Chapter 6: One Hell of a First Impression
3rd Person POV
Marcy stands up, and she finds herself within a city's walls. She turns around, and she sees a massive, and beautiful castle with stunning architecture, and that included most of the other buildings as fact, almost everything in this place looks so...stunning...a Utopia, in fact.
Marcy: gasp OMG!! It WORKED!
???: groan
Marcy looked behind her and she sees...Y/N laying face down on the ground.
Y/N: I think I may have busted a tooth or two.
Marcy: Oh Y/N! I forgot you took the whole blast, get up!
Y/N: What are you- ey!
Marcy, despite being smaller than Y/N, starting picking Y/N up. He stands up, and he looks around, trying to take in his surroundings.
Y/N: ...Are we dead?
Marcy: Hmm...
Then, without warning, Marcy immediately smacks Y/N in the face.
Y/N: ...I would have appreciated if you told me to smack myself instead, Marcy.
Marcy: Ehe, sorry. This place is just so cool!
Y/N: Careful now, this place may look great and all...but who knows...
Marcy: gasp Y/N! You seeing this?!
Y/N: Yes yes, what is it- What the?! Where'd you go?!
Y/N looks around, and he notices Marcy suddenly disappeared. He then sees her, standing at the edge, looking at the entire city from up where they were.
Marcy: Everything look so prettyyy~
Y/N: Marcy! Get away from the damn edge!
Marcy: Aww, it's fine, Y/N! I won't- woah!
Marcy, somehow, still slipped off of the edge despite standing very still. Luckily, Y/N managed to grab her before she fell off completely.
Y/N: Damnit, Marcy! I told you to get away from the edge!
Marcy: Hehe, sorry, Y/N.
He pulls her up, and made sure she's away from the edge. Looking down, he sees would be a 50 meter fall if she did fall off the edge completely. He lets out a relieved sigh, and he turns around to see Marcy gone. He sees her, running around the city.
Y/N: Oh come on! Damnit, Marcy Wu! Get your ass back here!
Marcy: Come on, Y/N! I'm sure people here will be nice!
Y/N: You do NOT know that!
Marcy: Nah, it's just like in the show we watched!
Y/N: This is REALITY, Marcy!
???: What is going on here?
Both humans look to where the voice came from. Marcy can be seen trying to climb up a weird statue, and Y/N can be seen trying to pry her off the said statue. They both look, and see two knights clad in armor. However, these two weren't human, no, far from it. How can they tell? The tails, obviously.
Newt Knight 1: What...are these things...?
Newt Knight 2: They look so...odd...
Marcy: Woah~ Y/N, look! They're knights! Kinda weird looking though.
Y/N, looking at their tails: Hold on...are these things Newts?!
Marcy: How do you know that?
Y/N: I used to see a lot of these guys back home, wow, you guys are big! And armed...and fully protected with armor, Goddamn.
Newt Knight 2: By Frog, it has a weapon!
Y/N: Huh? What are you-
Y/N then realizes and he looks down to his side, and he sees his saber, still sheathed into his scabbard.
Y/N: Okay, calm down! We're not here to hurt anyone!
Marcy: Yeah! We're just uhh, weary travelers!
Newt Knight 1: Come with us, peacefully, and you will be questioned how you entered the city walls!
Y/N: ...One Hell of a first impression, wow. Anyway, bye! Don't wanna get dissected!
Y/N, immediately picks up Marcy, carrying her bridal style, and started speeding off the other direction.
Marcy: Not so fast! We have to go sightseeing!
Y/N: Not the time, damnit!
As the two humans run off, the Newt Knights were left to themselves, they look at one another, and the one without the spear, crosses her arms.
Newt Knight 2: You should have worded that carefully... "study you"? Really?! It's obvious they were confused! You didn't need to say "study"!
Newt Knight 1: Oh shush, you. Let's just alert Lady Olivia that two, foreign creatures SOMEHOW got inside the city walls.
Newt Knight 2: Tell me, why should that be a problem? They seem peaceful, albeit the bigger one has a sword.
Newt Knight 1: Because the gates are supposed to be sealed off due to the Barbariants!
Newt Knight 2: Oh...well, let's go look for Lady Olivia then.
Change Scene: Your POV
Running through the city, passing by a hundreds of Newts, at least ones that aren't covered head to toe with armor. For now, all I have to do is run to the gates of this city, and was obvious we aren't welcome here.
Y/N: Great, now they're after us and would most likely try to cut us open!
Marcy: Oh, com on! At least we should get a souvenir!
Marcy, then proceeds to jump off my arms, and run the other way.
Y/N: Marcy!
I see Marcy, examining a stand, looking for things to buy. The newt, just watches in confusion, seeing a creature it's never seen before.
Marcy: Hi, how are ya? How much is this? Oh, and this? What about this? Heck, I'll take em all!
I grab her by the arm, and I started pulling her away from the stand.
Y/N: We do NOT have any money, and people are after us, and you wanted to buy out the whole-ass stand?!
Marcy: Ohhh sorry, Y/N! This place is just so beautiful!
Y/N: And crowded...
Marcy: Fine, if I can't buy anything, it's cool. I'll just look around!
Y/N: Where are you-
Marcy: Byee!
Marcy then speeds off, before I could even say anything, and disappeared into the crowd of Newts.
Y/N: ...This woman is painfully naive...
Newt Guard: There it is!
I look behind me, and I see Newts, carrying spears and shields, but these ones weren't wearing armor, but a breastplate, a cloak, and normal boots, and they were chasing after me. Seeing this, I widened my eyes, and I started running after Marcy, and away from these Newts.
Y/N: Marcy, we got company!
Marcy: Woah! Everything looks so COOOOOL!
Marcy says, admiring the buildings and architecture around her...unaware that she's heading right for the stairs.
Y/N: Marcy watch where you're-
Marcy: Wooow- woah!
Y/N: Marcy!
And so, she fell down the stairs...and keeps falling...and falling... seriously, who made these stairs?!
Marcy, falling down the stairs: WOOOAAAAAHHH!!! Ow! Ow! Ow!
Y/N shouted, while running after Marcy who was still falling down the stairs. Then, Marcy finally reached the end of the stairs, seemingly fine...until she looks down, and sees that her leg was broken.
Marcy: Oh, look at that, ow....AAAAAAAAAAAA-
Y/N: I told you to look where you're going, damnit! Who the Hell even built these stairs and why the fuck is it so high?!
Marcy: I-it kinda hurts, hehe, m-mind carrying me? Please?
I look at her, with an unamused face, but she, on the other hand, looked at me with puppy eyes, as if she was on the verge of crying. I look the other way, and covered my mouth, and I try not to scream seeing her like this...I sighed, and I picked her up again, carrying her bridal style.
Marcy: I-I'm sorry, Y/N...I'll listen to you from now on...
I look at Marcy, and she wore a saddened look on her face...I sighed, and I shook my head, and said to her:
Y/N: I'm sorry too...I shouldn't have been too hard on you as well...
Marcy: It's okay, part of it is just cause I never listen, ehehe.
Y/N: chuckles That is correct...
Then, I started hearing multiple footsteps, all in sync, as if they were all marching. I look forward, and I see the gates.
Y/N: There it is! We open that gate, and we're out of here!
Marcy: Kinda gonna miss this place... Even though we've only been in here for a couple of minutes, but still.
Y/N: If we can...we'll get back here... But keep a low profile next time, okay?
Marcy: Ohh~ Stealthy~ I like a good Stealth, Archer Class myself! Especially since I played a lot of RPG games myself, hehe~
Y/N: Sweet, but I like a Battlemage myself, or a Two-handed Tank...wouldn't mind a Dex build too.
Marcy: gasp You play Skyrim too?! I thought you only knew and played Creatures and Caverns!
Y/N: Heh, of course. But enough about that, we still need to get out of here.
I then proceed to run towards the gates and...seemingly enough, this part of the city seems pretty empty... The stands are left unattended, and it pretty much looked like they were leaving in a hurry. I kept my guard up, and as I got to the gates...I have realized my mistake...
Y/N: Where...Oh...Oh God no...
Marcy: What? What's wrong ?
I set Marcy down on the ground, and I look around for a contraption that would be able to open the gate...there was none...I angrily sigh, and I rubbed my temples, trying to calm myself down.
Y/N: This thing is too heavy to be moved by hand...DAMNIT!
I kicked the gate out of pure spite. I see the Newt soldiers closing in on us. I walked closer to Marcy, and I helped her up on her feet. I placed her behind me, making sure she's safe, and I drew my sword, expecting a fight, as the Newt soldiers finally surround us. All of them armed with shields and spears, similar to that of Spartans.
Y/N: Come on, assholes. Make my day, come on!
???: There is no need for violence, creature.
I heard, from a calm and collected voice, a feminine one. The Newt soldiers stepped aside, and made a path for a single Newt, from the looks of it, she looks to be a Noblewoman...or perhaps more.
Y/N to himself: Why the Hell does she sound British?
???: Greetings, creatures. I, am Lady Olivia, the King's Advisor.
Y/N: ...Y/N...
Marcy: And I'm Marcy! Ow.
Lady Olivia: I trust you didn't damage anything within the city walls?
Y/N: No...we didn't...we just wanna know where we are, and where our friends are, and go home.
Marcy, peeks out from behind me.
Marcy: Maybe a few souvenirs too!
Y/N: Marcy, adults are speaking.
Marcy: Hey! I'm an adult too!
Lady Olivia: You two are...quite interesting creatures...but I see your mate is clearly injured, so perhaps we can help?
Marcy: M-mate?
Y/N: How do I know you won't cut her open to study her?
Lady Olivia: Oh please, we're not monsters. We care about our people, and have free health-care.
Y/N: I'm sorry WHAT?
Y/N: ...Well shit, if I don't have to pay for anything, then fuck it.
Lady Olivia: Quite a vulgar mouth you have.
Y/N: Yeah sure, whatever... actually, that reminds me of something.
Y/N grabs Marcy by the shoulders and started angrily but gently shaking her.
Y/N: Do you realize how much you had me worried?!
Marcy: Woahoahoahoahoahoahoahoah!
I stopped shaking her, and I looked the other way, rubbing my eyes as I felt it swell up a bit. I looked at her again, and I hugged her, tightly.
Y/N: Don't do that again, you hear me?!
Marcy: giggles Aww, don't worry, Y/N. I'm fine! ...Aside from a broken leg, that is.
I couldn't help but chuckle from what she just said, and I picked up Marcy again to reduce the stress on her broken leg.
Y/N: There we go.
Marcy: You should really warn me before picking me up.
Y/N, an eye raised: Oh? You don't like it?
Marcy: N-no...just...a warning would be nice. Plus-
Then, Marcy wraps her arms around me, hugging me.
Marcy: You make me feel safe...since you're bigger than me, Sasha and Anne, you're our gentle giant.
I smiled, and then I laughed.
Y/N: Well, I'll try and keep that request in mind.
Lady Olivia: clears throat Well, is everything settled now between you two lovers?
Y/N: ...Heh, I wish, but yeah, everything's cool.
Marcy, internally: I wish you're my boyfriend too...
Marcy: ...Hey Y/N...can we...stay here till we find Anne and Sasha? I mean, we are safe here.
Y/N: I dunno...
Lady Olivia: Even if you wanted, the Barbariants are just outside the walls and would swarm you almost immediately, it would be wise to remain here.
Y/N: ...Fine...wouldn't hurt if we stayed here for a day or two.
Marcy: YES! Whooo!
Y/N: Just promise me this; For the love of God, watch where you're going, alright?
Marcy: Okay-kay! Thanks so much, Y/N! Muah!
Marcy, leaned in closer to my face and gave me a big kiss...on the cheek. I look at her, and she giggles, sheepishly rubbing the back of her head, a pink tint on her face forming. I merely chuckle.
Y/N: Silly girl...
Marcy, blushing: Awww, Y/N.
Lady Olivia: Now that it's settled, follow us, creatures. Oh, and Lady Marcy, please tell your beloved to refrain from...vulgar words.
Marcy: I'm sorry, wat?
Lady Olivia: Are you not his consort?
Marcy, blushing: W-what?! N-no! We're not even in college yet!
Y/N: That was...quite an assumption, Lady Olivia.
Lady Olivia: giggles Oh dear, I do apologize.
Y/N: It's quite alright...just don't cut us open and we won't have problems.
Lady Olivia: You have my word, Sir Y/N.
Y/N: Well, so long as it's free, and I don't have to pay fuckingly ridiculous amounts of cash, then lead the way, Lady Olivia.
Lady Olivia: Again, quite a tongue you have, Sir Y/N.
Marcy: Nah, don't worry! He's a gentle giant! Aren't cha, Y/N?~
Y/N: sigh I keep hearing that all the time...
Marcy: Probably because it's true?
Y/N: chuckles Whatever, Marcy. Now, madam? Lead the way, please.
I bowed a bit, and Lady Olivia smiles, and she bows back. She turns around and started escorting the two of us towards a hospital...wait, how do they have a hospital if they're meant to be medieval n' shit?
Change Scene: Marcy's POV
Newt Doctor: Alright, that should hold up.
Marcy: Wow, thanks!
I tap on the cast multiple times, and I laugh at the sound that it made.
Marcy: Hehe, nice.
Newt Doctor: And for Frog's sake, just like what your boyfriend said, watch where you're going. You fell down the stairs on the way here, twice.
Marcy, blushing: He's not my boyfriend! Ugh!
Marcy, internally: Although I wish he is...sigh When will that come true, I wonder?~
The doctor stands up, and he walks away to check up on other patients. I look around, trying to see where Y/N is, and then I saw him, wearing an arm sling, and is at a Nurses Station, talking to, well, a nurse. A newt nurse points towards me, and Y/N looks to where she pointed. He smiles, and waves me "hello" and I waved back smiling. He looks back to the nurse, and she thanks her, before proceeding to walk, and come closer to me.
Y/N: There you are, how you holding up?
Marcy: I'm fine, thanks! Wanna sign the cast?~
Y/N: Perhaps another time, Lady Olivia's looking for us.
Marcy: Why? gasp Oh, I know! Maybe a welcoming party!
Y/N: Maybe...I still don't trust this place be on your guard.
Marcy: Aww don't worry, Y/N. Besides-
I then wrap my arms around him, hugging him, burying my face in his stomach. I look up, a small pink tint on my face, and I smiled.
Marcy: After all, I have you... Kinda happy that I get to be stuck with you, you're cool, and I like you!
Y/N smiles, and he placed a hand on my head, as if he was...petting me.
Y/N: Well, I'm glad to know that you're safe, Marcy.
Marcy: Hmmm, yes~ Head-pats~ Gimme more~
Y/N chuckles again, and he proceeds to give me more's nice...makes me feel...warm, and loved.
Marcy: We should do this more often.
Y/N: Hmm?
Marcy: If I'd known if it was this nice, I shoulda hugged you more often, like Anne would.
Y/N: Heh, I wouldn't mind.
I look up at him and I smiled again, before tightening my hug around him.
Marcy, muffled: Anne...Sasha...wherever you are, please...stay safe out and Y/N will find you...both of you.
Y/N: Indeed we will...
Change Scene: Your POV
Marcy: No-no-no-no-no-nooooo!
Y/N: Heh, easy.
I said, as I finished the combo and defeated Soul Calibur VI, of course. Ain't no way I'm beating her up.
Marcy: Ugh, I should have known you were gonna dominate me! You're a Siegfried main too?! How?! The character I'm using is literally faster too!
I mentally chuckle, as I set down the controller of her switch on the table beside the bed. It's currently lunchtime and I'm right by Marcy's side on the bed, playing games with her.
Y/N: You keep attacking head on, no block, parries, not even using the Reversal Edge, that's a skill issue, Marcy. Plus; Geralt's a pretty advanced character, and has a lot of moves, I'm surprised you didn't spam shit.
Marcy: Gosh and I thought I was a nerd when it comes to games.
Y/N: Heh, that's why I always check the move list.
Marcy: And I don't?! Ugh, never shoulda talked smack to ya...wanna play Smash Bros tho?~
Y/N: Pass, that's where you beat me, I'll admit.
Marcy: Heh, knew it~
Y/N: But if you ever come and invade me while playing Elden Ring or Dark Souls 3, I'm gonna smack that smirk off of ya.
Marcy: You're a Souls-borne player?! No wonder you're so good, you're either w Masochist, or you've got no life!
Y/N: ...Ouch?
Marcy: E-ehehe, s-sorry?
Y/N: Nah, don't worry about it...
Marcy: W-what's wrong? I-I didn't mean any of it!
Y/N: It's...not that, Marcy...this place is's strange...
Marcy: What are you talking about? It's perfect!
Y/N: ...Too perfect... No fucking way is this kingdom so perfect. Something is UP here...
Marcy: Free Public Healthy care isn't that weird, Y/N.
Y/N: For a seemingly medieval society? THat just encountered clearly alien creatures? Who showed up mysteriously?
Marcy: Ok, so it's a little weird...
but maybe they're just really nice?
Y/N: Or maybe they are planning something...
Marcy: What's the worst that could happen if we open ourselves up to this kingdom?
My imagination runs wild. I stare off into the distance, getting angrier and angrier. My mind flashes, and I find myself chained to a platform, covered with heavy chains and in front of me I see a large crowd, gathering in front of what looked to be a stage. I look down and I try my hardest to break free from the to avail.
Then, the curtains were drawn, and revealed...the girls, all three of them, bare naked in front of all the crowd of Newts. Chains around their necks, and a large sign that was hanging around their chest. Sasha, to no surprise, was beyond angry. Marcy was crying, trying to cover herself up, and Anne can be seen with such...empty eyes, one that you'd see of...a dead body. Seeing this, I shouted, and I shouted as hard as I can, filled with rage and hatred.
Marcy: ... Y\N? Hellooooo?
I snap out of my nightmare when I heard Marcy's voice, and I look to see her looking at me worried...I looked down, and I saw that I clenched my fist so hard, nails dug into my palm, making it bleed in the process...and I felt none of it at all...
Y\N: Hmm? Y-yeah, you're right Mar-Mar...
I gently tap my saber to remind me where it is. No one will hurt her...not while I'm here. Suddenly, I felt her place her hand on my shoulder, and then at my cheek, which...calmed me down...or at least helped me feel at ease.
Marcy: Don't worry...nothing will ever hurt me...I'm with you...remember...?
I gently smile, and I place my hand, the one that isn't bleeding, on top of her hand on my cheek.
Y/N: I promise you...nothing will ever hurt you...
Marcy: ...Y-Y/N I...I wanna...tell you something...
Y/N: Yeah?
Marcy: I...I-I love...
Hearing the word love, for some reason, made my heart race. I kept a composed demeanor but my heart won't stop pounding.
Marcy: orange chicken! Anyone told you that? H-heh...
Hearing this, I couldn't help but feel...saddened...and so, I let out a sigh, and I forced a smile.
Y/N: Yeah, actually. Sasha told me that...quite a lot of times, really.
(This is canon, Sasha's favorite is Orange Chicken, don't come at me saying it's not true, LOOK IT UP.)
Marcy: Heh, knew it~
Marcy, internally: I can't tell him...o-once he finds out he'll think of me a freak!
Suddenly, footsteps can be heard, and I look to see Olivia at the door.
Lady Olivia: Greetings, you two, how are you holding up?
Marcy: Quite fine, really! You guys are really nice! Isn't that right, Y/N?
Y/N: ...They're fine, I guess...
Lady Olivia looked at my bleeding hand, and I notice her looking at it.
Lady Olivia: Sir Y/N, perhaps it is best you seek the doctor for that hand, you're bleeding.
Y/N: I'll be fine, don't tell me what to do.
Lady Olivia: I am not asking, sir Y/N. Get that hand fixed.
Hearing her sudden change of tone, I immediately stood up, grumbling and I left the room to go find a doctor, leaving Marcy and Lady Olivia to herself.
Marcy: So, lady Olivia, any news for today?
Lady Olivia: Well, I have come to tell you big news, Lady Marcy. I had planned to tell it to you with you..."friend", but since he's not here I hope you would fill him in about the details later.
Marcy: Oh! Sure thing! What is it?
Lady ...Sir Y/N, and Lady Marcy, are hereby granted, an audience with the King of Amphibia...Andrias Leviathan.
Hi! So, if you're still here, thank you for reading the book, hope you're enjoying your stay!
Other than that, J don't really have much to say save for-
Me rn:
In all seriousness, thanks for the votes, everyone, I really appreciate.
This is McFly, signing off!
Damn, been a while since I said that. XD
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