Chapter 3: Best Fronds Forever
3rd Person POV
Anne wakes up in cold sweat, screamin, assuming she was just dreaming, she sighs and she started to talk to her friends as if they were there with her at that very moment.
Anne: gasp Guys, guys, guys. I just had the craziest dream. I was trapped in a world of frog pe-
Anne turns to find the Plantars looking at her, Hop Pop and Polly clearly weary of what she's about to do next, Sprig, however, can be seen smiling towards Anne.
Anne: Oh.
Hop Pop: croaks
Anne: ...Right.
Sprig: Hey, Anne. Sleep good?
Hop Pop: Careful, boy! It could be hungry!
Polly: For your guts!
Anne: Dude, relax. I am not gonna eat something that clearly doesn't bathe.
Flies buzz around Hop Pop, shown close-up to be incredibly dirty. He eats a fly that happened to fly by.
Hop Pop: Fair point.
Anne: ...Wait, where's Y/N?
Hop Pop: Who now?
Anne: The guy I was with? The one with the giant sword?!
Hop Pop: ...Oh, your mate? He's up in the garden, tending to the plants. Surprisingly enough he knows what he's doing.
Then, as if on cue, Y/N dropped down to the basement, his shirt covered in sweat. He lifts up his shirt, to wipe the sweat off of his forehead and face, while walking closer to Anne, who happens to get a quick peek under said shirt.
Y/N: I've lived most of my childhood in the bayou, and tended to farms and ranches before, this is child's play.
Hop Pop: Well, I am impressed, being honest. Your monster parents taught you well.
Y/N: ...Don't call my parents that.
Anne: Dude...
Y/N: Hm?
Anne: You're smoking... literally, there's smoke coming off of you.
Y/N: Ah, nevermind that.
Sprig: See? Told you it was harmless.
Hop Pop: Hmph. For now.
Hop Pop and Polly walks back up the stairs, leaving Y/N, Anne and Sprig...until Polly comes back, pointing the rolling pin on her hand towards the two humans.
Polly: Just give me an excuse to use old Doris here.
Polly, after making the threat, hops back up the stairs.
Anne: I think the little one wants to kill us.
Y/N: Ha! I'd like to see her try, but I do love her confidence.
Sprig: Yup. So, you must be so excited to be trapped in another world. Very jealous.
Y/N: ...Depends, if this place is crawling with psycho's and chicks who thinks they're sirens, and I'm supposed to be looking for a vault, and I get to scream some crude stuff, then I'm at home no doubt.
Anne: chuckles It's not all that. I miss my home and my stuff and especially... my friends. Without them, I just feel kind of lost. You know?
Anne grabs the picture of her, Sasha, Marcy, and Y/N, with the letters that spell "BFFS". Anne is smiling, holding up a peace sign, Marcy looking at Anne with a smirk on her face, and Sasha, between the two of them, holding both of them at the same time, looking at the camera, smiling, and at the back, Y/N can be seen looking at the camera, the usual, gentle smile plastered across his face.
Y/N: Honestly, I miss both of them too...
Sprig: Well, then, why don't I be your friend in the meantime?
Anne & Y/N: You?
Sprig: Me!
Anne: You...
Y/N: Well, a friendly face in this dimension would be nice, don't you think so, Anne?
Sprig: Come on. It'll be fun! What did you do together?
Anne looks at Y/N, and she smiles. Y/N smiles back.
Anne: Everything. Marathon dumb TV shows, drink boba till we vomited, hung out at the beach. And if I get in trouble, Y/N always bails me out!
Y/N: My wallet hates me, because of you, but be glad I like you, Anne.
Sprig: Mhmm, mhmm. So, whaddya do with Y/N? From what Hop Pop said, he's your mate! Eh, eh?~
Anne: ...What do you mean by that?
Sprig: A mate!
Anne: What, like: Classmate or Schoolmate? Yeah, of course we are!
Y/N: ...As in a spouse, a consort, a LOVER, Anne! Have you been paying attention at all in classes?
Anne: Ehe, sorry- wait...mate...lover? Oh, ew! No!
Anne then turns away, and she started mumbling to herself.
Anne: Well...maybe not yet...~
Y/N: I heard that...
Anne: AHH! Dude!
Y/N: Wha- me?! You're the one mumbling creepy shit! Oh and Sprig, to answer your question: I tend to read books in my spear time, fish, and you know, have fun with Anne.
Anne: Don't you also tend to go to the shooting range?
Y/N: Yeah, mostly once every month. You should try it, helps with stress.
Sprig: ...You guys are weird, anyway; We've got a lake. Would going there with me make you feel less homesick?
Y/N: A lake, huh...? Does it have anything dangerous in it?
Sprig: Maybe a snake or two, but don't worry, they've been cleared out.
Y/N: ...Perfect, more things to kill...
Anne: Hmm...
Sprig: Yeah, yeah, yeah! Is gon' be great.
Y/N: chuckles I like you, Sprig. Perhaps we'll get along quite well.
Sprig: I could say the same to you! gasp You can be like the big brother I never had! Woohoo!
Anne: giggling I like your moxie, frog child. Let's do it!
In one quick montage, Anne can be seen preparing, and wearing a swimming attire, Y/N prepares as well, wearing the same shirt, but replaced his pants with shorts instead, and wearing flip-flops instead of shoes.
Y/N: Hmm...I really wanna bring the sword.
Sprig: Nah, don't worry. It's safe where we're going!
Y/N: ...I'll trust you this one time, Sprig.
Sprig: You ready to go?
Y/N: Yeah, just waiting for Anne.
Anne: Yeah-yuh!
Together: Hey, hey, hey!
Y/N: chuckle Alright alright, now let's go before-
Hop Pop: And where do you three think you're going?
Y/N: Goddamnit.
Sprig: We're going to the lake. Ooh.
Anne: Why? You want in? You wanna come?
Hop Pop: Absolutely not! Look, Anne...Y/N. You're a new, unsettling, strange, bizarre, gangly, horrifying--
Anne: Thanks. I got it.
Y/N: No no, keep going, gimme a reason to rip off your scalp.
Anne: Y/N!
Hop Pop: Point is, the frogs in this town can be pretty small-minded.
Hop Pop peeks through his blinds, seeing three frogs just outside his home.
Frog: Oh, hey, Hopediah.
Hop Pop: And paranoid. We just need to give 'em time to get used to ya. I think it's best both of you stay put.
Hop Pop pulls out a key from his pocket, and locks the door.
Y/N, to himself: ...If that thing tries to eat us, I'm eating it.
Anne: But-
Hop Pop: No buts! Now I'm gonna go into my study to get a little reading done.
Sprig: Uh, Hop Pop.
Hop Pop: Don't do anything stupid!
Hop Pop walks to his study, the key on his pocket, and slammed the door shut.
Anne: Ugh! Adults are all the same. Curfews. Rules. Old.
Y/N: Anne, you're an adult, you just don't act like it...not that I'm any different, but still.
Anne: Oh right, hehe...
Sprig: Yeah, looks like we're stuck here. Ooh! I know what'll be fun. Let's try some of Hop Pop's pain peppers.
Y/N: Pain-what now?
Sprig pulls out a barrel from the corner, lifting up the kid to reveal the contents inside, it was a barrel filled with peppers.
Sprig: So hot, they'll make you wish you were dead.
Sprig started humming, while taking a pepper, and placing his tongue on it...which in turn, quite literally, he started breathing fire, doing all sorts of things to make the heat die down, running around the house, drinking water from the tap, hitting his tongue with a vase...why would he do that...?
Sprig: Someone just kill me, please! Bleh. Your turn.
Y/N shrugs, as he takes an entire piece of a pain pepper, and ate the whole damn thing...he begins to redden, and suddenly, he started breathing fire as well, and even greater amount that Sprig did.
Anne, cutting Y/N off, splashes him with a bucket full of water, as she noticed that his head was about to be set on fire as well...that, and to knock him back to his senses.
Y/N: I was having a moment, Anne.
Anne: No, thanks. I'd rather go to the lake rather than eating a pain pepper or burning everything down.
Sprig can be seen grabbing a handful of pain peppers, about to eat them, and Y/N can be seen holding a plate for it. Y/N sees Anne looking at him, and so he chucks the plate away.
Y/N: You saw nothing.
Sprig: What? But Hop Pop said, uh--
Anne: Sprig, you wanna know the best thing about friendship? When you got your friends by your side, anything is possible. Whatever you want, a real friend will help you get. And you know what I want?
Sprig: The lake!
Anne: Yup. Now let's go rob an old man!
Y/N: Dafuq?
Sprig: Ew.
Anne: Yeah, that didn't sound as cool as I wanted it to.
Hop Pop can be seen reading a book called " So You're a Failed Actor". The trio can be seen peeking in the study, seeing the key on Hop Pop's coat, that was hanging on his chair.
Anne: Any ideas?
Sprig: Ooh! What if we use fishing line to lower me from the ceiling? Then I grab the key right out of Hop Pop's pocket. I'll move like a shadow.
Sprig begins to climb on the archway, swinging himself backs ND forth. Then, he drops from the door, knocking the vase down in the process. Luckily, Y/N catches the vase in time before it could shatter when it hits the ground.
Sprig: Shadows knock things over sometimes.
Anne: Do you hear that?
Hop Pop: snoring
Y/N: Is he...asleep?
Anne: No way.
Y/N placed the vase back, and the trio mad their way closer to Hop Pop, who can be seen with his eyes open, yet snoring. Anne waves her hand in front of his eyes, and whaddya know, he's not responding.
Anne: This might be the creepiest thing I've ever seen.
Y/N: Not really, it makes sense, cause at least half your senses are still awake, pops taught me how to do that sometimes.
Anne: ...If I wake up and your eyes are open, and you're still asleep, I would rather fall off the bed.
Sprig: Happens all the time. He makes a great scarecrow.
Anne grabs the key, and the three of them make their way out of the study, and Y/N closes the door behind them, slowly and silently to not wake Hop Pop up. Y/N cringed as soon as he saw Anne take a whiff of the key.
Anne: sniffs Know what this smells like?
Y/N: Brass and sweat?
Sprig examines the key, smells it, and started licking it...which in turn, made Y/N cringe even more.
Sprig: A key that's been in an old man's pocket?
Anne: Freedom!
Sprig: That was my next guess!
Y/N: You two are disgusting...I'm so happy I'm friends with you.
Change Scene: Your POV
We walk through the forest, following a path leading to the lake. Anne was in front of me, and in front of her was Sprig, leading this trip. I made sure to stay behind so nothing sneaks up on us and take us by surprise.
Anne: sigh This is great. Three pals beatin' the odds to have some fun. Here. Smile!
Anne suddenly pulled me closer to her, and she did the same thing to Sprig. She brings out her phone and she takes a selfie of all three of us, with the flash on, which blinded me for a good coupe of seconds, like a flashbang, if you would. Anne looks at the photo and it can be seen that she was smiling, Sprig blinded by the flash so the camera caught his face in a weird way, and then there's me, smiling at the camera.
Anne: Whoa. Hey, that turned out great.
Y/N: I can't see shit, this is worse than a flashbang!
Sprig: I don't know what's crazier, that you just stole my soul in a tiny box, or that we look so incredible. I gotta say, this friends business is amazing!
Y/n: What do you mean?
Anne: Didn't you have friends before I showed up?
Sprig: Uh...
A memory pops up in Sprigs head, of two little frog children playing some sort of game.
Little frog: giggle Your turn.
Sprig emerges from the bushes, catching the attention of both frogs in front of him.
Sprig: Guys, guys, guys, guys, guys! Check this out!
Suddenly, Sprig pulls out the skeletal remains of what seems to be a reptilian creature that has been long dead, probably a snake of some sort.
Sprig: Aaah!
The children begin to scream in fear, as Sprig tries to make it seem like he was being eaten...alive.
Sprig: Aaah! Help! It's eating me alive!
The children screams some more, both of them hugging each other. Sprig then chuckles, and he stopped what he was doing and looked at both terrified frogs.
Sprig: Ha-ha! I'm just kidding, guys- Aaah!
The frogs begin screaming in terror once more, as Sprig proceeds to get "eaten" by the clearly dead snake.
Sprig: ...Kids around here don't really get me.
Anne: Well, hey, they are missin' out. Come on.
Anne playfully punches Sprig's arm, and she started leading the way.
Sprig: So, is punching part of friendship?
Anne: Absolutely.
Y/N: It depends, Anne.
After walking for some time, we emerged from the bushes, and in front of us, as the lake.
Sprig: We made it.
In the lake, can be seen giant lily pads that rivals that of the Amazon's Giant Lily Pads, the flowers as big as it can get, the lake water itself is clear...ish, but one thing's for sure, this place is nice.
Anne: Whoa. It's beautiful.
Y/N: This would be a nice plate to build a home.
Anne: True... Anyway; You ready, dudes?
Y/N: Way ahead of you.
Anne: Yeah! Whoa-ho!
Sprig: Whoo-hoo! Yeah!
As Anne and Sprig were about to run and jump into the water, with me right behind them, they both stopped when they noticed the sign that was DEADASS right in front of them...
Anne: Oh.
Sprig: Oh. This was not here last week.
Y/N: Hmm...
I walk closer to it, and I examined the sign, and the letter "M" had squiggly line by the end of it, as if the one writing the said said was...grabbed.
Anne: Hmm. I know exactly what's going on here. Some jerk just wants this beautiful lake all to themselves. Well, forget that.
Y/N: I dunno, Anne... From the looks of this warning, it's like there's something in the water.
Sprig: Ah, I don't know, Anne. Whoever wrote this wrote it in a hurry, like they were scared to be here.
Anne: Or maybe they just had bad handwriting. Come on. Don't be a buzzkill.
Anne proceeds to make her way closer to the lake, ignoring the warning of the sign before her. As soon as she gets to the edge of the lake, she dips her toe in the water.
Anne: Ooh, that's nice.
Y/N: Nope!
Anne: Hey!- what are you doing?!
I picked Anne up, and I placed her on my shoulder, and started walking away from the lake. However, surprisingly enough, she managed to slip through my grip, and run back to the lake. Luckily, Sprig, wrapped his tongue around Anne's arm, preventing her from entering the water.
Sprig: Something's not right here. Let's just go back.
Y/N: Anne, I like you, very much so, you're one of my best friends after all, but GODDAMNIT woman! Get your ass back here!
Anne: Ugh, I thought you were trying to be my friend.
Y/N: Huh?!
Sprig: I am.
Anne: Well, this is what friends do. Remember? They help each other get the things they want.
Sprig: Huh?
Anne: Look, if a friend likes a pencil case, you get it for them. If your friend likes your new shoes, you give them to her. And if a friend wants you to steal a crazy music box from a thrift store, even if you don't really want to, you do it, okay? Because if you don't, they might not want to be your friend anymore.
Hearing those words come out of Anne's mouth, made me wonder...what the Hell has Sasha been doing when I wasn't with them? Bah, no matter...
Y/N, to himself: I'm gonna have a real long conversation with Sasha when we find her...and if she doesn't listen, perhaps a more physical lesson is in order...
Anne: What's that?
Y/n: ...Nothing...
Sprig: Fine.
Sprig walks away, and towards the forest, leaving both of us alone.
Anne: Fine... You can go now too...
Y/N: I'd rather not...mind you, I still don't feel like something's right here...but fuck it, do whatever the Hell you want, you're an adult.
Anne: ...Look, we're both stuck in this dimension, right?
Y/N: ...Yes?
Anne: So, how about, instead of being paranoid and not being able to do stuff, we live a little, eh? Make the most out of it. Besides, doesn't this remind you when you swim in the lakes back in...N'awlins?
Y/N: ...New Orleans...and yeah, actually...reminds me of home...very much.
Anne: Then come on! Last one in the water's the one doing dishes tonight!
Y/N: Wha- Hey! You're closer to the lake, damnit!
Anne giggles, as I run after her, and she started running closer to the lake as well, until sprig comes in running, shirtless, running past me and Anne, he leapt into the water.
Sprig: Whoo-hoo!
Splash, goes the water. I chuckled, and I took off my shirt as well, and left my flip flops. I jumped into the water, landing just beside Sprig, who started laughing as soon as I hit the water.
Y/N: Guess you're still doing the dishes tonight, Anne!
Anne: Ohh, yeah! That's what I'm talkin' about! Cannonball!
Anne finally jumps into the water, making me and Sprig chuckle at the process. Anne and Sprig can be seen swimming backwards, and I myself, am struggling to do that...
I then see both of them splashing each other, and then they suddenly turned to me, both of them wearing a mischievous smile.
Y/N: Oh fu-
Sprig: Get him!
Anne: Yeah!
Y/N: Noooo-
The scene changes, and Sprig can be seen laying atop of a leaf, and Anne can be seen laying beneath said leaf, while I was floating by the tiny island that they were currently on.
Then, I find myself meditating at the bottom of the lake, small bubbles coming out of my mouth, I look up, and see Anne and Sprig just above me, and they pretended that they were drinking tea, and did a "cheers" gesture, and drank the imaginary tea.
Sneaking up on a giant Water Skipper, they immediately threw the rope over to it's head, and they mounted the creature, and started riding it.
Anne: Whoo-hoo!
Sprig: Yeah!
Y/N: I have GOT to get one of those!
Then I find myself in front of Anne and Sprig, who's playfully hitting each other with what is essentially massive cattails. Anne thinks to herself as she examines the cattail, and she proceeds to try and take a bite out of it. I stood up, and ran towards her. Suddenly, I find myself in front of Anne, who has her Phone out at the moment, pointing it at my direction.
Y/N: What exactly do I have to do?
Anne: Just flex like a bodybuilder would!
Y/N: ..Alright then...
I turned around, and I started stretching my muscles, so that I don't strain one or get a muscle cramp, behind me, Anne, getting the full view of my back.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Anne, completely flushed. I chuckled and I flexed both my arms, revealing the muscles. Anne started pressing her phone's camera repeatedly. I smile, and I chuckled once more.
Y/N: Well, how is it?
Anne: P-p-pretty good, hehehehehe~
I chuckle once more, and I started wading my way closer to her.
Y/N: Lemme see-
Anne: No! You look good, I promise!
Y/N: Boonchuy, gimme the damn phone!
I swim after her, and she started swimming away as well, giggling. I managed to catch up to her, and I grabbed her by the hips and pulled her closer.
Y/N: Gotcha! Gimme the phone and lemme see, Boonchuy!
Anne: giggles Nohoho! Put me down!
I chuckled and I proceed to reach my hand out to her phone, and she keeps giggling, pushing my hand away.
Anne: Okay fine! I'll give it! If you give me a kiss here, eh? Eh?
Y/N: Deal!
I immediately leaned in closer to Anne, and without hesitation, I planted a kiss on her cheek, making her freeze on the spot, and her face to redden even more. I immediately grabbed her phone, and started looking for the picture.
Y/N: Got it! Muahahahahahaha! Oh, this looks nice, good job, Anne.~
Anne, blushing: No hesitation, huh?
Y/N: Well, you wanted me to give you a kiss, so I did, duh.
Anne: I was expecting you to hesitate!
Y/N: But I didn't! HAHAHA! You want another?~
Anne: No- yes! I-I mean yes! Argh! Dude!
Y/N: chuckles Alright alright, I'll stop.
Sprig: Now do me!
Both me and Anne chuckled, as we both saw Sprig trying to flex just as I have. I set Anne down, and she started giggling, while Sprig flexed his muscles like I did...kinda making me proud, honestly.
Anne chuckles, as she looks into the phone to see how Sprig's photo turns out...only for me and Anne to see a pair of eyes looking into the camera as well, making both of us look behind Sprig, a creature looming over him.
Anne: Uh...
Sprig: I was blinking, wasn't I?
Y/N: Sprig, tongue, NOW!
Sprig: Tongue you? Dude, we've only known-
Y/N: Now, damn you!
Sprig then finally notices the creature behind him, and it seemingly started growing in size, towering over the three of us, revealing itself to be a fuckingly massive snake. Anne dropped her phone in fear, and I just stood in place. Anne and Sprig both screamed in fear, and I pulled both of them closer and away from the snake. All of us begin to swim away from the snake, but it immediately begins to catch up on both me and Anne.
Y/N: I knew I should have brought that damn sword!
Anne: Stupid non-webbed human hands.
Sprig: Anne!
I then swam in front of Anne, as the snake lunged at her. I reared my hand back, and landed a right hook to the snake's face, sending it to the side.
Y/N: On the Lily Pads! Now!
Both Anne and Sprig swam their way to a lily pad, both of them panting heavily, while I remained in the water, anticipating another attack.
Sprig: Well that explains the sign!
Y/N: I told you!
I then finally decided to get on top of the lily pad with them, and I look at Anne, clearly distraught.
Anne: Sprig, Y/N, I'm just slowing you down, guys! Get out of here. This was my fault anyway. I should have listened to you!
Sprig: Friend punch!
I see Sprig punch Anne's face, which in turn, made her recoil.
Anne: Ow! Hey!
Sprig: Never! I'm not about to let my first real friend get eaten. We're in this together.
Y/N: I've told you before, Anne. I am here to protect you.
The giant snake finally emerged from the water, and started encircling the lily pad, I then assumed a stance, about to punch the snake as soon as it attacks, putting both Anne and Sprig behind me, making sure they're safe.
Anne: Uh, any ideas?
Sprig jumps on top of Anne's head, and I looked at him confused as to why he did that.
Anne: Ah! What are you doing?
Sprig: I have a plan. Stand up!
Anne: Uh, okay.
And so, she obliges, and she stands up.
Sprig: When I count to three, duck. Soon as I'm out, Y/N, grab it by the tail!
Anne: What?! Are you crazy?!
Sprig: Just trust me.
Anne nods, and Sprig looks at me, and I nod at him as well.
Sprig: All right. One, two...
The snake lunges at us, and I prepare for...whatever the Hell this frog is planning to do.
Sprig: Three!
Sprig jumps off of Anne's head, and she ducked as soon as she knew that Sprig jumped off of her, in turn, Sprig was swallowed...alive.
Anne: Sprig!
Y/N: Oh it's on now, asshole! Come here! I'll fuckin cook ya!
Anne: Vengeance!
Anne almost immediately climbs atop of the snake, and started beating it's head with a stick, I took lunged at the snake's head as well, and I started punching it's eyes.
Anne: Take this and this!
As Anne proceeds to keep beating it with a stick, I grabbed it's eye, and I pulled it out of it's skull, making it roar in pain, and thrash about, knocking me and Anne off of the snake. I immediately make my way in front of Anne to protect her from the snake, and it was about to lunge towards us again, until smoke came out of it's nose, and started breathing fire, spitting Sprig out in the process. I duck down, and Anne catches the red young frog. I immediately grabbed the snake by the tail, and hurled far and away from us.
Anne: You're alive! What did you do?
Sprig, smiling, pulls out a Pain Pepper, the same one I ate, out of his pocket.
Sprig: So hot, they'll make you wish you were dead.
Y/N: Okay that was genuinely smart of you.
Anne: You little genius, you.
Sprig: And it looks like he couldn't take the heat.
I look to where the snake went, as both of them begin to laugh. Just when I was about to let my guard down, the snake comes back, and is obviously enraged.
Y/N: Out the water! Now!
Anne: Run!
Sprig: Death approaches!
As Anne and Sprig begin to wade their way out of the water, I look back, and it started darting towards our direction. I looked at both Anne and Sprig, and decided to do one thing...I grabbed Sprig, and I threw him ashore, I then lifted Anne, and she looks at me terrified and confused.
Anne: Y-Y/N! Put me down, it's gonna get us!
Y/N: No time, I won't be able to make it out of the water in time...but you can.
Anne: N-no! Y/N, please! You're the only one I have left! Don't go!
Y/N: Don't worry...I'll be back.
I planted a kiss on her cheek, and I reared back to throw her ashore as well.
Y/N: Fly high, my friend! And LIVE!
And so, I threw Anne with all my might, and she was sent flying though the air, and she landed on her feet, right next to Sprig. I turn around, and was immediately met with the jaws of the snake. I look back at Anne, all the way from the shore and...oh dear...that's not good..
She's crying again...
Anne's POV
As Y/N looks back to me, he smiles...what could possibly the last time, as he was swallowed by the snake.
Anne: Y/N! NOOOOO!
Sprig: My big bro! Nooo!
Suddenly, the snake begins to make it's way towards us again, and I suddenly felt a surge of power course throughout my body, and the will fight this snake head on...and kill it. I stood up, grabbing a bigger stick, tears still in my eyes...until the snake stops in it's tracks, and started roaring...and it seemed to be in pain.
Anne: W-what the-
Then, a hand bursts out of the snake's guts, making it scream in pain even more. The hand, I assume belongs to Y/N, he then rips the wound open, essentially making it bigger. He lets out a war cry, and he jumps to a lily pad, and turned to the snake, his eyes flashing a bright blue hue, and as the snake lunged at him, he punches the snake in the head, and catches it by the jaws, putting both of them in a power struggle, and Y/N, obviously winning.
Sprig: Woah! Your mate is so strong, Anne!
Anne: ...Heh, yeah...he is...
He lets out another war-cry, and he place his leg down on it's bottom jaw, and pushed said leg down, essentially snapping it's jaw, he reached his hand into it's mouth, and his hand went through the roof of it's mouth, and he pulled out it's brains. He started panting, and he looks towards us, covered in goo and blood.
Y/N: Told ya I'd be back! HAHAHA!
He started making his way closer to the shore, smiling, dragging the snake's now dead body behind him. I ran forward, and I immediately wrapped my arms and legs around him, and started crying.
He smiles, and he hugged me back, as I proceed to cry like a mess in front of him. Sprig did the same thing as well, but he was hugging his head instead.
Sprig: I thought I already lost my big bro! That was soooo coool! But stupid!
Y/N: Ha! Like you're any better?
Sprig: Heh, true.
Y/N: Okay...let's go back, that's enough action for today... Anne, you gotta let go though...
I shook my head no, and I only tightened my hold on him, like a koala would to a tree branch. I hear him chuckle, as he placed a hand on my head, caressing my hair, which in turn...kinda made me feel...warm, ad fuzzy...and loved.
Y/N: Okay fine, you can stay like that, after all you might be tired from all this.
Sprig: So, what are you gonna doo with the snake?
Y/N: Oh I'mma cook it!
Sprig: Eww...sounds tasty!
Y/N: Gotta hide this from Hop Pop though.
Sprig: You could feed the whole town if you're gonna cook this!
I hear Y/N chuckle once more, as he started walking, while I'm still latched onto him like a parasite. I nuzzled myself closer to him, and I feel my face redden, I look up at him, as he was walking, dragging the snake behind him. He looks down, and he smiles at me...which made me even more red than I already am...a-and quite...aroused...oh no, BOONCHUY, CALM DOWN! YOU'RE LITERALLY LATCHED ONTO HIM!
Change Scene: 3rd Person POV
The sun can be seen setting in the Plantar Family's Farm, and inside the house, was Hop Pop, still asleep...with his eyes open. He sighs, and he mumbles, and gasps awake.
Hop Pop: I'm up! I'm awake!
He looked behind his chair, where his coat was hanging, to see if the key was still there, and to no surprise, it's gone.
Hop Pop: The key. It's gone! Oh, no. Did they get out?
Hop Pop looks through the window in his study, wondering what happened while he was asleep, being completely paranoid.
Hop Pop: Is the town rioting? Are they dead?! Has Anne eaten the kids, the whole town?! HAS Y/N COMMITED ARSON WITH MY PAIN PEPPERS?!?!
Hopediah, hurriedly runs towards the door, to see whatever chaos has ensued in the town, only for him to find the door locked.
Hop Pop: What's this now? It's still locked.
Hop Pop looks into the basement, seeing Anne, Y/N, and Sprig playing a board game. Anne can be seen rattling the dices, Sprig looking at the board, playfully kicking the air, and Y/N, reading the manual for the game.
Anne: Come on. Mama needs a new pair of shoes. Seriously though, I do need new shoes.
Y/N: This darn game is confusing, like, how did Sprig manage to burn my water park down? It's a water park for Christ's sake!
Hop Pop: You guys been here all day, huh?
Anne: Yeah, dude. I'm on a winning streak.
Sprig: I owe her my first-born child.
Y/N: And I, owe her a kidney and a lung, and some Kisses.
Anne blushed at the statement, and she looks at Y/N, pouting.
Anne: Dude, at this point, just take me out on a date.
Y/N: ...Really...?
Anne, blushing even more: Uhh...
Y/n: Well, if you feel that way, I can take you out-
Anne: I'm not listening! ABABABABABABABA!
Y/N chuckles, as Anne covers her ear, preventing her from listening from whatever he was gonna say. Then, Anne widens her eyes, as she remembered something.
Anne: Oh, by the way, Hop Pop. We found this on the floor. You must have dropped it.
Anne pulls out the key from her skirt, and hands it to Hop Pop.
Hop Pop: Dang shallow pockets. Well, you get what you pay for.
Just as Hop Pop finally left, Polly jumps in, with a rolling pin in her hand.
Polly: Aha!
She sees Anne, Sprig, and Y/N looking at her.
Anne: 'Sup, Polly?
Y/N: Wanna join? I'm currently handling a life-crippling debt.
Polly: You're not gonna eat us, are you? You're not even gonna try. Dis... appointing.
As soon as Polly jumped out of the basement, Anne quickly closes the trapdoor, and both let out a relieved sigh.
Anne: Hey, sorry I almost got us killed today.
Sprig: Are you kidding? That was the most exciting thing that's ever happened to me!
Y/N: Honestly, I haven't had this much fun in darn ages! Especially since I get to wrestle with some crazy wildlife out here too! HAHA! We should do this more often!
Sprig: Totally! My heart was beating faster than a dragonfly on a sugar rush. In fact, I'm feeling a little... sleepy.
Y/N and Anne managed to catch Sprig, who fell asleep, from falling down the stairs. Both humans look at each other, and they laugh. Anne proceeds too carry Sprig, and as soon as she placed him down on her mattress, she sat beside him, watching him sleep peacefully.
Y/N sat beside her, and puts his arm around her. Only this time, Anne, without hesitation, leaned in closer to Y/N, and rested her head on his chest.
Anne: Sasha, Marcy, I hope you guys are okay...because we are.
Y/N: Hey.
Anne looks at Y/N, who can be seen smiling at her.
Y/N: So...did you actually mean that part about me taking you out on a date? Cause Hell yeah I would.
Anne: nervous chuckle I didn't really think you'd agree. But maybe later, sorry.
Y/N: That is fine, that's nothing to be sorry about, and totally respect your decisions and boundaries.
Anne: I am, still getting used to this place...and thanks to you, that's coming along smoothly.
Y/N smiles again, and he plants a kiss on Anne's forehead, which made her giggle a bit.
Y/N: I'll head to the couch and watch whatever show I have on my phone, wanna stay down here?
Anne: Noooo! Lemme cuddleeeee!
Y/N chuckles once more, as both of them walk up the stairs, and opens the trapdoor. Y/N offers his hand to Anne, like how a prince would offer his hand to a fair lady, making Anne smile and blush a bit, helping her step out of the basement. They got to the couch, and Anne almost immediately jumps into Y/N's arms, and both of them begin to watch whatever entertainment they can have on Y/N's phone.
Change Scene: ???
Somewhere, up north, a storm rages, and a tower stands tall. Within the tower, can be seen a toad with a blind right eye, donned with a full set of armor and a cape, and he was looking into a cell, talking to someone.
???: Take a look at this please, Sasha.
He presents a shoe, a yellow that belongs to Anne.
???: It was found far from here, in the South Forest. Now we know that you've been lying to us. Now we know that there are more of you.
Lightning strikes, and thunder booms, revealing Sasha, a friend of Anne's, chained up, her eyes clearly tired.
???: You will give us what we want, and you WILL tell us why you're here...but perhaps, tomorrow, we can finally squeeze the answers out of you.
The toad walks away, and he leaves the cell room, bolting the door shut. As soon as he left, Sasha groans in frustration, and she threw a rock at a wall, causing it to shatter to pieces.
Sasha: What part of "I only wanna find my friends and go back home" is so hard to understand?! UGH!
???: Calm down, Sasha, before you hurt yourself.
Sasha turns around, the dark side of the cell, another prisoner was held, but he was bound everywhere, his arms, his legs, his head, he was hunched over.
???: There's no convincing them, and so the option we have, is to run.
Sasha: Well, we've been stuck here for quite some time now! I wanna find my friends! I wanna find Anne! I wanna find Marcy! I wanna go back home!
???: ...Trust me, Sasha...
Lightning strikes again, the light revealing the prisoner in front of Sasha. He looks up, and his eyes flashed a green, but only for a mere moment. Seemingly enough, he had most of his clothes taken as well, his shirt, shoes, and even the damn socks, leaving him barefooted, and only wearing his underwear.
Sasha: I know that but...we've been here for days, and this guy isn't letting up! What do you suggest?
The Man fell silent, and he groans in frustration.
Sasha Well...Y/N?
Y/N groans once more, as he looked to the windows seeing the rain pouring down hard.
Y/N: ...Trust me, when the time is right... we'll break out of here... we'll break out.
Sasha: ...Promise...?
Y/N: ...Promise...
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