprig proceeds to pick up the nail clipper.

Sprig: Ah, I get it. Torture device.

Anne: That's a toenail clipper.

Sprig: Oh, okay, okay, sure.

Y/N, while reading a book: It can be if your deranged enough

Anne: Shhh!

Y/N: Right, right. Sorry.

Sprig: Oh! How about this?

Sprig, then holds up a bike pump.

Y/N, putting down the book: How did that fit in your backpack?

Anne: shrugs I didn't even know I had one with me.

Sprig: What does this do?

He sticks the end of the bike pump into his mouth, and...well, pumps air into his mouth, making his cheeks inflate in the process.

Sprig, muffled: It's painful.

The hose flew off, and air started hissing out of Sprig's mouth, causing him to fly all over the room, and comes to a full stop in front of Anne again, Y/N chuckles, as he tries to read the book again. Sprig then picks up a pen.

Sprig: Oh, and this.

He begins to click the cat pen...and again...and again...and again...

Sprig: Oh, I love this.

And he begins to click the pen again...and again...and again....and again...

Sprig: This is amazing.

Y/N: ...Okay, perhaps that's a bit excessive with the clicking, don't you think?

Anne: ...You know what? You can keep it.

Then, suddenly, a bell being rung was heard, coming from upstairs, followed by Hop Pop's voice.

Hop Pop, muffled: Kids! Chow time!

Y/N: Hmm...low-key thinking it might be bugs... Bah, not that it matters.

Change Scene: Your POV

Anne, Sprig and Polly: Time to eat! Time to eat! Time to eat!

Hop Pop: Hold on, you kids. Hold on.

Y/N: Hop Pop's right, calm down, you three.

Hop Pop scoops up the contents from the cauldron, and into the bowl, and slides it over to Anne. Within the bowl, contains a strange, gooey, green substance, a caterpillar, a fly's head, a beetle (I think) and a cricket's leg...and from the green goo, emerges a live spider, crawling out of the bowl and who knows where else.

Y/N, to himself: I said I'd eat bugs, but what the fuck is that?

Anne: Ugh... pushes away the bowl Uh, you know what? I think I'm gonna pass.

Y/N: Hop Pop, no offence, but damnit I'd rather eat something else other than this...

Hop Pop: Why? Is my food not good enough for the prince and princess?

Y/N: I'm not a picky eater, Hopediah. This is just downright gross.

Anne, nodding in approval: Mhmm. Besides, if I'm the princess, then you're the king of bad cooking. chuckles

I look at Anne, an unamused look on my face, and I look over to my side where Anne was, and see Polly and Sprig with their mouths wide open in shock, and Sprig drops his spoon in the process.

Sprig: Ohhh!

Polly: Oh oh oh!

Y/N: Don't encourage her, please...

Hop Pop: Oh, yeah? Well, you... I...

Anne: What's the matter, Hop Pop? Frog in your throat?

Y/N: Goddamnit, Anne.

Polly: Ohhh!

Sprig: Oh, she got you again!

Hop Pop: Oh, dang it! You know what? I'm gonna take a nap.

Y/N: Oh, Hop Pop! Come on! I'm sure she's kidding!

Hop Pop walks away towards his study, and he started grumbling.

Hop Pop: I don't believe this. I feed you, I house you, and this is how you repay me? If you don't shape up soon, Anne, I'm throwin' you out!

He slams the door shut, leaving all four of us in the table.

Anne: Yeesh, what's his problem?

Y/N: ...Anne, he was kind enough to shelter us, and you do this? If anything, what is your problem?!

Anne: It was a joke, dude!

Y/N: Well, stop it. Clearly, he doesn't like it-

Anne, mimicking Hop Pop: I'm Hop Pop, and I cook bad and have a temper problem!

Sprig: Hahaha! That's so Hop Pop!

She then proceeds to grab Hop Pop's cane, hunches over and started speaking more like an elderly man.

Anne: Eat your aphids, don't play with them. Elbows off the table!

Y/N: Anne...

Sprig and Polly continues to laugh, and I just sit there rubbing my temples.

Anne: Sometimes I wonder why I even bother putting up with you at all!

Y/N: Anne, no!

Anne, attempting to hit the table with the cane, breaks the cane in the process, making Sprig and Polly gasp in the process, and I rub my temples in frustration, knowing that this was gonna happen.

Anne: Oopsies. Guess I don't know my own strength, right, guys?

Y/N: ...You're outta this house now...

Anne: Huh?

Y/N: Wha- You idiot! Look at the cane, Anne!

Anne: You guys okay? What's the big deal? It's just one cane.

Sprig: That wasn't just any cane. It was Hop Pop's special cane, passed down from his father, Hop Poppity Pop, all the way from his father, Hop-and-Lock-Drop Hoppity Pop.

Y/N: You don goofed up!

Anne: AH! You guys gotta help me. He's gonna kick me and Y/N out the second he finds out about this. I cannot go back to living in a cave!

A flashback begins with a thunderclap. Anne is curled up on the cave floor as dozens of bugs surround her. Water falls on her face. And the scene pans to Y/N, who can be seen just sitting in the corner...his eyes wide open, and yet snoring...

Anne: shudders The nights were the hardest.

Y/N: Don't count me in, this is your fault!

Anne: Wha- Y/N! I thought we were bestieeeees!

Y/N: We are, but damnit, you can be a complete pain in the ass.

Sprig: Don't worry, Anne. We'll do whatever it takes to help you.

Y/N: ...At this point, I've helped you way too many times and care for you too much, so count me in.

Polly: Eh, count me out.

Sprig: Polly!

Polly: What? I hardly know her.

Y/N: I hardly know either, and yet you were hugging me pretty tight when I read you a story last night.

Polly: You were very warm, okay?! You're like a very huge, and VERY cool, big bro I never had!

Y/N, trying not to cry: F-fair point.

Sprig: Hey! I'm your big bro too!

Anne: Would you help me for one of these?

Anne, pulling out a candy bar named "Snackers".

Polly: gasps Candy from another world? Lady, you've got yourself a deal.

Y/N: Slow down, from what I've heard, that thing is VERY high on sugar.

Anne: Glad to hear it. Now, let's try to save my skin.

I stand in the sidelines, seeing the events unfold. Anne holds the lower part of the cane, and Sprig applies glue on it, when in reality it was just that goo from the soup. Anne places the upper half of the cane, surprisingly it sticks, and Polly used her bow to tie the cane in place.

All: Yeah!

Y/N: That shit- I mean, crap, is not gonna hold...

Then, as if on timing, the cane breaks in expected.

Y/N: Told you so.

Anne: Okay, maybe we can't fix it, but someone else can? Someone good with... wood?

Y/N: Or, OR! Just tell Hop Pop, and apologize. I'm sure he doesn't REALLY want to throw you out chuckles...hopefully.

Anne: Nah, let's just find someone to fix it.

Y/N: shrugs Alright then, at least you aren't turning to me for help this time. Let's see how you handle it, eh?

Sprig: Anne, you're a genius! We'll just take it to Leopold Loggle, the woodsmith. He loves wood. Almost a little too much.

Y/N: Well, take the cane to him then.

Anne: Aren't you coming with us?

Y/N: Hell- Heck, I mean heck. Heck yeah I will, gotta make sure you don't make this situation worse.

Anne: Ah, come on. You know little old me~

Y/N, crossing his arms: And "little old you" has somehow gotten yourself investigated for being a suspect of arson.

Anne: Oh come on! I just happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time!

Y/N: Yeah, sure, I buy that. Well, Hop Pop is taking a nap right now, let's get that cane to Loggle.

All three of them: YEAH!

Y/N: sighs and chuckles For the life of me, Anne. I don't know how you even survived this long.

Anne, blushing: Probably cause I have you, dude.

Y/N, starting to blush: Oh...T-thanks.

I look at Anne, and I smile at her. She rubs the back of her head, embarrassed, but a gentle smile across her face.

Polly: Ugh, get a room, you two!

Y/N & Anne: Shut your trap, we're nothing like that!

Sprig, whispering to Polly: Oh they're definitely like that.

Polly, whispering back: Yep.

Y/N: I heard that.

Sprig: Oh alright... Y/N and Anne, sitting on a pod~ K-I-S-S-I-N-G!

Polly: Ohhhh~ And then you're like "Oh Y/N, but I love you!" and then he's like "I love you too, Anne!" and then KISS! HAHAHAHA! "Muah-muah-muah"-

Y/N: Anne, get the sword, will ya?

Anne, already dragging the giant sword behind her: Way ahead of you.

Sprig and Polly: Noooo!


We eventually found ourselves in Loggle's Workshop. The shop itself is filled with all sorts of stuff made out of wood. Furniture, statues, prosthetics and maybe even more, and I just can't see it. As I look around the shop more, Anne, Sprig and Polly find themselves in front of Loggle, who was examining the broken cane up and down, fascinated, mesmerized by it.

Loggle: Hmmm... Oh yes... Aren't you fascinating, yes you are...

Anne: So can you fix it?

Loggle: As a matter of fact; I can...not.

Sprig: ...Huh... Can you make a new one?

Loggle: Absolutelyyyyy no way...

Polly: ...Do you have one we can buy?

Loggle: Of course I do...n't. I don't...

Anne, anrgily: Why do you keep doing that?!

I turn to Anne, holding a wooden sword that strangely resembles that of a giant key, and said to her:

Y/N: You should just fess up tp Hop Pop, Anne...

Anne: ...Pass.

Loggle: Old smithing accident, you don't wanna know.

Y/N & Anne: ...Uh, okay so-/ ...Well alright then-

Loggle, interrupting both humans: Tripped on an anvil, landed neck first on a metal pipe. Pierced my voice box clean through!

Loggle pulls down his scarf, revealing a wound in his neck, a rather deep one.

Polly: Blegh!

Anne: Dude, come on!

Sprig: Cool.

Y/N: You did NOT need to show us that!

Loggle: Switched over to wood after that. Anyhow, I'm afraid I can't do much for you. That cane was made with wood from the incredibly rare, extremely dangerous Doom Tree!

Loggle places down a book in front of all of us, and opened said book, revealing a crooked, dark, dead tree.

Y/N: If they wanna call it Doom Tree, it may as well be filled with entrails all over and RIDICULOUS amounts of blood flowing...somehow.

Anne: ...Dude...

Y/N: What? It's a suggestion.

Loggle: Few have made it to the Doom Tree alive, fewer yet returned. It holds many secrets that mortals dare not-

Y/N: Man, it's just a Goddamn tree, what the Hell is it gonna do? ...If it's not just a tree, still, what the Hell is it gonna do? I'm killing it either way-

Anne: Just tell us where it is.

Y/N: Yeah, what she said.

Sprig: Yeah, Loggle, cut the chitchat!

Polly: You're bald!

Y/N: Polly, that's not nice.

Loggle: Okay okay, I got a map to the Doom Tree right here.

Loggle said, as he flipped a couple pages, revealing the Map to the Doom Tree, just as he said.

Loggle: But it'll cost ya-

Anne: Click.

Anne says, as she takes a picture of the map.

Loggle: Or you could do that...for free.

Y/N: Thank God for that, we're literally don't have cash when we came here.

Anne: Come on, guys, we gotta hurry! Hop-Pop could wake up at any second!

Sprig and Polly: Right!

Y/N: I'm still thinking you should instead tell Hop-Pop what happened, Anne. He's strict, but not cruel, I doubt he'll throw you out.

Anne: Dude, ever lived with an Asian parent?

Y/N: How does that- right, strict as Hell, rather not take any chances. Fair enough, let's go.

Loggle: Be careful, kids! It's cursed, I tell ya! CUUUUUUUURSED-

Anne: To the Doom Tree everyone.

I begin to walk out of the door, and followed by Anne with Polly sitting atop her head. Sprig follows them, and we finally walk out the door...until he comes back, looking at the wooden statue of Loggle that he himself made.

Sprig: Woah, Loggle. We gotta talk about this, man. We're coming back, we're gonna talk about this.

Y/N, in the distance: SPRIG!

Sprig: Alright goodbye!

Change Scene

We enter the forest and left for the Doom Tree. The journey itself proved to be quite easy, considering that I'm here and armed, and quite possibly considered dangerous. We passed the Death Ridge unharmed, got lost for a sec in the Mushroom Forest. However as soon as we came upon the Swamp Lake, me and Anne had to take a different route while the amphibian children swam across.

Hours pass, the sun looks like it's about an hour or two before sunset, I see a dragonfly overhead, which was eaten by a bird, of which was then eaten by another, bigger dragonfly. I grunt as I lift the sword over my head, and I cut down a fallen tree trunk that happens to block our path. I look forward, and see a fog covering the area in front of us. Conveniently, a gust of wind blows the fog away...and from the fog, out comes the Doom Tree, standing in it's crooked, terribleglory.

Y/N: Eyes up. We're here.

Anne: Now, that is an ugly tree.

Y/N: Hmm...that thing looks like it resembles something...but I can't put my finger as to what it is.

Sprig: Just one of Mother Nature's horrible mistakes.

Y/N: That I cannot argue with, Polly. Stay close, and watch your backs.

As the four of us approach the dead tree, I still couldn't think what this thing reminds me of...the shape alone says that it's not just an ordinary tree, but by God's Fuck-Forsaken-Planet what tree is it?

Polly: Hehe, Frogs died here.

Y/N: ...Stay close, Polly.

Polly: You're not the boss of me!

Y/n: Polly, how about, if you stay close to me until our journey's end, I'll let you use my phone tonight.

Polly: Deal! Man, I'm so easily, so long as I get something, I guess.

I couldn't help but chuckle at her remark, and she jumps atop of my head, and made sure she doesn't fall off. Anne looks up and begins scanning the tree, and lo and behold she found the perfect branch to replace the cane for Hop Pop.

Anne: Look. That branch is perfect.

Anne starts to scale the dead tree, and I remain on the ground, scanning the area around me every second, keeping my guard up at all times.

Y/N: Careful, Anne. Don't fall off, can't have you breaking anything.

Anne, grunting: Ugh, dude, for once, can you get off my back? I'm not Marcy!

Y/N: And somehow you always get your ass in some neck-deep shit!

Polly: What's a shit?

Y/N: Oh fuck- Goddamnit- STOP! Nothing, it's not important, Polly. Anne, just get up there, and grab the branch, this place

Anne: Right back at ya.

Anne and Sprig continue to climb, Polly looks up, and with an unamused face, says:

Polly: You people and your legs.

Y/N: You're probably months away from getting your legs, chill, Polly.

Polly: But I want it now! How long did YOU have to wait until your legs popped out?!

Y/N: Humans, at birth, already have legs, we just can't use them almost immediately.

Polly: You people...are born with legs? You "humans" are weird.

Y/N: Shush, Polly.

As Anne tries her hardest to snap the branch off, Sprig came to her aid. Spitting on his mouth, he grabbed onto the branch, and was about to pull as well.

Anne: Careful! The tree is cursed! Pffft Hehehehehe

Sprig: Eheheheh-

Anne: Okay but seriously though, on three.

Y/N: Wait a second...

I turn to the tree once more, and I look at it CLOSELY...and then it hit me.

Y/N: I got it!

Polly: Got what?

Then, on cue, the branch snapped, followed by a brief moment of silence, then a loud shriek, coming from the tree.

Anne: Uh, did the tree just scream?

Y/N: It's a Goddamn Stick-bug!

The tree begins to thrash, knocking Anne and Sprig off of itself. Of course, I was able to catch Anne on time before she even hits the ground, and Sprig as well. I set both of them down and I turn my attention to the bug disguising as a tree.

Y/N: Get behind me!

The creature opens its sickly red eyes, staring down at all four of us. I prepared to swing at it with my sword should it prove to be hostile, and damningly enough I want it to fucking try.

The bug roars, and a strange and rather sticky substance came out of its mouth, covering me, and the other three with said substance.


Sprig: lick ...Oh hey, it's maple!

The Doom tree goes to stab us with it's legs, but thankfully I blocked the attempt with the flat side of my sword.

Y/N: Go, now!

Anne: Run!

With a war cry, I pushed the bug off and using the flat side of my blade, I swung at it sending it flying the other direction to make time for us. After that, we begin running, the Doom Tree chasing after us, destroying any other dead tree in the pursuit.

Anne: That thing is not a tree. It's some kind of grody bug!

Sprig: A bug that wants to kill us!

Y/N: That's a Stick-bug! That thing is NOT supposed to be that hostile, but then again we're in a different dimension!

Polly: Less talky-talky, more runny-runny!

As the bug raises it's razor sharp pincers, Sprig looks back to it, seeing it rear up an attack. As the creature commenced it's assault, the red frog ducked, and threw his head back to dodge the onslaught of attacks, followed by a flip to evade another attack, aimed for his legs.

Eventually, we find a giant log, big enough to hide us, at least. As the bug passes us by, I let out a relieved sigh...but that relief was soon overtaken by fear, as I looked beside me, and I see Anne, overtaken by bugs, all of them crawling all over her face, and before she realized it her face was swarming with bugs. Not that I'm afraid, I'm worried for Anne.

Y/N: Whatever you do. DON'T. Scream-


Y/N: Damnit Anne!

I shouted, mentally kicked myself realizing I wasn't helping by screaming either. I grabbed her by the hand, and started running out of the forest, back where we came from.

Y/N: Goddamnit, why didn't Ma or Pa tell me there's also dangerous fuckin' bugs round here?!

Anne: What?!

Y/N: Not important! Just run!

Sprig: What do we do?! We can't keep running forever!

Y/N: You guys find a safe place, I'll hold this thing off and buy you some time!

Anne: What?! No! We stay together, no matter what! Isn't that what you said?!

I stopped dead in my tracks and I pulled Anne and the other two behind a giant tree where the bug wouldn't see us, and grabbed Anne by her shoulders, looking into her eyes, deeply so, might I add.

Y/N: I know what I said, Anne. But should it keep YOU safe, then I'd smile as I burn in the Lake of Sulfur or some shit down in Hell, know that.

Anne: Y/N please, I-...I don't wanna lose you too!

Y/N: I came back from the jaws of death once, and I'd do it again, if that means that you don't ever have to. But if I did fail and die here...promise me you'll take care of yourself...okay? Don't be too hard on yourself either. You're strong- stronger than you think...and I want you to flourish that.

Anne: But what do I do?! I-I can't even do things right! We wouldn't even be here if I just listened to you!

Seeing as how this might be my last day with her, I decided to be bold, and kissed her...on the cheek. (Not yet, bitch. hehe~) I wiped away the tears that were building up in her eyes, and dug my sword on the ground, just so I could cup her face with both of my hands.

Y/N: And still, here I am, willing to help what you do best...which is to keep moving forward, and try your best...remember that time when you think you wouldn't be able to do varsity?

Anne: sniff C-cause I thought I wouldn't even make it in the qualifications?

Y/N: Then you ended up being wining the whole fucking tournament...Anne, you are an amazing girl, and can do amazing things...just believe in yourself, and you can do great things...You gotta keep going...even if I'm not here...I know you can do it, because I believe in you, Hell, ALL three of us do...think you can do that?

Anne: I-I...sniff I'll try.

Anne wipes her tears away, and she nods her head, sniffling. I smiled, and gave her a kiss on the forehead again.

Y/N: Sing dai thîi jai má-nút săa-mâat khít láe chûuea dài gân yêawm tham hâi bpen jing dài chân gan. (Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.)

Anne: H-how do you know Thai?!

Y/N: Uhh...I guess I...learned it for you? To be honest, I have no fucking clue what it means, I'm hoping you can translate that later. I just hope that it's not something offensive or some shit.

Anne: ...Promise me you'll come back, and I'll tell you what it means...

I smiled again, and I kissed her on the forehead.

Y/N: Guess I have no choice now, huh? safe. And you, Sprig.

Sprig: Yes, sir!

Y/N: ...Keep her safe...she's fond of you, and if she trusts you...I trust you.

Sprig: You can count on me!

Polly: Nooooo! Big bro, don't go! Who'll tell me stories and cuddle with me when you're gone?!

My aching. Somehow, these two young Amphibians have...grown attached to me...and I, to them.

Y/N: Don't worry,'ve done fine even before I even came here, you'll be fine if I'm gone.

Truthfully, I don't want them getting too attached to me...this world is an obviously dangerous one, and at any day it might be my last...and I don't want them to get hurt just because I perished.

Anne hugs me, and wipes her tears away one last time, before she lets go of me and she started running the other way along with the two young Amphibians by her side.

I let out a sigh, and I tightly gripped my sword, and I immediately turned around, swinging the giant sword in the process, and cut down the giant tree in front of me, finally seeing the Doom Tree, not to far from where I was, catching it's attention with the massive tree I just cut down.

Y/N: Just you and me, motherfucker! I'm gonna kill you, cook your fucking corpse, eat you and shit you out and use you as a fucking fertilizer BITCH!

The thing shrieks, and started charging towards my direction, it's sharp claws at the ready. I let out a war cry, and charged forward as well, my sword in hand.

Change Scene: 3rd Person POV

As the sun sets, Loggle can be seen in front of his shop as he closes it down. He turns the key locking the door to his shop, and sadly sighs, saying to himself:

Loggle: Well, Loggle, another day, another step closer to bankrupt-cyyyy?

Suddenly, he sees Anne and the Plantar kids charge at him, and pushed him back inside the shop. The three of them letting out a sigh of relief, while Loggle, on the other hand, was perplexed.

Loggle: What the- What's going on?!

Anne: Don't ask questions!

Suddenly, a scream can be heard, a rather fain one...until it started getting louder and louder, and from the wall, Y/N bursts in, already with an open wound on his head and a freshly cut wound on his arm, beside the one that he got from the mantis.

Y/N: Fuckin Hell that hurts.

Anne: Y/N!

Y/N: Oh, hey gang! Don't mind me, gonna finish something real quick: YAAAARRRGHH!!!

Y/N screams again, standing right back up as if there was nothing wrong with him and jumped through the same hole in the wall he just went through. A fight can be heard outside, a shriek was heard, followed by the sound of a large hunk of metal hitting the ground, which they assume was Y/N's sword.

They heard Y/N shout once more, and followed by a pained grunt, and everything falls silent...until the bug stabs its claws through the door, which made Anne yelp in fear. The Doom Tree rips off the whole wall, not just the door, the WHOLE wall, allowing it to look into the shop and see the Anne, Sprig and Polly inside, oh and of course Loggle as well.

The Doom Tree roars as it enters, causing the four of them to flee for their lives, either looking for a hiding spot like Loggle did, or looking for something that they can use to fight the damned bug back, like Anne does, God I love her... A-anyway, *clears throat* she proceeds to look around for anything, anything at all that she can use to fight.

Anne: What's it gonna take to get rid of this thing?!

Anne started throwing all sorts of stuff to the bug, a birdhouse, a wooden case, a toolbox, and a beautifully hand crafted, hand carved clock.

Anne: Oh this looks nice.

As Anne was about to throw the clock, I step in and grab the clock off her hand.

Y/N: The rest of the tuff you threw didn't do shit, what the Hell is a clock gonna do?!

Anne: I dunno, something?!

Y/N: Well this looks like it too 20 years to carve! Leave it alone!

Loggle: It DID take 20 years! Thank you, ugly monster!

Y/N: The fuck you say?!

Loggle: Well, I-

The Doom Tree roars, getting closer. Y/N tightens his fists, having rushed in here to help Anne before grabbing his sword, he lunges at the creature, to try and stop it, acting on instinct to protect Anne rather than thought...

...only to get swatted out of the air by the creature with a worrying CRACK, getting launched out of the store for his hasty, predictable lunge.

Anne: Y/N! No no no NO NO!!

He hits the ground face first, and he turns around laying on his back, groaning in pain.

Y/N: This...fucking...bastard!

Y/N tries to stand up, but fails, and he falls to the ground once more, his breathing becoming erratic and pained...

Y/N: do...something... get...STRONGER!!

Y/N stood up, seething with rage, and he grits his teeth and tightly hold his sword, as he stands up, filled with nothing but an intent to kill.

Y/N: Come on, fucking better...! For Anne...FOR ANNE GODDAMNIT!!!

Anne finds herself face to face with the giant bug, and she holds up her hand anticipating an attack. Just then, a person stood high and mighty behind the Doom tree, which caught it's attention, it turned around to see...Polly, with attached wooden limbs


Suddenly, something can be heard being thrown, something massive. Anne looks, to see Y/N's sword, flying right into the Doom Tree's direction, hitting it square in the face, leaving a crack on its head in the process as the sword fell to the ground, digging into the floor.

Anne: Just how heavy is that thing and how can Y/N swing it like it's nothing?!

Y/N: You heard the girl...

Anne looks, to see Y/N, standing behind Polly, blood running down his face and arm with freshly cut wounds... Strangely enough, Anne swears that his eyes suddenly changed color, and not subtly was sky blue. But twas only for a split second, she can't say for sure.


Polly: Yeah! That's the word!

Y/N charges first, and he jumped to be on the same level as the bug and threw a hook right hitting it square in the face. Polly follows, hitting it with her own barrage of attacks, although weak, her courage makes up for it. Then, a leg flies off into Sprig and Anne's direction, luckily Anne caught said leg...and charged forward with it.


Sprig looks to his side and sees sandpaper, conveniently hung beside him. He garbs it, and joins the assault.

Sprig: Charge!

Polly can be seen landing a roundhouse kick to the bug's head, causing it to do a full 360 in the process. Y/N went for the legs, and quite literally tore off one of it as an attempt to immobilize it. Sprig manages to get atop of the beast, and started sanding it's face.

Sprig: I'm gonna sand your face!

The bug begins to thrash, kicking Anne and punching Polly, which sent her flying across the room, luckily the wooden limb managed to catch on to the statue of Loggle

Polly: Phew.

Anne, however, didn't manage to soften the fall, and hits the ground hard, she looks to her side, and sees a terracotta pot, with the label "Termites" filled with, you guessed it, you cheeky bastard, Termites.

Anne: Termites! Why would a woodsmith have termites?

Loggle: I'm a complicated man!

Anne takes off the lid, and prepares to throw it at the bug.

Anne: Incoming!

Sprig notices, and so he tongued himself out of being a part of Termite food...only for the jar to completely miss the bug.

Anne: Oh come on!

Y/N: How the fuck did you miss he was a few feet in front of you?!

Anne: I dunno, okay?!

Y/N visibly frustrated, grabs his sword and charges at the bug once more, as the creature proceed to stab him with its claws, he catches it with his free hand, and rips it off almost effortlessly, he got under the bug, and so the Doom Tree responds by trying to stab him with it's sharp legs as well.

Y/N, finally seeing an opening, stabs the bug from underneath, causing it to shriek in pain. He started lifting, carrying the bug as it was still thrashing about on the sword. Anne was...astounded, as in front of her, she sees this Adonis of a man, who is a great friend of hers, lift the Doom Tree over his head, as it begins to lose its grip on's something like the stuff of Legends from the Books Marcy would read, similar to that of Hercules and the Nemean Lion, but this one is with Y/N and the Doom Tree.

Polly: Woah!

Sprig: Cool!

Anne, to herself: That's my Y/N.

Y/N, seeing how it finally succumbed to it's wounds, rears his blade back, and swings it hard, causing the dead bug to fly off the blade, and back outside.

Y/N: ...Finally that thig is dead...

Anne: Up top!

Sprig: We did it!

Polly: That was awesome, you guys!

Y/N: Right...I'm just gonna...

Y/N, seemingly holding and pressing the wound on his head to keep it closed, falls on his back, and hits the ground hard.

Anne: Y/N? Y/N?!

Y/N threw his fist into the air, and held a thumbs up, saying that he's fine...even though that he's obviously not, but he ain't a bitch.

Anne: Alright, big guy, lets get you up.

Y/N, groaning: Five more minutes, Ma. I'll be sure to get those gators for ya, trust me.

Anne: What?

Y/N: What? Nothing, I'm fine.

Anne rolled her eyes, and she just smiled, and picked up Y/N with all her strength. Few seconds later, Y/N is finally standing all on his own.

Anne: There we go, now be a good boy and don't fall again, you can do that once we're home.

Y/n: Don't call me that.

Anne: Whatever~ Now, let's get this cane back to Hop Pop.

Loggle: Give me that!

Loggle, all of a sudden, grabs the cane from Anne's hand.

Anne: Hey!

Polly: What gives, Loggle?

Loggle: I'll tell you what gives. This doesn't even begin to cover the damages you've caused to my shop. You're gonna have to give me something else. Come on. Pony up.

Sprig sighs, and he pulls out the pen that Anne gave to him at the beginning of the episode, er- I mean, chapter- I mean, earlier this morning, and handed it to Loggle.

Sprig: Will this work?

Loggle pulled down his goggles and began inspecting the peculiar device.

Loggle: What? What is this, uh...

And so, Sprig demonstrated by clicking the pen...over...and over...and over....and over...and over....and over...

Loggle: Oh.

And so, Loggle himself started clicking the pen himself as well...over and over and over and over-okay fuck this, I'm not gonna keep typing it like this, he kept clicking it for a few more times and he's completely amused about it.

Loggle: Oh! I like this. You can go.

Anne and the other two walked out of the shop, however Y/N stayed behind.

Y/N: Loggle?


Y/N: Loggle...



Loggle: Yes, yes yes, what is it? Oh, it's you, the monster's consort, what do you want good fellow?

Y/N: 1. I'm not her husband. 2. I fuckin wish though. 3. I got a proposition for ya.

Y/N said, as he pulled out a bag of...well, lets see what's inside, shall we?

Loggle: ...What is this?

Y/N: Take a look.

Loggle, hesitantly took the bag from the human's hand, and inspected its contents, only for him to realize it was FILLED with various precious gems and stones.

Loggle: Oh my Frog! Where did you get this?!

Y/N: Back where we found the Doom Tree, I saw a dead body of a frog knight or whatever they was, and saw the bag so I figured I might as well take t since they don't need it no more. Looked inside and bam, gems. But, alas, you need it for your shop, and I do apologize for dragging you into this mess. Hopefully this covers the damages, for real this time.

Loggle: Oh it does! Oh my me I'm rich! Oh wait, what about you? You said you had a proposition, so what do you get?

Y/N: The cane, if you will. Are you willing to part with it? Say no and I'll break your-

Loggle: Yeah, yeah, sure you can have the cane.

Loggle tosses the cane to Y/N, and he smiles, knowing he secured the win for Anne, and so he walks out of the shop, triumphantly.

Sprig: Sorry, Anne. After all we worked for too.

Anne: It's okay. We'd better head home. Hop Pop's probably already awake and furious.

Polly: Probably a bad time to bring this up, but I still get the candy, right?

Y/N: Guys?

Anne: Not now, Y/N, let's just head home for now.

Y/N rolls his eyes, and so he decided to let it happen, and see how far they go before realizing he bought the cane back.

Change Scene: Plantar Farmhouse, Night-Time

Hop Pop leaves his study feeling refreshed, as he cracks his neck after a long nap...bro's been asleep for a whole fuckin day.

Hop Pop: Whoa, boy. I needed that. Hope nothing happened while I was asleep to make me mad again.

Hop Pop looks forward, and he sees all four of the youngsters, all battered and bruised...especially Y/N.

Hop Pop: Oh, no. What did you do?

Sprig: What's up with canes? Who even needs them these days, am I right?

Sprig leans on Polly, which she doesn't fine amusing at all, so she punches him in the shoulder.

Sprig: Ow.

Anne: sigh I'm really sorry, Hop Pop. I was goofing around, and I broke your favorite cane.

Hop Pop: You what?!

Anne: I know, I know. I'll show myself out.

Anne begins to walk away towards the door, the Plantar kids however, chased after her.

Sprig: We'll come visit you two! We promise!

Polly, crying: And just when I was starting to like you!

Anne: Don't make this harder than it is.

The three of them cry, hugging each other, while Y/N stands there, tired and unamused.

Hop Pop: What the- What's going on?

Anne: You're throwing me out. You know, like you said you would.

Hop Pop: sighs Mmm. Anne, truth be told, I was never gonna throw you out. I was just talking tough so that you'd show me a little bit more respect.

Anne: That's kinda messed up, man.

Y/N: ...You're the reason why I'm beaten up, Goddamnit.

Hop Pop: Heh heh heh. I can see that, Y/N... inhales Yeah. I probably was a little bit too harsh. But I only did it because you remind me of myself when I was your age. Rough around the edges. Now, put that bag down, young lady. You're not going anywhere.

Sprig: Whoo! Yeah! I like that.

Polly: Yeah! I wasn't worried.

Anne: Thanks, Hop Pop. So you're not mad about the cane?

Hop Pop: Oh, I'm furious about the cane. You're on dish duty for a month!

Anne: Ugh. Yes, sir!

Anne drops her bag with a smile across her face, Y/N too can be seen smiling.

Hop Pop: Now that that's settled, I wrote a long list of comebacks to get you back for this morning. clears throat "Hey, Anne, is that your hair, or is it a dandelion?" Ha. sniffles Uh- Oh. Are those long, lanky limbs, Anne, or are those, uh, twigs? Ah! chuckles Eh...

Sprig: coughs

Hop Pop: The moment has passed, hasn't it?

Y/N: Yeah, it has. Anyway, here's your stick back.

Y/N says, reaching for the cane at the back of his pocket, and hands it to Hop Pop.

Hop Pop: Oh, Y/N, you shouldn't have, son.

Y/N: It's the least I can do for giving me and Anne a place to stay.

Hop Pop: Ah, well, for what its worth, I'll cherish this forever, especially since it from my grandson!

Hop Pop cackles to himself, as he started walking away, taking the can back to the study with him.

Anne: Dude, when were you gonna tell me you got the cane back?! That was awesome! Now I can sleep with a clear mind!

Y/N: I tried telling you earlier but NOOOOO we gotta get home first...granted, Hop Pop wouldn't have told you that what he said was just for the good of ya, so I can't complain too much.

Anne: H-heh, yeah, you make a good should really get patched up, I'll help.

Y/N: You did that last time, I can do it myself.

Anne: No. The reason why you're like this right now is because of me. And I intend to fix it. Like it or not, I'm gonna be right beside you...fighting with you...fighting FOR you...

Y/N: Fiiiiine, only cause you're cute, and that I like you.

Anne blushes, and she giggles to herself, as she held Y/N by the hand, and she brought him to the bathroom, where she can patch him up.

Y/N: So...gonna tell me what it was that I said to ya back there?

Anne: Oh, right. giggles It means "Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve." I'm surprised you actually said a whole sentence without any errors, I'm impressed!

Y/N, blushing: H-heh, well, that's me, I guess. Also, that shit was fitting.

Anne: Oh yeah, definitely.

Both humans share a laugh, as they enter the bathroom to help Y/N treat the wounds he sustained in the fight.

Change Scene: Your POV

I find myself sitting far from the house, across the field atop of a hill, looking at the stars, enjoying the peace and quiet. After everything that's happened today, this is a well deserved rest...but I know this won't last long, but I might as well enjoy it. I let out a sigh, and I lay on the grass, looking at the stars still, seeing a shooting star pass.

Y/N: sigh ...This is nice.

Anne: There you are.

I sit up, and I turned around, seeing Anne standing right behind me.

Y/N: Oh, hey Anne. Sup?

Anne: Nothing, just checking up on you.

Y/N: Ah, well, still here. chuckles Worried I'll be gone again?

Anne: ...Yeah, actually.

Y/N: Oh...well...wanna come sit with me, then?

She smiles, and she does just that. She sits beside me, joins me staring at the night sky.

Anne: What you did today was...dangerous...

Y/N: I know.

Anne: You could've died...

Y/N: I know...

Anne: I've already told you how much I care about you, but you still go out of your way to fix MY mistakes.

Y/N: Anne, I don't care about that.

Anne: What do you mean?

I turned to her, and looked at her.

Y/N: I don't care how many times you get into trouble...sure I complain about it, but I do it're important to me, Anne. You, Marcy and even Sasha...even if she's a bitch.

Anne: Hehehe, yeah.

Y/N: Look my point're important to me, as I am to you. You three were the reason I liked living in the city, it was YOU three that made it worth liking. Because... truthfully, other than the folks back at the bayou in New three are the only friends I got...I love you guys, so so much...

Y/N, internally: And not in a way that I love you as a friend would no a man would love a woman...I'm in love with all three of you...I know I sound like a whore, but I don't care...I love all three of you as boundless as the other...even Sasha.

Anne smiles, and she stands up in front of me.

Anne: You know, I got an idea.

Y/N: Good God, this better be good.

Anne: It is. How about, you let me fight with you instead of sending me some place safe?

Y/N: ...No.

Anne: Okay but hear me out, if you're protecting me, who's gonna protect you?

Y/N: It doesn't work like that!

Anne: Yes it does! I can kick butts too, you know?! I know Muay Thai! Hya!

Anne said, demonstrating a kick in the air, which threw her off balance, hitting the ground hard, but gets back up almost immediately.

Anne: You saw nothing.

I laughed, and I stood back up dusting myself off, wiping tears of laughter off my eyes at the same time.

Y/N: Look, Anne, I appreciate the thought but-

Suddenly, my instincts kicked in, and I held my hand up, and caught her leg. I felt myself almost getting knocked back by the kick, and the wind that followed was strong enough to be mistaken as a leaf blower being blasted at your face. I look at her, and see her doing...a perfect Muay Thai stance.

Anne: See?~ Bet that would've knocked you down if I did it faster~

Y/N: chuckles You wish. But now, you have my attention~ Alright, I'll let you fight with me.

Anne: Yes! Now it's two of us against this crazy world! We're (Insert Y/N x Anne name)!

Y/N, laughing: How do you even come up with this.

I smiled, and I look at her, laughing as well. She turns around and faces the moon, a smile plastered across her face...

I wonder...

Does she really like me?

Or am I tripping? point in bitching out now, it's my only chance.

Y/N: Hey Anne.

Anne: Yeah?

She turns around, and faces to look at me, the wind gently blowing her hair, the moonlight illuminating the darkness around us...and I see her, looking at me, a red tint across her face.

Y/N: ...Anyone ever told you you look cute...?

Anne, blushing: Y-yeah?

Y/N: W-well...this is me saying you're pretty...a-and that it needs to be...said...more...Goddamn, this is hard.

Anne: Hehehe, aww, thanks Y/N. I...think you're...pretty cute too.

Hearing this, my heart skipped a beat, and my face reddens...and Anne notices this. She giggles once more, and she looks back at the moon. I snap out of it, and look back at the moon as well.

Y/N: The moon is beautiful...

Anne, knowing damn well what the means: ...Y-yeah...the moon is beautiful indeed.

My heart skipped a beat once more, and Anne turns around, facing me. She walks closer, and she placed her hand on my chest...and another on my arm. I looked into her eyes, and saw my reflection...and, maybe this is a bit much but, a loving look in her eyes.

Instinctively, I begin to lean in for a kiss. And Anne, instead of stopping...starts leaning in as well...we got so close, that we could feel each other's breathing...

She's my arms...I love her so much...and now, we're about to seal our love...with a kiss.


I instantly pulled back, and looked to me side and saw Polly and Sprig eavesdropping on us.

Sprig: Polly! You blew our cover!

Polly: I knew you two had the hots for each other!

Y/N: Goddamnit Polly!

Anne: Not cool, dude!

We broke the hug, and we did so blushing out of embarrassment. I rub my temples as my face reddens, Anne hides her face, blushing at the fact we almost kissed.

Y/N: What are you even doing here?!

Sprig: Chow time, Hop Pop's got something special for us.

Y/N: Well get outta here and help him prepare!

Sprig: But we-

Y/N: Now, Sprig!

Sprig, rapidly nods his head, and he grabs Polly who was cackling to herself. I turn to Anne, still red as before.

Y/N: W-well we...can't exactly do anything when kids are around...

Anne: Y-yeah...


Anne: ...You uhh...does the offer still stand...?

Y/N: What offer?

Anne: The uhh...the date?

Y/N, not missing a beat: YES! I-I mean, Y-yeah, if you want, that is.

Anne giggles and she walked closer to me again, and gave me a quick peck on the cheek

Anne: Once we got free time...let's head out...yeah?~

Y/N: Wouldn't want anything else.

Anne giggles, and she leans in and kisses me on the cheeks. We both started walking back to the house, finally ready to let this crazy day end.


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